TSTP Solution File: SWW786_1 by Vampire-SAT---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire-SAT---4.9
% Problem  : SWW786_1 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v7.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d SAT

% Computer : n009.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 19:02:24 EDT 2024

% Result   : Unsatisfiable 2.45s 0.81s
% Output   : Refutation 2.45s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   20
%            Number of leaves      :   61
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   98 (  12 unt;   0 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       : 20317 (19137 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms : 2924 ( 207 avg)
%            Number of connectives : 36411 (16192   ~;3947   |;15503   &)
%                                         ( 124 <=>; 645  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth : 1153 ( 152 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    5 (   1 avg)
%            Number of FOOLs       :    3 (   3 fml;   0 var)
%            Number arithmetic     : 7954 (1125 atm; 496 fun;1087 num;5246 var)
%            Number of types       :    2 (   0 usr;   1 ari)
%            Number of type conns  :    0 (   0   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of predicates  :   17 (  12 usr;   9 prp; 0-7 aty)
%            Number of functors    :  239 ( 226 usr;  80 con; 0-5 aty)
%            Number of variables   : 5246 (4391   !; 855   ?;5246   :)

% Comments : 
    ownerRef: $int ).

    localinv: $int ).

    'System_Collections_IEnumerable': $int ).

    'StringEquals': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    intLess: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_Array': $int ).

    'TypeObject': $int > $int ).

    'System_Int16': $int ).

    anyEqual: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsPeerField': $int > $int ).

    'ArrayCategoryInt': $int ).

    'StructGet': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    false_1: $int ).

    sharingMode: $int ).

    'InRange': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayIndexInvY': $int > $int ).

    'IntArray': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsOwner': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ValueArraySet': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_IConvertible': $int ).

    'System_Int64': $int ).

    'System_Int32': $int ).

    'Heap': $int ).

    'DeclType': $int > $int ).

    'LBound': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsPureObject': $int > $int ).

    boolNot: $int > $int ).

    intAtLeast: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'RefArraySet': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'Heap_1': $int ).

    store1: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'C': $int ).

    'System_Object': $int ).

    'Unbox': $int > $int ).

    typeof: $int > $int ).

    'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef': $int ).

    'IfThenElse': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    int_m2147483648: $int ).

    'Heap_0': $int ).

    'TypeName': $int > $int ).

    'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsDirectSubClass': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'IsStaticField': $int > $int ).

    'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_UInt64': $int ).

    boolImplies: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    or_1: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    shl: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    boolAnd: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_Boolean': $int ).

    'As': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayCategoryRef': $int ).

    'AsNonNullRefField': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    x_2: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    allocated: $int ).

    'AsRangeField': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    and_1: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'SharingMode_LockProtected': $int ).

    'IntArrayGet': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'Is': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'IsAllocated': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    int_m9223372036854775808: $int ).

    'ElementProxyStruct': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayIndex': ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    select1: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    min: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsRefField': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_IntPtr': $int ).

    'Length': $int > $int ).

    'AsElementsPeerField': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ValueArrayGet': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    store2: ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'FieldDependsOnFCO': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'Rank': $int > $int ).

    'System_IComparable': $int ).

    'ValueArray': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'IntArraySet': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsRepField': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_Collections_ICollection': $int ).

    intGreater: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ElementProxy': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'BoxTester': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'SharingMode_Unshared': $int ).

    'System_UInt16': $int ).

    'ClassReprInv': $int > $int ).

    int_4294967295: $int ).

    'ClassRepr': $int > $int ).

    'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized': $int ).

    'AsInterface': $int > $int ).

    boolOr: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'PeerGroupPlaceholder': $int ).

    'IsNotNull': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayCategoryValue': $int ).

    'ElementType': $int > $int ).

    'System_SByte': $int ).

    'BeingConstructed': $int ).

    true_1: $int ).

    int_2147483647: $int ).

    'HeapSucc': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_IComparable_1___System_String': $int ).

    'System_String_Equals_System_String': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'OneClassDown': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'StringLength': $int > $int ).

    'AsImmutable': $int > $int ).

    'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char': $int ).

    'IntToInt': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed': $int ).

    'System_Char': $int ).

    boolIff: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    intAtMost: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    elements: $int ).

    'IsValueType': $int > $int ).

    'System_Collections_IList': $int ).

    'System_UIntPtr': $int ).

    'System_UInt32': $int ).

    'IsImmutable': $int > $int ).

    'AsElementsRepField': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    inv: $int ).

    'FirstConsistentOwner': $int ).

    'NonNullRefArrayRaw': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'BoxFunc': ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'AsMutable': $int > $int ).

    x: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_Byte': $int ).

    'UnboxedType': $int > $int ).

    'IncludedInModifiesStar': $int > $int ).

    'StructSet': ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_Type': $int ).

    ownerFrame: $int ).

    'System_IEquatable_1___System_String': $int ).

    max: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    shr: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'DimLength': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'RefArrayGet': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    x_1: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'UBound': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    exposeVersion: $int ).

    'System_ICloneable': $int ).

    int_9223372036854775807: $int ).

    'Box': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayIndexInvX': $int > $int ).

    anyNeq: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    int_18446744073709551615: $int ).

    'IncludeInMainFrameCondition': $int > $int ).

    nullObject: $int ).

    'IsHeap': $int > $int ).

    select2: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'ArrayCategory': $int > $int ).

    this: $int ).

    'RefArray': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'IsMemberlessType': $int > $int ).

    'BaseClass': $int > $int ).

    'NonNullRefArray': ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    'System_String': $int ).

    sK12: $int ).

    sK13: $int ).

    sK14: $int ).

    sK15: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK16: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK17: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK18: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK19: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK20: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK21: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK22: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK23: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK24: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK25: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK26: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK27: ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK28: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK29: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK30: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK31: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK32: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK33: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK34: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK35: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK36: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK37: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK38: ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK39: ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK40: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK41: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK42: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK43: ( $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK44: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK45: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK46: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK47: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK48: $int > $int ).

    sK49: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK50: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK51: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK52: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK53: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK54: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK55: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK56: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK57: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK58: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK59: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK60: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK61: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK62: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK63: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK64: $int > $int ).

    sK65: ( $int * $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK66: $int > $int ).

    sK67: $int > $int ).

    sK68: $int > $int ).

    sK69: $int ).

    sK70: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK71: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK72: $int > $int ).

    sK73: $int ).

    sK74: $int ).

    sK75: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK76: ( $int * $int ) > $int ).

    sK77: $int ).

    sK78: $int ).

    sK79: $int ).

    sK80: $int ).

    sK81: $int ).

    sK82: $int ).

    sK83: $int ).

    sP1: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $o ).

    sP2: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $o ).

    sP3: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $o ).

    sP5: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $o ).

    sP11: ( $int * $int * $int * $int * $int * $int * $int ) > $o ).

    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f8790]) ).

    'System_Byte' != 'System_Byte',
    inference(superposition,[],[f1848,f8710]) ).

    'System_Byte' = sK12,
    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f8708]) ).

    ( ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Byte' )
    | ( 'System_Byte' = sK12 ) ),
    inference(superposition,[],[f1757,f8472]) ).

    'System_Byte' = sK48('System_Byte'),
    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f8471]) ).

    ( ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
    | ( 'System_Byte' = sK48('System_Byte') ) ),
    inference(superposition,[],[f3880,f1758]) ).

    ! [X208: $int] : ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' = x(X208,sK48(X208)) ),
    inference(definition_unfolding,[],[f1190,f1531]) ).

    true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed',
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f141]) ).

    ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,sK80,sK81,sK82,sK83)
      | ( nullObject = this ) )
    & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
    & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
    & ( ( select2('Heap',sK81,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK80) )
      | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',sK81,inv),sK80) )
      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 ) )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 )
    & ( this = sK81 )
    & ! [X7: $int] :
        ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
        | ( this = X7 ) )
    & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
    & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
    & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
    & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = sK83 )
    & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = sK82 )
    & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = sK81 )
    & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = sK80 )
    & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = sK79 )
    & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = sK78 )
    & ( typeof(this) = sK77 ) ),
    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK77,sK78,sK79,sK80,sK81,sK82,sK83])],[f49,f140,f139,f138]) ).

    ( ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
        ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
            ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
                ( ( sP11(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6)
                  | ( nullObject = this ) )
                & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = X0 )
                & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
                & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
                & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
                & ( this = X4 )
                & ! [X7: $int] :
                    ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                    | ( this = X7 ) )
                & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
                & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
                & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
                & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
                & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
                & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
                & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
            & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
            & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
        & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
        & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
        & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) )
   => ( ? [X4: $int,X3: $int] :
          ( ? [X6: $int,X5: $int] :
              ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,X3,X4,X5,X6)
                | ( nullObject = this ) )
              & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
              & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
              & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
              & ( this = X4 )
              & ! [X7: $int] :
                  ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                  | ( this = X7 ) )
              & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
              & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
              & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = sK79 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = sK78 )
      & ( typeof(this) = sK77 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X4: $int,X3: $int] :
        ( ? [X6: $int,X5: $int] :
            ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,X3,X4,X5,X6)
              | ( nullObject = this ) )
            & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
            & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
            & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
            & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
            & ( this = X4 )
            & ! [X7: $int] :
                ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                | ( this = X7 ) )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
            & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
            & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
            & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
            & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
        & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
   => ( ? [X6: $int,X5: $int] :
          ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,sK80,sK81,X5,X6)
            | ( nullObject = this ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
          & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
          & ( ( select2('Heap',sK81,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK80) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',sK81,inv),sK80) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 ) )
          & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 )
          & ( this = sK81 )
          & ! [X7: $int] :
              ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
              | ( this = X7 ) )
          & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
          & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
          & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
          & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
          & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
          & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
          & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = sK81 )
      & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = sK80 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X6: $int,X5: $int] :
        ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,sK80,sK81,X5,X6)
          | ( nullObject = this ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
        & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
        & ( ( select2('Heap',sK81,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK80) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',sK81,inv),sK80) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 ) )
        & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 )
        & ( this = sK81 )
        & ! [X7: $int] :
            ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
            | ( this = X7 ) )
        & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
        & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
        & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
        & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
        & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
   => ( ( sP11(sK77,sK78,sK79,sK80,sK81,sK82,sK83)
        | ( nullObject = this ) )
      & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = sK77 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
      & ( ( select2('Heap',sK81,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK80) )
        | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',sK81,inv),sK80) )
        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 ) )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK80 )
      & ( this = sK81 )
      & ! [X7: $int] :
          ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
          | ( this = X7 ) )
      & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
      & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
      & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
      & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = sK83 )
      & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = sK82 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ( sP11(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6)
                | ( nullObject = this ) )
              & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = X0 )
              & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
              & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
              & ( this = X4 )
              & ! [X7: $int] :
                  ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                  | ( this = X7 ) )
              & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
              & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
              & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(definition_folding,[],[f36,f48,f47,f46,f45,f44,f43,f42,f41,f40,f39,f38,f37]) ).

    ( ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
      ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ( ( ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) )
          | ( ( true_1 = x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
            & ( this = X23 ) )
          | ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X25) )
            & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
            & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X25 ) )
          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X23 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
        & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) )
    | ~ sP0 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP0])]) ).

    ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int,X3: $int,X4: $int] :
      ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                  | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                  | ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                    & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X1 ) ) )
                & ( X1 = X3 )
                & ( X2 = X4 ) )
              | ( X1 != X3 )
              | ( X2 != X4 ) )
            & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
          | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
        & sP0 )
      | ~ sP1(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4) ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP1])]) ).

    ! [X4: $int,X3: $int,X2: $int,X1: $int,X0: $int] :
      ( sP1(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4)
      | ? [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
        ! [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) != select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) )
            & ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
              | ( this != X27 ) )
            & ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
            & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
            & ( nullObject != X27 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
          | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) != X30 )
          | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) != X29 ) )
      | ~ sP2(X4,X3,X2,X1,X0) ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP2])]) ).

    ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int,X3: $int,X4: $int] :
      ( ( sP2(X4,X3,X2,X1,X0)
        & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
        & ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
        & ! [X21: $int] :
          ? [X22: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) = X22 )
                & ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) = X22 ) )
              | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
              | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
              | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
            & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) ) )
      | ~ sP3(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4) ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP3])]) ).

    ( ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
      ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
        ( ( ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) )
          | ( ( true_1 = x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
            & ( this = X12 ) )
          | ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X14) )
            & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
            & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X14 ) )
          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X12 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
    | ~ sP4 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP4])]) ).

    ! [X4: $int,X3: $int,X2: $int,X1: $int,X0: $int] :
      ( ( ( ( ( sP3(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4)
              | ? [X31: $int] :
                ! [X32: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                      | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) )
                    & ( 'C' = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                    & ( this = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                    & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                    & ( nullObject != X31 ) )
                  | ( typeof(X31) != X32 ) ) )
            & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
            & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
          | ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
        & ( nullObject != this ) )
      | ( nullObject = this )
      | ~ sP5(X4,X3,X2,X1,X0) ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP5])]) ).

    ( ! [X8: $int] :
      ? [X9: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) = X9 )
            & ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) = X9 ) )
          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
        & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
    | ~ sP6 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP6])]) ).

    ( ! [X17: $int] :
      ? [X18: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 )
            & ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) = select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
    | ~ sP7 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP7])]) ).

    ( ! [X10: $int] :
      ? [X11: $int] :
        ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 )
          | ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) != select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) ) )
        & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
    | ~ sP8 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP8])]) ).

    ( ! [X16: $int] :
        ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) = select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
          & ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) = select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) )
        | ( this = X16 )
        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
    | ~ sP9 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP9])]) ).

    ( ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
    <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
    | ~ sP10 ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP10])]) ).

    ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int,X3: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X6: $int] :
      ( ( sP5(X4,X3,X2,X1,X0)
        & ! [X20: $int] :
            ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
            | ( this = X20 ) )
        & sP10
        & sP7
        & ! [X19: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X19,allocated) ) )
        & sP9
        & ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
        & sP4
        & sP8
        & sP6
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
        & ( X3 = X5 )
        & ( X4 = X6 )
        & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
        & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
        & ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) )
        & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
        & ( nullObject != this ) )
      | ~ sP11(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) ),
    introduced(predicate_definition_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP11])]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                            | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                            | ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                              & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X1 ) ) )
                                          & ( X1 = X3 )
                                          & ( X2 = X4 ) )
                                        | ( X1 != X3 )
                                        | ( X2 != X4 ) )
                                      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
                                  & ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
                                    ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) )
                                        | ( ( true_1 = x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
                                          & ( this = X23 ) )
                                        | ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X25) )
                                          & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
                                          & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X25 ) )
                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
                                        | ( nullObject = X23 )
                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
                                      & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
                                      & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) ) )
                                | ? [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
                                  ! [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
                                    ( ( ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) != select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) )
                                      & ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
                                        | ( this != X27 ) )
                                      & ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
                                        | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
                                        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
                                      & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
                                      & ( nullObject != X27 )
                                      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
                                    | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) != X30 )
                                    | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) != X29 ) ) )
                              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                              & ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                              & ! [X21: $int] :
                                ? [X22: $int] :
                                  ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) = X22 )
                                      & ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) = X22 ) )
                                    | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
                                    | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
                                    | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
                                    | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
                                  & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) ) )
                            | ? [X31: $int] :
                              ! [X32: $int] :
                                ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                                    | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) )
                                  & ( 'C' = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                                  & ( this = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                                  & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                                  & ( nullObject != X31 ) )
                                | ( typeof(X31) != X32 ) ) )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
                          & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                        | ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                        | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                      & ( nullObject != this ) )
                    | ( nullObject = this ) )
                  & ! [X20: $int] :
                      ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
                      | ( this = X20 ) )
                  & ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                  <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                  & ! [X17: $int] :
                    ? [X18: $int] :
                      ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) = select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) )
                        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
                  & ! [X19: $int] :
                      ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) )
                      | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X19,allocated) ) )
                  & ! [X16: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) = select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
                        & ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) = select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) )
                      | ( this = X16 )
                      | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
                  & ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                  & ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
                    ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) )
                        | ( ( true_1 = x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
                          & ( this = X12 ) )
                        | ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X14) )
                          & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
                          & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X14 ) )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
                        | ( nullObject = X12 )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
                  & ! [X10: $int] :
                    ? [X11: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 )
                        | ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) != select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                  & ! [X8: $int] :
                    ? [X9: $int] :
                      ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) = X9 )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) = X9 ) )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
                        | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
                      & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
                  & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                  & ( X3 = X5 )
                  & ( X4 = X6 )
                  & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
                  & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                  & ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                  & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                  & ( nullObject != this ) )
                | ( nullObject = this ) )
              & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = X0 )
              & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
              & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
              & ( this = X4 )
              & ! [X7: $int] :
                  ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                  | ( this = X7 ) )
              & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
              & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
              & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f35]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                            | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                            | ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                              & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X1 ) ) )
                                          & ( X1 = X3 )
                                          & ( X2 = X4 ) )
                                        | ( X1 != X3 )
                                        | ( X2 != X4 ) )
                                      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) )
                                  & ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
                                    ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) )
                                        | ( ( true_1 = x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
                                          & ( this = X23 ) )
                                        | ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X25) )
                                          & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
                                          & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X25 ) )
                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
                                        | ( nullObject = X23 )
                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
                                      & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
                                      & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) ) )
                                | ? [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
                                  ! [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
                                    ( ( ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) != select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) )
                                      & ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
                                        | ( this != X27 ) )
                                      & ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
                                        | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
                                        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
                                      & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
                                      & ( nullObject != X27 )
                                      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
                                    | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) != X30 )
                                    | ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) != X29 ) ) )
                              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                              & ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                              & ! [X21: $int] :
                                ? [X22: $int] :
                                  ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) = X22 )
                                      & ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) = X22 ) )
                                    | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
                                    | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
                                    | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
                                    | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
                                  & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) ) )
                            | ? [X31: $int] :
                              ! [X32: $int] :
                                ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                                    | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) )
                                  & ( 'C' = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                                  & ( this = select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                                  & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                                  & ( nullObject != X31 ) )
                                | ( typeof(X31) != X32 ) ) )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
                          & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                        | ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                        | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                      & ( nullObject != this ) )
                    | ( nullObject = this ) )
                  & ! [X20: $int] :
                      ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
                      | ( this = X20 ) )
                  & ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                  <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                  & ! [X17: $int] :
                    ? [X18: $int] :
                      ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) = select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) )
                        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
                  & ! [X19: $int] :
                      ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) )
                      | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X19,allocated) ) )
                  & ! [X16: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) = select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
                        & ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) = select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) )
                      | ( this = X16 )
                      | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
                  & ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                  & ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
                    ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) )
                        | ( ( true_1 = x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
                          & ( this = X12 ) )
                        | ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) != 'BaseClass'(X14) )
                          & ( true_1 = x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
                          & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X14 ) )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
                        | ( nullObject = X12 )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
                  & ! [X10: $int] :
                    ? [X11: $int] :
                      ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 )
                        | ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) != select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) ) )
                      & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                  & ! [X8: $int] :
                    ? [X9: $int] :
                      ( ( ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) = X9 )
                          & ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) = X9 ) )
                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
                        | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
                      & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
                  & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                  & ( X3 = X5 )
                  & ( X4 = X6 )
                  & ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) = X0 )
                  & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                  & ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                  & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                  & ( nullObject != this ) )
                | ( nullObject = this ) )
              & ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) = X0 )
              & ( 'System_Object' = select2('Heap',this,inv) )
              & ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 )
              & ( this = X4 )
              & ! [X7: $int] :
                  ( ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) )
                  | ( this = X7 ) )
              & ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
              & ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
              & ( true_1 = select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f30]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ~ ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') ) )
                   => ( ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
                     => ( ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
                       => ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X3 )
                              | ( this != X4 )
                              | ~ ! [X7: $int] :
                                    ( ( this != X7 )
                                   => ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) ) ) )
                         => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap',this,inv) )
                                | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) ) )
                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                                     => ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                                       => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) ) )
                                         => ( ~ ( ( X3 != X5 )
                                                | ( X4 != X6 ) )
                                           => ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                                             => ( ! [X8: $int] :
                                                  ? [X9: $int] :
                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) != X9 )
                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) != X9 ) ) )
                                                    & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
                                               => ( ! [X10: $int] :
                                                    ? [X11: $int] :
                                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) = select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) )
                                                       => ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                      & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                 => ( ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
                                                      ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                                                        ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
                                                                  | ( this != X12 ) )
                                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X14) )
                                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
                                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X14 ) )
                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
                                                              | ( nullObject = X12 )
                                                              | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
                                                         => ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) ) )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
                                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                                                     => ( ! [X16: $int] :
                                                            ( ~ ( ( this = X16 )
                                                                | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) != select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
                                                                | ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) != select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) ) )
                                                       => ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                                                                <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X17: $int] :
                                                                  ? [X18: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
                                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) != X18 )
                                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) != select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) ) )
                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X19: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X19,allocated) )
                                                                   => ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) ) ) )
                                                         => ( ! [X20: $int] :
                                                                ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
                                                                | ( this = X20 ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                                                   => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X21: $int] :
                                                                                      ? [X22: $int] :
                                                                                        ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                              | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
                                                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
                                                                                              | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
                                                                                         => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) != X22 )
                                                                                              | ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) != X22 ) ) )
                                                                                        & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) )
                                                                                   => ( ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                                                                                     => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
                                                                                                  ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
                                                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
                                                                                                              | ( this != X23 ) )
                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X25 ) )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
                                                                                                          | ( nullObject = X23 )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
                                                                                                     => ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) ) )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) )
                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) )
                                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                                    | ( X2 != X4 ) )
                                                                                                               => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                                                    | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                    | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                                                                                                        | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X1 ) ) ) )
                                                                                                            | ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                            | ( X2 != X4 ) ) )
                                                                                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) ) )
                                                                                            | ~ ! [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
                                                                                                ? [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
                                                                                                  ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
                                                                                                            | ( this != X27 ) )
                                                                                                        | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
                                                                                                        | ( nullObject = X27 )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
                                                                                                   => ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) = select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) ) )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) = X30 )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) = X29 ) ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                | ~ ! [X31: $int] :
                                                                                    ? [X32: $int] :
                                                                                      ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                            | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                                                                                            | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                                                                                            | ( nullObject = X31 ) )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                                                                                            | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) ) )
                                                                                      & ( typeof(X31) = X32 ) ) ) )
                                                                        | ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                        | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) ) )
                                                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f29]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ~ ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') ) )
                   => ( ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
                     => ( ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
                       => ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X3 )
                              | ( this != X4 )
                              | ~ ! [X7: $int] :
                                    ( ( this != X7 )
                                   => ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) ) ) )
                         => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap',this,inv) )
                                | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) ) )
                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                                     => ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                                       => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) ) )
                                         => ( ~ ( ( X3 != X5 )
                                                | ( X4 != X6 ) )
                                           => ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                                             => ( ! [X8: $int] :
                                                  ? [X9: $int] :
                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) != X9 )
                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) != X9 ) ) )
                                                    & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
                                               => ( ! [X10: $int] :
                                                    ? [X11: $int] :
                                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) = select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) )
                                                       => ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                      & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                 => ( ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
                                                      ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                                                        ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
                                                                  | ( this != X12 ) )
                                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X14) )
                                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
                                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X14 ) )
                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
                                                              | ( nullObject = X12 )
                                                              | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
                                                         => ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) ) )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
                                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                                                     => ( ! [X16: $int] :
                                                            ( ~ ( ( this = X16 )
                                                                | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) != select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
                                                                | ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) != select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) ) )
                                                       => ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                                                                <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X17: $int] :
                                                                  ? [X18: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
                                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) != X18 )
                                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) != select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) ) )
                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X19: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X19,allocated) )
                                                                   => ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) ) ) )
                                                         => ( ! [X20: $int] :
                                                                ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
                                                                | ( this = X20 ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                                                   => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X21: $int] :
                                                                                      ? [X22: $int] :
                                                                                        ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                              | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
                                                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
                                                                                              | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
                                                                                         => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) != X22 )
                                                                                              | ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) != X22 ) ) )
                                                                                        & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) )
                                                                                   => ( ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                                                                                     => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
                                                                                                  ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
                                                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
                                                                                                              | ( this != X23 ) )
                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X25 ) )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
                                                                                                          | ( nullObject = X23 )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
                                                                                                     => ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) ) )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) )
                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) )
                                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                                    | ( X2 != X4 ) )
                                                                                                               => ~ ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                                                        | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                        | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                                                                                                            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                                                                                                            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X1 ) ) ) )
                                                                                                            | ~ ~ ( ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                                  | ( X2 != X4 ) ) ) )
                                                                                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) ) )
                                                                                            | ~ ! [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
                                                                                                ? [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
                                                                                                  ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
                                                                                                            | ( this != X27 ) )
                                                                                                        | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
                                                                                                        | ( nullObject = X27 )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
                                                                                                   => ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) = select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) ) )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) = X30 )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) = X29 ) ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                | ~ ! [X31: $int] :
                                                                                    ? [X32: $int] :
                                                                                      ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                            | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                                                                                            | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                                                                                            | ( nullObject = X31 ) )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                                                                                            | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) ) )
                                                                                      & ( typeof(X31) = X32 ) ) ) )
                                                                        | ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) ) ) )
                                                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(true_and_false_elimination,[],[f28]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ? [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
          ( ? [X5: $int,X6: $int] :
              ( ~ ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') ) )
                   => ( ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
                     => ( ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
                       => ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X3 )
                              | ( this != X4 )
                              | ~ ! [X7: $int] :
                                    ( ( this != X7 )
                                   => ( this != select2('Heap',X7,ownerRef) ) ) )
                         => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap',this,inv) )
                                | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X4,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X3) )
                                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X4,inv),X3) )
                                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X3 ) ) )
                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                                     => ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                                       => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X6,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X5) )
                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X6,inv),X5) )
                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X5 ) ) )
                                         => ( ~ ( ( X3 != X5 )
                                                | ( X4 != X6 ) )
                                           => ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                                             => ( ! [X8: $int] :
                                                  ? [X9: $int] :
                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X8,allocated) )
                                                          | ( nullObject = X8 ) )
                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X8,localinv) != X9 )
                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X8,inv) != X9 ) ) )
                                                    & ( typeof(X8) = X9 ) )
                                               => ( ! [X10: $int] :
                                                    ? [X11: $int] :
                                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X11,exposeVersion) = select2('Heap_0',X11,exposeVersion) )
                                                       => ( select2('Heap_0',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                      & ( select2('Heap',X10,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X11 ) )
                                                 => ( ! [X12: $int,X13: $int] :
                                                      ? [X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                                                        ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('System_Object','DeclType'(X13)) )
                                                                  | ( this != X12 ) )
                                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X15,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X14) )
                                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X15,inv),X14) )
                                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X14 ) )
                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X12,allocated) )
                                                              | ( nullObject = X12 )
                                                              | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X13) ) )
                                                         => ( select2('Heap',X12,X13) = select2('Heap_0',X12,X13) ) )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerRef) = X15 )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X12,ownerFrame) = X14 ) )
                                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                                                     => ( ! [X16: $int] :
                                                            ( ~ ( ( this = X16 )
                                                                | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X16,allocated) ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X16,localinv) != select2('Heap',X16,localinv) )
                                                                | ( select2('Heap_0',X16,inv) != select2('Heap',X16,inv) ) ) )
                                                       => ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                                                                <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X17: $int] :
                                                                  ? [X18: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X18 )
                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X17,allocated) ) )
                                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerFrame) != X18 )
                                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X17,ownerRef) != select2('Heap',X17,ownerRef) ) ) )
                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X17,ownerFrame) = X18 ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X19: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X19,allocated) )
                                                                   => ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X19,allocated) ) ) )
                                                         => ( ! [X20: $int] :
                                                                ( ( select2('Heap',X20,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X20,sharingMode) )
                                                                | ( this = X20 ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                                                   => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X21: $int] :
                                                                                      ? [X22: $int] :
                                                                                        ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                              | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X21,ownerRef) )
                                                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X21,allocated) )
                                                                                              | ( nullObject = X21 ) )
                                                                                         => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X21,localinv) != X22 )
                                                                                              | ( select2('Heap_0',X21,inv) != X22 ) ) )
                                                                                        & ( typeof(X21) = X22 ) )
                                                                                   => ( ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                                                                                     => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X23: $int,X24: $int] :
                                                                                                  ? [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
                                                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X24)) )
                                                                                                              | ( this != X23 ) )
                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X26,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X26,inv),X25) )
                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X25 ) )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X23,allocated) )
                                                                                                          | ( nullObject = X23 )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X24) ) )
                                                                                                     => ( select2('Heap',X23,X24) = select2('Heap_1',X23,X24) ) )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerRef) = X26 )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X23,ownerFrame) = X25 ) )
                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) )
                                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                                    | ( X2 != X4 ) )
                                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                                                            | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                            | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                                                                                                                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                                                                                                                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X1 ) ) )
                                                                                                                       => $true )
                                                                                                                    | ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                                                                          | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X2,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X1) )
                                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X2,inv),X1) )
                                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X1 ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                                            | ~ ~ ( ( X1 != X3 )
                                                                                                                  | ( X2 != X4 ) ) ) )
                                                                                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) ) )
                                                                                            | ~ ! [X27: $int,X28: $int] :
                                                                                                ? [X29: $int,X30: $int] :
                                                                                                  ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X28)) )
                                                                                                            | ( this != X27 ) )
                                                                                                        | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X30,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X30,inv),X29) )
                                                                                                            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X29 ) )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X27,allocated) )
                                                                                                        | ( nullObject = X27 )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X28) ) )
                                                                                                   => ( select2('Heap',X27,X28) = select2('Heap_1',X27,X28) ) )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerRef) = X30 )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X27,ownerFrame) = X29 ) ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                | ~ ! [X31: $int] :
                                                                                    ? [X32: $int] :
                                                                                      ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                            | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X31,ownerRef) )
                                                                                            | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X31,allocated) )
                                                                                            | ( nullObject = X31 ) )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X31,localinv) != X32 )
                                                                                            | ( select2('Heap_0',X31,inv) != X32 ) ) )
                                                                                      & ( typeof(X31) = X32 ) ) ) )
                                                                        | ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X0 )
                                                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) ) ) )
                                                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X6 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X5 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X4 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X3 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X2 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X1 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X0 ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f3]) ).

    ? [X94: $int,X95: $int,X96: $int] :
      ( ? [X97: $int,X98: $int] :
          ( ? [X99: $int,X100: $int] :
              ( ~ ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap') )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap',this,allocated) )
                        | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(this,'C') ) )
                   => ( ( true_1 = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
                     => ( ( 'BeingConstructed' = this )
                       => ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != X97 )
                              | ( this != X98 )
                              | ~ ! [X101: $int] :
                                    ( ( this != X101 )
                                   => ( this != select2('Heap',X101,ownerRef) ) ) )
                         => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap',this,inv) )
                                | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X98,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X97) )
                                    | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X98,inv),X97) )
                                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X97 ) ) )
                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_0') )
                                     => ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',this,allocated) )
                                       => ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) )
                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X100,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X99) )
                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_0',X100,inv),X99) )
                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X99 ) ) )
                                         => ( ~ ( ( X97 != X99 )
                                                | ( X98 != X100 ) )
                                           => ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_0',this,sharingMode) )
                                             => ( ! [X101: $int] :
                                                  ? [X102: $int] :
                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X101,allocated) )
                                                          | ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X101,allocated) )
                                                          | ( nullObject = X101 ) )
                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X101,localinv) != X102 )
                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X101,inv) != X102 ) ) )
                                                    & ( typeof(X101) = X102 ) )
                                               => ( ! [X101: $int] :
                                                    ? [X103: $int] :
                                                      ( ( ( select2('Heap',X103,exposeVersion) = select2('Heap_0',X103,exposeVersion) )
                                                       => ( select2('Heap_0',X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
                                                      & ( select2('Heap',X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
                                                 => ( ! [X101: $int,X104: $int] :
                                                      ? [X105: $int,X106: $int] :
                                                        ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('System_Object','DeclType'(X104)) )
                                                                  | ( this != X101 ) )
                                                              | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X106,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X105) )
                                                                  | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X106,inv),X105) )
                                                                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X105 ) )
                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X101,allocated) )
                                                              | ( nullObject = X101 )
                                                              | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X104) ) )
                                                         => ( select2('Heap',X101,X104) = select2('Heap_0',X101,X104) ) )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerRef) = X106 )
                                                        & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerFrame) = X105 ) )
                                                   => ( ( true_1 = 'HeapSucc'('Heap','Heap_0') )
                                                     => ( ! [X101: $int] :
                                                            ( ~ ( ( this = X101 )
                                                                | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X101,allocated) ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X101,localinv) != select2('Heap',X101,localinv) )
                                                                | ( select2('Heap_0',X101,inv) != select2('Heap',X101,inv) ) ) )
                                                       => ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                                                                <=> ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0','BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X107: $int] :
                                                                  ? [X108: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X108 )
                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X107,allocated) ) )
                                                                     => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X107,ownerFrame) != X108 )
                                                                          | ( select2('Heap_0',X107,ownerRef) != select2('Heap',X107,ownerRef) ) ) )
                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X107,ownerFrame) = X108 ) )
                                                              | ~ ! [X101: $int] :
                                                                    ( ( true_1 = select2('Heap',X101,allocated) )
                                                                   => ( true_1 = select2('Heap_0',X101,allocated) ) ) )
                                                         => ( ! [X101: $int] :
                                                                ( ( select2('Heap',X101,sharingMode) = select2('Heap_0',X101,sharingMode) )
                                                                | ( this = X101 ) )
                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ( nullObject != this )
                                                                   => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                                                                | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) )
                                                                           => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X109: $int] :
                                                                                      ? [X111: $int] :
                                                                                        ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X109,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                              | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X109,ownerRef) )
                                                                                              | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X109,allocated) )
                                                                                              | ( nullObject = X109 ) )
                                                                                         => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X109,localinv) != X111 )
                                                                                              | ( select2('Heap_0',X109,inv) != X111 ) ) )
                                                                                        & ( typeof(X109) = X111 ) )
                                                                                   => ( ( 'Heap_1' = store2('Heap_0',this,inv,'C') )
                                                                                     => ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'('Heap_1') )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ! [X101: $int,X104: $int] :
                                                                                                  ? [X114: $int,X115: $int] :
                                                                                                    ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X104)) )
                                                                                                              | ( this != X101 ) )
                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X115,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X114) )
                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X115,inv),X114) )
                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X114 ) )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X101,allocated) )
                                                                                                          | ( nullObject = X101 )
                                                                                                          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X104) ) )
                                                                                                     => ( select2('Heap',X101,X104) = select2('Heap_1',X101,X104) ) )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerRef) = X115 )
                                                                                                    & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerFrame) = X114 ) )
                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' = select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) )
                                                                                                       => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( X95 != X97 )
                                                                                                                    | ( X96 != X98 ) )
                                                                                                               => ~ ( ~ ( ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                                                                                                            | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                            | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X96,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X95) )
                                                                                                                                | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X96,inv),X95) )
                                                                                                                                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X95 ) ) )
                                                                                                                       => $true )
                                                                                                                    | ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                                                                                                          | ( 'C' != select2('Heap_1',this,inv) )
                                                                                                                          | ~ ( ( select2('Heap_1',X96,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X95) )
                                                                                                                              | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap_1',X96,inv),X95) )
                                                                                                                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X95 ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                                            | ~ ~ ( ( X95 != X97 )
                                                                                                                  | ( X96 != X98 ) ) ) )
                                                                                                    | ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != select2('Heap_1',this,sharingMode) ) ) )
                                                                                            | ~ ! [X101: $int,X104: $int] :
                                                                                                ? [X112: $int,X113: $int] :
                                                                                                  ( ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('C','DeclType'(X104)) )
                                                                                                            | ( this != X101 ) )
                                                                                                        | ~ ( ( select2('Heap',X113,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X112) )
                                                                                                            | ( true_1 != x(select2('Heap',X113,inv),X112) )
                                                                                                            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 ) )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != select2('Heap',X101,allocated) )
                                                                                                        | ( nullObject = X101 )
                                                                                                        | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(X104) ) )
                                                                                                   => ( select2('Heap',X101,X104) = select2('Heap_1',X101,X104) ) )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerRef) = X113 )
                                                                                                  & ( select2('Heap',X101,ownerFrame) = X112 ) ) ) ) ) )
                                                                                | ~ ! [X109: $int] :
                                                                                    ? [X110: $int] :
                                                                                      ( ( ~ ( ( 'C' != select2('Heap_0',X109,ownerFrame) )
                                                                                            | ( this != select2('Heap_0',X109,ownerRef) )
                                                                                            | ( true_1 != select2('Heap_0',X109,allocated) )
                                                                                            | ( nullObject = X109 ) )
                                                                                       => ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',X109,localinv) != X110 )
                                                                                            | ( select2('Heap_0',X109,inv) != X110 ) ) )
                                                                                      & ( typeof(X109) = X110 ) ) ) )
                                                                        | ~ ~ ( ( select2('Heap_0',this,localinv) != X94 )
                                                                              | ( 'System_Object' != select2('Heap_0',this,inv) ) ) ) )
                                                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
                                | ( nullObject = this ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerRef) = X100 )
              & ( select2('Heap_0',this,ownerFrame) = X99 ) )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerRef) = X98 )
          & ( select2('Heap',this,ownerFrame) = X97 ) )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerRef) = X96 )
      & ( select2('Heap_1',this,ownerFrame) = X95 )
      & ( typeof(this) = X94 ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X208: $int] : ( true_1 = x(X208,sK48(X208)) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

    ( ! [X3: $int] :
        ( ( 'System_String' = X3 )
        | ( true_1 != x(X3,'System_String') ) )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
    & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
    & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
    & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
    & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',sK12) )
    & ( 'System_Object' = sK12 )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
    & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
    & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
    & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
    & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',sK13) )
    & ( 'System_Object' = sK13 )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
    & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
    & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',sK14) )
    & ( 'System_Object' = sK14 )
    & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
    & ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X6: $int] :
        ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X5) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X6) )
        | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X4,X5,X6) )
        | ( nullObject = X6 )
        | ( nullObject = X5 ) )
    & ! [X7: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X7,X9) )
        | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X8,X9) )
        | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X7,X8) ) )
    & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
          | ( X11 != X12 ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) ) )
    & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) ) )
    & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
        ( ~ $less(sK15(X16,X17),X17)
        & ~ $less(sK15(X16,X17),X16)
        & ( ( sK15(X16,X17) = X17 )
          | ( sK15(X16,X17) = X16 ) )
        & ( max(X16,X17) = sK15(X16,X17) ) )
    & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int] :
        ( ~ $less(X20,sK16(X19,X20))
        & ~ $less(X19,sK16(X19,X20))
        & ( ( sK16(X19,X20) = X20 )
          | ( sK16(X19,X20) = X19 ) )
        & ( min(X19,X20) = sK16(X19,X20) ) )
    & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
        ( ( shr(X22,X23) = x_1(shr(X22,$sum(X23,$uminus(1))),2) )
        | $less(X23,1) )
    & ! [X24: $int] : ( shr(X24,0) = X24 )
    & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,sK17(X25,X26))
            & ~ $less(sK17(X25,X26),0) )
          | $less(16,X26)
          | $less(X26,0)
          | ~ $less(X25,32768)
          | $less(X25,0) )
        & ( shl(X25,X26) = sK17(X25,X26) ) )
    & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
        ( ( shl(X28,X29) = $product(shl(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
        | $less(X29,1) )
    & ! [X30: $int] : ( shl(X30,0) = X30 )
    & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),sK18(X31,X32))
            & ~ $less(sK18(X31,X32),0) )
          | $less(X32,0)
          | $less(X31,0) )
        & ( or_1(X31,X32) = sK18(X31,X32) ) )
    & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
        ( ~ $less(and_1(X34,X35),0)
        | ( $less(X35,0)
          & $less(X34,0) ) )
    & ! [X36: $int,X37: $int,X38: $int] :
        ( ~ $less(X37,$sum(X36,X38))
        | ~ $less(X36,X37)
        | ( x_2(X36,X38) != x_2(X37,X38) )
        | $less(X38,2) )
    & ! [X39: $int,X40: $int] :
        ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(sK19(X39,X40),X40) )
          | $less(X40,0)
          | $less(sK19(X39,X40),0) )
        & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = sK19(X39,X40) ) )
    & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
        ( ( x_2(X42,X43) = x_2($sum(X43,X42),X43) )
        | $less(X43,0)
        | $less(X42,0) )
    & ! [X44: $int,X45: $int] :
        ( ( x_2(X44,X45) = x_2($sum(X44,X45),X45) )
        | $less(X45,0)
        | $less(X44,0) )
    & ! [X46: $int,X47: $int] :
        ( ( ( ~ $less(0,sK20(X46,X47))
            & $less(X47,sK20(X46,X47)) )
          | ~ $less(X47,0)
          | $less(0,X46) )
        & ( x_2(X46,X47) = sK20(X46,X47) ) )
    & ! [X49: $int,X50: $int] :
        ( ( ( ~ $less(0,sK21(X49,X50))
            & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),sK21(X49,X50)) )
          | ~ $less(0,X50)
          | $less(0,X49) )
        & ( x_2(X49,X50) = sK21(X49,X50) ) )
    & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ( ( ( $less(sK22(X52,X53),$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
            & ~ $less(sK22(X52,X53),0) )
          | ~ $less(X53,0)
          | $less(X52,0) )
        & ( x_2(X52,X53) = sK22(X52,X53) ) )
    & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ( ( ( $less(sK23(X55,X56),X56)
            & ~ $less(sK23(X55,X56),0) )
          | ~ $less(0,X56)
          | $less(X55,0) )
        & ( x_2(X55,X56) = sK23(X55,X56) ) )
    & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] : ( x_2(X58,X59) = $sum(X58,$uminus($product(x_1(X58,X59),X59))) )
    & ! [X60: $int,X61: $int,X62: $int] :
        ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X60,X61,X62) = X62 )
        | ( true_1 = X60 ) )
    & ! [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
        ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X63,X64,X65) = X64 )
        | ( true_1 != X63 ) )
    & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
        ( ( 'IntToInt'(X66,X67,X68) = X66 )
        | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X66,X68) ) )
    & ! [X69: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') )
          | ~ $less(X69,65536)
          | $less(X69,0) )
        & ( ( $less(X69,65536)
            & ~ $less(X69,0) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') ) ) )
    & ! [X70: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') )
          | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
          | $less(X70,0) )
        & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
            & ~ $less(X70,0) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
    & ! [X71: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') )
          | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
          | $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
        & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
            & ~ $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') ) ) )
    & ! [X72: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') )
          | $less(int_4294967295,X72)
          | $less(X72,0) )
        & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X72)
            & ~ $less(X72,0) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
    & ! [X73: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') )
          | $less(int_2147483647,X73)
          | $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
        & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X73)
            & ~ $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') ) ) )
    & ! [X74: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') )
          | ~ $less(X74,65536)
          | $less(X74,0) )
        & ( ( $less(X74,65536)
            & ~ $less(X74,0) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
    & ! [X75: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') )
          | ~ $less(X75,32768)
          | $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
        & ( ( $less(X75,32768)
            & ~ $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') ) ) )
    & ! [X76: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') )
          | ~ $less(X76,256)
          | $less(X76,0) )
        & ( ( $less(X76,256)
            & ~ $less(X76,0) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') ) ) )
    & ! [X77: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') )
          | ~ $less(X77,128)
          | $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
        & ( ( $less(X77,128)
            & ~ $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') ) ) )
    & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
    & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
    & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
    & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
    & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
    & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
    & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
    & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
    & ! [X78: $int,X79: $int] :
        ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X78),X78) = X78 )
        | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X78,X79) ) )
    & ! [X80: $int,X81: $int] :
        ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) = X81 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) ) )
        & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) )
          | ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) != X81 ) ) )
    & ! [X82: $int,X83: $int] :
        ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
          | ( sK24(X82,X83) != X83 )
          | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(sK24(X82,X83)),'System_Object') ) )
        & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = sK24(X82,X83) ) )
    & ! [X85: $int] :
        ( ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),localinv) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) )
                & ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),inv) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) ) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
            & ( typeof(sK25(X85,X86,X87)) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) )
            & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = sK25(X85,X86,X87) ) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X85)) ) )
    & ! [X90: $int,X91: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X90,X91)) = X90 )
    & ! [X92: $int,X93: $int,X94: $int,X95: $int] :
        ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X92,X93,X94,X95) = X92 )
        | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X92)) ) )
    & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int,X98: $int,X99: $int] :
        ( ( 'UnboxedType'(sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99)) = X97 )
        & ( sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99) = 'Box'(X96,sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99)) )
        & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99) ) )
    & ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,sK30(X101,X102),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK29(X101,X102)) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,sK30(X101,X102),inv),sK29(X101,X102)) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK29(X101,X102) ) )
            & ( true_1 = select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),allocated) )
            & ( nullObject != sK28(X101,X102) ) )
          | ( 'BaseClass'(sK31(X101,X102)) = select2(X102,sK32(X101,X102),localinv) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,sK32(X101,X102),inv),sK31(X101,X102)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK31(X101,X102) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X101 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = sK32(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = sK31(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerRef) = sK30(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerFrame) = sK29(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = sK28(X101,X102) ) )
    & ! [X108: $int,X109: $int,X110: $int] :
        ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
          | ( select2(X110,sK34(X108,X109,X110),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK33(X108,X109,X110)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,sK34(X108,X109,X110),inv),sK33(X108,X109,X110)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK33(X108,X109,X110) )
          | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X108 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
        & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = sK34(X108,X109,X110) )
        & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = sK33(X108,X109,X110) ) )
    & ! [X113: $int,X114: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = sK35(X113,X114) )
            & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = sK35(X113,X114) ) )
          | ( select2(X113,sK37(X113,X114),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK36(X113,X114)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,sK37(X113,X114),inv),sK36(X113,X114)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK36(X113,X114) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
        & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = sK37(X113,X114) )
        & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = sK36(X113,X114) )
        & ( typeof(X114) = sK35(X113,X114) ) )
    & ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121),X121) = sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121) )
        & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) ) )
    & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X124,sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),ownerFrame) = X127 )
            & ( select2(X124,sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),ownerRef) = X125 ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),X128) = sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) )
        & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) ) )
    & ! [X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,sK42(X131,X132,X133),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,sK42(X131,X132,X133),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK42(X131,X132,X133) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
        & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = sK42(X131,X132,X133) ) )
    & ! [X135: $int,X136: $int,X137: $int,X138: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X135,sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138),ownerFrame) = X138 )
            & ( select2(X135,sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138),ownerRef) = X136 ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
        & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138) ) )
    & ! [X140: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X140),0)
    & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int] :
        ( ! [X143: $int] :
            ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                    ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                    | ( X141 = X145 )
                    | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
                & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
                & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
                & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = sK44(X141,X143) )
                & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = sK44(X141,X143) ) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
            & ( typeof(X141) = sK44(X141,X143) ) )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X141),'AsImmutable'(X142)) )
        | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X141 )
        | ( nullObject = X141 ) )
    & ! [X146: $int,X147: $int] :
        ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X147) = X147 )
          & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X147) ) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X147,'AsMutable'(X146)) ) )
    & ! [X148: $int,X149: $int] :
        ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X149) = X149 )
          & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X149) ) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X149,'AsImmutable'(X148)) ) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
    & ! [X150: $int,X151: $int,X152: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
          | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(sK46(X150,X151,X152)),sK45(X150,X151,X152)) )
          | ( sK46(X150,X151,X152) != X152 )
          | ( sK45(X150,X151,X152) != X150 ) )
        & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = sK46(X150,X151,X152) )
        & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = sK45(X150,X151,X152) ) )
    & ! [X155: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X155)) )
    & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int,X159: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X156,X157,'AsRangeField'(X158,X159)),X159) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X156) ) )
    & ! [X160: $int,X161: $int,X162: $int,X163: $int] :
        ( ( nullObject != select2(X160,X161,'AsNonNullRefField'(X162,X163)) )
        | ( ( true_1 != select2(X160,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X161 ) )
        | ( nullObject = X161 )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X160) ) )
    & ! [X164: $int,X165: $int,X166: $int,X167: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X164,X165,'AsRefField'(X166,X167)),X167) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X164) ) )
    & ! [X168: $int,X169: $int] :
        ( ( 'AsRefField'(X168,X169) = X168 )
        | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169) != X168 ) )
    & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
    & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = select2(X170,'ClassRepr'(X171),allocated) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
    & ! [X172: $int,X173: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = select2(X172,X173,allocated) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X172,X173) ) )
    & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int,X176: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X174,'ValueArrayGet'(X175,X176)) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X174,X175) ) )
    & ! [X177: $int,X178: $int,X179: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X177,'RefArrayGet'(X178,X179)) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X177,X178) ) )
    & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'StructGet'(X181,X182)) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
    & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = select2(X183,select2(X183,X184,X185),allocated) )
        | ( true_1 != select2(X183,X184,allocated) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X183) ) )
    & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,select2(X186,X187,X188)) )
        | ( true_1 != select2(X186,X187,allocated) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X186) ) )
    & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = sK47(X189,X190) )
            & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = sK47(X189,X190) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK47(X189,X190),'System_Array') )
          | ( nullObject = X190 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
        & ( typeof(X190) = sK47(X189,X190) ) )
    & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int] :
        ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X192,X193) )
        | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X192,X193) ) )
    & ! [X194: $int,X195: $int] :
        ( ( 'As'(X194,X195) = X194 )
        | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X194,X195) ) )
    & ! [X196: $int,X197: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X196,X197) )
          | ( nullObject = X196 ) )
        & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X196,X197) )
            & ( nullObject != X196 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) ) ) )
    & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) )
          | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X198),X199) )
            & ( nullObject != X198 ) ) )
        & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X198),X199) )
          | ( nullObject = X198 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) ) ) )
    & ! [X200: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X200)) = X200 )
    & ! [X201: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X201),'System_Type') )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
    & ! [X202: $int] :
        ( ( ! [X203: $int] :
              ( ( X202 = X203 )
              | ( true_1 != x(X203,X202) ) )
          & ! [X204: $int] :
              ( ( X202 = X204 )
              | ( true_1 != x(X202,X204) ) ) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X202) ) )
    & ! [X205: $int,X206: $int,X207: $int] :
        ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X207,X205) = X206 )
        | ( true_1 != x(X207,'AsDirectSubClass'(X206,X205)) ) )
    & ! [X208: $int] :
        ( ( ( sK48(X208) != X208 )
          | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
        & ( true_1 = x(X208,sK48(X208)) )
        & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = sK48(X208) ) )
    & ! [X210: $int,X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
        ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X210,X211,X213),X212) = 'StructGet'(X210,X212) )
        | ( X211 = X212 ) )
    & ! [X214: $int,X215: $int,X216: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X214,X215,X216),X215) = X216 )
    & ! [X217: $int,X218: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X217,X218)) )
    & ! [X219: $int,X220: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X219,X220)) )
    & ! [X221: $int,X222: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X222,'ElementProxy'(X221,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X221),'System_Array') )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X222,X221) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X222) ) )
    & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int,X225: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( select2(X225,sK50(X223,X224,X225),ownerFrame) = select2(X225,sK49(X223,X224,X225),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X225,sK50(X223,X224,X225),ownerRef) = select2(X225,sK49(X223,X224,X225),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(sK50(X223,X224,X225))) )
          | ( nullObject = sK50(X223,X224,X225) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
        & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = sK50(X223,X224,X225) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = sK49(X223,X224,X225) ) )
    & ! [X228: $int,X229: $int,X230: $int] :
        ( ( ( sK51(X228,X229,X230) = X230 )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK51(X228,X229,X230),X230) ) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = sK51(X228,X229,X230) ) )
    & ! [X232: $int,X233: $int,X234: $int] :
        ( ( ( sK52(X232,X233,X234) = X234 )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK52(X232,X233,X234),X234) ) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = sK52(X232,X233,X234) ) )
    & ! [X236: $int,X237: $int,X238: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,sK53(X236,X237,X238)) )
            & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(sK53(X236,X237,X238),X237) = X238 ) )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
          | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = sK53(X236,X237,X238) ) )
    & ! [X240: $int,X241: $int,X242: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,sK54(X240,X241,X242)) )
            & ( 'RefArray'(sK54(X240,X241,X242),X241) = X242 ) )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
          | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = sK54(X240,X241,X242) ) )
    & ! [X244: $int,X245: $int,X246: $int] :
        ( ( ( sK55(X244,X245,X246) = X246 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X246,sK55(X244,X245,X246)) ) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = sK55(X244,X245,X246) ) )
    & ! [X248: $int,X249: $int,X250: $int] :
        ( ( ( sK56(X248,X249,X250) = X250 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X250,sK56(X248,X249,X250)) ) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = sK56(X248,X249,X250) ) )
    & ! [X252: $int,X253: $int,X254: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(sK57(X252,X253,X254),X252) )
            & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(sK57(X252,X253,X254),X253) = X254 )
            & ( X252 != X254 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = sK57(X252,X253,X254) ) )
    & ! [X256: $int,X257: $int,X258: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(sK58(X256,X257,X258),X256) )
            & ( 'RefArray'(sK58(X256,X257,X258),X257) = X258 )
            & ( X256 != X258 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = sK58(X256,X257,X258) ) )
    & ! [X260: $int,X261: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X260,X261)) = X260 )
    & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X262,X263)) = X262 )
    & ! [X264: $int,X265: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X264,X265)) = X264 )
    & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
    & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int,X270: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X269,X270),'NonNullRefArray'(X268,X270)) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X269,X268) ) )
    & ! [X271: $int,X272: $int,X273: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X272,X273),'RefArray'(X271,X273)) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X272,X271) ) )
    & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
        ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(sK59(X274,X275,X276))) )
            & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
            & ( true_1 = x(sK59(X274,X275,X276),'System_Array') ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
        & ( typeof(X274) = sK59(X274,X275,X276) ) )
    & ! [X278: $int,X279: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x(sK60(X278,X279),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK60(X278,X279),sK60(X278,X279)) )
        & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = sK60(X278,X279) ) )
    & ! [X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x(sK61(X281,X282),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK61(X281,X282),sK61(X281,X282)) )
        & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = sK61(X281,X282) ) )
    & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x(sK62(X284,X285),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK62(X284,X285),sK62(X284,X285)) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = sK62(X284,X285) ) )
    & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = x(sK63(X287,X288),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK63(X287,X288),sK63(X287,X288)) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = sK63(X287,X288) ) )
    & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
    & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int,X292: $int] :
        ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X290) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X290,'NonNullRefArray'(X291,X292)) ) )
    & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int,X295: $int] :
        ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X293) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X293,'RefArray'(X294,X295)) ) )
    & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
        ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X296,'IntArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
    & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
        ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
        | ( true_1 != x(X299,'ValueArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
    & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X302,X303) = $sum('DimLength'(X302,X303),$uminus(1)) )
    & ! [X304: $int,X305: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X304,X305) )
    & ! [X306: $int] :
        ( ( 'Length'(X306) = 'DimLength'(X306,0) )
        | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X306) ) )
    & ! [X307: $int,X308: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X307,X308),0)
    & ! [X309: $int] :
        ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,sK64(X309))
        & ~ $less(sK64(X309),0)
        & ( 'Length'(X309) = sK64(X309) ) )
    & ! [X311: $int,X312: $int,X313: $int] :
        ( ( 'Rank'(X311) = X313 )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X311),'IntArray'(X312,X313)) )
        | ( nullObject = X311 ) )
    & ! [X314: $int,X315: $int,X316: $int] :
        ( ( 'Rank'(X314) = X316 )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X314),'ValueArray'(X315,X316)) )
        | ( nullObject = X314 ) )
    & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
        ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'NonNullRefArray'(X318,X319)) )
        | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
    & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
        ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'RefArray'(X321,X322)) )
        | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
    & ! [X323: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X323),1)
    & ! [X324: $int,X325: $int,X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
        ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X328,X324,elements),X326) )
        | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X324),'NonNullRefArray'(X325,X327)) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X328) ) )
    & ! [X329: $int,X330: $int,X331: $int] :
        ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(sK65(X329,X330,X331)),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
          | ( nullObject = sK65(X329,X330,X331) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
        & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = sK65(X329,X330,X331) ) )
    & ! [X333: $int,X334: $int,X335: $int] :
        ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X335,X333,elements),X334),'ElementType'(typeof(X333))) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X335) ) )
    & ! [X336: $int,X337: $int,X338: $int,X339: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X336,X337,X338,X339)) = X339 )
    & ! [X340: $int,X341: $int,X342: $int,X343: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X340,X341,X342,X343)) = X342 )
    & ! [X344: $int,X345: $int,X346: $int,X347: $int] :
        ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X344,X345,X347),X346) = 'RefArrayGet'(X344,X346) )
        | ( X345 = X346 ) )
    & ! [X348: $int,X349: $int,X350: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X348,X349,X350),X349) = X350 )
    & ! [X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int,X354: $int] :
        ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X351,X352,X354),X353) = 'IntArrayGet'(X351,X353) )
        | ( X352 = X353 ) )
    & ! [X355: $int,X356: $int,X357: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X355,X356,X357),X356) = X357 )
    & ! [X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int,X361: $int] :
        ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X358,X359,X361),X360) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X358,X360) )
        | ( X359 = X360 ) )
    & ! [X362: $int,X363: $int,X364: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X362,X363,X364),X363) = X364 )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
    & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
    & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
    & ! [X365: $int,X366: $int] :
        ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X366,'ClassRepr'(X365),ownerFrame) )
        | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X366) ) )
    & ! [X367: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X367) )
    & ! [X368: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X368)),'System_Object') )
    & ! [X369: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X369)) = X369 )
    & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
    & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'C' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Array' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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    & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_SByte' )
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    & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
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    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Char' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != ownerFrame )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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    & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
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    & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
    & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
    & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
    & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
    & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
    & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
    & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
    & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
    & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
    & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
    & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
    & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
    & ( 'C' != localinv )
    & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
    & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
    & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
    & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
    & ( localinv != ownerRef )
    & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( localinv != sharingMode )
    & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
    & ( 'C' != inv )
    & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
    & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != inv )
    & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
    & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
    & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( inv != ownerFrame )
    & ( inv != ownerRef )
    & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( inv != sharingMode )
    & ( inv != exposeVersion )
    & ( inv != localinv )
    & ( 'C' != elements )
    & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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    & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
    & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != elements )
    & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
    & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
    & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( elements != ownerFrame )
    & ( elements != ownerRef )
    & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( elements != sharingMode )
    & ( elements != exposeVersion )
    & ( elements != localinv )
    & ( elements != inv )
    & ( 'C' != allocated )
    & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
    & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
    & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
    & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
    & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
    & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
    & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
    & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
    & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
    & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
    & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
    & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
    & ( allocated != ownerRef )
    & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
    & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
    & ( allocated != sharingMode )
    & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
    & ( allocated != localinv )
    & ( allocated != inv )
    & ( allocated != elements )
    & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = sK14 )
    & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = sK13 )
    & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = sK12 ) ),
    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK12,sK13,sK14,sK15,sK16,sK17,sK18,sK19,sK20,sK21,sK22,sK23,sK24,sK25,sK26,sK27,sK28,sK29,sK30,sK31,sK32,sK33,sK34,sK35,sK36,sK37,sK38,sK39,sK40,sK41,sK42,sK43,sK44,sK45,sK46,sK47,sK48,sK49,sK50,sK51,sK52,sK53,sK54,sK55,sK56,sK57,sK58,sK59,sK60,sK61,sK62,sK63,sK64,sK65])],[f54,f98,f97,f96,f95,f94,f93,f92,f91,f90,f89,f88,f87,f86,f85,f84,f83,f82,f81,f80,f79,f78,f77,f76,f75,f74,f73,f72,f71,f70,f69,f68,f67,f66,f65,f64,f63,f62,f61,f60,f59,f58,f57,f56,f55]) ).

    ( ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
        ( ! [X3: $int] :
            ( ( 'System_String' = X3 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X3,'System_String') ) )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
        & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
        & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
        & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
        & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
        & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
        & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
        & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
        & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
        & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
        & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
        & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
        & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
        & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
        & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
        & ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X6: $int] :
            ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X5) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X6) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X4,X5,X6) )
            | ( nullObject = X6 )
            | ( nullObject = X5 ) )
        & ! [X7: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X7,X9) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X8,X9) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X7,X8) ) )
        & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
              | ( X11 != X12 ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
              | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) )
              | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
              | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
              | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) ) )
        & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
              | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
              | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) ) )
        & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
          ? [X18: $int] :
            ( ~ $less(X18,X17)
            & ~ $less(X18,X16)
            & ( ( X17 = X18 )
              | ( X16 = X18 ) )
            & ( max(X16,X17) = X18 ) )
        & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int] :
          ? [X21: $int] :
            ( ~ $less(X20,X21)
            & ~ $less(X19,X21)
            & ( ( X20 = X21 )
              | ( X19 = X21 ) )
            & ( min(X19,X20) = X21 ) )
        & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
            ( ( shr(X22,X23) = x_1(shr(X22,$sum(X23,$uminus(1))),2) )
            | $less(X23,1) )
        & ! [X24: $int] : ( shr(X24,0) = X24 )
        & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
          ? [X27: $int] :
            ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X27)
                & ~ $less(X27,0) )
              | $less(16,X26)
              | $less(X26,0)
              | ~ $less(X25,32768)
              | $less(X25,0) )
            & ( shl(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
        & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
            ( ( shl(X28,X29) = $product(shl(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
            | $less(X29,1) )
        & ! [X30: $int] : ( shl(X30,0) = X30 )
        & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
          ? [X33: $int] :
            ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),X33)
                & ~ $less(X33,0) )
              | $less(X32,0)
              | $less(X31,0) )
            & ( or_1(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
        & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
            ( ~ $less(and_1(X34,X35),0)
            | ( $less(X35,0)
              & $less(X34,0) ) )
        & ! [X36: $int,X37: $int,X38: $int] :
            ( ~ $less(X37,$sum(X36,X38))
            | ~ $less(X36,X37)
            | ( x_2(X36,X38) != x_2(X37,X38) )
            | $less(X38,2) )
        & ! [X39: $int,X40: $int] :
          ? [X41: $int] :
            ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(X41,X40) )
              | $less(X40,0)
              | $less(X41,0) )
            & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = X41 ) )
        & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
            ( ( x_2(X42,X43) = x_2($sum(X43,X42),X43) )
            | $less(X43,0)
            | $less(X42,0) )
        & ! [X44: $int,X45: $int] :
            ( ( x_2(X44,X45) = x_2($sum(X44,X45),X45) )
            | $less(X45,0)
            | $less(X44,0) )
        & ! [X46: $int,X47: $int] :
          ? [X48: $int] :
            ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X48)
                & $less(X47,X48) )
              | ~ $less(X47,0)
              | $less(0,X46) )
            & ( x_2(X46,X47) = X48 ) )
        & ! [X49: $int,X50: $int] :
          ? [X51: $int] :
            ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X51)
                & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),X51) )
              | ~ $less(0,X50)
              | $less(0,X49) )
            & ( x_2(X49,X50) = X51 ) )
        & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
          ? [X54: $int] :
            ( ( ( $less(X54,$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
                & ~ $less(X54,0) )
              | ~ $less(X53,0)
              | $less(X52,0) )
            & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
        & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
          ? [X57: $int] :
            ( ( ( $less(X57,X56)
                & ~ $less(X57,0) )
              | ~ $less(0,X56)
              | $less(X55,0) )
            & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
        & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] : ( x_2(X58,X59) = $sum(X58,$uminus($product(x_1(X58,X59),X59))) )
        & ! [X60: $int,X61: $int,X62: $int] :
            ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X60,X61,X62) = X62 )
            | ( true_1 = X60 ) )
        & ! [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
            ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X63,X64,X65) = X64 )
            | ( true_1 != X63 ) )
        & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
            ( ( 'IntToInt'(X66,X67,X68) = X66 )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X66,X68) ) )
        & ! [X69: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') )
              | ~ $less(X69,65536)
              | $less(X69,0) )
            & ( ( $less(X69,65536)
                & ~ $less(X69,0) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') ) ) )
        & ! [X70: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') )
              | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
              | $less(X70,0) )
            & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
                & ~ $less(X70,0) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
        & ! [X71: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') )
              | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
              | $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
            & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
                & ~ $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') ) ) )
        & ! [X72: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') )
              | $less(int_4294967295,X72)
              | $less(X72,0) )
            & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X72)
                & ~ $less(X72,0) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
        & ! [X73: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') )
              | $less(int_2147483647,X73)
              | $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
            & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X73)
                & ~ $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') ) ) )
        & ! [X74: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') )
              | ~ $less(X74,65536)
              | $less(X74,0) )
            & ( ( $less(X74,65536)
                & ~ $less(X74,0) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
        & ! [X75: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') )
              | ~ $less(X75,32768)
              | $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
            & ( ( $less(X75,32768)
                & ~ $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') ) ) )
        & ! [X76: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') )
              | ~ $less(X76,256)
              | $less(X76,0) )
            & ( ( $less(X76,256)
                & ~ $less(X76,0) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') ) ) )
        & ! [X77: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') )
              | ~ $less(X77,128)
              | $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
            & ( ( $less(X77,128)
                & ~ $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
              | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') ) ) )
        & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
        & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
        & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
        & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
        & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
        & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
        & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
        & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
        & ! [X78: $int,X79: $int] :
            ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X78),X78) = X78 )
            | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X78,X79) ) )
        & ! [X80: $int,X81: $int] :
            ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) = X81 )
              | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) ) )
            & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) )
              | ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) != X81 ) ) )
        & ! [X82: $int,X83: $int] :
          ? [X84: $int] :
            ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
              | ( X83 != X84 )
              | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X84),'System_Object') ) )
            & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = X84 ) )
        & ! [X85: $int] :
            ( ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
              ? [X88: $int] :
                ( ? [X89: $int] :
                    ( ( ( ( select2(X86,X88,localinv) = X89 )
                        & ( select2(X86,X88,inv) = X89 ) )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X88) = X89 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = X88 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X85)) ) )
        & ! [X90: $int,X91: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X90,X91)) = X90 )
        & ! [X92: $int,X93: $int,X94: $int,X95: $int] :
            ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X92,X93,X94,X95) = X92 )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X92)) ) )
        & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int,X98: $int,X99: $int] :
          ? [X100: $int] :
            ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X100) = X97 )
            & ( 'Box'(X96,X100) = X100 )
            & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = X100 ) )
        & ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
          ? [X103: $int] :
            ( ? [X104: $int,X105: $int,X106: $int,X107: $int] :
                ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
                    & ( true_1 = select2(X102,X103,allocated) )
                    & ( nullObject != X103 ) )
                  | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
                  | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
                  | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
                  | ( nullObject = X101 )
                  | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
                & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
                & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
                & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerRef) = X105 )
                & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
            & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
        & ! [X108: $int,X109: $int,X110: $int] :
          ? [X111: $int,X112: $int] :
            ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
              | ( select2(X110,X112,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X111) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,X112,inv),X111) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X111 )
              | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
              | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
              | ( nullObject = X108 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
            & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = X112 )
            & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = X111 ) )
        & ! [X113: $int,X114: $int] :
          ? [X115: $int,X116: $int,X117: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = X115 )
                & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = X115 ) )
              | ( select2(X113,X117,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X116) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,X117,inv),X116) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X116 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
            & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = X117 )
            & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = X116 )
            & ( typeof(X114) = X115 ) )
        & ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
          ? [X122: $int] :
            ( ? [X123: $int] :
                ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
                    & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
                  | ( nullObject = X122 )
                  | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X122,X121) = X123 ) )
            & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = X122 ) )
        & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
          ? [X129: $int] :
            ( ? [X130: $int] :
                ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
                    & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
                  | ( nullObject = X129 )
                  | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X129,X128) = X130 ) )
            & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = X129 ) )
        & ! [X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int] :
          ? [X134: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,X134,ownerFrame) )
                & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,X134,ownerRef) ) )
              | ( nullObject = X134 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
            & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = X134 ) )
        & ! [X135: $int,X136: $int,X137: $int,X138: $int] :
          ? [X139: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X135,X139,ownerFrame) = X138 )
                & ( select2(X135,X139,ownerRef) = X136 ) )
              | ( nullObject = X139 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
            & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = X139 ) )
        & ! [X140: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X140),0)
        & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int] :
            ( ! [X143: $int] :
              ? [X144: $int] :
                ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                        ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( X141 = X145 )
                        | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
                    & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
                    & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
                    & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = X144 )
                    & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = X144 ) )
                  | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
                & ( typeof(X141) = X144 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X141),'AsImmutable'(X142)) )
            | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X141 )
            | ( nullObject = X141 ) )
        & ! [X146: $int,X147: $int] :
            ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X147) = X147 )
              & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X147) ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X147,'AsMutable'(X146)) ) )
        & ! [X148: $int,X149: $int] :
            ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X149) = X149 )
              & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X149) ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X149,'AsImmutable'(X148)) ) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
        & ! [X150: $int,X151: $int,X152: $int] :
          ? [X153: $int,X154: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
              | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X154),X153) )
              | ( X152 != X154 )
              | ( X150 != X153 ) )
            & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = X154 )
            & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = X153 ) )
        & ! [X155: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X155)) )
        & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int,X159: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X156,X157,'AsRangeField'(X158,X159)),X159) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X156) ) )
        & ! [X160: $int,X161: $int,X162: $int,X163: $int] :
            ( ( nullObject != select2(X160,X161,'AsNonNullRefField'(X162,X163)) )
            | ( ( true_1 != select2(X160,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
              & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X161 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X161 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X160) ) )
        & ! [X164: $int,X165: $int,X166: $int,X167: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X164,X165,'AsRefField'(X166,X167)),X167) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X164) ) )
        & ! [X168: $int,X169: $int] :
            ( ( 'AsRefField'(X168,X169) = X168 )
            | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169) != X168 ) )
        & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
        & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = select2(X170,'ClassRepr'(X171),allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
        & ! [X172: $int,X173: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = select2(X172,X173,allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X172,X173) ) )
        & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int,X176: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X174,'ValueArrayGet'(X175,X176)) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X174,X175) ) )
        & ! [X177: $int,X178: $int,X179: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X177,'RefArrayGet'(X178,X179)) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X177,X178) ) )
        & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'StructGet'(X181,X182)) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
        & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = select2(X183,select2(X183,X184,X185),allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X183,X184,allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X183) ) )
        & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,select2(X186,X187,X188)) )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X186,X187,allocated) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X186) ) )
        & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int] :
          ? [X191: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = X191 )
                & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = X191 ) )
              | ( true_1 != x(X191,'System_Array') )
              | ( nullObject = X190 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
            & ( typeof(X190) = X191 ) )
        & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int] :
            ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X192,X193) )
            | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X192,X193) ) )
        & ! [X194: $int,X195: $int] :
            ( ( 'As'(X194,X195) = X194 )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X194,X195) ) )
        & ! [X196: $int,X197: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) )
              | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X196,X197) )
              | ( nullObject = X196 ) )
            & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X196,X197) )
                & ( nullObject != X196 ) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) ) ) )
        & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) )
              | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X198),X199) )
                & ( nullObject != X198 ) ) )
            & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X198),X199) )
              | ( nullObject = X198 )
              | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) ) ) )
        & ! [X200: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X200)) = X200 )
        & ! [X201: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X201),'System_Type') )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
        & ! [X202: $int] :
            ( ( ! [X203: $int] :
                  ( ( X202 = X203 )
                  | ( true_1 != x(X203,X202) ) )
              & ! [X204: $int] :
                  ( ( X202 = X204 )
                  | ( true_1 != x(X202,X204) ) ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X202) ) )
        & ! [X205: $int,X206: $int,X207: $int] :
            ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X207,X205) = X206 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X207,'AsDirectSubClass'(X206,X205)) ) )
        & ! [X208: $int] :
          ? [X209: $int] :
            ( ( ( X208 != X209 )
              | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
            & ( true_1 = x(X208,X209) )
            & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = X209 ) )
        & ! [X210: $int,X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
            ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X210,X211,X213),X212) = 'StructGet'(X210,X212) )
            | ( X211 = X212 ) )
        & ! [X214: $int,X215: $int,X216: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X214,X215,X216),X215) = X216 )
        & ! [X217: $int,X218: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X217,X218)) )
        & ! [X219: $int,X220: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X219,X220)) )
        & ! [X221: $int,X222: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X222,'ElementProxy'(X221,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X221),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X222,X221) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X222) ) )
        & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int,X225: $int] :
          ? [X226: $int,X227: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X225,X227,ownerFrame) = select2(X225,X226,ownerFrame) )
                & ( select2(X225,X227,ownerRef) = select2(X225,X226,ownerRef) ) )
              | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X227)) )
              | ( nullObject = X227 )
              | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
            & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = X227 )
            & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X226 ) )
        & ! [X228: $int,X229: $int,X230: $int] :
          ? [X231: $int] :
            ( ( ( X230 = X231 )
              | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
              | ( true_1 != x(X231,X230) ) )
            & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = X231 ) )
        & ! [X232: $int,X233: $int,X234: $int] :
          ? [X235: $int] :
            ( ( ( X234 = X235 )
              | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
              | ( true_1 != x(X235,X234) ) )
            & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = X235 ) )
        & ! [X236: $int,X237: $int,X238: $int] :
          ? [X239: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,X239) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X239,X237) = X238 ) )
              | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
              | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
            & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = X239 ) )
        & ! [X240: $int,X241: $int,X242: $int] :
          ? [X243: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,X243) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X243,X241) = X242 ) )
              | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
              | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
            & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = X243 ) )
        & ! [X244: $int,X245: $int,X246: $int] :
          ? [X247: $int] :
            ( ( ( X246 = X247 )
              | ( true_1 != x(X246,X247) ) )
            & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = X247 ) )
        & ! [X248: $int,X249: $int,X250: $int] :
          ? [X251: $int] :
            ( ( ( X250 = X251 )
              | ( true_1 != x(X250,X251) ) )
            & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = X251 ) )
        & ! [X252: $int,X253: $int,X254: $int] :
          ? [X255: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X255,X252) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X255,X253) = X254 )
                & ( X252 != X254 ) )
              | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
            & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = X255 ) )
        & ! [X256: $int,X257: $int,X258: $int] :
          ? [X259: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X259,X256) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X259,X257) = X258 )
                & ( X256 != X258 ) )
              | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
            & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = X259 ) )
        & ! [X260: $int,X261: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X260,X261)) = X260 )
        & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X262,X263)) = X262 )
        & ! [X264: $int,X265: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X264,X265)) = X264 )
        & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
        & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int,X270: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X269,X270),'NonNullRefArray'(X268,X270)) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X269,X268) ) )
        & ! [X271: $int,X272: $int,X273: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X272,X273),'RefArray'(X271,X273)) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X272,X271) ) )
        & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
          ? [X277: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(X277)) )
                & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
                & ( true_1 = x(X277,'System_Array') ) )
              | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
            & ( typeof(X274) = X277 ) )
        & ! [X278: $int,X279: $int] :
          ? [X280: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x(X280,'System_Array') )
            & ( true_1 = x(X280,X280) )
            & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = X280 ) )
        & ! [X281: $int,X282: $int] :
          ? [X283: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') )
            & ( true_1 = x(X283,X283) )
            & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = X283 ) )
        & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
          ? [X286: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
            & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
            & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
        & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
          ? [X289: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
            & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
            & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
        & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
        & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int,X292: $int] :
            ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X290) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X290,'NonNullRefArray'(X291,X292)) ) )
        & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int,X295: $int] :
            ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X293) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X293,'RefArray'(X294,X295)) ) )
        & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
            ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X296,'IntArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
        & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
            ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X299,'ValueArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
        & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X302,X303) = $sum('DimLength'(X302,X303),$uminus(1)) )
        & ! [X304: $int,X305: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X304,X305) )
        & ! [X306: $int] :
            ( ( 'Length'(X306) = 'DimLength'(X306,0) )
            | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X306) ) )
        & ! [X307: $int,X308: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X307,X308),0)
        & ! [X309: $int] :
          ? [X310: $int] :
            ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X310)
            & ~ $less(X310,0)
            & ( 'Length'(X309) = X310 ) )
        & ! [X311: $int,X312: $int,X313: $int] :
            ( ( 'Rank'(X311) = X313 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X311),'IntArray'(X312,X313)) )
            | ( nullObject = X311 ) )
        & ! [X314: $int,X315: $int,X316: $int] :
            ( ( 'Rank'(X314) = X316 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X314),'ValueArray'(X315,X316)) )
            | ( nullObject = X314 ) )
        & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
            ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'NonNullRefArray'(X318,X319)) )
            | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
        & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
            ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'RefArray'(X321,X322)) )
            | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
        & ! [X323: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X323),1)
        & ! [X324: $int,X325: $int,X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
            ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X328,X324,elements),X326) )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X324),'NonNullRefArray'(X325,X327)) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X328) ) )
        & ! [X329: $int,X330: $int,X331: $int] :
          ? [X332: $int] :
            ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X332),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
              | ( nullObject = X332 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
            & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = X332 ) )
        & ! [X333: $int,X334: $int,X335: $int] :
            ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X335,X333,elements),X334),'ElementType'(typeof(X333))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X335) ) )
        & ! [X336: $int,X337: $int,X338: $int,X339: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X336,X337,X338,X339)) = X339 )
        & ! [X340: $int,X341: $int,X342: $int,X343: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X340,X341,X342,X343)) = X342 )
        & ! [X344: $int,X345: $int,X346: $int,X347: $int] :
            ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X344,X345,X347),X346) = 'RefArrayGet'(X344,X346) )
            | ( X345 = X346 ) )
        & ! [X348: $int,X349: $int,X350: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X348,X349,X350),X349) = X350 )
        & ! [X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int,X354: $int] :
            ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X351,X352,X354),X353) = 'IntArrayGet'(X351,X353) )
            | ( X352 = X353 ) )
        & ! [X355: $int,X356: $int,X357: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X355,X356,X357),X356) = X357 )
        & ! [X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int,X361: $int] :
            ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X358,X359,X361),X360) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X358,X360) )
            | ( X359 = X360 ) )
        & ! [X362: $int,X363: $int,X364: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X362,X363,X364),X363) = X364 )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
        & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
        & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
        & ! [X365: $int,X366: $int] :
            ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X366,'ClassRepr'(X365),ownerFrame) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X366) ) )
        & ! [X367: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X367) )
        & ! [X368: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X368)),'System_Object') )
        & ! [X369: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X369)) = X369 )
        & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
        & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
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        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
        & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
        & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
        & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
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        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
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        & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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        & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
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        & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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        & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Char' )
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        & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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        & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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        & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
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        & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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        & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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        & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
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        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
        & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
        & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
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        & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
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        & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
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        & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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        & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
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        & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
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        & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
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        & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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        & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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        & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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        & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
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        & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
        & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
        & ( 'C' != localinv )
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        & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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        & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
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        & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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        & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
        & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
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        & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
        & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
        & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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        & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
        & ( localinv != sharingMode )
        & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
        & ( 'C' != inv )
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        & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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        & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
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        & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
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        & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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        & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
        & ( inv != sharingMode )
        & ( inv != exposeVersion )
        & ( inv != localinv )
        & ( 'C' != elements )
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        & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
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        & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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        & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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        & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
        & ( elements != sharingMode )
        & ( elements != exposeVersion )
        & ( elements != localinv )
        & ( elements != inv )
        & ( 'C' != allocated )
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        & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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        & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
        & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
        & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
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        & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
        & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
        & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
        & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
        & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
        & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
        & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
        & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
        & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
        & ( allocated != ownerRef )
        & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
        & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
        & ( allocated != sharingMode )
        & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
        & ( allocated != localinv )
        & ( allocated != inv )
        & ( allocated != elements )
        & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
        & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
        & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) )
   => ( ! [X3: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X3 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X3,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',sK12) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = sK12 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',sK13) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = sK13 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',sK14) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = sK14 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X6: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X5) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X6) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X4,X5,X6) )
          | ( nullObject = X6 )
          | ( nullObject = X5 ) )
      & ! [X7: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X7,X9) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X8,X9) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X7,X8) ) )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
            | ( X11 != X12 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
        ? [X18: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X18,X17)
          & ~ $less(X18,X16)
          & ( ( X17 = X18 )
            | ( X16 = X18 ) )
          & ( max(X16,X17) = X18 ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int] :
        ? [X21: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X20,X21)
          & ~ $less(X19,X21)
          & ( ( X20 = X21 )
            | ( X19 = X21 ) )
          & ( min(X19,X20) = X21 ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X22,X23) = x_1(shr(X22,$sum(X23,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X23,1) )
      & ! [X24: $int] : ( shr(X24,0) = X24 )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X27)
              & ~ $less(X27,0) )
            | $less(16,X26)
            | $less(X26,0)
            | ~ $less(X25,32768)
            | $less(X25,0) )
          & ( shl(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X28,X29) = $product(shl(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shl(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(X32,0)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( or_1(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X34,X35),0)
          | ( $less(X35,0)
            & $less(X34,0) ) )
      & ! [X36: $int,X37: $int,X38: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X37,$sum(X36,X38))
          | ~ $less(X36,X37)
          | ( x_2(X36,X38) != x_2(X37,X38) )
          | $less(X38,2) )
      & ! [X39: $int,X40: $int] :
        ? [X41: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(X41,X40) )
            | $less(X40,0)
            | $less(X41,0) )
          & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = X41 ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X42,X43) = x_2($sum(X43,X42),X43) )
          | $less(X43,0)
          | $less(X42,0) )
      & ! [X44: $int,X45: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X44,X45) = x_2($sum(X44,X45),X45) )
          | $less(X45,0)
          | $less(X44,0) )
      & ! [X46: $int,X47: $int] :
        ? [X48: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X48)
              & $less(X47,X48) )
            | ~ $less(X47,0)
            | $less(0,X46) )
          & ( x_2(X46,X47) = X48 ) )
      & ! [X49: $int,X50: $int] :
        ? [X51: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X51)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),X51) )
            | ~ $less(0,X50)
            | $less(0,X49) )
          & ( x_2(X49,X50) = X51 ) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X54,$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
              & ~ $less(X54,0) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(X52,0) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X57,X56)
              & ~ $less(X57,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(X55,0) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] : ( x_2(X58,X59) = $sum(X58,$uminus($product(x_1(X58,X59),X59))) )
      & ! [X60: $int,X61: $int,X62: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X60,X61,X62) = X62 )
          | ( true_1 = X60 ) )
      & ! [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X63,X64,X65) = X64 )
          | ( true_1 != X63 ) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X66,X67,X68) = X66 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X66,X68) ) )
      & ! [X69: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') )
            | ~ $less(X69,65536)
            | $less(X69,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X69,65536)
              & ~ $less(X69,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') ) ) )
      & ! [X70: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') )
            | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
            | $less(X70,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
              & ~ $less(X70,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
      & ! [X71: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') )
            | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
            | $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
              & ~ $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') ) ) )
      & ! [X72: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') )
            | $less(int_4294967295,X72)
            | $less(X72,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X72)
              & ~ $less(X72,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
      & ! [X73: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') )
            | $less(int_2147483647,X73)
            | $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X73)
              & ~ $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') ) ) )
      & ! [X74: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') )
            | ~ $less(X74,65536)
            | $less(X74,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X74,65536)
              & ~ $less(X74,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') )
            | ~ $less(X75,32768)
            | $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
          & ( ( $less(X75,32768)
              & ~ $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') ) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') )
            | ~ $less(X76,256)
            | $less(X76,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X76,256)
              & ~ $less(X76,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') ) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') )
            | ~ $less(X77,128)
            | $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
          & ( ( $less(X77,128)
              & ~ $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') ) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X78: $int,X79: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X78),X78) = X78 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X78,X79) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int,X81: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) = X81 )
            | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) ) )
          & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) )
            | ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) != X81 ) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int,X83: $int] :
        ? [X84: $int] :
          ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
            | ( X83 != X84 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X84),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = X84 ) )
      & ! [X85: $int] :
          ( ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
            ? [X88: $int] :
              ( ? [X89: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X86,X88,localinv) = X89 )
                      & ( select2(X86,X88,inv) = X89 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X88) = X89 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = X88 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X85)) ) )
      & ! [X90: $int,X91: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X90,X91)) = X90 )
      & ! [X92: $int,X93: $int,X94: $int,X95: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X92,X93,X94,X95) = X92 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X92)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int,X98: $int,X99: $int] :
        ? [X100: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X100) = X97 )
          & ( 'Box'(X96,X100) = X100 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = X100 ) )
      & ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
        ? [X103: $int] :
          ( ? [X104: $int,X105: $int,X106: $int,X107: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X102,X103,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X103 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X101 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerRef) = X105 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
          & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
      & ! [X108: $int,X109: $int,X110: $int] :
        ? [X111: $int,X112: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X110,X112,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X111) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,X112,inv),X111) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X111 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X108 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = X112 )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = X111 ) )
      & ! [X113: $int,X114: $int] :
        ? [X115: $int,X116: $int,X117: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = X115 )
              & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = X115 ) )
            | ( select2(X113,X117,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X116) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,X117,inv),X116) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X116 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = X117 )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = X116 )
          & ( typeof(X114) = X115 ) )
      & ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
        ? [X122: $int] :
          ( ? [X123: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X122 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X122,X121) = X123 ) )
          & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = X122 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
        ? [X129: $int] :
          ( ? [X130: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
                  & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X129 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X129,X128) = X130 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = X129 ) )
      & ! [X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int] :
        ? [X134: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,X134,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,X134,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X134 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
          & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = X134 ) )
      & ! [X135: $int,X136: $int,X137: $int,X138: $int] :
        ? [X139: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X135,X139,ownerFrame) = X138 )
              & ( select2(X135,X139,ownerRef) = X136 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X139 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
          & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = X139 ) )
      & ! [X140: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X140),0)
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int] :
          ( ! [X143: $int] :
            ? [X144: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X141 = X145 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = X144 )
                  & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = X144 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
              & ( typeof(X141) = X144 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X141),'AsImmutable'(X142)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X141 )
          | ( nullObject = X141 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int,X147: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X147) = X147 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X147) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X147,'AsMutable'(X146)) ) )
      & ! [X148: $int,X149: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X149) = X149 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X149) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X149,'AsImmutable'(X148)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X150: $int,X151: $int,X152: $int] :
        ? [X153: $int,X154: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X154),X153) )
            | ( X152 != X154 )
            | ( X150 != X153 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = X154 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = X153 ) )
      & ! [X155: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X155)) )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int,X159: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X156,X157,'AsRangeField'(X158,X159)),X159) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X156) ) )
      & ! [X160: $int,X161: $int,X162: $int,X163: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X160,X161,'AsNonNullRefField'(X162,X163)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X160,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X161 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X161 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X160) ) )
      & ! [X164: $int,X165: $int,X166: $int,X167: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X164,X165,'AsRefField'(X166,X167)),X167) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X164) ) )
      & ! [X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X168,X169) = X168 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169) != X168 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X170,'ClassRepr'(X171),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X172,X173,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X172,X173) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int,X176: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X174,'ValueArrayGet'(X175,X176)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X174,X175) ) )
      & ! [X177: $int,X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X177,'RefArrayGet'(X178,X179)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X177,X178) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'StructGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X183,select2(X183,X184,X185),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X183,X184,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X183) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,select2(X186,X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X186,X187,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X186) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int] :
        ? [X191: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = X191 )
              & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = X191 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X191,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X190 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
          & ( typeof(X190) = X191 ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X192,X193) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X192,X193) ) )
      & ! [X194: $int,X195: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X194,X195) = X194 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X194,X195) ) )
      & ! [X196: $int,X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X196,X197) )
            | ( nullObject = X196 ) )
          & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X196,X197) )
              & ( nullObject != X196 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) ) ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) )
            | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X198),X199) )
              & ( nullObject != X198 ) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X198),X199) )
            | ( nullObject = X198 )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) ) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X200)) = X200 )
      & ! [X201: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X201),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X202: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X203: $int] :
                ( ( X202 = X203 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X203,X202) ) )
            & ! [X204: $int] :
                ( ( X202 = X204 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X202,X204) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X202) ) )
      & ! [X205: $int,X206: $int,X207: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X207,X205) = X206 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X207,'AsDirectSubClass'(X206,X205)) ) )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
        ? [X209: $int] :
          ( ( ( X208 != X209 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X208,X209) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = X209 ) )
      & ! [X210: $int,X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X210,X211,X213),X212) = 'StructGet'(X210,X212) )
          | ( X211 = X212 ) )
      & ! [X214: $int,X215: $int,X216: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X214,X215,X216),X215) = X216 )
      & ! [X217: $int,X218: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X217,X218)) )
      & ! [X219: $int,X220: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X219,X220)) )
      & ! [X221: $int,X222: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X222,'ElementProxy'(X221,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X221),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X222,X221) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X222) ) )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int,X225: $int] :
        ? [X226: $int,X227: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X225,X227,ownerFrame) = select2(X225,X226,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X225,X227,ownerRef) = select2(X225,X226,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X227)) )
            | ( nullObject = X227 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = X227 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X226 ) )
      & ! [X228: $int,X229: $int,X230: $int] :
        ? [X231: $int] :
          ( ( ( X230 = X231 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X231,X230) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = X231 ) )
      & ! [X232: $int,X233: $int,X234: $int] :
        ? [X235: $int] :
          ( ( ( X234 = X235 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X235,X234) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = X235 ) )
      & ! [X236: $int,X237: $int,X238: $int] :
        ? [X239: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,X239) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X239,X237) = X238 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = X239 ) )
      & ! [X240: $int,X241: $int,X242: $int] :
        ? [X243: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,X243) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X243,X241) = X242 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = X243 ) )
      & ! [X244: $int,X245: $int,X246: $int] :
        ? [X247: $int] :
          ( ( ( X246 = X247 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X246,X247) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = X247 ) )
      & ! [X248: $int,X249: $int,X250: $int] :
        ? [X251: $int] :
          ( ( ( X250 = X251 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X250,X251) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = X251 ) )
      & ! [X252: $int,X253: $int,X254: $int] :
        ? [X255: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X255,X252) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X255,X253) = X254 )
              & ( X252 != X254 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = X255 ) )
      & ! [X256: $int,X257: $int,X258: $int] :
        ? [X259: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X259,X256) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X259,X257) = X258 )
              & ( X256 != X258 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = X259 ) )
      & ! [X260: $int,X261: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X260,X261)) = X260 )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X262,X263)) = X262 )
      & ! [X264: $int,X265: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X264,X265)) = X264 )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int,X270: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X269,X270),'NonNullRefArray'(X268,X270)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X269,X268) ) )
      & ! [X271: $int,X272: $int,X273: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X272,X273),'RefArray'(X271,X273)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X272,X271) ) )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
        ? [X277: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(X277)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X277,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
          & ( typeof(X274) = X277 ) )
      & ! [X278: $int,X279: $int] :
        ? [X280: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X280,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X280,X280) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = X280 ) )
      & ! [X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X283,X283) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int,X292: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X290) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X290,'NonNullRefArray'(X291,X292)) ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int,X295: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X293) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X293,'RefArray'(X294,X295)) ) )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'IntArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'ValueArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X302,X303) = $sum('DimLength'(X302,X303),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X304: $int,X305: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X304,X305) )
      & ! [X306: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X306) = 'DimLength'(X306,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X306) ) )
      & ! [X307: $int,X308: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X307,X308),0)
      & ! [X309: $int] :
        ? [X310: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X310)
          & ~ $less(X310,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X309) = X310 ) )
      & ! [X311: $int,X312: $int,X313: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X311) = X313 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X311),'IntArray'(X312,X313)) )
          | ( nullObject = X311 ) )
      & ! [X314: $int,X315: $int,X316: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X314) = X316 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X314),'ValueArray'(X315,X316)) )
          | ( nullObject = X314 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'NonNullRefArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'RefArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X323),1)
      & ! [X324: $int,X325: $int,X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X328,X324,elements),X326) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X324),'NonNullRefArray'(X325,X327)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X328) ) )
      & ! [X329: $int,X330: $int,X331: $int] :
        ? [X332: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X332),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
            | ( nullObject = X332 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = X332 ) )
      & ! [X333: $int,X334: $int,X335: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X335,X333,elements),X334),'ElementType'(typeof(X333))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X335) ) )
      & ! [X336: $int,X337: $int,X338: $int,X339: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X336,X337,X338,X339)) = X339 )
      & ! [X340: $int,X341: $int,X342: $int,X343: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X340,X341,X342,X343)) = X342 )
      & ! [X344: $int,X345: $int,X346: $int,X347: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X344,X345,X347),X346) = 'RefArrayGet'(X344,X346) )
          | ( X345 = X346 ) )
      & ! [X348: $int,X349: $int,X350: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X348,X349,X350),X349) = X350 )
      & ! [X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int,X354: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X351,X352,X354),X353) = 'IntArrayGet'(X351,X353) )
          | ( X352 = X353 ) )
      & ! [X355: $int,X356: $int,X357: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X355,X356,X357),X356) = X357 )
      & ! [X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int,X361: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X358,X359,X361),X360) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X358,X360) )
          | ( X359 = X360 ) )
      & ! [X362: $int,X363: $int,X364: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X362,X363,X364),X363) = X364 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X365: $int,X366: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X366,'ClassRepr'(X365),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X366) ) )
      & ! [X367: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X367) )
      & ! [X368: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X368)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X369: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X369)) = X369 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'C' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Array' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Char' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != ownerFrame )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'C' != ownerRef )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
      & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( inv != ownerFrame )
      & ( inv != ownerRef )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = sK14 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = sK13 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = sK12 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
      ( ? [X18: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X18,X17)
          & ~ $less(X18,X16)
          & ( ( X17 = X18 )
            | ( X16 = X18 ) )
          & ( max(X16,X17) = X18 ) )
     => ( ~ $less(sK15(X16,X17),X17)
        & ~ $less(sK15(X16,X17),X16)
        & ( ( sK15(X16,X17) = X17 )
          | ( sK15(X16,X17) = X16 ) )
        & ( max(X16,X17) = sK15(X16,X17) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X19: $int,X20: $int] :
      ( ? [X21: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X20,X21)
          & ~ $less(X19,X21)
          & ( ( X20 = X21 )
            | ( X19 = X21 ) )
          & ( min(X19,X20) = X21 ) )
     => ( ~ $less(X20,sK16(X19,X20))
        & ~ $less(X19,sK16(X19,X20))
        & ( ( sK16(X19,X20) = X20 )
          | ( sK16(X19,X20) = X19 ) )
        & ( min(X19,X20) = sK16(X19,X20) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
      ( ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X27)
              & ~ $less(X27,0) )
            | $less(16,X26)
            | $less(X26,0)
            | ~ $less(X25,32768)
            | $less(X25,0) )
          & ( shl(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
     => ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,sK17(X25,X26))
            & ~ $less(sK17(X25,X26),0) )
          | $less(16,X26)
          | $less(X26,0)
          | ~ $less(X25,32768)
          | $less(X25,0) )
        & ( shl(X25,X26) = sK17(X25,X26) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
      ( ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(X32,0)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( or_1(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
     => ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),sK18(X31,X32))
            & ~ $less(sK18(X31,X32),0) )
          | $less(X32,0)
          | $less(X31,0) )
        & ( or_1(X31,X32) = sK18(X31,X32) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X39: $int,X40: $int] :
      ( ? [X41: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(X41,X40) )
            | $less(X40,0)
            | $less(X41,0) )
          & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = X41 ) )
     => ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(sK19(X39,X40),X40) )
          | $less(X40,0)
          | $less(sK19(X39,X40),0) )
        & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = sK19(X39,X40) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X46: $int,X47: $int] :
      ( ? [X48: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X48)
              & $less(X47,X48) )
            | ~ $less(X47,0)
            | $less(0,X46) )
          & ( x_2(X46,X47) = X48 ) )
     => ( ( ( ~ $less(0,sK20(X46,X47))
            & $less(X47,sK20(X46,X47)) )
          | ~ $less(X47,0)
          | $less(0,X46) )
        & ( x_2(X46,X47) = sK20(X46,X47) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X49: $int,X50: $int] :
      ( ? [X51: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X51)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),X51) )
            | ~ $less(0,X50)
            | $less(0,X49) )
          & ( x_2(X49,X50) = X51 ) )
     => ( ( ( ~ $less(0,sK21(X49,X50))
            & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),sK21(X49,X50)) )
          | ~ $less(0,X50)
          | $less(0,X49) )
        & ( x_2(X49,X50) = sK21(X49,X50) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
      ( ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X54,$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
              & ~ $less(X54,0) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(X52,0) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
     => ( ( ( $less(sK22(X52,X53),$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
            & ~ $less(sK22(X52,X53),0) )
          | ~ $less(X53,0)
          | $less(X52,0) )
        & ( x_2(X52,X53) = sK22(X52,X53) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
      ( ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X57,X56)
              & ~ $less(X57,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(X55,0) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
     => ( ( ( $less(sK23(X55,X56),X56)
            & ~ $less(sK23(X55,X56),0) )
          | ~ $less(0,X56)
          | $less(X55,0) )
        & ( x_2(X55,X56) = sK23(X55,X56) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X82: $int,X83: $int] :
      ( ? [X84: $int] :
          ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
            | ( X83 != X84 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X84),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = X84 ) )
     => ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
          | ( sK24(X82,X83) != X83 )
          | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(sK24(X82,X83)),'System_Object') ) )
        & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = sK24(X82,X83) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X85: $int,X86: $int,X87: $int] :
      ( ? [X88: $int] :
          ( ? [X89: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X86,X88,localinv) = X89 )
                  & ( select2(X86,X88,inv) = X89 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
              & ( typeof(X88) = X89 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = X88 ) )
     => ( ? [X89: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),localinv) = X89 )
                & ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),inv) = X89 ) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
            & ( typeof(sK25(X85,X86,X87)) = X89 ) )
        & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = sK25(X85,X86,X87) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X85: $int,X86: $int,X87: $int] :
      ( ? [X89: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),localinv) = X89 )
              & ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),inv) = X89 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
          & ( typeof(sK25(X85,X86,X87)) = X89 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),localinv) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) )
            & ( select2(X86,sK25(X85,X86,X87),inv) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
        & ( typeof(sK25(X85,X86,X87)) = sK26(X85,X86,X87) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X96: $int,X97: $int,X98: $int,X99: $int] :
      ( ? [X100: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X100) = X97 )
          & ( 'Box'(X96,X100) = X100 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = X100 ) )
     => ( ( 'UnboxedType'(sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99)) = X97 )
        & ( sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99) = 'Box'(X96,sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99)) )
        & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = sK27(X96,X97,X98,X99) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
      ( ? [X103: $int] :
          ( ? [X104: $int,X105: $int,X106: $int,X107: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X102,X103,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X103 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X101 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerRef) = X105 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
          & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
     => ( ? [X107: $int,X106: $int,X105: $int,X104: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                  | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                  | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
                & ( true_1 = select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),allocated) )
                & ( nullObject != sK28(X101,X102) ) )
              | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
              | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
              | ( nullObject = X101 )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
            & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
            & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
            & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerRef) = X105 )
            & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = sK28(X101,X102) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
      ( ? [X107: $int,X106: $int,X105: $int,X104: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
              & ( true_1 = select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),allocated) )
              & ( nullObject != sK28(X101,X102) ) )
            | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X101 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
          & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
          & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
          & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerRef) = X105 )
          & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,sK30(X101,X102),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK29(X101,X102)) )
              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,sK30(X101,X102),inv),sK29(X101,X102)) )
              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK29(X101,X102) ) )
            & ( true_1 = select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),allocated) )
            & ( nullObject != sK28(X101,X102) ) )
          | ( 'BaseClass'(sK31(X101,X102)) = select2(X102,sK32(X101,X102),localinv) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,sK32(X101,X102),inv),sK31(X101,X102)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK31(X101,X102) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X101 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = sK32(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = sK31(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerRef) = sK30(X101,X102) )
        & ( select2(X102,sK28(X101,X102),ownerFrame) = sK29(X101,X102) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X108: $int,X109: $int,X110: $int] :
      ( ? [X111: $int,X112: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X110,X112,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X111) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,X112,inv),X111) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X111 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X108 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = X112 )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = X111 ) )
     => ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
          | ( select2(X110,sK34(X108,X109,X110),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK33(X108,X109,X110)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,sK34(X108,X109,X110),inv),sK33(X108,X109,X110)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK33(X108,X109,X110) )
          | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
          | ( nullObject = X108 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
        & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = sK34(X108,X109,X110) )
        & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = sK33(X108,X109,X110) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X113: $int,X114: $int] :
      ( ? [X115: $int,X116: $int,X117: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = X115 )
              & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = X115 ) )
            | ( select2(X113,X117,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X116) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,X117,inv),X116) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X116 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = X117 )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = X116 )
          & ( typeof(X114) = X115 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = sK35(X113,X114) )
            & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = sK35(X113,X114) ) )
          | ( select2(X113,sK37(X113,X114),localinv) = 'BaseClass'(sK36(X113,X114)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,sK37(X113,X114),inv),sK36(X113,X114)) )
          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = sK36(X113,X114) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
        & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = sK37(X113,X114) )
        & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = sK36(X113,X114) )
        & ( typeof(X114) = sK35(X113,X114) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
      ( ? [X122: $int] :
          ( ? [X123: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X122 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X122,X121) = X123 ) )
          & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = X122 ) )
     => ( ? [X123: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
                & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
              | ( nullObject = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
            & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121),X121) = X123 ) )
        & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
      ( ? [X123: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121),X121) = X123 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK38(X118,X119,X120,X121),X121) = sK39(X118,X119,X120,X121) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
      ( ? [X129: $int] :
          ( ? [X130: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
                  & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X129 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X129,X128) = X130 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = X129 ) )
     => ( ? [X130: $int] :
            ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
                & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
              | ( nullObject = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) )
              | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
            & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),X128) = X130 ) )
        & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
      ( ? [X130: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
              & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
            | ( nullObject = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),X128) = X130 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X124,sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),ownerFrame) = X127 )
            & ( select2(X124,sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),ownerRef) = X125 ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(sK40(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128),X128) = sK41(X124,X125,X126,X127,X128) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int] :
      ( ? [X134: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,X134,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,X134,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X134 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
          & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = X134 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,sK42(X131,X132,X133),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,sK42(X131,X132,X133),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK42(X131,X132,X133) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
        & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = sK42(X131,X132,X133) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X135: $int,X136: $int,X137: $int,X138: $int] :
      ( ? [X139: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X135,X139,ownerFrame) = X138 )
              & ( select2(X135,X139,ownerRef) = X136 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X139 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
          & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = X139 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X135,sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138),ownerFrame) = X138 )
            & ( select2(X135,sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138),ownerRef) = X136 ) )
          | ( nullObject = sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
        & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = sK43(X135,X136,X137,X138) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X141: $int,X143: $int] :
      ( ? [X144: $int] :
          ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                  ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                  | ( X141 = X145 )
                  | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
              & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = X144 )
              & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = X144 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
          & ( typeof(X141) = X144 ) )
     => ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                | ( X141 = X145 )
                | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
            & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
            & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = sK44(X141,X143) )
            & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = sK44(X141,X143) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
        & ( typeof(X141) = sK44(X141,X143) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X150: $int,X151: $int,X152: $int] :
      ( ? [X153: $int,X154: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X154),X153) )
            | ( X152 != X154 )
            | ( X150 != X153 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = X154 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = X153 ) )
     => ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
          | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(sK46(X150,X151,X152)),sK45(X150,X151,X152)) )
          | ( sK46(X150,X151,X152) != X152 )
          | ( sK45(X150,X151,X152) != X150 ) )
        & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = sK46(X150,X151,X152) )
        & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = sK45(X150,X151,X152) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X189: $int,X190: $int] :
      ( ? [X191: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = X191 )
              & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = X191 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X191,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X190 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
          & ( typeof(X190) = X191 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = sK47(X189,X190) )
            & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = sK47(X189,X190) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK47(X189,X190),'System_Array') )
          | ( nullObject = X190 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
        & ( typeof(X190) = sK47(X189,X190) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X208: $int] :
      ( ? [X209: $int] :
          ( ( ( X208 != X209 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X208,X209) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = X209 ) )
     => ( ( ( sK48(X208) != X208 )
          | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
        & ( true_1 = x(X208,sK48(X208)) )
        & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = sK48(X208) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X223: $int,X224: $int,X225: $int] :
      ( ? [X226: $int,X227: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X225,X227,ownerFrame) = select2(X225,X226,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X225,X227,ownerRef) = select2(X225,X226,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X227)) )
            | ( nullObject = X227 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = X227 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X226 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( select2(X225,sK50(X223,X224,X225),ownerFrame) = select2(X225,sK49(X223,X224,X225),ownerFrame) )
            & ( select2(X225,sK50(X223,X224,X225),ownerRef) = select2(X225,sK49(X223,X224,X225),ownerRef) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(sK50(X223,X224,X225))) )
          | ( nullObject = sK50(X223,X224,X225) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
        & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = sK50(X223,X224,X225) )
        & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = sK49(X223,X224,X225) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X228: $int,X229: $int,X230: $int] :
      ( ? [X231: $int] :
          ( ( ( X230 = X231 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X231,X230) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = X231 ) )
     => ( ( ( sK51(X228,X229,X230) = X230 )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK51(X228,X229,X230),X230) ) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = sK51(X228,X229,X230) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X232: $int,X233: $int,X234: $int] :
      ( ? [X235: $int] :
          ( ( ( X234 = X235 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X235,X234) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = X235 ) )
     => ( ( ( sK52(X232,X233,X234) = X234 )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
          | ( true_1 != x(sK52(X232,X233,X234),X234) ) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = sK52(X232,X233,X234) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X236: $int,X237: $int,X238: $int] :
      ( ? [X239: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,X239) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X239,X237) = X238 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = X239 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,sK53(X236,X237,X238)) )
            & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(sK53(X236,X237,X238),X237) = X238 ) )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
          | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = sK53(X236,X237,X238) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X240: $int,X241: $int,X242: $int] :
      ( ? [X243: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,X243) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X243,X241) = X242 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = X243 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,sK54(X240,X241,X242)) )
            & ( 'RefArray'(sK54(X240,X241,X242),X241) = X242 ) )
          | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
          | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = sK54(X240,X241,X242) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X244: $int,X245: $int,X246: $int] :
      ( ? [X247: $int] :
          ( ( ( X246 = X247 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X246,X247) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = X247 ) )
     => ( ( ( sK55(X244,X245,X246) = X246 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X246,sK55(X244,X245,X246)) ) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = sK55(X244,X245,X246) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X248: $int,X249: $int,X250: $int] :
      ( ? [X251: $int] :
          ( ( ( X250 = X251 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X250,X251) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = X251 ) )
     => ( ( ( sK56(X248,X249,X250) = X250 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X250,sK56(X248,X249,X250)) ) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = sK56(X248,X249,X250) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X252: $int,X253: $int,X254: $int] :
      ( ? [X255: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X255,X252) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X255,X253) = X254 )
              & ( X252 != X254 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = X255 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(sK57(X252,X253,X254),X252) )
            & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(sK57(X252,X253,X254),X253) = X254 )
            & ( X252 != X254 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = sK57(X252,X253,X254) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X256: $int,X257: $int,X258: $int] :
      ( ? [X259: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X259,X256) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X259,X257) = X258 )
              & ( X256 != X258 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = X259 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(sK58(X256,X257,X258),X256) )
            & ( 'RefArray'(sK58(X256,X257,X258),X257) = X258 )
            & ( X256 != X258 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
        & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = sK58(X256,X257,X258) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
      ( ? [X277: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(X277)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X277,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
          & ( typeof(X274) = X277 ) )
     => ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(sK59(X274,X275,X276))) )
            & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
            & ( true_1 = x(sK59(X274,X275,X276),'System_Array') ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
        & ( typeof(X274) = sK59(X274,X275,X276) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X278: $int,X279: $int] :
      ( ? [X280: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X280,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X280,X280) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = X280 ) )
     => ( ( true_1 = x(sK60(X278,X279),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK60(X278,X279),sK60(X278,X279)) )
        & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = sK60(X278,X279) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X281: $int,X282: $int] :
      ( ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X283,X283) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = X283 ) )
     => ( ( true_1 = x(sK61(X281,X282),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK61(X281,X282),sK61(X281,X282)) )
        & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = sK61(X281,X282) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
      ( ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
     => ( ( true_1 = x(sK62(X284,X285),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK62(X284,X285),sK62(X284,X285)) )
        & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = sK62(X284,X285) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
      ( ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
     => ( ( true_1 = x(sK63(X287,X288),'System_Array') )
        & ( true_1 = x(sK63(X287,X288),sK63(X287,X288)) )
        & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = sK63(X287,X288) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X309: $int] :
      ( ? [X310: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X310)
          & ~ $less(X310,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X309) = X310 ) )
     => ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,sK64(X309))
        & ~ $less(sK64(X309),0)
        & ( 'Length'(X309) = sK64(X309) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X329: $int,X330: $int,X331: $int] :
      ( ? [X332: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X332),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
            | ( nullObject = X332 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = X332 ) )
     => ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(sK65(X329,X330,X331)),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
          | ( nullObject = sK65(X329,X330,X331) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
        & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = sK65(X329,X330,X331) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ! [X3: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X3 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X3,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X6: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X5) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X4,X6) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X4,X5,X6) )
          | ( nullObject = X6 )
          | ( nullObject = X5 ) )
      & ! [X7: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X7,X9) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X8,X9) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X7,X8) ) )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
            | ( X11 != X12 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X12,X11) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X11,X12) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) ) ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X13,X14,X15) ) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
        ? [X18: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X18,X17)
          & ~ $less(X18,X16)
          & ( ( X17 = X18 )
            | ( X16 = X18 ) )
          & ( max(X16,X17) = X18 ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int] :
        ? [X21: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X20,X21)
          & ~ $less(X19,X21)
          & ( ( X20 = X21 )
            | ( X19 = X21 ) )
          & ( min(X19,X20) = X21 ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X22,X23) = x_1(shr(X22,$sum(X23,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X23,1) )
      & ! [X24: $int] : ( shr(X24,0) = X24 )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X27)
              & ~ $less(X27,0) )
            | $less(16,X26)
            | $less(X26,0)
            | ~ $less(X25,32768)
            | $less(X25,0) )
          & ( shl(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X28,X29) = $product(shl(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shl(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X31,X32),X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(X32,0)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( or_1(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X34,X35),0)
          | ( $less(X35,0)
            & $less(X34,0) ) )
      & ! [X36: $int,X37: $int,X38: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X37,$sum(X36,X38))
          | ~ $less(X36,X37)
          | ( x_2(X36,X38) != x_2(X37,X38) )
          | $less(X38,2) )
      & ! [X39: $int,X40: $int] :
        ? [X41: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X39,X40) = x_2(X41,X40) )
            | $less(X40,0)
            | $less(X41,0) )
          & ( $sum(X39,$uminus(X40)) = X41 ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X42,X43) = x_2($sum(X43,X42),X43) )
          | $less(X43,0)
          | $less(X42,0) )
      & ! [X44: $int,X45: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X44,X45) = x_2($sum(X44,X45),X45) )
          | $less(X45,0)
          | $less(X44,0) )
      & ! [X46: $int,X47: $int] :
        ? [X48: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X48)
              & $less(X47,X48) )
            | ~ $less(X47,0)
            | $less(0,X46) )
          & ( x_2(X46,X47) = X48 ) )
      & ! [X49: $int,X50: $int] :
        ? [X51: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X51)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X50)),X51) )
            | ~ $less(0,X50)
            | $less(0,X49) )
          & ( x_2(X49,X50) = X51 ) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X54,$sum(0,$uminus(X53)))
              & ~ $less(X54,0) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(X52,0) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X57,X56)
              & ~ $less(X57,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(X55,0) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] : ( x_2(X58,X59) = $sum(X58,$uminus($product(x_1(X58,X59),X59))) )
      & ! [X60: $int,X61: $int,X62: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X60,X61,X62) = X62 )
          | ( true_1 = X60 ) )
      & ! [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X63,X64,X65) = X64 )
          | ( true_1 != X63 ) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X66,X67,X68) = X66 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X66,X68) ) )
      & ! [X69: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') )
            | ~ $less(X69,65536)
            | $less(X69,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X69,65536)
              & ~ $less(X69,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X69,'System_Char') ) ) )
      & ! [X70: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') )
            | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
            | $less(X70,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X70)
              & ~ $less(X70,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X70,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
      & ! [X71: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') )
            | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
            | $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X71)
              & ~ $less(X71,int_m9223372036854775808) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X71,'System_Int64') ) ) )
      & ! [X72: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') )
            | $less(int_4294967295,X72)
            | $less(X72,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X72)
              & ~ $less(X72,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
      & ! [X73: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') )
            | $less(int_2147483647,X73)
            | $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X73)
              & ~ $less(X73,int_m2147483648) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X73,'System_Int32') ) ) )
      & ! [X74: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') )
            | ~ $less(X74,65536)
            | $less(X74,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X74,65536)
              & ~ $less(X74,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X74,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') )
            | ~ $less(X75,32768)
            | $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
          & ( ( $less(X75,32768)
              & ~ $less(X75,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Int16') ) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') )
            | ~ $less(X76,256)
            | $less(X76,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X76,256)
              & ~ $less(X76,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_Byte') ) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') )
            | ~ $less(X77,128)
            | $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
          & ( ( $less(X77,128)
              & ~ $less(X77,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_SByte') ) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X78: $int,X79: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X78),X78) = X78 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X78,X79) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int,X81: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) = X81 )
            | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) ) )
          & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X80,X81) )
            | ( 'UnboxedType'(X80) != X81 ) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int,X83: $int] :
        ? [X84: $int] :
          ( ( ( X82 = X83 )
            | ( X83 != X84 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X84),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X82,X83) = X84 ) )
      & ! [X85: $int] :
          ( ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
            ? [X88: $int] :
              ( ? [X89: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X86,X88,localinv) = X89 )
                      & ( select2(X86,X88,inv) = X89 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X86) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X88) = X89 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X87,X85) = X88 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X85)) ) )
      & ! [X90: $int,X91: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X90,X91)) = X90 )
      & ! [X92: $int,X93: $int,X94: $int,X95: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X92,X93,X94,X95) = X92 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X92)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int,X98: $int,X99: $int] :
        ? [X100: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X100) = X97 )
          & ( 'Box'(X96,X100) = X100 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X96,X97,X98,X99) = X100 ) )
      & ! [X101: $int,X102: $int] :
        ? [X103: $int] :
          ( ? [X104: $int,X105: $int,X106: $int,X107: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X102,X105,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X104) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X105,inv),X104) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X104 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X102,X103,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X103 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X106) = select2(X102,X107,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X102,X107,inv),X106) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X106 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X102,X101,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X101 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X102) ) )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerRef) = X107 )
              & ( select2(X102,X101,ownerFrame) = X106 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerRef) = X105 )
              & ( select2(X102,X103,ownerFrame) = X104 ) )
          & ( select2(X102,X101,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X103 ) )
      & ! [X108: $int,X109: $int,X110: $int] :
        ? [X111: $int,X112: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X110,X108,X109) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X108,X109,select2(X110,select2(X110,X108,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X110,X112,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X111) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X110,X112,inv),X111) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X111 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X108) != X108 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X110,X108,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X108 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X110) ) )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerRef) = X112 )
          & ( select2(X110,X108,ownerFrame) = X111 ) )
      & ! [X113: $int,X114: $int] :
        ? [X115: $int,X116: $int,X117: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X113,X114,localinv) = X115 )
              & ( select2(X113,X114,inv) = X115 ) )
            | ( select2(X113,X117,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X116) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X113,X117,inv),X116) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X116 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X113) ) )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerRef) = X117 )
          & ( select2(X113,X114,ownerFrame) = X116 )
          & ( typeof(X114) = X115 ) )
      & ! [X118: $int,X119: $int,X120: $int,X121: $int] :
        ? [X122: $int] :
          ( ? [X123: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X118,X119,ownerFrame) = select2(X118,X123,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X118,X119,ownerRef) = select2(X118,X123,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X122 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X118) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X122,X121) = X123 ) )
          & ( select2(X118,X119,'AsElementsPeerField'(X120,X121)) = X122 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int,X128: $int] :
        ? [X129: $int] :
          ( ? [X130: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X130,ownerFrame) = X127 )
                  & ( select2(X124,X130,ownerRef) = X125 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X129 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X129,X128) = X130 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsRepField'(X126,X127,X128)) = X129 ) )
      & ! [X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int] :
        ? [X134: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X131,X132,ownerFrame) = select2(X131,X134,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X131,X132,ownerRef) = select2(X131,X134,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X134 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X131) ) )
          & ( select2(X131,X132,'AsPeerField'(X133)) = X134 ) )
      & ! [X135: $int,X136: $int,X137: $int,X138: $int] :
        ? [X139: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X135,X139,ownerFrame) = X138 )
              & ( select2(X135,X139,ownerRef) = X136 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X139 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X135) ) )
          & ( select2(X135,X136,'AsRepField'(X137,X138)) = X139 ) )
      & ! [X140: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X140),0)
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int] :
          ( ! [X143: $int] :
            ? [X144: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X145: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X143,X145,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X141 = X145 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X145,ownerRef)) != X141 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X141,select2(X143,X141,ownerRef)) = X141 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X143,X141,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X143,X141,localinv) = X144 )
                  & ( select2(X143,X141,inv) = X144 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X143) ) )
              & ( typeof(X141) = X144 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X141),'AsImmutable'(X142)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X141 )
          | ( nullObject = X141 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int,X147: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X147) = X147 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X147) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X147,'AsMutable'(X146)) ) )
      & ! [X148: $int,X149: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X149) = X149 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X149) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X149,'AsImmutable'(X148)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X150: $int,X151: $int,X152: $int] :
        ? [X153: $int,X154: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X152),X150) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X154),X153) )
            | ( X152 != X154 )
            | ( X150 != X153 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X151,X152) = X154 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X150) = X153 ) )
      & ! [X155: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X155)) )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int,X159: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X156,X157,'AsRangeField'(X158,X159)),X159) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X156) ) )
      & ! [X160: $int,X161: $int,X162: $int,X163: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X160,X161,'AsNonNullRefField'(X162,X163)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X160,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X161 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X161 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X160) ) )
      & ! [X164: $int,X165: $int,X166: $int,X167: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X164,X165,'AsRefField'(X166,X167)),X167) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X164) ) )
      & ! [X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X168,X169) = X168 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169) != X168 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X170,'ClassRepr'(X171),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X172,X173,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X172,X173) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int,X176: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X174,'ValueArrayGet'(X175,X176)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X174,X175) ) )
      & ! [X177: $int,X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X177,'RefArrayGet'(X178,X179)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X177,X178) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'StructGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X183,select2(X183,X184,X185),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X183,X184,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X183) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,select2(X186,X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X186,X187,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X186) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int] :
        ? [X191: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X189,X190,localinv) = X191 )
              & ( select2(X189,X190,inv) = X191 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X191,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X190 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
          & ( typeof(X190) = X191 ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X192,X193) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X192,X193) ) )
      & ! [X194: $int,X195: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X194,X195) = X194 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X194,X195) ) )
      & ! [X196: $int,X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X196,X197) )
            | ( nullObject = X196 ) )
          & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X196,X197) )
              & ( nullObject != X196 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X196,X197) ) ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) )
            | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X198),X199) )
              & ( nullObject != X198 ) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X198),X199) )
            | ( nullObject = X198 )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) ) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X200)) = X200 )
      & ! [X201: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X201),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X202: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X203: $int] :
                ( ( X202 = X203 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X203,X202) ) )
            & ! [X204: $int] :
                ( ( X202 = X204 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X202,X204) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X202) ) )
      & ! [X205: $int,X206: $int,X207: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X207,X205) = X206 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X207,'AsDirectSubClass'(X206,X205)) ) )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
        ? [X209: $int] :
          ( ( ( X208 != X209 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X208,X209) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X208) = X209 ) )
      & ! [X210: $int,X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X210,X211,X213),X212) = 'StructGet'(X210,X212) )
          | ( X211 = X212 ) )
      & ! [X214: $int,X215: $int,X216: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X214,X215,X216),X215) = X216 )
      & ! [X217: $int,X218: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X217,X218)) )
      & ! [X219: $int,X220: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X219,X220)) )
      & ! [X221: $int,X222: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X222,'ElementProxy'(X221,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X221),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X222,X221) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X222) ) )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int,X225: $int] :
        ? [X226: $int,X227: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X225,X227,ownerFrame) = select2(X225,X226,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X225,X227,ownerRef) = select2(X225,X226,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X227)) )
            | ( nullObject = X227 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X223),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X225) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X225,X223,elements),X224) = X227 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X223,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X226 ) )
      & ! [X228: $int,X229: $int,X230: $int] :
        ? [X231: $int] :
          ( ( ( X230 = X231 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X230) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X231,X230) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X228,X229) = X231 ) )
      & ! [X232: $int,X233: $int,X234: $int] :
        ? [X235: $int] :
          ( ( ( X234 = X235 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X234) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X235,X234) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X232,X233) = X235 ) )
      & ! [X236: $int,X237: $int,X238: $int] :
        ? [X239: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X236,X239) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X239,X237) = X238 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X238) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X236,X237),X238) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X238) = X239 ) )
      & ! [X240: $int,X241: $int,X242: $int] :
        ? [X243: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X240,X243) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X243,X241) = X242 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X242) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X240,X241),X242) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X242) = X243 ) )
      & ! [X244: $int,X245: $int,X246: $int] :
        ? [X247: $int] :
          ( ( ( X246 = X247 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X246,X247) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X244,X245) = X247 ) )
      & ! [X248: $int,X249: $int,X250: $int] :
        ? [X251: $int] :
          ( ( ( X250 = X251 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X250,X251) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X248,X249) = X251 ) )
      & ! [X252: $int,X253: $int,X254: $int] :
        ? [X255: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X255,X252) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X255,X253) = X254 )
              & ( X252 != X254 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X254,'NonNullRefArray'(X252,X253)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X254) = X255 ) )
      & ! [X256: $int,X257: $int,X258: $int] :
        ? [X259: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X259,X256) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X259,X257) = X258 )
              & ( X256 != X258 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X258,'RefArray'(X256,X257)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X258) = X259 ) )
      & ! [X260: $int,X261: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X260,X261)) = X260 )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X262,X263)) = X262 )
      & ! [X264: $int,X265: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X264,X265)) = X264 )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int,X270: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X269,X270),'NonNullRefArray'(X268,X270)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X269,X268) ) )
      & ! [X271: $int,X272: $int,X273: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X272,X273),'RefArray'(X271,X273)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X272,X271) ) )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
        ? [X277: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X275,'ElementType'(X277)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X274) = X276 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X277,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X274,X275,X276) ) )
          & ( typeof(X274) = X277 ) )
      & ! [X278: $int,X279: $int] :
        ? [X280: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X280,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X280,X280) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X278,X279) = X280 ) )
      & ! [X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X283,X283) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X281,X282) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int,X292: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X290) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X290,'NonNullRefArray'(X291,X292)) ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int,X295: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X293) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X293,'RefArray'(X294,X295)) ) )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'IntArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'ValueArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X302,X303) = $sum('DimLength'(X302,X303),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X304: $int,X305: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X304,X305) )
      & ! [X306: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X306) = 'DimLength'(X306,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X306) ) )
      & ! [X307: $int,X308: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X307,X308),0)
      & ! [X309: $int] :
        ? [X310: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X310)
          & ~ $less(X310,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X309) = X310 ) )
      & ! [X311: $int,X312: $int,X313: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X311) = X313 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X311),'IntArray'(X312,X313)) )
          | ( nullObject = X311 ) )
      & ! [X314: $int,X315: $int,X316: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X314) = X316 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X314),'ValueArray'(X315,X316)) )
          | ( nullObject = X314 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'NonNullRefArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'RefArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X323),1)
      & ! [X324: $int,X325: $int,X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X328,X324,elements),X326) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X324),'NonNullRefArray'(X325,X327)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X328) ) )
      & ! [X329: $int,X330: $int,X331: $int] :
        ? [X332: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X332),'ElementType'(typeof(X329))) )
            | ( nullObject = X332 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X331) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X331,X329,elements),X330) = X332 ) )
      & ! [X333: $int,X334: $int,X335: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X335,X333,elements),X334),'ElementType'(typeof(X333))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X335) ) )
      & ! [X336: $int,X337: $int,X338: $int,X339: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X336,X337,X338,X339)) = X339 )
      & ! [X340: $int,X341: $int,X342: $int,X343: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X340,X341,X342,X343)) = X342 )
      & ! [X344: $int,X345: $int,X346: $int,X347: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X344,X345,X347),X346) = 'RefArrayGet'(X344,X346) )
          | ( X345 = X346 ) )
      & ! [X348: $int,X349: $int,X350: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X348,X349,X350),X349) = X350 )
      & ! [X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int,X354: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X351,X352,X354),X353) = 'IntArrayGet'(X351,X353) )
          | ( X352 = X353 ) )
      & ! [X355: $int,X356: $int,X357: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X355,X356,X357),X356) = X357 )
      & ! [X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int,X361: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X358,X359,X361),X360) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X358,X360) )
          | ( X359 = X360 ) )
      & ! [X362: $int,X363: $int,X364: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X362,X363,X364),X363) = X364 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X365: $int,X366: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X366,'ClassRepr'(X365),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X366) ) )
      & ! [X367: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X367) )
      & ! [X368: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X368)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X369: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X369)) = X369 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( inv != ownerFrame )
      & ( inv != ownerRef )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f53]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ! [X5: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X5 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X5,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( nullObject = X12 )
          | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( X17 != X18 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) ) ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
        ? [X24: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X24,X23)
          & ~ $less(X24,X22)
          & ( ( X23 = X24 )
            | ( X22 = X24 ) )
          & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X26,X27)
          & ~ $less(X25,X27)
          & ( ( X26 = X27 )
            | ( X25 = X27 ) )
          & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(16,X32)
            | $less(X32,0)
            | ~ $less(X31,32768)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X35,1) )
      & ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
      & ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
        ? [X39: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
              & ~ $less(X39,0) )
            | $less(X38,0)
            | $less(X37,0) )
          & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
      & ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0)
          | ( $less(X41,0)
            & $less(X40,0) ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44))
          | ~ $less(X42,X43)
          | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
          | $less(X44,2) )
      & ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
        ? [X47: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) )
            | $less(X46,0)
            | $less(X47,0) )
          & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
      & ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) )
          | $less(X49,0)
          | $less(X48,0) )
      & ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) )
          | $less(X51,0)
          | $less(X50,0) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X54)
              & $less(X53,X54) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(0,X52) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X57)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(0,X55) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
        ? [X60: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
              & ~ $less(X60,0) )
            | ~ $less(X59,0)
            | $less(X58,0) )
          & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
      & ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
        ? [X63: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X63,X62)
              & ~ $less(X63,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X62)
            | $less(X61,0) )
          & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
      & ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 )
          | ( true_1 = X66 ) )
      & ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 )
          | ( true_1 != X69 ) )
      & ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,X74) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
            | ~ $less(X75,65536)
            | $less(X75,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X75,65536)
              & ~ $less(X75,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') ) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
            | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
            | $less(X76,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
              & ~ $less(X76,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
            | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
            | $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
              & ~ $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') ) ) )
      & ! [X78: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
            | $less(int_4294967295,X78)
            | $less(X78,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X78)
              & ~ $less(X78,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
      & ! [X79: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
            | $less(int_2147483647,X79)
            | $less(X79,int_m2147483648) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X79)
              & ~ $less(X79,int_m2147483648) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') ) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
            | ~ $less(X80,65536)
            | $less(X80,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X80,65536)
              & ~ $less(X80,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
      & ! [X81: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
            | ~ $less(X81,32768)
            | $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
          & ( ( $less(X81,32768)
              & ~ $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') ) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
            | ~ $less(X82,256)
            | $less(X82,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X82,256)
              & ~ $less(X82,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') ) ) )
      & ! [X83: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
            | ~ $less(X83,128)
            | $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
          & ( ( $less(X83,128)
              & ~ $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') ) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) ) )
      & ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
            | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
          & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) )
            | ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) != X87 ) ) )
      & ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
        ? [X90: $int] :
          ( ( ( X88 = X89 )
            | ( X89 != X90 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
      & ! [X91: $int] :
          ( ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
            ? [X94: $int] :
              ( ? [X95: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) = X95 )
                      & ( select2(X92,X94,inv) = X95 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
      & ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) ) )
      & ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
        ? [X106: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) = X103 )
          & ( 'Box'(X102,X106) = X106 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
      & ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
        ? [X109: $int] :
          ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X109 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X107 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
          & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
      & ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
        ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X114 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
      & ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
        ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) = X121 )
              & ( select2(X119,X120,inv) = X121 ) )
            | ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
          & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
        ? [X128: $int] :
          ( ? [X129: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) = select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) = select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X128 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
      & ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
        ? [X135: $int] :
          ( ? [X136: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) = X133 )
                  & ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) = X131 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X135 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
          & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
      & ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
        ? [X140: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) = select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) = select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X140 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
          & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
        ? [X145: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) = X144 )
              & ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) = X142 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X145 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
          & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
      & ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
          ( ! [X149: $int] :
            ? [X150: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X151: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X147 = X151 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) != X147 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) = X150 )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,inv) = X150 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X149) ) )
              & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
          | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
      & ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) = X153 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) ) )
      & ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) = X155 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
        ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
            | ( X158 != X160 )
            | ( X156 != X159 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
      & ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
      & ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X162) ) )
      & ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X167 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X167 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) != X174 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X176) ) )
      & ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
      & ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
        ? [X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) = X197 )
              & ( select2(X195,X196,inv) = X197 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X196 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
          & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X200,X201) ) )
      & ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X202,X203) )
            | ( nullObject = X202 ) )
          & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X202,X203) )
              & ( nullObject != X202 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) ) ) )
      & ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
            | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X204),X205) )
              & ( nullObject != X204 ) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
            | ( nullObject = X204 )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X204,X205) ) ) )
      & ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
      & ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X209: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X209 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X209,X208) ) )
            & ! [X210: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X210 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X208,X210) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X208) ) )
      & ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) ) )
      & ! [X214: $int] :
        ? [X215: $int] :
          ( ( ( X214 != X215 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X214 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X214,X215) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
      & ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) )
          | ( X217 = X218 ) )
      & ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
      & ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
      & ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
      & ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
        ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) = select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) = select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
            | ( nullObject = X233 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
      & ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
        ? [X237: $int] :
          ( ( ( X236 = X237 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X237,X236) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
      & ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
        ? [X241: $int] :
          ( ( ( X240 = X241 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X241,X240) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
      & ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
        ? [X245: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X242,X245) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) = X244 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
      & ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
        ? [X249: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X246,X249) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) = X248 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
      & ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
        ? [X253: $int] :
          ( ( ( X252 = X253 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X252,X253) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
      & ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
        ? [X257: $int] :
          ( ( ( X256 = X257 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X256,X257) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
      & ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
        ? [X261: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X261,X258) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) = X260 )
              & ( X258 != X260 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
        ? [X265: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X265,X262) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) = X264 )
              & ( X262 != X264 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
      & ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
      & ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X275,X274) ) )
      & ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X278,X277) ) )
      & ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X280) = X282 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) ) )
          & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
        ? [X292: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X292,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X292,X292) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
        ? [X295: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X295,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X295,X295) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) ) )
      & ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) ) )
      & ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
      & ! [X312: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X312) ) )
      & ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
      & ! [X315: $int] :
        ? [X316: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X316)
          & ~ $less(X316,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
          | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
      & ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
          | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
      & ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
      & ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
      & ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
        ? [X338: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) )
            | ( nullObject = X338 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
      & ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X341) ) )
      & ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
      & ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
      & ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) )
          | ( X351 = X352 ) )
      & ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
      & ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) )
          | ( X358 = X359 ) )
      & ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
      & ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) )
          | ( X365 = X366 ) )
      & ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X372) ) )
      & ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
      & ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
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      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( inv != ownerFrame )
      & ( inv != ownerRef )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f52]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ! [X5: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X5 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X5,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( nullObject = X12 )
          | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( X17 != X18 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) ) ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
            | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
        ? [X24: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X24,X23)
          & ~ $less(X24,X22)
          & ( ( X23 = X24 )
            | ( X22 = X24 ) )
          & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X26,X27)
          & ~ $less(X25,X27)
          & ( ( X26 = X27 )
            | ( X25 = X27 ) )
          & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(16,X32)
            | $less(X32,0)
            | ~ $less(X31,32768)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X35,1) )
      & ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
      & ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
        ? [X39: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
              & ~ $less(X39,0) )
            | $less(X38,0)
            | $less(X37,0) )
          & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
      & ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0)
          | ( $less(X41,0)
            & $less(X40,0) ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44))
          | ~ $less(X42,X43)
          | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
          | $less(X44,2) )
      & ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
        ? [X47: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) )
            | $less(X46,0)
            | $less(X47,0) )
          & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
      & ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) )
          | $less(X49,0)
          | $less(X48,0) )
      & ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) )
          | $less(X51,0)
          | $less(X50,0) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X54)
              & $less(X53,X54) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(0,X52) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X57)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(0,X55) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
        ? [X60: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
              & ~ $less(X60,0) )
            | ~ $less(X59,0)
            | $less(X58,0) )
          & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
      & ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
        ? [X63: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X63,X62)
              & ~ $less(X63,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X62)
            | $less(X61,0) )
          & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
      & ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 )
          | ( true_1 = X66 ) )
      & ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 )
          | ( true_1 != X69 ) )
      & ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,X74) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
            | ~ $less(X75,65536)
            | $less(X75,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X75,65536)
              & ~ $less(X75,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') ) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
            | $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
            | $less(X76,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
              & ~ $less(X76,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') ) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
            | $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
            | $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
              & ~ $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') ) ) )
      & ! [X78: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
            | $less(int_4294967295,X78)
            | $less(X78,0) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X78)
              & ~ $less(X78,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') ) ) )
      & ! [X79: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
            | $less(int_2147483647,X79)
            | $less(X79,int_m2147483648) )
          & ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X79)
              & ~ $less(X79,int_m2147483648) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') ) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
            | ~ $less(X80,65536)
            | $less(X80,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X80,65536)
              & ~ $less(X80,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') ) ) )
      & ! [X81: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
            | ~ $less(X81,32768)
            | $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
          & ( ( $less(X81,32768)
              & ~ $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') ) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
            | ~ $less(X82,256)
            | $less(X82,0) )
          & ( ( $less(X82,256)
              & ~ $less(X82,0) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') ) ) )
      & ! [X83: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
            | ~ $less(X83,128)
            | $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
          & ( ( $less(X83,128)
              & ~ $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) )
            | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') ) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) ) )
      & ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
            | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
          & ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) )
            | ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) != X87 ) ) )
      & ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
        ? [X90: $int] :
          ( ( ( X88 = X89 )
            | ( X89 != X90 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
      & ! [X91: $int] :
          ( ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
            ? [X94: $int] :
              ( ? [X95: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) = X95 )
                      & ( select2(X92,X94,inv) = X95 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
      & ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) ) )
      & ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
        ? [X106: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) = X103 )
          & ( 'Box'(X102,X106) = X106 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
      & ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
        ? [X109: $int] :
          ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X109 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X107 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
          & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
      & ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
        ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X114 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
      & ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
        ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) = X121 )
              & ( select2(X119,X120,inv) = X121 ) )
            | ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
          & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
        ? [X128: $int] :
          ( ? [X129: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) = select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) = select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X128 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
      & ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
        ? [X135: $int] :
          ( ? [X136: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) = X133 )
                  & ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) = X131 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X135 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
          & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
      & ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
        ? [X140: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) = select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) = select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X140 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
          & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
        ? [X145: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) = X144 )
              & ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) = X142 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X145 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
          & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
      & ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
          ( ! [X149: $int] :
            ? [X150: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X151: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X147 = X151 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) != X147 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) = X150 )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,inv) = X150 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X149) ) )
              & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
          | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
      & ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) = X153 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) ) )
      & ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) = X155 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
        ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
            | ( X158 != X160 )
            | ( X156 != X159 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
      & ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
      & ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X162) ) )
      & ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X167 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X167 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) != X174 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X176) ) )
      & ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
      & ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
        ? [X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) = X197 )
              & ( select2(X195,X196,inv) = X197 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X196 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
          & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X200,X201) ) )
      & ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X202,X203) )
            | ( nullObject = X202 ) )
          & ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X202,X203) )
              & ( nullObject != X202 ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) ) ) )
      & ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
            | ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X204),X205) )
              & ( nullObject != X204 ) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
            | ( nullObject = X204 )
            | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X204,X205) ) ) )
      & ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
      & ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X209: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X209 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X209,X208) ) )
            & ! [X210: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X210 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X208,X210) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X208) ) )
      & ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) ) )
      & ! [X214: $int] :
        ? [X215: $int] :
          ( ( ( X214 != X215 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X214 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X214,X215) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
      & ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) )
          | ( X217 = X218 ) )
      & ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
      & ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
      & ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
      & ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
        ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) = select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) = select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
            | ( nullObject = X233 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
      & ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
        ? [X237: $int] :
          ( ( ( X236 = X237 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X237,X236) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
      & ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
        ? [X241: $int] :
          ( ( ( X240 = X241 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X241,X240) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
      & ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
        ? [X245: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X242,X245) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) = X244 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
      & ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
        ? [X249: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X246,X249) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) = X248 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
      & ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
        ? [X253: $int] :
          ( ( ( X252 = X253 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X252,X253) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
      & ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
        ? [X257: $int] :
          ( ( ( X256 = X257 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X256,X257) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
      & ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
        ? [X261: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X261,X258) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) = X260 )
              & ( X258 != X260 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
        ? [X265: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X265,X262) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) = X264 )
              & ( X262 != X264 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
      & ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
      & ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X275,X274) ) )
      & ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X278,X277) ) )
      & ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X280) = X282 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) ) )
          & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
        ? [X292: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X292,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X292,X292) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
        ? [X295: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X295,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X295,X295) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) ) )
      & ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) ) )
      & ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
      & ! [X312: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X312) ) )
      & ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
      & ! [X315: $int] :
        ? [X316: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X316)
          & ~ $less(X316,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
          | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
      & ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
          | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
      & ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
      & ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
      & ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
        ? [X338: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) )
            | ( nullObject = X338 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
      & ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X341) ) )
      & ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
      & ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
      & ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) )
          | ( X351 = X352 ) )
      & ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
      & ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) )
          | ( X358 = X359 ) )
      & ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
      & ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) )
          | ( X365 = X366 ) )
      & ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X372) ) )
      & ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
      & ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( inv != ownerFrame )
      & ( inv != ownerRef )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f34]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ! [X5: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X5 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X5,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( nullObject = X12 )
          | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( X17 != X18 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
          <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
          <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
        <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
        ? [X24: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X24,X23)
          & ~ $less(X24,X22)
          & ( ( X23 = X24 )
            | ( X22 = X24 ) )
          & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X26,X27)
          & ~ $less(X25,X27)
          & ( ( X26 = X27 )
            | ( X25 = X27 ) )
          & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(16,X32)
            | $less(X32,0)
            | ~ $less(X31,32768)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X35,1) )
      & ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
      & ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
        ? [X39: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
              & ~ $less(X39,0) )
            | $less(X38,0)
            | $less(X37,0) )
          & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
      & ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0)
          | ( $less(X41,0)
            & $less(X40,0) ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44))
          | ~ $less(X42,X43)
          | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
          | $less(X44,2) )
      & ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
        ? [X47: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) )
            | $less(X46,0)
            | $less(X47,0) )
          & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
      & ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) )
          | $less(X49,0)
          | $less(X48,0) )
      & ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) )
          | $less(X51,0)
          | $less(X50,0) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X54)
              & $less(X53,X54) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(0,X52) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X57)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(0,X55) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
        ? [X60: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
              & ~ $less(X60,0) )
            | ~ $less(X59,0)
            | $less(X58,0) )
          & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
      & ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
        ? [X63: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X63,X62)
              & ~ $less(X63,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X62)
            | $less(X61,0) )
          & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
      & ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 )
          | ( true_1 = X66 ) )
      & ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 )
          | ( true_1 != X69 ) )
      & ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,X74) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
        <=> ( $less(X75,65536)
            & ~ $less(X75,0) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
            & ~ $less(X76,0) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
            & ~ $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
      & ! [X78: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X78)
            & ~ $less(X78,0) ) )
      & ! [X79: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X79)
            & ~ $less(X79,int_m2147483648) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
        <=> ( $less(X80,65536)
            & ~ $less(X80,0) ) )
      & ! [X81: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
        <=> ( $less(X81,32768)
            & ~ $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
        <=> ( $less(X82,256)
            & ~ $less(X82,0) ) )
      & ! [X83: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
        <=> ( $less(X83,128)
            & ~ $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) ) )
      & ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
        <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
      & ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
        ? [X90: $int] :
          ( ( ( X88 = X89 )
            | ( X89 != X90 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
      & ! [X91: $int] :
          ( ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
            ? [X94: $int] :
              ( ? [X95: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) = X95 )
                      & ( select2(X92,X94,inv) = X95 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
      & ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) ) )
      & ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
        ? [X106: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) = X103 )
          & ( 'Box'(X102,X106) = X106 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
      & ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
        ? [X109: $int] :
          ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X109 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X107 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
          & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
      & ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
        ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X114 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
      & ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
        ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) = X121 )
              & ( select2(X119,X120,inv) = X121 ) )
            | ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
          & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
        ? [X128: $int] :
          ( ? [X129: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) = select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) = select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X128 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
      & ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
        ? [X135: $int] :
          ( ? [X136: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) = X133 )
                  & ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) = X131 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X135 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
          & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
      & ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
        ? [X140: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) = select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) = select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X140 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
          & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
        ? [X145: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) = X144 )
              & ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) = X142 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X145 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
          & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
      & ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
          ( ! [X149: $int] :
            ? [X150: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X151: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X147 = X151 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) != X147 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) = X150 )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,inv) = X150 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X149) ) )
              & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
          | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
      & ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) = X153 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) ) )
      & ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) = X155 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
        ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
            | ( X158 != X160 )
            | ( X156 != X159 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
      & ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
      & ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X162) ) )
      & ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X167 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X167 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) != X174 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X176) ) )
      & ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
      & ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
        ? [X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) = X197 )
              & ( select2(X195,X196,inv) = X197 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X196 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
          & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X200,X201) ) )
      & ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
        <=> ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X202,X203) )
            & ( nullObject != X202 ) ) )
      & ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
        <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
            | ( nullObject = X204 ) ) )
      & ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
      & ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X209: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X209 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X209,X208) ) )
            & ! [X210: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X210 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X208,X210) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X208) ) )
      & ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) ) )
      & ! [X214: $int] :
        ? [X215: $int] :
          ( ( ( X214 != X215 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X214 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X214,X215) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
      & ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) )
          | ( X217 = X218 ) )
      & ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
      & ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
      & ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
      & ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
        ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) = select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) = select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
            | ( nullObject = X233 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
      & ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
        ? [X237: $int] :
          ( ( ( X236 = X237 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X237,X236) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
      & ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
        ? [X241: $int] :
          ( ( ( X240 = X241 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X241,X240) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
      & ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
        ? [X245: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X242,X245) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) = X244 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
      & ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
        ? [X249: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X246,X249) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) = X248 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
      & ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
        ? [X253: $int] :
          ( ( ( X252 = X253 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X252,X253) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
      & ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
        ? [X257: $int] :
          ( ( ( X256 = X257 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X256,X257) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
      & ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
        ? [X261: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X261,X258) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) = X260 )
              & ( X258 != X260 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
        ? [X265: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X265,X262) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) = X264 )
              & ( X262 != X264 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
      & ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
      & ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X275,X274) ) )
      & ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X278,X277) ) )
      & ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X280) = X282 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) ) )
          & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
        ? [X292: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X292,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X292,X292) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
        ? [X295: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X295,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X295,X295) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) ) )
      & ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) ) )
      & ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
      & ! [X312: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X312) ) )
      & ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
      & ! [X315: $int] :
        ? [X316: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X316)
          & ~ $less(X316,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
          | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
      & ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
          | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
      & ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
      & ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
      & ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
        ? [X338: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) )
            | ( nullObject = X338 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
      & ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X341) ) )
      & ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
      & ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
      & ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) )
          | ( X351 = X352 ) )
      & ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
      & ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) )
          | ( X358 = X359 ) )
      & ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
      & ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) )
          | ( X365 = X366 ) )
      & ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X372) ) )
      & ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
      & ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
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      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
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      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( inv != ownerFrame )
      & ( inv != ownerRef )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f33]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ! [X5: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String' = X5 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X5,'System_String') ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' = 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_IComparable' = 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
      & ( 'System_String' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X0 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_String','System_String') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' = 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' = 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
      & ( 'System_Array' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X1 )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Array') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsMutable'('C') )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('C') )
      & ( 'C' = 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = X2 )
      & ( true_1 = x('C','C') )
      & ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
          ( ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) )
          | ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
          | ( nullObject = X12 )
          | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
      & ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
          | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
      & ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) )
            | ( X17 != X18 ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
          <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
          & ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
          <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) ) )
      & ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
        <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
      & ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
        ? [X24: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X24,X23)
          & ~ $less(X24,X22)
          & ( ( X23 = X24 )
            | ( X22 = X24 ) )
          & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
      & ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
        ? [X27: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X26,X27)
          & ~ $less(X25,X27)
          & ( ( X26 = X27 )
            | ( X25 = X27 ) )
          & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
      & ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
          ( ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X29,1) )
      & ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
      & ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
        ? [X33: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X33)
              & ~ $less(X33,0) )
            | $less(16,X32)
            | $less(X32,0)
            | ~ $less(X31,32768)
            | $less(X31,0) )
          & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
      & ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
          ( ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) )
          | $less(X35,1) )
      & ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
      & ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
        ? [X39: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
              & ~ $less(X39,0) )
            | $less(X38,0)
            | $less(X37,0) )
          & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
      & ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0)
          | ( $less(X41,0)
            & $less(X40,0) ) )
      & ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44))
          | ~ $less(X42,X43)
          | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
          | $less(X44,2) )
      & ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
        ? [X47: $int] :
          ( ( ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) )
            | $less(X46,0)
            | $less(X47,0) )
          & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
      & ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) )
          | $less(X49,0)
          | $less(X48,0) )
      & ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
          ( ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) )
          | $less(X51,0)
          | $less(X50,0) )
      & ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
        ? [X54: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X54)
              & $less(X53,X54) )
            | ~ $less(X53,0)
            | $less(0,X52) )
          & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
      & ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
        ? [X57: $int] :
          ( ( ( ~ $less(0,X57)
              & $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) )
            | ~ $less(0,X56)
            | $less(0,X55) )
          & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
      & ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
        ? [X60: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
              & ~ $less(X60,0) )
            | ~ $less(X59,0)
            | $less(X58,0) )
          & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
      & ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
        ? [X63: $int] :
          ( ( ( $less(X63,X62)
              & ~ $less(X63,0) )
            | ~ $less(0,X62)
            | $less(X61,0) )
          & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
      & ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
      & ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 )
          | ( true_1 = X66 ) )
      & ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
          ( ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 )
          | ( true_1 != X69 ) )
      & ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 )
          | ( true_1 != 'InRange'(X72,X74) ) )
      & ! [X75: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
        <=> ( $less(X75,65536)
            & ~ $less(X75,0) ) )
      & ! [X76: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
            & ~ $less(X76,0) ) )
      & ! [X77: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
            & ~ $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
      & ! [X78: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_4294967295,X78)
            & ~ $less(X78,0) ) )
      & ! [X79: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
        <=> ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X79)
            & ~ $less(X79,int_m2147483648) ) )
      & ! [X80: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
        <=> ( $less(X80,65536)
            & ~ $less(X80,0) ) )
      & ! [X81: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
        <=> ( $less(X81,32768)
            & ~ $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
      & ! [X82: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
        <=> ( $less(X82,256)
            & ~ $less(X82,0) ) )
      & ! [X83: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
        <=> ( $less(X83,128)
            & ~ $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
      & ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
      & ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) = $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
      & $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
      & $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
      & $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
      & $less(100000,int_2147483647)
      & $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
      & $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
      & ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
          ( ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 )
          | ( nullObject = 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) ) )
      & ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
        <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
      & ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
        ? [X90: $int] :
          ( ( ( X88 = X89 )
            | ( X89 != X90 )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
      & ! [X91: $int] :
          ( ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
            ? [X94: $int] :
              ( ? [X95: $int] :
                  ( ( ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) = X95 )
                      & ( select2(X92,X94,inv) = X95 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
                  & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
              & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) ) )
      & ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
      & ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
          ( ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) ) )
      & ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
        ? [X106: $int] :
          ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) = X103 )
          & ( 'Box'(X102,X106) = X106 )
          & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
      & ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
        ? [X109: $int] :
          ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                    | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                  & ( true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                  & ( nullObject != X109 ) )
                | ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                | ( nullObject = X107 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
              & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
              & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
          & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
      & ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
        ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
          ( ( ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) )
            | ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
            | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
            | ( true_1 != select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
            | ( nullObject = X114 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
          & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
      & ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
        ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) = X121 )
              & ( select2(X119,X120,inv) = X121 ) )
            | ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
            | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
            | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
          & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
          & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
      & ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
        ? [X128: $int] :
          ( ? [X129: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) = select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) = select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) )
                | ( nullObject = X128 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
          & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
      & ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
        ? [X135: $int] :
          ( ? [X136: $int] :
              ( ( ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) = X133 )
                  & ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) = X131 ) )
                | ( nullObject = X135 )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
              & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
          & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
      & ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
        ? [X140: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) = select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) = select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( nullObject = X140 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
          & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
      & ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
        ? [X145: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) = X144 )
              & ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) = X142 ) )
            | ( nullObject = X145 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
          & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
      & ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
      & ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
          ( ! [X149: $int] :
            ? [X150: $int] :
              ( ( ( ! [X151: $int] :
                      ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( X147 = X151 )
                      | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) != X147 ) )
                  & ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                  & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) = X150 )
                  & ( select2(X149,X147,inv) = X150 ) )
                | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X149) ) )
              & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
          | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
          | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
      & ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) = X153 )
            & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) ) )
      & ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
          ( ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) = X155 )
            & ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) ) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
      & ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
        ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) )
            | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
            | ( X158 != X160 )
            | ( X156 != X159 ) )
          & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
          & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
      & ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
      & ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X162) ) )
      & ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) )
          | ( ( true_1 != select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
            & ( 'BeingConstructed' = X167 ) )
          | ( nullObject = X167 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
      & ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X170) ) )
      & ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
          ( ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
          | ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) != X174 ) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
      & ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X176) ) )
      & ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) ) )
      & ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) ) )
      & ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) ) )
      & ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) ) )
      & ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
      & ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) )
          | ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
      & ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
        ? [X197: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) = X197 )
              & ( select2(X195,X196,inv) = X197 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
            | ( nullObject = X196 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
          & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
      & ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) )
          | ( true_1 = 'Is'(X198,X199) ) )
      & ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
          ( ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 )
          | ( true_1 != 'Is'(X200,X201) ) )
      & ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
        <=> ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X202,X203) )
            & ( nullObject != X202 ) ) )
      & ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
        <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
            | ( nullObject = X204 ) ) )
      & ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
      & ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Type','System_Object') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
      & ! [X208: $int] :
          ( ( ! [X209: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X209 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X209,X208) ) )
            & ! [X210: $int] :
                ( ( X208 = X210 )
                | ( true_1 != x(X208,X210) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X208) ) )
      & ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
          ( ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 )
          | ( true_1 != x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) ) )
      & ! [X214: $int] :
        ? [X215: $int] :
          ( ( ( X214 != X215 )
            | ( 'System_Object' = X214 ) )
          & ( true_1 = x(X214,X215) )
          & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
      & ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
          ( ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) )
          | ( X217 = X218 ) )
      & ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
      & ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
      & ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
      & ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
      & ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
        ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) = select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
              & ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) = select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
            | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
            | ( nullObject = X233 )
            | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
          & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
      & ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
        ? [X237: $int] :
          ( ( ( X236 = X237 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X237,X236) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
      & ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
        ? [X241: $int] :
          ( ( ( X240 = X241 )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X241,X240) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
      & ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
        ? [X245: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X242,X245) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) = X244 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) )
            | ( true_1 != x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
      & ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
        ? [X249: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X246,X249) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) = X248 ) )
            | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) )
            | ( true_1 != x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
      & ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
        ? [X253: $int] :
          ( ( ( X252 = X253 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X252,X253) ) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
      & ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
        ? [X257: $int] :
          ( ( ( X256 = X257 )
            | ( true_1 != x(X256,X257) ) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
      & ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
        ? [X261: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X261,X258) )
              & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) = X260 )
              & ( X258 != X260 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
      & ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
        ? [X265: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X265,X262) )
              & ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) = X264 )
              & ( X262 != X264 ) )
            | ( true_1 != x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) ) )
          & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
      & ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
      & ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
      & ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
      & ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
      & ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X275,X274) ) )
      & ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X278,X277) ) )
      & ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
        ? [X283: $int] :
          ( ( ( ( true_1 = x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
              & ( 'Rank'(X280) = X282 )
              & ( true_1 = x(X283,'System_Array') ) )
            | ( true_1 != 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) ) )
          & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
      & ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
        ? [X286: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X286,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X286,X286) )
          & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
      & ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
        ? [X289: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X289,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X289,X289) )
          & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
      & ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
        ? [X292: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X292,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X292,X292) )
          & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
      & ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
        ? [X295: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = x(X295,'System_Array') )
          & ( true_1 = x(X295,X295) )
          & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
      & ( true_1 = x('System_Array','System_Object') )
      & ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) ) )
      & ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) ) )
      & ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) ) )
      & ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
          ( ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) )
          | ( true_1 != x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) ) )
      & ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
      & ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
      & ! [X312: $int] :
          ( ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) )
          | ( 1 != 'Rank'(X312) ) )
      & ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
      & ! [X315: $int] :
        ? [X316: $int] :
          ( ~ $less(int_2147483647,X316)
          & ~ $less(X316,0)
          & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
      & ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
          | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
      & ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
          | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
      & ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
          | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
      & ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
          ( ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
          | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
      & ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
      & ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
          ( ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) )
          | ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
      & ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
        ? [X338: $int] :
          ( ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) )
            | ( nullObject = X338 )
            | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
          & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
      & ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
          ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X341) ) )
      & ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
      & ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
      & ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
          ( ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) )
          | ( X351 = X352 ) )
      & ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
      & ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
          ( ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) )
          | ( X358 = X359 ) )
      & ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
      & ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
          ( ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) )
          | ( X365 = X366 ) )
      & ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
      & ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
      & ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
      & ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
          ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X372) ) )
      & ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
      & ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
      & ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
      & ( 'System_Object' = 'DeclType'(elements) )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
      & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'C' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
      & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
      & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
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      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
      & ( 'C' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
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      & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
      & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( localinv != ownerRef )
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      & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( localinv != sharingMode )
      & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
      & ( 'C' != inv )
      & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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      & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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      & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != inv )
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      & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
      & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
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      & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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      & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( inv != sharingMode )
      & ( inv != exposeVersion )
      & ( inv != localinv )
      & ( 'C' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
      & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( elements != ownerFrame )
      & ( elements != ownerRef )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( elements != sharingMode )
      & ( elements != exposeVersion )
      & ( elements != localinv )
      & ( elements != inv )
      & ( 'C' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
      & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
      & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
      & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
      & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
      & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
      & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
      & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
      & ( allocated != ownerRef )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
      & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
      & ( allocated != sharingMode )
      & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
      & ( allocated != localinv )
      & ( allocated != inv )
      & ( allocated != elements )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f27]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ~ ( ~ ! [X5: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X5,'System_String') )
               => ( 'System_String' = X5 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X0 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X1 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Array') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsMutable'('C') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('C') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X2 )
          | ( true_1 != x('C','C') )
          | ~ ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
                    | ( nullObject = X12 )
                    | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
               => ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) ) )
          | ~ ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
                ~ ( ~ ( ( X17 = X18 )
                     => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
              <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
          | ~ ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
              ? [X24: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X24,X23)
                    | $less(X24,X22)
                    | ~ ( ( X23 = X24 )
                        | ( X22 = X24 ) ) )
                & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
          | ~ ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
              ? [X27: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X26,X27)
                    | $less(X25,X27)
                    | ~ ( ( X26 = X27 )
                        | ( X25 = X27 ) ) )
                & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
          | ~ ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X29,1)
               => ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
          | ~ ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
              ? [X33: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(16,X32)
                      | $less(X32,0)
                      | ~ $less(X31,32768)
                      | $less(X31,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X33)
                      | $less(X33,0) ) )
                & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
          | ~ ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X35,1)
               => ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
          | ~ ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
              ? [X39: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X38,0)
                      | $less(X37,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
                      | $less(X39,0) ) )
                & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
          | ~ ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
                ( ( ~ $less(X41,0)
                  | ~ $less(X40,0) )
               => ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0) )
          | ~ ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $less(X42,X43)
                    | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
                    | $less(X44,2) )
               => ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
              ? [X47: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X46,0)
                      | $less(X47,0) )
                 => ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) ) )
                & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
          | ~ ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X49,0)
                    | $less(X48,0) )
               => ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) ) )
          | ~ ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X51,0)
                    | $less(X50,0) )
               => ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) ) )
          | ~ ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
              ? [X54: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X53,0)
                      | $less(0,X52) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X54)
                      | ~ $less(X53,X54) ) )
                & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
          | ~ ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
              ? [X57: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X56)
                      | $less(0,X55) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X57)
                      | ~ $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) ) )
                & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
          | ~ ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
              ? [X60: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X59,0)
                      | $less(X58,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
                      | $less(X60,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
          | ~ ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
              ? [X63: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X62)
                      | $less(X61,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X63,X62)
                      | $less(X63,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
          | ~ ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
          | ~ ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != X66 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 ) )
          | ~ ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = X69 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 ) )
          | ~ ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,X74) )
               => ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 ) )
          | ~ ! [X75: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X75,65536)
                    | $less(X75,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X76: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
                    | $less(X76,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X77: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
                    | $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
          | ~ ! [X78: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_4294967295,X78)
                    | $less(X78,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X79: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X79)
                    | $less(X79,int_m2147483648) ) )
          | ~ ! [X80: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X80,65536)
                    | $less(X80,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X81: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X81,32768)
                    | $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X82: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X82,256)
                    | $less(X82,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X83: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X83,128)
                    | $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
          | ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
          | ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
          | ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
          | ~ $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
          | ~ $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
          | ~ $less(100000,int_2147483647)
          | ~ $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
          | ~ $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
          | ~ ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
                ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) )
               => ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 ) )
          | ~ ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
                ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
              <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
          | ~ ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
              ? [X90: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( X89 != X90 )
                      | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
                 => ( X88 = X89 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) )
               => ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
                  ? [X94: $int] :
                    ( ? [X95: $int] :
                        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X92) )
                         => ~ ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) != X95 )
                              | ( select2(X92,X94,inv) != X95 ) ) )
                        & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
                    & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
          | ~ ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) )
               => ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 ) )
          | ~ ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
              ? [X106: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) != X103 )
                    | ( 'Box'(X102,X106) != X106 ) )
                & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
          | ~ ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
              ? [X109: $int] :
                ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                          | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                          | ( nullObject = X107 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                          | ( true_1 != select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                          | ( nullObject = X109 ) ) )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
                & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
          | ~ ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
              ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
                      | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
                      | ( true_1 != select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
                      | ( nullObject = X114 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
                 => ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) ) )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
          | ~ ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
              ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) != X121 )
                      | ( select2(X119,X120,inv) != X121 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
                & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
          | ~ ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
              ? [X128: $int] :
                ( ? [X129: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X128 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) != select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) != select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
                & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
          | ~ ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
              ? [X135: $int] :
                ( ? [X136: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X135 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) != X133 )
                          | ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) != X131 ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
                & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
          | ~ ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
              ? [X140: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X140 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) != select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) != select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) ) )
                & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
          | ~ ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
              ? [X145: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X145 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) != X144 )
                      | ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) != X142 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
          | ~ ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
          | ~ ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
                    | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
                    | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
               => ! [X149: $int] :
                  ? [X150: $int] :
                    ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X149) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ! [X151: $int] :
                                ( ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                               => ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                                  | ( X147 = X151 ) ) )
                          | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) != X147 )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) != X150 )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,inv) != X150 ) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) != X153 )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) != X155 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
              ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
                      | ( X158 != X160 )
                      | ( X156 != X159 ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
                & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
          | ~ ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
          | ~ ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X162) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) ) )
          | ~ ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                        | ( 'BeingConstructed' != X167 ) )
                    | ( nullObject = X167 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
               => ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X170) )
               => ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) ) )
          | ~ ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
                ( ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
               => ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 ) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          | ~ ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X176) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
              ? [X197: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
                      | ( nullObject = X196 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) != X197 )
                      | ( select2(X195,X196,inv) != X197 ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
          | ~ ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) )
               => ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) ) )
          | ~ ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X200,X201) )
               => ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 ) )
          | ~ ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
              <=> ~ ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X202,X203) )
                    | ( nullObject = X202 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
              <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
                  | ( nullObject = X204 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
          | ~ ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Type','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
          | ~ ! [X208: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'(X208) )
               => ~ ( ~ ! [X209: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X209,X208) )
                         => ( X208 = X209 ) )
                    | ~ ! [X210: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X208,X210) )
                         => ( X208 = X210 ) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) )
               => ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 ) )
          | ~ ! [X214: $int] :
              ? [X215: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( 'System_Object' != X214 )
                       => ( X214 != X215 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X214,X215) ) )
                & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
          | ~ ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
                ( ( X217 != X218 )
               => ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) ) )
          | ~ ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
          | ~ ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
          | ~ ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
          | ~ ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
              ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) != select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) != select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X233 ) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
          | ~ ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
              ? [X237: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X237,X236) )
                 => ( ( X236 = X237 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) ) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
          | ~ ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
              ? [X241: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X241,X240) )
                 => ( ( X240 = X241 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) ) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
          | ~ ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
              ? [X245: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X242,X245) )
                        | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) != X244 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
          | ~ ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
              ? [X249: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X246,X249) )
                        | ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) != X248 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
          | ~ ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
              ? [X253: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X252,X253) )
                 => ( X252 = X253 ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
          | ~ ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
              ? [X257: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X256,X257) )
                 => ( X256 = X257 ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
          | ~ ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
              ? [X261: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X261,X258) )
                      | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) != X260 )
                      | ( X258 = X260 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
          | ~ ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
              ? [X265: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X265,X262) )
                      | ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) != X264 )
                      | ( X262 = X264 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
          | ~ ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
          | ~ ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
          | ~ ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
          | ~ ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
          | ~ ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X275,X274) )
               => ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X278,X277) )
               => ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
              ? [X283: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
                      | ( 'Rank'(X280) != X282 )
                      | ( true_1 != x(X283,'System_Array') ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
          | ~ ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
              ? [X286: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X286,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X286,X286) ) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
          | ~ ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
              ? [X289: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X289,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X289,X289) ) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
          | ~ ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
              ? [X292: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X292,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X292,X292) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
          | ~ ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
              ? [X295: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X295,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X295,X295) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) ) )
          | ~ ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) ) )
          | ~ ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) ) )
          | ~ ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) ) )
          | ~ ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
          | ~ ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
          | ~ ! [X312: $int] :
                ( ( 1 = 'Rank'(X312) )
               => ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
          | ~ ! [X315: $int] :
              ? [X316: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X316)
                    | $less(X316,0) )
                & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
          | ~ ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 ) )
          | ~ ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 ) )
          | ~ ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 ) )
          | ~ ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 ) )
          | ~ ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
          | ~ ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
               => ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) ) )
          | ~ ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
              ? [X338: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X338 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
          | ~ ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X341) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
          | ~ ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
          | ~ ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
                ( ( X351 != X352 )
               => ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) ) )
          | ~ ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
          | ~ ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
                ( ( X358 != X359 )
               => ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) ) )
          | ~ ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
          | ~ ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
                ( ( X365 != X366 )
               => ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) ) )
          | ~ ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
          | ~ ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X372) )
               => ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) ) )
          | ~ ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
          | ~ ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(elements) )
          | ~ ( ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'C' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Array' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
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              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
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              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
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              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
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              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
              & ( 'C' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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              & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
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              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( localinv != ownerRef )
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              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( localinv != sharingMode )
              & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
              & ( 'C' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != inv )
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              & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( inv != ownerRef )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( inv != sharingMode )
              & ( inv != exposeVersion )
              & ( inv != localinv )
              & ( 'C' != elements )
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              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != elements )
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              & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( elements != ownerRef )
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              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( elements != sharingMode )
              & ( elements != exposeVersion )
              & ( elements != localinv )
              & ( elements != inv )
              & ( 'C' != allocated )
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              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
              & ( allocated != ownerRef )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( allocated != sharingMode )
              & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
              & ( allocated != localinv )
              & ( allocated != inv )
              & ( allocated != elements ) ) )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f26]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ~ ( ~ ! [X5: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X5,'System_String') )
               => ( 'System_String' = X5 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X0 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X1 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Array') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsMutable'('C') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('C') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X2 )
          | ( true_1 != x('C','C') )
          | ~ ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
                    | ( nullObject = X12 )
                    | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
               => ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) ) )
          | ~ ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
                ~ ( ~ ( ( X17 = X18 )
                     => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
              <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
          | ~ ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
              ? [X24: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X24,X23)
                    | $less(X24,X22)
                    | ~ ( ( X23 = X24 )
                        | ( X22 = X24 ) ) )
                & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
          | ~ ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
              ? [X27: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X26,X27)
                    | $less(X25,X27)
                    | ~ ( ( X26 = X27 )
                        | ( X25 = X27 ) ) )
                & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
          | ~ ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X29,1)
               => ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
          | ~ ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
              ? [X33: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(16,X32)
                      | $less(X32,0)
                      | ~ $less(X31,32768)
                      | $less(X31,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X33)
                      | $less(X33,0) ) )
                & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
          | ~ ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X35,1)
               => ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
          | ~ ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
              ? [X39: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X38,0)
                      | $less(X37,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
                      | $less(X39,0) ) )
                & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
          | ~ ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
                ( ( ~ $less(X41,0)
                  | ~ $less(X40,0) )
               => ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0) )
          | ~ ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $less(X42,X43)
                    | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
                    | $less(X44,2) )
               => ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
              ? [X47: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X46,0)
                      | $less(X47,0) )
                 => ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) ) )
                & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
          | ~ ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X49,0)
                    | $less(X48,0) )
               => ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) ) )
          | ~ ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X51,0)
                    | $less(X50,0) )
               => ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) ) )
          | ~ ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
              ? [X54: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X53,0)
                      | $less(0,X52) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X54)
                      | ~ $less(X53,X54) ) )
                & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
          | ~ ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
              ? [X57: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X56)
                      | $less(0,X55) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X57)
                      | ~ $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) ) )
                & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
          | ~ ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
              ? [X60: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X59,0)
                      | $less(X58,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
                      | $less(X60,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
          | ~ ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
              ? [X63: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X62)
                      | $less(X61,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X63,X62)
                      | $less(X63,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
          | ~ ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
          | ~ ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != X66 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 ) )
          | ~ ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = X69 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 ) )
          | ~ ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,X74) )
               => ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 ) )
          | ~ ! [X75: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X75,65536)
                    | $less(X75,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X76: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
                    | $less(X76,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X77: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
                    | $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
          | ~ ! [X78: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_4294967295,X78)
                    | $less(X78,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X79: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X79)
                    | $less(X79,int_m2147483648) ) )
          | ~ ! [X80: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X80,65536)
                    | $less(X80,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X81: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X81,32768)
                    | $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X82: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X82,256)
                    | $less(X82,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X83: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X83,128)
                    | $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
          | ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
          | ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
          | ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
          | ~ $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
          | ~ $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
          | ~ $less(100000,int_2147483647)
          | ~ $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
          | ~ $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
          | ~ ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
                ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) )
               => ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 ) )
          | ~ ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
                ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
              <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
          | ~ ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
              ? [X90: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( X89 != X90 )
                      | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
                 => ( X88 = X89 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) )
               => ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
                  ? [X94: $int] :
                    ( ? [X95: $int] :
                        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X92) )
                         => ~ ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) != X95 )
                              | ( select2(X92,X94,inv) != X95 ) ) )
                        & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
                    & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
          | ~ ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) )
               => ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 ) )
          | ~ ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
              ? [X106: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) != X103 )
                    | ( 'Box'(X102,X106) != X106 ) )
                & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
          | ~ ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
              ? [X109: $int] :
                ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                          | ( ~ true_1 = select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                          | ( nullObject = X107 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                          | ( ~ true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                          | ( nullObject = X109 ) ) )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
                & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
          | ~ ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
              ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
                      | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
                      | ( ~ true_1 = select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
                      | ( nullObject = X114 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
                 => ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) ) )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
          | ~ ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
              ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) != X121 )
                      | ( select2(X119,X120,inv) != X121 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
                & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
          | ~ ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
              ? [X128: $int] :
                ( ? [X129: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X128 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) != select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) != select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
                & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
          | ~ ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
              ? [X135: $int] :
                ( ? [X136: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X135 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) != X133 )
                          | ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) != X131 ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
                & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
          | ~ ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
              ? [X140: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X140 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) != select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) != select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) ) )
                & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
          | ~ ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
              ? [X145: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X145 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) != X144 )
                      | ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) != X142 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
          | ~ ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
          | ~ ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
                    | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
                    | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
               => ! [X149: $int] :
                  ? [X150: $int] :
                    ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X149) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ! [X151: $int] :
                                ( ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                               => ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                                  | ( X147 = X151 ) ) )
                          | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) != X147 )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) != X150 )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,inv) != X150 ) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) != X153 )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) != X155 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
              ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
                      | ( X158 != X160 )
                      | ( X156 != X159 ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
                & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
          | ~ ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
          | ~ ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X162) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) ) )
          | ~ ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                        | ( 'BeingConstructed' != X167 ) )
                    | ( nullObject = X167 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
               => ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X170) )
               => ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) ) )
          | ~ ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
                ( ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
               => ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 ) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          | ~ ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X176) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
              ? [X197: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
                      | ( nullObject = X196 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) != X197 )
                      | ( select2(X195,X196,inv) != X197 ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
          | ~ ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) )
               => ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) ) )
          | ~ ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X200,X201) )
               => ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 ) )
          | ~ ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
              <=> ~ ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X202,X203) )
                    | ( nullObject = X202 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
              <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
                  | ( nullObject = X204 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
          | ~ ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Type','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
          | ~ ! [X208: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'(X208) )
               => ~ ( ~ ! [X209: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X209,X208) )
                         => ( X208 = X209 ) )
                    | ~ ! [X210: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X208,X210) )
                         => ( X208 = X210 ) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) )
               => ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 ) )
          | ~ ! [X214: $int] :
              ? [X215: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( 'System_Object' != X214 )
                       => ( X214 != X215 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X214,X215) ) )
                & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
          | ~ ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
                ( ( X217 != X218 )
               => ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) ) )
          | ~ ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
          | ~ ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
          | ~ ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
          | ~ ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
              ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) != select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) != select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X233 ) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
          | ~ ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
              ? [X237: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X237,X236) )
                 => ( ( X236 = X237 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) ) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
          | ~ ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
              ? [X241: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X241,X240) )
                 => ( ( X240 = X241 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) ) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
          | ~ ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
              ? [X245: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X242,X245) )
                        | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) != X244 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
          | ~ ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
              ? [X249: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X246,X249) )
                        | ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) != X248 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
          | ~ ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
              ? [X253: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X252,X253) )
                 => ( X252 = X253 ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
          | ~ ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
              ? [X257: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X256,X257) )
                 => ( X256 = X257 ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
          | ~ ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
              ? [X261: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X261,X258) )
                      | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) != X260 )
                      | ( X258 = X260 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
          | ~ ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
              ? [X265: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X265,X262) )
                      | ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) != X264 )
                      | ( X262 = X264 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
          | ~ ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
          | ~ ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
          | ~ ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
          | ~ ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
          | ~ ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X275,X274) )
               => ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X278,X277) )
               => ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
              ? [X283: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
                      | ( 'Rank'(X280) != X282 )
                      | ( true_1 != x(X283,'System_Array') ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
          | ~ ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
              ? [X286: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X286,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X286,X286) ) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
          | ~ ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
              ? [X289: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X289,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X289,X289) ) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
          | ~ ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
              ? [X292: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X292,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X292,X292) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
          | ~ ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
              ? [X295: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X295,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X295,X295) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) ) )
          | ~ ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) ) )
          | ~ ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) ) )
          | ~ ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) ) )
          | ~ ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
          | ~ ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
          | ~ ! [X312: $int] :
                ( ( 1 = 'Rank'(X312) )
               => ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
          | ~ ! [X315: $int] :
              ? [X316: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X316)
                    | $less(X316,0) )
                & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
          | ~ ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 ) )
          | ~ ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 ) )
          | ~ ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 ) )
          | ~ ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 ) )
          | ~ ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
          | ~ ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
               => ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) ) )
          | ~ ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
              ? [X338: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X338 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
          | ~ ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X341) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
          | ~ ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
          | ~ ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
                ( ( X351 != X352 )
               => ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) ) )
          | ~ ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
          | ~ ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
                ( ( X358 != X359 )
               => ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) ) )
          | ~ ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
          | ~ ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
                ( ( X365 != X366 )
               => ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) ) )
          | ~ ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
          | ~ ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X372) )
               => ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) ) )
          | ~ ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
          | ~ ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(elements) )
          | ~ ( ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'C' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
              & ( 'C' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
              & ( localinv != ownerRef )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( localinv != sharingMode )
              & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
              & ( 'C' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( inv != ownerFrame )
              & ( inv != ownerRef )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( inv != sharingMode )
              & ( inv != exposeVersion )
              & ( inv != localinv )
              & ( 'C' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( elements != ownerFrame )
              & ( elements != ownerRef )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( elements != sharingMode )
              & ( elements != exposeVersion )
              & ( elements != localinv )
              & ( elements != inv )
              & ( 'C' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
              & ( allocated != ownerRef )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( allocated != sharingMode )
              & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
              & ( allocated != localinv )
              & ( allocated != inv )
              & ( allocated != elements ) ) )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(true_and_false_elimination,[],[f25]) ).

    ? [X0: $int,X1: $int,X2: $int] :
      ( ~ ( ~ ! [X3: $int,X4: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X4,X3,localinv) = X0 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X4,X3,inv),'System_String') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X4) ) )
               => $true )
          | ~ ! [X5: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X5,'System_String') )
               => ( 'System_String' = X5 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X0) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X0 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_String') )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int,X7: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X7,X6,localinv) = X1 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X7,X6,inv),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X7) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X1) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X1 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Array') )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X9,X8,localinv) = X2 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X9,X8,inv),'C') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X9) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsMutable'('C') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('C') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X2) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X2 )
          | ( true_1 != x('C','C') )
          | ~ ! [X10: $int,X11: $int,X12: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X10,X11,X12) )
                    | ( nullObject = X12 )
                    | ( nullObject = X11 ) )
               => ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X11) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X10,X12) ) )
          | ~ ! [X13: $int,X14: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X14,X15) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X13,X14) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X13,X15) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X17: $int,X18: $int] :
                ~ ( ~ ( ( X17 = X18 )
                     => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X17) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X16,X17,X18) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X17,X18) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X19: $int,X20: $int,X21: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) )
              <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X19,X20,X21) ) )
          | ~ ! [X22: $int,X23: $int] :
              ? [X24: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X24,X23)
                    | $less(X24,X22)
                    | ~ ( ( X23 = X24 )
                        | ( X22 = X24 ) ) )
                & ( max(X22,X23) = X24 ) )
          | ~ ! [X25: $int,X26: $int] :
              ? [X27: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X26,X27)
                    | $less(X25,X27)
                    | ~ ( ( X26 = X27 )
                        | ( X25 = X27 ) ) )
                & ( min(X25,X26) = X27 ) )
          | ~ ! [X28: $int,X29: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X29,1)
               => ( shr(X28,X29) = x_1(shr(X28,$sum(X29,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X30: $int] : ( shr(X30,0) = X30 )
          | ~ ! [X31: $int,X32: $int] :
              ? [X33: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(16,X32)
                      | $less(X32,0)
                      | ~ $less(X31,32768)
                      | $less(X31,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X33)
                      | $less(X33,0) ) )
                & ( shl(X31,X32) = X33 ) )
          | ~ ! [X34: $int,X35: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X35,1)
               => ( shl(X34,X35) = $product(shl(X34,$sum(X35,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X36: $int] : ( shl(X36,0) = X36 )
          | ~ ! [X37: $int,X38: $int] :
              ? [X39: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X38,0)
                      | $less(X37,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less($sum(X37,X38),X39)
                      | $less(X39,0) ) )
                & ( or_1(X37,X38) = X39 ) )
          | ~ ! [X40: $int,X41: $int] :
                ( ( ~ $less(X41,0)
                  | ~ $less(X40,0) )
               => ~ $less(and_1(X40,X41),0) )
          | ~ ! [X42: $int,X43: $int,X44: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $less(X42,X43)
                    | ( x_2(X42,X44) != x_2(X43,X44) )
                    | $less(X44,2) )
               => ~ $less(X43,$sum(X42,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X46: $int] :
              ? [X47: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X46,0)
                      | $less(X47,0) )
                 => ( x_2(X45,X46) = x_2(X47,X46) ) )
                & ( $sum(X45,$uminus(X46)) = X47 ) )
          | ~ ! [X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X49,0)
                    | $less(X48,0) )
               => ( x_2(X48,X49) = x_2($sum(X49,X48),X49) ) )
          | ~ ! [X50: $int,X51: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X51,0)
                    | $less(X50,0) )
               => ( x_2(X50,X51) = x_2($sum(X50,X51),X51) ) )
          | ~ ! [X52: $int,X53: $int] :
              ? [X54: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X53,0)
                      | $less(0,X52) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X54)
                      | ~ $less(X53,X54) ) )
                & ( x_2(X52,X53) = X54 ) )
          | ~ ! [X55: $int,X56: $int] :
              ? [X57: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X56)
                      | $less(0,X55) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X57)
                      | ~ $less($sum(0,$uminus(X56)),X57) ) )
                & ( x_2(X55,X56) = X57 ) )
          | ~ ! [X58: $int,X59: $int] :
              ? [X60: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X59,0)
                      | $less(X58,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X60,$sum(0,$uminus(X59)))
                      | $less(X60,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X58,X59) = X60 ) )
          | ~ ! [X61: $int,X62: $int] :
              ? [X63: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X62)
                      | $less(X61,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X63,X62)
                      | $less(X63,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X61,X62) = X63 ) )
          | ~ ! [X64: $int,X65: $int] : ( x_2(X64,X65) = $sum(X64,$uminus($product(x_1(X64,X65),X65))) )
          | ~ ! [X66: $int,X67: $int,X68: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != X66 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X66,X67,X68) = X68 ) )
          | ~ ! [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = X69 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X69,X70,X71) = X70 ) )
          | ~ ! [X72: $int,X73: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X72,X74) )
               => ( 'IntToInt'(X72,X73,X74) = X72 ) )
          | ~ ! [X75: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X75,'System_Char') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X75,65536)
                    | $less(X75,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X76: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X76,'System_UInt64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_18446744073709551615,X76)
                    | $less(X76,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X77: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X77,'System_Int64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_9223372036854775807,X77)
                    | $less(X77,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
          | ~ ! [X78: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X78,'System_UInt32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_4294967295,X78)
                    | $less(X78,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X79: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X79,'System_Int32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X79)
                    | $less(X79,int_m2147483648) ) )
          | ~ ! [X80: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X80,'System_UInt16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X80,65536)
                    | $less(X80,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X81: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,'System_Int16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X81,32768)
                    | $less(X81,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X82: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X82,'System_Byte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X82,256)
                    | $less(X82,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X83: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X83,'System_SByte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X83,128)
                    | $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
          | ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
          | ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
          | ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
          | ~ $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
          | ~ $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
          | ~ $less(100000,int_2147483647)
          | ~ $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
          | ~ $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
          | ~ ! [X84: $int,X85: $int] :
                ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X84,X85) )
               => ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X84),X84) = X84 ) )
          | ~ ! [X86: $int,X87: $int] :
                ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X86) = X87 )
              <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X86,X87) ) )
          | ~ ! [X88: $int,X89: $int] :
              ? [X90: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( X89 != X90 )
                      | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X90),'System_Object') ) )
                 => ( X88 = X89 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X88,X89) = X90 ) )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X91)) )
               => ! [X92: $int,X93: $int] :
                  ? [X94: $int] :
                    ( ? [X95: $int] :
                        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X92) )
                         => ~ ( ( select2(X92,X94,localinv) != X95 )
                              | ( select2(X92,X94,inv) != X95 ) ) )
                        & ( typeof(X94) = X95 ) )
                    & ( 'Box'(X93,X91) = X94 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X96: $int,X97: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X96,X97)) = X96 )
          | ~ ! [X98: $int,X99: $int,X100: $int,X101: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X98)) )
               => ( 'BoxFunc'(X98,X99,X100,X101) = X98 ) )
          | ~ ! [X102: $int,X103: $int,X104: $int,X105: $int] :
              ? [X106: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X106) != X103 )
                    | ( 'Box'(X102,X106) != X106 ) )
                & ( 'BoxFunc'(X102,X103,X104,X105) = X106 ) )
          | ~ ! [X107: $int,X108: $int] :
              ? [X109: $int] :
                ( ? [X110: $int,X111: $int,X112: $int,X113: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( 'BaseClass'(X112) = select2(X108,X113,localinv) )
                          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X113,inv),X112) )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X112 )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X108,X107,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X107 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X108) ) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ( ( select2(X108,X111,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X110) )
                              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X108,X111,inv),X110) )
                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X110 ) )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X108,X109,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X109 ) ) )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerRef) = X113 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X107,ownerFrame) = X112 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerRef) = X111 )
                    & ( select2(X108,X109,ownerFrame) = X110 ) )
                & ( select2(X108,X107,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X109 ) )
          | ~ ! [X114: $int,X115: $int,X116: $int] :
              ? [X117: $int,X118: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X116,X118,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X117) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X116,X118,inv),X117) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X117 )
                      | ( 'AsPureObject'(X114) != X114 )
                      | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X116,X114,allocated) )
                        <=> $true )
                      | ( nullObject = X114 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X116) ) )
                 => ( select2(X116,X114,X115) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X114,X115,select2(X116,select2(X116,X114,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) ) )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerRef) = X118 )
                & ( select2(X116,X114,ownerFrame) = X117 ) )
          | ~ ! [X119: $int,X120: $int] :
              ? [X121: $int,X122: $int,X123: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X119,X123,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X122) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X119,X123,inv),X122) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X122 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X119) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X119,X120,localinv) != X121 )
                      | ( select2(X119,X120,inv) != X121 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerRef) = X123 )
                & ( select2(X119,X120,ownerFrame) = X122 )
                & ( typeof(X120) = X121 ) )
          | ~ ! [X124: $int,X125: $int,X126: $int,X127: $int] :
              ? [X128: $int] :
                ( ? [X129: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X128 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X124) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X124,X125,ownerFrame) != select2(X124,X129,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X124,X125,ownerRef) != select2(X124,X129,ownerRef) ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X128,X127) = X129 ) )
                & ( select2(X124,X125,'AsElementsPeerField'(X126,X127)) = X128 ) )
          | ~ ! [X130: $int,X131: $int,X132: $int,X133: $int,X134: $int] :
              ? [X135: $int] :
                ( ? [X136: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X135 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X130) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X130,X136,ownerFrame) != X133 )
                          | ( select2(X130,X136,ownerRef) != X131 ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X135,X134) = X136 ) )
                & ( select2(X130,X131,'AsElementsRepField'(X132,X133,X134)) = X135 ) )
          | ~ ! [X137: $int,X138: $int,X139: $int] :
              ? [X140: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X140 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X137) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X137,X138,ownerFrame) != select2(X137,X140,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( select2(X137,X138,ownerRef) != select2(X137,X140,ownerRef) ) ) )
                & ( select2(X137,X138,'AsPeerField'(X139)) = X140 ) )
          | ~ ! [X141: $int,X142: $int,X143: $int,X144: $int] :
              ? [X145: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X145 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X141) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X141,X145,ownerFrame) != X144 )
                      | ( select2(X141,X145,ownerRef) != X142 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X141,X142,'AsRepField'(X143,X144)) = X145 ) )
          | ~ ! [X146: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X146),0)
          | ~ ! [X147: $int,X148: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X147),'AsImmutable'(X148)) )
                    | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X147 )
                    | ( nullObject = X147 ) )
               => ! [X149: $int] :
                  ? [X150: $int] :
                    ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X149) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ! [X151: $int] :
                                ( ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X151,ownerRef)) = X147 )
                               => ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X151,ownerFrame) )
                                  | ( X147 = X151 ) ) )
                          | ( 'AsOwner'(X147,select2(X149,X147,ownerRef)) != X147 )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X149,X147,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,localinv) != X150 )
                          | ( select2(X149,X147,inv) != X150 ) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X147) = X150 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X152: $int,X153: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X153,'AsMutable'(X152)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsMutable'(X153) != X153 )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X153) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X154: $int,X155: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X155,'AsImmutable'(X154)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X155) != X155 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X155) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X156: $int,X157: $int,X158: $int] :
              ? [X159: $int,X160: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X160),X159) )
                      | ( X158 != X160 )
                      | ( X156 != X159 ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X158),X156) ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X157,X158) = X160 )
                & ( 'AsInterface'(X156) = X159 ) )
          | ~ ! [X161: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X161)) )
          | ~ ! [X162: $int,X163: $int,X164: $int,X165: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X162) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X162,X163,'AsRangeField'(X164,X165)),X165) ) )
          | ~ ! [X166: $int,X167: $int,X168: $int,X169: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( ( true_1 = select2(X166,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                        <=> $true )
                        | ( 'BeingConstructed' != X167 ) )
                    | ( nullObject = X167 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X166) ) )
               => ( nullObject != select2(X166,X167,'AsNonNullRefField'(X168,X169)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X170: $int,X171: $int,X172: $int,X173: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X170) )
               => ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X170,X171,'AsRefField'(X172,X173)),X173) ) )
          | ~ ! [X174: $int,X175: $int] :
                ( ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 )
               => ( 'AsRefField'(X174,X175) = X174 ) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          | ~ ! [X176: $int,X177: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X176) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X176,'ClassRepr'(X177),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X178: $int,X179: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X178,X179) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X178,X179,allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X180: $int,X181: $int,X182: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,X181) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X180,'ValueArrayGet'(X181,X182)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X183: $int,X184: $int,X185: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,X184) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X183,'RefArrayGet'(X184,X185)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X186: $int,X187: $int,X188: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,X187) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X186,'StructGet'(X187,X188)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X189: $int,X190: $int,X191: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X189,X190,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X189) ) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X189,select2(X189,X190,X191),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X192: $int,X193: $int,X194: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X192,X193,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X192) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X192,select2(X192,X193,X194)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X195: $int,X196: $int] :
              ? [X197: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X197,'System_Array') )
                      | ( nullObject = X196 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X195) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X195,X196,localinv) != X197 )
                      | ( select2(X195,X196,inv) != X197 ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X196) = X197 ) )
          | ~ ! [X198: $int,X199: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X198,X199) )
               => ( nullObject = 'As'(X198,X199) ) )
          | ~ ! [X200: $int,X201: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X200,X201) )
               => ( 'As'(X200,X201) = X200 ) )
          | ~ ! [X202: $int,X203: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X202,X203) )
              <=> ~ ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X202,X203) )
                    | ( nullObject = X202 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X204: $int,X205: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X204,X205) )
              <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X204),X205) )
                  | ( nullObject = X204 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X206: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X206)) = X206 )
          | ~ ! [X207: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X207),'System_Type') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Type','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
          | ~ ! [X208: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'(X208) )
               => ~ ( ~ ! [X209: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X209,X208) )
                         => ( X208 = X209 ) )
                    | ~ ! [X210: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X208,X210) )
                         => ( X208 = X210 ) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X211: $int,X212: $int,X213: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X213,'AsDirectSubClass'(X212,X211)) )
               => ( 'OneClassDown'(X213,X211) = X212 ) )
          | ~ ! [X214: $int] :
              ? [X215: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( 'System_Object' != X214 )
                       => ( X214 != X215 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X214,X215) ) )
                & ( 'BaseClass'(X214) = X215 ) )
          | ~ ! [X216: $int,X217: $int,X218: $int,X219: $int] :
                ( ( X217 != X218 )
               => ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X216,X217,X219),X218) = 'StructGet'(X216,X218) ) )
          | ~ ! [X220: $int,X221: $int,X222: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X220,X221,X222),X221) = X222 )
          | ~ ! [X223: $int,X224: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X223,X224)) )
          | ~ ! [X225: $int,X226: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X225,X226)) )
          | ~ ! [X227: $int,X228: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X227),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X228,X227) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X228) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X228,'ElementProxy'(X227,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X229: $int,X230: $int,X231: $int] :
              ? [X232: $int,X233: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X229),'System_Array') )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X231) ) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( select2(X231,X233,ownerFrame) != select2(X231,X232,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( select2(X231,X233,ownerRef) != select2(X231,X232,ownerRef) ) )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X233)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X233 ) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X231,X229,elements),X230) = X233 )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X229,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X232 ) )
          | ~ ! [X234: $int,X235: $int,X236: $int] :
              ? [X237: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X237,X236) )
                 => ( ( X236 = X237 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X236) ) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X234,X235) = X237 ) )
          | ~ ! [X238: $int,X239: $int,X240: $int] :
              ? [X241: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X241,X240) )
                 => ( ( X240 = X241 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X240) ) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X238,X239) = X241 ) )
          | ~ ! [X242: $int,X243: $int,X244: $int] :
              ? [X245: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X242,X243),X244) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X242,X245) )
                        | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X245,X243) != X244 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X244) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X244) = X245 ) )
          | ~ ! [X246: $int,X247: $int,X248: $int] :
              ? [X249: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X246,X247),X248) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X246,X249) )
                        | ( 'RefArray'(X249,X247) != X248 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X248) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X248) = X249 ) )
          | ~ ! [X250: $int,X251: $int,X252: $int] :
              ? [X253: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X252,X253) )
                 => ( X252 = X253 ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X250,X251) = X253 ) )
          | ~ ! [X254: $int,X255: $int,X256: $int] :
              ? [X257: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X256,X257) )
                 => ( X256 = X257 ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X254,X255) = X257 ) )
          | ~ ! [X258: $int,X259: $int,X260: $int] :
              ? [X261: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X260,'NonNullRefArray'(X258,X259)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X261,X258) )
                      | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X261,X259) != X260 )
                      | ( X258 = X260 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X260) = X261 ) )
          | ~ ! [X262: $int,X263: $int,X264: $int] :
              ? [X265: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X264,'RefArray'(X262,X263)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X265,X262) )
                      | ( 'RefArray'(X265,X263) != X264 )
                      | ( X262 = X264 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X264) = X265 ) )
          | ~ ! [X266: $int,X267: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X266,X267)) = X266 )
          | ~ ! [X268: $int,X269: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X268,X269)) = X268 )
          | ~ ! [X270: $int,X271: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X270,X271)) = X270 )
          | ~ ! [X272: $int,X273: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X272,X273)) = X272 )
          | ~ ! [X274: $int,X275: $int,X276: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X275,X274) )
               => ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X275,X276),'NonNullRefArray'(X274,X276)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X277: $int,X278: $int,X279: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X278,X277) )
               => ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X278,X279),'RefArray'(X277,X279)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X280: $int,X281: $int,X282: $int] :
              ? [X283: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X280,X281,X282) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X281,'ElementType'(X283)) )
                      | ( 'Rank'(X280) != X282 )
                      | ( true_1 != x(X283,'System_Array') ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X280) = X283 ) )
          | ~ ! [X284: $int,X285: $int] :
              ? [X286: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X286,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X286,X286) ) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X284,X285) = X286 ) )
          | ~ ! [X287: $int,X288: $int] :
              ? [X289: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X289,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X289,X289) ) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X287,X288) = X289 ) )
          | ~ ! [X290: $int,X291: $int] :
              ? [X292: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X292,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X292,X292) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X290,X291) = X292 ) )
          | ~ ! [X293: $int,X294: $int] :
              ? [X295: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X295,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X295,X295) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X293,X294) = X295 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X296: $int,X297: $int,X298: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X296,'NonNullRefArray'(X297,X298)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X296) ) )
          | ~ ! [X299: $int,X300: $int,X301: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X299,'RefArray'(X300,X301)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X299) ) )
          | ~ ! [X302: $int,X303: $int,X304: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X302,'IntArray'(X303,X304)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X302) ) )
          | ~ ! [X305: $int,X306: $int,X307: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X305,'ValueArray'(X306,X307)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X305) ) )
          | ~ ! [X308: $int,X309: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X308,X309) = $sum('DimLength'(X308,X309),$uminus(1)) )
          | ~ ! [X310: $int,X311: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X310,X311) )
          | ~ ! [X312: $int] :
                ( ( 1 = 'Rank'(X312) )
               => ( 'Length'(X312) = 'DimLength'(X312,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X313: $int,X314: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X313,X314),0)
          | ~ ! [X315: $int] :
              ? [X316: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X316)
                    | $less(X316,0) )
                & ( 'Length'(X315) = X316 ) )
          | ~ ! [X317: $int,X318: $int,X319: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X317),'IntArray'(X318,X319)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X317 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X317) = X319 ) )
          | ~ ! [X320: $int,X321: $int,X322: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X320),'ValueArray'(X321,X322)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X320 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X320) = X322 ) )
          | ~ ! [X323: $int,X324: $int,X325: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X323),'NonNullRefArray'(X324,X325)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X323 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X323) = X325 ) )
          | ~ ! [X326: $int,X327: $int,X328: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X326),'RefArray'(X327,X328)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X326 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X326) = X328 ) )
          | ~ ! [X329: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X329),1)
          | ~ ! [X330: $int,X331: $int,X332: $int,X333: $int,X334: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X330),'NonNullRefArray'(X331,X333)) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X334) ) )
               => ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X334,X330,elements),X332) ) )
          | ~ ! [X335: $int,X336: $int,X337: $int] :
              ? [X338: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X338 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X337) ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X338),'ElementType'(typeof(X335))) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X337,X335,elements),X336) = X338 ) )
          | ~ ! [X339: $int,X340: $int,X341: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X341) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X341,X339,elements),X340),'ElementType'(typeof(X339))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X342: $int,X343: $int,X344: $int,X345: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X342,X343,X344,X345)) = X345 )
          | ~ ! [X346: $int,X347: $int,X348: $int,X349: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X346,X347,X348,X349)) = X348 )
          | ~ ! [X350: $int,X351: $int,X352: $int,X353: $int] :
                ( ( X351 != X352 )
               => ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X350,X351,X353),X352) = 'RefArrayGet'(X350,X352) ) )
          | ~ ! [X354: $int,X355: $int,X356: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X354,X355,X356),X355) = X356 )
          | ~ ! [X357: $int,X358: $int,X359: $int,X360: $int] :
                ( ( X358 != X359 )
               => ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X357,X358,X360),X359) = 'IntArrayGet'(X357,X359) ) )
          | ~ ! [X361: $int,X362: $int,X363: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X361,X362,X363),X362) = X363 )
          | ~ ! [X364: $int,X365: $int,X366: $int,X367: $int] :
                ( ( X365 != X366 )
               => ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X364,X365,X367),X366) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X364,X366) ) )
          | ~ ! [X368: $int,X369: $int,X370: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X368,X369,X370),X369) = X370 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
          | ~ ! [X371: $int,X372: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X372) )
               => ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X372,'ClassRepr'(X371),ownerFrame) ) )
          | ~ ! [X373: $int] : ( nullObject != 'ClassRepr'(X373) )
          | ~ ! [X374: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X374)),'System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X375: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X375)) = X375 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(elements) )
          | ~ ( ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
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              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
              & ( 'C' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
              & ( localinv != ownerRef )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( localinv != sharingMode )
              & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
              & ( 'C' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( inv != ownerFrame )
              & ( inv != ownerRef )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( inv != sharingMode )
              & ( inv != exposeVersion )
              & ( inv != localinv )
              & ( 'C' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( elements != ownerFrame )
              & ( elements != ownerRef )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( elements != sharingMode )
              & ( elements != exposeVersion )
              & ( elements != localinv )
              & ( elements != inv )
              & ( 'C' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
              & ( allocated != ownerRef )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( allocated != sharingMode )
              & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
              & ( allocated != localinv )
              & ( allocated != inv )
              & ( allocated != elements ) ) )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X2 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X1 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X0 ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f5]) ).

    ? [X12: $int,X13: $int,X14: $int] :
      ( ~ ( ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X12 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'System_String') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ~ ! [X93: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X93,'System_String') )
               => ( 'System_String' = X93 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X12) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X12 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_String') )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X13 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X13) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X13 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Array') )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X14 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'C') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsMutable'('C') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('C') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X14) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X14 )
          | ( true_1 != x('C','C') )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    | ( nullObject = X53 )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X17,X18) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X17,X53) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X53: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X53,X15) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X15) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ~ ( ~ ( ( X18 = X53 )
                     => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X53,X18) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
              <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X90: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X90,X9)
                    | $less(X90,X8)
                    | ~ ( ( X9 = X90 )
                        | ( X8 = X90 ) ) )
                & ( max(X8,X9) = X90 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X89: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X9,X89)
                    | $less(X8,X89)
                    | ~ ( ( X9 = X89 )
                        | ( X8 = X89 ) ) )
                & ( min(X8,X9) = X89 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X3,1)
               => ( shr(X1,X3) = x_1(shr(X1,$sum(X3,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] : ( shr(X1,0) = X1 )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
              ? [X88: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(16,X3)
                      | $less(X3,0)
                      | ~ $less(X1,32768)
                      | $less(X1,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X88)
                      | $less(X88,0) ) )
                & ( shl(X1,X3) = X88 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
                ( ~ $less(X3,1)
               => ( shl(X1,X3) = $product(shl(X1,$sum(X3,$uminus(1))),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] : ( shl(X1,0) = X1 )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X87: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X9,0)
                      | $less(X8,0) )
                 => ~ ( $less($sum(X8,X9),X87)
                      | $less(X87,0) ) )
                & ( or_1(X8,X9) = X87 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( ~ $less(X9,0)
                  | ~ $less(X8,0) )
               => ~ $less(and_1(X8,X9),0) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X53: $int,X19: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $less(X18,X53)
                    | ( x_2(X18,X19) != x_2(X53,X19) )
                    | $less(X19,2) )
               => ~ $less(X53,$sum(X18,X19)) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X86: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( $less(X9,0)
                      | $less(X86,0) )
                 => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2(X86,X9) ) )
                & ( $sum(X8,$uminus(X9)) = X86 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X9,0)
                    | $less(X8,0) )
               => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2($sum(X9,X8),X9) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(X9,0)
                    | $less(X8,0) )
               => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2($sum(X8,X9),X9) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X85: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X9,0)
                      | $less(0,X8) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X85)
                      | ~ $less(X9,X85) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X85 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X84: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X9)
                      | $less(0,X8) )
                 => ~ ( $less(0,X84)
                      | ~ $less($sum(0,$uminus(X9)),X84) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X84 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X83: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X9,0)
                      | $less(X8,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X83,$sum(0,$uminus(X9)))
                      | $less(X83,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X83 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X82: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X9)
                      | $less(X8,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X82,X9)
                      | $less(X82,0) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X82 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( x_2(X8,X9) = $sum(X8,$uminus($product(x_1(X8,X9),X9))) )
          | ~ ! [X53: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != X53 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X53,X8,X9) = X9 ) )
          | ~ ! [X53: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = X53 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X53,X8,X9) = X8 ) )
          | ~ ! [X81: $int,X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,X49) )
               => ( 'IntToInt'(X81,X48,X49) = X81 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Char') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,65536)
                    | $less(X1,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_18446744073709551615,X1)
                    | $less(X1,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int64') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_9223372036854775807,X1)
                    | $less(X1,int_m9223372036854775808) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_4294967295,X1)
                    | $less(X1,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int32') )
              <=> ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X1)
                    | $less(X1,int_m2147483648) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,65536)
                    | $less(X1,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,32768)
                    | $less(X1,$sum(0,$uminus(32768))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Byte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,256)
                    | $less(X1,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_SByte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,128)
                    | $less(X1,$sum(0,$uminus(128))) ) )
          | ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_2147483647)) )
          | ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) != $sum(0,$uminus(int_9223372036854775807)) )
          | ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
          | ~ $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
          | ~ $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
          | ~ $less(100000,int_2147483647)
          | ~ $less(int_m2147483648,$sum(0,$uminus(100000)))
          | ~ $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X6,X74) )
               => ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X6),X6) = X6 ) )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X6) = X74 )
              <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X6,X74) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X6: $int] :
              ? [X80: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( X6 != X80 )
                      | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X80),'System_Object') ) )
                 => ( X6 = X8 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X8,X6) = X80 ) )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X6)) )
               => ! [X20: $int,X8: $int] :
                  ? [X78: $int] :
                    ( ? [X79: $int] :
                        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X20) )
                         => ~ ( ( select2(X20,X78,localinv) != X79 )
                              | ( select2(X20,X78,inv) != X79 ) ) )
                        & ( typeof(X78) = X79 ) )
                    & ( 'Box'(X8,X6) = X78 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X6: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X8,X6)) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X74: $int,X75: $int,X76: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X8)) )
               => ( 'BoxFunc'(X8,X74,X75,X76) = X8 ) )
          | ~ ! [X73: $int,X74: $int,X75: $int,X76: $int] :
              ? [X77: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X77) != X74 )
                    | ( 'Box'(X73,X77) != X77 ) )
                & ( 'BoxFunc'(X73,X74,X75,X76) = X77 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X17: $int] :
              ? [X68: $int] :
                ( ? [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int,X72: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X72,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X71) )
                          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X72,inv),X71) )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X71 )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X4 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X70,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X69) )
                              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X70,inv),X69) )
                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X69 ) )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X68,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X68 ) ) )
                    & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X72 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X71 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X68,ownerRef) = X70 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X68,ownerFrame) = X69 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X68 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X17: $int] :
              ? [X66: $int,X67: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X67,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X66) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X67,inv),X66) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X66 )
                      | ( 'AsPureObject'(X4) != X4 )
                      | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                        <=> $true )
                      | ( nullObject = X4 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ( select2(X17,X4,X5) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X4,X5,select2(X17,select2(X17,X4,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X67 )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X66 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
              ? [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X65,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X64) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X65,inv),X64) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X64 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X63 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X63 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X65 )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X64 )
                & ( typeof(X4) = X63 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X1: $int] :
              ? [X61: $int] :
                ( ? [X62: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X61 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) != select2(X17,X62,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) != select2(X17,X62,ownerRef) ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X61,X1) = X62 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsElementsPeerField'(X5,X1)) = X61 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int,X1: $int] :
              ? [X59: $int] :
                ( ? [X60: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X59 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X60,ownerFrame) != X16 )
                          | ( select2(X17,X60,ownerRef) != X4 ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X59,X1) = X60 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsElementsRepField'(X5,X16,X1)) = X59 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
              ? [X58: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X58 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) != select2(X17,X58,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) != select2(X17,X58,ownerRef) ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsPeerField'(X5)) = X58 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X57: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X57 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X57,ownerFrame) != X16 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X57,ownerRef) != X4 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsRepField'(X5,X16)) = X57 ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int] : ~ $less('StringLength'(X45),0)
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X4),'AsImmutable'(X16)) )
                    | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X4 )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 ) )
               => ! [X17: $int] :
                  ? [X56: $int] :
                    ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ! [X10: $int] :
                                ( ( 'AsOwner'(X4,select2(X17,X10,ownerRef)) = X4 )
                               => ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X17,X10,ownerFrame) )
                                  | ( X4 = X10 ) ) )
                          | ( 'AsOwner'(X4,select2(X17,X4,ownerRef)) != X4 )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X56 )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X56 ) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X4) = X56 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,'AsMutable'(X16)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsMutable'(X33) != X33 )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X33) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,'AsImmutable'(X16)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X33) != X33 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X33) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X52: $int,X45: $int,X53: $int] :
              ? [X54: $int,X55: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X55),X54) )
                      | ( X53 != X55 )
                      | ( X52 != X54 ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X53),X52) ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X45,X53) = X55 )
                & ( 'AsInterface'(X52) = X54 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X4)) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X17,X4,'AsRangeField'(X5,X16)),X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                        <=> $true )
                        | ( 'BeingConstructed' != X4 ) )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( nullObject != select2(X17,X4,'AsNonNullRefField'(X5,X16)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X17,X4,'AsRefField'(X5,X16)),X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X5,X16) = X5 )
               => ( 'AsRefField'(X5,X16) = X5 ) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,'ClassRepr'(X15),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X4) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X51: $int,X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X51) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'ValueArrayGet'(X51,X1)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X51: $int,X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X51) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'RefArrayGet'(X51,X1)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X45: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X45) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'StructGet'(X45,X5)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,select2(X17,X4,X5),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,select2(X17,X4,X5)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
              ? [X50: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X50,'System_Array') )
                      | ( nullObject = X4 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X50 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X50 ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X4) = X50 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X4,X16) )
               => ( nullObject = 'As'(X4,X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X4,X16) )
               => ( 'As'(X4,X16) = X4 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X4,X16) )
              <=> ~ ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X4,X16) )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X4,X16) )
              <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X4),X16) )
                  | ( nullObject = X4 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X16)) = X16 )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X16),'System_Type') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Type','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'(X16) )
               => ~ ( ~ ! [X33: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
                         => ( X16 = X33 ) )
                    | ~ ! [X33: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X33) )
                         => ( X16 = X33 ) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X49,'AsDirectSubClass'(X48,X0)) )
               => ( 'OneClassDown'(X49,X0) = X48 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] :
              ? [X47: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( 'System_Object' != X16 )
                       => ( X16 != X47 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X16,X47) ) )
                & ( 'BaseClass'(X16) = X47 ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X5: $int,X46: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X5 != X46 )
               => ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X45,X5,X8),X46) = 'StructGet'(X45,X46) ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X5: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X45,X5,X8),X5) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X44: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X4,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X44: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X4,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X20,X18) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X20,'ElementProxy'(X18,$sum(0,$uminus(1)))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
              ? [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'System_Array') )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( select2(X20,X43,ownerFrame) != select2(X20,X42,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( select2(X20,X43,ownerRef) != select2(X20,X42,ownerRef) ) )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X43)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X43 ) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) = X43 )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X18,$sum(0,$uminus(1))) = X42 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X41: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X41,X16) )
                 => ( ( X16 = X41 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X0,X22) = X41 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X40: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X40,X16) )
                 => ( ( X16 = X40 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X0,X22) = X40 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X39: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22),X16) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X0,X39) )
                        | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X39,X22) != X16 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X39 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X38: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X0,X22),X16) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X0,X38) )
                        | ( 'RefArray'(X38,X22) != X16 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X38 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X37: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X37) )
                 => ( X16 = X37 ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X0,X22) = X37 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X36: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X36) )
                 => ( X16 = X36 ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X0,X22) = X36 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X35: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X35,X0) )
                      | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X35,X22) != X16 )
                      | ( X0 = X16 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X35 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X34: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'RefArray'(X0,X22)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X34,X0) )
                      | ( 'RefArray'(X34,X22) != X16 )
                      | ( X0 = X16 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X34 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
               => ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X33,X22),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
               => ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X33,X22),'RefArray'(X16,X22)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X29: $int,X30: $int,X31: $int] :
              ? [X32: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X29,X30,X31) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X30,'ElementType'(X32)) )
                      | ( 'Rank'(X29) != X31 )
                      | ( true_1 != x(X32,'System_Array') ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X29) = X32 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X28: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X28,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X28,X28) ) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22) = X28 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X27: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X27,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X27,X27) ) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X16,X22) = X27 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X26: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X26,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X26,X26) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X16,X22) = X26 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X25: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X25,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X25,X25) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X16,X22) = X25 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'NonNullRefArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'RefArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'IntArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'ValueArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X18,X1) = $sum('DimLength'(X18,X1),$uminus(1)) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X18,X1) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] :
                ( ( 1 = 'Rank'(X18) )
               => ( 'Length'(X18) = 'DimLength'(X18,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : ~ $less('DimLength'(X18,X1),0)
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] :
              ? [X23: $int] :
                ( ~ ( $less(int_2147483647,X23)
                    | $less(X23,0) )
                & ( 'Length'(X18) = X23 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'IntArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'ValueArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'RefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] : ~ $less('Rank'(X18),1)
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X1: $int,X22: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
               => ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
              ? [X21: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X21 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X21),'ElementType'(typeof(X18))) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) = X21 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X20) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1),'ElementType'(typeof(X18))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X19: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X18,X19,X8,X9)) = X9 )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X19: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X18,X19,X8,X9)) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'RefArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'IntArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X17,'ClassRepr'(X16),ownerFrame) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( 'ClassRepr'(X16) != nullObject )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X16)),'System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X15: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X15)) = X15 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(elements) )
          | ~ ( ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
              & ( 'C' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
              & ( localinv != ownerRef )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( localinv != sharingMode )
              & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
              & ( 'C' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( inv != ownerFrame )
              & ( inv != ownerRef )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( inv != sharingMode )
              & ( inv != exposeVersion )
              & ( inv != localinv )
              & ( 'C' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( elements != ownerFrame )
              & ( elements != ownerRef )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( elements != sharingMode )
              & ( elements != exposeVersion )
              & ( elements != localinv )
              & ( elements != inv )
              & ( 'C' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
              & ( allocated != ownerRef )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( allocated != sharingMode )
              & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
              & ( allocated != localinv )
              & ( allocated != inv )
              & ( allocated != elements ) ) )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X14 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X13 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X12 ) ),
    inference(theory_normalization,[],[f2]) ).

    ? [X12: $int,X13: $int,X14: $int] :
      ( ~ ( ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X12 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'System_String') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ~ ! [X93: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X93,'System_String') )
               => ( 'System_String' = X93 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IEquatable_1___System_String','System_IEquatable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char','System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable_1___System_String','System_IComparable_1___System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'AsInterface'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IConvertible','System_IConvertible') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_IComparable' != 'AsInterface'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_IComparable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_IComparable','System_IComparable') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'('System_String') )
          | ( 'System_String' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_String',X12) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X12 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_String','System_String') )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X13 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'AsInterface'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IEnumerable','System_Collections_IEnumerable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_ICollection','System_Collections_ICollection') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Collections_IList','System_Collections_IList') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'AsInterface'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'('System_ICloneable') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_ICloneable','System_ICloneable') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsMutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Array') )
          | ( 'System_Array' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('System_Array',X13) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X13 )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Array') )
          | ~ ! [X91: $int,X92: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( select2(X92,X91,localinv) = X14 )
                    | ( true_1 != x(select2(X92,X91,inv),'C') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X92) ) )
               => $true )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsMutable'('C') )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('C') )
          | ( 'C' != 'AsDirectSubClass'('C',X14) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != X14 )
          | ( true_1 != x('C','C') )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    | ( nullObject = X53 )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X17,X18) = 'System_String_IsInterned_System_String_notnull'(X17,X53) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X53: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X53,X15) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X15) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ~ ( ~ ( ( X18 = X53 )
                     => ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X53,X18) ) )
                  | ~ ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
                    <=> ( true_1 = 'StringEquals'(X18,X53) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X18: $int,X53: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) )
              <=> ( true_1 = 'System_String_Equals_System_String_System_String'(X17,X18,X53) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X90: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X9,X90)
                    | ~ $lesseq(X8,X90)
                    | ~ ( ( X9 = X90 )
                        | ( X8 = X90 ) ) )
                & ( max(X8,X9) = X90 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X89: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X89,X9)
                    | ~ $lesseq(X89,X8)
                    | ~ ( ( X9 = X89 )
                        | ( X8 = X89 ) ) )
                & ( min(X8,X9) = X89 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
                ( $lesseq(1,X3)
               => ( shr(X1,X3) = x_1(shr(X1,$difference(X3,1)),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] : ( shr(X1,0) = X1 )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
              ? [X88: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X3,16)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X3)
                      | ~ $less(X1,32768)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X88,int_2147483647)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X88) ) )
                & ( shl(X1,X3) = X88 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int,X3: $int] :
                ( $lesseq(1,X3)
               => ( shl(X1,X3) = $product(shl(X1,$difference(X3,1)),2) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] : ( shl(X1,0) = X1 )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X87: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(0,X9)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X8) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X87,$sum(X8,X9))
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X87) ) )
                & ( or_1(X8,X9) = X87 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( $lesseq(0,X9)
                  | $lesseq(0,X8) )
               => $lesseq(0,and_1(X8,X9)) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X53: $int,X19: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $less(X18,X53)
                    | ( x_2(X18,X19) != x_2(X53,X19) )
                    | ~ $lesseq(2,X19) )
               => $lesseq($sum(X18,X19),X53) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X86: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(0,X9)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X86) )
                 => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2(X86,X9) ) )
                & ( $difference(X8,X9) = X86 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(0,X9)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X8) )
               => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2($sum(X9,X8),X9) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(0,X9)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X8) )
               => ( x_2(X8,X9) = x_2($sum(X8,X9),X9) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X85: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X9,0)
                      | ~ $lesseq(X8,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X85,0)
                      | ~ $less(X9,X85) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X85 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X84: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X9)
                      | ~ $lesseq(X8,0) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X84,0)
                      | ~ $less($difference(0,X9),X84) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X84 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X83: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(X9,0)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X8) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X83,$difference(0,X9))
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X83) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X83 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] :
              ? [X82: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ~ $less(0,X9)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X8) )
                 => ~ ( ~ $less(X82,X9)
                      | ~ $lesseq(0,X82) ) )
                & ( x_2(X8,X9) = X82 ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( x_2(X8,X9) = $difference(X8,$product(x_1(X8,X9),X9)) )
          | ~ ! [X53: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != X53 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X53,X8,X9) = X9 ) )
          | ~ ! [X53: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = X53 )
               => ( 'IfThenElse'(X53,X8,X9) = X8 ) )
          | ~ ! [X81: $int,X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X81,X49) )
               => ( 'IntToInt'(X81,X48,X49) = X81 ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Char') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,65536)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt64') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X1,int_18446744073709551615)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int64') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X1,int_9223372036854775807)
                    | ~ $lesseq(int_m9223372036854775808,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt32') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X1,int_4294967295)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int32') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X1,int_2147483647)
                    | ~ $lesseq(int_m2147483648,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_UInt16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,65536)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Int16') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,32768)
                    | ~ $lesseq($difference(0,32768),X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_Byte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,256)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'InRange'(X1,'System_SByte') )
              <=> ~ ( ~ $less(X1,128)
                    | ~ $lesseq($difference(0,128),X1) ) )
          | ( $sum(int_m2147483648,1) != $difference(0,int_2147483647) )
          | ( $sum(int_m9223372036854775808,1) != $difference(0,int_9223372036854775807) )
          | ~ $less(int_9223372036854775807,int_18446744073709551615)
          | ~ $less(int_4294967295,int_9223372036854775807)
          | ~ $less(int_2147483647,int_4294967295)
          | ~ $less(100000,int_2147483647)
          | ~ $less(int_m2147483648,$difference(0,100000))
          | ~ $less(int_m9223372036854775808,int_m2147483648)
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_IntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UIntPtr') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Char') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int64') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int32') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_UInt16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Int16') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Byte') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_SByte') )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X6,X74) )
               => ( 'Box'('Unbox'(X6),X6) = X6 ) )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int,X74: $int] :
                ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X6) = X74 )
              <=> ( nullObject != 'BoxTester'(X6,X74) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X6: $int] :
              ? [X80: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( X6 != X80 )
                      | ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X80),'System_Object') ) )
                 => ( X6 = X8 ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X8,X6) = X80 ) )
          | ~ ! [X6: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X6)) )
               => ! [X20: $int,X8: $int] :
                  ? [X78: $int] :
                    ( ? [X79: $int] :
                        ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X20) )
                         => ~ ( ( select2(X20,X78,localinv) != X79 )
                              | ( select2(X20,X78,inv) != X79 ) ) )
                        & ( typeof(X78) = X79 ) )
                    & ( 'Box'(X8,X6) = X78 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X6: $int] : ( 'Unbox'('Box'(X8,X6)) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X8: $int,X74: $int,X75: $int,X76: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('UnboxedType'(X8)) )
               => ( 'BoxFunc'(X8,X74,X75,X76) = X8 ) )
          | ~ ! [X73: $int,X74: $int,X75: $int,X76: $int] :
              ? [X77: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( 'UnboxedType'(X77) != X74 )
                    | ( 'Box'(X73,X77) != X77 ) )
                & ( 'BoxFunc'(X73,X74,X75,X76) = X77 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X17: $int] :
              ? [X68: $int] :
                ( ? [X69: $int,X70: $int,X71: $int,X72: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X72,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X71) )
                          | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X72,inv),X71) )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X71 )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X4 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X70,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X69) )
                              | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X70,inv),X69) )
                              | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X69 ) )
                          | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X68,allocated) )
                            <=> $true )
                          | ( nullObject = X68 ) ) )
                    & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X72 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X71 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X68,ownerRef) = X70 )
                    & ( select2(X17,X68,ownerFrame) = X69 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'FirstConsistentOwner') = X68 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X5: $int,X17: $int] :
              ? [X66: $int,X67: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X67,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X66) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X67,inv),X66) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X66 )
                      | ( 'AsPureObject'(X4) != X4 )
                      | ~ ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                        <=> $true )
                      | ( nullObject = X4 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ( select2(X17,X4,X5) = 'FieldDependsOnFCO'(X4,X5,select2(X17,select2(X17,X4,'FirstConsistentOwner'),exposeVersion)) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X67 )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X66 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
              ? [X63: $int,X64: $int,X65: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( select2(X17,X65,localinv) = 'BaseClass'(X64) )
                      | ( true_1 != x(select2(X17,X65,inv),X64) )
                      | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = X64 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X63 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X63 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) = X65 )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) = X64 )
                & ( typeof(X4) = X63 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X1: $int] :
              ? [X61: $int] :
                ( ? [X62: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X61 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) != select2(X17,X62,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) != select2(X17,X62,ownerRef) ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X61,X1) = X62 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsElementsPeerField'(X5,X1)) = X61 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int,X1: $int] :
              ? [X59: $int] :
                ( ? [X60: $int] :
                    ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X59 )
                          | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                     => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X60,ownerFrame) != X16 )
                          | ( select2(X17,X60,ownerRef) != X4 ) ) )
                    & ( 'ElementProxy'(X59,X1) = X60 ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsElementsRepField'(X5,X16,X1)) = X59 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
              ? [X58: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X58 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) != select2(X17,X58,ownerFrame) )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,ownerRef) != select2(X17,X58,ownerRef) ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsPeerField'(X5)) = X58 ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X57: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X57 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X57,ownerFrame) != X16 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X57,ownerRef) != X4 ) ) )
                & ( select2(X17,X4,'AsRepField'(X5,X16)) = X57 ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int] : $lesseq(0,'StringLength'(X45))
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X4),'AsImmutable'(X16)) )
                    | ( 'BeingConstructed' = X4 )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 ) )
               => ! [X17: $int] :
                  ? [X56: $int] :
                    ( ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
                     => ~ ( ~ ! [X10: $int] :
                                ( ( 'AsOwner'(X4,select2(X17,X10,ownerRef)) = X4 )
                               => ( ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X17,X10,ownerFrame) )
                                  | ( X4 = X10 ) ) )
                          | ( 'AsOwner'(X4,select2(X17,X4,ownerRef)) != X4 )
                          | ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != select2(X17,X4,ownerFrame) )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X56 )
                          | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X56 ) ) )
                    & ( typeof(X4) = X56 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,'AsMutable'(X16)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsMutable'(X33) != X33 )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(X33) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,'AsImmutable'(X16)) )
               => ~ ( ( 'AsImmutable'(X33) != X33 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsImmutable'(X33) ) ) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'('System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X52: $int,X45: $int,X53: $int] :
              ? [X54: $int,X55: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x('UnboxedType'(X55),X54) )
                      | ( X53 != X55 )
                      | ( X52 != X54 ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X53),X52) ) )
                & ( 'Box'(X45,X53) = X55 )
                & ( 'AsInterface'(X52) = X54 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int] : ( true_1 != 'IsMemberlessType'(typeof(X4)) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'(select2(X17,X4,'AsRangeField'(X5,X16)),X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( ( true_1 = select2(X17,'BeingConstructed','NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
                        <=> $true )
                        | ( 'BeingConstructed' != X4 ) )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( nullObject != select2(X17,X4,'AsNonNullRefField'(X5,X16)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = 'Is'(select2(X17,X4,'AsRefField'(X5,X16)),X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X5: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( 'AsNonNullRefField'(X5,X16) = X5 )
               => ( 'AsRefField'(X5,X16) = X5 ) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'('NonNullFieldsAreInitialized') )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X15: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,'ClassRepr'(X15),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X4) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,X4,allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X51: $int,X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X51) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'ValueArrayGet'(X51,X1)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X51: $int,X1: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X51) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'RefArrayGet'(X51,X1)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X45: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,X45) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,'StructGet'(X45,X5)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( true_1 = select2(X17,select2(X17,X4,X5),allocated) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int,X5: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != select2(X17,X4,allocated) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X17,select2(X17,X4,X5)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X17: $int,X4: $int] :
              ? [X50: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X50,'System_Array') )
                      | ( nullObject = X4 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X17) ) )
                 => ~ ( ( select2(X17,X4,localinv) != X50 )
                      | ( select2(X17,X4,inv) != X50 ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X4) = X50 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X4,X16) )
               => ( nullObject = 'As'(X4,X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X4,X16) )
               => ( 'As'(X4,X16) = X4 ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'(X4,X16) )
              <=> ~ ( ( true_1 != 'Is'(X4,X16) )
                    | ( nullObject = X4 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'Is'(X4,X16) )
              <=> ( ( true_1 = x(typeof(X4),X16) )
                  | ( nullObject = X4 ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( 'TypeName'('TypeObject'(X16)) = X16 )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( true_1 = 'IsNotNull'('TypeObject'(X16),'System_Type') )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Type','System_Object') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'('System_Boolean') )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsValueType'(X16) )
               => ~ ( ~ ! [X33: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
                         => ( X16 = X33 ) )
                    | ~ ! [X33: $int] :
                          ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X33) )
                         => ( X16 = X33 ) ) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X48: $int,X49: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X49,'AsDirectSubClass'(X48,X0)) )
               => ( 'OneClassDown'(X49,X0) = X48 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] :
              ? [X47: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ ( ( 'System_Object' != X16 )
                       => ( X16 != X47 ) )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X16,X47) ) )
                & ( 'BaseClass'(X16) = X47 ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X5: $int,X46: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X5 != X46 )
               => ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X45,X5,X8),X46) = 'StructGet'(X45,X46) ) )
          | ~ ! [X45: $int,X5: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'StructGet'('StructSet'(X45,X5,X8),X5) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X44: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxyStruct'(X4,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X4: $int,X44: $int] : ( 'System_Object' = typeof('ElementProxy'(X4,X44)) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsAllocated'(X20,X18) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
               => ( true_1 = 'IsAllocated'(X20,'ElementProxy'(X18,$difference(0,1))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
              ? [X42: $int,X43: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'System_Array') )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( select2(X20,X43,ownerFrame) != select2(X20,X42,ownerFrame) )
                        | ( select2(X20,X43,ownerRef) != select2(X20,X42,ownerRef) ) )
                    | ( true_1 = 'IsImmutable'(typeof(X43)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X43 ) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) = X43 )
                & ( 'ElementProxy'(X18,$difference(0,1)) = X42 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X41: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X41,X16) )
                 => ( ( X16 = X41 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X0,X22) = X41 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X40: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X40,X16) )
                 => ( ( X16 = X40 )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X0,X22) = X40 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X39: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22),X16) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X0,X39) )
                        | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X39,X22) != X16 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X39 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X38: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X0,X22),X16) )
                 => ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X0,X38) )
                        | ( 'RefArray'(X38,X22) != X16 ) )
                    | ( true_1 = x('System_Array',X16) ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X38 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X37: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X37) )
                 => ( X16 = X37 ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X0,X22) = X37 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X36: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,X36) )
                 => ( X16 = X36 ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X0,X22) = X36 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X35: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X35,X0) )
                      | ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X35,X22) != X16 )
                      | ( X0 = X16 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X35 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int,X16: $int] :
              ? [X34: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'RefArray'(X0,X22)) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X34,X0) )
                      | ( 'RefArray'(X34,X22) != X16 )
                      | ( X0 = X16 ) ) )
                & ( 'ElementType'(X16) = X34 ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('NonNullRefArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('RefArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('IntArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X22: $int] : ( 'ElementType'('ValueArray'(X0,X22)) = X0 )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
               => ( true_1 = x('NonNullRefArray'(X33,X22),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X33: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X33,X16) )
               => ( true_1 = x('RefArray'(X33,X22),'RefArray'(X16,X22)) ) )
          | ~ ! [X29: $int,X30: $int,X31: $int] :
              ? [X32: $int] :
                ( ( ( true_1 = 'NonNullRefArrayRaw'(X29,X30,X31) )
                 => ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X30,'ElementType'(X32)) )
                      | ( 'Rank'(X29) != X31 )
                      | ( true_1 != x(X32,'System_Array') ) ) )
                & ( typeof(X29) = X32 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X28: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X28,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X28,X28) ) )
                & ( 'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22) = X28 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X27: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X27,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X27,X27) ) )
                & ( 'RefArray'(X16,X22) = X27 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X26: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X26,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X26,X26) ) )
                & ( 'IntArray'(X16,X22) = X26 ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X22: $int] :
              ? [X25: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(X25,'System_Array') )
                    | ( true_1 != x(X25,X25) ) )
                & ( 'ValueArray'(X16,X22) = X25 ) )
          | ( true_1 != x('System_Array','System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'NonNullRefArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'RefArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'IntArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X24: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = x(X16,'ValueArray'(X24,X22)) )
               => ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' = 'ArrayCategory'(X16) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : ( 'UBound'(X18,X1) = $difference('DimLength'(X18,X1),1) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : ( 0 = 'LBound'(X18,X1) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] :
                ( ( 1 = 'Rank'(X18) )
               => ( 'Length'(X18) = 'DimLength'(X18,0) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int] : $lesseq(0,'DimLength'(X18,X1))
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] :
              ? [X23: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ~ $lesseq(X23,int_2147483647)
                    | ~ $lesseq(0,X23) )
                & ( 'Length'(X18) = X23 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'IntArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'ValueArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X22: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'RefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( nullObject = X18 ) )
               => ( 'Rank'(X18) = X22 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int] : $lesseq(1,'Rank'(X18))
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X16: $int,X1: $int,X22: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ~ ( ( true_1 != x(typeof(X18),'NonNullRefArray'(X16,X22)) )
                    | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
               => ( nullObject != 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
              ? [X21: $int] :
                ( ( ~ ( ( nullObject = X21 )
                      | ( true_1 != 'IsHeap'(X20) ) )
                 => ( true_1 = x(typeof(X21),'ElementType'(typeof(X18))) ) )
                & ( 'RefArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1) = X21 ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X1: $int,X20: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X20) )
               => ( true_1 = 'InRange'('IntArrayGet'(select2(X20,X18,elements),X1),'ElementType'(typeof(X18))) ) )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X19: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvY'('ArrayIndex'(X18,X19,X8,X9)) = X9 )
          | ~ ! [X18: $int,X19: $int,X8: $int,X9: $int] : ( 'ArrayIndexInvX'('ArrayIndex'(X18,X19,X8,X9)) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'RefArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'RefArrayGet'('RefArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'IntArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'IntArrayGet'('IntArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X3: $int,X8: $int] :
                ( ( X1 != X3 )
               => ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X3) = 'ValueArrayGet'(X0,X3) ) )
          | ~ ! [X0: $int,X1: $int,X8: $int] : ( 'ValueArrayGet'('ValueArraySet'(X0,X1,X8),X1) = X8 )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludedInModifiesStar'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IsStaticField'(allocated) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'('FirstConsistentOwner') )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerFrame) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(ownerRef) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(localinv) )
          | ( true_1 = 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(inv) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(elements) )
          | ( true_1 != 'IncludeInMainFrameCondition'(allocated) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int,X17: $int] :
                ( ( true_1 = 'IsHeap'(X17) )
               => ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' = select2(X17,'ClassRepr'(X16),ownerFrame) ) )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( 'ClassRepr'(X16) != nullObject )
          | ~ ! [X16: $int] : ( true_1 != x(typeof('ClassRepr'(X16)),'System_Object') )
          | ~ ! [X15: $int] : ( 'ClassReprInv'('ClassRepr'(X15)) = X15 )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(exposeVersion) )
          | ( 'System_Object' != 'DeclType'(elements) )
          | ~ ( ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IConvertible' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_ICloneable' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_ICollection' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_IList' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_IntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UIntPtr' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Char' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int64' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int32' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_UInt16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Int16' != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Byte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_SByte' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'C' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'FirstConsistentOwner' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'C' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'C' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_Int16' )
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              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Type' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_IComparable' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Object' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'C' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
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              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Boolean' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'C' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'System_Boolean' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' != 'System_Object' )
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              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryRef' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_IConvertible' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Char' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int32' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryInt' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'C' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'ArrayCategoryValue' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'C' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int64' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_UInt16' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'System_SByte' )
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              & ( 'System_String' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
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              & ( 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerFrame )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_ICloneable' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
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              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerFrame )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerFrame != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'C' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Char' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Type' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Object' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != ownerRef )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( ownerRef != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( ownerRef != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_LockProtected' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'C' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Char' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Type' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Object' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerFrame )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != ownerRef )
              & ( 'SharingMode_Unshared' != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( 'C' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Char' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Type' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Object' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != sharingMode )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerFrame )
              & ( sharingMode != ownerRef )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( sharingMode != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( 'C' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Char' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Type' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Object' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != exposeVersion )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerFrame )
              & ( exposeVersion != ownerRef )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( exposeVersion != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( exposeVersion != sharingMode )
              & ( 'C' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( localinv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( localinv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != localinv )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( localinv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( localinv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( localinv != ownerFrame )
              & ( localinv != ownerRef )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( localinv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( localinv != sharingMode )
              & ( localinv != exposeVersion )
              & ( 'C' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( inv != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( inv != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Char' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( inv != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( inv != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( inv != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Type' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Object' )
              & ( inv != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != inv )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( inv != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( inv != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( inv != ownerFrame )
              & ( inv != ownerRef )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( inv != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( inv != sharingMode )
              & ( inv != exposeVersion )
              & ( inv != localinv )
              & ( 'C' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( elements != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( elements != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Char' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( elements != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( elements != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( elements != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Type' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Object' )
              & ( elements != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != elements )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( elements != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( elements != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( elements != ownerFrame )
              & ( elements != ownerRef )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( elements != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( elements != sharingMode )
              & ( elements != exposeVersion )
              & ( elements != localinv )
              & ( elements != inv )
              & ( 'C' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IEnumerable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IConvertible' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_ICloneable' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_ICollection' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_IList' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IEquatable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1___System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IComparable_1___System_String' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_IntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UIntPtr' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Char' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int64' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int32' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_UInt16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Int16' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Byte' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_SByte' )
              & ( allocated != 'FirstConsistentOwner' )
              & ( 'System_String' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'NonNullFieldsAreInitialized' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Type' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Object' )
              & ( allocated != 'System_Boolean' )
              & ( 'System_Array' != allocated )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryNonNullRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryRef' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryInt' )
              & ( allocated != 'ArrayCategoryValue' )
              & ( allocated != 'PeerGroupPlaceholder' )
              & ( allocated != ownerFrame )
              & ( allocated != ownerRef )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_LockProtected' )
              & ( allocated != 'SharingMode_Unshared' )
              & ( allocated != sharingMode )
              & ( allocated != exposeVersion )
              & ( allocated != localinv )
              & ( allocated != inv )
              & ( allocated != elements ) ) )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('C') = X14 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_Array') = X13 )
      & ( 'BaseClass'('System_String') = X12 ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0: $int] :
      ( ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != x('System_Byte',X0) )
      | ( 'System_Byte' = X0 ) ),
    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f3879]) ).

    ! [X0: $int] :
      ( ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' )
      | ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != x('System_Byte',X0) )
      | ( 'System_Byte' = X0 ) ),
    inference(superposition,[],[f1755,f1691]) ).

    'IsValueType'('System_Byte') = 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed',
    inference(definition_unfolding,[],[f1284,f1531]) ).

    true_1 = 'IsValueType'('System_Byte'),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

    ! [X202: $int,X204: $int] :
      ( ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != 'IsValueType'(X202) )
      | ( 'PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed' != x(X202,X204) )
      | ( X202 = X204 ) ),
    inference(definition_unfolding,[],[f1193,f1531,f1531]) ).

    ! [X202: $int,X204: $int] :
      ( ( X202 = X204 )
      | ( true_1 != x(X202,X204) )
      | ( true_1 != 'IsValueType'(X202) ) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

    ! [X208: $int] :
      ( ( sK48(X208) != X208 )
      | ( sK12 = X208 ) ),
    inference(definition_unfolding,[],[f1191,f1414]) ).

    'System_Object' = sK12,
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

    ! [X208: $int] :
      ( ( sK48(X208) != X208 )
      | ( 'System_Object' = X208 ) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

    'System_Byte' != sK12,
    inference(definition_unfolding,[],[f764,f1414]) ).

    'System_Object' != 'System_Byte',
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f99]) ).

% 0.12/0.13  % Problem    : SWW786_1 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v7.0.0.
% 0.12/0.13  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d SAT
% 0.12/0.36  % Computer : n009.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.36  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.36  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.36  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.36  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.36  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.12/0.36  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.12/0.36  % DateTime   : Wed Jun 19 04:29:24 EDT 2024
% 0.12/0.36  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.12/0.37  This is a TF0_UNS_EQU_ARI problem
% 0.12/0.37  Running first-order model finding
% 0.12/0.37  Running /export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/bin/vampire --mode casc_sat -m 16384 --cores 7 -t 300 /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11863)ott+21_1:1_sil=4000:i=104:fsd=on:fd=off:newcnf=on_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/104Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11860)ott+10_10:1_add=off:afr=on:amm=off:anc=all:bd=off:bs=on:fsr=off:irw=on:lma=on:msp=off:nm=4:nwc=4.0:sac=on:sp=reverse_frequency:i=99418_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/99418Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11865)ott-4_1:1_sil=4000:sp=reverse_arity:lcm=predicate:newcnf=on:i=115:bce=on:fd=off:fs=off:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/115Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11859)fmb+10_1:1_sil=256000:i=98885:tgt=full:fmbsr=1.3:fmbss=10_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/98885Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11861)fmb+10_1:1_sil=256000:fmbes=contour:i=214858:bce=on_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/214858Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11862)fmb+10_1:1_sil=256000:fmbss=23:fmbes=contour:newcnf=on:fmbsr=1.14:i=152523:nm=2:gsp=on:rp=on_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/152523Mi)
% 0.23/0.46  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.46  % (11864)ott+11_8:59_sil=16000:sp=occurrence:lsd=20:abs=on:i=146:aac=none:nm=16:fdi=10:rawr=on:nicw=on_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/146Mi)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 0.23/0.48  
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Memory used [KB]: 2301
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Time elapsed: 0.025 s
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)Instructions burned: 48 (million)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11859)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 0.23/0.48  
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Memory used [KB]: 2216
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Time elapsed: 0.026 s
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11862)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 0.23/0.48  
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Memory used [KB]: 2371
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Time elapsed: 0.029 s
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)Instructions burned: 55 (million)
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.48  % (11861)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.23/0.51  
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Memory used [KB]: 2728
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Time elapsed: 0.054 s
% 0.23/0.51  % (11863)Instructions burned: 105 (million)
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.23/0.52  
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Memory used [KB]: 3061
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Time elapsed: 0.061 s
% 0.23/0.52  % (11865)Instructions burned: 116 (million)
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)------------------------------
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.23/0.54  
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Memory used [KB]: 3249
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Time elapsed: 0.080 s
% 0.23/0.54  % (11864)Instructions burned: 147 (million)
% 0.23/0.54  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.54  % (11866)dis+11_1:3_bsr=unit_only:sil=2000:rp=on:newcnf=on:i=404:kws=precedence:lsd=100_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/404Mi)
% 0.23/0.54  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.54  % (11867)ott-21_1:1_sil=4000:sp=const_frequency:i=175:fsr=off:fs=off:av=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/175Mi)
% 0.23/0.54  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.23/0.54  % (11868)ott+33_1:1_to=lpo:sil=8000:sp=weighted_frequency:rp=on:i=270:nm=3:fsr=off:sac=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/270Mi)
% 1.30/0.57  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.30/0.57  % (11869)ott+4_1:1_sil=2000:i=900:bd=off:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/900Mi)
% 1.30/0.58  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.30/0.58  % (11870)fmb+10_1:1_sil=8000:fde=unused:fmbes=contour:i=7859:nm=2:fmbswr=0_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/7859Mi)
% 1.48/0.60  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.48/0.60  % (11871)ott+11_1:2_anc=none:sil=2000:sp=const_max:spb=units:s2a=on:i=2145:s2at=5.0:awrs=converge:awrsf=170:rawr=on:gs=on:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/2145Mi)
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)------------------------------
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 1.48/0.60  
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Memory used [KB]: 2184
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Time elapsed: 0.022 s
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)Instructions burned: 44 (million)
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)------------------------------
% 1.48/0.60  % (11870)------------------------------
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)------------------------------
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.48/0.63  
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Memory used [KB]: 3340
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Time elapsed: 0.091 s
% 1.48/0.63  % (11867)Instructions burned: 177 (million)
% 1.88/0.66  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.88/0.66  % (11872)ott-30_1:1024_sil=4000:alpa=true:newcnf=on:i=1187:bs=unit_only:ins=1:amm=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/1187Mi)
% 1.88/0.69  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.88/0.69  % (11873)fmb+10_1:1_sil=32000:i=23580:newcnf=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/23580Mi)
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)------------------------------
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.88/0.70  
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Memory used [KB]: 4761
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Time elapsed: 0.156 s
% 1.88/0.70  % (11868)Instructions burned: 270 (million)
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)------------------------------
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 2.18/0.71  
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Memory used [KB]: 2229
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Time elapsed: 0.025 s
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)Instructions burned: 54 (million)
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)------------------------------
% 2.18/0.71  % (11873)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.76  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.45/0.76  % (11874)fmb+10_1:1_sil=32000:fmbss=17:fmbsr=2.0:i=2892_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/2892Mi)
% 2.45/0.76  % (11869)First to succeed.
% 2.45/0.77  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.45/0.77  % (11875)ott-10_1:1_sil=4000:i=1693_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/1693Mi)
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)WARNING: trying to run FMB on interpreted or otherwise provably infinite-domain problem!
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Terminated due to inappropriate strategy.
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Termination reason: Inappropriate
% 2.45/0.78  
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Memory used [KB]: 2301
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Time elapsed: 0.023 s
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)Instructions burned: 48 (million)
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.78  % (11874)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.45/0.78  
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Memory used [KB]: 5451
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Time elapsed: 0.240 s
% 2.45/0.78  % (11866)Instructions burned: 405 (million)
% 2.45/0.80  % (11869)Solution written to "/export/starexec/sandbox2/tmp/vampire-proof-11858"
% 2.45/0.81  % (11858)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 2.45/0.81  % SZS status Unsatisfiable for theBenchmark
% 2.45/0.81  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Termination reason: Refutation
% 2.45/0.81  
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Memory used [KB]: 4834
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Time elapsed: 0.235 s
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)Instructions burned: 441 (million)
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.81  % (11869)------------------------------
% 2.45/0.81  % (11858)Success in time 0.404 s