TSTP Solution File: LCL138-1 by CiME---2.01

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : CiME---2.01
% Problem  : LCL138-1 : TPTP v6.0.0. Released v1.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : tptp2X_and_run_cime %s

% Computer : n047.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 2.40GHz
% Memory   : 32286.75MB
% OS       : Linux 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Tue Jun 10 00:27:12 EDT 2014

% Result   : Timeout 300.08s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
% % Problem  : LCL138-1 : TPTP v6.0.0. Released v1.0.0.
% % Command  : tptp2X_and_run_cime %s
% % Computer : n047.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz
% % Memory   : 32286.75MB
% % OS       : Linux 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64
% % CPULimit : 300
% % DateTime : Fri Jun  6 01:40:03 CDT 2014
% % CPUTime  : 300.08 
% Processing problem /tmp/CiME_52057_n047.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% #verbose 1;
% let F = signature " z,y,x,truth : constant;  not : 1;  implies : 2;";
% let X = vars "X Y Z";
% let Axioms = equations F X "
% implies(truth,X) = X;
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(implies(Y,Z),implies(X,Z))) = truth;
% implies(implies(X,Y),Y) = implies(implies(Y,X),X);
% implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(Y,X)) = truth;
% ";
% let s1 = status F "
% z lr_lex;
% y lr_lex;
% x lr_lex;
% not lr_lex;
% implies lr_lex;
% truth lr_lex;
% ";
% let p1 = precedence F "
% implies > not > truth > x > y > z";
% let s2 = status F "
% z mul;
% y mul;
% x mul;
% not mul;
% implies mul;
% truth mul;
% ";
% let p2 = precedence F "
% implies > not > truth = x = y = z";
% let o_auto = AUTO Axioms;
% let o = LEX o_auto (LEX (ACRPO s1 p1) (ACRPO s2 p2));
% let Conjectures = equations F X " implies(x,implies(y,z)) = implies(y,implies(x,z));"
% ;
% (*
% let Red_Axioms = normalize_equations Defining_rules Axioms;
% let Red_Conjectures =  normalize_equations Defining_rules Conjectures;
% *)
% #time on;
% let res = prove_conj_by_ordered_completion o Axioms Conjectures;
% #time off;
% let status = if res then "unsatisfiable" else "satisfiable";
% #quit;
% Verbose level is now 1
% F : signature = <signature>
% X : variable_set = <variable set>
% Axioms : (F,X) equations = { implies(truth,X) = X,
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(implies(Y,Z),
% implies(X,Z))) = truth,
% implies(implies(X,Y),Y) =
% implies(implies(Y,X),X),
% implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(Y,X)) =
% truth } (4 equation(s))
% s1 : F status = <status>
% p1 : F precedence = <precedence>
% s2 : F status = <status>
% p2 : F precedence = <precedence>
% o_auto : F term_ordering = <term ordering>
% o : F term_ordering = <term ordering>
% Conjectures : (F,X) equations = { implies(x,implies(y,z)) =
% implies(y,implies(x,z)) } (1 equation(s))
% time is now on
% Initializing completion ...
% New rule produced : [1] implies(truth,X) -> X
% Current number of equations to process: 0
% Current number of ordered equations: 4
% Current number of rules: 1
% New rule produced : [2] implies(implies(X,Y),Y) <-> implies(implies(Y,X),X)
% Current number of equations to process: 0
% Current number of ordered equations: 2
% Current number of rules: 2
% New rule produced : [3] implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 0
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 3
% New rule produced :
% [4] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(implies(Y,Z),implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 0
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 4
% New rule produced : [5] implies(implies(X,truth),truth) -> implies(X,X)
% Current number of equations to process: 1
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 5
% New rule produced : [6] implies(implies(not(X),not(truth)),X) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 6
% New rule produced : [7] implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 9
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 7
% New rule produced :
% [8] implies(implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Y),X),truth) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 12
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 8
% New rule produced :
% [9] implies(implies(X,truth),implies(Y,implies(X,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 11
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 9
% New rule produced : [10] implies(implies(X,not(not(X))),truth) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 16
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 10
% Rule [5] implies(implies(X,truth),truth) -> implies(X,X) is composed into 
% [5] implies(implies(X,truth),truth) -> truth
% New rule produced : [11] implies(X,X) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 27
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 11
% New rule produced : [12] implies(X,implies(implies(Y,X),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 28
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 12
% New rule produced : [13] implies(X,truth) -> truth
% Rule [5] implies(implies(X,truth),truth) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [8] implies(implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Y),X),truth) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [9] implies(implies(X,truth),implies(Y,implies(X,Y))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [10] implies(implies(X,not(not(X))),truth) -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 33
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 9
% New rule produced : [14] implies(Y,implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Rule [12] implies(X,implies(implies(Y,X),X)) -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 32
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 9
% New rule produced :
% [15] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(Z,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 30
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 10
% New rule produced :
% [16] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(Y,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 30
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 11
% New rule produced : [17] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 40
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 12
% New rule produced :
% [18] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,Z),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 39
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 13
% New rule produced :
% [19] implies(implies(not(X),not(truth)),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 38
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 14
% New rule produced : [20] implies(not(X),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 45
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 15
% New rule produced : [21] implies(not(truth),X) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 45
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 16
% New rule produced :
% [22] implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 49
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 17
% New rule produced :
% [23] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),Z),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 48
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 18
% New rule produced :
% [24] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(V_3,X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 47
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 19
% New rule produced : [25] not(not(truth)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 46
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 20
% New rule produced : [26] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),not(truth)) -> X
% Current number of equations to process: 65
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 21
% New rule produced : [27] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 64
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 22
% New rule produced : [28] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 63
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 23
% New rule produced :
% [29] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(X),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 89
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 24
% New rule produced :
% [30] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(X,implies(Y,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 89
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 25
% New rule produced :
% [31] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(Y,X),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 88
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 26
% New rule produced : [32] implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),X) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 91
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 27
% New rule produced : [33] implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(truth)),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 91
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 28
% New rule produced :
% [34] implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 96
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 29
% New rule produced :
% [35] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(X),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 101
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 30
% New rule produced :
% [36] implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 100
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 31
% New rule produced :
% [37] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(X,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 99
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 32
% New rule produced :
% [38] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),implies(Y,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 98
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 33
% New rule produced : [39] implies(not(not(X)),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 103
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 34
% New rule produced : [40] implies(not(not(X)),X) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 103
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 35
% New rule produced : [41] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Y,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 104
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 36
% New rule produced : [42] implies(X,implies(not(X),not(truth))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 110
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 37
% New rule produced :
% [43] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Y),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 109
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 38
% New rule produced :
% [44] implies(implies(not(not(X)),not(truth)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 117
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 39
% New rule produced :
% [45] implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 159
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 40
% New rule produced :
% [46] implies(not(implies(not(X),not(truth))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 158
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 41
% New rule produced :
% [47] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,not(truth)),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 157
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 42
% New rule produced :
% [48] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),not(truth)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 156
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 43
% New rule produced :
% [49] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 153
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 44
% New rule produced :
% [50] implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(Y,X),X),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 163
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 45
% New rule produced : [51] implies(X,not(not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 186
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 46
% New rule produced : [52] implies(not(not(not(X))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 186
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 47
% New rule produced :
% [53] implies(not(not(X)),implies(implies(X,Y),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 185
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced :
% [54] implies(not(not(X)),implies(Y,implies(Z,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 184
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 49
% New rule produced :
% [55] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(not(X)),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 182
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 50
% New rule produced :
% [56] implies(implies(X,not(not(Y))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 182
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 51
% New rule produced : [57] not(not(X)) -> X
% Rule [25] not(not(truth)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [39] implies(not(not(X)),implies(Y,X)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [40] implies(not(not(X)),X) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [44] implies(implies(not(not(X)),not(truth)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [51] implies(X,not(not(X))) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [52] implies(not(not(not(X))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [53] implies(not(not(X)),implies(implies(X,Y),Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [54] implies(not(not(X)),implies(Y,implies(Z,X))) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [55] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(not(X)),Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [56] implies(implies(X,not(not(Y))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 181
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 42
% New rule produced : [58] implies(not(X),not(truth)) -> X
% Rule [6] implies(implies(not(X),not(truth)),X) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [19] implies(implies(not(X),not(truth)),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [42] implies(X,implies(not(X),not(truth))) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [46] implies(not(implies(not(X),not(truth))),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 191
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 39
% New rule produced :
% [59] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,not(truth)))),Y) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 190
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 40
% New rule produced :
% [60] implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% Rule [45] implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 189
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 40
% New rule produced :
% [61] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 188
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 41
% New rule produced : [62] implies(X,implies(not(X),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 198
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 42
% New rule produced :
% [63] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 198
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 43
% New rule produced : [64] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(X),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 225
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 44
% New rule produced :
% [65] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Y,not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 223
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 45
% New rule produced :
% [66] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 223
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 46
% New rule produced :
% [67] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 225
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 47
% New rule produced : [68] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),Y) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 229
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced : [69] implies(X,not(truth)) -> not(X)
% Rule [26] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),not(truth)) -> X collapsed.
% Rule [28] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),implies(X,Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [32] implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),X) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [33] implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(truth)),Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [34] implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [38] implies(implies(X,not(truth)),implies(Y,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [47] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,not(truth)),Z))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [48] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),not(truth)),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [49] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(X,not(truth))),Y)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [58] implies(not(X),not(truth)) -> X collapsed.
% Rule [59] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,not(truth)))),Y) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 232
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 38
% New rule produced : [70] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 231
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 39
% New rule produced :
% [71] implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 233
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 40
% New rule produced :
% [72] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(not(Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 232
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 41
% New rule produced :
% [73] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 231
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 42
% New rule produced :
% [74] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(not(X),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 230
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 43
% New rule produced :
% [75] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(Z,V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 254
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 44
% New rule produced :
% [76] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 264
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 45
% New rule produced :
% [77] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 269
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 46
% New rule produced : [78] implies(X,not(Y)) <-> implies(Y,not(X))
% Current number of equations to process: 281
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 47
% New rule produced :
% [79] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 281
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced : [80] implies(not(X),Y) <-> implies(not(Y),X)
% Rule [68] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),Y) -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 289
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced : [81] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,X)) -> truth
% Rule [31] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(Y,X),X)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [63] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [77] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(Y,X)) -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 288
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 46
% New rule produced :
% [82] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,not(Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 297
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 47
% New rule produced :
% [83] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(implies(Z,X)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 307
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced :
% [84] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(X,Z),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 306
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 49
% New rule produced :
% [85] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 305
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 50
% New rule produced :
% [86] implies(X,implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 303
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 51
% New rule produced :
% [87] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,implies(Z,X))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 301
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 52
% New rule produced :
% [88] implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 310
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 53
% New rule produced : [89] implies(X,Y) <-> implies(not(Y),not(X))
% Rule [2] implies(implies(X,Y),Y) <-> implies(implies(Y,X),X) collapsed.
% Rule [7] implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),Y)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [16] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(Y,Z)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [18] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,Z),Z))) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [23] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),Z),Z)) -> truth collapsed.
% Rule [29] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(X),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [36] implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [43] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Y),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [50] implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(Y,X),X),Y)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [60] implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [71] implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [73] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [84] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(X,Z),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Rule [86] implies(X,implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Y)),Z)) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 408
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 40
% New rule produced :
% [90] implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,X))) <-> implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))
% Current number of equations to process: 418
% Current number of ordered equations: 2
% Current number of rules: 41
% New rule produced : [91] implies(not(Y),not(X)) <-> implies(X,Y)
% Current number of equations to process: 418
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 42
% New rule produced :
% [92] implies(X,implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 418
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 43
% New rule produced :
% [93] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(Z,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 452
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 44
% New rule produced :
% [94] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(V_3,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 455
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 45
% New rule produced :
% [95] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Y,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 454
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 46
% New rule produced :
% [96] implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 452
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 47
% New rule produced :
% [97] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 451
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 48
% New rule produced :
% [98] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 588
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 49
% New rule produced :
% [99] implies(X,not(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))))) -> implies(X,Y)
% Current number of equations to process: 600
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 50
% New rule produced :
% [100] implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Y,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 599
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 51
% New rule produced :
% [101] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(Y,not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 719
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 52
% New rule produced :
% [102] implies(not(X),implies(Y,not(implies(Y,X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 718
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 53
% New rule produced :
% [103] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(X,Z)),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 724
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 54
% New rule produced :
% [104] implies(X,implies(implies(Y,not(X)),implies(Y,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 784
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 55
% New rule produced :
% [105] implies(not(X),implies(implies(Y,X),implies(Y,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 783
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 56
% New rule produced :
% [106]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,X))))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 883
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 57
% New rule produced :
% [107]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(not(Z),not(implies(Y,Z))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 913
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 58
% New rule produced :
% [108]
% implies(not(implies(X,Z)),not(implies(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))),Z)))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 913
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 59
% New rule produced :
% [109] implies(X,implies(not(Y),implies(implies(X,Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1035
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 60
% New rule produced :
% [110] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,not(Y)),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1106
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 61
% New rule produced :
% [111] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(Y,not(X)),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1160
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 62
% New rule produced :
% [112] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(implies(Y,X),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1159
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 63
% New rule produced :
% [113] implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(implies(implies(X,Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1232
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 64
% New rule produced :
% [114] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(X,implies(V_3,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1272
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 65
% New rule produced :
% [115] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(Z),not(implies(X,Z))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1342
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 66
% New rule produced :
% [116] implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(Z,implies(Y,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1384
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 67
% New rule produced :
% [117] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(V_3,implies(Y,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1402
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 68
% New rule produced :
% [118] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(Z,implies(V_3,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1452
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 69
% New rule produced :
% [119]
% implies(not(implies(Z,V_3)),not(implies(implies(X,implies(Y,Z)),V_3))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1452
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 70
% New rule produced :
% [120] implies(X,implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(Y,X),Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1585
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 71
% New rule produced :
% [121]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(X,V_3)))))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1614
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 72
% New rule produced :
% [122]
% implies(X,implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))),Z))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1672
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 73
% New rule produced :
% [123]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(Z,X),V_3))))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1738
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 74
% New rule produced :
% [124] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,Z),implies(V_3,Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1772
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 75
% New rule produced :
% [125]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Z),not(implies(Y,Z))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1860
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 76
% New rule produced :
% [126] implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),Z),implies(V_3,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1981
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 77
% New rule produced :
% [127]
% implies(X,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(Y,implies(Z,X)),V_3)))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2034
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 78
% New rule produced :
% [128] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(V_3,implies(V_4,X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2063
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 79
% New rule produced :
% [129] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(not(X),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2080
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 80
% New rule produced :
% [130]
% implies(not(implies(Y,X)),not(implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2094
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 81
% New rule produced :
% [131]
% implies(X,implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X))))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2111
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 82
% New rule produced :
% [132] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(implies(Z,X)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2129
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 83
% New rule produced :
% [133] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(not(Y),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2158
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 84
% New rule produced :
% [134] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(not(implies(X,Z)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2178
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 85
% New rule produced :
% [135] implies(not(implies(X,implies(not(Y),Z))),implies(Y,V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2194
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 86
% New rule produced :
% [136] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Z,implies(Y,not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2214
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 87
% New rule produced :
% [137] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2233
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 88
% New rule produced :
% [138] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),implies(Z,implies(X,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2254
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 89
% New rule produced :
% [139] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(Y,implies(X,Z))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2273
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 90
% New rule produced :
% [140] implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)),implies(Y,V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2289
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 91
% New rule produced :
% [141] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(implies(not(X),Z)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2316
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 92
% New rule produced :
% [142] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,implies(not(X),Z))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2339
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 93
% New rule produced :
% [143] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2361
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 94
% New rule produced :
% [144] implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(implies(Y,X)),Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2389
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 95
% New rule produced :
% [145] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Y,implies(Z,not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2410
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 96
% New rule produced :
% [146] implies(X,implies(implies(Y,not(X)),implies(Z,not(Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2434
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 97
% New rule produced :
% [147] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(V_3,not(Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2455
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 98
% New rule produced :
% [148] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,not(Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2478
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 99
% New rule produced :
% [149] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),not(implies(not(Y),not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2498
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 100
% New rule produced :
% [150] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2511
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 101
% New rule produced :
% [151] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),not(implies(Y,not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2544
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 102
% New rule produced :
% [152] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),not(implies(not(Y),X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2556
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 103
% New rule produced :
% [153] implies(not(implies(not(X),not(Y))),not(implies(Y,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2570
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 104
% New rule produced :
% [154] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(Y),implies(Z,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2590
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 105
% New rule produced :
% [155] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(implies(Z,Y)),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2590
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 106
% New rule produced :
% [156] implies(not(X),implies(implies(not(Y),X),implies(Z,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2714
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 107
% New rule produced :
% [157] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,not(Z)))),implies(V_3,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2762
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 108
% New rule produced :
% [158] implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)),implies(V_3,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2780
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 109
% New rule produced :
% [159] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(implies(X,Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2806
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 110
% New rule produced :
% [160] implies(X,implies(implies(not(Y),not(X)),implies(Z,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2806
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 111
% New rule produced :
% [161] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(Z,Y)),not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2934
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 112
% New rule produced :
% [162] implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(Y,implies(Z,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2934
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 113
% New rule produced :
% [163]
% implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X)))) <-> implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),Y)))
% Current number of equations to process: 3009
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 114
% New rule produced :
% [164]
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),Y))) <-> implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X))))
% Current number of equations to process: 3009
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 115
% New rule produced :
% [165] implies(Y,not(implies(not(X),not(Y)))) -> implies(X,not(implies(X,Y)))
% Current number of equations to process: 3049
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 116
% New rule produced :
% [166] implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))) <-> implies(Y,not(implies(Y,X)))
% Current number of equations to process: 3128
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 117
% New rule produced :
% [167] implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(implies(Y,X))))) -> implies(X,Y)
% Current number of equations to process: 3561
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 118
% New rule produced :
% [168]
% implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y)))) <-> implies(not(X),not(implies(not(X),Y)))
% Current number of equations to process: 3634
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 119
% New rule produced :
% [169]
% implies(not(X),not(implies(not(X),Y))) <-> implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y))))
% Current number of equations to process: 3634
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 120
% New rule produced :
% [170] implies(not(X),implies(implies(Y,X),implies(Z,not(Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3865
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 121
% New rule produced :
% [171] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),implies(Z,not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3940
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 122
% New rule produced :
% [172] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(Z,implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4039
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 123
% New rule produced :
% [173] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(X,not(Z)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4046
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 124
% New rule produced :
% [174] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(Z,not(X)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4087
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 125
% New rule produced :
% [175] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(Z,X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4116
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 126
% New rule produced :
% [176] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(Z,not(X))),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4208
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 127
% New rule produced :
% [177] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(implies(Z,X)),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4307
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 128
% New rule produced :
% [178] implies(X,implies(not(Y),implies(Z,not(implies(X,Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4375
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 129
% New rule produced :
% [179] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(X,not(Y)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4490
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 130
% New rule produced :
% [180] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(Y,not(X)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4535
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 131
% New rule produced :
% [181] implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,not(implies(Y,X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4567
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 132
% New rule produced :
% [182] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(implies(Z,X),not(Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4676
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 133
% New rule produced :
% [183] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(Y,not(implies(Z,X)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4719
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 134
% New rule produced :
% [184] implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(V_3,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4727
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 135
% New rule produced :
% [185] implies(not(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y)))),implies(Z,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4865
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 136
% Rule [163]
% implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X)))) <->
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),Y))) is composed into [163]
% implies(X,
% not(implies(Y,
% not(X))))
% <->
% implies(X,
% not(implies(X,
% not(Y))))
% New rule produced :
% [186]
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),Y))) -> implies(X,not(implies(X,not(Y))))
% Rule
% [164]
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),Y))) <-> implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X))))
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 1735
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 136
% New rule produced :
% [187] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,not(implies(Z,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1905
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 137
% New rule produced :
% [188] implies(implies(X,Y),not(implies(Y,not(implies(Y,X))))) -> X
% Current number of equations to process: 2035
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 138
% New rule produced :
% [189] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),not(Z)),implies(Z,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2106
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 139
% New rule produced :
% [190] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(Z),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2108
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 140
% New rule produced :
% [191] implies(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))),not(implies(Y,X))) -> Y
% Current number of equations to process: 2319
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 141
% New rule produced :
% [192] implies(implies(implies(X,not(Y)),not(Z)),implies(Z,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2483
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 142
% New rule produced :
% [193] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),not(Z)),implies(Z,not(Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2527
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 143
% New rule produced :
% [194] implies(implies(implies(X,not(Y)),Z),implies(not(Z),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2563
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 144
% New rule produced :
% [195] implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(Z),not(Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2606
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 145
% New rule produced :
% [196] implies(X,not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X)))))) -> implies(X,not(Y))
% Current number of equations to process: 2635
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 146
% New rule produced :
% [197] implies(not(X),not(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))))) -> implies(Y,X)
% Rule
% [106]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,X))))))
% -> truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 2717
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 146
% New rule produced :
% [198] implies(not(implies(not(X),Z)),not(implies(implies(X,Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2802
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 147
% New rule produced :
% [199]
% implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(X,implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2884
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 148
% New rule produced :
% [200]
% implies(not(implies(not(Y),V_3)),not(implies(implies(X,implies(Y,Z)),V_3)))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2884
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 149
% New rule produced :
% [201] implies(not(X),implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(X,Y),Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3034
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 150
% New rule produced :
% [202]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(V_3,implies(not(X),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3063
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 151
% New rule produced :
% [203]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(X,Z),V_3)))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3166
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 152
% New rule produced :
% [204]
% implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(V_3,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3204
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 153
% New rule produced :
% [205]
% implies(not(X),implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(Y,implies(X,Z)),V_3))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3298
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 154
% New rule produced :
% [206]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(V_3,implies(X,V_4))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3334
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 155
% New rule produced :
% [207]
% implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Z,implies(X,implies(Y,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3363
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 156
% New rule produced :
% [208] implies(not(implies(X,Z)),not(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3416
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 157
% New rule produced :
% [209]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(implies(V_3,X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3487
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 158
% New rule produced :
% [210]
% implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(X,implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3487
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 159
% New rule produced :
% [211] implies(not(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))),implies(X,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3694
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 160
% New rule produced :
% [212]
% implies(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),X))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3800
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 161
% New rule produced :
% [213] implies(X,implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3842
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 162
% New rule produced :
% [214] implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3878
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 163
% New rule produced :
% [215]
% implies(not(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))),implies(Z,implies(X,V_3))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3970
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 164
% New rule produced :
% [216]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(not(Z),not(implies(Y,Z))))),implies(Y,V_3)) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3970
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 165
% New rule produced :
% [217]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,V_3)))),implies(V_3,V_4)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4203
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 166
% New rule produced :
% [218] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(not(Y),not(X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4263
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 167
% New rule produced :
% [219]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(implies(X,Z),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4288
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 168
% New rule produced :
% [220]
% implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,Y))),implies(X,V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4471
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 169
% New rule produced :
% [221]
% implies(not(implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(X,Y),Z)))),implies(Y,V_3)) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4691
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 170
% New rule produced :
% [222] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),implies(not(implies(X,Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4764
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 171
% New rule produced :
% [223]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(V_3,implies(Y,V_4)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4808
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 172
% New rule produced :
% [224]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(Y,Z),V_3))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4871
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 173
% New rule produced :
% [225]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(Z,implies(not(Y),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4942
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 174
% New rule produced :
% [226]
% implies(not(implies(Y,V_3)),not(implies(implies(X,implies(not(Y),Z)),V_3)))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4942
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 175
% New rule produced :
% [227] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(implies(Y,not(X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 968
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 176
% New rule produced :
% [228] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(Z),not(implies(X,Z)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 996
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 177
% New rule produced :
% [229] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),implies(implies(not(Y),X),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 996
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 178
% New rule produced :
% [230] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(implies(not(X),Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1129
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 179
% New rule produced :
% [231]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,implies(not(implies(Z,Y)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1174
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 180
% New rule produced :
% [232]
% implies(not(implies(Y,V_3)),not(implies(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z),V_3)))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1174
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 181
% New rule produced :
% [233] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(implies(Z,Y)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1499
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 182
% New rule produced :
% [234] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(implies(Z,Y),not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1556
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 183
% New rule produced :
% [235] implies(not(X),implies(Y,not(implies(implies(Z,Y),X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1555
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 184
% New rule produced :
% [236]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(V_3,implies(not(X),V_4))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1704
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 185
% New rule produced :
% [237]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(not(X),Z),V_3)))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1752
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 186
% New rule produced :
% [238]
% implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),implies(V_3,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1805
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 187
% New rule produced :
% [239]
% implies(X,implies(implies(implies(not(X),Y),Z),implies(V_3,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1919
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 188
% New rule produced :
% [240]
% implies(X,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(Y,implies(not(X),Z)),V_3))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2036
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 189
% New rule produced :
% [241]
% implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(V_3,X)))),V_4)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2094
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 190
% New rule produced :
% [242]
% implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,implies(not(Z),not(implies(X,Z))))),V_3)) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2161
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 191
% New rule produced :
% [243]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(X,implies(not(Y),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2161
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 192
% New rule produced :
% [244] implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(not(implies(Y,X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2463
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 193
% New rule produced :
% [245]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(X,implies(Z,Y))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2491
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 194
% New rule produced :
% [246]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2694
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 195
% New rule produced :
% [247]
% implies(X,implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,Y))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2830
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 196
% New rule produced :
% [248]
% implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(Z),not(implies(implies(Y,X),Z)))),V_3)) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3087
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 197
% New rule produced :
% [249] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(not(implies(Y,not(X))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3167
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 198
% New rule produced :
% [250] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(implies(not(Y),X)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3198
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 199
% New rule produced :
% [251]
% implies(X,implies(not(V_3),not(implies(implies(not(implies(Y,X)),Z),V_3))))
% -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3237
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 200
% New rule produced :
% [252]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(not(implies(V_3,X)),V_4)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3308
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 201
% New rule produced :
% [253]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,implies(Z,V_4))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3376
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 202
% New rule produced :
% [254] implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)),implies(not(X),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3444
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 203
% New rule produced :
% [255] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3491
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 204
% New rule produced :
% [256] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(not(Y),not(X))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3526
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 205
% New rule produced :
% [257] implies(implies(not(X),not(Y)),implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3584
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 206
% New rule produced :
% [258] implies(implies(not(X),Y),implies(not(implies(not(Y),Z)),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3631
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 207
% New rule produced :
% [259]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(implies(Y,V_3)),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3719
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 208
% New rule produced :
% [260]
% implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(X,implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3719
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 209
% New rule produced :
% [261] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(not(implies(Z,not(Y))),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3984
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 210
% New rule produced :
% [262]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,implies(V_4,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4039
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 211
% New rule produced :
% [263]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(implies(Z,implies(V_3,X))),V_4))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4104
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 212
% New rule produced :
% [264] implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),Z)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4175
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 213
% New rule produced :
% [265] implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(not(Y),Z)),not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4227
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 214
% New rule produced :
% [266] implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4301
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 215
% New rule produced :
% [267] implies(not(Y),not(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))))) -> implies(X,Y)
% Current number of equations to process: 4336
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 216
% New rule produced :
% [268]
% implies(not(X),not(implies(not(X),not(Y)))) <->
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y)))
% Current number of equations to process: 4413
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 217
% New rule produced :
% [269]
% implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))) <->
% implies(not(X),not(implies(not(X),not(Y))))
% Current number of equations to process: 4413
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 218
% New rule produced :
% [270] implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),implies(not(implies(Z,Y)),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4966
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 219
% New rule produced :
% [271]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(V_3,implies(V_4,X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1432
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 220
% New rule produced :
% [272]
% implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Z,implies(Y,implies(X,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1499
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 221
% New rule produced :
% [273] implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,Z))),not(implies(Y,not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1589
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 222
% New rule produced :
% [274]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,Z),implies(not(Z),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1649
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 223
% New rule produced :
% [275] implies(X,implies(not(implies(not(Y),Z)),not(implies(X,Y)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1882
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 224
% New rule produced :
% [276]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),implies(X,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2010
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 225
% New rule produced :
% [277] implies(not(implies(not(X),not(Y))),implies(implies(Y,X),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2238
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 226
% New rule produced :
% [278] implies(not(implies(not(X),implies(Y,Z))),not(implies(Y,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2238
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 227
% New rule produced :
% [279] implies(not(implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),Z)),implies(X,V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2513
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 228
% New rule produced :
% [280] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y))))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2565
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 229
% New rule produced :
% [281] implies(not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X))))),implies(Y,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2629
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 230
% New rule produced :
% [282]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,not(Z)),implies(Z,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2690
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 231
% New rule produced :
% [283] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(implies(X,not(Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2781
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 232
% New rule produced :
% [284] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,not(implies(Y,not(X))))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2844
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 233
% New rule produced :
% [285] implies(not(implies(X,not(implies(X,not(Y))))),implies(Y,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2911
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 234
% New rule produced :
% [286] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(Y,not(implies(Y,X)))),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2975
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 235
% New rule produced :
% [287] implies(not(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y)))),implies(not(Y),Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3176
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 236
% New rule produced :
% [288]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(X,Z),implies(V_3,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3393
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 237
% New rule produced :
% [289]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(not(implies(X,V_3)),Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3696
% Current number of ordered equations: 1
% Current number of rules: 238
% New rule produced :
% [290]
% implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),Z)),implies(X,implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3696
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 239
% New rule produced :
% [291] implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,Y)),Z)),implies(V_3,not(Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4208
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 240
% New rule produced :
% [292] implies(not(implies(not(implies(X,not(Y))),Z)),implies(V_3,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4269
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 241
% New rule produced :
% [293] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,not(implies(X,not(Z))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4334
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 242
% New rule produced :
% [294] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,not(implies(Z,not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4399
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 243
% New rule produced :
% [295] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),implies(Z,not(implies(Z,X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4463
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 244
% New rule produced :
% [296]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(Z,not(X)),implies(Z,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4693
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 245
% New rule produced :
% [297] implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(implies(Y,not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4788
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 246
% New rule produced :
% [298]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(implies(Z,X),implies(Z,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4873
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 247
% New rule produced :
% [299] implies(not(X),implies(not(implies(Y,Z)),not(implies(Y,X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2306
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 248
% New rule produced :
% [300]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(Z),implies(implies(X,Z),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2517
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 249
% New rule produced :
% [301]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(X,not(Z)),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2777
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 250
% New rule produced :
% [302]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(Z,not(X)),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2869
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 251
% New rule produced :
% [303]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(Z,X),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2950
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 252
% New rule produced :
% [304]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(implies(Z,X),Y),V_3)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3188
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 253
% New rule produced :
% [305]
% implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),Z),implies(not(Z),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3331
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 254
% New rule produced :
% [306]
% implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,X),not(Z)),implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3496
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 255
% New rule produced :
% [307]
% implies(X,implies(implies(Y,not(implies(Z,X))),implies(Y,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3588
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 256
% New rule produced :
% [308]
% implies(X,implies(not(Y),implies(implies(implies(Z,X),Y),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3684
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 257
% New rule produced :
% [309]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(implies(Z,X),not(Y)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3851
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 258
% New rule produced :
% [310]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(Y,not(implies(Z,X))),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3942
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 259
% New rule produced :
% [311]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(Z,Y)),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3981
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 260
% New rule produced :
% [312]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4322
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 261
% New rule produced :
% [313]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4424
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 262
% New rule produced :
% [314]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4525
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 263
% New rule produced :
% [315]
% implies(X,implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4819
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 264
% New rule produced :
% [316]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,V_3)))),implies(V_4,Z)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4852
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 265
% New rule produced :
% [317]
% implies(not(implies(implies(X,Y),implies(X,Z))),implies(V_3,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4935
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 266
% New rule produced :
% [318]
% implies(not(implies(X,implies(implies(X,Y),Z))),implies(V_3,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1345
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 267
% New rule produced :
% [319] implies(not(X),implies(Y,not(implies(implies(X,Z),not(Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1631
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 268
% New rule produced :
% [320] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(implies(not(X),Z),not(Y))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1678
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 269
% New rule produced :
% [321] implies(not(X),implies(Y,not(implies(Y,not(implies(X,Z)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1741
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 270
% New rule produced :
% [322] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(Y,not(implies(not(X),Z)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1781
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 271
% New rule produced :
% [323]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(implies(Z,Y),implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1816
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 272
% New rule produced :
% [324]
% implies(not(implies(X,Y)),implies(Z,implies(implies(Z,Y),V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2164
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 273
% New rule produced :
% [325] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))))) -> truth
% Rule
% [130]
% implies(not(implies(Y,X)),not(implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y)))))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 2441
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 273
% New rule produced :
% [326] implies(X,implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z)))))) -> truth
% Rule
% [131]
% implies(X,implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,not(implies(Y,not(X))))))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 2520
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 273
% New rule produced :
% [327] implies(X,implies(not(Y),not(implies(implies(Y,Z),not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2589
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 274
% New rule produced :
% [328] implies(not(X),implies(not(Y),not(implies(implies(Y,Z),X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2658
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 275
% New rule produced :
% [329]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),not(Z)),implies(V_3,implies(Z,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2778
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 276
% New rule produced :
% [330] implies(not(implies(X,Y)),not(implies(implies(Y,Z),not(X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2859
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 277
% New rule produced :
% [331]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(V_3,implies(not(Z),X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2911
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 278
% New rule produced :
% [332] implies(not(implies(not(X),Y)),not(implies(implies(Y,Z),X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2992
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 279
% New rule produced :
% [333]
% implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(V_3,implies(X,Y))) -> truth
% Rule
% [212]
% implies(implies(not(Y),not(implies(X,Y))),implies(Z,implies(not(Y),X))) ->
% truth collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 3034
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 279
% New rule produced :
% [334] implies(implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(not(Y),X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3134
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 280
% New rule produced :
% [335] implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(not(Y),not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3198
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 281
% New rule produced :
% [336]
% implies(implies(X,not(Y)),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(X,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3250
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 282
% New rule produced :
% [337]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(Y),implies(Z,implies(X,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3364
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 283
% New rule produced :
% [338]
% implies(X,implies(not(Y),implies(Z,implies(implies(X,Y),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3683
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 284
% New rule produced :
% [339]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),not(Z)),implies(Z,implies(V_3,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3936
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 285
% New rule produced :
% [340]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(Z),implies(V_3,X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4040
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 286
% New rule produced :
% [341]
% implies(implies(X,Y),implies(not(implies(Z,implies(X,V_3))),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4230
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 287
% New rule produced :
% [342]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),not(Z)),implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4567
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 288
% New rule produced :
% [343]
% implies(implies(implies(X,Y),Z),implies(not(Z),implies(Y,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4676
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 289
% New rule produced :
% [344] implies(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))),implies(Y,implies(X,Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4871
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 290
% New rule produced :
% [345] implies(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))),implies(Y,not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4891
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 291
% New rule produced :
% [346] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(implies(not(Y),Z)))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 1924
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 292
% New rule produced :
% [347] implies(X,implies(Y,not(implies(implies(not(Y),Z),not(X))))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2001
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 293
% New rule produced :
% [348] implies(not(X),implies(Y,not(implies(implies(not(Y),Z),X)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2074
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 294
% New rule produced :
% [349] implies(X,implies(Y,implies(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))),Z))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2091
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 295
% New rule produced :
% [350]
% implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,Z),not(X)),implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2166
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 296
% New rule produced :
% [351]
% implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(Y,Z),X),implies(Z,V_3))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2273
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 297
% New rule produced :
% [352]
% implies(X,implies(implies(Y,not(X)),implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2447
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 298
% New rule produced :
% [353]
% implies(not(X),implies(implies(Y,X),implies(Z,implies(Y,V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2560
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 299
% New rule produced :
% [354]
% implies(X,implies(implies(implies(Y,Z),not(X)),implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2874
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 300
% New rule produced :
% [355]
% implies(not(X),implies(implies(implies(Y,Z),X),implies(V_3,Y))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 2965
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 301
% New rule produced :
% [356] implies(implies(not(X),not(implies(not(Y),Z))),implies(Y,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3104
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 302
% New rule produced :
% [357] implies(implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(Z,X)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3117
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 303
% New rule produced :
% [358] implies(implies(X,not(implies(Y,Z))),implies(Z,not(X))) -> truth
% Rule [345] implies(implies(X,not(implies(X,Y))),implies(Y,not(X))) -> truth
% collapsed.
% Current number of equations to process: 3218
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 303
% New rule produced :
% [359] implies(implies(X,not(implies(not(Y),Z))),implies(Y,not(X))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3347
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 304
% New rule produced :
% [360]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(X,not(Y)),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3423
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 305
% New rule produced :
% [361]
% implies(implies(implies(X,implies(Y,Z)),not(V_3)),implies(V_3,Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3529
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 306
% New rule produced :
% [362]
% implies(implies(implies(X,implies(Y,Z)),V_3),implies(not(V_3),Y)) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3606
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 307
% New rule produced :
% [363]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(Y,not(X)),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3676
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 308
% New rule produced :
% [364]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(implies(Y,X),V_3)))) -> truth
% Current number of equations to process: 3777
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 309
% New rule produced :
% [365]
% implies(not(X),not(implies(Y,not(implies(X,not(Y)))))) -> implies(not(X),Y)
% Current number of equations to process: 4067
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 310
% New rule produced :
% [366]
% implies(not(X),implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(not(implies(X,V_3)),V_4)))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4236
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 311
% New rule produced :
% [367]
% implies(X,implies(not(implies(Y,implies(Z,implies(not(X),V_3)))),V_4)) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4297
% Current number of ordered equations: 0
% Current number of rules: 312
% New rule produced :
% [368]
% implies(X,implies(Y,implies(not(implies(Z,implies(not(X),V_3))),V_4))) ->
% truth
% Current number of equations to process: 4385
% Current number Cputime limit exceeded (core dumped)