TSTP Solution File: SWB105+1 by SRASS---0.1

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SRASS---0.1
% Problem  : SWB105+1 : TPTP v5.2.0. Released v5.2.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp
% Command  : SRASS -q2 -a 0 10 10 10 -i3 -n60 %s

% Computer : art02.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Fri Mar  4 04:19:02 EST 2011

% Result   : Unknown 0s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
% Reading problem from /tmp/SystemOnTPTP7040/SWB105+1.tptp
% Adding relevance values
% Extracting the conjecture
% Sorting axioms by relevance
% Looking for THM       ... 
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.44s, total lost is 0.44s
% not found
% Adding ~C to TBU       ... ~conclusion_rdfbased_sem_restrict_term_sameall:
% ---- Iteration 1 (0 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.02s, total lost is 0.46s
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_equivalentclass_ext:
%  CSA axiom owl_prop_equivalentclass_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_equivalentclass_type:
%  CSA axiom owl_prop_equivalentclass_type found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_eqdis_equivalentclass:
%  CSA axiom owl_eqdis_equivalentclass found
% ---- Iteration 2 (3 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.12s, total lost is 0.58s
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... simple_iext_property:
%  CSA axiom simple_iext_property found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... rdfs_subclassof_trans:
%  CSA axiom rdfs_subclassof_trans found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... rdfs_subpropertyof_trans:
%  CSA axiom rdfs_subpropertyof_trans found
% ---- Iteration 3 (6 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.11s, total lost is 0.69s
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_bottomdataproperty_ext:
%  CSA axiom owl_prop_bottomdataproperty_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_bottomobjectproperty_ext:
%  CSA axiom owl_prop_bottomobjectproperty_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... simple_ir:
%  CSA axiom simple_ir found
% ---- Iteration 4 (9 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.05s, total lost is 0.74s
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... rdfs_subclassof_main:
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.16s, total lost is 0.90s
%  CSA axiom rdfs_subclassof_main found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:
% owl_bool_complementof_class:
%  CSA axiom owl_bool_complementof_class found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_rdfsext_subclassof:
%  CSA axiom owl_rdfsext_subclassof found
% ---- Iteration 5 (12 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.22s, total lost is 1.12s
% owl_eqdis_disjointwith:
%  CSA axiom owl_eqdis_disjointwith found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:
% rdfs_ic_def:
%  CSA axiom rdfs_ic_def found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... rdfs_subclassof_reflex:
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.09s, total lost is 1.21s
% owl_class_classowl_ext:
%  CSA axiom owl_class_classowl_ext found
% ---- Iteration 6 (15 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.04s, total lost is 1.25s
% owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:
% WARNING: TreeLimitedRun lost 0.12s, total lost is 1.37s
% rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_class_deprecatedclass_ext: CSA axiom owl_class_deprecatedclass_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_class_restriction_ext: CSA axiom owl_class_restriction_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:rdfs_cext_def: CSA axiom rdfs_cext_def found
% ---- Iteration 7 (18 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... yes
% Looking for TBU model ... not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:rdfs_domain_main: CSA axiom rdfs_domain_main found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... rdfs_range_main: CSA axiom rdfs_range_main found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_rdfsext_domain: CSA axiom owl_rdfsext_domain found
% ---- Iteration 8 (21 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... yes
% Looking for TBU model ... not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:owl_prop_allvaluesfrom_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_allvaluesfrom_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_disjointunionof_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_disjointunionof_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_haskey_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_haskey_ext found
% ---- Iteration 9 (24 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... yes
% Looking for TBU model ... not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:owl_prop_intersectionof_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_intersectionof_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_onclass_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_onclass_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_oneof_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_oneof_ext found
% ---- Iteration 10 (27 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... yes
% Looking for TBU model ... not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:owl_prop_somevaluesfrom_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_somevaluesfrom_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_prop_unionof_ext: CSA axiom owl_prop_unionof_ext found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_bool_unionof_class_000: CSA axiom owl_bool_unionof_class_000 found
% ---- Iteration 11 (30 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... yes
% Looking for TBU model ... not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set:owl_parts_ic_cond_inst:rdfs_subclassof_reflex:owl_class_classrdfs_ext:owl_prop_complementof_ext:owl_prop_disjointwith_ext:owl_enum_class_000:owl_eqdis_disjointunionof_000:rdfs_class_instsub_resource:owl_parts_ic_cond_set: CSA axiom not found
% Looking for TOP axiom ... owl_parts_ir_cond_set: TOP axiom owl_parts_ir_cond_set found
% SZS status GUP for /tmp/SystemOnTPTP7040/SWB105+1.tptp : TOP