TSTP Solution File: SWW629_2 by Vampire---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire---4.9
% Problem  : SWW629_2 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v6.1.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d THM

% Computer : n020.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 18:35:17 EDT 2024

% Result   : Theorem 3.98s 0.98s
% Output   : Refutation 3.98s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   14
%            Number of leaves      :   13
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   48 (   9 unt;   0 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :  552 ( 206 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :   50 (  11 avg)
%            Number of connectives :  602 (  98   ~;  91   |; 354   &)
%                                         (   7 <=>;  52  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   29 (  11 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    4 (   2 avg)
%            Number arithmetic     :   73 (  11 atm;  17 fun;  45 num;   0 var)
%            Number of types       :    8 (   6 usr;   1 ari)
%            Number of type conns  :    0 (   0   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of predicates  :   10 (   7 usr;   3 prp; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   52 (  49 usr;  21 con; 0-5 aty)
%            Number of variables   :  212 (  84   !; 128   ?; 212   :)

% Comments : 
    uni: $tType ).

    ty: $tType ).

    bool1: $tType ).

    tuple02: $tType ).

    elt1: $tType ).

    list_elt: $tType ).

    witness1: ty > uni ).

    int: ty ).

    real: ty ).

    bool: ty ).

    true1: bool1 ).

    false1: bool1 ).

    match_bool1: ( ty * bool1 * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    tuple0: ty ).

    tuple03: tuple02 ).

    qtmark: ty ).

    list: ty > ty ).

    nil: ty > uni ).

    cons: ( ty * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    match_list1: ( ty * ty * uni * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    cons_proj_11: ( ty * uni ) > uni ).

    cons_proj_21: ( ty * uni ) > uni ).

    length2: ( ty * uni ) > $int ).

    infix_plpl: ( ty * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    num_occ1: ( ty * uni * uni ) > $int ).

    reverse: ( ty * uni ) > uni ).

    t: ty > ty ).

    mk_t: ( ty * uni ) > uni ).

    elts: ( ty * uni ) > uni ).

    length3: ( ty * uni ) > $int ).

    elt: ty ).

    t2tb: list_elt > uni ).

    tb2t: uni > list_elt ).

    t2tb1: elt1 > uni ).

    tb2t1: uni > elt1 ).

    sK0: list_elt > elt1 ).

    sK1: list_elt > list_elt ).

    sK2: list_elt > elt1 ).

    sK3: list_elt > elt1 ).

    sK4: ( list_elt * list_elt ) > elt1 ).

    sK5: ( list_elt * list_elt ) > elt1 ).

    sK6: list_elt ).

    sK7: list_elt ).

    sK8: list_elt ).

    sK9: list_elt ).

    sK10: list_elt ).

    sK11: list_elt ).

    sK12: bool1 ).

    sK13: list_elt ).

    sK14: list_elt ).

    sK15: list_elt ).

    sK16: ( elt1 * list_elt ) > elt1 ).

    sK17: ( ty * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    sK18: ( ty * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    sK19: ( ty * uni * uni ) > uni ).

    sort1: ( ty * uni ) > $o ).

    mem: ( ty * uni * uni ) > $o ).

    permut: ( ty * uni * uni ) > $o ).

    le1: ( elt1 * elt1 ) > $o ).

    sorted1: list_elt > $o ).

    inference(avatar_sat_refutation,[],[f594,f596,f1218]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f1217]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl20_2 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f1207,f514]) ).

    inference(unit_resulting_resolution,[],[f318,f325,f359]) ).

    ! [X2: uni,X3: ty,X0: uni,X1: uni,X4: uni] :
      ( permut(X3,infix_plpl(X3,X1,X4),infix_plpl(X3,X2,X0))
      | ~ permut(X3,X4,X0)
      | ~ permut(X3,X1,X2) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f251]) ).

    ! [X0: uni,X1: uni,X2: uni,X3: ty,X4: uni] :
      ( permut(X3,infix_plpl(X3,X1,X4),infix_plpl(X3,X2,X0))
      | ~ permut(X3,X4,X0)
      | ~ permut(X3,X1,X2) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f170]) ).

    ! [X0: uni,X3: uni,X1: uni,X4: ty,X2: uni] :
      ( permut(X4,infix_plpl(X4,X3,X2),infix_plpl(X4,X1,X0))
      | ~ permut(X4,X2,X0)
      | ~ permut(X4,X3,X1) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f169]) ).

    ! [X4: ty,X2: uni,X1: uni,X0: uni,X3: uni] :
      ( permut(X4,infix_plpl(X4,X3,X2),infix_plpl(X4,X1,X0))
      | ~ permut(X4,X2,X0)
      | ~ permut(X4,X3,X1) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f151]) ).

    ! [X4: ty,X2: uni,X1: uni,X0: uni,X3: uni] :
      ( permut(X4,X3,X1)
     => ( permut(X4,X2,X0)
       => permut(X4,infix_plpl(X4,X3,X2),infix_plpl(X4,X1,X0)) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f50]) ).

    ! [X17: uni,X16: uni,X13: uni,X14: uni,X0: ty] :
      ( permut(X0,X14,X16)
     => ( permut(X0,X13,X17)
       => permut(X0,infix_plpl(X0,X14,X13),infix_plpl(X0,X16,X17)) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

    ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK8 )
    & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK9)),t2tb(sK6))
    & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK6))
    & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
    & sorted1(sK13)
    & permut(elt,t2tb(sK14),t2tb(sK10))
    & sorted1(sK14)
    & permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)))
    & sorted1(sK15)
    & ( ~ sorted1(sK15)
      | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),t2tb(sK6)) )
    & sorted1(sK14)
    & sorted1(sK13)
    & permut(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK11))
    & ( ( true1 = sK12 )
      | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != sK9 ) )
    & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
      | ( true1 != sK12 ) )
    & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
    & ( true1 = sK12 )
    & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(sK11)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(sK10)),1) )
        & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(sK9)) ) )
      | ( length2(elt,t2tb(sK11)) = length2(elt,t2tb(sK10)) ) )
    & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK7 )
    & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(sK6))) ),
    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK6,sK7,sK8,sK9,sK10,sK11,sK12,sK13,sK14,sK15])],[f225,f233,f232,f231,f230,f229,f228,f227,f226]) ).

    ( ? [X0: list_elt] :
        ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
            ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
                ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
                & ? [X3: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                    ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                    & ? [X6: bool1] :
                        ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0))
                        & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                            ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                                ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                                & sorted1(X7)
                                & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                                & sorted1(X8)
                                & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                    ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                    & sorted1(X9)
                                    & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                      | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) ) )
                                & sorted1(X8) )
                            & sorted1(X7)
                            & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                        & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                          | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                        & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                          | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                        & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                        & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                    & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                        & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                      | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
            & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
        & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) )
   => ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
              & ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
                  & ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
                      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                              & sorted1(X8) )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                        | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                      & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                        | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(sK6))) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
        ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
            ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
            & ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
                ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
                & ? [X6: bool1] :
                    ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
                    & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                        ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                            ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                            & sorted1(X7)
                            & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                            & sorted1(X8)
                            & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                & sorted1(X9)
                                & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                  | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                            & sorted1(X8) )
                        & sorted1(X7)
                        & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                    & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                      | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                    & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                      | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                    & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                    & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                    & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                  | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
        & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
   => ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
          ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
          & ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
              ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
              & ? [X6: bool1] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
                  & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                      ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                          ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                          & sorted1(X8)
                          & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                              ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                              & sorted1(X9)
                              & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                          & sorted1(X8) )
                      & sorted1(X7)
                      & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                  & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                    | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                  & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                    | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                  & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                  & ( true1 = X6 ) )
              & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                  & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK7 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
        ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
        & ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
            ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
            & ? [X6: bool1] :
                ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
                & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                    ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                        ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                        & sorted1(X7)
                        & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                        & sorted1(X8)
                        & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                            ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                            & sorted1(X9)
                            & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                              | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                        & sorted1(X8) )
                    & sorted1(X7)
                    & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                  | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                  | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                & ( true1 = X6 ) )
            & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
              | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
   => ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK8 )
      & ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
          ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
          & ? [X6: bool1] :
              ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
              & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                  ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                      ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                      & sorted1(X7)
                      & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                      & sorted1(X8)
                      & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                          ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                          & sorted1(X9)
                          & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                            | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                      & sorted1(X8) )
                  & sorted1(X7)
                  & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
              & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
              & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                | ( true1 != X6 ) )
              & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
              & ( true1 = X6 ) )
          & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
              & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
            | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X5: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt] :
        ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(sK6))
        & ? [X6: bool1] :
            ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(sK6))
            & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                    ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                    & sorted1(X7)
                    & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                    & sorted1(X8)
                    & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                        ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                        & sorted1(X9)
                        & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                          | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                    & sorted1(X8) )
                & sorted1(X7)
                & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
            & ( ( true1 = X6 )
              | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
            & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
              | ( true1 != X6 ) )
            & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
            & ( true1 = X6 ) )
        & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
            & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
          | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) )
   => ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK9)),t2tb(sK6))
      & ? [X6: bool1] :
          ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK6))
          & ? [X7: list_elt] :
              ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                  ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
                  & sorted1(X7)
                  & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
                  & sorted1(X8)
                  & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                      ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                      & sorted1(X9)
                      & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                        | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                  & sorted1(X8) )
              & sorted1(X7)
              & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(sK11)) )
          & ( ( true1 = X6 )
            | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != sK9 ) )
          & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
            | ( true1 != X6 ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
          & ( true1 = X6 ) )
      & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(sK11)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(sK10)),1) )
          & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(sK9)) ) )
        | ( length2(elt,t2tb(sK11)) = length2(elt,t2tb(sK10)) ) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X6: bool1] :
        ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK6))
        & ? [X7: list_elt] :
            ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
                & sorted1(X7)
                & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
                & sorted1(X8)
                & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                    ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                    & sorted1(X9)
                    & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                      | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
                & sorted1(X8) )
            & sorted1(X7)
            & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(sK11)) )
        & ( ( true1 = X6 )
          | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != sK9 ) )
        & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
          | ( true1 != X6 ) )
        & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
        & ( true1 = X6 ) )
   => ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)),t2tb(sK6))
      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
              & sorted1(X7)
              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
              & sorted1(X8)
              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                  & sorted1(X9)
                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
              & sorted1(X8) )
          & sorted1(X7)
          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(sK11)) )
      & ( ( true1 = sK12 )
        | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != sK9 ) )
      & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
        | ( true1 != sK12 ) )
      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
      & ( true1 = sK12 ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X7: list_elt] :
        ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
            ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
            & sorted1(X7)
            & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
            & sorted1(X8)
            & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                & sorted1(X9)
                & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                  | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
            & sorted1(X8) )
        & sorted1(X7)
        & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(sK11)) )
   => ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
          ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
          & sorted1(sK13)
          & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
          & sorted1(X8)
          & ? [X9: list_elt] :
              ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(X8)))
              & sorted1(X9)
              & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
          & sorted1(X8) )
      & sorted1(sK13)
      & permut(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK11)) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
        ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
        & sorted1(sK13)
        & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(sK10))
        & sorted1(X8)
        & ? [X9: list_elt] :
            ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(X8)))
            & sorted1(X9)
            & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
              | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
        & sorted1(X8) )
   => ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = sK9 )
      & sorted1(sK13)
      & permut(elt,t2tb(sK14),t2tb(sK10))
      & sorted1(sK14)
      & ? [X9: list_elt] :
          ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)))
          & sorted1(X9)
          & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
            | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
      & sorted1(sK14) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ( ? [X9: list_elt] :
        ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)))
        & sorted1(X9)
        & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
          | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(sK6)) ) )
   => ( permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)))
      & sorted1(sK15)
      & ( ~ sorted1(sK15)
        | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),t2tb(sK6)) ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ? [X0: list_elt] :
      ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
              & ? [X3: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                  & ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0))
                      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X4))
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) ) )
                              & sorted1(X8) )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                        | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X3 ) )
                      & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                        | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X3 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X4)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) ) ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f224]) ).

    ? [X0: list_elt] :
      ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
              & ? [X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0))
                  & ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X3))
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) ) )
                              & sorted1(X8) )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                        | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X4 ) )
                      & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                        | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X3)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) ) ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f223]) ).

    ? [X0: list_elt] :
      ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
              & ? [X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0))
                  & ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X3))
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) ) )
                              & sorted1(X8) )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                        | ( tb2t(nil(elt)) != X4 ) )
                      & ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                        | ( true1 != X6 ) )
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X3)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) ) ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) ),
    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f183]) ).

    ? [X0: list_elt] :
      ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
              & ? [X4: list_elt,X3: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                  ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0))
                  & ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                      & ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X3))
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8)))
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) ) )
                              & sorted1(X8) )
                          & sorted1(X7)
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5)) )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                      <=> ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 ) )
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X3)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) ) ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f182]) ).

    ? [X0: list_elt] :
      ( ? [X1: list_elt] :
          ( ? [X2: list_elt] :
              ( ? [X3: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                  ( ? [X6: bool1] :
                      ( ? [X7: list_elt] :
                          ( ? [X8: list_elt] :
                              ( ? [X9: list_elt] :
                                  ( ( ~ sorted1(X9)
                                    | ~ permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0)) )
                                  & sorted1(X9)
                                  & permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8))) )
                              & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                              & sorted1(X7)
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & sorted1(X8)
                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X3)) )
                          & permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5))
                          & sorted1(X7) )
                      & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                      & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                      & ( true1 = X6 )
                      & ( ( true1 = X6 )
                      <=> ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 ) ) )
                  & ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X3)),1) )
                      & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) )
                    | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                  & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0)) )
              & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 ) )
          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 ) )
      & $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0))) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f127]) ).

    ~ ! [X0: list_elt] :
        ( $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X0)))
       => ! [X1: list_elt] :
            ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X1 )
           => ! [X2: list_elt] :
                ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X2 )
               => ! [X3: list_elt,X4: list_elt,X5: list_elt] :
                    ( ( ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X3)),1) )
                          & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X4)) ) )
                        | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X5)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X3)) ) )
                      & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X4)),t2tb(X0)) )
                   => ! [X6: bool1] :
                        ( ( ( true1 = X6 )
                        <=> ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 ) )
                       => ( ( true1 = X6 )
                         => ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                           => ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X5),t2tb(X3)),t2tb(X0))
                             => ! [X7: list_elt] :
                                  ( ( permut(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X5))
                                    & sorted1(X7) )
                                 => ! [X8: list_elt] :
                                      ( ( sorted1(X8)
                                        & permut(elt,t2tb(X8),t2tb(X3)) )
                                     => ( ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X4 )
                                          & sorted1(X7)
                                          & sorted1(X8) )
                                       => ! [X9: list_elt] :
                                            ( ( sorted1(X9)
                                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X9),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X7),t2tb(X8))) )
                                           => ( permut(elt,t2tb(X9),t2tb(X0))
                                              & sorted1(X9) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f75]) ).

    ~ ! [X18: list_elt] :
        ( $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X18)))
       => ! [X21: list_elt] :
            ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X21 )
           => ! [X22: list_elt] :
                ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X22 )
               => ! [X23: list_elt,X25: list_elt,X24: list_elt] :
                    ( ( ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X24)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X23)),1) )
                          & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X25)) ) )
                        | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X24)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X23)) ) )
                      & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X24),t2tb(X23)),t2tb(X25)),t2tb(X18)) )
                   => ! [X26: bool1] :
                        ( ( ( true1 = X26 )
                        <=> ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 ) )
                       => ( ( true1 = X26 )
                         => ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 )
                           => ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X24),t2tb(X23)),t2tb(X18))
                             => ! [X27: list_elt] :
                                  ( ( sorted1(X27)
                                    & permut(elt,t2tb(X27),t2tb(X24)) )
                                 => ! [X28: list_elt] :
                                      ( ( sorted1(X28)
                                        & permut(elt,t2tb(X28),t2tb(X23)) )
                                     => ( ( sorted1(X28)
                                          & sorted1(X27)
                                          & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 ) )
                                       => ! [X29: list_elt] :
                                            ( ( sorted1(X29)
                                              & permut(elt,t2tb(X29),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X27),t2tb(X28))) )
                                           => ( permut(elt,t2tb(X29),t2tb(X18))
                                              & sorted1(X29) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ),
    inference(negated_conjecture,[],[f74]) ).

    ! [X18: list_elt] :
      ( $less(1,length2(elt,t2tb(X18)))
     => ! [X21: list_elt] :
          ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X21 )
         => ! [X22: list_elt] :
              ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X22 )
             => ! [X23: list_elt,X25: list_elt,X24: list_elt] :
                  ( ( ( ( ( length2(elt,t2tb(X24)) = $sum(length2(elt,t2tb(X23)),1) )
                        & ( 0 = length2(elt,t2tb(X25)) ) )
                      | ( length2(elt,t2tb(X24)) = length2(elt,t2tb(X23)) ) )
                    & permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X24),t2tb(X23)),t2tb(X25)),t2tb(X18)) )
                 => ! [X26: bool1] :
                      ( ( ( true1 = X26 )
                      <=> ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 ) )
                     => ( ( true1 = X26 )
                       => ( ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 )
                         => ( permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X24),t2tb(X23)),t2tb(X18))
                           => ! [X27: list_elt] :
                                ( ( sorted1(X27)
                                  & permut(elt,t2tb(X27),t2tb(X24)) )
                               => ! [X28: list_elt] :
                                    ( ( sorted1(X28)
                                      & permut(elt,t2tb(X28),t2tb(X23)) )
                                   => ( ( sorted1(X28)
                                        & sorted1(X27)
                                        & ( tb2t(nil(elt)) = X25 ) )
                                     => ! [X29: list_elt] :
                                          ( ( sorted1(X29)
                                            & permut(elt,t2tb(X29),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(X27),t2tb(X28))) )
                                         => ( permut(elt,t2tb(X29),t2tb(X18))
                                            & sorted1(X29) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

    ( ~ permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)),infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK11),t2tb(sK10)))
    | spl20_2 ),
    inference(unit_resulting_resolution,[],[f328,f624,f366]) ).

    ! [X2: uni,X3: uni,X0: uni,X1: ty] :
      ( ~ permut(X1,X2,X3)
      | ~ permut(X1,X0,X2)
      | permut(X1,X0,X3) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f255]) ).

    ! [X0: uni,X1: ty,X2: uni,X3: uni] :
      ( ~ permut(X1,X2,X3)
      | ~ permut(X1,X0,X2)
      | permut(X1,X0,X3) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f187]) ).

    ! [X1: uni,X3: ty,X0: uni,X2: uni] :
      ( ~ permut(X3,X0,X2)
      | ~ permut(X3,X1,X0)
      | permut(X3,X1,X2) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f186]) ).

    ! [X1: uni,X2: uni,X0: uni,X3: ty] :
      ( permut(X3,X1,X2)
      | ~ permut(X3,X0,X2)
      | ~ permut(X3,X1,X0) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f96]) ).

    ! [X1: uni,X2: uni,X0: uni,X3: ty] :
      ( permut(X3,X1,X0)
     => ( permut(X3,X0,X2)
       => permut(X3,X1,X2) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f45]) ).

    ! [X13: uni,X14: uni,X15: uni,X0: ty] :
      ( permut(X0,X14,X13)
     => ( permut(X0,X13,X15)
       => permut(X0,X14,X15) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ( ~ permut(elt,infix_plpl(elt,t2tb(sK13),t2tb(sK14)),t2tb(sK6))
    | spl20_2 ),
    inference(unit_resulting_resolution,[],[f593,f323,f366]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

    ( ~ permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),t2tb(sK6))
    | spl20_2 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f591]) ).

    ( spl20_2
  <=> permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),t2tb(sK6)) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl20_2])]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f595]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl20_1 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f589,f322]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

    ( ~ sorted1(sK15)
    | spl20_1 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f587]) ).

    ( spl20_1
  <=> sorted1(sK15) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl20_1])]) ).

    ( ~ spl20_1
    | ~ spl20_2 ),
    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f321,f591,f587]) ).

    ( ~ permut(elt,t2tb(sK15),t2tb(sK6))
    | ~ sorted1(sK15) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f234]) ).

% 0.07/0.12  % Problem    : SWW629_2 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v6.1.0.
% 0.07/0.12  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d THM
% 0.13/0.33  % Computer : n020.cluster.edu
% 0.13/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.13/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.13/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.13/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.13/0.33  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.13/0.33  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.13/0.33  % DateTime   : Wed Jun 19 08:27:09 EDT 2024
% 0.13/0.34  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.13/0.35  This is a TF0_THM_EQU_ARI problem
% 0.13/0.36  Running first-order theorem proving
% 0.13/0.36  Running /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/vampire --mode casc -m 16384 --cores 7 -t 300 /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28423)lrs+10_5:1_br=off:fde=none:nwc=3.0:sd=1:sgt=10:sos=on:ss=axioms:urr=on:i=32:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/32Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28418)lrs+1010_1:1_aac=none:bce=on:nicw=on:nm=0:plsq=on:plsql=on:sac=on:sos=on:sp=frequency:spb=units:to=lpo:i=34:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/34Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28421)ott+1011_1:2_br=off:bs=unit_only:bsr=unit_only:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:s2agt=32:urr=on:i=37:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/37Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28422)lrs+10_1:32_s2a=on:s2agt=10:sgt=8:ss=axioms:i=15:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/15Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)ott+21_1:1_erd=off:s2a=on:sac=on:sd=1:sgt=64:sos=on:ss=included:st=3.0:to=lpo:urr=on:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.42  % (28417)dis+1010_1:4_aac=none:abs=on:atotf=0.5:avsq=on:avsqc=2:avsqr=215,247:awrs=converge:awrsf=128:bsd=on:erd=off:fde=none:gve=cautious:newcnf=on:nwc=5.0:rnwc=on:sac=on:sas=z3:sp=const_min:tgt=ground:thsq=on:thsqc=64:thsqr=1,4:i=59848:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/59848Mi)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 0.21/0.42  
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Memory used [KB]: 846
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Time elapsed: 0.003 s
% 0.21/0.42  % (28420)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.43  
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Memory used [KB]: 1126
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Time elapsed: 0.012 s
% 0.21/0.43  % (28422)Instructions burned: 15 (million)
% 0.21/0.44  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)dis+1011_1:64_drc=off:flr=on:nwc=2.0:sac=on:urr=ec_only:i=8:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/8Mi)
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.44  
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Memory used [KB]: 1020
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Time elapsed: 0.007 s
% 0.21/0.44  % (28419)Instructions burned: 9 (million)
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.44  
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Memory used [KB]: 1347
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Time elapsed: 0.023 s
% 0.21/0.44  % (28423)Instructions burned: 33 (million)
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.45  
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Memory used [KB]: 1446
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Time elapsed: 0.025 s
% 0.21/0.45  % (28418)Instructions burned: 35 (million)
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.45  
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Memory used [KB]: 1261
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Time elapsed: 0.025 s
% 0.21/0.45  % (28421)Instructions burned: 38 (million)
% 0.21/0.49  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.49  % (28424)lrs+1010_1:1_bd=off:fd=off:fde=none:ins=3:sac=on:sos=on:spb=goal:to=lpo:i=36:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/36Mi)
% 0.21/0.49  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.49  % (28425)lrs+1010_1:1_ep=RST:s2a=on:s2at=5.0:sos=all:i=26:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/26Mi)
% 0.21/0.49  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.49  % (28426)lrs+10_1:8_ep=R:erd=off:fs=off:fsr=off:gve=force:nwc=2.0:uwa=one_side_interpreted:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 0.21/0.50  
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Memory used [KB]: 846
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% 0.21/0.50  % (28426)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)lrs+10_1:1_ep=R:gve=force:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:uwa=one_side_interpreted:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 0.21/0.50  
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Memory used [KB]: 845
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% 0.21/0.50  % (28429)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.50  % (28427)lrs+10_1:1_canc=force:tha=some:to=lpo:i=35:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/35Mi)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.50  
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Memory used [KB]: 1388
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Time elapsed: 0.013 s
% 0.21/0.50  % (28425)Instructions burned: 28 (million)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)dis+32_1:1_bd=off:nm=4:sos=on:ss=included:i=4:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/4Mi)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.51  
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Memory used [KB]: 1420
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Time elapsed: 0.023 s
% 0.21/0.51  % (28424)Instructions burned: 36 (million)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 0.21/0.51  
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Memory used [KB]: 848
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Time elapsed: 0.003 s
% 0.21/0.51  % (28428)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.51  
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Memory used [KB]: 1416
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Time elapsed: 0.017 s
% 0.21/0.51  % (28427)Instructions burned: 35 (million)
% 0.21/0.53  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.53  % (28430)dis+10_1:64_nwc=1.4:tha=off:i=21:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/21Mi)
% 0.21/0.53  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.53  % (28431)lrs+22_1:1_amm=sco:fsr=off:gve=force:sos=on:uwa=all:i=50:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/50Mi)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)dis+20_1:12_aac=none:acc=model:awrs=converge:fd=preordered:fsr=off:nicw=on:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:s2agt=16:spb=goal:to=lpo:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Memory used [KB]: 846
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% 0.21/0.54  % (28432)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Memory used [KB]: 1162
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Time elapsed: 0.010 s
% 0.21/0.54  % (28430)Instructions burned: 22 (million)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)lrs+10_1:1_ev=force:gve=cautious:tha=off:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Termination phase: Preprocessing 3
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Memory used [KB]: 893
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Time elapsed: 0.003 s
% 0.21/0.54  % (28433)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 0.21/0.54  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.54  % (28434)dis+21_1:1_aac=none:abs=on:er=known:fde=none:fsr=off:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:s2at=4.0:sp=const_frequency:to=lpo:urr=ec_only:i=49:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/49Mi)
% 0.21/0.55  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.55  % (28435)lrs+10_1:1_ss=axioms:st=5.0:tha=off:i=15:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/15Mi)
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.55  
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Memory used [KB]: 1468
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Time elapsed: 0.019 s
% 0.21/0.55  % (28431)Instructions burned: 52 (million)
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Memory used [KB]: 1151
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Time elapsed: 0.008 s
% 0.21/0.56  % (28435)Instructions burned: 16 (million)
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Memory used [KB]: 1531
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Time elapsed: 0.022 s
% 0.21/0.56  % (28434)Instructions burned: 50 (million)
% 0.21/0.57  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)lrs+10_1:1_sd=10:sos=all:ss=axioms:st=5.0:tha=off:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/2Mi)
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 0.21/0.57  
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Memory used [KB]: 843
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% 0.21/0.57  % (28436)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 0.21/0.57  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.57  % (28437)dis+1002_1:5_av=off:nwc=2.0:sos=all:i=15:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/15Mi)
% 0.21/0.58  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)dis+10_1:64_nwc=1.4:rp=on:tha=off:i=21:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/21Mi)
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.58  
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Memory used [KB]: 1173
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Time elapsed: 0.007 s
% 0.21/0.58  % (28437)Instructions burned: 15 (million)
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)------------------------------
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.21/0.58  
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Memory used [KB]: 1169
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Time elapsed: 0.010 s
% 0.21/0.58  % (28438)Instructions burned: 23 (million)
% 0.21/0.59  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.59  % (28439)dis+2_1:1_av=off:bsr=on:erd=off:s2pl=on:sgt=16:sos=on:sp=frequency:ss=axioms:i=46:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/46Mi)
% 0.21/0.59  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.21/0.59  % (28440)dis+32_1:1_bd=off:nm=4:sos=on:ss=included:i=50:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/50Mi)
% 1.76/0.60  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.76/0.60  % (28441)lrs+1_1:10_av=off:drc=off:nwc=2.0:sp=reverse_frequency:thsq=on:thsqc=64:thsql=off:i=47:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/47Mi)
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)------------------------------
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.76/0.60  
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Memory used [KB]: 1467
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Time elapsed: 0.019 s
% 1.76/0.60  % (28439)Instructions burned: 47 (million)
% 1.76/0.60  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.76/0.60  % (28442)lrs+1002_1:1_br=off:canc=force:drc=off:s2a=on:sos=on:sp=reverse_frequency:urr=on:i=42:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/42Mi)
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)------------------------------
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.76/0.61  
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Memory used [KB]: 1477
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Time elapsed: 0.020 s
% 1.76/0.61  % (28440)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)------------------------------
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.76/0.61  
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Memory used [KB]: 1323
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Time elapsed: 0.018 s
% 1.76/0.61  % (28441)Instructions burned: 49 (million)
% 1.88/0.62  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.88/0.62  % (28444)dis+10_1:64_nwc=1.4:tha=off:i=21:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/21Mi)
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)------------------------------
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.88/0.62  
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Memory used [KB]: 1622
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Time elapsed: 0.017 s
% 1.88/0.62  % (28442)Instructions burned: 43 (million)
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.63  
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Memory used [KB]: 1165
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Time elapsed: 0.010 s
% 1.92/0.63  % (28444)Instructions burned: 23 (million)
% 1.92/0.64  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.64  % (28443)lrs+1_3:1_ep=RSTC:sos=on:urr=on:i=43:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/43Mi)
% 1.92/0.64  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)dis+1011_1:1_bd=off:canc=force:ev=cautious:nwc=5.0:i=21:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/21Mi)
% 1.92/0.64  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.64  % (28446)dis+20_1:12_aac=none:acc=model:awrs=converge:fd=preordered:fsr=off:nicw=on:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:s2agt=16:spb=goal:to=lpo:i=41:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/41Mi)
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.64  
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Memory used [KB]: 1182
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Time elapsed: 0.009 s
% 1.92/0.64  % (28445)Instructions burned: 21 (million)
% 1.92/0.65  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)lrs+10_1:1_ss=axioms:st=5.0:tha=off:i=15:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/15Mi)
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.65  
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Memory used [KB]: 1141
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Time elapsed: 0.007 s
% 1.92/0.65  % (28447)Instructions burned: 15 (million)
% 1.92/0.65  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.65  % (28448)lrs+1_1:1_aac=none:acc=on:add=large:bd=off:bs=unit_only:bsr=on:cond=on:nm=0:sac=on:sd=3:sos=on:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=47:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/47Mi)
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.66  
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Memory used [KB]: 1356
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Time elapsed: 0.015 s
% 1.92/0.66  % (28446)Instructions burned: 41 (million)
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.66  
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Memory used [KB]: 1620
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Time elapsed: 0.027 s
% 1.92/0.66  % (28443)Instructions burned: 44 (million)
% 1.92/0.66  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.66  % (28449)dis+10_1:64_nwc=1.4:rp=on:tha=off:i=25:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/25Mi)
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.67  
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Memory used [KB]: 1181
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Time elapsed: 0.011 s
% 1.92/0.67  % (28449)Instructions burned: 26 (million)
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)------------------------------
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.92/0.67  
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Memory used [KB]: 1562
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Time elapsed: 0.020 s
% 1.92/0.67  % (28448)Instructions burned: 47 (million)
% 1.92/0.68  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.68  % (28450)lrs+1010_1:1_aac=none:bce=on:nicw=on:nm=0:plsq=on:plsql=on:sac=on:sos=on:sp=frequency:spb=units:to=lpo:i=148:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/148Mi)
% 1.92/0.69  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.69  % (28451)lrs+10_1:1_acc=model:br=off:ins=1:newcnf=on:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:sac=on:sp=frequency:to=lpo:urr=on:i=100:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/100Mi)
% 1.92/0.69  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.69  % (28452)ott+21_1:1_bd=off:bsr=unit_only:drc=off:fd=preordered:fsr=off:nwc=3.0:sac=on:to=lpo:urr=on:i=76:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/76Mi)
% 1.92/0.70  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.70  % (28454)lrs+10_1:1_thi=all:thigen=on:i=96:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/96Mi)
% 1.92/0.71  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.92/0.71  % (28455)lrs+10_1:3_add=large:afr=on:anc=all_dependent:avsq=on:avsqr=21,226:awrs=decay:awrsf=47:br=off:bsd=on:canc=cautious:cond=fast:fd=preordered:fsd=on:fsr=off:gs=on:gve=force:ins=1:lma=on:s2agt=4:s2at=1.9:sas=z3:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=13,121:sp=reverse_arity:tha=some:to=lpo:uace=off:uhcvi=on:updr=off:urr=ec_only:i=108:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/108Mi)
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.32/0.71  
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Memory used [KB]: 1344
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Time elapsed: 0.045 s
% 2.32/0.71  % (28452)Instructions burned: 76 (million)
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Refutation not found, non-redundant clauses discarded% (28451)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Termination reason: Refutation not found, non-redundant clauses discarded
% 2.32/0.72  
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Memory used [KB]: 1335
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Time elapsed: 0.029 s
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)Instructions burned: 92 (million)
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.72  % (28451)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.72  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.32/0.72  % (28453)lrs+22_1:1_amm=sco:fsr=off:gve=force:sos=on:uwa=all:i=58:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/58Mi)
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.32/0.73  
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Memory used [KB]: 1983
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Time elapsed: 0.053 s
% 2.32/0.73  % (28450)Instructions burned: 149 (million)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.32/0.74  
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Memory used [KB]: 1493
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Time elapsed: 0.047 s
% 2.32/0.74  % (28453)Instructions burned: 58 (million)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.32/0.74  
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Memory used [KB]: 1407
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Time elapsed: 0.062 s
% 2.32/0.74  % (28454)Instructions burned: 96 (million)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)------------------------------
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.32/0.74  
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Memory used [KB]: 1209
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Time elapsed: 0.039 s
% 2.32/0.74  % (28455)Instructions burned: 108 (million)
% 2.32/0.75  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.32/0.75  % (28456)lrs+10_1:1_plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:tha=off:thi=overlap:i=463:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/463Mi)
% 2.32/0.75  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.32/0.75  % (28457)lrs+1011_4:1_abs=on:afp=20:amm=off:anc=all:bd=off:br=off:canc=force:s2a=on:sas=z3:slsq=on:urr=on:i=494:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/494Mi)
% 2.32/0.76  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.32/0.76  % (28458)lrs+10_1:1_newcnf=on:sas=z3:tgt=ground:tha=off:i=223:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/223Mi)
% 2.32/0.78  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.32/0.78  % (28459)lrs+1002_1:1_av=off:br=off:fs=off:fsr=off:tha=off:urr=ec_only:i=343:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/343Mi)
% 2.83/0.78  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.83/0.78  % (28460)lrs+1011_1:1_br=off:fs=off:fsr=off:tha=off:urr=ec_only:i=488:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/488Mi)
% 2.83/0.78  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.83/0.78  % (28461)lrs+1010_5:1_aer=off:norm_ineq=on:sas=z3:sos=all:ss=axioms:tha=off:i=150:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/150Mi)
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)------------------------------
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.83/0.83  
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Memory used [KB]: 1189
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Time elapsed: 0.050 s
% 2.83/0.83  % (28461)Instructions burned: 150 (million)
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)------------------------------
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.83/0.84  
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Memory used [KB]: 1629
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Time elapsed: 0.078 s
% 2.83/0.84  % (28458)Instructions burned: 223 (million)
% 2.83/0.86  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.83/0.86  % (28462)lrs+1011_1:1_br=off:fde=none:norm_ineq=on:nwc=10.0:sas=z3:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsql=off:slsqr=1,4:sp=reverse_frequency:i=160:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2995ds/160Mi)
% 3.11/0.88  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.11/0.88  % (28463)dis+10_1:1_bd=off:fde=unused:gsp=on:ins=1:norm_ineq=on:sas=z3:sos=all:tha=off:i=370:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2995ds/370Mi)
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)------------------------------
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.12/0.89  
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Memory used [KB]: 2818
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Time elapsed: 0.111 s
% 3.12/0.89  % (28459)Instructions burned: 343 (million)
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)------------------------------
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.12/0.90  
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Memory used [KB]: 3328
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Time elapsed: 0.154 s
% 3.12/0.90  % (28457)Instructions burned: 494 (million)
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)------------------------------
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.48/0.91  
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Memory used [KB]: 4513
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Time elapsed: 0.193 s
% 3.48/0.91  % (28456)Instructions burned: 464 (million)
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)------------------------------
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.48/0.92  
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Memory used [KB]: 1264
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Time elapsed: 0.055 s
% 3.48/0.92  % (28462)Instructions burned: 160 (million)
% 3.48/0.92  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.48/0.92  % (28464)lrs+1010_5:1_norm_ineq=on:sas=z3:sos=all:ss=axioms:tha=off:i=493:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/493Mi)
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)------------------------------
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.48/0.93  
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Memory used [KB]: 3215
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Time elapsed: 0.149 s
% 3.48/0.93  % (28460)Instructions burned: 488 (million)
% 3.98/0.94  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.98/0.94  % (28465)dis+10_1:1_aac=none:abs=on:bce=on:bd=off:bsr=unit_only:drc=off:fd=preordered:fsd=on:gve=cautious:lcm=reverse:nm=16:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=232,15:sfv=off:slsq=on:slsql=off:slsqr=3,2:sos=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=81:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/81Mi)
% 3.98/0.95  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.98/0.95  % (28466)lrs+10_1:1_amm=sco:norm_ineq=on:nwc=3.0:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsqr=32,1:sas=z3:sp=const_min:tha=off:to=lpo:i=146:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/146Mi)
% 3.98/0.95  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.98/0.95  % (28467)ott+21_1:1_erd=off:s2a=on:sac=on:sd=1:sgt=64:sos=on:ss=included:st=3.0:to=lpo:urr=on:i=211:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/211Mi)
% 3.98/0.96  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.98/0.96  % (28468)dis+1010_1:1_s2a=on:sp=frequency:to=lpo:i=274:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/274Mi)
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)------------------------------
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Termination reason: Time limit
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Termination phase: Saturation
% 3.98/0.97  
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Memory used [KB]: 1833
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Time elapsed: 0.031 s
% 3.98/0.97  % (28465)Instructions burned: 83 (million)
% 3.98/0.97  % (28467)First to succeed.
% 3.98/0.97  % (28467)Solution written to "/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/vampire-proof-28416"
% 3.98/0.98  % (28416)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 3.98/0.98  % SZS status Theorem for theBenchmark
% 3.98/0.98  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)------------------------------
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Termination reason: Refutation
% 3.98/0.98  
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Memory used [KB]: 1685
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Time elapsed: 0.024 s
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)Instructions burned: 70 (million)
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)------------------------------
% 3.98/0.98  % (28467)------------------------------
% 3.98/0.98  % (28416)Success in time 0.609 s