TSTP Solution File: SWW472+5 by Bliksem---1.12

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Bliksem---1.12
% Problem  : SWW472+5 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v5.3.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : bliksem %s

% Computer : n029.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 0s
% DateTime : Wed Jul 20 23:22:15 EDT 2022

% Result   : Timeout 300.08s 300.47s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.08/0.13  % Problem  : SWW472+5 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v5.3.0.
% 0.08/0.14  % Command  : bliksem %s
% 0.14/0.36  % Computer : n029.cluster.edu
% 0.14/0.36  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.14/0.36  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.14/0.36  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.14/0.36  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.14/0.36  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.14/0.36  % DateTime : Mon Jun  6 00:02:34 EDT 2022
% 0.14/0.36  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 10000 integers for termspace/termends
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 10000 integers for clauses
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 10000 integers for justifications
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 15000 integers for termspace/termends
% 0.96/1.43  Bliksem 1.12
% 0.96/1.43  
% 0.96/1.43  
% 0.96/1.43  Automatic Strategy Selection
% 0.96/1.43  
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 22500 integers for termspace/termends
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 33750 integers for termspace/termends
% 0.96/1.43  *** allocated 50625 integers for termspace/termends
% 0.96/1.43  
% 0.96/1.43  Clauses:
% 0.96/1.43  
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    big_semilattice_big( X ) ) = big_semilattice_big( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, Y ), fun( fun( Z, X ), fun( Z, Y ) ) ), combb( X, Y, Z )
% 0.96/1.43     ) = combb( X, Y, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( Y, Z ) ), fun( Y, fun( X, Z ) ) ), combc( X, Y, Z )
% 0.96/1.43     ) = combc( X, Y, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, fun( Y, X ) ), combk( X, Y ) ) = combk( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( Y, Z ) ), fun( fun( X, Y ), fun( X, Z ) ) ), combs
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, Y, Z ) ) = combs( X, Y, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( com, skip ) = skip }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( com, fun( com, com ) ), semi ) = semi }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, fun( fun( vname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ), fun( fun( loc
% 0.96/1.43    , fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( com, fun( com, X )
% 0.96/1.43     ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ) ) ) )
% 0.96/1.43     ) ) ) ), com_case( X ) ) = com_case( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), finite_finite_1( X ) ) = finite_finite_1
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), X ) ), finite_fold1
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ) ) = finite_fold1( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    finite_fold1Set( X ) ) = finite_fold1Set( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( Y, Y ) ), fun( Y, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( Y, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ) ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, Y ) ) = finite_fold_graph( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( Y, X ), fun( fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    Y, bool ), X ), bool ) ) ) ), finite908156982e_idem( X, Y ) ) = 
% 0.96/1.43    finite908156982e_idem( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    finite_folding_one( X ) ) = finite_folding_one( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    finite2073411215e_idem( X ) ) = finite2073411215e_idem( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ) ) = minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( X, undefined( X ) ) = undefined( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( com, hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hoare_Mirabelle_MGT ) = 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_Mirabelle_MGT }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ) ), hoare_122391849derivs( X )
% 0.96/1.43     ) = hoare_122391849derivs( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ) ), hoare_1870528171valids( X )
% 0.96/1.43     ) = hoare_1870528171valids( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43     ) = hoare_1008221573triple( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    state, bool ) ), Y ) ) ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_885240885e_case( X, Y ) ) = hoare_885240885e_case( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    state, bool ) ), Y ) ) ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_728318379le_rec( X, Y ) ) = hoare_728318379le_rec( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! bot( X ), ti( X, bot_bot( X ) ) = bot_bot( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), collect( X ) ) = collect( X )
% 0.96/1.43     }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), insert( X ) ) = 
% 0.96/1.43    insert( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), the_elem( X ) ) = the_elem( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( bool, fFalse ) = fFalse }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( bool, bool ), fNot ) = fNot }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( bool, fTrue ) = fTrue }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( bool, fun( bool, bool ) ), fdisj ) = fdisj }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, fun( X, bool ) ), fequal( X ) ) = fequal( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( bool, fun( bool, bool ) ), fimplies ) = fimplies }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hAPP( X, Y, ti( fun( X, Y ), Z ), T ) = hAPP( X, Y, Z, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hAPP( X, Y, Z, ti( X, T ) ) = hAPP( X, Y, Z, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( X, hAPP( Y, X, Z, T ) ) = hAPP( Y, X, Z, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( ti( bool, X ) ), hBOOL( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( ti( bool, X ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ) ), member( X ) ) = member( X ) }
% 0.96/1.43    .
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), p ) = p }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), q ) = q }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( com, c ) = c }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), Z ), T ) = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), W ), V0 ), Y = U }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), Z ), T ) = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), W ), V0 ), alpha1( Z, T, W, V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! Y = U, ! alpha1( Z, T, W, V0 ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), W ), V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha1( X, Y, Z, T ), X = Z }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha1( X, Y, Z, T ), Y = T }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! X = Z, ! Y = T, alpha1( X, Y, Z, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_1870528171valids( X ), Y ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), T ), Y ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), T ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), Z ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), Z ), T ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), Z ), T ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), U, skol1( X, U, W ) ), skol28( X, U, W ) ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), W ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), W, skol1( X, U, W ) ), skol28( X, U, W ) ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), W ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), W, skol2( X, Z, W ) ), skol29( X, Z, W ) ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), W ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), Z, skol2( X, Z, W ) ), skol29( X, Z, W ) ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), W ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ) ), ti( X, Y ) =
% 0.96/1.43     ti( X, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Z ), T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , Y ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, Y ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , Y ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), V0, skol3( X, Z, U, W, V0 ) ), skol30( X, Z
% 0.96/1.43    , U, W, V0 ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), V0 ), T ), W
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), Z, V1 ), skol30( X, Z, U, W, V0 ) ) ), hBOOL
% 0.96/1.43    ( hAPP( state, bool, hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), U, V1 ), skol40( X, Z, 
% 0.96/1.43    U, W, V0 ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), V0 ), T ), W
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), W, skol3( X, Z, U, W, V0 ) ), skol40( X, Z, 
% 0.96/1.43    U, W, V0 ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.43     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), V0 ), T ), W
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y, hAPP( fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y ) ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y ), hoare_728318379le_rec( X, Y ), Z ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), T ), U ), 
% 0.96/1.43    W ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y, hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( state, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y ) ), Z, T ), U ), W ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y, hAPP( fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y ) ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    hoare_509422987triple( X ), Y ), hoare_885240885e_case( X, Y ), Z ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.43    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), T ), U ), 
% 0.96/1.43    W ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y, hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( state, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), Y ) ), Z, T ), U ), W ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ) ) ) ) ), ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ), alpha2( X, Y, Z, T, U )
% 0.96/1.43    , alpha6( X, Y, Z, T, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha2( X, Y, Z, T, U ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.43    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha6( X, Y, Z, T, U ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.43    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.43     ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha6( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha6( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, U ), ! ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, T ), alpha6( X, Y, Z, T
% 0.96/1.43    , U ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha2( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! alpha2( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, T ), ! ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, U ), alpha2( X, Y, Z, T
% 0.96/1.43    , U ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z )
% 0.96/1.43    , Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), collect( X ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Y, skol4( X, Y ) ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), collect( X ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    collect( X ), Y ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Y, skol5( X, Y ) ) ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) = 
% 0.96/1.43    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), collect( X ), Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Z ), Y ) ), ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X
% 0.96/1.43    , bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), skol6
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, Y ) ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    member( X ), skol7( X, Y ) ), Y ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z )
% 0.96/1.43    , Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), collect
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ), hAPP( bool, fun( X, bool ), combk( bool, X ), fFalse ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.43    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) = ti( fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.43    , T ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ), ! hAPP( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert
% 0.96/1.43    ( X ), Y ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), T ), ti( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , Z ) = ti( fun( X, bool ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ), ! ti( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    Z ) = ti( fun( X, bool ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.43    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) = hAPP
% 0.96/1.43    ( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) ), ti( 
% 0.96/1.43    X, Y ) = ti( X, T ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Z, T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, T ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.43    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.43     ), Y ), Z ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Z, T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.43    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.43    insert( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.43  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.43    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ) ), ti( X, Y ) =
% 0.96/1.44     ti( X, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , Z ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , Z ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ) = 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) ) = 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    collect( X ), Z ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), collect( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( bool, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), combs( X, bool, bool ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, fun( bool, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( bool, fun( bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, fun( bool, bool ) ) ), combb( bool
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( bool, bool ), X ), fimplies ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( fun( bool, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), combb
% 0.96/1.44    ( bool, bool, X ), fNot ), hAPP( X, fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), fun( X, fun( X, bool ) ), combc( X, X, bool ), fequal( X ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , Y ) ) ) ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , collect( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    bool, bool ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), combs( X, bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, fun( bool, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    bool, fun( bool, bool ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, fun( bool, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), combb( bool, fun( bool, bool ), X ), fdisj ), hAPP( X, fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, bool ) ), fun( X, fun( X, bool ) ), combc( X, X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), fequal( X ) ), Y ) ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), combc( X, fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ) ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) = hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ), ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z
% 0.96/1.44     ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) ) ), ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, the_elem( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44    , bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = ti( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! bot( X ), hAPP( Y, X, bot_bot( fun( Y, X ) ), Z ) = bot_bot( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! bot( X ), hAPP( Y, X, bot_bot( fun( Y, X ) ), Z ) = bot_bot( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), skip ), Z ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), T ), U ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), W ), V0 ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), Z ), hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, 
% 0.96/1.44    com ), semi, T ), W ) ), V0 ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { Y = hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    skol8( X, Y ) ), skol31( X, Y ) ), skol41( X, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), skol9( X, Y, T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), skol9( X, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), skol10( X, Y, T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), skol10( X, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, X ), Y ) = skip }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! skip = hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, X ), Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), skol11( X, Y ) ), Y ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), U, skol12( X, Y, Z
% 0.96/1.44    , T, U ) ), skol32( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), T ), Y ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), W ), T ), V0 ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), Y, skol12( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ), skol42( X, Y, 
% 0.96/1.44    Z, T, U, V1, V2 ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Z
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), T ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ), insert( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_1008221573triple( X ), W ), T ), V0 ) ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( state, bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), W, V1 ), skol32( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ) ), hBOOL
% 0.96/1.44    ( hAPP( state, bool, hAPP( X, fun( state, bool ), V0, V1 ), skol42( X, Y
% 0.96/1.44    , Z, T, U, W, V0 ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), bool, hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( X ), Z
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( X ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ), hAPP( com, fun( fun( X, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( X ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( X, fun( state, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( X ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( X ), U ), T ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( X ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, X ), Y ) = hAPP( com
% 0.96/1.44    , com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, Z ), T ), X = Z }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, X ), Y ) = hAPP( com
% 0.96/1.44    , com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, Z ), T ), Y = T }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! X = Z, ! Y = T, hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Y ) = hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, Z ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Y ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), skol13( X, Y ) ), skol33( X, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    skol13( X, Y ) ), skol33( X, Y ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Z ), T ) ), ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44     }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( com, X, hAPP( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( com, X ), hAPP( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ), hAPP( fun( fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ) ), hAPP( fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( com, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( com, X ) ) ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( vname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, X ) ) ) ) ) ) ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( vname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), fun( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com
% 0.96/1.44    , X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname
% 0.96/1.44    , X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ), com_case( X ), Y ), Z ), T ), U ), W ), V0 ), 
% 0.96/1.44    V1 ), V2 ), skip ) = ti( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( com, X, hAPP( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( com, X ), hAPP( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ), hAPP( fun( fun( state, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ) ), hAPP( fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( com, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( com, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    pname, X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( com, X ) ) ) ) ) ), hAPP( fun( vname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com, X
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname, X
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    com, X ) ) ) ) ) ) ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( vname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), fun( fun( loc, fun( fun( state, nat ), fun( com, X ) ) ), fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, fun( com
% 0.96/1.44    , X ) ) ), fun( fun( fun( state, bool ), fun( com, X ) ), fun( fun( pname
% 0.96/1.44    , X ), fun( fun( vname, fun( pname, fun( fun( state, nat ), X ) ) ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( com, X ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ), com_case( X ), Y ), Z ), T ), U ), W ), V0 ), 
% 0.96/1.44    V1 ), V2 ), hAPP( com, com, hAPP( com, fun( com, com ), semi, V3 ), V4 )
% 0.96/1.44     ) = hAPP( com, X, hAPP( com, fun( com, X ), U, V3 ), V4 ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , T ) ), ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, T ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), finite_fold1Set( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), 
% 0.96/1.44    bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Z ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Y ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Y, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T ), bot_bot
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , X ), finite_fold1( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = ti( X, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! Y = hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), finite_fold1
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Y, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T )
% 0.96/1.44    , bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Z ), Y ), T ) ), ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, X ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ), T ), U ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z ), T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    insert( X ), Z ), T ) ), U ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), U ), T ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), T ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), T ) ) =
% 0.96/1.44     hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X, fun( X, X ), Y, U ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), finite_fold1( X ), Y ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), bot_bot( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ), Y ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z ), 
% 0.96/1.44    T ), bot_bot( fun( Y, bool ) ) ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( T, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( T, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( T, fun( X, X ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( fun( T, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( T, X ), U
% 0.96/1.44     ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( T, bool ) ) ), Z ) ), ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( T, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( T, bool ), hAPP( T, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( T, bool ) ), hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( T, T ) ), fun( T, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( T, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_fold_graph( X, T ), U ), W ), Z ), V0 ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( T, bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( T, bool ), hAPP( T, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    T, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( T, T ) ), fun( T, fun( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( T, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, T ), U ), W ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    insert( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hAPP( T, T, hAPP( X, fun( T, T ), U, Y ), V0 ) )
% 0.96/1.44     ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! finite_finite( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! finite_finite( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    insert( X ), Y ), Z ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_finite_1( X ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Z ) ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), Y ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    ti( fun( X, bool ), T ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, X, hAPP( X, fun( X, X ), Y, skol14( X, Y ) ), skol34( X, Y ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), skol14( X, Y ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    skol34( X, Y ) ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ), U ) ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    insert( X ), Z ), T ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), skol15( X, Y, Z, T, U
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), skol35( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ), U ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, X ), Y ), skol15( X, Y
% 0.96/1.44    , Z, T, U ) ), skol35( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ), U ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) ), U ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    skol15( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ), skol35( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ti( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set( X ), Z ), Y ), skol16( X, Y
% 0.96/1.44    , Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ! hBOOL
% 0.96/1.44    ( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Z, bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), skol17( X, T ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Z, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ! hBOOL
% 0.96/1.44    ( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Z, bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ), alpha11( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, Z, skol17( X, Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Z, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha11( X, Y, Z ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), skol18( X, T, Z ) ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha11( X, Y, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha11( X, Y, Z ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , insert( X ), skol18( X, Y, Z ) ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), T ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, Z ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T ), Z )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), alpha11( X, Y, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hAPP( X, Y, Z, skol19( X, Y, Z, T ) ) = hAPP( X, Y, T, skol19( X, Y, Z
% 0.96/1.44    , T ) ), ti( fun( X, Y ), Z ) = ti( fun( X, Y ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Z, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, Z, Y ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), collect( X ), Y ) = ti( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ti( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), alpha3( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha3( X, Y ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha3( X, Y ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , skol20( X, Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha3( X, Y ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    skol36( X, Y ) ), skol20( X, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T ), Z ), ! hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Z ) ), alpha3( X, Y ) }
% 0.96/1.44    .
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( Z, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( Z, bool ), hAPP( Z, fun( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), fun( Z, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( Z, Z ) ), fun( Z, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( Z, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, Z ), T ), U ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44    , skol21( X, Y, Z, T, U ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) ), ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), skol22( X, Y, Z, T ) ), skol37( X, Y, Z, T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), finite_fold1Set
% 0.96/1.44    ( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) ), alpha4( X, Y, T, skol22( X, Y, Z, T ), skol37( X
% 0.96/1.44    , Y, Z, T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), W ), ! alpha4
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, Y, T, U, W ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ), finite_fold1Set( X ), Y ), Z ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha4( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, skol23( X, W, Z, V0, V1 )
% 0.96/1.44     ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha4( X, Y, Z, T, U ), alpha7( X, Y, T, U, skol23( X, Y, Z, T, U ) )
% 0.96/1.44     }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( X, Z ) = ti( X, W ), ! alpha7( X, Y, T, U, W ), alpha4( X, Y, Z, T
% 0.96/1.44    , U ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha7( X, Y, Z, T, U ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_fold_graph( X, X ), Y ), Z ), T ), U ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha7( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( X, X ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ), T ), U ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Z ), T ) ), alpha7( X, Y, Z, T, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z
% 0.96/1.44     ), T ), U ), W ) ), alpha5( X, Y, T, U, W ), alpha8( X, Y, Z, T, U, W )
% 0.96/1.44     }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha5( X, Y, T, U, W ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z ), T ), U ), W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha8( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z ), T ), U ), W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha8( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ), ti( fun( Y, bool ), U ) = hAPP( fun( Y, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( Y, bool ), hAPP( Y, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( Y, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    insert( Y ), skol24( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ) ), skol38( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ) ) }
% 0.96/1.44    .
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha8( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ), alpha9( X, Y, Z, T, W, skol24( X, Y, Z, T, 
% 0.96/1.44    U, W ), skol38( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( Y, bool ), U ) = hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), fun( Y, bool ), hAPP( Y
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( Y, bool ) ), insert( Y ), V0 ), V1 ), ! 
% 0.96/1.44    alpha9( X, Y, Z, T, W, V0, V1 ), alpha8( X, Y, Z, T, U, W ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha9( X, Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ), ti( X, U ) = hAPP( X, X, hAPP( Y, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, X ), Z, W ), skol25( X, Y, Z, V1, U, W, V2 ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha9( X, Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ), alpha10( X, Y, Z, T, W, V0, skol25( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( X, U ) = hAPP( X, X, hAPP( Y, fun( X, X ), Z, W ), V1 ), ! alpha10
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, Y, Z, T, W, V0, V1 ), alpha9( X, Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha10( X, Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), bool, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( Y, fun( fun( Y, bool ), bool ), member( Y ), U ), W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha10( X, Y, Z, T, U, W, V0 ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z ), T ), W ), V0 ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), bool, hAPP( Y, fun( fun( Y, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( Y ), U ), W ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( fun( Y, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( Y, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( fun( Y, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite_fold_graph( Y, X ), Z ), T ), W ), V0 ) ), alpha10( X, Y, Z, T, U
% 0.96/1.44    , W, V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha5( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( fun( Y, bool ), T ) = bot_bot( fun( Y, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha5( X, Y, Z, T, U ), ti( X, U ) = ti( X, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( fun( Y, bool ), T ) = bot_bot( fun( Y, bool ) ), ! ti( X, U ) = ti
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, Z ), alpha5( X, Y, Z, T, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite2073411215e_idem( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T )
% 0.96/1.44     ), ti( fun( X, bool ), T ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), X, Z, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), T ) ) = hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, X ), Y, U ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite2073411215e_idem( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ) ), hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X, fun( X, X ), Y, T ), T ) = ti( X, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite2073411215e_idem( X ), Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T )
% 0.96/1.44     ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), member( X ), U ), T ) ), hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X, fun( X, X ), Y, U )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ti( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool, Z, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), skol26( X, Z ) ), bot_bot( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ) ) ) ), alpha12( X, skol39( X, T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool, Z, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ti( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool, Z, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), skol26( X, Z ) ), bot_bot( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ) ) ) ), alpha13( X, Z, skol39( X, Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), bool, Z, Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha13( X, Y, Z ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), skol27( X, T, Z ) ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha13( X, Y, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha13( X, Y, Z ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , insert( X ), skol27( X, Y, Z ) ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), T ), Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, Z ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, Y, hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), T ), Z )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), alpha13( X, Y, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha12( X, Y ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! alpha12( X, Y ), ! ti( fun( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44     }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), ti( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), Y ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), alpha12( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, Y ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ), hAPP( Y, fun( fun( X, Y ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ) ), hAPP( fun( Y, fun( Y, Y ) ), fun( Y, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, Y ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite908156982e_idem( Y, X ), Z ), W ), T ), U ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), V0 ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), Y, U
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), V1 ), V0 ) ) = hAPP( Y, Y, hAPP( Y, fun( Y, Y
% 0.96/1.44     ), Z, hAPP( X, Y, T, V1 ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), Y, U, V0 ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( Z, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( Z, X ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( Z, bool ), X ), bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( Z, X ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( Z, bool ), X ), bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X ) ), fun( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( Z, X ), fun( fun( fun( Z, bool ), X ), bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite908156982e_idem( X, Z ), Y ), T ), U ), W ) ), hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, X ), Y, V0 ), V0 ) = ti( X, V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, Y ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ), hAPP( Y, fun( fun( X, Y ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ) ), hAPP( fun( Y, fun( Y, Y ) ), fun( Y, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, Y ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), Y ), bool ) ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    finite908156982e_idem( Y, X ), Z ), W ), T ), U ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), V0 ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), V1 ), V0
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), hAPP( Y, Y, hAPP( Y, fun( Y, Y ), Z, hAPP( X, Y, T, V1 ) ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), Y, U, V0 ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), Y, U, V0 ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), big_semilattice_big( X ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44    , Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, hAPP( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( X, X ) ), fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), finite_fold1( X ), Y ), T ) }
% 0.96/1.44    .
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), U ), T ) ), ! hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) = ti
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, U ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool, hAPP( fun( X, fun( X, X )
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( fun( fun( X, bool ), X ), bool ), finite_folding_one( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Z ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), T ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), U ), T ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), T ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) = bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, T ) = 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, X, hAPP( X, fun( X, X ), Y, U ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), X, Z, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), T ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , insert( X ), U ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Z ), T ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), Z ), T ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ), Z ), T ) ) ), ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), bool ), member( X ), Y ), T ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), Y ) ), hBOOL( 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44     ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), Z ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) ) = ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    member( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X
% 0.96/1.44     ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) = ti( fun( X, bool ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ) ), Z ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) ) ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Y ), Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , insert( X ), Z ), T ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) ), T ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , insert( X ), Z ), T ) ) = hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, bool ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44    , T ) ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool
% 0.96/1.44     ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), bot_bot( fun( X, bool ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , Z ), T ) ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), T ) ) ) }
% 0.96/1.44    .
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), fun( X, bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), T ) ) ), hBOOL( hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( X, bool ), bool, finite_finite_1( X ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    minus_minus( fun( X, bool ) ), Y ), hAPP( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , hAPP( X, fun( fun( X, bool ), fun( X, bool ) ), insert( X ), Z ), T ) )
% 0.96/1.44     ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! finite_finite( Y ), ! finite_finite( X ), finite_finite( fun( X, Y ) )
% 0.96/1.44     }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! bot( X ), bot( fun( Y, X ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { finite_finite( bool ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { bot( bool ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ti( X, ti( X, Y ) ) = ti( X, Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, fNot, X ) ), ! hBOOL( X ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, fNot, X ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( X, Y, hAPP( fun( X, Z ), fun( X, Y ), hAPP( fun( Z, Y ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    X, Z ), fun( X, Y ) ), combb( Z, Y, X ), T ), U ), W ) = hAPP( Z, Y, T, 
% 0.96/1.44    hAPP( X, Z, U, W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( X, Y, hAPP( Z, fun( X, Y ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( Z, Y ) ), fun( Z, 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( X, Y ) ), combc( X, Z, Y ), T ), U ), W ) = hAPP( Z, Y, hAPP( X, fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( Z, Y ), T, W ), U ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( X, Y, hAPP( Y, fun( X, Y ), combk( Y, X ), Z ), T ) = ti( Y, Z ) }
% 0.96/1.44    .
% 0.96/1.44  { hAPP( X, Y, hAPP( fun( X, Z ), fun( X, Y ), hAPP( fun( X, fun( Z, Y ) ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( fun( X, Z ), fun( X, Y ) ), combs( X, Z, Y ), T ), U ), W ) = hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    Z, Y, hAPP( X, fun( Z, Y ), T, W ), hAPP( X, Z, U, W ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fdisj, X ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fdisj, Y ), X ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), fdisj, X ), Y )
% 0.96/1.44     ), hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( fFalse ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ti( bool, X ) = fTrue, ti( bool, X ) = fFalse }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( X, fun( X, bool ), fequal( X ), Y ), Z ) )
% 0.96/1.44    , ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! ti( X, Y ) = ti( X, Z ), hBOOL( hAPP( X, bool, hAPP( X, fun( X, bool )
% 0.96/1.44    , fequal( X ), Y ), Z ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fimplies, X ), Y ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), 
% 0.96/1.44    fimplies, Y ), X ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( bool, bool, hAPP( bool, fun( bool, bool ), fimplies, X ), 
% 0.96/1.44    Y ) ), ! hBOOL( X ), hBOOL( Y ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple
% 0.96/1.44    ( state ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( state ), bot_bot( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ) ) ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( state
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( state ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( state
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hAPP( com, 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), hoare_Mirabelle_MGT, c ) ), bot_bot( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), bool, hAPP( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( fun( hoare_509422987triple
% 0.96/1.44    ( state ), bool ), bool ), hoare_1870528171valids( state ), bot_bot( fun
% 0.96/1.44    ( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ) ) ), hAPP( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( state
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( state ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( state
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hAPP( fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ), hAPP( com, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( state, fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( 
% 0.96/1.44    state ), p ), c ), q ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  { ! hBOOL( hAPP( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), bool, hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), bool ), hoare_122391849derivs( 
% 0.96/1.44    state ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ) ) ), hAPP( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( 
% 0.96/1.44    state ), bool ), hAPP( hoare_509422987triple( state ), fun( fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    hoare_509422987triple( state ), bool ), fun( hoare_509422987triple( state
% 0.96/1.44     ), bool ) ), insert( hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hAPP( fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ), hAPP( com, fun( 
% 0.96/1.44    fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ) ), hAPP
% 0.96/1.44    ( fun( state, fun( state, bool ) ), fun( com, fun( fun( state, fun( state
% 0.96/1.44    , bool ) ), hoare_509422987triple( state ) ) ), hoare_1008221573triple( 
% 0.96/1.44    state ), p ), c ), q ) ), bot_bot( fun( hoare_509422987triple( state ), 
% 0.96/1.44    bool ) ) ) ) ) }.
% 0.96/1.44  
% 0.96/1.44  *** allocated 15000 integers for clauses
% 0.96/1.44  *** allocated 22500 integers for clauses
% 0.96/1.44  *** allocated 33750 integers for clauses
% 0.96/1.44  percentage equality = 0.359667, percentage horn = 0.828452
% 0.96/1.44  This is a problem with some equality
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  Options Used:
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  useres =            1
% 1.46/1.89  useparamod =        1
% 1.46/1.89  useeqrefl =         1
% 1.46/1.89  useeqfact =         1
% 1.46/1.89  usefactor =         1
% 1.46/1.89  usesimpsplitting =  0
% 1.46/1.89  usesimpdemod =      5
% 1.46/1.89  usesimpres =        3
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  resimpinuse      =  1000
% 1.46/1.89  resimpclauses =     20000
% 1.46/1.89  substype =          eqrewr
% 1.46/1.89  backwardsubs =      1
% 1.46/1.89  selectoldest =      5
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  litorderings [0] =  split
% 1.46/1.89  litorderings [1] =  extend the termordering, first sorting on arguments
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  termordering =      kbo
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  litapriori =        0
% 1.46/1.89  termapriori =       1
% 1.46/1.89  litaposteriori =    0
% 1.46/1.89  termaposteriori =   0
% 1.46/1.89  demodaposteriori =  0
% 1.46/1.89  ordereqreflfact =   0
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  litselect =         negord
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  maxweight =         15
% 1.46/1.89  maxdepth =          30000
% 1.46/1.89  maxlength =         115
% 1.46/1.89  maxnrvars =         195
% 1.46/1.89  excuselevel =       1
% 1.46/1.89  increasemaxweight = 1
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  maxselected =       10000000
% 1.46/1.89  maxnrclauses =      10000000
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  showgenerated =    0
% 1.46/1.89  showkept =         0
% 1.46/1.89  showselected =     0
% 1.46/1.89  showdeleted =      0
% 1.46/1.89  showresimp =       1
% 1.46/1.89  showstatus =       2000
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  prologoutput =     0
% 1.46/1.89  nrgoals =          5000000
% 1.46/1.89  totalproof =       1
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  Symbols occurring in the translation:
% 1.46/1.89  
% 1.46/1.89  {}  [0, 0]      (w:1, o:2, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  .  [1, 2]      (w:1, o:125, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  !  [4, 1]      (w:0, o:98, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  =  [13, 2]      (w:1, o:0, a:0, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  ==>  [14, 2]      (w:1, o:0, a:0, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fun  [36, 2]      (w:1, o:149, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  bool  [37, 0]      (w:1, o:7, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  big_semilattice_big  [38, 1]      (w:1, o:103, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  ti  [39, 2]      (w:1, o:167, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  combb  [42, 3]      (w:1, o:175, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  combc  [43, 3]      (w:1, o:176, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  combk  [44, 2]      (w:1, o:168, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  combs  [45, 3]      (w:1, o:177, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  com  [46, 0]      (w:1, o:10, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  skip  [47, 0]      (w:1, o:11, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  semi  [48, 0]      (w:1, o:12, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  vname  [49, 0]      (w:1, o:13, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  state  [50, 0]      (w:1, o:14, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  nat  [51, 0]      (w:1, o:15, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  loc  [52, 0]      (w:1, o:16, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  pname  [53, 0]      (w:1, o:17, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  com_case  [54, 1]      (w:1, o:107, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_finite_1  [55, 1]      (w:1, o:108, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_fold1  [56, 1]      (w:1, o:109, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_fold1Set  [57, 1]      (w:1, o:110, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_fold_graph  [58, 2]      (w:1, o:169, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite908156982e_idem  [59, 2]      (w:1, o:170, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_folding_one  [60, 1]      (w:1, o:111, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite2073411215e_idem  [61, 1]      (w:1, o:112, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  minus_minus  [62, 1]      (w:1, o:113, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  undefined  [63, 1]      (w:1, o:115, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_509422987triple  [64, 1]      (w:1, o:116, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_Mirabelle_MGT  [65, 0]      (w:1, o:18, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_122391849derivs  [66, 1]      (w:1, o:117, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_1870528171valids  [67, 1]      (w:1, o:118, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_1008221573triple  [68, 1]      (w:1, o:119, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_885240885e_case  [69, 2]      (w:1, o:172, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hoare_728318379le_rec  [70, 2]      (w:1, o:171, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  bot  [71, 1]      (w:1, o:104, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  bot_bot  [72, 1]      (w:1, o:105, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  collect  [73, 1]      (w:1, o:106, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  insert  [74, 1]      (w:1, o:121, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  the_elem  [75, 1]      (w:1, o:114, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fFalse  [76, 0]      (w:1, o:19, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fNot  [77, 0]      (w:1, o:20, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fTrue  [78, 0]      (w:1, o:21, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fdisj  [79, 0]      (w:1, o:22, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fequal  [80, 1]      (w:1, o:122, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  fimplies  [81, 0]      (w:1, o:23, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hAPP  [84, 4]      (w:1, o:189, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  hBOOL  [85, 1]      (w:1, o:120, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  member  [86, 1]      (w:1, o:123, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  p  [87, 0]      (w:1, o:34, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  q  [88, 0]      (w:1, o:35, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  c  [89, 0]      (w:1, o:36, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  finite_finite  [143, 1]      (w:1, o:124, a:1, s:1, b:0), 
% 1.46/1.89  alpha1  [160, 4]      (w:1, o:190, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 1.46/1.89  alpha2  [161, 5]      (w:1, o:194, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha3  [162, 2]      (w:1, o:173, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha4  [163, 5]      (w:1, o:195, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha5  [164, 5]      (w:1, o:196, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha6  [165, 5]      (w:1, o:197, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha7  [166, 5]      (w:1, o:198, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha8  [167, 6]      (w:1, o:208, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha9  [168, 7]      (w:1, o:211, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha10  [169, 7]      (w:1, o:212, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha11  [170, 3]      (w:1, o:178, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha12  [171, 2]      (w:1, o:174, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  alpha13  [172, 3]      (w:1, o:179, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol1  [173, 3]      (w:1, o:180, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol2  [174, 3]      (w:1, o:184, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol3  [175, 5]      (w:1, o:201, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol4  [176, 2]      (w:1, o:155, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol5  [177, 2]      (w:1, o:157, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol6  [178, 2]      (w:1, o:158, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol7  [179, 2]      (w:1, o:159, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol8  [180, 2]      (w:1, o:160, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol9  [181, 3]      (w:1, o:185, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol10  [182, 3]      (w:1, o:181, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol11  [183, 2]      (w:1, o:161, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol12  [184, 5]      (w:1, o:202, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol13  [185, 2]      (w:1, o:162, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol14  [186, 2]      (w:1, o:163, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol15  [187, 5]      (w:1, o:203, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol16  [188, 3]      (w:1, o:182, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol17  [189, 2]      (w:1, o:164, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol18  [190, 3]      (w:1, o:183, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol19  [191, 4]      (w:1, o:191, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol20  [192, 2]      (w:1, o:165, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol21  [193, 5]      (w:1, o:199, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol22  [194, 4]      (w:1, o:192, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol23  [195, 5]      (w:1, o:200, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol24  [196, 6]      (w:1, o:209, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol25  [197, 7]      (w:1, o:213, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol26  [198, 2]      (w:1, o:166, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol27  [199, 3]      (w:1, o:186, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol28  [200, 3]      (w:1, o:187, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol29  [201, 3]      (w:1, o:188, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol30  [202, 5]      (w:1, o:204, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol31  [203, 2]      (w:1, o:150, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol32  [204, 5]      (w:1, o:205, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol33  [205, 2]      (w:1, o:151, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol34  [206, 2]      (w:1, o:152, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol35  [207, 5]      (w:1, o:206, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol36  [208, 2]      (w:1, o:153, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol37  [209, 4]      (w:1, o:193, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol38  [210, 6]      (w:1, o:210, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol39  [211, 2]      (w:1, o:154, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol40  [212, 5]      (w:1, o:207, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol41  [213, 2]      (w:1, o:156, a:1, s:1, b:1), 
% 8.13/8.52  skol42  [214, 7]      (w:1, o:214, a:1, s:1, b:1).
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Starting Search:
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 50625 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 75937 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 113905 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 75937 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 170857 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Intermediate Status:
% 8.13/8.52  Generated:    3295
% 8.13/8.52  Kept:         2027
% 8.13/8.52  Inuse:        133
% 8.13/8.52  Deleted:      12
% 8.13/8.52  Deletedinuse: 8
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 113905 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 256285 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 170857 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 384427 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 256285 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Intermediate Status:
% 8.13/8.52  Generated:    12368
% 8.13/8.52  Kept:         4146
% 8.13/8.52  Inuse:        217
% 8.13/8.52  Deleted:      24
% 8.13/8.52  Deletedinuse: 10
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 384427 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 576640 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 576640 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Intermediate Status:
% 8.13/8.52  Generated:    20220
% 8.13/8.52  Kept:         6158
% 8.13/8.52  Inuse:        274
% 8.13/8.52  Deleted:      33
% 8.13/8.52  Deletedinuse: 19
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 864960 integers for clauses
% 8.13/8.52  Resimplifying inuse:
% 8.13/8.52  Done
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  *** allocated 864960 integers for termspace/termends
% 8.13/8.52  
% 8.13/8.52  Intermediate Status:
% 8.13/8.52  Generated:    26518
% 8.13/8.52  Kept:         8178
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        311
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      37
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 22
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    37889
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         10449
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        336
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      45
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 29
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 1297440 integers for clauses
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    50382
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         12470
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        415
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      50
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 29
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 1297440 integers for termspace/termends
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    64236
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         14576
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        473
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      58
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 30
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    78735
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         16576
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        490
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      60
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 32
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 1946160 integers for clauses
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 1946160 integers for termspace/termends
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    96312
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         18708
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        532
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      61
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 32
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying clauses:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    107028
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         20744
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        590
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      257
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    117382
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         22899
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        623
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      257
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    125260
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         24918
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        652
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      257
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 2919240 integers for clauses
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    132149
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         27060
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        679
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      258
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    137852
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         29149
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        705
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      258
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 2919240 integers for termspace/termends
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    145846
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         31201
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        731
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      258
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    153739
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         33204
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        770
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      259
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    162280
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         35245
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        825
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      259
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    173497
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         37522
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        831
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      259
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    180504
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         39729
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        853
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      259
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying clauses:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    188596
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         41755
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        866
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      878
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    197640
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         44246
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        898
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      880
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    211753
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         46320
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        932
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      881
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 33
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 4378860 integers for clauses
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  *** allocated 4378860 integers for termspace/termends
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    226365
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         48366
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        989
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      897
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 49
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    232844
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         50497
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        1013
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      940
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 92
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Intermediate Status:
% 26.53/26.99  Generated:    245419
% 26.53/26.99  Kept:         52607
% 26.53/26.99  Inuse:        1057
% 26.53/26.99  Deleted:      1067
% 26.53/26.99  Deletedinuse: 213
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  Resimplifying inuse:
% 26.53/26.99  Done
% 26.53/26.99  
% 26.53/26.99  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    259928
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         54629
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1147
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      1126
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 254
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    268298
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         56731
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1208
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      1168
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 290
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    283890
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         58773
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1226
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      1179
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 290
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying clauses:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    296260
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         60837
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1279
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14040
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 290
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    301337
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         62885
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1319
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14040
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 290
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    308175
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         64913
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1366
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14042
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 292
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    314039
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         66952
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1407
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    320285
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         69025
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1447
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    328909
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         71050
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1504
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    335928
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         73163
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1552
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  *** allocated 6568290 integers for clauses
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    341994
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         75173
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1580
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    347908
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         77174
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1610
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    355267
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         79200
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1646
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      14048
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying clauses:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    374035
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         81286
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1661
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15348
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    382838
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         83297
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1682
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15348
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 298
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    400568
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         85378
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1787
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15350
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 300
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    413466
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         87425
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1815
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15356
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 306
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    431107
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         89750
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1829
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15356
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 306
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    448188
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         91753
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1846
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15359
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 309
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    466132
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         93893
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1860
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15364
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 314
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    471637
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         96022
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1882
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15364
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 314
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    477396
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         98091
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1910
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15364
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 314
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Intermediate Status:
% 77.70/78.09  Generated:    483055
% 77.70/78.09  Kept:         100146
% 77.70/78.09  Inuse:        1930
% 77.70/78.09  Deleted:      15364
% 77.70/78.09  Deletedinuse: 314
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying clauses:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 77.70/78.09  
% 77.70/78.09  Resimplifying inuse:
% 77.70/78.09  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    492275
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         102232
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        1962
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17415
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 314
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    500308
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         104248
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        1994
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17415
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 314
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    519219
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         106260
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2067
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17436
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 335
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    556399
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         108321
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2126
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17447
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 346
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    620869
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         110459
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2159
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17481
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 372
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    679628
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         112485
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2206
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17497
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    703041
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         114495
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2250
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17497
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    768259
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         116527
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2292
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17513
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    814246
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         118634
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2327
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17513
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    839764
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         120704
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2359
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      17513
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying clauses:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    890408
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         122769
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2405
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20877
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    907255
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         124869
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2431
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20877
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    934490
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         126884
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2470
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20877
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    958619
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         128940
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2492
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20877
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  *** allocated 6568290 integers for termspace/termends
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    981493
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         131026
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2505
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20877
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 380
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    996869
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         133075
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2522
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20879
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 382
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  *** allocated 9852435 integers for clauses
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.40  Generated:    1035049
% 192.97/193.40  Kept:         136066
% 192.97/193.40  Inuse:        2536
% 192.97/193.40  Deleted:      20879
% 192.97/193.40  Deletedinuse: 382
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.40  Done
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  
% 192.97/193.40  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1054940
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         138136
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2555
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      20879
% 192.97/193.41  Deletedinuse: 382
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1076415
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         140221
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2574
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      20879
% 192.97/193.41  Deletedinuse: 382
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying clauses:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1120550
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         142275
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2708
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      21840
% 192.97/193.41  Deletedinuse: 385
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1181021
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         144397
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2857
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      21904
% 192.97/193.41  Deletedinuse: 449
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1191704
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         146412
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2880
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      21904
% 192.97/193.41  Deletedinuse: 449
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Resimplifying inuse:
% 192.97/193.41  Done
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  
% 192.97/193.41  Intermediate Status:
% 192.97/193.41  Generated:    1198498
% 192.97/193.41  Kept:         148471
% 192.97/193.41  Inuse:        2917
% 192.97/193.41  Deleted:      22048
% 192.97/193.41  DeletedinusCputime limit exceeded (core dumped)