TSTP Solution File: LCL474+1 by Fampire---1.3

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Fampire---1.3
% Problem  : LCL474+1 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v3.3.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp
% Command  : FlotterOnTPTP.pl -f oldtptp -s vampire -t %d %s

% Computer : n021.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 600s
% DateTime : Sun Jul 17 10:29:26 EDT 2022

% Result   : Timeout 300.05s 300.33s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.04/0.13  % Problem  : LCL474+1 : TPTP v8.1.0. Released v3.3.0.
% 0.04/0.14  % Command  : FlotterOnTPTP.pl -f oldtptp -s vampire -t %d %s
% 0.14/0.35  % Computer : n021.cluster.edu
% 0.14/0.35  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.14/0.35  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.14/0.35  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.14/0.35  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.14/0.35  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.14/0.35  % WCLimit  : 600
% 0.14/0.35  % DateTime : Mon Jul  4 07:47:46 EDT 2022
% 0.14/0.36  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.14/0.36  cs: Command not found.
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+10_4_lcm=kinky_nwc=3.0_600 for 582 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+8_24_bd=off_bs=off_fsr=off_lcm=predicate_nwc=4.2_600 for 150 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+10_2:3_bs=off_fde=none_nwc=2.8_600 for 135 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+10_2:1_bas=on_sos=on_sp=on_600 for 97 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+1011_20_bas=on_bs=off_ep=exp1_fde=none_nwc=3.2_600 for 2 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+1011_2:3_bs=off_ep=on_lcm=kinky_nwc=5.8_sp=on_600 for 4 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice dis+16_6_nwc=5.0_600 for 22 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+1012_10_bas=on_bs=off_ep=exp1_fde=none_nwc=3.5_600 for 86 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice dis+11_4_lcm=predicate_600 for 248 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  ------------------ SLICE UNSUCCESSFUL -------------------
% 300.05/300.33  Running slice lrs+17_2_bs=off_ep=on_nwc=2.6_1200 for 1665 deciseconds
% 300.05/300.33  % Aborted by signal SIGXCPU
% 300.05/300.33  % Trying to shut down current kernel session...
% 300.05/300.33  % Bailing out now: aborted by interrupt signal SIGXCPU
% 300.05/300.33  =========== Statistics ==========
% 300.05/300.33  version: 7.45 Civatateo (v7.44 + more ASSERT's in LPO + several bug fixes in LPO)
% 300.05/300.33  === General:
% 300.05/300.33  time: 166.1s
% 300.05/300.33  memory: 0Mb
% 300.05/300.33  termination reason: unknown
% 300.05/300.33  === Generating inferences:
% 300.05/300.33  resolution: 40272222
% 300.05/300.33  superposition: 8168451
% 300.05/300.33  === Simplifying inferences:
% 300.05/300.33  propositional_tautology: 167101
% 300.05/300.33  equational_tautology: 491129
% 300.05/300.33  forward_subsumption: 34354299
% 300.05/300.33  forward_subsumption_resolution: 8611571
% 300.05/300.33  forward_demodulation: 1843944
% 300.05/300.33  branch_forward_demodulation: 13025691
% 300.05/300.33  backward_demodulation: 5765
% 300.05/300.33  branch_backward_demodulation: 89901
% 300.05/300.33  === Splitting:
% 300.05/300.33  definition_folding: 23
% 300.05/300.33  average_number_of_components: 2
% 300.05/300.33  distinct_components: 20
% 300.05/300.33  === Generated clauses:
% 300.05/300.33  total: 48537110
% 300.05/300.33  discarded_as_redundant: 35012529
% 300.05/300.33  discarded_nonredundant: 8189958
% 300.05/300.33  === Retained clauses:
% 300.05/300.33  total: 5334578
% 300.05/300.33  selected: 84043
% 300.05/300.33  currently_active: 69922
% 300.05/300.33  currently_passive: 6602
% 300.05/300.33  recycled: 5162388
% 300.05/300.33  ======= End of statistics =======