TSTP Solution File: SWW384+1 by Vampire---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire---4.9
% Problem  : SWW384+1 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v5.2.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d THM

% Computer : n017.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 18:32:17 EDT 2024

% Result   : ContradictoryAxioms 7.02s 1.72s
% Output   : Refutation 7.02s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   12
%            Number of leaves      :   10
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   40 (  13 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :   89 (   0 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    6 (   2 avg)
%            Number of connectives :   84 (  35   ~;  25   |;   9   &)
%                                         (   5 <=>;  10  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :    8 (   5 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    5 (   2 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    3 (   2 usr;   1 prp; 0-1 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   13 (  13 usr;   3 con; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   84 (  75   !;   9   ?)

% Comments : 
    inference(resolution,[],[f31220,f16632]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f5137]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),
    inference(resolution,[],[f31198,f17136]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0))
      | ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f10416]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0))
      | ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f5588]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0)
     => class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f5157]) ).

    ! [X319] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X319)
     => class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X319)) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f31186,f30755]) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool)))),
    inference(resolution,[],[f30676,f21599]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X3,X1,X0),X2)))
      | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X3),X2)) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f13092]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2,X3] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X3,X1,X0),X2)))
      | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X3),X2)) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f8864]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2,X3] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X3),X2))
     => hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X3,X1,X0),X2))) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f11]) ).

    ! [X11,X12,X13,X4] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X4),X13))
     => hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X12),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X4,X12,X11),X13))) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X0,tc_Nat_Onat,c_Nat_OSuc),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool))))),
    inference(resolution,[],[f29711,f20978]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(X3),hAPP(X2,X1)),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X0,X3,X2),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool))))),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f8307]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2,X3] : hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(X3),hAPP(X2,X1)),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X0,X3,X2),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool))))),
    inference(rectify,[],[f820]) ).

    ! [X12,X15,X1,X4] : hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(X4),hAPP(X1,X15)),hAPP(c_Set_Oimage(X12,X4,X1),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X12,tc_HOL_Obool))))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),hAPP(c_Nat_OSuc,sK20(X0))),X0))
      | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0)) ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f16878,f17221]) ).

    ! [X0,X4] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),sK20(X0)))
      | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X0))
      | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0)) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f14380]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0))
        | ! [X1] :
            ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),sK19(X0,X1)),X1))
            & hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),sK19(X0,X1)),X0)) ) )
      & ( ! [X4] :
            ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),sK20(X0)))
            | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X0)) )
        | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0)) ) ),
    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK19,sK20])],[f14377,f14379,f14378]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( ? [X2] :
          ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1))
          & hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0)) )
     => ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),sK19(X0,X1)),X1))
        & hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),sK19(X0,X1)),X0)) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ? [X3] :
        ! [X4] :
          ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X3))
          | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X0)) )
     => ! [X4] :
          ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),sK20(X0)))
          | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X0)) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0))
        | ! [X1] :
          ? [X2] :
            ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1))
            & hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0)) ) )
      & ( ? [X3] :
          ! [X4] :
            ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X3))
            | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X4),X0)) )
        | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0)) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f14376]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0))
        | ! [X1] :
          ? [X2] :
            ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1))
            & hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0)) ) )
      & ( ? [X1] :
          ! [X2] :
            ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1))
            | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0)) )
        | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0)) ) ),
    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f10479]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0))
    <=> ? [X1] :
        ! [X2] :
          ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1))
          | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0)) ) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f5655]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X0))
    <=> ? [X1] :
        ! [X2] :
          ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X0))
         => hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X1)) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f1333]) ).

    ! [X64] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Nat_Onat),X64))
    <=> ? [X126] :
        ! [X2] :
          ( hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_member(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X64))
         => hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),X2),X126)) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),hAPP(c_Nat_OSuc,X0)),X0)),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f5342]) ).

    ! [X0] : ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),hAPP(c_Nat_OSuc,X0)),X0)),
    inference(rectify,[],[f963]) ).

    ! [X92] : ~ hBOOL(hAPP(hAPP(c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq(tc_Nat_Onat),hAPP(c_Nat_OSuc,X92)),X92)),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0))
      | hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool)))) ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f18209,f17299]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(tc_Option_Ooption(X0),tc_HOL_Obool))))
      | hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool)))) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f14427]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(tc_Option_Ooption(X0),tc_HOL_Obool))))
        | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool)))) )
      & ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool))))
        | ~ hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(tc_Option_Ooption(X0),tc_HOL_Obool)))) ) ),
    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f5693]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X0)),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(tc_Option_Ooption(X0),tc_HOL_Obool))))
    <=> hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X0),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X0,tc_HOL_Obool)))) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f784]) ).

    ! [X4] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(tc_Option_Ooption(X4)),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(tc_Option_Ooption(X4),tc_HOL_Obool))))
    <=> hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X4),c_Orderings_Otop__class_Otop(tc_fun(X4,tc_HOL_Obool)))) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),X0))
      | ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f10853]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),X0))
      | ~ class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f6465]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1)
     => hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X1),X0)) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f29]) ).

    ! [X14,X4] :
      ( class_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X4)
     => hBOOL(hAPP(c_Finite__Set_Ofinite(X4),X14)) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

% 0.07/0.12  % Problem    : SWW384+1 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v5.2.0.
% 0.07/0.12  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d THM
% 0.12/0.34  % Computer : n017.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.34  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.34  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.34  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.34  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.34  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.12/0.34  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.12/0.34  % DateTime   : Wed Jun 19 07:00:54 EDT 2024
% 0.12/0.34  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.12/0.36  This is a FOF_CAX_RFO_SEQ problem
% 0.12/0.37  Running first-order theorem proving
% 0.12/0.37  Running /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/vampire --mode casc -m 16384 --cores 7 -t 300 /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18357)lrs-1010_1:1_sil=2000:i=250:sd=1:ss=axioms:sgt=32:sos=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/250Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18359)lrs+1002_1:1_to=lpo:sil=2000:sp=frequency:sos=on:st=3.0:i=282:sd=2:ss=axioms_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/282Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18353)lrs+10_1:628_anc=all_dependent:bsr=unit_only:sil=256000:sp=frequency:i=136310:newcnf=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/136310Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18356)dis+2_1:50_sil=256000:flr=on:sac=on:i=218245:fsr=off:uhcvi=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/218245Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18358)lrs-1011_8:1_sil=16000:sos=all:i=346:sd=1:ep=R:ss=axioms_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/346Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18354)lrs+2_3:1_to=lpo:sil=256000:irw=on:fde=unused:sp=unary_first:bce=on:nwc=6.0:s2agt=30:newcnf=on:s2a=on:i=140573:nm=2_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/140573Mi)
% 0.52/0.73  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.52/0.73  % (18355)lrs+11_1:12_to=lpo:sil=128000:sp=const_min:i=103397:ss=included:sgt=16:av=off:fsd=on:nm=16_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/103397Mi)
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)------------------------------
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.52/0.85  
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Memory used [KB]: 9326
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Time elapsed: 0.115 s
% 0.52/0.85  % (18359)Instructions burned: 283 (million)
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)------------------------------
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.52/0.85  
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Memory used [KB]: 8354
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Time elapsed: 0.123 s
% 0.52/0.85  % (18357)Instructions burned: 250 (million)
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)------------------------------
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.86/0.87  
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Memory used [KB]: 7577
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Time elapsed: 0.142 s
% 0.86/0.87  % (18358)Instructions burned: 346 (million)
% 0.86/0.88  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.86/0.88  % (18394)lrs+1010_1:1_sil=8000:sp=occurrence:urr=on:br=off:st=1.2:i=125:sd=7:ss=axioms:sgt=16_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/125Mi)
% 0.86/0.89  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.86/0.89  % (18396)lrs+1010_1:1_to=lpo:sil=2000:sos=on:fd=off:i=402:bd=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/402Mi)
% 1.06/0.91  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.06/0.91  % (18410)lrs+2_5:1_sil=2000:sos=on:acc=on:urr=on:alpa=false:i=325:sd=1:bd=off:nm=32:ss=axioms:br=off:sup=off:bs=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/325Mi)
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)------------------------------
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Termination phase: Preprocessing 3
% 1.06/0.93  
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Memory used [KB]: 8343
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Time elapsed: 0.048 s
% 1.06/0.93  % (18394)Instructions burned: 126 (million)
% 1.06/0.96  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.06/0.96  % (18437)lrs+1011_1:1_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=4000:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:sp=occurrence:sos=on:erd=off:urr=on:lsd=100:i=267:sd=1:nm=2:ss=axioms:flr=on:sup=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/267Mi)
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)------------------------------
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Termination phase: Function definition elimination
% 1.15/1.01  
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Memory used [KB]: 14789
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Time elapsed: 0.118 s
% 1.15/1.01  % (18396)Instructions burned: 402 (million)
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)------------------------------
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.15/1.01  
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Memory used [KB]: 8024
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Time elapsed: 0.101 s
% 1.15/1.01  % (18410)Instructions burned: 326 (million)
% 1.15/1.04  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.15/1.04  % (18438)lrs+33_1:1_sil=4000:sp=reverse_frequency:sos=all:i=156:sd=2:bd=off:nm=2:av=off:fsr=off:ss=axioms:sgt=10:rawr=on:sup=off:to=lpo:fs=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/156Mi)
% 1.15/1.04  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.15/1.04  % (18439)dis+1011_1:1_to=lpo:sil=4000:sp=const_max:sos=all:spb=goal:st=1.5:i=200:av=off:ss=axioms:sfv=off:bd=off:sd=2:fd=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/200Mi)
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)------------------------------
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.15/1.06  
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Memory used [KB]: 7864
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Time elapsed: 0.093 s
% 1.15/1.06  % (18437)Instructions burned: 269 (million)
% 1.57/1.09  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.57/1.09  % (18440)dis-1010_1:4_sil=2000:tgt=ground:fd=off:i=203:sd=1:nm=4:av=off:ss=axioms:sgt=64:newcnf=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2996ds/203Mi)
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)------------------------------
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.57/1.09  
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Memory used [KB]: 7517
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Time elapsed: 0.052 s
% 1.57/1.09  % (18438)Instructions burned: 157 (million)
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)------------------------------
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.57/1.10  
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Memory used [KB]: 8088
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Time elapsed: 0.062 s
% 1.57/1.10  % (18439)Instructions burned: 200 (million)
% 1.57/1.13  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.57/1.13  % (18441)lrs+1002_1:8_sil=4000:sos=on:nicw=on:st=2.5:i=1027:ss=included:sd=7:ep=RS:erd=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2995ds/1027Mi)
% 1.57/1.14  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.57/1.14  % (18442)ott+10_107421:1048576_to=lpo:drc=off:sil=4000:fde=none:sos=on:lma=on:spb=intro:gs=on:nwc=24.2524:gsem=off:i=316:sd=3:afp=40000:awrs=decay:awrsf=1166:nm=6:afq=1.99252:uhcvi=on:ss=axioms:rawr=on:sp=const_max:add=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2995ds/316Mi)
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)------------------------------
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.57/1.17  
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Memory used [KB]: 7414
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Time elapsed: 0.075 s
% 1.57/1.17  % (18440)Instructions burned: 203 (million)
% 3.95/1.20  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.95/1.20  % (18443)lrs+10_8:1_bsr=unit_only:sil=4000:urr=on:lcm=reverse:rp=on:i=426:sd=1:nm=6:av=off:ss=included:sup=off:sos=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/426Mi)
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)------------------------------
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Termination reason: Time limit
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Termination phase: Saturation
% 4.32/1.29  
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Memory used [KB]: 10421
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Time elapsed: 0.150 s
% 4.32/1.29  % (18442)Instructions burned: 316 (million)
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)------------------------------
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Termination reason: Time limit
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Termination phase: Function definition elimination
% 4.32/1.31  
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Memory used [KB]: 14699
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Time elapsed: 0.118 s
% 4.32/1.31  % (18443)Instructions burned: 429 (million)
% 4.97/1.33  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 4.97/1.33  % (18444)dis+1011_1:1_sil=16000:nwc=7.0:s2agt=64:s2a=on:i=260:ss=axioms:sgt=8:lsd=50:sd=7_0 on theBenchmark for (2993ds/260Mi)
% 4.97/1.35  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 4.97/1.35  % (18445)lrs+2_1:1_drc=encompass:sil=2000:urr=on:nwc=10.0:i=160:sd=3:fsr=off:ss=axioms:fd=preordered:bd=off:sup=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2993ds/160Mi)
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)------------------------------
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Termination reason: Time limit
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Termination phase: Saturation
% 5.30/1.39  
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Memory used [KB]: 7556
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Time elapsed: 0.045 s
% 5.30/1.39  % (18445)Instructions burned: 161 (million)
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)------------------------------
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Termination reason: Time limit
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Termination phase: Saturation
% 5.30/1.40  
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Memory used [KB]: 22343
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Time elapsed: 0.271 s
% 5.30/1.40  % (18441)Instructions burned: 1029 (million)
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)------------------------------
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Termination reason: Time limit
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 5.30/1.41  
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Memory used [KB]: 8513
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Time elapsed: 0.084 s
% 5.30/1.41  % (18444)Instructions burned: 261 (million)
% 5.30/1.42  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 5.30/1.42  % (18446)dis+11_5603931:1048576_bsr=on:sfv=off:slsqr=176855,1048576:sil=2000:plsq=on:plsqr=4348351,262144:sp=occurrence:spb=units:lcm=predicate:fd=off:nwc=1.37809:s2agt=10:slsq=on:s2a=on:i=462:bs=unit_only:sd=3:kws=arity_squared:slsql=off:bd=off:nm=26:av=off:ss=axioms:sgt=15:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2992ds/462Mi)
% 5.30/1.43  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 5.30/1.43  % (18447)dis+1010_3:2_sil=4000:plsq=on:s2agt=100:sac=on:s2a=on:i=2185:s2at=2.0:ep=RS:tgt=full_0 on theBenchmark for (2992ds/2185Mi)
% 5.30/1.45  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 5.30/1.45  % (18448)dis+1002_1:2_to=lpo:sil=2000:sos=on:abs=on:newcnf=on:i=308:sd=1:bd=off:ss=included:rawr=on:sp=const_frequency:fsr=off:fs=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2992ds/308Mi)
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Instruction limit reached!
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)------------------------------
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Termination reason: Time limit
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 6.12/1.54  
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Memory used [KB]: 14244
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Time elapsed: 0.098 s
% 6.12/1.54  % (18448)Instructions burned: 309 (million)
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Instruction limit reached!
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)------------------------------
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Termination reason: Time limit
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Termination phase: Saturation
% 6.12/1.57  
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Memory used [KB]: 9727
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Time elapsed: 0.147 s
% 6.12/1.57  % (18446)Instructions burned: 462 (million)
% 6.12/1.58  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.12/1.58  % (18449)dis+1010_1:1_to=lpo:sil=2000:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:sos=on:spb=goal:rp=on:i=336:bd=off:ins=4:ss=axioms:sgt=32:acc=on:fde=none_0 on theBenchmark for (2991ds/336Mi)
% 6.12/1.60  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.12/1.60  % (18450)dis+1010_16550053:1048576_to=lpo:ccuc=small_ones:sil=4000:fde=none:plsq=on:avsql=on:plsqr=34063,1048576:sp=const_min:sos=on:acc=model:plsql=on:nwc=10.3787:avsq=on:i=349:sd=1:avsqr=1084175,1048576:nm=0:amm=off:ss=axioms:bce=on:rawr=on:sup=off:bd=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2991ds/349Mi)
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)------------------------------
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Termination reason: Time limit
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 7.02/1.69  
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Memory used [KB]: 13565
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Time elapsed: 0.110 s
% 7.02/1.69  % (18449)Instructions burned: 340 (million)
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)------------------------------
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Termination reason: Time limit
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Termination phase: Saturation
% 7.02/1.71  
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Memory used [KB]: 7479
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Time elapsed: 0.106 s
% 7.02/1.71  % (18450)Instructions burned: 351 (million)
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)First to succeed.
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Solution written to "/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/vampire-proof-18219"
% 7.02/1.72  % (18219)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 7.02/1.72  % SZS status ContradictoryAxioms for theBenchmark
% 7.02/1.72  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)------------------------------
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Termination reason: Refutation
% 7.02/1.72  
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Memory used [KB]: 17471
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Time elapsed: 0.289 s
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)Instructions burned: 1068 (million)
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)------------------------------
% 7.02/1.72  % (18447)------------------------------
% 7.02/1.72  % (18219)Success in time 1.049 s