TSTP Solution File: LCL113-10 by Vampire---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire---4.9
% Problem  : LCL113-10 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v7.3.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d THM

% Computer : n021.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 11:24:16 EDT 2024

% Result   : Unsatisfiable 104.04s 15.32s
% Output   : Refutation 104.04s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   26
%            Number of leaves      :    8
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   71 (  71 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :   71 (  67 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    1 (   1 avg)
%            Number of connectives :    2 (   2   ~;   0   |;   0   &)
%                                         (   0 <=>;   0  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :    5 (   3 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    8 (   2 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    3 (   1 usr;   1 prp; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :    7 (   7 usr;   3 con; 0-4 aty)
%            Number of variables   :  170 ( 170   !;   0   ?)

% Comments : 
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f222089,f8]) ).

    ~ sP0(true),
    introduced(inequality_splitting_name_introduction,[new_symbols(naming,[sP0])]) ).

    inference(backward_demodulation,[],[f9,f222088]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(not(X0),X1),implies(not(X1),X0))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f221004,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : ifeq(X0,X0,X1,X2) = X1,
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(not(X0),X1),implies(not(X1),X0))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f9117,f26712]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X0),implies(X1,not(not(X0))))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f26646,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X0),implies(X1,not(not(X0))))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f392,f18970]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,not(not(X0))),X1),X1)),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f18927,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,not(not(X0))),X1),X1)),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f282,f18799]) ).

    ! [X0] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(X0,not(not(X0)))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f18767,f1]) ).

    ! [X0] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(X0,not(not(X0)))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f23,f18739]) ).

    ! [X0] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(not(not(X0)),X0)),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f18702,f1]) ).

    ! [X0] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(not(not(X0)),X0)),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f62,f15601]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),implies(not(not(X1)),X1))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f15552,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),implies(not(not(X1)),X1))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f640,f753]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X2),implies(not(not(X0)),X2))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f740,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X2),implies(not(not(X0)),X2))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f24,f670]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(not(not(X0)),implies(X1,X0))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f655,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(not(not(X0)),implies(X1,X0))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f27,f185]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X2),implies(not(X0),X2))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f175,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X2),implies(not(X0),X2))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f24,f173]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(not(X1),implies(X1,X0))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f158,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(not(X1),implies(X1,X0))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f27,f80]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X2),implies(X0,X2))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f71,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X2),implies(X0,X2))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f26,f4]) ).

    ! [X3,X4,X5] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X3,X4),implies(implies(X4,X5),implies(X3,X5)))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,implies(X1,X0)),X2)),true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f14,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,implies(X1,X0)),X2)),true,ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f3]) ).

    ! [X3,X4] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(X3,implies(X4,X3))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X3,X4] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(X3,X4)),true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(X3),true,is_a_theorem(X4),true),true),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(not(X0),not(X1)),implies(X1,X0)),X2)),true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f15,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(not(X0),not(X1)),implies(X1,X0)),X2)),true,ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f6]) ).

    ! [X3,X4] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(not(X3),not(X4)),implies(X4,X3))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(X0,X1)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X2),implies(X0,X2))),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f12,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(X0,X1)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X2),implies(X0,X2))),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f4]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),X2)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),X2)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f626,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),X2)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),X2)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f95]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),X2),implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),X2))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f85,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0),X2),implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),X2))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f24,f5]) ).

    ! [X3,X4] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X3,X4),X4),implies(implies(X4,X3),X3))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,implies(X1,implies(X2,X1))),X3)),true,is_a_theorem(X3),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f57,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,implies(X1,implies(X2,X1))),X3)),true,ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(X3),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f39]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(X2,implies(X0,implies(X1,X0)))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f30,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(X2,implies(X0,implies(X1,X0)))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f22,f3]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(X0),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X1,X0)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f10,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(X0),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X1,X0)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f3]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(not(X0),not(X1))),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X1,X0)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f11,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(not(X0),not(X1))),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X1,X0)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f6]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(X0),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f268,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(X0),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f232]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(X1,implies(implies(X1,X0),X0))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f216,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(X1,implies(implies(X1,X0),X0))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f29,f80]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),implies(implies(X1,X0),X0)),X2)),true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f17,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1),implies(implies(X1,X0),X0)),X2)),true,ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(X2),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f5]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),implies(X2,X1)),X3)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X2,X0),X3)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f380,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(X0,X1),implies(X2,X1)),X3)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X2,X0),X3)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f94]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X1,X2),implies(X0,X2)),X3),implies(implies(X0,X1),X3))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f84,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X3,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(X1,X2),implies(X0,X2)),X3),implies(implies(X0,X1),X3))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f24,f4]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(X0,implies(not(X1),not(X2)))),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X0,implies(X2,X1))),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f9075,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(X0,implies(not(X1),not(X2)))),true,is_a_theorem(implies(X0,implies(X2,X1))),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f2916]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X2,implies(not(X0),not(X1))),implies(X2,implies(X1,X0)))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f2812,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X2,implies(not(X0),not(X1))),implies(X2,implies(X1,X0)))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f392,f256]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(not(X1),not(X2)),implies(X2,X1)),X0),X0)),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f240,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(implies(not(X1),not(X2)),implies(X2,X1)),X0),X0)),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f25,f45]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = is_a_theorem(implies(X2,implies(implies(not(X0),not(X1)),implies(X1,X0)))),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f31,f1]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,is_a_theorem(implies(X2,implies(implies(not(X0),not(X1)),implies(X1,X0)))),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f22,f6]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0)),true),
    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f13,f1]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] : true = ifeq(true,true,ifeq(is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X0,X1),X1)),true,is_a_theorem(implies(implies(X1,X0),X0)),true),true),
    inference(superposition,[],[f2,f5]) ).

    inference(inequality_splitting,[],[f7,f8]) ).

    true != is_a_theorem(implies(implies(not(a),b),implies(not(b),a))),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',unknown) ).

% 0.06/0.15  % Problem    : LCL113-10 : TPTP v8.2.0. Released v7.3.0.
% 0.06/0.15  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d THM
% 0.14/0.36  % Computer : n021.cluster.edu
% 0.14/0.36  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.14/0.36  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.14/0.36  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.14/0.36  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.14/0.36  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.14/0.36  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.14/0.36  % DateTime   : Sat Jun 22 17:04:39 EDT 2024
% 0.14/0.37  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.14/0.38  This is a CNF_UNS_RFO_PEQ_UEQ problem
% 0.14/0.38  Running first-order theorem proving
% 0.14/0.38  Running /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/vampire --mode casc -m 16384 --cores 7 -t 300 /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (473)lrs+10_85441:1048576_drc=encompass:sil=64000:i=401:awrs=converge:sp=reverse_frequency:dpc=on:bd=preordered:fsr=off:ss=included:st=3.0:fde=none_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/401Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (475)dis+10_1:24_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:spb=goal:i=313:bd=preordered:irc=eager_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/313Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (474)dis+10_1:128_drc=encompass:sil=256000:sp=occurrence:i=1122:kws=precedence:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/1122Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (472)lrs+10_1:32_drc=encompass:sil=256000:i=140:irc=lazy_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/140Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (469)ott+10_4:13_drc=encompass:sil=256000:bsd=on:sp=reverse_frequency:urr=on:i=125345:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/125345Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (470)lrs+10_25:89_sil=256000:tgt=ground:lwlo=on:s2a=on:i=224446:s2at=5.0:fsr=off:awrs=converge:awrsf=90_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/224446Mi)
% 0.24/0.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 0.24/0.44  % (471)lrs+10_1:1_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=2000:fde=unused:sp=const_min:i=107:bs=unit_only:bd=preordered:ins=1:rawr=on:irc=lazy:sfv=off:plsq=on:plsql=on:plsqc=1_0 on theBenchmark for (3000ds/107Mi)
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)------------------------------
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.24/0.50  
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Memory used [KB]: 2240
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Time elapsed: 0.060 s
% 0.24/0.50  % (471)Instructions burned: 107 (million)
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Instruction limit reached!
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)------------------------------
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Termination reason: Time limit
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Termination phase: Saturation
% 0.24/0.51  
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Memory used [KB]: 2448
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Time elapsed: 0.066 s
% 0.24/0.51  % (472)Instructions burned: 140 (million)
% 1.00/0.54  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.00/0.54  % (476)dis+10_1:9_bsr=unit_only:slsqr=31,32:sil=256000:tgt=full:urr=on:slsqc=2:slsq=on:i=1149:s2at=5.0:slsql=off:ins=1:rawr=on:fd=preordered:drc=encompass_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/1149Mi)
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)------------------------------
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.00/0.54  
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Memory used [KB]: 4585
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Time elapsed: 0.101 s
% 1.00/0.54  % (475)Instructions burned: 316 (million)
% 1.18/0.54  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.18/0.54  % (477)lrs+10_1:10_drc=encompass:sil=2000:tgt=ground:plsq=on:plsqr=92626939,1048576:sp=occurrence:fd=preordered:i=1914:kws=precedence:ins=8:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/1914Mi)
% 1.18/0.57  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.18/0.57  % (478)lrs+10_16:1_bsr=on:drc=encompass:sil=64000:i=281:bd=off:to=lpo_0 on theBenchmark for (2998ds/281Mi)
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)------------------------------
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.18/0.61  
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Memory used [KB]: 4920
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Time elapsed: 0.160 s
% 1.18/0.61  % (473)Instructions burned: 401 (million)
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Instruction limit reached!
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)------------------------------
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Termination reason: Time limit
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Termination phase: Saturation
% 1.56/0.65  
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Memory used [KB]: 4001
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Time elapsed: 0.106 s
% 1.56/0.65  % (478)Instructions burned: 283 (million)
% 1.56/0.66  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.56/0.66  % (479)lrs+10_1:64_drc=encompass:sil=2000:fde=none:sp=reverse_arity:s2a=on:i=1826:ins=2:dpc=on:awrs=decay:awrsf=200_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/1826Mi)
% 1.56/0.69  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 1.56/0.69  % (480)dis+10_1:1024_slsqr=7,2:to=lpo:sil=256000:tgt=full:s2agt=8:slsqc=1:slsq=on:s2a=on:i=807:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2997ds/807Mi)
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)------------------------------
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.29/0.91  
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Memory used [KB]: 9279
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Time elapsed: 0.253 s
% 2.29/0.91  % (480)Instructions burned: 808 (million)
% 2.84/0.95  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 2.84/0.95  % (481)dis+10_1:14_bsr=unit_only:to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:urr=on:slsq=on:i=519:awrs=converge:awrsf=50:rawr=on:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/519Mi)
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)------------------------------
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.84/0.96  
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Memory used [KB]: 13062
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Time elapsed: 0.447 s
% 2.84/0.96  % (476)Instructions burned: 1150 (million)
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Instruction limit reached!
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)------------------------------
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Termination reason: Time limit
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Termination phase: Saturation
% 2.84/0.97  
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Memory used [KB]: 10660
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Time elapsed: 0.532 s
% 2.84/0.97  % (474)Instructions burned: 1123 (million)
% 3.46/1.00  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.46/1.00  % (482)lrs+10_1:1_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=8000:tgt=full:sp=const_frequency:i=525:lwlo=on:nwc=10.0_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/525Mi)
% 3.46/1.03  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 3.46/1.03  % (484)lrs+10_1:32_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:sp=reverse_frequency:s2a=on:i=4287:s2at=5.0:kws=precedence_0 on theBenchmark for (2994ds/4287Mi)
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)------------------------------
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Termination reason: Time limit
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Termination phase: Saturation
% 4.86/1.10  
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Memory used [KB]: 7228
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Time elapsed: 0.179 s
% 4.86/1.10  % (481)Instructions burned: 520 (million)
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)------------------------------
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Termination reason: Time limit
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Termination phase: Saturation
% 5.20/1.12  
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Memory used [KB]: 15178
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Time elapsed: 0.598 s
% 5.20/1.12  % (477)Instructions burned: 1914 (million)
% 5.20/1.14  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 5.20/1.14  % (486)lrs+10_1:1024_sil=2000:tgt=ground:plsq=on:sp=frequency:s2a=on:i=1997:kws=precedence:rawr=on:bd=off:awrs=converge:awrsf=10:ins=2_0 on theBenchmark for (2992ds/1997Mi)
% 5.20/1.15  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 5.20/1.15  % (487)dis+10_1:3_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:i=637:fsr=off_0 on theBenchmark for (2992ds/637Mi)
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)------------------------------
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Termination reason: Time limit
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Termination phase: Saturation
% 5.85/1.27  
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Memory used [KB]: 8345
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Time elapsed: 0.292 s
% 5.85/1.27  % (482)Instructions burned: 526 (million)
% 6.10/1.32  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.10/1.32  % (488)lrs+10_1:512_sil=4000:tgt=ground:sp=reverse_frequency:s2a=on:i=702:bs=unit_only:bd=off:ss=axioms:rawr=on:slsq=on:slsqc=3:slsqr=19,8_0 on theBenchmark for (2991ds/702Mi)
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (488)------------------------------
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 6.10/1.33  
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Memory used [KB]: 842
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Time elapsed: 0.005 s
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)Instructions burned: 11 (million)
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)------------------------------
% 6.10/1.33  % (488)------------------------------
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Instruction limit reached!
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)------------------------------
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Termination reason: Time limit
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Termination phase: Saturation
% 6.43/1.36  
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Memory used [KB]: 11706
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Time elapsed: 0.718 s
% 6.43/1.36  % (479)Instructions burned: 1828 (million)
% 6.43/1.36  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.43/1.36  % (489)lrs+10_1:4_drc=encompass:sil=16000:lwlo=on:st=-1.0:i=6272:ss=axioms_0 on theBenchmark for (2990ds/6272Mi)
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Instruction limit reached!
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)------------------------------
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Termination reason: Time limit
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Termination phase: Saturation
% 6.43/1.36  
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Memory used [KB]: 8655
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Time elapsed: 0.212 s
% 6.43/1.36  % (487)Instructions burned: 638 (million)
% 6.43/1.39  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.43/1.39  % (490)lrs+10_1:10_drc=encompass:sil=16000:tgt=ground:plsq=on:fd=preordered:i=10171:bd=preordered:ins=1:rawr=on:ss=axioms:sgt=16_0 on theBenchmark for (2990ds/10171Mi)
% 6.43/1.40  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 6.43/1.40  % (491)lrs+10_7:24_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=128000:fde=unused:sp=const_min:spb=goal:i=1061:irc=lazy:slsq=on:fdi=256:nwc=10.0:dpc=on:ss=included:st=2.0_0 on theBenchmark for (2990ds/1061Mi)
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)------------------------------
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Termination reason: Time limit
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Termination phase: Saturation
% 9.10/1.69  
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Memory used [KB]: 14831
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Time elapsed: 0.556 s
% 9.10/1.69  % (486)Instructions burned: 2000 (million)
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)------------------------------
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Termination reason: Time limit
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Termination phase: Saturation
% 9.10/1.70  
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Memory used [KB]: 7706
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Time elapsed: 0.293 s
% 9.10/1.70  % (491)Instructions burned: 1063 (million)
% 9.44/1.72  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 9.44/1.72  % (492)lrs+10_1:14_slsqr=3,4:drc=encompass:sil=4000:tgt=ground:sp=const_max:s2agt=16:slsqc=3:slsq=on:i=1157:kws=precedence:slsql=off:irc=lazy:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2987ds/1157Mi)
% 9.44/1.73  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 9.44/1.73  % (495)lrs+10_25:999_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:spb=intro:i=1382:kws=precedence:awrs=converge:awrsf=53:irc=eager:bd=off:bs=unit_only_0 on theBenchmark for (2986ds/1382Mi)
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)------------------------------
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Termination reason: Time limit
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Termination phase: Saturation
% 11.12/2.09  
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Memory used [KB]: 14290
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Time elapsed: 0.365 s
% 11.12/2.09  % (492)Instructions burned: 1158 (million)
% 11.12/2.12  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 11.12/2.12  % (507)ott+10_21691:1048576_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:sims=off:sp=occurrence:spb=goal_then_units:fd=preordered:i=2271:fibus=on:kws=precedence:av=off:fsr=off:uhcvi=on:fsd=on:fsdmm=2:slsq=on:slsql=off:slsqc=1:slsqr=320859,1048576:s2at=3.0:irc=lazy:rawr=on:ss=axioms:sd=2_0 on theBenchmark for (2983ds/2271Mi)
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (507)------------------------------
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 11.12/2.13  
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Memory used [KB]: 846
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Time elapsed: 0.005 s
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)Instructions burned: 12 (million)
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)------------------------------
% 11.12/2.13  % (507)------------------------------
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)------------------------------
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Termination reason: Time limit
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Termination phase: Saturation
% 11.89/2.15  
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Memory used [KB]: 16604
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Time elapsed: 0.428 s
% 11.89/2.15  % (495)Instructions burned: 1384 (million)
% 11.89/2.16  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 11.89/2.16  % (508)lrs+10_1:128_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:sp=unary_frequency:spb=non_intro:i=2392:kws=precedence:irc=eager_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/2392Mi)
% 11.89/2.19  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)ott+10_1:128_drc=encompass:sil=256000:plsq=on:s2a=on:i=2544:kws=precedence:dpc=on:bd=preordered:ss=axioms_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/2544Mi)
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (509)------------------------------
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 11.89/2.19  
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Memory used [KB]: 758
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Time elapsed: 0.003 s
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)------------------------------
% 11.89/2.19  % (509)------------------------------
% 12.67/2.22  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 12.67/2.22  % (510)lrs+10_1:40_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:sp=unary_frequency:spb=goal_then_units:i=5255:kws=frequency:rawr=on:irc=eager:fd=preordered_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/5255Mi)
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Instruction limit reached!
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)------------------------------
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Termination reason: Time limit
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Termination phase: Saturation
% 14.04/2.40  
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Memory used [KB]: 46602
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Time elapsed: 1.375 s
% 14.04/2.40  % (484)Instructions burned: 4288 (million)
% 14.04/2.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 14.04/2.44  % (514)ott+10_2:5_bsr=unit_only:to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=256000:sp=reverse_frequency:i=2866:ins=1:dpc=on:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2979ds/2866Mi)
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Instruction limit reached!
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)------------------------------
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Termination reason: Time limit
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Termination phase: Saturation
% 17.65/2.90  
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Memory used [KB]: 26509
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Time elapsed: 0.740 s
% 17.65/2.90  % (508)Instructions burned: 2392 (million)
% 17.79/2.93  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 17.79/2.93  % (515)dis+10_1:1024_slsqr=5,2:sil=256000:tgt=ground:urr=on:slsqc=2:slsq=on:i=3253:ins=1:irc=lazy:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2974ds/3253Mi)
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Instruction limit reached!
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)------------------------------
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Termination reason: Time limit
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Termination phase: Saturation
% 20.66/3.40  
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Memory used [KB]: 28705
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Time elapsed: 0.962 s
% 20.66/3.40  % (514)Instructions burned: 2868 (million)
% 21.23/3.44  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 21.23/3.44  % (517)lrs+10_1:1024_slsqr=1,4:drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:sp=reverse_frequency:slsqc=4:slsq=on:s2a=on:i=7906:bd=off:irc=eager:ss=axioms:rawr=on:st=3.0:awrs=converge:foolp=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/7906Mi)
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)------------------------------
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Termination reason: Time limit
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Termination phase: Saturation
% 23.05/3.72  
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Memory used [KB]: 39962
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Time elapsed: 2.354 s
% 23.05/3.72  % (489)Instructions burned: 6272 (million)
% 23.05/3.76  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)ott+10_1:10_drc=encompass:sil=256000:sp=reverse_frequency:fsoe=on:fd=preordered:i=4168:ins=2:bd=off:ss=axioms_0 on theBenchmark for (2966ds/4168Mi)
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (518)------------------------------
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 23.05/3.76  
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Memory used [KB]: 760
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)------------------------------
% 23.05/3.76  % (518)------------------------------
% 23.49/3.80  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 23.49/3.80  % (519)lrs+10_1:6_drc=encompass:sil=32000:tgt=ground:s2agt=8:s2a=on:i=8705_0 on theBenchmark for (2966ds/8705Mi)
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)------------------------------
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Termination reason: Time limit
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Termination phase: Saturation
% 24.69/3.91  
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Memory used [KB]: 56567
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Time elapsed: 1.688 s
% 24.69/3.91  % (510)Instructions burned: 5255 (million)
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)------------------------------
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Termination reason: Time limit
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Termination phase: Saturation
% 24.92/3.93  
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Memory used [KB]: 45520
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Time elapsed: 1.0000 s
% 24.92/3.93  % (515)Instructions burned: 3255 (million)
% 24.92/3.95  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 24.92/3.95  % (520)dis+10_1:16_sil=256000:i=5821:bs=unit_only:rawr=on:plsq=on:to=lpo_0 on theBenchmark for (2964ds/5821Mi)
% 24.92/3.97  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)dis+10_8125:131072_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:sp=occurrence:lma=on:fd=preordered:i=14311:fibus=on:kws=precedence:doe=on:awrs=decay:awrsf=50:dpc=on:uhcvi=on:ss=axioms:irc=lazy_0 on theBenchmark for (2964ds/14311Mi)
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (521)------------------------------
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 24.92/3.97  
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Memory used [KB]: 846
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Time elapsed: 0.006 s
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)Instructions burned: 13 (million)
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)------------------------------
% 24.92/3.97  % (521)------------------------------
% 25.32/4.01  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 25.32/4.01  % (522)ott+10_1:1_drc=encompass:sil=256000:plsq=on:fd=preordered:st=5.0:s2a=on:i=35818:ins=1:ss=axioms:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2964ds/35818Mi)
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)------------------------------
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Termination reason: Time limit
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Termination phase: Saturation
% 31.08/4.82  
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Memory used [KB]: 71971
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Time elapsed: 3.426 s
% 31.08/4.82  % (490)Instructions burned: 10171 (million)
% 31.30/4.86  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 31.30/4.86  % (524)lrs+10_1:1_drc=encompass:sil=16000:fd=preordered:i=9154:bs=on:irc=lazy_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/9154Mi)
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Instruction limit reached!
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)------------------------------
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Termination reason: Time limit
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Termination phase: Saturation
% 38.00/5.81  
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Memory used [KB]: 49031
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Time elapsed: 1.862 s
% 38.00/5.81  % (520)Instructions burned: 5822 (million)
% 38.00/5.85  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 38.00/5.85  % (529)lrs+10_1:16_drc=encompass:sil=16000:tgt=full:lwlo=on:s2pl=no:i=10003:av=off:rawr=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2945ds/10003Mi)
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Instruction limit reached!
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)------------------------------
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Termination reason: Time limit
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Termination phase: Saturation
% 43.72/6.64  
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Memory used [KB]: 91346
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Time elapsed: 3.197 s
% 43.72/6.64  % (517)Instructions burned: 7908 (million)
% 43.72/6.68  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 43.72/6.68  % (531)ott+10_10:3_sil=256000:fde=unused:sp=frequency:spb=goal:i=11196:bs=on:kws=precedence:ins=1:dpc=on:rawr=on:nwc=3.0:drc=encompass_0 on theBenchmark for (2937ds/11196Mi)
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)------------------------------
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Termination reason: Time limit
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Termination phase: Saturation
% 47.66/7.33  
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Memory used [KB]: 59663
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Time elapsed: 3.534 s
% 47.66/7.33  % (519)Instructions burned: 8705 (million)
% 48.23/7.37  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 48.23/7.37  % (532)lrs+10_1:1_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=ground:sp=unary_first:sos=on:i=36276:kws=precedence:lwlo=on:irc=lazy_0 on theBenchmark for (2930ds/36276Mi)
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Refutation not found, incomplete strategy% (532)------------------------------
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Termination reason: Refutation not found, incomplete strategy
% 48.23/7.38  
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Memory used [KB]: 816
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Time elapsed: 0.003 s
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)------------------------------
% 48.23/7.38  % (532)------------------------------
% 49.15/7.42  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 49.15/7.42  % (533)lrs+10_13:1_bsr=on:drc=encompass:sil=64000:fd=preordered:i=12509:bd=off:irc=lazy_0 on theBenchmark for (2930ds/12509Mi)
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)------------------------------
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Termination reason: Time limit
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Termination phase: Saturation
% 50.92/7.68  
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Memory used [KB]: 55201
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Time elapsed: 2.818 s
% 50.92/7.68  % (524)Instructions burned: 9155 (million)
% 50.92/7.72  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 50.92/7.72  % (534)lrs+10_3:14_drc=encompass:sil=128000:sp=const_frequency:spb=goal:lwlo=on:i=27445:kws=precedence:irc=lazy:nwc=5.0:awrs=decay:awrsf=255:s2pl=no:s2agt=32:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2927ds/27445Mi)
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Instruction limit reached!
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)------------------------------
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Termination reason: Time limit
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Termination phase: Saturation
% 60.81/9.08  
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Memory used [KB]: 71682
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Time elapsed: 3.237 s
% 60.81/9.08  % (529)Instructions burned: 10003 (million)
% 61.31/9.15  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 61.31/9.15  % (539)lrs+10_1:1024_sil=256000:lwlo=on:i=31665:kws=precedence:awrs=converge:awrsf=240:drc=encompass:fd=preordered:tgt=ground_0 on theBenchmark for (2913ds/31665Mi)
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Instruction limit reached!
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)------------------------------
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Termination reason: Time limit
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Termination phase: Saturation
% 73.80/10.94  
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Memory used [KB]: 62687
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Time elapsed: 4.257 s
% 73.80/10.94  % (531)Instructions burned: 11196 (million)
% 73.80/10.98  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 73.80/10.98  % (541)dis+10_1:256_to=lpo:drc=encompass:sil=256000:spb=goal:fd=preordered:i=18386:irc=eager:bs=unit_only_0 on theBenchmark for (2894ds/18386Mi)
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Instruction limit reached!
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)------------------------------
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Termination reason: Time limit
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Termination phase: Saturation
% 81.78/12.11  
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Memory used [KB]: 110297
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Time elapsed: 4.694 s
% 81.78/12.11  % (533)Instructions burned: 12509 (million)
% 82.22/12.16  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 82.22/12.16  % (542)dis+10_1:20_drc=encompass:sil=256000:tgt=full:sp=reverse_frequency:spb=intro:fd=preordered:i=22321:kws=precedence:irc=eager:ins=1_0 on theBenchmark for (2882ds/22321Mi)
% 104.04/15.29  % (522)First to succeed.
% 104.04/15.30  % (522)Solution written to "/export/starexec/sandbox/tmp/vampire-proof-468"
% 104.04/15.32  % (468)Running in auto input_syntax mode. Trying TPTP
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 104.04/15.32  % SZS status Unsatisfiable for theBenchmark
% 104.04/15.32  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)------------------------------
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Version: Vampire 4.9 (commit 18c118a85 on 2024-06-08 21:14:20 +0100)
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Linked with Z3 79bbbf76d0c123481c8ca05cd3a98939270074d3 z3-4.8.4-7980-g79bbbf76d
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Termination reason: Refutation
% 104.04/15.32  
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Memory used [KB]: 185761
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Time elapsed: 11.292 s
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)Instructions burned: 32493 (million)
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)------------------------------
% 104.04/15.32  % (522)------------------------------
% 104.04/15.32  % (468)Success in time 14.918 s