TSTP Solution File: SEV081^5 by Vampire---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire---4.9
% Problem  : SEV081^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d THM

% Computer : n029.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 16:01:44 EDT 2024

% Result   : Theorem 0.12s 0.38s
% Output   : Refutation 0.12s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   12
%            Number of leaves      :    3
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   15 (   2 unt;   0 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :  122 (  43 equ;   0 cnn)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    6 (   8 avg)
%            Number of connectives :  205 (  29   ~;  14   |;  24   &; 132   @)
%                                         (   0 <=>;   6  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   12 (   8 avg)
%            Number of types       :    2 (   0 usr)
%            Number of type conns  :  110 ( 110   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of symbols     :    8 (   5 usr;   2 con; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   77 (  14   ^  35   !;  28   ?;  77   :)

% Comments : 
    sK0: ( ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o ) > $i > $o ).

    sK1: ( ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o ) > $i > $o ).

    sK2: ( ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o ) > $i > $o ).

    sK3: ( ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o ) > $i > $o ).

      !>[X0: $tType] : X0 ).

    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f22]) ).

    $true != $true,
    inference(duplicate_literal_removal,[],[f21]) ).

    ( ( $true != $true )
    | ( $true != $true )
    | ( $true != $true ) ),
    inference(beta_eta_normalization,[],[f17]) ).

    ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o] :
      ( ( $true
       != ( ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true
          @ ( sK1
            @ ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true )
          @ ( sK0
            @ ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true ) ) )
      | ( $true
       != ( ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true
          @ X5
          @ X4 ) )
      | ( $true
       != ( ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true
          @ ( sK3
            @ ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true )
          @ ( sK3
            @ ^ [Y0: $i > $o,Y1: $i > $o] : $true ) ) ) ),
    inference(primitive_instantiation,[],[f12]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o,X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o] :
      ( ( ( X0 @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) )
       != $true )
      | ( $true
       != ( X0 @ X5 @ X4 ) )
      | ( ( X0 @ ( sK1 @ X0 ) @ ( sK0 @ X0 ) )
       != $true ) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f11]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ( ( ( X0 @ ( sK2 @ X0 ) @ ( sK0 @ X0 ) )
          = $true )
        & ( $true
          = ( X0 @ ( sK1 @ X0 ) @ ( sK2 @ X0 ) ) )
        & ( ( X0 @ ( sK1 @ X0 ) @ ( sK0 @ X0 ) )
         != $true ) )
      | ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o] :
          ( $true
         != ( X0 @ X5 @ X4 ) )
      | ( ( X0 @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) )
       != $true ) ),
    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK0,sK1,sK2,sK3])],[f8,f10,f9]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ? [X1: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] :
          ( ( $true
            = ( X0 @ X3 @ X1 ) )
          & ( ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
            = $true )
          & ( $true
           != ( X0 @ X2 @ X1 ) ) )
     => ( ( ( X0 @ ( sK2 @ X0 ) @ ( sK0 @ X0 ) )
          = $true )
        & ( $true
          = ( X0 @ ( sK1 @ X0 ) @ ( sK2 @ X0 ) ) )
        & ( ( X0 @ ( sK1 @ X0 ) @ ( sK0 @ X0 ) )
         != $true ) ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ? [X6: $i > $o] :
          ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X6 )
         != $true )
     => ( ( X0 @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) @ ( sK3 @ X0 ) )
       != $true ) ),
    introduced(choice_axiom,[]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ? [X1: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] :
          ( ( $true
            = ( X0 @ X3 @ X1 ) )
          & ( ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
            = $true )
          & ( $true
           != ( X0 @ X2 @ X1 ) ) )
      | ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o] :
          ( $true
         != ( X0 @ X5 @ X4 ) )
      | ? [X6: $i > $o] :
          ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X6 )
         != $true ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f7]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ? [X5: $i > $o,X6: $i > $o,X4: $i > $o] :
          ( ( ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 )
            = $true )
          & ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X4 )
            = $true )
          & ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X5 )
           != $true ) )
      | ! [X3: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o] :
          ( ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
         != $true )
      | ? [X1: $i > $o] :
          ( $true
         != ( X0 @ X1 @ X1 ) ) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f6]) ).

    ! [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ? [X1: $i > $o] :
          ( $true
         != ( X0 @ X1 @ X1 ) )
      | ! [X3: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o] :
          ( ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
         != $true )
      | ? [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o,X6: $i > $o] :
          ( ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X5 )
           != $true )
          & ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X4 )
            = $true )
          & ( ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 )
            = $true ) ) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f5]) ).

    ~ ? [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
        ( ! [X1: $i > $o] :
            ( $true
            = ( X0 @ X1 @ X1 ) )
        & ? [X2: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] :
            ( ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
            = $true )
        & ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o,X6: $i > $o] :
            ( ( ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X4 )
                = $true )
              & ( ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 )
                = $true ) )
           => ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X5 )
              = $true ) ) ),
    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f4]) ).

    ~ ? [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
        ( ! [X1: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X1 @ X1 )
        & ? [X2: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X2 @ X3 )
        & ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o,X6: $i > $o] :
            ( ( ( X0 @ X6 @ X4 )
              & ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 ) )
           => ( X0 @ X6 @ X5 ) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f2]) ).

    ~ ? [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
        ( ! [X3: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X3 @ X3 )
        & ? [X1: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X1 @ X2 )
        & ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] :
            ( ( ( X0 @ X3 @ X4 )
              & ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 ) )
           => ( X0 @ X3 @ X5 ) ) ),
    inference(negated_conjecture,[],[f1]) ).

    ? [X0: ( $i > $o ) > ( $i > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ! [X3: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X3 @ X3 )
      & ? [X1: $i > $o,X2: $i > $o] : ( X0 @ X1 @ X2 )
      & ! [X4: $i > $o,X5: $i > $o,X3: $i > $o] :
          ( ( ( X0 @ X3 @ X4 )
            & ( X0 @ X4 @ X5 ) )
         => ( X0 @ X3 @ X5 ) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',cTHM120_1_pme) ).

% 0.11/0.12  % Problem    : SEV081^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.11/0.12  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d THM
% 0.12/0.33  % Computer : n029.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.12/0.33  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.12/0.33  % DateTime   : Fri Jun 21 18:41:24 EDT 2024
% 0.12/0.33  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.12/0.35  This is a TH0_THM_NEQ_NAR problem
% 0.12/0.35  Running higher-order theorem proving
% 0.12/0.35  Running /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/vampire_ho --cores 7 --input_syntax tptp --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on --mode portfolio --schedule snake_tptp_hol /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p -m 16384 -t 300
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:chr=on:fsr=off:hfsq=on:nm=64:sos=theory:sp=weighted_frequency:i=27:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/27Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:inj=on:i=2:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/2Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23213)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:sd=2:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=275:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/275Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23209)lrs+10_1:1_c=on:cnfonf=conj_eager:fd=off:fe=off:kws=frequency:spb=intro:i=4:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/4Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)lrs+1002_1:128_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:sos=all:i=2:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/2Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23208)lrs+1002_1:8_bd=off:fd=off:hud=10:tnu=1:i=183:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/183Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23214)lrs+1004_1:128_cond=on:e2e=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=18:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2999ds/18Mi)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Termination reason: Unknown
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.12/0.37  
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Termination reason: Unknown
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.12/0.37  
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Memory used [KB]: 5500
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23212)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Memory used [KB]: 5500
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23211)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 0.12/0.37  
% 0.12/0.37  
% 0.12/0.37  % (23208)First to succeed.
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Memory used [KB]: 5500
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23210)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.37  % (23209)Also succeeded, but the first one will report.
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 0.12/0.38  % SZS status Theorem for theBenchmark
% 0.12/0.38  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Termination reason: Refutation
% 0.12/0.38  
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Memory used [KB]: 5500
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Time elapsed: 0.005 s
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)Instructions burned: 1 (million)
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.38  % (23208)------------------------------
% 0.12/0.38  % (23207)Success in time 0.009 s