TSTP Solution File: KRS176+1 by Refute---2015

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Refute---2015
% Problem  : KRS176+1 : TPTP v6.4.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : isabelle tptp_refute %d %s

% Computer : n039.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 2.40GHz
% Memory   : 32218.75MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Tue Apr 12 16:22:15 EDT 2016

% Result   : Timeout 300.04s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.00/0.03  % Problem  : KRS176+1 : TPTP v6.4.0. Released v4.0.0.
% 0.00/0.04  % Command  : isabelle tptp_refute %d %s
% 0.02/0.23  % Computer : n039.star.cs.uiowa.edu
% 0.02/0.23  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.02/0.23  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz
% 0.02/0.23  % Memory   : 32218.75MB
% 0.02/0.23  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64
% 0.02/0.23  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.02/0.23  % DateTime : Sun Apr 10 12:39:54 CDT 2016
% 0.02/0.23  % CPUTime  : 
% 6.30/5.84  > val it = (): unit
% 6.51/6.06  Trying to find a model that refutes: True
% 7.00/6.58  Unfolded term: [| ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax & bnd_model I1 C) &
% 7.00/6.58         (EX I2. bnd_model I2 Ax & bnd_model I2 (bnd_not C))) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_noc;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((ALL I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 (bnd_not C))) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_uns;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax & bnd_model I1 (bnd_not C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_csa;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((~ (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (EX I2. bnd_model I2 C)) &
% 7.00/6.58         (EX I3. ~ bnd_model I3 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_wca;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (~ (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_tca;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (~ (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (EX I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_sca;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C. (~ (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax)) = bnd_status Ax C bnd_cax;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) &
% 7.00/6.58           (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 Ax --> bnd_model I2 C)) &
% 7.00/6.58          (EX I3. bnd_model I3 C & ~ bnd_model I3 Ax)) &
% 7.00/6.58         (EX I4. ~ bnd_model I4 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_wth;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (EX I2. ~ bnd_model I2 Ax)) &
% 7.00/6.58         (ALL I3. bnd_model I3 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_wtc;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (ALL I1. bnd_model I1 Ax & bnd_model I1 C) = bnd_status Ax C bnd_tau;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (EX I2. ~ bnd_model I2 Ax)) &
% 7.00/6.58         (ALL I3. bnd_model I3 Ax = bnd_model I3 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_eth;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) &
% 7.00/6.58          (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 Ax --> bnd_model I2 C)) &
% 7.00/6.58         (EX I3. bnd_model I3 C & ~ bnd_model I3 Ax)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_wec;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) & (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_tac;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) &
% 7.00/6.58         (ALL I2. bnd_model I2 Ax = bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_eqv;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (ALL I1. bnd_model I1 Ax --> bnd_model I1 C) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_thm;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax & bnd_model I1 C) = bnd_status Ax C bnd_sat;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) = (EX I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_esa;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        ((EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) --> (EX I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_sap;
% 7.00/6.58     ALL Ax C.
% 7.00/6.58        (~ (EX I1. bnd_model I1 Ax) --> ~ (EX I2. bnd_model I2 C)) =
% 7.00/6.58        bnd_status Ax C bnd_unp |]
% 7.00/6.58  ==> True
% 7.00/6.58  Adding axioms...
% 7.00/6.59  Typedef.type_definition_def
% 10.31/9.89   ...done.
% 10.31/9.90  Ground types: ?'b, TPTP_Interpret.ind
% 10.31/9.90  Translating term (sizes: 1, 1) ...
% 12.52/12.10  Invoking SAT solver...
% 12.52/12.10  No model exists.
% 12.52/12.10  Translating term (sizes: 2, 1) ...
% 15.52/15.05  Invoking SAT solver...
% 15.52/15.05  No model exists.
% 15.52/15.05  Translating term (sizes: 1, 2) ...
% 25.64/25.15  Invoking SAT solver...
% 25.64/25.15  No model exists.
% 25.64/25.15  Translating term (sizes: 3, 1) ...
% 30.95/30.40  Invoking SAT solver...
% 30.95/30.40  No model exists.
% 30.95/30.40  Translating term (sizes: 2, 2) ...
% 48.69/48.18  Invoking SAT solver...
% 48.69/48.18  No model exists.
% 48.69/48.18  Translating term (sizes: 1, 3) ...
% 77.17/76.53  Invoking SAT solver...
% 77.17/76.53  No model exists.
% 77.17/76.53  Translating term (sizes: 4, 1) ...
% 89.61/88.96  Invoking SAT solver...
% 89.61/88.96  No model exists.
% 89.61/88.96  Translating term (sizes: 3, 2) ...
% 187.36/186.30  Invoking SAT solver...
% 187.36/186.30  No model exists.
% 187.36/186.30  Translating term (sizes: 2, 3) ...
% 257.17/255.50  Invoking SAT solver...
% 257.17/255.50  No model exists.
% 257.17/255.50  Translating term (sizes: 1, 4) ...
% 300.04/298.02  /export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/lib/scripts/run-polyml-5.5.2: line 82:  5554 CPU time limit exceeded (core dumped) "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/feeder" -p -h "$MLTEXT" -t "$MLEXIT" $FEEDER_OPTS
% 300.04/298.02        5555                       (core dumped) | { read FPID; "$POLY" -q -i $ML_OPTIONS; RC="$?"; kill -TERM "$FPID"; exit "$RC"; }
% 300.04/298.03  /export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/src/HOL/TPTP/lib/Tools/tptp_refute: line 26:  5500 Exit 152                "$ISABELLE_PROCESS" -q -e "use_thy \"/tmp/$SCRATCH\"; exit 1;" HOL-TPTP
% 300.04/298.03        5501 CPU time limit exceeded (core dumped) | grep --line-buffered -v "^###\|^PROOF FAILED for depth\|^Failure node\|inferences so far.  Searching to depth\|^val \|^Loading theory\|^Warning-The type of\|^   monotype.$"