TSTP Solution File: ITP090^1 by cocATP---0.2.0

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : cocATP---0.2.0
% Problem  : ITP090^1 : TPTP v7.5.0. Released v7.5.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : python CASC.py /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p

% Computer : n005.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Sun Mar 21 13:24:09 EDT 2021

% Result   : Unknown 0.62s
% Output   : None 
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
%----No solution output by system
% 0.00/0.11  % Problem  : ITP090^1 : TPTP v7.5.0. Released v7.5.0.
% 0.00/0.12  % Command  : python CASC.py /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p
% 0.12/0.33  % Computer : n005.cluster.edu
% 0.12/0.33  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.12/0.33  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.12/0.33  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.12/0.33  % CPULimit : 300
% 0.12/0.33  % DateTime : Fri Mar 19 05:39:14 EDT 2021
% 0.12/0.33  % CPUTime  : 
% 0.12/0.34  ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'python/python27'
% 0.19/0.34  Python 2.7.5
% 0.44/0.62  Using paths ['/home/cristobal/cocATP/CASC/TPTP/', '/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/', '/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/']
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa488>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aab90>) of role type named ty_n_t__List__Olist_It__Secrecy____types__OExpression_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring list_S529945141ession:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aef38>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa5f0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OSecrets_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring set_Secrecy_Secrets:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa200>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa3b0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OspecID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring set_Secrecy_specID:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aab90>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aacb0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OchanID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring set_Secrecy_chanID:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa5f0>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa7a0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKeys_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring set_Secrecy_Keys:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa3b0>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa9e0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKS_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring set_Secrecy_KS:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aacb0>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aad88>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OExpression
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_Expression:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aae60>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa9e0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OSecrets
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_Secrets:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa7a0>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aaa70>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_specID:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa050>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aadd0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_chanID:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aad88>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aafc8>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OKeys
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_Keys:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa9e0>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aa680>) of role type named ty_n_t__Secrecy____types__OKS
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring secrecy_KS:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x2b14a4340098>, <kernel.Type object at 0x20aacb0>) of role type named ty_n_t__Nat__Onat
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring nat:Type
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aaa70>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad290>) of role type named sy_c_CompLocalSecrets_OLocalSecrets
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring localSecrets:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_KS)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aad88>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ade18>) of role type named sy_c_KnowledgeKeysSecrets__Mirabelle__vytwmzrumu_OeoutKnowCorrect
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring knowle233900195orrect:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_KS->Prop))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa680>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adab8>) of role type named sy_c_KnowledgeKeysSecrets__Mirabelle__vytwmzrumu_Oknow
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring knowle945212990e_know:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_KS->Prop))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aad88>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ada70>) of role type named sy_c_KnowledgeKeysSecrets__Mirabelle__vytwmzrumu_Oknows
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring knowle731562421_knows:(secrecy_specID->(list_S529945141ession->Prop))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aa680>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20addd0>) of role type named sy_c_Lattices_Osup__class_Osup_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKS_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring sup_su1301156759ecy_KS:(set_Secrecy_KS->(set_Secrecy_KS->set_Secrecy_KS))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aaa70>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad290>) of role type named sy_c_Lattices_Osup__class_Osup_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKeys_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring sup_su552545507y_Keys:(set_Secrecy_Keys->(set_Secrecy_Keys->set_Secrecy_Keys))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20aaa70>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ade18>) of role type named sy_c_Lattices_Osup__class_Osup_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OSecrets_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring sup_su1029080330ecrets:(set_Secrecy_Secrets->(set_Secrecy_Secrets->set_Secrecy_Secrets))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20addd0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad518>) of role type named sy_c_Lattices_Osup__class_Osup_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OchanID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring sup_su370684444chanID:(set_Secrecy_chanID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->set_Secrecy_chanID))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad290>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad3b0>) of role type named sy_c_Lattices_Osup__class_Osup_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OspecID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring sup_su1712599557specID:(set_Secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_specID))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ade18>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad2d8>) of role type named sy_c_ListExtras_Omem_001t__Secrecy____types__OExpression
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring mem_Se1967555118ession:(secrecy_Expression->(list_S529945141ession->Prop))
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad518>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ada70>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001_062_It__Secrecy____types__OKS_M_Eo_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bot_Secrecy_KS_o:(secrecy_KS->Prop)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad098>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad4d0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001_062_It__Secrecy____types__OKeys_M_Eo_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo2072920570Keys_o:(secrecy_Keys->Prop)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad2d8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad050>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001_062_It__Secrecy____types__OSecrets_M_Eo_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1909946299rets_o:(secrecy_Secrets->Prop)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ada70>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad128>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001_062_It__Secrecy____types__OchanID_M_Eo_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1012329985anID_o:(secrecy_chanID->Prop)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad4d0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001_062_It__Secrecy____types__OspecID_M_Eo_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1767780696ecID_o:(secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad050>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKS_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS:set_Secrecy_KS
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ada70>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OKeys_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo701486667y_Keys:set_Secrecy_Keys
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad4d0>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OSecrets_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1124690338ecrets:set_Secrecy_Secrets
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad050>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OchanID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo443197316chanID:set_Secrecy_chanID
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ada70>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Obot__class_Obot_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OspecID_J
% 0.44/0.62  Using role type
% 0.44/0.62  Declaring bot_bo1785112429specID:set_Secrecy_specID
% 0.44/0.62  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad4d0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad5a8>) of role type named sy_c_Orderings_Oord__class_Oless__eq_001t__Set__Oset_It__Secrecy____types__OchanID_J
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ord_le1802272080chanID:(set_Secrecy_chanID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adea8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_ODecr
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring decr:(secrecy_Keys->(list_S529945141ession->list_S529945141ession))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adbd8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OEnc
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring enc:(secrecy_Keys->(list_S529945141ession->list_S529945141ession))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad5a8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad7e8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OEncrDecrKeys
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring encrDecrKeys:(secrecy_Keys->(secrecy_Keys->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adea8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad050>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OExt
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ext:(secrecy_Keys->(list_S529945141ession->list_S529945141ession))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adbd8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ada70>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OSign
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring sign:(secrecy_Keys->(list_S529945141ession->list_S529945141ession))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad488>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad0e0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OcorrectCompositionKS
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring correctCompositionKS:(secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adb00>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oeout
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring eout:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ada70>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adea8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OeoutM
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring eoutM:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad488>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adcb0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OexprChannel
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring exprChannel:(secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adb00>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad5a8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oine
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ine:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adea8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20ad560>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OineM
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ineM:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad7e8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adea8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oine__exprChannelSet
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ine_exprChannelSet:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad0e0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20adef0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oine__exprChannelSingle
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring ine_ex1303305700Single:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234c3f8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OnotSpecKeysSecretsExpr
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring notSpe1586871396tsExpr:(secrecy_specID->(list_S529945141ession->Prop))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adcb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234c950>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oout__exprChannelSet
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring out_exprChannelSet:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adea8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234c8c0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_Oout__exprChannelSingle
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring out_ex985543062Single:(secrecy_specID->(secrecy_chanID->(secrecy_Expression->Prop)))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adcb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234c3f8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OspecKeys
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring specKeys:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_Keys)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20ad7e8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234ca70>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OspecKeysSecrets
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring specKeysSecrets:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_KS)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adea8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234cef0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy_OspecSecrets
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring specSecrets:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_Secrets)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adcb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a5ea8>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy__types_OExpression_OkE
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring secrecy_kE:(secrecy_Keys->secrecy_Expression)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20adcb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a5dd0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy__types_OExpression_OsE
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring secrecy_sE:(secrecy_Secrets->secrecy_Expression)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234cb00>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a5cb0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy__types_OKS2Expression
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring secrec1016742679ession:(secrecy_KS->secrecy_Expression)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a5cb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2b14a43579e0>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy__types_OKS_OkKS
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring secrecy_kKS:(secrecy_Keys->secrecy_KS)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a5cb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2b14a4357a28>) of role type named sy_c_Secrecy__types_OKS_OsKS
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring secrecy_sKS:(secrecy_Secrets->secrecy_KS)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a5cb0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2b14a43579e0>) of role type named sy_c_Set_OCollect_001t__Secrecy____types__OKS
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring collect_Secrecy_KS:((secrecy_KS->Prop)->set_Secrecy_KS)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c3f8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2b14a4357098>) of role type named sy_c_Set_OCollect_001t__Secrecy____types__OKeys
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring collect_Secrecy_Keys:((secrecy_Keys->Prop)->set_Secrecy_Keys)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x2b14a4357a28>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8e60>) of role type named sy_c_Set_OCollect_001t__Secrecy____types__OSecrets
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring collec836099393ecrets:((secrecy_Secrets->Prop)->set_Secrecy_Secrets)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x2b14a4357a28>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8b00>) of role type named sy_c_Set_OCollect_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring collec625564175chanID:((secrecy_chanID->Prop)->set_Secrecy_chanID)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234cb48>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8560>) of role type named sy_c_Set_OCollect_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring collec1545797240specID:((secrecy_specID->Prop)->set_Secrecy_specID)
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c950>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x234c830>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Oinsert_001t__Secrecy____types__OKS
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring insert_Secrecy_KS:(secrecy_KS->(set_Secrecy_KS->set_Secrecy_KS))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c8c0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8f80>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Oinsert_001t__Secrecy____types__OKeys
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring insert_Secrecy_Keys:(secrecy_Keys->(set_Secrecy_Keys->set_Secrecy_Keys))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234cb48>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a88c0>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Oinsert_001t__Secrecy____types__OSecrets
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring insert565337510ecrets:(secrecy_Secrets->(set_Secrecy_Secrets->set_Secrecy_Secrets))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c8c0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8440>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Oinsert_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.44/0.63  Using role type
% 0.44/0.63  Declaring insert751661162chanID:(secrecy_chanID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->set_Secrecy_chanID))
% 0.44/0.63  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234cb48>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8998>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Oinsert_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring insert1671894227specID:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_specID))
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c830>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8050>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__empty_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_emp928984296chanID:(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x234c830>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a88c0>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__empty_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_emp1849217361specID:(set_Secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8998>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8440>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__singleton_001t__Secrecy____types__OKS
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_sin1442426433ecy_KS:(set_Secrecy_KS->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8050>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a84d0>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__singleton_001t__Secrecy____types__OKeys
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_sin1096471309y_Keys:(set_Secrecy_Keys->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a88c0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8680>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__singleton_001t__Secrecy____types__OSecrets
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_sin1002224330ecrets:(set_Secrecy_Secrets->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8440>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8830>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__singleton_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_sin581274182chanID:(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a84d0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8d40>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Ois__singleton_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring is_sin1501507247specID:(set_Secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8680>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a80e0>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Othe__elem_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring the_el2054381829chanID:(set_Secrecy_chanID->secrecy_chanID)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8830>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8320>) of role type named sy_c_Set_Othe__elem_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring the_el827131246specID:(set_Secrecy_specID->secrecy_specID)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8b00>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8c20>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OcorrectCompositionIn
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring correctCompositionIn:(secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8d40>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8710>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OcorrectCompositionLoc
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring correc965049635ionLoc:(secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8b90>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OcorrectCompositionOut
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring correc990227761ionOut:(secrecy_specID->Prop)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8c20>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a84d0>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OinStream
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring inStream:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop))
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8d40>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8dd0>) of role type named sy_c_inout_Oins
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring ins:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_chanID)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8bd8>) of role type named sy_c_inout_Oloc
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring loc:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_chanID)
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a84d0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8c20>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OlocStream
% 0.48/0.64  Using role type
% 0.48/0.64  Declaring locStream:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop))
% 0.48/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8dd0>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8170>) of role type named sy_c_inout_Oout
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring out:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_chanID)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8bd8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x20a8560>) of role type named sy_c_inout_OoutStream
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring outStream:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8c20>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2221290>) of role type named sy_c_inout_Osubcomponents
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring subcomponents:(secrecy_specID->set_Secrecy_specID)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x2b14abe545a8>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2221290>) of role type named sy_c_member_001t__Secrecy____types__OKS
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring member_Secrecy_KS:(secrecy_KS->(set_Secrecy_KS->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2221200>) of role type named sy_c_member_001t__Secrecy____types__OKeys
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring member_Secrecy_Keys:(secrecy_Keys->(set_Secrecy_Keys->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8170>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2221248>) of role type named sy_c_member_001t__Secrecy____types__OSecrets
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring member2138796287ecrets:(secrecy_Secrets->(set_Secrecy_Secrets->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8200>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x2221170>) of role type named sy_c_member_001t__Secrecy____types__OchanID
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring member1967978193chanID:(secrecy_chanID->(set_Secrecy_chanID->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8560>, <kernel.DependentProduct object at 0x22211b8>) of role type named sy_c_member_001t__Secrecy____types__OspecID
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring member740727610specID:(secrecy_specID->(set_Secrecy_specID->Prop))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8200>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x2221248>) of role type named sy_v_P
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring p:secrecy_specID
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8560>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x2221200>) of role type named sy_v_PQ
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring pq:secrecy_specID
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8170>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x2221200>) of role type named sy_v_Q
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring q:secrecy_specID
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x20a8170>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x2221200>) of role type named sy_v_key____
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring key:secrecy_Keys
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (<kernel.Constant object at 0x2221170>, <kernel.Constant object at 0x2221200>) of role type named sy_v_m
% 0.49/0.64  Using role type
% 0.49/0.64  Declaring m:secrecy_KS
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (((knowle945212990e_know q) m)->False) of role axiom named fact_0_not__knowQm
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (((knowle945212990e_know q) m)->False)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (((eq secrecy_KS) m) (secrecy_kKS key)) of role axiom named fact_1_a1
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (((eq secrecy_KS) m) (secrecy_kKS key))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula ((knowle945212990e_know pq) m) of role axiom named fact_2_knowPQ
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: ((knowle945212990e_know pq) m)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula ((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS key)) (localSecrets pq)) of role axiom named fact_3_sg2
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: ((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS key)) (localSecrets pq))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (forall (X1:secrecy_Keys) (Y1:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (((eq secrecy_KS) (secrecy_kKS X1)) (secrecy_kKS Y1))) (((eq secrecy_Keys) X1) Y1))) of role axiom named fact_4_KS_Oinject_I1_J
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (forall (X1:secrecy_Keys) (Y1:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (((eq secrecy_KS) (secrecy_kKS X1)) (secrecy_kKS Y1))) (((eq secrecy_Keys) X1) Y1)))
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (((ine q) (secrecy_kE key))->False) of role axiom named fact_5_sg3a
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (((ine q) (secrecy_kE key))->False)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (correc965049635ionLoc pq) of role axiom named fact_6_cCompLoc
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (correc965049635ionLoc pq)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (((ine pq) (secrecy_kE key))->False) of role axiom named fact_7_a12
% 0.49/0.64  A new axiom: (((ine pq) (secrecy_kE key))->False)
% 0.49/0.64  FOF formula (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (M:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS M))) ((or ((ine A) (secrecy_kE M))) ((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS M)) (localSecrets A))))) of role axiom named fact_8_know_Osimps_I1_J
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (M:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS M))) ((or ((ine A) (secrecy_kE M))) ((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS M)) (localSecrets A)))))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents pq)) ((insert1671894227specID p) ((insert1671894227specID q) bot_bo1785112429specID))) of role axiom named fact_9_subPQ
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents pq)) ((insert1671894227specID p) ((insert1671894227specID q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (IncrDecrKeys:(secrecy_Keys->(secrecy_Keys->Prop))) (K1:secrecy_Keys) (K2:secrecy_Keys) (A:secrecy_specID) (E:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((and ((IncrDecrKeys K1) K2)) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K2)))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) ((enc K1) E)))->((knowle731562421_knows A) E))) of role axiom named fact_10_knows4
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (IncrDecrKeys:(secrecy_Keys->(secrecy_Keys->Prop))) (K1:secrecy_Keys) (K2:secrecy_Keys) (A:secrecy_specID) (E:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((and ((IncrDecrKeys K1) K2)) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K2)))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) ((enc K1) E)))->((knowle731562421_knows A) E)))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (IncrDecrKeys:(secrecy_Keys->(secrecy_Keys->Prop))) (K1:secrecy_Keys) (K2:secrecy_Keys) (A:secrecy_specID) (E:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((and ((IncrDecrKeys K1) K2)) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K1)))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) ((sign K2) E)))->((knowle731562421_knows A) E))) of role axiom named fact_11_knows5
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (IncrDecrKeys:(secrecy_Keys->(secrecy_Keys->Prop))) (K1:secrecy_Keys) (K2:secrecy_Keys) (A:secrecy_specID) (E:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((and ((IncrDecrKeys K1) K2)) ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K1)))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) ((sign K2) E)))->((knowle731562421_knows A) E)))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (K:secrecy_Keys) (E1:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) E1))->((knowle731562421_knows A) ((enc K) E1)))) of role axiom named fact_12_knows6
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (K:secrecy_Keys) (E1:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) E1))->((knowle731562421_knows A) ((enc K) E1))))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (X1:secrecy_Keys) (Y1:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (((eq secrecy_Expression) (secrecy_kE X1)) (secrecy_kE Y1))) (((eq secrecy_Keys) X1) Y1))) of role axiom named fact_13_Expression_Oinject_I1_J
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (X1:secrecy_Keys) (Y1:secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (((eq secrecy_Expression) (secrecy_kE X1)) (secrecy_kE Y1))) (((eq secrecy_Keys) X1) Y1)))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (correctCompositionIn pq) of role axiom named fact_14_cCompI
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (correctCompositionIn pq)
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (M:secrecy_Keys), ((((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS M))->False)->(((ine A) (secrecy_kE M))->False))) of role axiom named fact_15_not__know__k__not__ine
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (M:secrecy_Keys), ((((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS M))->False)->(((ine A) (secrecy_kE M))->False)))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (K:secrecy_Keys) (E1:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) E1))->((knowle731562421_knows A) ((sign K) E1)))) of role axiom named fact_16_knows7
% 0.49/0.66  A new axiom: (forall (A:secrecy_specID) (K:secrecy_Keys) (E1:list_S529945141ession), (((and ((knowle945212990e_know A) (secrecy_kKS K))) ((knowle731562421_knows A) E1))->((knowle731562421_knows A) ((sign K) E1))))
% 0.49/0.66  FOF formula (forall (K:secrecy_Keys) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets PQ))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine Q) (secrecy_kE K))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->((ine P) (secrecy_kE K))))))))) of role axiom named fact_17_LocalSecretsComposition__ine1__k
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (K:secrecy_Keys) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets PQ))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine Q) (secrecy_kE K))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->((ine P) (secrecy_kE K)))))))))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (K:secrecy_Keys) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets PQ))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine P) (secrecy_kE K))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->((ine Q) (secrecy_kE K))))))))) of role axiom named fact_18_LocalSecretsComposition__ine2__k
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (K:secrecy_Keys) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets PQ))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine P) (secrecy_kE K))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS K)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->((ine Q) (secrecy_kE K)))))))))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID) (Keys:secrecy_Keys), ((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine P) (secrecy_kE Keys))->False)->((((ine Q) (secrecy_kE Keys))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->(((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets PQ))->False)))))))) of role axiom named fact_19_LocalSecretsComposition__neg1__k
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (PQ:secrecy_specID) (P:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID) (Keys:secrecy_Keys), ((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correc965049635ionLoc PQ)->((((ine P) (secrecy_kE Keys))->False)->((((ine Q) (secrecy_kE Keys))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets P))->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets Q))->False)->(((member_Secrecy_KS (secrecy_kKS Keys)) (localSecrets PQ))->False))))))))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS), ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS))) of role axiom named fact_20_singletonI
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS), ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys), ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) bot_bo701486667y_Keys))) of role axiom named fact_21_singletonI
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys), ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets), ((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) bot_bo1124690338ecrets))) of role axiom named fact_22_singletonI
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets), ((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID), ((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID A2) bot_bo1785112429specID))) of role axiom named fact_23_singletonI
% 0.49/0.67  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID), ((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID A2) bot_bo1785112429specID)))
% 0.49/0.67  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID), ((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID A2) bot_bo443197316chanID))) of role axiom named fact_24_singletonI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID), ((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID A2) bot_bo443197316chanID)))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (Ls:secrecy_KS) (P:secrecy_specID) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS Ls) (localSecrets P))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((member_Secrecy_KS Ls) (localSecrets PQ))))) of role axiom named fact_25_LocalSecretsComposition1
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (Ls:secrecy_KS) (P:secrecy_specID) (PQ:secrecy_specID) (Q:secrecy_specID), (((member_Secrecy_KS Ls) (localSecrets P))->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((member_Secrecy_KS Ls) (localSecrets PQ)))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (P:secrecy_specID) (Key:secrecy_Keys) (Q:secrecy_specID) (PQ:secrecy_specID), ((((knowle945212990e_know P) (secrecy_kKS Key))->False)->((((knowle945212990e_know Q) (secrecy_kKS Key))->False)->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correctCompositionIn PQ)->(((ine PQ) (secrecy_kE Key))->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_26_know__composition__neg__ine__k
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (P:secrecy_specID) (Key:secrecy_Keys) (Q:secrecy_specID) (PQ:secrecy_specID), ((((knowle945212990e_know P) (secrecy_kKS Key))->False)->((((knowle945212990e_know Q) (secrecy_kKS Key))->False)->((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (subcomponents PQ)) ((insert1671894227specID P) ((insert1671894227specID Q) bot_bo1785112429specID)))->((correctCompositionIn PQ)->(((ine PQ) (secrecy_kE Key))->False))))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS), (((((member_Secrecy_KS A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2))->((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) B)))) of role axiom named fact_27_insertCI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS), (((((member_Secrecy_KS A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2))->((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) B))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID), (((((member1967978193chanID A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2))->((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID B2) B)))) of role axiom named fact_28_insertCI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID), (((((member1967978193chanID A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2))->((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID B2) B))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID), (((((member740727610specID A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2))->((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID B2) B)))) of role axiom named fact_29_insertCI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID), (((((member740727610specID A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2))->((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID B2) B))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys), (((((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2))->((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) B)))) of role axiom named fact_30_insertCI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys), (((((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2))->((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) B))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets), (((((member2138796287ecrets A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2))->((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) B)))) of role axiom named fact_31_insertCI
% 0.49/0.68  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets), (((((member2138796287ecrets A2) B)->False)->(((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2))->((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) B))))
% 0.49/0.68  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2)) ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)))) of role axiom named fact_32_insert__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2)) ((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A))))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) ((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2)) ((member1967978193chanID A2) A)))) of role axiom named fact_33_insert__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) ((member1967978193chanID A2) ((insert751661162chanID B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2)) ((member1967978193chanID A2) A))))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) ((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2)) ((member740727610specID A2) A)))) of role axiom named fact_34_insert__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) ((member740727610specID A2) ((insert1671894227specID B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2)) ((member740727610specID A2) A))))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2)) ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)))) of role axiom named fact_35_insert__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2)) ((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A))))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) ((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2)) ((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)))) of role axiom named fact_36_insert__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) ((member2138796287ecrets A2) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) A))) ((or (((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2)) ((member2138796287ecrets A2) A))))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) ((insert1671894227specID X) A))) ((insert1671894227specID X) A))) of role axiom named fact_37_insert__absorb2
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) ((insert1671894227specID X) A))) ((insert1671894227specID X) A)))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) ((insert751661162chanID X) A))) ((insert751661162chanID X) A))) of role axiom named fact_38_insert__absorb2
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) ((insert751661162chanID X) A))) ((insert751661162chanID X) A)))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (C:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS C) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->False)) of role axiom named fact_39_empty__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (C:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS C) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->False))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (C:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys C) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->False)) of role axiom named fact_40_empty__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (C:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys C) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->False))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (C:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets C) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->False)) of role axiom named fact_41_empty__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (C:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets C) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->False))
% 0.49/0.69  FOF formula (forall (C:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID C) bot_bo1785112429specID)->False)) of role axiom named fact_42_empty__iff
% 0.49/0.69  A new axiom: (forall (C:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID C) bot_bo1785112429specID)->False))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (C:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID C) bot_bo443197316chanID)->False)) of role axiom named fact_43_empty__iff
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (C:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID C) bot_bo443197316chanID)->False))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (P:(secrecy_specID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) bot_bo1785112429specID) (collec1545797240specID P))) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), ((P X2)->False)))) of role axiom named fact_44_empty__Collect__eq
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (P:(secrecy_specID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) bot_bo1785112429specID) (collec1545797240specID P))) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), ((P X2)->False))))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (P:(secrecy_chanID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) bot_bo443197316chanID) (collec625564175chanID P))) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), ((P X2)->False)))) of role axiom named fact_45_empty__Collect__eq
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (P:(secrecy_chanID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) bot_bo443197316chanID) (collec625564175chanID P))) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), ((P X2)->False))))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (P:(secrecy_specID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (collec1545797240specID P)) bot_bo1785112429specID)) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), ((P X2)->False)))) of role axiom named fact_46_Collect__empty__eq
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (P:(secrecy_specID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) (collec1545797240specID P)) bot_bo1785112429specID)) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), ((P X2)->False))))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (P:(secrecy_chanID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) (collec625564175chanID P)) bot_bo443197316chanID)) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), ((P X2)->False)))) of role axiom named fact_47_Collect__empty__eq
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (P:(secrecy_chanID->Prop)), (((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) (collec625564175chanID P)) bot_bo443197316chanID)) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), ((P X2)->False))))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS))) of role axiom named fact_48_all__not__in__conv
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys))) of role axiom named fact_49_all__not__in__conv
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets))) of role axiom named fact_50_all__not__in__conv
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID))) of role axiom named fact_51_all__not__in__conv
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID)))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID))) of role axiom named fact_52_all__not__in__conv
% 0.49/0.70  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) (forall (X2:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID X2) A)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID)))
% 0.49/0.70  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_KS) (fun (X2:secrecy_KS)=> ((member_Secrecy_KS X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)))) of role axiom named fact_53_ex__in__conv
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_KS) (fun (X2:secrecy_KS)=> ((member_Secrecy_KS X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS))))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_Keys) (fun (X2:secrecy_Keys)=> ((member_Secrecy_Keys X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)))) of role axiom named fact_54_ex__in__conv
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_Keys) (fun (X2:secrecy_Keys)=> ((member_Secrecy_Keys X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys))))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_Secrets) (fun (X2:secrecy_Secrets)=> ((member2138796287ecrets X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)))) of role axiom named fact_55_ex__in__conv
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_Secrets) (fun (X2:secrecy_Secrets)=> ((member2138796287ecrets X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets))))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_specID) (fun (X2:secrecy_specID)=> ((member740727610specID X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID)))) of role axiom named fact_56_ex__in__conv
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_specID) (fun (X2:secrecy_specID)=> ((member740727610specID X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID))))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_chanID) (fun (X2:secrecy_chanID)=> ((member1967978193chanID X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID)))) of role axiom named fact_57_ex__in__conv
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq Prop) ((ex secrecy_chanID) (fun (X2:secrecy_chanID)=> ((member1967978193chanID X2) A)))) (not (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID))))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), ((forall (Y:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS))) of role axiom named fact_58_equals0I
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS), ((forall (Y:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((forall (Y:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys))) of role axiom named fact_59_equals0I
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((forall (Y:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((forall (Y:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets))) of role axiom named fact_60_equals0I
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((forall (Y:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), ((forall (Y:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID))) of role axiom named fact_61_equals0I
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID), ((forall (Y:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID)))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((forall (Y:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID))) of role axiom named fact_62_equals0I
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((forall (Y:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID Y) A)->False))->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID)))
% 0.55/0.71  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (A2:secrecy_KS), ((((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->(((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->False))) of role axiom named fact_63_equals0D
% 0.55/0.71  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (A2:secrecy_KS), ((((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->(((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->False)))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (A2:secrecy_Keys), ((((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->(((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->False))) of role axiom named fact_64_equals0D
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (A2:secrecy_Keys), ((((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->(((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->False)))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (A2:secrecy_Secrets), ((((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->(((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->False))) of role axiom named fact_65_equals0D
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (A2:secrecy_Secrets), ((((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->(((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->False)))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (A2:secrecy_specID), ((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID)->(((member740727610specID A2) A)->False))) of role axiom named fact_66_equals0D
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (A2:secrecy_specID), ((((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) bot_bo1785112429specID)->(((member740727610specID A2) A)->False)))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (A2:secrecy_chanID), ((((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID)->(((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->False))) of role axiom named fact_67_equals0D
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (A2:secrecy_chanID), ((((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) bot_bo443197316chanID)->(((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->False)))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->False)) of role axiom named fact_68_emptyE
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) bot_bo1943466239ecy_KS)->False))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->False)) of role axiom named fact_69_emptyE
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) bot_bo701486667y_Keys)->False))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->False)) of role axiom named fact_70_emptyE
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) bot_bo1124690338ecrets)->False))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) bot_bo1785112429specID)->False)) of role axiom named fact_71_emptyE
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) bot_bo1785112429specID)->False))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) bot_bo443197316chanID)->False)) of role axiom named fact_72_emptyE
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) bot_bo443197316chanID)->False))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_KS) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_KS)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) B3))) (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) B3)->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_73_mk__disjoint__insert
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_KS) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_KS)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) B3))) (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) B3)->False))))))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_chanID) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_chanID)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) ((insert751661162chanID A2) B3))) (((member1967978193chanID A2) B3)->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_74_mk__disjoint__insert
% 0.55/0.72  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_chanID) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_chanID)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) ((insert751661162chanID A2) B3))) (((member1967978193chanID A2) B3)->False))))))
% 0.55/0.72  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_specID) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_specID)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) ((insert1671894227specID A2) B3))) (((member740727610specID A2) B3)->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_75_mk__disjoint__insert
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_specID) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_specID)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) ((insert1671894227specID A2) B3))) (((member740727610specID A2) B3)->False))))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_Keys) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_Keys)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) B3))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) B3)->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_76_mk__disjoint__insert
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_Keys) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_Keys)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) B3))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) B3)->False))))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_Secrets) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_Secrets)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) B3))) (((member2138796287ecrets A2) B3)->False)))))) of role axiom named fact_77_mk__disjoint__insert
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->((ex set_Secrecy_Secrets) (fun (B3:set_Secrecy_Secrets)=> ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) B3))) (((member2138796287ecrets A2) B3)->False))))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (Y2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) ((insert1671894227specID Y2) A))) ((insert1671894227specID Y2) ((insert1671894227specID X) A)))) of role axiom named fact_78_insert__commute
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (Y2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) ((insert1671894227specID Y2) A))) ((insert1671894227specID Y2) ((insert1671894227specID X) A))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (Y2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) ((insert751661162chanID Y2) A))) ((insert751661162chanID Y2) ((insert751661162chanID X) A)))) of role axiom named fact_79_insert__commute
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (Y2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) ((insert751661162chanID Y2) A))) ((insert751661162chanID Y2) ((insert751661162chanID X) A))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS), ((((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_KS) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_KS)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) C2))) (((member_Secrecy_KS B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) B) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) C2)))) (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) C2)->False)))))))))) of role axiom named fact_80_insert__eq__iff
% 0.55/0.73  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (B2:secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS), ((((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_KS) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_KS) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_KS)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) ((insert_Secrecy_KS B2) C2))) (((member_Secrecy_KS B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) B) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) C2)))) (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) C2)->False))))))))))
% 0.55/0.73  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->False)->((((member1967978193chanID B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID A2) A)) ((insert751661162chanID B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_chanID) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_chanID)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) ((insert751661162chanID B2) C2))) (((member1967978193chanID B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) B) ((insert751661162chanID A2) C2)))) (((member1967978193chanID A2) C2)->False)))))))))) of role axiom named fact_81_insert__eq__iff
% 0.55/0.74  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B2:secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->False)->((((member1967978193chanID B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID A2) A)) ((insert751661162chanID B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_chanID) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_chanID) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_chanID)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) ((insert751661162chanID B2) C2))) (((member1967978193chanID B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) B) ((insert751661162chanID A2) C2)))) (((member1967978193chanID A2) C2)->False))))))))))
% 0.55/0.74  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID), ((((member740727610specID A2) A)->False)->((((member740727610specID B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID A2) A)) ((insert1671894227specID B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_specID) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_specID)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) ((insert1671894227specID B2) C2))) (((member740727610specID B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) B) ((insert1671894227specID A2) C2)))) (((member740727610specID A2) C2)->False)))))))))) of role axiom named fact_82_insert__eq__iff
% 0.55/0.74  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (B2:secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID), ((((member740727610specID A2) A)->False)->((((member740727610specID B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID A2) A)) ((insert1671894227specID B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_specID) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_specID) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_specID)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) ((insert1671894227specID B2) C2))) (((member740727610specID B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) B) ((insert1671894227specID A2) C2)))) (((member740727610specID A2) C2)->False))))))))))
% 0.55/0.74  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_Keys B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_Keys) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_Keys)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) C2))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) B) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) C2)))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) C2)->False)))))))))) of role axiom named fact_83_insert__eq__iff
% 0.55/0.74  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B2:secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_Keys B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_Keys) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_Keys) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_Keys)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys B2) C2))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) B) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) C2)))) (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) C2)->False))))))))))
% 0.55/0.74  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->False)->((((member2138796287ecrets B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) A)) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_Secrets) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_Secrets)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) C2))) (((member2138796287ecrets B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) B) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) C2)))) (((member2138796287ecrets A2) C2)->False)))))))))) of role axiom named fact_84_insert__eq__iff
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B2:secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->False)->((((member2138796287ecrets B2) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) A)) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) B))) ((and ((((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) B))) ((not (((eq secrecy_Secrets) A2) B2))->((ex set_Secrecy_Secrets) (fun (C2:set_Secrecy_Secrets)=> ((and ((and ((and (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) ((insert565337510ecrets B2) C2))) (((member2138796287ecrets B2) C2)->False))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) B) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) C2)))) (((member2138796287ecrets A2) C2)->False))))))))))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) A)) A))) of role axiom named fact_85_insert__absorb
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS), (((member_Secrecy_KS A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS A2) A)) A)))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID A2) A)) A))) of role axiom named fact_86_insert__absorb
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID), (((member1967978193chanID A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID A2) A)) A)))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID A2) A)) A))) of role axiom named fact_87_insert__absorb
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID), (((member740727610specID A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID A2) A)) A)))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)) A))) of role axiom named fact_88_insert__absorb
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys), (((member_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys A2) A)) A)))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) A)) A))) of role axiom named fact_89_insert__absorb
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (A2:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets), (((member2138796287ecrets A2) A)->(((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets A2) A)) A)))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS), ((((member_Secrecy_KS X) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS X) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_KS X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) B))))) of role axiom named fact_90_insert__ident
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_KS) (A:set_Secrecy_KS) (B:set_Secrecy_KS), ((((member_Secrecy_KS X) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_KS X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) ((insert_Secrecy_KS X) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_KS X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_KS) A) B)))))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((((member1967978193chanID X) A)->False)->((((member1967978193chanID X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) A)) ((insert751661162chanID X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) B))))) of role axiom named fact_91_insert__ident
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_chanID) (A:set_Secrecy_chanID) (B:set_Secrecy_chanID), ((((member1967978193chanID X) A)->False)->((((member1967978193chanID X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) ((insert751661162chanID X) A)) ((insert751661162chanID X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_chanID) A) B)))))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID), ((((member740727610specID X) A)->False)->((((member740727610specID X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) A)) ((insert1671894227specID X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) B))))) of role axiom named fact_92_insert__ident
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_specID) (A:set_Secrecy_specID) (B:set_Secrecy_specID), ((((member740727610specID X) A)->False)->((((member740727610specID X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) ((insert1671894227specID X) A)) ((insert1671894227specID X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_specID) A) B)))))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((((member_Secrecy_Keys X) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_Keys X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys X) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) B))))) of role axiom named fact_93_insert__ident
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_Keys) (A:set_Secrecy_Keys) (B:set_Secrecy_Keys), ((((member_Secrecy_Keys X) A)->False)->((((member_Secrecy_Keys X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys X) A)) ((insert_Secrecy_Keys X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Keys) A) B)))))
% 0.55/0.75  FOF formula (forall (X:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((((member2138796287ecrets X) A)->False)->((((member2138796287ecrets X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets X) A)) ((insert565337510ecrets X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) B))))) of role axiom named fact_94_insert__ident
% 0.55/0.75  A new axiom: (forall (X:secrecy_Secrets) (A:set_Secrecy_Secrets) (B:set_Secrecy_Secrets), ((((member2138796287ecrets X) A)->False)->((((member2138796287ecrets X) B)->False)->(((eq Prop) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) ((insert565337510ecrets X) A)) ((insert565337510ecrets X) B))) (((eq set_Secrecy_Secrets) A) B)))))
% 0.55/0.75  <<<   ! [X: secrecy_KS,A: set_Secrecy_KS] :
% 0.55/0.75        ( ( member_Secrecy_KS @ X @ A )
% 0.55/0.75       => ~ !>>>!!!<<< [B3: set_Secrecy_KS] :
% 0.55/0.75              ( ( A
% 0.55/0.75                = ( insert_Secrecy_KS @ X @ B3 ) )>>>
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% 0.55/0.75  Unexpected exception Syntax error at '!':BANG
% 0.55/0.75  Traceback (most recent call last):
% 0.55/0.75    File "CASC.py", line 79, in <module>
% 0.55/0.75      problem=TPTP.TPTPproblem(env=environment,debug=1,file=file)
% 0.55/0.75    File "/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/TPTP.py", line 38, in __init__
% 0.55/0.75      parser.parse(file.read(),debug=0,lexer=lexer)
% 0.55/0.75    File "/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/ply/yacc.py", line 265, in parse
% 0.55/0.75      return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
% 0.55/0.75    File "/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/ply/yacc.py", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
% 0.55/0.75      tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
% 0.55/0.75    File "/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/TPTPparser.py", line 2099, in p_error
% 0.55/0.75      raise TPTPParsingError("Syntax error at '%s':%s" % (t.value,t.type))
% 0.55/0.75  TPTPparser.TPTPParsingError: Syntax error at '!':BANG