TSTP Solution File: SYN057^5 by Duper---1.0

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% File     : Duper---1.0
% Problem  : SYN057^5 : TPTP v8.1.2. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : duper %s

% Computer : n027.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Fri Sep  1 02:10:22 EDT 2023

% Result   : Theorem 3.38s 3.64s
% Output   : Proof 3.38s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----WARNING: Could not form TPTP format derivation
% 0.00/0.13  % Problem    : SYN057^5 : TPTP v8.1.2. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.00/0.14  % Command    : duper %s
% 0.15/0.35  % Computer : n027.cluster.edu
% 0.15/0.35  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.15/0.35  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.15/0.35  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.15/0.35  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.15/0.36  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.15/0.36  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.15/0.36  % DateTime   : Sat Aug 26 21:34:50 EDT 2023
% 0.15/0.36  % CPUTime    : 
% 3.38/3.64  SZS status Theorem for theBenchmark.p
% 3.38/3.64  SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark.p
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #0 (by assumption #[]): Eq
% 3.38/3.64    (Not
% 3.38/3.64      (And
% 3.38/3.64          (And (And (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx))
% 3.38/3.64            (∀ (Xx : Iota), And (cJ Xx) (cI Xx) → cF Xx))
% 3.38/3.64          ((Exists fun Xx => And (cH Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) → ∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)) →
% 3.38/3.64        ∀ (Xx : Iota), cJ Xx → Not (cI Xx)))
% 3.38/3.64    True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #1 (by clausification #[0]): Eq
% 3.38/3.64    (And
% 3.38/3.64        (And (And (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx))
% 3.38/3.64          (∀ (Xx : Iota), And (cJ Xx) (cI Xx) → cF Xx))
% 3.38/3.64        ((Exists fun Xx => And (cH Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) → ∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)) →
% 3.38/3.64      ∀ (Xx : Iota), cJ Xx → Not (cI Xx))
% 3.38/3.64    False
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #2 (by clausification #[1]): Eq
% 3.38/3.64    (And
% 3.38/3.64      (And (And (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx))
% 3.38/3.64        (∀ (Xx : Iota), And (cJ Xx) (cI Xx) → cF Xx))
% 3.38/3.64      ((Exists fun Xx => And (cH Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) → ∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)))
% 3.38/3.64    True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #3 (by clausification #[1]): Eq (∀ (Xx : Iota), cJ Xx → Not (cI Xx)) False
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #4 (by clausification #[2]): Eq ((Exists fun Xx => And (cH Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) → ∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #5 (by clausification #[2]): Eq
% 3.38/3.64    (And (And (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx))
% 3.38/3.64      (∀ (Xx : Iota), And (cJ Xx) (cI Xx) → cF Xx))
% 3.38/3.64    True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #6 (by clausification #[4]): Or (Eq (Exists fun Xx => And (cH Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) False) (Eq (∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)) True)
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #7 (by clausification #[6]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (∀ (Xx : Iota), cI Xx → Not (cH Xx)) True) (Eq (And (cH a) (Not (cG a))) False)
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #8 (by clausification #[7]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (And (cH a) (Not (cG a))) False) (Eq (cI a_1 → Not (cH a_1)) True)
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #9 (by clausification #[8]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cI a → Not (cH a)) True) (Or (Eq (cH a_1) False) (Eq (Not (cG a_1)) False))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #10 (by clausification #[9]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cH a) False) (Or (Eq (Not (cG a)) False) (Or (Eq (cI a_1) False) (Eq (Not (cH a_1)) True)))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #11 (by clausification #[10]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cH a) False) (Or (Eq (cI a_1) False) (Or (Eq (Not (cH a_1)) True) (Eq (cG a) True)))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #12 (by clausification #[11]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cH a) False) (Or (Eq (cI a_1) False) (Or (Eq (cG a) True) (Eq (cH a_1) False)))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #13 (by clausification #[3]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (Not (cJ (skS.0 0 a) → Not (cI (skS.0 0 a)))) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #14 (by clausification #[13]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cJ (skS.0 0 a) → Not (cI (skS.0 0 a))) False
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #15 (by clausification #[14]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cJ (skS.0 0 a)) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #16 (by clausification #[14]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (Not (cI (skS.0 0 a))) False
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #17 (by clausification #[16]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cI (skS.0 0 a)) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #18 (by clausification #[5]): Eq (∀ (Xx : Iota), And (cJ Xx) (cI Xx) → cF Xx) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #19 (by clausification #[5]): Eq (And (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx)) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #20 (by clausification #[18]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (And (cJ a) (cI a) → cF a) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #21 (by clausification #[20]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (And (cJ a) (cI a)) False) (Eq (cF a) True)
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #22 (by clausification #[21]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cF a) True) (Or (Eq (cJ a) False) (Eq (cI a) False))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #23 (by superposition #[22, 15]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cF (skS.0 0 a)) True) (Or (Eq (cI (skS.0 0 a)) False) (Eq False True))
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #24 (by clausification #[19]): Eq (∀ (Xx : Iota), cF Xx → cH Xx) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #25 (by clausification #[19]): Eq (Exists fun Xx => And (cF Xx) (Not (cG Xx))) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #26 (by clausification #[24]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cF a → cH a) True
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #27 (by clausification #[26]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cF a) False) (Eq (cH a) True)
% 3.38/3.64  Clause #28 (by clausification #[23]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cF (skS.0 0 a)) True) (Eq (cI (skS.0 0 a)) False)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #29 (by superposition #[28, 17]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cF (skS.0 0 a)) True) (Eq False True)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #30 (by clausification #[29]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cF (skS.0 0 a)) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #32 (by superposition #[30, 27]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq True False) (Eq (cH (skS.0 0 a)) True)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #33 (by clausification #[32]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cH (skS.0 0 a)) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #35 (by clausification #[25]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (And (cF (skS.0 1 a)) (Not (cG (skS.0 1 a)))) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #36 (by clausification #[35]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (Not (cG (skS.0 1 a))) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #37 (by clausification #[35]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cF (skS.0 1 a)) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #38 (by clausification #[36]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a)) False
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #39 (by superposition #[37, 27]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq True False) (Eq (cH (skS.0 1 a)) True)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #42 (by clausification #[39]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cH (skS.0 1 a)) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #43 (by superposition #[42, 12]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq True False) (Or (Eq (cI a) False) (Or (Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a_1)) True) (Eq (cH a) False)))
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #44 (by clausification #[43]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cI a) False) (Or (Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a_1)) True) (Eq (cH a) False))
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #45 (by superposition #[44, 17]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a)) True) (Or (Eq (cH (skS.0 0 a_1)) False) (Eq False True))
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #49 (by clausification #[45]): ∀ (a a_1 : Iota), Or (Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a)) True) (Eq (cH (skS.0 0 a_1)) False)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #50 (by superposition #[49, 33]): ∀ (a : Iota), Or (Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a)) True) (Eq False True)
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #51 (by clausification #[50]): ∀ (a : Iota), Eq (cG (skS.0 1 a)) True
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #52 (by superposition #[51, 38]): Eq True False
% 3.38/3.65  Clause #53 (by clausification #[52]): False
% 3.38/3.65  SZS output end Proof for theBenchmark.p