TSTP Solution File: SEV054^5 by Leo-III-SAT---1.7.15

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Leo-III-SAT---1.7.15
% Problem  : SEV054^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_Leo-III %s %d SAT

% Computer : n026.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 15:59:24 EDT 2024

% Result   : Theorem 2.83s 1.67s
% Output   : Refutation 3.00s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :    9
%            Number of leaves      :    1
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   12 (   6 unt;   0 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :   14 (   1 equ;   0 cnn)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    3 (   1 avg)
%            Number of connectives :  178 (   9   ~;   3   |;  12   &; 126   @)
%                                         (   0 <=>;  28  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   14 (   8 avg)
%            Number of types       :    2 (   1 usr)
%            Number of type conns  :   27 (  27   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of symbols     :    6 (   3 usr;   2 con; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   66 (   3   ^  58   !;   5   ?;  66   :)

% Comments : 
    a: $tType ).

    sk1: a > a > $o ).

    sk2: ( a > $o ) > a ).

    sk4: a > a ).

    ! [A: a > a > $o,B: ( a > $o ) > a] :
      ( ( ! [C: a,D: a,E: a] :
            ( ( ( A @ C @ D )
              & ( A @ D @ E ) )
           => ( A @ C @ E ) )
        & ! [C: a > $o] :
            ( ! [D: a] :
                ( ( C @ D )
               => ( A @ D @ ( B @ C ) ) )
            & ! [D: a] :
                ( ! [E: a] :
                    ( ( C @ E )
                   => ( A @ E @ D ) )
               => ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ D ) ) ) )
     => ! [C: a > a] :
          ( ! [D: a,E: a] :
              ( ( A @ D @ E )
             => ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ ( C @ E ) ) )
         => ? [D: a] : ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ D ) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',cTHM403_pme) ).

    ~ ! [A: a > a > $o,B: ( a > $o ) > a] :
        ( ( ! [C: a,D: a,E: a] :
              ( ( ( A @ C @ D )
                & ( A @ D @ E ) )
             => ( A @ C @ E ) )
          & ! [C: a > $o] :
              ( ! [D: a] :
                  ( ( C @ D )
                 => ( A @ D @ ( B @ C ) ) )
              & ! [D: a] :
                  ( ! [E: a] :
                      ( ( C @ E )
                     => ( A @ E @ D ) )
                 => ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ D ) ) ) )
       => ! [C: a > a] :
            ( ! [D: a,E: a] :
                ( ( A @ D @ E )
               => ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ ( C @ E ) ) )
           => ? [D: a] : ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ D ) ) ),
    inference(neg_conjecture,[status(cth)],[1]) ).

    ~ ! [A: a > a > $o,B: ( a > $o ) > a] :
        ( ( ! [C: a,D: a,E: a] :
              ( ( ( A @ C @ D )
                & ( A @ D @ E ) )
             => ( A @ C @ E ) )
          & ! [C: a > $o] :
              ( ! [D: a] :
                  ( ( C @ D )
                 => ( A @ D @ ( B @ C ) ) )
              & ! [D: a] :
                  ( ! [E: a] :
                      ( ( C @ E )
                     => ( A @ E @ D ) )
                 => ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ D ) ) ) )
       => ! [C: a > a] :
            ( ! [D: a,E: a] :
                ( ( A @ D @ E )
               => ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ ( C @ E ) ) )
           => ? [D: a] : ( A @ ( C @ D ) @ D ) ) ),
    inference(defexp_and_simp_and_etaexpand,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ~ ! [A: a > a > $o] :
        ( ( ! [B: a,C: a,D: a] :
              ( ( ( A @ B @ C )
                & ( A @ C @ D ) )
             => ( A @ B @ D ) )
          & ? [B: ( a > $o ) > a] :
              ( ! [C: a > $o,D: a] :
                  ( ( C @ D )
                 => ( A @ D @ ( B @ C ) ) )
              & ! [C: a > $o,D: a] :
                  ( ! [E: a] :
                      ( ( C @ E )
                     => ( A @ E @ D ) )
                 => ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ D ) ) ) )
       => ! [B: a > a] :
            ( ! [C: a,D: a] :
                ( ( A @ C @ D )
               => ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ ( B @ D ) ) )
           => ? [C: a] : ( A @ ( B @ C ) @ C ) ) ),
    inference(miniscope,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    ! [B: a,A: a > $o] :
      ( ~ ( A @ B )
      | ( sk1 @ B @ ( sk2 @ A ) ) ),
    inference(cnf,[status(esa)],[4]) ).

    ! [B: a,A: a > $o] :
      ( ~ ( A @ B )
      | ( sk1 @ B @ ( sk2 @ A ) ) ),
    inference(simp,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    ! [A: a] :
      ( ~ $true
      | ( sk1 @ A
        @ ( sk2
          @ ^ [B: a] : $true ) ) ),
    inference(prim_subst,[status(thm)],[15:[bind(A,$thf( ^ [C: a] : $true ))]]) ).

    ! [A: a] :
      ( sk1 @ A
      @ ( sk2
        @ ^ [B: a] : $true ) ),
    inference(simp,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    ! [A: a] :
      ~ ( sk1 @ ( sk4 @ A ) @ A ),
    inference(cnf,[status(esa)],[4]) ).

    ! [A: a] :
      ~ ( sk1 @ ( sk4 @ A ) @ A ),
    inference(simp,[status(thm)],[10]) ).

    ! [B: a,A: a] :
      ( ( sk1 @ A
        @ ( sk2
          @ ^ [C: a] : $true ) )
     != ( sk1 @ ( sk4 @ B ) @ B ) ),
    inference(paramod_ordered,[status(thm)],[29,12]) ).

    inference(pattern_uni,[status(thm)],[37:[bind(A,$thf( sk4 @ ( sk2 @ ^ [C: a] : $true ) )),bind(B,$thf( sk2 @ ^ [C: a] : $true ))]]) ).

% 0.10/0.12  % Problem  : SEV054^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.10/0.12  % Command  : run_Leo-III %s %d SAT
% 0.14/0.33  % Computer : n026.cluster.edu
% 0.14/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.14/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.14/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.14/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.14/0.33  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.14/0.33  % WCLimit  : 300
% 0.14/0.33  % DateTime : Fri Jun 21 18:48:25 EDT 2024
% 0.14/0.34  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.97/0.88  % [INFO] 	 Parsing problem /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p ... 
% 1.10/0.98  % [INFO] 	 Parsing done (105ms). 
% 1.10/0.99  % [INFO] 	 Running in sequential loop mode. 
% 1.64/1.19  % [INFO] 	 nitpick registered as external prover. 
% 1.64/1.20  % [INFO] 	 Scanning for conjecture ... 
% 1.82/1.25  % [INFO] 	 Found a conjecture (or negated_conjecture) and 0 axioms. Running axiom selection ... 
% 1.82/1.27  % [INFO] 	 Axiom selection finished. Selected 0 axioms (removed 0 axioms). 
% 1.82/1.27  % [INFO] 	 Problem is higher-order (TPTP THF). 
% 1.82/1.28  % [INFO] 	 Type checking passed. 
% 1.82/1.28  % [CONFIG] 	 Using configuration: timeout(300) with strategy<name(default),share(1.0),primSubst(3),sos(false),unifierCount(4),uniDepth(8),boolExt(true),choice(true),renaming(true),funcspec(false), domConstr(0),specialInstances(39),restrictUniAttempts(true),termOrdering(CPO)>.  Searching for refutation ... 
% 2.83/1.67  % [INFO] 	 Killing All external provers ... 
% 2.83/1.67  % Time passed: 1132ms (effective reasoning time: 672ms)
% 2.83/1.67  % Solved by strategy<name(default),share(1.0),primSubst(3),sos(false),unifierCount(4),uniDepth(8),boolExt(true),choice(true),renaming(true),funcspec(false), domConstr(0),specialInstances(39),restrictUniAttempts(true),termOrdering(CPO)>
% 2.83/1.67  % Axioms used in derivation (0): 
% 2.83/1.67  % No. of inferences in proof: 12
% 2.83/1.67  % SZS status Theorem for /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p : 1132 ms resp. 672 ms w/o parsing
% 3.00/1.70  % SZS output start Refutation for /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% See solution above
% 3.00/1.70  % [INFO] 	 Killing All external provers ... 