TSTP Solution File: LCL674+1.020 by GKC---0.8

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : GKC---0.8
% Problem  : LCL674+1.020 : TPTP v8.1.2. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : gkc %s

% Computer : n003.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Thu Aug 31 07:40:33 EDT 2023

% Result   : Theorem 5.08s 1.09s
% Output   : CNFRefutation 5.08s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----WARNING: Could not form TPTP format derivation
% 0.00/0.12  % Problem  : LCL674+1.020 : TPTP v8.1.2. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.00/0.13  % Command  : gkc %s
% 0.12/0.34  % Computer : n003.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.34  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.34  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.34  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.34  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.34  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.12/0.34  % WCLimit  : 300
% 0.12/0.34  % DateTime : Fri Aug 25 05:11:53 EDT 2023
% 0.12/0.34  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  input clause set summed statistics:
% 0.21/0.40  ----------------------------------
% 0.21/0.40  in_clause_count:                   228
% 0.21/0.40  in_rule_clause_count:              227
% 0.21/0.40  in_fact_clause_count:                1
% 0.21/0.40  in_answer_clause_count:              0
% 0.21/0.40  in_ground_clause_count:              2
% 0.21/0.40  in_unit_clause_count:                3
% 0.21/0.40  in_horn_clause_count:              128
% 0.21/0.40  in_pos_clause_count:                 2
% 0.21/0.40  in_neg_clause_count:                 1
% 0.21/0.40  in_poseq_clause_count:               0
% 0.21/0.40  in_negeq_clause_count:               0
% 0.21/0.40  in_unitposeq_clause_count:           0
% 0.21/0.40  in_chain_clause_count:               0
% 0.21/0.40  in_min_length:             1
% 0.21/0.40  in_max_length:             6
% 0.21/0.40  in_min_depth:              1
% 0.21/0.40  in_max_depth:              2
% 0.21/0.40  in_min_size:               2
% 0.21/0.40  in_max_size:              14
% 0.21/0.40  in_min_vars:               0
% 0.21/0.40  in_max_vars:               3
% 0.21/0.40  in_extaxiom_count:                 0
% 0.21/0.40  in_axiom_count:                    2
% 0.21/0.40  in_assumption_count:               0
% 0.21/0.40  in_goal_count:                   226
% 0.21/0.40  in_neg_goal_count:                 1
% 0.21/0.40  in_pos_goal_count:                 1
% 0.21/0.40  in_posunit_goal_count:             1
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  auto guide:
% 0.21/0.40  -----------
% 0.21/0.40  {
% 0.21/0.40  "print":1,
% 0.21/0.40  "print_level": 15,
% 0.21/0.40  "max_size": 0,
% 0.21/0.40  "max_depth": 0,
% 0.21/0.40  "max_length": 0,
% 0.21/0.40  "max_dseconds": 0,
% 0.21/0.40  "equality":0,
% 0.21/0.40  "runs":[
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "sine":5, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "sine":5, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "sine":5, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0, "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":1, "depth_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":1, "reverse_clauselist":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":1, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":1, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":2, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "sine":1, "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "sine":2, "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":1, "var_weight":1, "weight_select_ratio":100, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":1, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "double"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"weight_select_ratio":20, "length_penalty":100, "query_preference":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":20, "depth_penalty":50, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"length_penalty":100, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_weight"], "length_penalty":100, "depth_penalty":50, "max_depth":3, "var_weight":10, "repeat_var_weight":10, "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"sine":2, "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "max_depth":0, "length_penalty":100, "query_preference":2, "strategy":["unit"], "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "max_depth":3, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit", "posunitpara"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":3},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":1, "var_weight":1, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":1, "var_weight":1, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "var_weight":1, "depth_penalty":100, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"weight_select_ratio":100, "length_penalty":100, "query_preference":1, "strategy":["query_focus"], "max_dseconds":1},
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "sine":5, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "sine":5, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "sine":5, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["hardness_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0, "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":20, "depth_penalty":50, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"length_penalty":100, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":10},
% 0.21/0.40  {"strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_weight"], "length_penalty":100, "depth_penalty":50, "max_depth":3, "var_weight":10, "repeat_var_weight":10, "max_dseconds":10},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "max_depth":3, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":10},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit", "posunitpara"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":3},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":10, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "var_weight":1, "depth_penalty":100, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["hardness_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"],  "weight_select_ratio":100, "query_preference":0, "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":20, "depth_penalty":50, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"length_penalty":100, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":50},
% 0.21/0.40  {"strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_weight"], "length_penalty":100, "depth_penalty":50, "max_depth":3, "var_weight":10, "repeat_var_weight":10, "max_dseconds":50},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "max_depth":3, "query_preference":0, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "max_dseconds":50},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit", "posunitpara"], "query_preference":0, "sine":2},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["query_focus"], "query_preference":3},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":50, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "var_weight":1, "depth_penalty":100, "repeat_var_weight":1},
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0, "weight_select_ratio":100, "depth_penalty":100, "length_penalty":100},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":250, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["query_focus", "positive_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0, "sine":1},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["negative_pref"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["hardness_pref", "max_ground_weight"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["query_focus", "unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["unit"], "query_preference":0},
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1250, "strategy":["hardness_pref"], "var_weight":70, "repeat_var_weight":70, "query_preference":0} 
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  ]}
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  **** run 1 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  **** run 2 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1,"sine":5,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.40  
% 0.21/0.40  **** run 3 fork 2 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.40  {"max_dseconds":1,"sine":5,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.41  
% 0.21/0.41  **** run 4 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.41  {"max_dseconds":1,"sine":5,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.41  
% 0.21/0.41  **** run 5 fork 4 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.41  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"weight_select_ratio":100,"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.41  
% 0.21/0.41  **** run 6 fork 5 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.41  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"weight_select_ratio":100,"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.41  
% 0.21/0.41  **** run 7 fork 6 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.41  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":0,"weight_select_ratio":100,"depth_penalty":100,"length_penalty":100}
% 0.21/0.42  
% 0.21/0.42  **** run 8 fork 7 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.42  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"weight_select_ratio":100,"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.53  
% 0.21/0.53  fork 1: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.53  
% 0.21/0.53  fork 4: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  fork 2: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  fork 5: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  fork 3: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.54  
% 0.21/0.54  fork 6: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.55  
% 0.21/0.55  fork 7: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.55  
% 0.21/0.55  fork 0: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 10 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":0,"weight_select_ratio":100,"depth_penalty":100,"length_penalty":100}
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 13 fork 4 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":0,"sine":1}
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 14 fork 5 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 11 fork 2 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus"],"query_preference":1}
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 12 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","positive_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.56  
% 0.21/0.56  **** run 15 fork 6 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.56  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":1}
% 0.21/0.57  
% 0.21/0.57  **** run 16 fork 7 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.57  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref","max_ground_weight"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.58  
% 0.21/0.58  **** run 9 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.58  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"weight_select_ratio":100,"query_preference":0,"var_weight":70,"repeat_var_weight":70}
% 0.21/0.67  
% 0.21/0.67  fork 4: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.67  
% 0.21/0.67  fork 5: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.68  
% 0.21/0.68  
% 0.21/0.68  fork 1: search terminated without proof.
% 0.21/0.68  
% 0.21/0.68  
% 0.21/0.68  fork 2: search terminated without proof.
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  fork 3: search terminated without proof.
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  fork 6: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  **** run 21 fork 4 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.69  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  **** run 22 fork 5 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.69  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":2}
% 0.21/0.69  
% 0.21/0.69  fork 0: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.70  
% 0.21/0.70  **** run 18 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.70  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":1,"reverse_clauselist":1}
% 0.21/0.70  
% 0.21/0.70  **** run 19 fork 2 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.70  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus"],"query_preference":2}
% 0.21/0.70  
% 0.21/0.70  **** run 20 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.70  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","unit"],"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.71  
% 0.21/0.71  **** run 23 fork 6 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.71  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"var_weight":70,"repeat_var_weight":70,"query_preference":0}
% 0.21/0.72  
% 0.21/0.72  **** run 17 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.72  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus"],"query_preference":1,"depth_penalty":100}
% 0.21/0.75  
% 0.21/0.75  fork 3: search finished without proof.
% 0.21/0.77  
% 0.21/0.77  **** run 28 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 0.21/0.77  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"sine":2,"query_preference":1}
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  fork 6: search finished without proof.
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  fork 5: search terminated without proof.
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  fork 4: search terminated without proof.
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  
% 2.33/0.83  fork 1: search terminated without proof.
% 2.33/0.84  
% 2.33/0.84  
% 2.33/0.84  fork 2: search terminated without proof.
% 2.33/0.84  
% 2.33/0.84  **** run 31 fork 6 starts with strategy
% 2.33/0.84  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus"],"query_preference":1,"var_weight":1,"weight_select_ratio":100,"repeat_var_weight":1}
% 2.33/0.84  
% 2.33/0.84  
% 2.33/0.84  fork 0: search terminated without proof.
% 2.33/0.85  
% 2.33/0.85  **** run 30 fork 5 starts with strategy
% 2.33/0.85  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","max_ground_weight"],"query_preference":1}
% 2.33/0.85  
% 2.33/0.85  **** run 29 fork 4 starts with strategy
% 2.33/0.85  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","unit"],"query_preference":1}
% 2.33/0.85  
% 2.33/0.85  **** run 26 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 2.33/0.85  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":2,"sine":1}
% 2.33/0.85  
% 2.33/0.85  **** run 27 fork 2 starts with strategy
% 2.33/0.85  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"sine":1,"query_preference":1}
% 3.58/0.87  
% 3.58/0.87  **** run 25 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 3.58/0.87  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"query_preference":1,"sine":2}
% 3.58/0.89  
% 3.58/0.89  fork 4: search finished without proof.
% 3.58/0.90  
% 3.58/0.90  fork 3: search finished without proof.
% 3.58/0.90  
% 3.58/0.90  **** run 37 fork 4 starts with strategy
% 3.58/0.90  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["hardness_pref"],"query_preference":0,"weight_select_ratio":20,"depth_penalty":50,"length_penalty":100}
% 3.91/0.91  
% 3.91/0.91  **** run 36 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 3.91/0.91  {"weight_select_ratio":20,"length_penalty":100,"query_preference":1,"strategy":["query_focus"],"max_dseconds":1}
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  fork 1: search finished without proof.
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  fork 5: search terminated without proof.
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  fork 6: search terminated without proof.
% 4.13/0.98  
% 4.13/0.98  fork 2: search finished without proof.
% 4.13/0.99  
% 4.13/0.99  **** run 34 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 4.13/0.99  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","double"],"query_preference":1}
% 4.13/1.00  
% 4.13/1.00  **** run 38 fork 5 starts with strategy
% 4.13/1.00  {"length_penalty":100,"query_preference":0,"strategy":["negative_pref"],"max_dseconds":1}
% 4.13/1.00  
% 4.13/1.00  fork 0: search finished without proof.
% 4.13/1.00  
% 4.13/1.00  **** run 35 fork 2 starts with strategy
% 4.13/1.00  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":1}
% 4.13/1.00  
% 4.13/1.00  **** run 39 fork 6 starts with strategy
% 4.13/1.00  {"strategy":["hardness_pref","max_weight"],"length_penalty":100,"depth_penalty":50,"max_depth":3,"var_weight":10,"repeat_var_weight":10,"max_dseconds":1}
% 4.13/1.02  
% 4.13/1.02  **** run 33 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 4.13/1.02  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","unit"],"query_preference":1,"sine":1}
% 4.13/1.03  
% 4.13/1.03  fork 1: search finished without proof.
% 4.71/1.04  
% 4.71/1.04  
% 4.71/1.04  fork 3: search terminated without proof.
% 4.71/1.04  
% 4.71/1.04  **** run 42 fork 1 starts with strategy
% 4.71/1.04  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["query_focus","positive_pref"],"query_preference":1}
% 4.71/1.05  
% 4.71/1.05  fork 0: search finished without proof.
% 4.71/1.06  
% 4.71/1.06  **** run 44 fork 3 starts with strategy
% 4.71/1.06  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["unit"],"query_preference":0,"sine":2}
% 4.71/1.07  
% 4.71/1.07  **** run 41 fork 0 starts with strategy
% 4.71/1.07  {"max_dseconds":1,"strategy":["positive_pref"],"query_preference":0}
% 5.08/1.09  
% 5.08/1.09  
% 5.08/1.09  result: proof found
% 5.08/1.09  for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 
% 5.08/1.09  by run 39 fork 6 strategy {"strategy":["hardness_pref","max_weight"],"length_penalty":100,"depth_penalty":50,"max_depth":3,"var_weight":10,"repeat_var_weight":10,"max_dseconds":1}
% 5.08/1.09  % SZS status Theorem for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 
% 5.08/1.09  
% 5.08/1.09  % SZS output start CNFRefutation for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 
% 5.08/1.09  fof('transitivity_$sk', plain, (r1(X3,X2) | (~r1(X1,X2) | ~r1(X3,X1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(negpush_and_skolemize,[],['transitivity'])).
% 5.08/1.09  fof('transitivity', axiom, (! [X,Y,Z] : ((r1(X,Y) & r1(Y,Z)) => r1(X,Z))),
% 5.08/1.09    input). 
% 5.08/1.09  fof('main_$sk', plain, ((p100($sk1) & (~p101($sk1) & (((~p101(X1) | p100(X1)) & ((~p102(X1) | p101(X1)) & ((~p103(X1) | p102(X1)) & ((~p104(X1) | p103(X1)) & ((~p105(X1) | p104(X1)) & ((~p106(X1) | p105(X1)) & ((~p107(X1) | p106(X1)) & ((~p108(X1) | p107(X1)) & ((~p109(X1) | p108(X1)) & ((~p110(X1) | p109(X1)) & ((~p111(X1) | p110(X1)) & ((~p112(X1) | p111(X1)) & ((~p113(X1) | p112(X1)) & ((~p114(X1) | p113(X1)) & ((~p115(X1) | p114(X1)) & ((~p116(X1) | p115(X1)) & ((~p117(X1) | p116(X1)) & ((~p118(X1) | p117(X1)) & ((~p119(X1) | p118(X1)) & ((~p120(X1) | p119(X1)) & ((~p121(X1) | p120(X1)) & ((~p100(X1) | ((~p1(X1) | (~p100(X2) | (p1(X2) | ~r1(X1,X2)))) & (p1(X1) | (~p100(X3) | (~p1(X3) | ~r1(X1,X3)))))) & ((~p101(X1) | ((~p2(X1) | (~p101(X4) | (p2(X4) | ~r1(X1,X4)))) & (p2(X1) | (~p101(X5) | (~p2(X5) | ~r1(X1,X5)))))) & ((~p102(X1) | ((~p3(X1) | (~p102(X6) | (p3(X6) | ~r1(X1,X6)))) & (p3(X1) | (~p102(X7) | (~p3(X7) | ~r1(X1,X7)))))) & ((~p103(X1) | ((~p4(X1) | (~p103(X8) | (p4(X8) | ~r1(X1,X8)))) & (p4(X1) | (~p103(X9) | (~p4(X9) | ~r1(X1,X9)))))) & ((~p104(X1) | ((~p5(X1) | (~p104(X10) | (p5(X10) | ~r1(X1,X10)))) & (p5(X1) | (~p104(X11) | (~p5(X11) | ~r1(X1,X11)))))) & ((~p105(X1) | ((~p6(X1) | (~p105(X12) | (p6(X12) | ~r1(X1,X12)))) & (p6(X1) | (~p105(X13) | (~p6(X13) | ~r1(X1,X13)))))) & ((~p106(X1) | ((~p7(X1) | (~p106(X14) | (p7(X14) | ~r1(X1,X14)))) & (p7(X1) | (~p106(X15) | (~p7(X15) | ~r1(X1,X15)))))) & ((~p107(X1) | ((~p8(X1) | (~p107(X16) | (p8(X16) | ~r1(X1,X16)))) & (p8(X1) | (~p107(X17) | (~p8(X17) | ~r1(X1,X17)))))) & ((~p108(X1) | ((~p9(X1) | (~p108(X18) | (p9(X18) | ~r1(X1,X18)))) & (p9(X1) | (~p108(X19) | (~p9(X19) | ~r1(X1,X19)))))) & ((~p109(X1) | ((~p10(X1) | (~p109(X20) | (p10(X20) | ~r1(X1,X20)))) & (p10(X1) | (~p109(X21) | (~p10(X21) | ~r1(X1,X21)))))) & ((~p110(X1) | ((~p11(X1) | (~p110(X22) | (p11(X22) | ~r1(X1,X22)))) & (p11(X1) | (~p110(X23) | (~p11(X23) | ~r1(X1,X23)))))) & ((~p111(X1) | ((~p12(X1) | (~p111(X24) | (p12(X24) | ~r1(X1,X24)))) & (p12(X1) | (~p111(X25) | (~p12(X25) | ~r1(X1,X25)))))) & ((~p112(X1) | ((~p13(X1) | (~p112(X26) | (p13(X26) | ~r1(X1,X26)))) & (p13(X1) | (~p112(X27) | (~p13(X27) | ~r1(X1,X27)))))) & ((~p113(X1) | ((~p14(X1) | (~p113(X28) | (p14(X28) | ~r1(X1,X28)))) & (p14(X1) | (~p113(X29) | (~p14(X29) | ~r1(X1,X29)))))) & ((~p114(X1) | ((~p15(X1) | (~p114(X30) | (p15(X30) | ~r1(X1,X30)))) & (p15(X1) | (~p114(X31) | (~p15(X31) | ~r1(X1,X31)))))) & ((~p115(X1) | ((~p16(X1) | (~p115(X32) | (p16(X32) | ~r1(X1,X32)))) & (p16(X1) | (~p115(X33) | (~p16(X33) | ~r1(X1,X33)))))) & ((~p116(X1) | ((~p17(X1) | (~p116(X34) | (p17(X34) | ~r1(X1,X34)))) & (p17(X1) | (~p116(X35) | (~p17(X35) | ~r1(X1,X35)))))) & ((~p117(X1) | ((~p18(X1) | (~p117(X36) | (p18(X36) | ~r1(X1,X36)))) & (p18(X1) | (~p117(X37) | (~p18(X37) | ~r1(X1,X37)))))) & ((~p118(X1) | ((~p19(X1) | (~p118(X38) | (p19(X38) | ~r1(X1,X38)))) & (p19(X1) | (~p118(X39) | (~p19(X39) | ~r1(X1,X39)))))) & ((~p119(X1) | ((~p20(X1) | (~p119(X40) | (p20(X40) | ~r1(X1,X40)))) & (p20(X1) | (~p119(X41) | (~p20(X41) | ~r1(X1,X41)))))) & ((~p120(X1) | ((~p21(X1) | (~p120(X42) | (p21(X42) | ~r1(X1,X42)))) & (p21(X1) | (~p120(X43) | (~p21(X43) | ~r1(X1,X43)))))) & (((~p100(X1) | p101(X1)) | (((p101($sk2(X1)) & (~p102($sk2(X1)) & p2($sk2(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk2(X1))) & ((p101($sk3(X1)) & (~p102($sk3(X1)) & ~p2($sk3(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk3(X1))))) & (((~p101(X1) | p102(X1)) | (((p102($sk4(X1)) & (~p103($sk4(X1)) & p3($sk4(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk4(X1))) & ((p102($sk5(X1)) & (~p103($sk5(X1)) & ~p3($sk5(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk5(X1))))) & (((~p102(X1) | p103(X1)) | (((p103($sk6(X1)) & (~p104($sk6(X1)) & p4($sk6(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk6(X1))) & ((p103($sk7(X1)) & (~p104($sk7(X1)) & ~p4($sk7(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk7(X1))))) & (((~p103(X1) | p104(X1)) | (((p104($sk8(X1)) & (~p105($sk8(X1)) & p5($sk8(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk8(X1))) & ((p104($sk9(X1)) & (~p105($sk9(X1)) & ~p5($sk9(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk9(X1))))) & (((~p104(X1) | p105(X1)) | (((p105($sk10(X1)) & (~p106($sk10(X1)) & p6($sk10(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk10(X1))) & ((p105($sk11(X1)) & (~p106($sk11(X1)) & ~p6($sk11(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk11(X1))))) & (((~p105(X1) | p106(X1)) | (((p106($sk12(X1)) & (~p107($sk12(X1)) & p7($sk12(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk12(X1))) & ((p106($sk13(X1)) & (~p107($sk13(X1)) & ~p7($sk13(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk13(X1))))) & (((~p106(X1) | p107(X1)) | (((p107($sk14(X1)) & (~p108($sk14(X1)) & p8($sk14(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk14(X1))) & ((p107($sk15(X1)) & (~p108($sk15(X1)) & ~p8($sk15(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk15(X1))))) & (((~p107(X1) | p108(X1)) | (((p108($sk16(X1)) & (~p109($sk16(X1)) & p9($sk16(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk16(X1))) & ((p108($sk17(X1)) & (~p109($sk17(X1)) & ~p9($sk17(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk17(X1))))) & (((~p108(X1) | p109(X1)) | (((p109($sk18(X1)) & (~p110($sk18(X1)) & p10($sk18(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk18(X1))) & ((p109($sk19(X1)) & (~p110($sk19(X1)) & ~p10($sk19(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk19(X1))))) & (((~p109(X1) | p110(X1)) | (((p110($sk20(X1)) & (~p111($sk20(X1)) & p11($sk20(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk20(X1))) & ((p110($sk21(X1)) & (~p111($sk21(X1)) & ~p11($sk21(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk21(X1))))) & (((~p110(X1) | p111(X1)) | (((p111($sk22(X1)) & (~p112($sk22(X1)) & p12($sk22(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk22(X1))) & ((p111($sk23(X1)) & (~p112($sk23(X1)) & ~p12($sk23(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk23(X1))))) & (((~p111(X1) | p112(X1)) | (((p112($sk24(X1)) & (~p113($sk24(X1)) & p13($sk24(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk24(X1))) & ((p112($sk25(X1)) & (~p113($sk25(X1)) & ~p13($sk25(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk25(X1))))) & (((~p112(X1) | p113(X1)) | (((p113($sk26(X1)) & (~p114($sk26(X1)) & p14($sk26(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk26(X1))) & ((p113($sk27(X1)) & (~p114($sk27(X1)) & ~p14($sk27(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk27(X1))))) & (((~p113(X1) | p114(X1)) | (((p114($sk28(X1)) & (~p115($sk28(X1)) & p15($sk28(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk28(X1))) & ((p114($sk29(X1)) & (~p115($sk29(X1)) & ~p15($sk29(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk29(X1))))) & (((~p114(X1) | p115(X1)) | (((p115($sk30(X1)) & (~p116($sk30(X1)) & p16($sk30(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk30(X1))) & ((p115($sk31(X1)) & (~p116($sk31(X1)) & ~p16($sk31(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk31(X1))))) & (((~p115(X1) | p116(X1)) | (((p116($sk32(X1)) & (~p117($sk32(X1)) & p17($sk32(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk32(X1))) & ((p116($sk33(X1)) & (~p117($sk33(X1)) & ~p17($sk33(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk33(X1))))) & (((~p116(X1) | p117(X1)) | (((p117($sk34(X1)) & (~p118($sk34(X1)) & p18($sk34(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk34(X1))) & ((p117($sk35(X1)) & (~p118($sk35(X1)) & ~p18($sk35(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk35(X1))))) & (((~p117(X1) | p118(X1)) | (((p118($sk36(X1)) & (~p119($sk36(X1)) & p19($sk36(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk36(X1))) & ((p118($sk37(X1)) & (~p119($sk37(X1)) & ~p19($sk37(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk37(X1))))) & (((~p118(X1) | p119(X1)) | (((p119($sk38(X1)) & (~p120($sk38(X1)) & p20($sk38(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk38(X1))) & ((p119($sk39(X1)) & (~p120($sk39(X1)) & ~p20($sk39(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk39(X1))))) & ((~p119(X1) | p120(X1)) | (((p120($sk40(X1)) & (~p121($sk40(X1)) & p21($sk40(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk40(X1))) & ((p120($sk41(X1)) & (~p121($sk41(X1)) & ~p21($sk41(X1)))) & r1(X1,$sk41(X1)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) | ~r1($sk1,X1)))) & (p8(X44) | ~r1($sk1,X44))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(negpush_and_skolemize,[],['main'])).
% 5.08/1.09  fof('main', conjecture, ~(? [X] : ~(~(! [Y] : (~r1(X,Y) | p8(Y))) | ~(((! [Y] : (~r1(X,Y) | (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p21(X) & ~p121(X)) & p120(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p21(X) & ~p121(X)) & p120(X))))) | ~(~p120(Y) & p119(Y))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p20(X) & ~p120(X)) & p119(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p20(X) & ~p120(X)) & p119(X))))) | ~(~p119(Y) & p118(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p19(X) & ~p119(X)) & p118(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p19(X) & ~p119(X)) & p118(X))))) | ~(~p118(Y) & p117(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p18(X) & ~p118(X)) & p117(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p18(X) & ~p118(X)) & p117(X))))) | ~(~p117(Y) & p116(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p17(X) & ~p117(X)) & p116(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p17(X) & ~p117(X)) & p116(X))))) | ~(~p116(Y) & p115(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p16(X) & ~p116(X)) & p115(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p16(X) & ~p116(X)) & p115(X))))) | ~(~p115(Y) & p114(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p15(X) & ~p115(X)) & p114(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p15(X) & ~p115(X)) & p114(X))))) | ~(~p114(Y) & p113(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p14(X) & ~p114(X)) & p113(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p14(X) & ~p114(X)) & p113(X))))) | ~(~p113(Y) & p112(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p13(X) & ~p113(X)) & p112(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p13(X) & ~p113(X)) & p112(X))))) | ~(~p112(Y) & p111(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p12(X) & ~p112(X)) & p111(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p12(X) & ~p112(X)) & p111(X))))) | ~(~p111(Y) & p110(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p11(X) & ~p111(X)) & p110(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p11(X) & ~p111(X)) & p110(X))))) | ~(~p110(Y) & p109(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p10(X) & ~p110(X)) & p109(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p10(X) & ~p110(X)) & p109(X))))) | ~(~p109(Y) & p108(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p9(X) & ~p109(X)) & p108(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p9(X) & ~p109(X)) & p108(X))))) | ~(~p108(Y) & p107(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p8(X) & ~p108(X)) & p107(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p8(X) & ~p108(X)) & p107(X))))) | ~(~p107(Y) & p106(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p7(X) & ~p107(X)) & p106(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p7(X) & ~p107(X)) & p106(X))))) | ~(~p106(Y) & p105(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p6(X) & ~p106(X)) & p105(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p6(X) & ~p106(X)) & p105(X))))) | ~(~p105(Y) & p104(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p5(X) & ~p105(X)) & p104(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p5(X) & ~p105(X)) & p104(X))))) | ~(~p104(Y) & p103(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p4(X) & ~p104(X)) & p103(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p4(X) & ~p104(X)) & p103(X))))) | ~(~p103(Y) & p102(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p3(X) & ~p103(X)) & p102(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p3(X) & ~p103(X)) & p102(X))))) | ~(~p102(Y) & p101(Y)))) & ((~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((~p2(X) & ~p102(X)) & p101(X)))) & ~(! [X] : (~r1(Y,X) | ~((p2(X) & ~p102(X)) & p101(X))))) | ~(~p101(Y) & p100(Y)))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p21(X)) | ~p120(X))) | p21(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p21(X)) | ~p120(X))) | ~p21(Y))) | ~p120(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p20(X)) | ~p119(X))) | p20(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p20(X)) | ~p119(X))) | ~p20(Y))) | ~p119(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p19(X)) | ~p118(X))) | p19(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p19(X)) | ~p118(X))) | ~p19(Y))) | ~p118(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p18(X)) | ~p117(X))) | p18(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p18(X)) | ~p117(X))) | ~p18(Y))) | ~p117(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p17(X)) | ~p116(X))) | p17(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p17(X)) | ~p116(X))) | ~p17(Y))) | ~p116(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p16(X)) | ~p115(X))) | p16(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p16(X)) | ~p115(X))) | ~p16(Y))) | ~p115(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p15(X)) | ~p114(X))) | p15(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p15(X)) | ~p114(X))) | ~p15(Y))) | ~p114(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p14(X)) | ~p113(X))) | p14(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p14(X)) | ~p113(X))) | ~p14(Y))) | ~p113(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p13(X)) | ~p112(X))) | p13(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p13(X)) | ~p112(X))) | ~p13(Y))) | ~p112(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p12(X)) | ~p111(X))) | p12(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p12(X)) | ~p111(X))) | ~p12(Y))) | ~p111(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p11(X)) | ~p110(X))) | p11(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p11(X)) | ~p110(X))) | ~p11(Y))) | ~p110(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p10(X)) | ~p109(X))) | p10(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p10(X)) | ~p109(X))) | ~p10(Y))) | ~p109(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p9(X)) | ~p108(X))) | p9(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p9(X)) | ~p108(X))) | ~p9(Y))) | ~p108(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p8(X)) | ~p107(X))) | p8(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p8(X)) | ~p107(X))) | ~p8(Y))) | ~p107(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p7(X)) | ~p106(X))) | p7(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p7(X)) | ~p106(X))) | ~p7(Y))) | ~p106(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p6(X)) | ~p105(X))) | p6(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p6(X)) | ~p105(X))) | ~p6(Y))) | ~p105(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p5(X)) | ~p104(X))) | p5(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p5(X)) | ~p104(X))) | ~p5(Y))) | ~p104(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p4(X)) | ~p103(X))) | p4(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p4(X)) | ~p103(X))) | ~p4(Y))) | ~p103(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p3(X)) | ~p102(X))) | p3(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p3(X)) | ~p102(X))) | ~p3(Y))) | ~p102(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p2(X)) | ~p101(X))) | p2(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p2(X)) | ~p101(X))) | ~p2(Y))) | ~p101(Y))) & ((((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | ~p1(X)) | ~p100(X))) | p1(Y)) & ((! [X] : ((~r1(Y,X) | p1(X)) | ~p100(X))) | ~p1(Y))) | ~p100(Y))) & (p120(Y) | ~p121(Y))) & (p119(Y) | ~p120(Y))) & (p118(Y) | ~p119(Y))) & (p117(Y) | ~p118(Y))) & (p116(Y) | ~p117(Y))) & (p115(Y) | ~p116(Y))) & (p114(Y) | ~p115(Y))) & (p113(Y) | ~p114(Y))) & (p112(Y) | ~p113(Y))) & (p111(Y) | ~p112(Y))) & (p110(Y) | ~p111(Y))) & (p109(Y) | ~p110(Y))) & (p108(Y) | ~p109(Y))) & (p107(Y) | ~p108(Y))) & (p106(Y) | ~p107(Y))) & (p105(Y) | ~p106(Y))) & (p104(Y) | ~p105(Y))) & (p103(Y) | ~p104(Y))) & (p102(Y) | ~p103(Y))) & (p101(Y) | ~p102(Y))) & (p100(Y) | ~p101(Y))))) & ~p101(X)) & p100(X)))),
% 5.08/1.09    input). 
% 5.08/1.09  fof('reflexivity_$sk', plain, r1(X1,X1),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(negpush_and_skolemize,[],['reflexivity'])).
% 5.08/1.09  fof('reflexivity', axiom, (! [X] : r1(X,X)),
% 5.08/1.09    input). 
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('1', plain, (~r1(X,Y) | ~r1(Z,X) | r1(Z,Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['transitivity_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('2', plain, (r1(X,$sk11(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('3', plain, (r1(X,$sk11(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p104(Y) | p105(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','2'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('4', plain, (r1(X,$sk13(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('5', plain, (r1(X,$sk13(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p105(Y) | p106(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','4'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('6', plain, (r1(X,$sk15(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p106(X) | p107(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('7', plain, (r1(X,$sk15(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p106(Y) | p107(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','6'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('8', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | p8(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('9', plain, (p8($sk15(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p106(X) | p107(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['7','8'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('10', plain, (~p8($sk15(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p106(X) | p107(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('11', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p106(X) | p107(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['9','10'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('12', plain, (~p106($sk13(X)) | p107($sk13(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['5','11'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('13', plain, (p106($sk13(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('14', plain, (p107($sk13(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['12','13'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('15', plain, (~p107($sk13(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('16', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p105(X) | p106(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['14','15'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('17', plain, (~p105($sk11(X)) | p106($sk11(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['3','16'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('18', plain, (p105($sk11(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('19', plain, (p106($sk11(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['17','18'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('20', plain, (~p106($sk11(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('21', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p104(X) | p105(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['19','20'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('22', plain, (r1(X,$sk8(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('23', plain, (r1(X,$sk8(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p103(Y) | p104(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','22'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('24', plain, (~p104($sk8(X)) | p105($sk8(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['21','23'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('25', plain, (p104($sk8(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('26', plain, (p105($sk8(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['24','25'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('27', plain, (~p105($sk8(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('28', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p103(X) | p104(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['26','27'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('29', plain, (r1(X,$sk7(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('30', plain, (r1(X,$sk7(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p102(Y) | p103(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','29'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('31', plain, (~p103($sk7(X)) | p104($sk7(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['28','30'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('32', plain, (p103($sk7(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('33', plain, (p104($sk7(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['31','32'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('34', plain, (~p104($sk7(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('35', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p102(X) | p103(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['33','34'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('36', plain, (r1(X,$sk4(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('37', plain, (r1(X,$sk4(Y)) | ~r1($sk1,Y) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p101(Y) | p102(Y)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['1','36'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('38', plain, (~p102($sk4(X)) | p103($sk4(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['35','37'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('39', plain, (p102($sk4(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('40', plain, (p103($sk4(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['38','39'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('41', plain, (~p103($sk4(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('42', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p102(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[],['40','41'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('43', plain, (r1(X,$sk3(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('44', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~r1(X,Y) | ~p2(Y) | ~p101(Y) | ~p101(X) | p2(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('45', plain, (p100($sk1)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('46', plain, (~p101($sk1)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('47', plain, (r1(X0,X0)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['reflexivity_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('48', plain, (~p101($sk3($sk1)) | p2($sk3($sk1)) | ~r1($sk3($sk1),X) | ~p2(X) | ~p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['44','43','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('49', plain, (p101($sk3(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('50', plain, (p2($sk3($sk1)) | ~r1($sk3($sk1),X) | ~p2(X) | ~p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['48','49','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('51', plain, (~p2($sk3(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('52', plain, (~r1($sk3($sk1),X) | ~p2(X) | ~p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['50','51','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('53', plain, (r1(X,$sk2(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('54', plain, (~r1($sk1,X) | ~p101(X) | p100(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('55', plain, (~p101($sk3($sk1)) | p100($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['43','54','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('56', plain, (p100($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['55','49','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('57', plain, (~p101($sk2($sk3($sk1))) | ~p2($sk2($sk3($sk1))) | ~r1($sk1,$sk3($sk1)) | p101($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['52','53','56'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('58', plain, (p2($sk2(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('59', plain, (~p101($sk2($sk3($sk1))) | ~r1($sk1,$sk3($sk1)) | p101($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['57','58','56'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('60', plain, (p101($sk2(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('61', plain, (~r1($sk1,$sk3($sk1)) | p101($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['59','60','56'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('62', plain, (p101($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['61','43','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('63', plain, (p102($sk3($sk1))),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['42','43','62','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('64', plain, (~p102($sk3(X)) | ~r1($sk1,X) | ~p100(X) | p101(X)),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(cnf_transformation,[],['main_$sk'])).
% 5.08/1.09  cnf('65', plain, ($false),
% 5.08/1.09    inference(resolution,[then_simplify],['63','64','45','46','47'])).
% 5.08/1.09  
% 5.08/1.09  % SZS output end CNFRefutation for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 
% 5.08/1.09  
% 5.08/1.09  run 39 fork 6 statistics:
% 5.08/1.09  ----------------------------------
% 5.08/1.09  this run seconds: 0.068069
% 5.08/1.09  total seconds: 0.667541
% 5.08/1.09  stat_given_used: 1769
% 5.08/1.09  stat_given_used_at_endgame: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_given_candidates:   3182
% 5.08/1.09  stat_given_candidates_at_endgame: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_given_candidates_h: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_binres_derived_cl:   5690
% 5.08/1.09  stat_binres_derived_cl_h: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_factor_derived_cl: 202
% 5.08/1.09  stat_para_derived_cl: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_tautologies_discarded: 183
% 5.08/1.09  stat_forward_subsumed: 703
% 5.08/1.09  stat_derived_cut: 2315
% 5.08/1.09  stat_derived_rewritten: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_weight_discarded_building: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_weight_discarded_cl: 680
% 5.08/1.09  stat_internlimit_discarded_cl: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_simplified:  8 simplified 0 derived 0 given
% 5.08/1.09  stat_kept_cl: 4325
% 5.08/1.09  stat_built_cl: 8551
% 5.08/1.09  stat_hyperres_partial_cl: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_made_rewriters: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_backward_subsumed: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_propagated_subsumed: 0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_attempted:                      5128
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_fact_groundunit_found:             2
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_rule_groundunit_found:            63
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_attempted:            2700036
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_failed:               2694908
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_nonpref_attempted:             2700036
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_nonpref_succeeded:             1021339
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_pref_attempted:                1021339
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_pref1_succeeded:                 17162
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_pref2_succeeded:                  5390
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_pref3_succeeded:                  5128
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_top_meta_pref_succeeded:                   5128
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_meta_attempted:                17802
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_meta_failed:                    7850
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_predsymbs_attempted:               0
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_unit_attempted:                  504
% 5.08/1.09  stat_clsubs_full_attempted:                 4624
% 5.08/1.09  stat_forwardsubs_attempted:                 5709
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_added:                    175
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_computed:               94527
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_match_found:             1089
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_match_miss:            131109
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_cut_ok:                   318
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_strong_cut_ok:                2293
% 5.08/1.09  stat_lit_hash_subsume_ok:               703
% 5.08/1.09  clqueue els 10000000 used 1
% 5.08/1.09  clactive els 10000000 used 1770
% 5.08/1.09  clactivesubsume els 10000000 used 10519
% 5.08/1.09  queue_termbuf els 200000000 used 314902
% 5.08/1.09  hyper_termbuf els 100000000 used 1
% 5.08/1.09  active_termbuf els 100000000 used 79157
% 5.08/1.09  varstack els 5000 last used 1
% 5.08/1.09  given_termbuf els 10000000 last used 1
% 5.08/1.09  simplified_termbuf els 10000000 last used 1
% 5.08/1.09  derived_termbuf els 10000000 last used 40
% 5.08/1.09  wr_mallocs: 6592
% 5.08/1.09  wr_callocs: 21
% 5.08/1.09  wr_reallocs: 120
% 5.08/1.09  wr_frees: 4
% 5.08/1.09  wr_malloc_bytes: 4162806612
% 5.08/1.09  wr_calloc_bytes: 112065536
% 5.08/1.09  wr_realloc_bytes: 156712
% 5.08/1.09  wr_realloc_freebytes: 0
% 5.08/1.09  ----------------------------------