TSTP Solution File: SEV027^5 by E---3.2.0

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : E---3.2.0
% Problem  : SEV027^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_E %s %d THM

% Computer : n018.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 15:53:19 EDT 2024

% Result   : Timeout 300.60s 38.21s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.07/0.12  % Problem    : SEV027^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.07/0.12  % Command    : run_E %s %d THM
% 0.13/0.33  % Computer : n018.cluster.edu
% 0.13/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.13/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.13/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.13/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.13/0.33  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.13/0.33  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.13/0.33  % DateTime   : Fri Jun 21 18:49:53 EDT 2024
% 0.13/0.33  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.21/0.49  Running higher-order theorem proving
% 0.21/0.49  Running: /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/eprover-ho --delete-bad-limit=2000000000 --definitional-cnf=24 -s --print-statistics -R --print-version --proof-object --auto-schedule=8 --cpu-limit=300 /export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/tmp.8s3L8wYqyx/E---3.1_25789.p
% 300.60/38.21  # Version: 3.2.0-ho
% 300.60/38.21  # Preprocessing class: HSMSSMSSSSSNHHA.
% 300.60/38.21  # Scheduled 6 strats onto 8 cores with 300 seconds (2400 total)
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting full_lambda_6 with 900s (3) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting post_as_ho1 with 300s (1) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting lpo6_lambda_fix with 300s (1) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting ho_unfolding_1 with 300s (1) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting new_ho_10_unif with 300s (1) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # Starting ho_unfolding_2 with 300s (1) cores
% 300.60/38.21  # full_lambda_6 with pid 25868 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # post_as_ho1 with pid 25869 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # lpo6_lambda_fix with pid 25870 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # ho_unfolding_1 with pid 25871 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # new_ho_10_unif with pid 25872 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # ho_unfolding_2 with pid 25873 completed with status 7
% 300.60/38.21  # Schedule exhausted
% 300.60/38.21  
% 300.60/38.21  # -------------------------------------------------
% 300.60/38.21  # User time                : 0.029 s
% 300.60/38.21  # System time              : 0.011 s
% 300.60/38.21  # Total time               : 0.039 s
% 300.60/38.21  # Maximum resident set size: 1724 pages
% 300.60/38.21  # SZS status GaveUp
% 300.60/38.21  % E---3.1 exiting
% 300.60/38.22  % E exiting