TSTP Solution File: SWW475^3 by Isabelle---2016

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Isabelle---2016
% Problem  : SWW475^3 : TPTP v6.4.0. Released v5.3.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : isabelle tptp_isabelle %d %s

% Computer : n129.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 2.40GHz
% Memory   : 32218.75MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Wed Jan 18 17:27:20 EST 2017

% Result   : Unknown 23.96s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.00/0.03  % Problem  : SWW475^3 : TPTP v6.4.0. Released v5.3.0.
% 0.00/0.04  % Command  : isabelle tptp_isabelle %d %s
% 0.03/0.24  % Computer : n129.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% 0.03/0.24  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.03/0.24  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz
% 0.03/0.24  % Memory   : 32218.75MB
% 0.03/0.24  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64
% 0.03/0.24  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.03/0.24  % DateTime : Mon Jan 16 13:22:18 CST 2017
% 0.03/0.24  % CPUTime  : 
% 23.96/9.93  *** Type unification failed: Clash of types "bool" and "_ \<Rightarrow> _"
% 23.96/9.93  *** 
% 23.96/9.93  *** Type error in application: incompatible operand type
% 23.96/9.93  *** 
% 23.96/9.93  *** Operator:  All :: (??'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool
% 23.96/9.93  *** Operand:   bnd_produc469582463har_ty :: bool
% 23.96/9.93  *** 
% 23.96/9.93  *** Coercion Inference:
% 23.96/9.93  *** 
% 23.96/9.93  *** Local coercion insertion on the operand failed:
% 23.96/9.93  *** No coercion known for type constructors: "bool" and "fun"
% 23.96/9.93  *** At command "ML" (line 1 of "/tmp/Scratch_tptp_isabelle_33424_27999.thy")
% 23.96/9.93  Exception- TOPLEVEL_ERROR raised