TSTP Solution File: SWW213+1 by Enigma---0.5.1

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Enigma---0.5.1
% Problem  : SWW213+1 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v5.2.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : enigmatic-eprover.py %s %d 1

% Computer : n028.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 600s
% DateTime : Thu Jul 21 00:01:45 EDT 2022

% Result   : Theorem 30.30s 5.53s
% Output   : CNFRefutation 30.30s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :    5
%            Number of leaves      :    5
% Syntax   : Number of clauses     :   14 (   6 unt;   0 nHn;  10 RR)
%            Number of literals    :   24 (  13 equ;  15 neg)
%            Maximal clause size   :    3 (   1 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    5 (   2 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    4 (   2 usr;   2 prp; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :    9 (   9 usr;   3 con; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   19 (   2 sgn)

% Comments : 
    ( v_thesis____
    | c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1) != c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p)
    | hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1),esk1_1(X1)) != hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_z,esk1_1(X1))) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/enigma-theBenchmark.p-fj5lxgu4/input.p',i_0_266) ).

    ~ v_thesis____,
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/enigma-theBenchmark.p-fj5lxgu4/input.p',i_0_267) ).

    ( hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(X1,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(X1,X2,X3)),X4) = hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(X1,X2),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(X1,X3,X4))
    | ~ class_Rings_Ocomm__semiring__0(X1) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/enigma-theBenchmark.p-fj5lxgu4/input.p',i_0_1257) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/enigma-theBenchmark.p-fj5lxgu4/input.p',i_0_22) ).

    ( c_Polynomial_Odegree(X1,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(X1,X2,X3)) = c_Polynomial_Odegree(X1,X2)
    | ~ class_Rings_Ocomm__semiring__0(X1) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/enigma-theBenchmark.p-fj5lxgu4/input.p',i_0_443) ).

    ( v_thesis____
    | c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1) != c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p)
    | hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1),esk1_1(X1)) != hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_z,esk1_1(X1))) ),
    i_0_266 ).

    ~ v_thesis____,
    i_0_267 ).

    ( hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1),esk1_1(X1)) != hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_z,esk1_1(X1)))
    | c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1) != c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p) ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[c_0_1263,c_0_1264]) ).

    ( hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(X1,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(X1,X2,X3)),X4) = hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(X1,X2),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(X1,X3,X4))
    | ~ class_Rings_Ocomm__semiring__0(X1) ),
    i_0_1257 ).

    i_0_22 ).

    ( hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X2,esk1_1(c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1,X2)))) != hAPP(c_Polynomial_Opoly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p),c_Groups_Oplus__class_Oplus(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_z,esk1_1(c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1,X2))))
    | c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,X1,X2)) != c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p) ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(spm,[status(thm)],[c_0_1265,c_0_1266]),c_0_1267])]) ).

    c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p,v_z)) != c_Polynomial_Odegree(tc_Complex_Ocomplex,v_p),
    inference(er,[status(thm)],[c_0_1268]) ).

    ( c_Polynomial_Odegree(X1,c_Fundamental__Theorem__Algebra__Mirabelle_Ooffset__poly(X1,X2,X3)) = c_Polynomial_Odegree(X1,X2)
    | ~ class_Rings_Ocomm__semiring__0(X1) ),
    i_0_443 ).

    [proof] ).

% 0.11/0.12  % Problem  : SWW213+1 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v5.2.0.
% 0.11/0.12  % Command  : enigmatic-eprover.py %s %d 1
% 0.12/0.33  % Computer : n028.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.12/0.33  % WCLimit  : 600
% 0.12/0.33  % DateTime : Mon Jun  6 01:59:00 EDT 2022
% 0.12/0.33  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.18/0.45  # ENIGMATIC: Selected SinE mode:
% 0.18/0.51  # Parsing /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.18/0.51  # Filter: axfilter_auto   0 goes into file theBenchmark_axfilter_auto   0.p
% 0.18/0.51  # Filter: axfilter_auto   1 goes into file theBenchmark_axfilter_auto   1.p
% 0.18/0.51  # Filter: axfilter_auto   2 goes into file theBenchmark_axfilter_auto   2.p
% 30.30/5.53  # ENIGMATIC: Solved by G_E___302_C18_F1_URBAN_S5PRR_S0Y:
% 30.30/5.53  # Version: 2.1pre011
% 30.30/5.53  # Preprocessing time       : 0.073 s
% 30.30/5.53  
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof found!
% 30.30/5.53  # SZS status Theorem
% 30.30/5.53  # SZS output start CNFRefutation
% See solution above
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object total steps             : 14
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object clause steps            : 9
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object formula steps           : 5
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object conjectures             : 2
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object clause conjectures      : 1
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object formula conjectures     : 1
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object initial clauses used    : 5
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object initial formulas used   : 5
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object generating inferences   : 3
% 30.30/5.53  # Proof object simplifying inferences  : 5
% 30.30/5.53  # Training examples: 0 positive, 0 negative
% 30.30/5.53  # Parsed axioms                        : 1585
% 30.30/5.53  # Removed by relevancy pruning/SinE    : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Initial clauses                      : 1585
% 30.30/5.53  # Removed in clause preprocessing      : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Initial clauses in saturation        : 1585
% 30.30/5.53  # Processed clauses                    : 9834
% 30.30/5.53  # ...of these trivial                  : 307
% 30.30/5.53  # ...subsumed                          : 6217
% 30.30/5.53  # ...remaining for further processing  : 3310
% 30.30/5.53  # Other redundant clauses eliminated   : 177
% 30.30/5.53  # Clauses deleted for lack of memory   : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Backward-subsumed                    : 59
% 30.30/5.53  # Backward-rewritten                   : 93
% 30.30/5.53  # Generated clauses                    : 100871
% 30.30/5.53  # ...of the previous two non-trivial   : 90499
% 30.30/5.53  # Contextual simplify-reflections      : 1131
% 30.30/5.53  # Paramodulations                      : 100545
% 30.30/5.53  # Factorizations                       : 50
% 30.30/5.53  # Equation resolutions                 : 276
% 30.30/5.53  # Propositional unsat checks           : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Propositional unsat check successes  : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Current number of processed clauses  : 3119
% 30.30/5.53  #    Positive orientable unit clauses  : 473
% 30.30/5.53  #    Positive unorientable unit clauses: 12
% 30.30/5.53  #    Negative unit clauses             : 140
% 30.30/5.53  #    Non-unit-clauses                  : 2494
% 30.30/5.53  # Current number of unprocessed clauses: 79255
% 30.30/5.53  # ...number of literals in the above   : 274577
% 30.30/5.53  # Current number of archived formulas  : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Current number of archived clauses   : 152
% 30.30/5.53  # Clause-clause subsumption calls (NU) : 1033456
% 30.30/5.53  # Rec. Clause-clause subsumption calls : 533988
% 30.30/5.53  # Non-unit clause-clause subsumptions  : 4231
% 30.30/5.53  # Unit Clause-clause subsumption calls : 8131
% 30.30/5.53  # Rewrite failures with RHS unbound    : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # BW rewrite match attempts            : 5494
% 30.30/5.53  # BW rewrite match successes           : 202
% 30.30/5.53  # Condensation attempts                : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Condensation successes               : 0
% 30.30/5.53  # Termbank termtop insertions          : 1895543
% 30.30/5.53  
% 30.30/5.53  # -------------------------------------------------
% 30.30/5.53  # User time                : 2.195 s
% 30.30/5.53  # System time              : 0.056 s
% 30.30/5.53  # Total time               : 2.250 s
% 30.30/5.53  # ...preprocessing         : 0.073 s
% 30.30/5.53  # ...main loop             : 2.178 s
% 30.30/5.53  # Maximum resident set size: 86368 pages
% 30.30/5.53  