TSTP Solution File: ITP020^5 by Vampire---4.9

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : Vampire---4.9
% Problem  : ITP020^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Bugfixed v7.5.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : run_vampire %s %d THM

% Computer : n010.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Mon Jun 24 09:34:24 EDT 2024

% Result   : Theorem 158.29s 26.25s
% Output   : Refutation 158.29s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : -

% Comments : 
%----WARNING: Could not form TPTP format derivation
% 0.02/0.09  % Problem    : ITP020^5 : TPTP v8.2.0. Bugfixed v7.5.0.
% 0.02/0.09  % Command    : run_vampire %s %d THM
% 0.09/0.29  % Computer : n010.cluster.edu
% 0.09/0.29  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.09/0.29  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.09/0.29  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.09/0.29  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.09/0.29  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.09/0.29  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.09/0.29  % DateTime   : Wed Jun 19 00:32:25 EDT 2024
% 0.09/0.29  % CPUTime    : 
% 0.09/0.31  This is a TH0_THM_EQU_NAR problem
% 0.09/0.31  Running higher-order theorem proving
% 0.09/0.31  Running /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/vampire_ho --cores 7 --input_syntax tptp --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on --mode portfolio --schedule snake_tptp_hol /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p -m 16384 -t 300
% 4.05/4.24  % (3341)lrs+1002_1:8_bd=off:fd=off:hud=10:tnu=1:i=183:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/183Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3343)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:chr=on:fsr=off:hfsq=on:nm=64:sos=theory:sp=weighted_frequency:i=27:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/27Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)lrs+10_1:1_c=on:cnfonf=conj_eager:fd=off:fe=off:kws=frequency:spb=intro:i=4:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/4Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:inj=on:i=2:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/2Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)lrs+1002_1:128_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:sos=all:i=2:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/2Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3346)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:sd=2:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=275:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/275Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.05/4.24  
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Memory used [KB]: 56800
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3344)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3347)lrs+1004_1:128_cond=on:e2e=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=18:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/18Mi)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.05/4.24  
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Memory used [KB]: 56800
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3345)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.05/4.24  
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Memory used [KB]: 57056
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Time elapsed: 0.008 s
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)------------------------------
% 4.05/4.24  % (3342)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.26  % (3349)lrs+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:hud=14:prag=on:sp=weighted_frequency:tnu=1:i=37:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/37Mi)
% 4.11/4.26  % (3348)lrs+10_1:1_bet=on:cnfonf=off:fd=off:hud=5:inj=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/3Mi)
% 4.11/4.26  % (3350)lrs+2_16:1_acc=model:au=on:bd=off:c=on:e2e=on:nm=2:sos=all:i=15:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/15Mi)
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.27  
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Time elapsed: 0.006 s
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.27  % (3348)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.27  
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Memory used [KB]: 58080
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Time elapsed: 0.029 s
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)Instructions burned: 18 (million)
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.27  % (3347)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.28  
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Time elapsed: 0.046 s
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)Instructions burned: 28 (million)
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.28  % (3343)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.29  
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Memory used [KB]: 57824
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Time elapsed: 0.025 s
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)Instructions burned: 15 (million)
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3350)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)dis+21_1:1_cbe=off:cnfonf=off:fs=off:fsr=off:hud=1:inj=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/3Mi)
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.29  
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Time elapsed: 0.006 s
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3351)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.29  % (3352)lrs+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=4203469,65536:i=1041:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/1041Mi)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3354)lrs+10_1:1_acc=on:amm=sco:cs=on:tgt=full:i=16:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/16Mi)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3353)lrs+10_1:1_av=off:chr=on:plsq=on:slsq=on:i=7:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/7Mi)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3355)lrs+21_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=off:fd=preordered:fe=off:fsr=off:hud=11:inj=on:kws=precedence:s2pl=no:sp=weighted_frequency:tgt=full:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/3Mi)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.31  
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Time elapsed: 0.053 s
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)Instructions burned: 37 (million)
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.31  % (3349)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.11/4.32  
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Time elapsed: 0.007 s
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)------------------------------
% 4.11/4.32  % (3355)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.32  
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Memory used [KB]: 57312
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Time elapsed: 0.014 s
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)Instructions burned: 7 (million)
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.32  % (3353)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.33  
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Memory used [KB]: 57824
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Time elapsed: 0.028 s
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)Instructions burned: 16 (million)
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.33  % (3354)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3357)lrs+10_1:1_cnfonf=off:cs=on:hud=3:prag=on:sup=off:i=7:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/7Mi)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)lrs+2_1:1_apa=on:au=on:bd=preordered:cnfonf=off:cs=on:ixr=off:sos=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/3Mi)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)dis+1002_1:1_add=large:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:prag=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/3Mi)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.34  
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Time elapsed: 0.006 s
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3356)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.34  
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Time elapsed: 0.005 s
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.34  % (3358)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.35  
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Memory used [KB]: 57184
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Time elapsed: 0.012 s
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)Instructions burned: 7 (million)
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.35  % (3357)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)dis+1004_1:1_cha=on:cs=on:fe=off:hud=1:i=4:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/4Mi)
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.36  
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Time elapsed: 0.126 s
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)Instructions burned: 184 (million)
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3341)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.33/4.36  
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Memory used [KB]: 57056
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Time elapsed: 0.008 s
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)Instructions burned: 4 (million)
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)------------------------------
% 4.33/4.36  % (3359)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.36  % (3360)lrs+1002_1:1_anc=all_dependent:au=on:cbe=off:fde=unused:ntd=on:i=18:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/18Mi)
% 4.60/4.36  % (3361)lrs+10_1:1_e2e=on:sd=1:sgt=8:ss=axioms:i=710:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/710Mi)
% 4.60/4.37  % (3362)lrs+1004_1:1_chr=on:prag=on:i=6:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/6Mi)
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.38  
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Memory used [KB]: 57184
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Time elapsed: 0.011 s
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)Instructions burned: 6 (million)
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.38  % (3362)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.38  % (3363)dis+1002_5:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=none:fs=off:fsr=off:sos=on:i=902:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/902Mi)
% 4.60/4.39  % (3364)dis+21_1:8_apa=on:cnfonf=off:fd=off:fsr=off:hud=0:ins=1:kws=inv_frequency:nwc=10.0:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=21:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/21Mi)
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.39  
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Memory used [KB]: 58080
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Time elapsed: 0.031 s
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)Instructions burned: 18 (million)
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.39  % (3360)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.40  % (3365)dis+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:i=5:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/5Mi)
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.40  
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Memory used [KB]: 61534
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Time elapsed: 0.164 s
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)Instructions burned: 275 (million)
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.40  % (3346)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.41  
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Memory used [KB]: 57056
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Time elapsed: 0.011 s
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)Instructions burned: 5 (million)
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.41  % (3365)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.42  % (3366)lrs+2_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:cs=on:fe=off:hud=10:inj=on:ins=3:plsq=on:plsqc=1:sd=10:ss=axioms:tnu=1:i=6:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/6Mi)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.43  
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.60/4.43  
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Memory used [KB]: 57184
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Time elapsed: 0.011 s
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)Instructions burned: 6 (million)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3366)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Memory used [KB]: 58335
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Time elapsed: 0.038 s
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)Instructions burned: 21 (million)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3364)------------------------------
% 4.60/4.43  % (3367)lrs+1002_1:128_au=on:c=on:fsr=off:piset=equals:i=377:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/377Mi)
% 4.60/4.43  % (3368)dis+1010_1:4_atotf=0.2:c=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fe=off:ins=2:ntd=on:s2a=on:s2at=5.0:sgt=5:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=779:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2958ds/779Mi)
% 5.16/4.45  % (3369)lrs+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:ntd=on:sp=const_min:ss=axioms:sup=off:i=19:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2958ds/19Mi)
% 5.16/4.45  % (3370)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:s2a=on:sd=1:sgt=50:ss=axioms:i=879:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2958ds/879Mi)
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)------------------------------
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Termination phase: shuffling
% 5.16/4.48  
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Memory used [KB]: 58080
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Time elapsed: 0.034 s
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)Instructions burned: 19 (million)
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)------------------------------
% 5.16/4.48  % (3369)------------------------------
% 5.16/4.50  % (3371)dis+1002_1:128_acc=on:er=filter:i=17:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2958ds/17Mi)
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)------------------------------
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Termination phase: shuffling
% 5.22/4.53  
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Memory used [KB]: 57952
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Time elapsed: 0.030 s
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)Instructions burned: 17 (million)
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)------------------------------
% 5.22/4.53  % (3371)------------------------------
% 5.27/4.55  % (3372)ott+21_1:1_apa=on:au=on:cnfonf=off:sos=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2957ds/3Mi)
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)------------------------------
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Termination phase: shuffling
% 5.27/4.56  
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Time elapsed: 0.007 s
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)------------------------------
% 5.27/4.56  % (3372)------------------------------
% 5.27/4.58  % (3373)lrs+1010_1:8_cnfonf=off:hud=1:inj=on:tnu=5:i=30:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2957ds/30Mi)
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Termination phase: shuffling
% 5.29/4.63  
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Time elapsed: 0.048 s
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)Instructions burned: 30 (million)
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.63  % (3373)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Termination phase: shuffling
% 5.29/4.64  
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Memory used [KB]: 63581
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Time elapsed: 0.215 s
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)Instructions burned: 378 (million)
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.64  % (3367)------------------------------
% 5.29/4.65  % (3374)dis+10_1:1_ixr=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:s2a=on:i=127:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2956ds/127Mi)
% 5.29/4.67  % (3375)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=conj_eager:cond=on:hi=on:i=100:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2956ds/100Mi)
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.13/4.74  
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Memory used [KB]: 70105
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Time elapsed: 0.375 s
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)Instructions burned: 711 (million)
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.74  % (3361)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.13/4.75  
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Memory used [KB]: 60126
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Time elapsed: 0.099 s
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)Instructions burned: 128 (million)
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3374)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.13/4.75  
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Memory used [KB]: 59871
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Time elapsed: 0.083 s
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)Instructions burned: 100 (million)
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)------------------------------
% 7.13/4.75  % (3375)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)dis+10_1:1_anc=none:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fd=preordered:fe=off:hud=10:ins=3:ixr=off:nwc=5.0:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sp=const_frequency:uhcvi=on:i=3:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/3Mi)
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.71/4.77  
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Memory used [KB]: 56928
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Time elapsed: 0.006 s
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)Instructions burned: 3 (million)
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.77  % (3376)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.77  % (3377)lrs+10_8:1_au=on:avsq=on:e2e=on:ins=3:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:ss=axioms:i=20:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/20Mi)
% 7.71/4.78  % (3378)dis+1002_1:1_cbe=off:hud=5:nm=4:plsq=on:plsqr=7,1:prag=on:sp=const_max:tnu=1:i=86:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/86Mi)
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.71/4.78  
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Memory used [KB]: 70489
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Time elapsed: 0.492 s
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)Instructions burned: 1042 (million)
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)------------------------------
% 7.71/4.78  % (3352)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.79  % (3379)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:nm=2:ntd=on:sd=2:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=107:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/107Mi)
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.90/4.80  
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Memory used [KB]: 67802
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Time elapsed: 0.374 s
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)Instructions burned: 780 (million)
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.80  % (3368)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Termination phase: shuffling
% 7.90/4.81  
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Memory used [KB]: 58208
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Time elapsed: 0.036 s
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)Instructions burned: 20 (million)
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.81  % (3377)------------------------------
% 7.90/4.81  % (3380)lrs+2_1:1024_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=15:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=39:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/39Mi)
% 8.06/4.83  % (3382)lrs+10_1:512_au=on:fde=unused:lma=on:nm=32:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=16121663,131072:sfv=off:sp=const_max:ss=axioms:st=3.0:tgt=full:i=46:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/46Mi)
% 8.06/4.83  % (3381)dis+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_gen:fsr=off:kws=precedence:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=448:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2955ds/448Mi)
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.85  
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Memory used [KB]: 67930
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Time elapsed: 0.465 s
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)Instructions burned: 903 (million)
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.85  % (3363)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.86  
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Memory used [KB]: 59615
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Time elapsed: 0.080 s
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)Instructions burned: 86 (million)
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.86  % (3378)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.87  
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Time elapsed: 0.055 s
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)Instructions burned: 39 (million)
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.87  % (3380)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.88  % (3383)lrs+10_1:10_au=on:av=off:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:ntd=on:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=98:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/98Mi)
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.88  
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Memory used [KB]: 59743
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Time elapsed: 0.089 s
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)Instructions burned: 108 (million)
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.88  % (3379)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.88  % (3384)ott+1002_1:1_apa=on:au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=off:fd=off:sos=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=507:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/507Mi)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.89  
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Memory used [KB]: 59103
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Time elapsed: 0.058 s
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)Instructions burned: 47 (million)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.89  % (3382)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.89  % (3385)dis+1010_2:3_amm=off:fd=preordered:ixr=off:nm=0:pe=on:piset=equals:prag=on:sac=on:tgt=ground:i=149:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/149Mi)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.07/4.89  
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Memory used [KB]: 68314
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Time elapsed: 0.448 s
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)Instructions burned: 879 (million)
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)------------------------------
% 8.07/4.89  % (3370)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.91  % (3386)lrs+21_1:16_au=on:bd=off:piset=and:i=39:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/39Mi)
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)lrs+1004_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:gs=on:hud=10:prag=on:tnu=1:i=6:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/6Mi)
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.56/4.92  
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Memory used [KB]: 57184
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Time elapsed: 0.012 s
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)Instructions burned: 6 (million)
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.92  % (3387)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.93  % (3388)dis+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:e2e=on:nm=2:nwc=10.0:sd=1:ss=axioms:st=3.0:i=1087:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2954ds/1087Mi)
% 8.56/4.95  % (3389)dis+10_1:1_aac=none:cs=on:i=47:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2953ds/47Mi)
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.56/4.96  
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Time elapsed: 0.054 s
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)Instructions burned: 40 (million)
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.96  % (3386)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.56/4.96  
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Memory used [KB]: 59743
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Time elapsed: 0.084 s
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)Instructions burned: 99 (million)
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)------------------------------
% 8.56/4.96  % (3383)------------------------------
% 8.60/4.98  % (3391)dis+10_1:1_av=off:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:tnu=1:i=432:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2953ds/432Mi)
% 8.60/4.98  % (3390)lrs+1010_1:128_av=off:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fsr=off:ntd=on:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=44:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2953ds/44Mi)
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.60/5.00  
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Memory used [KB]: 60254
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Time elapsed: 0.110 s
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)Instructions burned: 149 (million)
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.00  % (3385)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.60/5.00  
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Time elapsed: 0.058 s
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)Instructions burned: 47 (million)
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.00  % (3389)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.03  % (3392)lrs+10_7:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:nwc=5.0:plsq=on:i=62:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2953ds/62Mi)
% 8.60/5.03  % (3393)lrs+1010_1:16_add=large:amm=off:anc=all_dependent:chr=on:fd=off:ins=2:sp=const_max:tnu=5:uhcvi=on:i=31:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2953ds/31Mi)
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Termination phase: shuffling
% 8.60/5.04  
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Memory used [KB]: 59103
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Time elapsed: 0.056 s
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)Instructions burned: 45 (million)
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)------------------------------
% 8.60/5.04  % (3390)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.09/5.06  
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Memory used [KB]: 63964
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Time elapsed: 0.234 s
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)Instructions burned: 448 (million)
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.06  % (3381)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.07  % (3394)dis+10_1:128_hud=1:i=96:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2952ds/96Mi)
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.09/5.07  
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Time elapsed: 0.050 s
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)Instructions burned: 32 (million)
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)------------------------------
% 9.09/5.07  % (3393)------------------------------
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)------------------------------
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.43/5.09  
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Time elapsed: 0.066 s
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)Instructions burned: 62 (million)
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)------------------------------
% 9.43/5.09  % (3392)------------------------------
% 9.43/5.09  % (3395)lrs+1002_1:4_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:hud=15:inj=on:nwc=4.0:s2a=on:sac=on:sp=reverse_arity:i=453:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2952ds/453Mi)
% 9.43/5.10  % (3396)lrs-1004_1:1_au=on:bsd=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=off:fe=axiom:fsd=on:i=71:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2952ds/71Mi)
% 9.43/5.12  % (3397)dis+1002_1:1_bd=off:fsr=off:ntd=on:s2a=on:ss=axioms:i=83:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2952ds/83Mi)
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.15  
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Memory used [KB]: 59615
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Time elapsed: 0.083 s
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)Instructions burned: 96 (million)
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.15  % (3394)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.16  
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Memory used [KB]: 63708
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Time elapsed: 0.277 s
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)Instructions burned: 509 (million)
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.16  % (3384)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.17  
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Time elapsed: 0.071 s
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)Instructions burned: 71 (million)
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.17  % (3396)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.17  % (3398)lrs+10_1:128_cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:hud=1:ins=1:i=11:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/11Mi)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3399)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:fsr=off:spb=non_intro:i=41:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/41Mi)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.19  
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Memory used [KB]: 57568
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Time elapsed: 0.019 s
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)Instructions burned: 11 (million)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.19  % (3398)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.19  
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Time elapsed: 0.076 s
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)Instructions burned: 83 (million)
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.19  % (3397)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.20  % (3400)lrs+1004_1:1_chr=on:prag=on:i=6:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/6Mi)
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.21  
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Memory used [KB]: 57184
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Time elapsed: 0.012 s
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)Instructions burned: 6 (million)
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3400)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Termination phase: shuffling
% 9.52/5.21  
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Memory used [KB]: 63964
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Time elapsed: 0.225 s
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)Instructions burned: 432 (million)
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3391)------------------------------
% 9.52/5.21  % (3401)dis+10_1:1_avsq=on:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:nm=32:i=150:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/150Mi)
% 10.90/5.22  % (3402)ott+1010_1:1_au=on:s2a=on:sd=7:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=343:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/343Mi)
% 10.90/5.23  % (3403)ott+1010_1:4_cbe=off:chr=on:hfsq=on:hfsqr=1,16:hud=3:sac=on:sp=unary_frequency:ss=axioms:st=5.0:tnu=2:i=109:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2951ds/109Mi)
% 10.90/5.24  % (3404)dis+10_1:1_au=on:c=on:e2e=on:fsr=off:sos=all:sp=const_frequency:ss=axioms:i=253:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2950ds/253Mi)
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Instruction limit reached!
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)------------------------------
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Termination reason: Unknown
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Termination phase: shuffling
% 10.90/5.24  
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Time elapsed: 0.056 s
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)Instructions burned: 41 (million)
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)------------------------------
% 10.90/5.24  % (3399)------------------------------
% 10.90/5.27  % (3405)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=off:sd=1:sgt=16:ss=axioms:i=140:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2950ds/140Mi)
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.15/5.32  
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Memory used [KB]: 59871
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Time elapsed: 0.090 s
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)Instructions burned: 109 (million)
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.32  % (3403)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.15/5.32  
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Memory used [KB]: 60254
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Time elapsed: 0.110 s
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)Instructions burned: 151 (million)
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.32  % (3401)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.15/5.33  
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Memory used [KB]: 64092
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Time elapsed: 0.240 s
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)Instructions burned: 453 (million)
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.33  % (3395)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.34  % (3406)dis+1010_16:1_acc=model:au=on:avsq=on:cond=fast:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsqr=9267,262144:i=614:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2949ds/614Mi)
% 11.15/5.34  % (3407)lrs+1002_1:1_e2e=on:fde=unused:fe=axiom:prag=on:sd=1:sos=on:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=202:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2949ds/202Mi)
% 11.15/5.36  % (3408)dis+1002_1:1_au=on:cs=on:ins=3:kws=inv_frequency:nwc=10.0:ss=axioms:st=3.0:i=339:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2949ds/339Mi)
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.15/5.37  
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Memory used [KB]: 60126
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Time elapsed: 0.103 s
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)Instructions burned: 140 (million)
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)------------------------------
% 11.15/5.37  % (3405)------------------------------
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)------------------------------
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.62/5.39  
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Memory used [KB]: 61406
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Time elapsed: 0.158 s
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)Instructions burned: 253 (million)
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)------------------------------
% 11.62/5.39  % (3404)------------------------------
% 11.63/5.40  % (3409)dis+10_1:1_anc=none:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fd=preordered:fe=off:hud=10:ins=3:ixr=off:nwc=5.0:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sp=const_frequency:uhcvi=on:i=283:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2949ds/283Mi)
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.85/5.42  
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Memory used [KB]: 62173
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Time elapsed: 0.199 s
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)Instructions burned: 344 (million)
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.42  % (3402)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.42  % (3410)dis+2_1:1_cha=on:hud=7:nwc=3.0:prag=on:tnu=2:i=134:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2949ds/134Mi)
% 11.85/5.45  % (3411)dis+1010_1:64_cnfonf=lazy_simp:fd=off:i=298:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2948ds/298Mi)
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.85/5.47  
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Memory used [KB]: 69721
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Time elapsed: 0.551 s
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)Instructions burned: 1087 (million)
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.47  % (3388)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Termination phase: shuffling
% 11.85/5.47  
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Memory used [KB]: 61022
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Time elapsed: 0.133 s
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)Instructions burned: 203 (million)
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)------------------------------
% 11.85/5.47  % (3407)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.50  % (3412)lrs+2_1:8_erd=off:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:sos=on:i=192:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2948ds/192Mi)
% 12.30/5.50  % (3413)lrs+10_1:1_bd=off:hud=1:nm=0:prag=on:sd=2:sgt=32:sos=all:ss=axioms:i=258:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2948ds/258Mi)
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.30/5.52  
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Memory used [KB]: 60126
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Time elapsed: 0.101 s
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)Instructions burned: 135 (million)
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.52  % (3410)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.55  % (3414)lrs+1002_1:1024_au=on:cond=fast:ntd=on:piset=and:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=183491,1048576:sac=on:tgt=ground:i=90:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2947ds/90Mi)
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.30/5.55  
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Memory used [KB]: 62429
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Time elapsed: 0.198 s
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)Instructions burned: 341 (million)
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.55  % (3408)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.30/5.56  
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Memory used [KB]: 61917
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Time elapsed: 0.166 s
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)Instructions burned: 283 (million)
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)------------------------------
% 12.30/5.56  % (3409)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.58  % (3415)dis+1004_16:1_avsq=on:avsqr=1,16:cnfonf=lazy_gen:cs=on:fe=off:tgt=ground:tnu=1:i=231:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2947ds/231Mi)
% 12.85/5.59  % (3416)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:s2a=on:sgt=32:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsql=off:ss=axioms:i=458:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2947ds/458Mi)
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.85/5.61  
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Memory used [KB]: 62301
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Time elapsed: 0.169 s
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)Instructions burned: 299 (million)
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.61  % (3411)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.85/5.62  
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Memory used [KB]: 59615
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Time elapsed: 0.080 s
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.62  % (3414)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.85/5.63  
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Time elapsed: 0.127 s
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)Instructions burned: 193 (million)
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.63  % (3412)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.64  % (3417)lrs+1010_1:16_add=large:amm=off:anc=all_dependent:chr=on:fd=off:ins=2:sp=const_max:tnu=5:uhcvi=on:i=31:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/31Mi)
% 12.85/5.65  % (3418)lrs+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:kws=inv_precedence:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:sp=weighted_frequency:ss=axioms:i=297:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/297Mi)
% 12.85/5.65  % (3419)dis+2_1:4_amm=off:au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:hfaw=0:hfsq=on:hfsql=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=35,4:sac=on:i=987:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/987Mi)
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.85/5.66  
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Memory used [KB]: 61534
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Time elapsed: 0.158 s
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)Instructions burned: 258 (million)
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.66  % (3413)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Instruction limit reached!
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Termination reason: Unknown
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Termination phase: shuffling
% 12.85/5.67  
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Memory used [KB]: 64988
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Time elapsed: 0.327 s
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)Instructions burned: 615 (million)
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)------------------------------
% 12.85/5.67  % (3406)------------------------------
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Instruction limit reached!
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)------------------------------
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Termination reason: Unknown
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Termination phase: shuffling
% 13.84/5.69  
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Time elapsed: 0.049 s
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)Instructions burned: 31 (million)
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)------------------------------
% 13.84/5.69  % (3417)------------------------------
% 13.84/5.69  % (3420)lrs+10_1:1024_avsq=on:avsqc=4:avsqr=584411,1048576:bd=off:bet=on:br=off:chr=on:fsd=on:fsdmm=1:hud=10:nm=0:ntd=on:nwc=9.0:piset=or:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsql=on:plsqr=852219,1048576:rawr=on:sp=const_frequency:spb=units:i=182:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/182Mi)
% 13.84/5.70  % (3421)dis+10_1:1_au=on:e2e=on:fde=none:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:s2at=2.0:i=182:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/182Mi)
% 13.91/5.71  % (3422)dis+10_1:8_cha=on:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=axiom:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:sos=all:i=154:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/154Mi)
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Instruction limit reached!
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)------------------------------
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Termination reason: Unknown
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Termination phase: shuffling
% 13.91/5.72  
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Memory used [KB]: 61534
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Time elapsed: 0.140 s
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)Instructions burned: 232 (million)
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)------------------------------
% 13.91/5.72  % (3415)------------------------------
% 14.50/5.75  % (3423)dis+1003_1:64_atotf=0.4:au=on:fsr=off:hflw=5:hfsq=on:hfsqc=20:hfsql=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=79:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2945ds/79Mi)
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Instruction limit reached!
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)------------------------------
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Termination reason: Unknown
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Termination phase: shuffling
% 14.50/5.81  
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Time elapsed: 0.126 s
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)Instructions burned: 182 (million)
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)------------------------------
% 14.50/5.81  % (3420)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.04/5.82  
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Memory used [KB]: 62429
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Time elapsed: 0.171 s
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)Instructions burned: 298 (million)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3418)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.04/5.82  
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Time elapsed: 0.107 s
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)Instructions burned: 154 (million)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3422)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.04/5.82  
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Time elapsed: 0.125 s
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)Instructions burned: 182 (million)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3421)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.04/5.82  
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Time elapsed: 0.075 s
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)Instructions burned: 79 (million)
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.82  % (3423)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.04/5.84  
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Memory used [KB]: 63453
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Time elapsed: 0.254 s
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)Instructions burned: 458 (million)
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.84  % (3416)------------------------------
% 15.04/5.84  % (3424)dis+1010_5:2_anc=all_dependent:awrs=converge:bd=off:bet=on:c=on:cha=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:fe=axiom:hud=5:kws=precedence:piset=and:prag=on:s2a=on:sac=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:sp=reverse_arity:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=216:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/216Mi)
% 15.04/5.85  % (3426)dis+1002_1:1_acc=on:au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:sgt=8:ss=axioms:i=922:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/922Mi)
% 15.04/5.85  % (3425)lrs+1002_1:1_fe=off:hud=10:ins=2:sac=on:sp=const_frequency:i=114:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/114Mi)
% 15.04/5.85  % (3427)lrs+10_1:128_au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:nwc=10.0:piset=and:i=182:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/182Mi)
% 15.04/5.85  % (3428)ott+1010_1:1024_au=on:av=off:c=on:cnfonf=conj_eager:piset=equals:s2a=on:sp=occurrence:spb=units:ss=axioms:i=164:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/164Mi)
% 15.04/5.86  % (3429)lrs+1004_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:gs=on:hud=10:prag=on:tnu=1:i=50:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2944ds/50Mi)
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.34/5.92  
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Memory used [KB]: 59103
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Time elapsed: 0.060 s
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)Instructions burned: 50 (million)
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.92  % (3429)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.34/5.94  
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Memory used [KB]: 60254
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Time elapsed: 0.092 s
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)Instructions burned: 114 (million)
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.94  % (3425)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.95  % (3430)dis-30_1:1_acc=on:bd=off:fsr=off:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:i=368:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/368Mi)
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.34/5.96  
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Time elapsed: 0.108 s
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)Instructions burned: 164 (million)
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.96  % (3428)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.34/5.96  
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Memory used [KB]: 60894
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Time elapsed: 0.118 s
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)Instructions burned: 182 (million)
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.96  % (3427)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.97  % (3431)dis+2_1:1_bd=off:e2e=on:hud=1:nm=3:piset=or:prag=on:s2a=on:sp=const_max:i=1021:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/1021Mi)
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.34/5.97  
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Memory used [KB]: 61278
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Time elapsed: 0.136 s
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)Instructions burned: 216 (million)
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)------------------------------
% 15.34/5.97  % (3424)------------------------------
% 15.89/5.98  % (3432)dis+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=267:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/267Mi)
% 15.89/5.99  % (3433)dis+21_1:5_au=on:ntd=on:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=204:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/204Mi)
% 15.89/6.00  % (3434)dis+2_1:1024_atotf=0.0802881:au=on:bs=unit_only:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:fde=none:nwc=10.0:prag=on:i=26:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/26Mi)
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)------------------------------
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Termination phase: shuffling
% 15.89/6.04  
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Time elapsed: 0.046 s
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)Instructions burned: 27 (million)
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)------------------------------
% 15.89/6.04  % (3434)------------------------------
% 15.89/6.07  % (3435)dis+1002_1:1_bd=preordered:c=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:hud=10:ixr=off:prag=on:i=53:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2942ds/53Mi)
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.27/6.12  
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Memory used [KB]: 70233
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Time elapsed: 0.471 s
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)Instructions burned: 987 (million)
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.12  % (3419)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.27/6.12  
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Memory used [KB]: 61022
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Time elapsed: 0.135 s
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)Instructions burned: 204 (million)
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.12  % (3433)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.27/6.13  
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Memory used [KB]: 59231
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Time elapsed: 0.062 s
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)Instructions burned: 54 (million)
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.13  % (3435)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.27/6.14  
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Memory used [KB]: 61917
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Time elapsed: 0.157 s
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)Instructions burned: 269 (million)
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.14  % (3432)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.15  % (3436)dis+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:e2e=on:nm=2:nwc=10.0:sd=1:ss=axioms:st=3.0:i=4436:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/4436Mi)
% 16.27/6.15  % (3437)dis+1010_1:1_acc=model:avsq=on:ixr=off:prag=on:s2a=on:sac=on:i=1539:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/1539Mi)
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.27/6.15  
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Memory used [KB]: 62685
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Time elapsed: 0.210 s
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)Instructions burned: 368 (million)
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.15  % (3430)------------------------------
% 16.27/6.16  % (3438)lrs+2_1:1_bd=off:e2e=on:fde=none:kws=inv_precedence:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:sos=on:i=408:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/408Mi)
% 16.27/6.16  % (3439)lrs+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=4203469,65536:i=5205:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/5205Mi)
% 16.27/6.18  % (3440)dis+1010_1:4_au=on:av=off:cbe=off:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sd=2:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=1913:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/1913Mi)
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.95/6.32  
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Memory used [KB]: 72152
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Time elapsed: 0.476 s
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)Instructions burned: 923 (million)
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.32  % (3426)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Instruction limit reached!
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Termination reason: Unknown
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Termination phase: shuffling
% 16.95/6.34  
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Memory used [KB]: 74966
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Time elapsed: 0.183 s
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)Instructions burned: 408 (million)
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.34  % (3438)------------------------------
% 16.95/6.35  % (3441)lrs+2_1:1_bd=off:cbe=off:piset=equals:sd=1:sgt=20:sos=all:ss=axioms:i=4350:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2939ds/4350Mi)
% 16.95/6.35  % (3442)ott+1010_1:4_cbe=off:chr=on:hfsq=on:hfsqr=1,16:hud=3:sac=on:sp=unary_frequency:ss=axioms:st=5.0:tnu=2:i=68:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2939ds/68Mi)
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Instruction limit reached!
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)------------------------------
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Termination reason: Unknown
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Termination phase: shuffling
% 19.16/6.42  
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Time elapsed: 0.055 s
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)Instructions burned: 70 (million)
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)------------------------------
% 19.16/6.42  % (3442)------------------------------
% 19.40/6.44  % (3443)dis+10_1:1_au=on:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:s2at=2.0:sac=on:sd=7:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=358:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2938ds/358Mi)
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Instruction limit reached!
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)------------------------------
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Termination reason: Unknown
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Termination phase: shuffling
% 19.40/6.45  
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Memory used [KB]: 72791
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Time elapsed: 0.483 s
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)Instructions burned: 1022 (million)
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)------------------------------
% 19.40/6.45  % (3431)------------------------------
% 19.40/6.46  % (3444)lrs+1010_1:16_add=large:amm=off:anc=all_dependent:chr=on:fd=off:ins=2:sp=const_max:tnu=5:uhcvi=on:i=31:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2938ds/31Mi)
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Instruction limit reached!
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)------------------------------
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Termination reason: Unknown
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Termination phase: shuffling
% 19.76/6.50  
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Time elapsed: 0.040 s
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)Instructions burned: 33 (million)
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)------------------------------
% 19.76/6.50  % (3444)------------------------------
% 19.76/6.52  % (3445)lrs+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_simp:sgt=5:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=279:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2938ds/279Mi)
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Instruction limit reached!
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Termination reason: Unknown
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Termination phase: shuffling
% 20.12/6.59  
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Memory used [KB]: 63708
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Time elapsed: 0.150 s
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)Instructions burned: 360 (million)
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.59  % (3443)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.60  % (3446)lrs+10_8:1_au=on:fde=none:slsq=on:i=258:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2937ds/258Mi)
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Instruction limit reached!
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Termination reason: Unknown
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Termination phase: shuffling
% 20.12/6.63  
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Memory used [KB]: 62045
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Time elapsed: 0.108 s
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)Instructions burned: 279 (million)
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.63  % (3445)------------------------------
% 20.12/6.64  % (3447)dis+2_1:1024_atotf=0.0802881:au=on:bs=unit_only:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:fde=none:nwc=10.0:prag=on:i=26:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2936ds/26Mi)
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Instruction limit reached!
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)------------------------------
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Termination reason: Unknown
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Termination phase: shuffling
% 20.87/6.68  
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Memory used [KB]: 58847
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Time elapsed: 0.037 s
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)Instructions burned: 27 (million)
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)------------------------------
% 20.87/6.68  % (3447)------------------------------
% 21.11/6.70  % (3448)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:ntd=on:pe=on:i=995:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2936ds/995Mi)
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Instruction limit reached!
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)------------------------------
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Termination reason: Unknown
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Termination phase: shuffling
% 21.11/6.73  
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Memory used [KB]: 91213
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Time elapsed: 0.582 s
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)Instructions burned: 1539 (million)
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)------------------------------
% 21.11/6.73  % (3437)------------------------------
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Instruction limit reached!
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)------------------------------
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Termination reason: Unknown
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Termination phase: shuffling
% 21.33/6.74  
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Memory used [KB]: 61406
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Time elapsed: 0.142 s
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)Instructions burned: 258 (million)
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)------------------------------
% 21.33/6.74  % (3446)------------------------------
% 21.33/6.75  % (3449)dis+10_1:8_amm=sco:cbe=off:hflw=5:hfsq=on:hfsqc=14:hfsql=off:hfsqr=4,1:hud=5:ile=on:lma=on:nm=2:ntd=on:prag=on:sac=on:sp=frequency:i=373:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2935ds/373Mi)
% 21.33/6.77  % (3450)lrs+1010_1:128_au=on:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:hflw=4:hfsq=on:hfsqc=20:hfsql=off:i=253:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2935ds/253Mi)
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Instruction limit reached!
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Termination reason: Unknown
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Termination phase: shuffling
% 22.00/6.90  
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Memory used [KB]: 61662
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Time elapsed: 0.129 s
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)Instructions burned: 254 (million)
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.90  % (3450)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Instruction limit reached!
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Termination reason: Unknown
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Termination phase: shuffling
% 22.00/6.90  
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Memory used [KB]: 62813
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Time elapsed: 0.151 s
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)Instructions burned: 374 (million)
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.90  % (3449)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.92  % (3451)lrs+1002_1:14_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=unused:sac=on:sos=on:i=832:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2934ds/832Mi)
% 22.00/6.92  % (3452)lrs+1010_1:1_chr=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:gs=on:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=5,1:prag=on:rawr=on:i=668:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2934ds/668Mi)
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Instruction limit reached!
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Termination reason: Unknown
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Termination phase: shuffling
% 22.00/6.93  
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Memory used [KB]: 77653
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Time elapsed: 0.745 s
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)Instructions burned: 1913 (million)
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.93  % (3440)------------------------------
% 22.00/6.95  % (3453)dis+10_1:1_anc=none:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fd=preordered:fe=off:hud=10:ins=3:ixr=off:nwc=5.0:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sp=const_frequency:uhcvi=on:i=40:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2933ds/40Mi)
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)------------------------------
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Termination reason: Unknown
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Termination phase: shuffling
% 23.09/6.99  
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Memory used [KB]: 58975
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Time elapsed: 0.044 s
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)Instructions burned: 40 (million)
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)------------------------------
% 23.09/6.99  % (3453)------------------------------
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)------------------------------
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Termination reason: Unknown
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Termination phase: shuffling
% 23.09/7.00  
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Memory used [KB]: 70233
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Time elapsed: 0.311 s
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)Instructions burned: 996 (million)
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)------------------------------
% 23.09/7.00  % (3448)------------------------------
% 23.38/7.01  % (3454)lrs+1010_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fd=off:ntd=on:sd=1:sgt=32:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=294:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2933ds/294Mi)
% 23.38/7.02  % (3455)dis+1010_1:1_avsq=on:fe=off:fsr=off:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=187:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2933ds/187Mi)
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Termination reason: Unknown
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Termination phase: shuffling
% 23.60/7.12  
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Memory used [KB]: 60638
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Time elapsed: 0.095 s
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)Instructions burned: 189 (million)
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.12  % (3455)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Termination reason: Unknown
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Termination phase: shuffling
% 23.60/7.12  
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Memory used [KB]: 62429
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Time elapsed: 0.118 s
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)Instructions burned: 297 (million)
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.12  % (3454)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Instruction limit reached!
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Termination reason: Unknown
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Termination phase: shuffling
% 23.60/7.13  
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Memory used [KB]: 66523
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Time elapsed: 0.215 s
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)Instructions burned: 669 (million)
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.13  % (3452)------------------------------
% 23.60/7.13  % (3483)lrs+1010_2:3_au=on:fsr=off:sd=4:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=371:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2932ds/371Mi)
% 24.30/7.14  % (3488)dis+1003_1:1_au=on:bd=preordered:fde=none:ixr=off:nwc=10.0:i=1827:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2931ds/1827Mi)
% 24.30/7.15  % (3495)lrs+10_1:1_av=off:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:tnu=1:i=70:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2931ds/70Mi)
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)------------------------------
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Termination reason: Unknown
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Termination phase: shuffling
% 24.53/7.20  
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Time elapsed: 0.054 s
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)Instructions burned: 70 (million)
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)------------------------------
% 24.53/7.20  % (3495)------------------------------
% 24.53/7.22  % (3520)lrs+10_1:20_bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:fe=axiom:hud=10:ins=1:nm=20:prag=on:sos=on:i=316:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2931ds/316Mi)
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)------------------------------
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Termination reason: Unknown
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Termination phase: shuffling
% 24.53/7.23  
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Memory used [KB]: 67035
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Time elapsed: 0.306 s
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)Instructions burned: 834 (million)
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)------------------------------
% 24.53/7.23  % (3451)------------------------------
% 24.82/7.25  % (3542)ott+1010_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=3548551,65536:s2a=on:i=932:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2930ds/932Mi)
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)------------------------------
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Termination reason: Unknown
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Termination phase: shuffling
% 24.85/7.29  
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Memory used [KB]: 62685
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Time elapsed: 0.154 s
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)Instructions burned: 373 (million)
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)------------------------------
% 24.85/7.29  % (3483)------------------------------
% 25.16/7.30  % (3582)lrs+1010_1:128_au=on:bd=preordered:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sos=all:sp=occurrence:i=4714:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2930ds/4714Mi)
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Instruction limit reached!
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)------------------------------
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Termination reason: Unknown
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Termination phase: shuffling
% 25.16/7.34  
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Memory used [KB]: 62557
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Time elapsed: 0.122 s
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)Instructions burned: 318 (million)
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)------------------------------
% 25.16/7.34  % (3520)------------------------------
% 25.28/7.36  % (3606)dis+10_1:1_au=on:e2e=on:fde=none:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:s2at=2.0:i=8250:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2929ds/8250Mi)
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Instruction limit reached!
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)------------------------------
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Termination reason: Unknown
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Termination phase: shuffling
% 25.86/7.56  
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Memory used [KB]: 69209
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Time elapsed: 0.304 s
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)Instructions burned: 933 (million)
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)------------------------------
% 25.86/7.56  % (3542)------------------------------
% 27.31/7.58  % (3661)lrs+1002_1:1_apa=on:cnfonf=off:fd=off:flr=on:hud=1:lcm=reverse:prag=on:sd=1:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=770:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2927ds/770Mi)
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Instruction limit reached!
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)------------------------------
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Termination reason: Unknown
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Termination phase: shuffling
% 27.78/7.68  
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Memory used [KB]: 128441
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Time elapsed: 1.532 s
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)Instructions burned: 4437 (million)
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)------------------------------
% 27.78/7.68  % (3436)------------------------------
% 27.78/7.71  % (3691)ott+1010_5:1_av=off:fe=off:ins=1:kws=precedence:sp=reverse_arity:i=794:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2926ds/794Mi)
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Instruction limit reached!
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)------------------------------
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Termination reason: Unknown
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Termination phase: shuffling
% 28.25/7.77  
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Memory used [KB]: 127673
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Time elapsed: 1.610 s
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)Instructions burned: 5205 (million)
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)------------------------------
% 28.25/7.77  % (3439)------------------------------
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Instruction limit reached!
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)------------------------------
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Termination reason: Unknown
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Termination phase: shuffling
% 28.52/7.77  
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Memory used [KB]: 87631
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Time elapsed: 0.637 s
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)Instructions burned: 1829 (million)
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)------------------------------
% 28.52/7.77  % (3488)------------------------------
% 28.52/7.80  % (3692)dis+1002_1:1_au=on:avsq=on:avsqr=1,16:cond=on:sp=frequency:i=464:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2925ds/464Mi)
% 28.52/7.80  % (3693)ott+21_1:3_avsq=on:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:ixr=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:tnu=1:i=1376:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2925ds/1376Mi)
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Instruction limit reached!
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)------------------------------
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Termination reason: Unknown
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Termination phase: shuffling
% 28.77/7.85  
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Memory used [KB]: 108612
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Time elapsed: 1.503 s
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)Instructions burned: 4350 (million)
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)------------------------------
% 28.77/7.85  % (3441)------------------------------
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Instruction limit reached!
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)------------------------------
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Termination reason: Unknown
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Termination phase: shuffling
% 28.77/7.86  
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Memory used [KB]: 66395
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Time elapsed: 0.279 s
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)Instructions burned: 770 (million)
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)------------------------------
% 28.77/7.86  % (3661)------------------------------
% 29.13/7.88  % (3694)dis+10_1:1_etr=on:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=906:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2924ds/906Mi)
% 29.13/7.88  % (3695)lrs+1002_1:16_bd=off:e2e=on:fde=unused:kws=precedence:sac=on:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=434:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2924ds/434Mi)
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Instruction limit reached!
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)------------------------------
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Termination reason: Unknown
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Termination phase: shuffling
% 29.28/7.98  
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Memory used [KB]: 63581
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Time elapsed: 0.186 s
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)Instructions burned: 466 (million)
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)------------------------------
% 29.28/7.98  % (3692)------------------------------
% 29.28/8.00  % (3696)lrs+10_5:4_cnfonf=conj_eager:fe=axiom:hflw=5:hfsq=on:hfsqc=10:hfsql=off:hud=10:plsq=on:sgt=5:spb=goal_then_units:ss=axioms:i=865:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2923ds/865Mi)
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Instruction limit reached!
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)------------------------------
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Termination reason: Unknown
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Termination phase: shuffling
% 29.28/8.01  
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Memory used [KB]: 78804
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Time elapsed: 0.306 s
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)Instructions burned: 796 (million)
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)------------------------------
% 29.28/8.01  % (3691)------------------------------
% 29.96/8.03  % (3697)dis+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_simp:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=593:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2922ds/593Mi)
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Instruction limit reached!
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)------------------------------
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Termination reason: Unknown
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Termination phase: shuffling
% 29.96/8.05  
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Memory used [KB]: 63453
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Time elapsed: 0.177 s
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)Instructions burned: 434 (million)
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)------------------------------
% 29.96/8.05  % (3695)------------------------------
% 29.96/8.07  % (3698)dis+10_1:1_sd=2:sgt=20:slsq=on:ss=axioms:st=6.0:i=443:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2922ds/443Mi)
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)------------------------------
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Termination phase: shuffling
% 31.59/8.21  
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Memory used [KB]: 68058
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Time elapsed: 0.334 s
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)Instructions burned: 907 (million)
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)------------------------------
% 31.59/8.21  % (3694)------------------------------
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)------------------------------
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Termination phase: shuffling
% 31.59/8.21  
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Memory used [KB]: 74327
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Time elapsed: 0.417 s
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)Instructions burned: 1378 (million)
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)------------------------------
% 31.59/8.21  % (3693)------------------------------
% 31.86/8.23  % (3699)dis+10_1:1_atotf=0.1:cbe=off:sd=3:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=594:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2921ds/594Mi)
% 31.86/8.23  % (3700)ott+10_1:1024_anc=none:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=none:fsr=off:hud=10:ixr=off:nm=4:nwc=5.0:spb=goal:i=327:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2921ds/327Mi)
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)------------------------------
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Termination phase: shuffling
% 31.86/8.23  
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Memory used [KB]: 66011
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Time elapsed: 0.202 s
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)Instructions burned: 595 (million)
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)------------------------------
% 31.86/8.23  % (3697)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.25  % (3701)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:sd=2:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=5411:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2920ds/5411Mi)
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Termination phase: shuffling
% 31.97/8.28  
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Memory used [KB]: 68442
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Time elapsed: 0.280 s
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)Instructions burned: 866 (million)
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.28  % (3696)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Termination phase: shuffling
% 31.97/8.29  
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Memory used [KB]: 63325
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Time elapsed: 0.222 s
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)Instructions burned: 444 (million)
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.29  % (3698)------------------------------
% 31.97/8.30  % (3702)lrs+10_1:20_au=on:c=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:ins=1:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=46,31:sac=on:i=1762:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2920ds/1762Mi)
% 32.28/8.31  % (3703)dis+1003_1:64_cha=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:hud=9:nwc=8.0:prag=on:i=96:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2920ds/96Mi)
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Instruction limit reached!
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)------------------------------
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Termination reason: Unknown
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Termination phase: shuffling
% 32.28/8.37  
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Memory used [KB]: 62045
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Time elapsed: 0.136 s
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)Instructions burned: 327 (million)
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)------------------------------
% 32.28/8.37  % (3700)------------------------------
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Instruction limit reached!
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)------------------------------
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Termination reason: Unknown
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Termination phase: shuffling
% 32.28/8.37  
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Memory used [KB]: 59871
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Time elapsed: 0.060 s
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)Instructions burned: 96 (million)
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)------------------------------
% 32.28/8.37  % (3703)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.38  % (3704)lrs+21_1:1_hud=5:kws=inv_frequency:nm=16:nwc=2.0:prag=on:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=503:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2919ds/503Mi)
% 32.58/8.39  % (3705)lrs+1002_1:1024_au=on:cond=fast:ntd=on:piset=and:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=183491,1048576:sac=on:tgt=ground:i=90:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2919ds/90Mi)
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Instruction limit reached!
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Termination reason: Unknown
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Termination phase: shuffling
% 32.58/8.45  
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Memory used [KB]: 59743
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Time elapsed: 0.062 s
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.45  % (3705)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Instruction limit reached!
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Termination reason: Unknown
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Termination phase: shuffling
% 32.58/8.45  
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Memory used [KB]: 64860
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Time elapsed: 0.227 s
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)Instructions burned: 596 (million)
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)------------------------------
% 32.58/8.45  % (3699)------------------------------
% 33.14/8.47  % (3706)lrs+10_1:64_hud=5:plsq=on:plsqr=2011171,524288:i=593:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2918ds/593Mi)
% 33.14/8.47  % (3707)dis-1002_1:1_alpa=false:apa=on:au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:er=filter:fde=unused:plsq=on:plsqr=9699663,1048576:s2a=on:sos=on:sp=unary_first:i=1512:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2918ds/1512Mi)
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Instruction limit reached!
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)------------------------------
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Termination reason: Unknown
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Termination phase: shuffling
% 33.29/8.58  
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Memory used [KB]: 64092
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Time elapsed: 0.196 s
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)Instructions burned: 503 (million)
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)------------------------------
% 33.29/8.58  % (3704)------------------------------
% 33.29/8.60  % (3708)lrs+1002_1:128_cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:ins=1:i=569:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2917ds/569Mi)
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Instruction limit reached!
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)------------------------------
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Termination reason: Unknown
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Termination phase: shuffling
% 34.72/8.67  
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Memory used [KB]: 123580
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Time elapsed: 1.373 s
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)Instructions burned: 4714 (million)
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)------------------------------
% 34.72/8.67  % (3582)------------------------------
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Instruction limit reached!
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)------------------------------
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Termination reason: Unknown
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Termination phase: shuffling
% 34.72/8.69  
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Memory used [KB]: 64732
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Time elapsed: 0.222 s
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)Instructions burned: 595 (million)
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)------------------------------
% 34.72/8.69  % (3706)------------------------------
% 35.22/8.70  % (3709)ott+1002_1:1_bd=off:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:fd=off:fe=axiom:hud=5:prag=on:sos=on:i=501:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2916ds/501Mi)
% 35.22/8.70  % (3710)lrs+1010_1:3_cnfonf=conj_eager:fsr=off:prag=on:sd=4:sgt=10:ss=axioms:i=562:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2916ds/562Mi)
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Instruction limit reached!
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)------------------------------
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Termination reason: Unknown
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Termination phase: shuffling
% 35.67/8.78  
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Memory used [KB]: 65500
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Time elapsed: 0.189 s
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)Instructions burned: 571 (million)
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)------------------------------
% 35.67/8.78  % (3708)------------------------------
% 35.75/8.80  % (3711)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=off:fde=unused:kws=precedence:tgt=full:i=406:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2915ds/406Mi)
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Instruction limit reached!
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)------------------------------
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Termination reason: Unknown
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Termination phase: shuffling
% 35.75/8.81  
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Memory used [KB]: 78420
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Time elapsed: 0.517 s
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)Instructions burned: 1765 (million)
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)------------------------------
% 35.75/8.81  % (3702)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.83  % (3712)dis+1004_1:128_au=on:cbe=off:e2e=on:sac=on:i=582:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2914ds/582Mi)
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Instruction limit reached!
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Termination reason: Unknown
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Termination phase: shuffling
% 35.82/8.89  
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Memory used [KB]: 65244
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Time elapsed: 0.185 s
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)Instructions burned: 564 (million)
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.89  % (3710)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Instruction limit reached!
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Termination reason: Unknown
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Termination phase: shuffling
% 35.82/8.89  
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Memory used [KB]: 63836
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Time elapsed: 0.192 s
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)Instructions burned: 503 (million)
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.89  % (3709)------------------------------
% 35.82/8.91  % (3713)lrs+2_1:1_au=on:bd=off:bsr=unit_only:sd=2:sgt=32:sos=all:ss=axioms:i=456:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2914ds/456Mi)
% 35.82/8.91  % (3714)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=conj_eager:tgt=ground:i=393:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2914ds/393Mi)
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Instruction limit reached!
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Termination reason: Unknown
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Termination phase: shuffling
% 36.55/8.97  
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Memory used [KB]: 62813
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Time elapsed: 0.166 s
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)Instructions burned: 407 (million)
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.97  % (3711)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Instruction limit reached!
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Termination reason: Unknown
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Termination phase: shuffling
% 36.55/8.98  
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Memory used [KB]: 72408
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Time elapsed: 0.515 s
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)Instructions burned: 1512 (million)
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.98  % (3707)------------------------------
% 36.55/8.99  % (3715)lrs+1010_1:6_au=on:cnfonf=conj_eager:nwc=10.0:pe=on:prag=on:s2a=on:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=1335:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2913ds/1335Mi)
% 37.00/9.00  % (3716)dis+1010_16:1_acc=model:au=on:avsq=on:cond=fast:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsqr=9267,262144:i=3373:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2913ds/3373Mi)
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Instruction limit reached!
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Termination reason: Unknown
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Termination phase: shuffling
% 37.00/9.05  
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Memory used [KB]: 63581
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Time elapsed: 0.142 s
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)Instructions burned: 394 (million)
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.05  % (3714)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Instruction limit reached!
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Termination reason: Unknown
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Termination phase: shuffling
% 37.00/9.05  
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Memory used [KB]: 64732
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Time elapsed: 0.224 s
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)Instructions burned: 584 (million)
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.05  % (3712)------------------------------
% 37.00/9.07  % (3717)dis+10_1:1024_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:spb=goal_then_units:i=474:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2912ds/474Mi)
% 37.00/9.07  % (3718)lrs+1002_1:16_amm=sco:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:nm=60:piset=all_but_not_eq:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=2,1:rawr=on:sp=occurrence:ss=included:st=-1.0:i=157:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2912ds/157Mi)
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Instruction limit reached!
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)------------------------------
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Termination reason: Unknown
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Termination phase: shuffling
% 37.56/9.10  
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Memory used [KB]: 75094
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Time elapsed: 0.193 s
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)Instructions burned: 457 (million)
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)------------------------------
% 37.56/9.10  % (3713)------------------------------
% 37.59/9.12  % (3719)dis+1010_1:1_amm=off:cs=on:kws=precedence:nwc=10.0:piset=all:s2a=on:sac=on:sp=unary_frequency:spb=goal:ss=axioms:st=3.0:i=590:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2912ds/590Mi)
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Instruction limit reached!
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Termination reason: Unknown
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Termination phase: shuffling
% 38.25/9.15  
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Memory used [KB]: 60510
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Time elapsed: 0.077 s
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)Instructions burned: 158 (million)
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.15  % (3718)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.17  % (3720)dis+10_1:1024_kws=precedence:prag=on:rawr=on:sos=all:sp=unary_first:i=104:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2911ds/104Mi)
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Instruction limit reached!
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Termination reason: Unknown
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Termination phase: shuffling
% 38.25/9.23  
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Memory used [KB]: 64348
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Time elapsed: 0.163 s
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)Instructions burned: 474 (million)
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.23  % (3717)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Instruction limit reached!
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Termination reason: Unknown
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Termination phase: shuffling
% 38.25/9.23  
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Memory used [KB]: 59743
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Time elapsed: 0.066 s
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)Instructions burned: 105 (million)
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)------------------------------
% 38.25/9.23  % (3720)------------------------------
% 38.90/9.25  % (3721)lrs+1010_1:10_au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:sp=occurrence:i=414:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2910ds/414Mi)
% 38.90/9.25  % (3722)dis+10_1:1_av=off:bsd=on:bsr=unit_only:fd=off:hud=8:nm=16:prag=on:i=715:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2910ds/715Mi)
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Instruction limit reached!
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)------------------------------
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Termination reason: Unknown
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Termination phase: shuffling
% 39.43/9.34  
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Memory used [KB]: 64988
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Time elapsed: 0.222 s
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)Instructions burned: 590 (million)
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)------------------------------
% 39.43/9.34  % (3719)------------------------------
% 39.43/9.36  % (3723)dis+21_1:5_au=on:ntd=on:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=961:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2909ds/961Mi)
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Instruction limit reached!
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Termination reason: Unknown
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Termination phase: shuffling
% 39.72/9.39  
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Memory used [KB]: 73687
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Time elapsed: 0.406 s
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)Instructions burned: 1337 (million)
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.39  % (3715)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Instruction limit reached!
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Termination reason: Unknown
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Termination phase: shuffling
% 39.72/9.39  
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Memory used [KB]: 63708
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Time elapsed: 0.147 s
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)Instructions burned: 416 (million)
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.39  % (3721)------------------------------
% 39.72/9.41  % (3724)lrs-1002_1:128_abs=on:bd=preordered:cbe=off:e2e=on:fde=unused:fe=off:tgt=full:i=1213:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2909ds/1213Mi)
% 39.72/9.41  % (3725)lrs+1002_1:12_bd=off:hud=1:ntd=on:piset=equals:prag=on:i=1979:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2909ds/1979Mi)
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Instruction limit reached!
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)------------------------------
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Termination reason: Unknown
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Termination phase: shuffling
% 40.33/9.52  
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Memory used [KB]: 87503
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Time elapsed: 0.278 s
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)Instructions burned: 715 (million)
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)------------------------------
% 40.33/9.52  % (3722)------------------------------
% 40.38/9.54  % (3726)dis+1002_1:1_amm=off:au=on:bsd=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:sp=unary_frequency:i=481:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2907ds/481Mi)
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Instruction limit reached!
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Termination reason: Unknown
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Termination phase: shuffling
% 41.12/9.69  
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Memory used [KB]: 68698
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Time elapsed: 0.340 s
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)Instructions burned: 961 (million)
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.69  % (3723)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Instruction limit reached!
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Termination reason: Unknown
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Termination phase: shuffling
% 41.12/9.70  
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Memory used [KB]: 64476
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Time elapsed: 0.163 s
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)Instructions burned: 483 (million)
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.70  % (3726)------------------------------
% 41.12/9.71  % (3727)dis+10_8:1_apa=on:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:ss=axioms:i=783:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2906ds/783Mi)
% 41.12/9.72  % (3728)lrs+1010_1:1_avsq=on:avsqr=1,16:kws=inv_arity:nwc=5.0:sd=1:ss=axioms:i=432:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2906ds/432Mi)
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Instruction limit reached!
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)------------------------------
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Termination reason: Unknown
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Termination phase: shuffling
% 42.91/9.83  
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Memory used [KB]: 71768
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Time elapsed: 0.419 s
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)Instructions burned: 1215 (million)
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)------------------------------
% 42.91/9.83  % (3724)------------------------------
% 43.32/9.85  % (3729)lrs+1010_1:1_atotf=0.5:au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:fe=off:nwc=5.0:spb=units:i=1670:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2904ds/1670Mi)
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Instruction limit reached!
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)------------------------------
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Termination reason: Unknown
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Termination phase: shuffling
% 43.32/9.89  
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Memory used [KB]: 63325
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Time elapsed: 0.170 s
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)Instructions burned: 434 (million)
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)------------------------------
% 43.32/9.89  % (3728)------------------------------
% 43.32/9.91  % (3730)dis+2_1:1_au=on:hfaw=0:hfsq=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=90:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2904ds/90Mi)
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Instruction limit reached!
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Termination reason: Unknown
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Termination phase: shuffling
% 43.93/9.97  
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Memory used [KB]: 59615
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Time elapsed: 0.061 s
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.97  % (3730)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3731)dis+10_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:ixr=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=346:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2903ds/346Mi)
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Instruction limit reached!
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Termination reason: Unknown
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Instruction limit reached!
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Termination reason: Unknown
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 43.93/9.99  
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Termination phase: shuffling
% 43.93/9.99  
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Memory used [KB]: 142001
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Memory used [KB]: 66267
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Time elapsed: 2.636 s
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Time elapsed: 0.281 s
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)Instructions burned: 8251 (million)
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)Instructions burned: 783 (million)
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3606)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)------------------------------
% 43.93/9.99  % (3727)------------------------------
% 43.93/10.01  % (3732)dis+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_gen:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=401:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2903ds/401Mi)
% 43.93/10.02  % (3733)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:s2a=on:sd=1:sgt=50:ss=axioms:i=6454:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2903ds/6454Mi)
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)------------------------------
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.35/10.07  
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Memory used [KB]: 77141
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Time elapsed: 0.667 s
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)Instructions burned: 1979 (million)
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)------------------------------
% 44.35/10.07  % (3725)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.09  % (3734)dis+1010_1:1_avsq=on:fe=off:fsr=off:hud=10:kws=arity:prag=on:i=283:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2902ds/283Mi)
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.45/10.10  
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Memory used [KB]: 135477
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Time elapsed: 1.847 s
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)Instructions burned: 5413 (million)
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.10  % (3701)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.45/10.11  
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Memory used [KB]: 62813
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Time elapsed: 0.129 s
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)Instructions burned: 348 (million)
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.11  % (3731)------------------------------
% 44.45/10.12  % (3735)ott+10_1:1_aac=none:apa=on:au=on:cnfonf=off:ntd=on:nwc=12.0:sos=on:i=865:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2902ds/865Mi)
% 44.74/10.13  % (3736)lrs+1002_3:4_au=on:av=off:cnfonf=off:fd=off:fsr=off:ins=2:sd=1:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=4528:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2901ds/4528Mi)
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.76/10.15  
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Memory used [KB]: 63581
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Time elapsed: 0.145 s
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)Instructions burned: 404 (million)
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.15  % (3732)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.76/10.16  
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Memory used [KB]: 116927
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Time elapsed: 1.163 s
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)Instructions burned: 3374 (million)
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.16  % (3716)------------------------------
% 44.76/10.17  % (3737)dis+1002_1:1_cbe=off:hud=5:nm=4:plsq=on:plsqr=7,1:prag=on:sp=const_max:tnu=1:i=1001:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2901ds/1001Mi)
% 44.76/10.19  % (3738)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=conj_eager:cond=on:hi=on:i=102:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2901ds/102Mi)
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)------------------------------
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.95/10.22  
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Memory used [KB]: 61534
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Time elapsed: 0.125 s
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)Instructions burned: 283 (million)
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)------------------------------
% 44.95/10.22  % (3734)------------------------------
% 44.95/10.24  % (3739)ott+1010_3:1_nm=20:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sp=const_frequency:i=952:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2901ds/952Mi)
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Instruction limit reached!
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)------------------------------
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Termination reason: Unknown
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Termination phase: shuffling
% 44.95/10.25  
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Memory used [KB]: 59871
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Time elapsed: 0.064 s
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)Instructions burned: 105 (million)
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)------------------------------
% 44.95/10.25  % (3738)------------------------------
% 45.17/10.27  % (3740)lrs+1010_1:1024_add=large:c=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fde=none:nm=30:piset=and:sac=on:uhcvi=on:i=578:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2900ds/578Mi)
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)------------------------------
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Termination reason: Unknown
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Termination phase: shuffling
% 47.11/10.43  
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Memory used [KB]: 67035
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Time elapsed: 0.305 s
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)Instructions burned: 866 (million)
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)------------------------------
% 47.11/10.43  % (3735)------------------------------
% 47.50/10.44  % (3741)dis+1010_1:4_avsq=on:avsqr=16,1:bet=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=643:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2898ds/643Mi)
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Termination reason: Unknown
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Termination phase: shuffling
% 47.54/10.46  
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Memory used [KB]: 65627
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Time elapsed: 0.192 s
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)Instructions burned: 579 (million)
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.46  % (3740)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Termination reason: Unknown
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Termination phase: shuffling
% 47.54/10.47  
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Memory used [KB]: 76757
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Time elapsed: 0.618 s
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)Instructions burned: 1671 (million)
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.47  % (3729)------------------------------
% 47.54/10.48  % (3742)lrs+1010_1:1_cnfonf=off:ntd=on:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:sp=const_frequency:i=865:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2898ds/865Mi)
% 47.54/10.49  % (3743)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:erd=off:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sos=all:i=1174:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2898ds/1174Mi)
% 47.80/10.52  % (3737)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.80/10.52  % (3737)------------------------------
% 47.80/10.52  % (3737)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)Termination reason: Unknown
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)Termination phase: shuffling
% 47.80/10.53  
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)Memory used [KB]: 68570
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)Time elapsed: 0.355 s
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)Instructions burned: 1001 (million)
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)------------------------------
% 47.80/10.53  % (3737)------------------------------
% 47.80/10.54  % (3744)ott+1010_1:32_apa=on:atotf=0.3:au=on:c=on:cnfonf=off:fe=off:fsr=off:nm=6:piset=or:sac=on:sos=on:i=644:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2897ds/644Mi)
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Instruction limit reached!
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)------------------------------
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Termination reason: Unknown
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Termination phase: shuffling
% 47.99/10.57  
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Memory used [KB]: 68186
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Time elapsed: 0.337 s
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)Instructions burned: 952 (million)
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)------------------------------
% 47.99/10.57  % (3739)------------------------------
% 47.99/10.59  % (3745)lrs+10_1:1_alpa=true:au=on:cs=on:tgt=ground:i=1201:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2897ds/1201Mi)
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Instruction limit reached!
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)------------------------------
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Termination reason: Unknown
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Termination phase: shuffling
% 48.21/10.65  
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Memory used [KB]: 66267
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Time elapsed: 0.211 s
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)Instructions burned: 645 (million)
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)------------------------------
% 48.21/10.65  % (3741)------------------------------
% 48.21/10.67  % (3746)lrs+1666_1:64_cnfonf=lazy_simp:hud=5:plsq=on:plsql=on:plsqr=152565,524288:tnu=2:i=1046:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2896ds/1046Mi)
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Instruction limit reached!
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)------------------------------
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Termination reason: Unknown
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Termination phase: shuffling
% 48.66/10.78  
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Memory used [KB]: 69337
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Time elapsed: 0.242 s
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)Instructions burned: 644 (million)
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)------------------------------
% 48.66/10.78  % (3744)------------------------------
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Instruction limit reached!
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)------------------------------
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Termination reason: Unknown
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Termination phase: shuffling
% 48.66/10.79  
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Memory used [KB]: 73815
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Time elapsed: 0.312 s
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)Instructions burned: 866 (million)
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)------------------------------
% 48.66/10.79  % (3742)------------------------------
% 49.36/10.80  % (3747)lrs+1010_1:1_c=on:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fsr=off:hud=5:kws=arity:nm=32:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=642,29:prag=on:i=222:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2895ds/222Mi)
% 49.36/10.81  % (3748)ott+1010_1:4_cbe=off:chr=on:hfsq=on:hfsqr=1,16:hud=3:sac=on:sp=unary_frequency:ss=axioms:st=5.0:tnu=2:i=68:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2895ds/68Mi)
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Instruction limit reached!
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)------------------------------
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Termination reason: Unknown
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Termination phase: shuffling
% 49.36/10.86  
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Memory used [KB]: 59359
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Time elapsed: 0.053 s
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)Instructions burned: 69 (million)
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)------------------------------
% 49.36/10.86  % (3748)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.88  % (3749)lrs+1010_1:1_chr=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:gs=on:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=5,1:prag=on:rawr=on:i=454:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2894ds/454Mi)
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Termination reason: Unknown
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Termination phase: shuffling
% 50.42/10.90  
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Memory used [KB]: 61278
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Time elapsed: 0.095 s
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)Instructions burned: 222 (million)
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.90  % (3747)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Termination reason: Unknown
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Termination phase: shuffling
% 50.42/10.90  
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Memory used [KB]: 70233
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Time elapsed: 0.413 s
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)Instructions burned: 1176 (million)
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.90  % (3743)------------------------------
% 50.42/10.91  % (3750)dis+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_simp:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=360:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2894ds/360Mi)
% 50.42/10.92  % (3751)lrs+1002_1:16_amm=sco:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:nm=60:piset=all_but_not_eq:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=2,1:rawr=on:sp=occurrence:ss=included:st=-1.0:i=157:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2894ds/157Mi)
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)------------------------------
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Termination reason: Unknown
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Termination phase: shuffling
% 50.95/10.99  
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Memory used [KB]: 71128
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Time elapsed: 0.322 s
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)Instructions burned: 1049 (million)
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)------------------------------
% 50.95/10.99  % (3746)------------------------------
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)------------------------------
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Termination reason: Unknown
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Termination phase: shuffling
% 50.95/10.99  
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Memory used [KB]: 60510
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Time elapsed: 0.077 s
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)Instructions burned: 159 (million)
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)------------------------------
% 50.95/10.99  % (3751)------------------------------
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Instruction limit reached!
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)------------------------------
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Termination reason: Unknown
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Termination phase: shuffling
% 50.95/11.01  
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Memory used [KB]: 71256
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Time elapsed: 0.420 s
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)Instructions burned: 1201 (million)
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)------------------------------
% 50.95/11.01  % (3745)------------------------------
% 51.23/11.01  % (3752)ott+1004_1:24_anc=none:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen:fe=off:piset=not:prag=on:rp=on:i=5061:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2893ds/5061Mi)
% 51.23/11.01  % (3753)lrs+1002_1:8_av=off:fd=off:hud=5:tnu=1:i=2401:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2893ds/2401Mi)
% 51.23/11.03  % (3754)dis+10_1:1_av=off:e2e=on:nm=4:s2a=on:i=5798:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2892ds/5798Mi)
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Instruction limit reached!
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)------------------------------
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Termination reason: Unknown
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Termination phase: shuffling
% 51.23/11.03  
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Memory used [KB]: 64476
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Time elapsed: 0.160 s
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)Instructions burned: 456 (million)
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)------------------------------
% 51.23/11.03  % (3749)------------------------------
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Instruction limit reached!
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)------------------------------
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Termination reason: Unknown
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Termination phase: shuffling
% 51.51/11.04  
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Memory used [KB]: 63197
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Time elapsed: 0.132 s
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)Instructions burned: 360 (million)
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)------------------------------
% 51.51/11.04  % (3750)------------------------------
% 51.51/11.05  % (3755)dis+10_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:ixr=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=346:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2892ds/346Mi)
% 51.51/11.06  % (3756)lrs+1002_1:1_av=off:bd=off:bet=on:e2e=on:fde=unused:fe=off:plsq=on:prag=on:sos=on:i=1321:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2892ds/1321Mi)
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Instruction limit reached!
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)------------------------------
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Termination reason: Unknown
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Termination phase: shuffling
% 51.81/11.18  
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Memory used [KB]: 62813
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Time elapsed: 0.129 s
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)Instructions burned: 348 (million)
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)------------------------------
% 51.81/11.18  % (3755)------------------------------
% 51.92/11.20  % (3757)lrs+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:kws=inv_precedence:nwc=10.0:i=1312:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2891ds/1312Mi)
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Instruction limit reached!
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)------------------------------
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Termination reason: Unknown
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Termination phase: shuffling
% 54.90/11.52  
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Memory used [KB]: 71512
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Time elapsed: 0.458 s
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)Instructions burned: 1322 (million)
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)------------------------------
% 54.90/11.52  % (3756)------------------------------
% 54.90/11.54  % (3758)ott+2_8:1_add=large:c=on:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:er=filter:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqr=1,1:ss=axioms:i=672:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2887ds/672Mi)
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Instruction limit reached!
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)------------------------------
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Termination reason: Unknown
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Termination phase: shuffling
% 55.44/11.59  
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Memory used [KB]: 73431
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Time elapsed: 0.391 s
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)Instructions burned: 1313 (million)
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)------------------------------
% 55.44/11.59  % (3757)------------------------------
% 55.44/11.61  % (3759)dis+10_1:1_au=on:c=on:e2e=on:fsr=off:sos=all:sp=const_frequency:ss=axioms:i=1897:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2887ds/1897Mi)
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Instruction limit reached!
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)------------------------------
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Termination reason: Unknown
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Termination phase: shuffling
% 55.69/11.68  
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Memory used [KB]: 127162
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Time elapsed: 1.547 s
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)Instructions burned: 4530 (million)
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)------------------------------
% 55.69/11.68  % (3736)------------------------------
% 55.69/11.70  % (3760)lrs+10_1:40_av=off:fde=unused:ntd=on:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsqr=411915,1048576:sp=unary_frequency:tgt=full:i=1202:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2886ds/1202Mi)
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Instruction limit reached!
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Termination reason: Unknown
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Termination phase: shuffling
% 56.39/11.79  
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Memory used [KB]: 76629
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Time elapsed: 0.257 s
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)Instructions burned: 672 (million)
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.79  % (3758)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.81  % (3761)dis+21_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:hfsq=on:hfsqc=40:hfsqr=8,1:ntd=on:sos=on:sp=occurrence:ss=axioms:i=1493:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2885ds/1493Mi)
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Instruction limit reached!
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Termination reason: Unknown
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Termination phase: shuffling
% 56.39/11.82  
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Memory used [KB]: 81747
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Time elapsed: 0.809 s
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)Instructions burned: 2402 (million)
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.82  % (3753)------------------------------
% 56.39/11.84  % (3762)dis+1010_3:1_av=off:fde=unused:hud=10:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:ss=axioms:i=7679:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2884ds/7679Mi)
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Instruction limit reached!
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)------------------------------
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Termination reason: Unknown
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Termination phase: shuffling
% 59.12/12.13  
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Memory used [KB]: 70361
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Time elapsed: 0.426 s
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)Instructions burned: 1203 (million)
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)------------------------------
% 59.12/12.13  % (3760)------------------------------
% 59.12/12.15  % (3763)lrs+2_1:1024_anc=all:cnfonf=off:cs=on:e2e=on:nm=20:s2at=1.5:slsq=on:slsqr=1,2:spb=goal:i=340:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2881ds/340Mi)
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Instruction limit reached!
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Termination reason: Unknown
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 59.68/12.20  
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Memory used [KB]: 142257
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Time elapsed: 2.185 s
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)Instructions burned: 6456 (million)
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.20  % (3733)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.23  % (3764)dis+1002_1:1_acc=model:au=on:nwc=5.0:sd=5:ss=axioms:st=2.5:i=3672:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2880ds/3672Mi)
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Instruction limit reached!
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Termination reason: Unknown
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Termination phase: shuffling
% 59.68/12.25  
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Memory used [KB]: 76629
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Time elapsed: 0.646 s
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)Instructions burned: 1899 (million)
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.25  % (3759)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Instruction limit reached!
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Termination reason: Unknown
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Termination phase: shuffling
% 59.68/12.26  
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Memory used [KB]: 76246
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Time elapsed: 0.453 s
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)Instructions burned: 1494 (million)
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.26  % (3761)------------------------------
% 59.68/12.27  % (3765)dis-1002_3:1_acc=model:bd=off:bsd=on:bsdmm=1:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:fd=off:fe=off:ntd=on:nwc=10.0:piset=equals:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sp=const_max:uhcvi=on:i=1535:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2880ds/1535Mi)
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Instruction limit reached!
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)------------------------------
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Termination reason: Unknown
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Termination phase: shuffling
% 60.24/12.29  
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Memory used [KB]: 66651
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Time elapsed: 0.148 s
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)Instructions burned: 341 (million)
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)------------------------------
% 60.24/12.29  % (3763)------------------------------
% 60.24/12.29  % (3766)dis+10_16:1_hud=1:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:sd=1:sgt=64:ss=axioms:i=4637:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2880ds/4637Mi)
% 60.46/12.31  % (3767)lrs+10_1:1_fde=unused:prag=on:sd=2:sgt=32:ss=axioms:i=3174:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2880ds/3174Mi)
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Instruction limit reached!
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)------------------------------
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Termination reason: Unknown
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Termination phase: shuffling
% 60.73/12.48  
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Memory used [KB]: 127034
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Time elapsed: 1.470 s
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)Instructions burned: 5061 (million)
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)------------------------------
% 60.73/12.48  % (3752)------------------------------
% 60.97/12.51  % (3768)lrs+1010_1:10_au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:sp=occurrence:i=307:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2878ds/307Mi)
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Instruction limit reached!
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)------------------------------
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Termination reason: Unknown
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Termination phase: shuffling
% 62.78/12.62  
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Memory used [KB]: 62429
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Time elapsed: 0.121 s
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)Instructions burned: 308 (million)
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)------------------------------
% 62.78/12.62  % (3768)------------------------------
% 62.78/12.64  % (3769)dis+1002_5:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=none:fs=off:fsr=off:sos=on:i=3619:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2876ds/3619Mi)
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Instruction limit reached!
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)------------------------------
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Termination reason: Unknown
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Termination phase: shuffling
% 63.34/12.73  
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Memory used [KB]: 76374
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Time elapsed: 0.463 s
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)Instructions burned: 1537 (million)
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)------------------------------
% 63.34/12.73  % (3765)------------------------------
% 63.34/12.75  % (3771)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:fde=none:ins=1:sp=const_max:i=2325:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2875ds/2325Mi)
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Instruction limit reached!
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)------------------------------
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Termination reason: Unknown
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Termination phase: shuffling
% 64.91/13.02  
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Memory used [KB]: 138547
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Time elapsed: 1.997 s
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)Instructions burned: 5798 (million)
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)------------------------------
% 64.91/13.02  % (3754)------------------------------
% 64.91/13.05  % (3889)dis+1002_1:1_au=on:sac=on:sd=5:slsq=on:slsqr=1,4:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=2341:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2872ds/2341Mi)
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Instruction limit reached!
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)------------------------------
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Termination reason: Unknown
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Termination phase: shuffling
% 68.00/13.42  
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Memory used [KB]: 116032
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Time elapsed: 1.114 s
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)Instructions burned: 3174 (million)
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)------------------------------
% 68.00/13.42  % (3767)------------------------------
% 68.00/13.45  % (4086)lrs+1010_1:16_apa=on:bsd=on:cnfonf=off:hud=10:sac=on:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=7257:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2868ds/7257Mi)
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Instruction limit reached!
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)------------------------------
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Termination reason: Unknown
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Termination phase: shuffling
% 68.76/13.51  
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Memory used [KB]: 118846
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Time elapsed: 1.282 s
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)Instructions burned: 3672 (million)
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)------------------------------
% 68.76/13.51  % (3764)------------------------------
% 69.06/13.53  % (4120)ott+1010_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=3548551,65536:s2a=on:i=3710:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2867ds/3710Mi)
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Instruction limit reached!
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)------------------------------
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Termination reason: Unknown
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Termination phase: shuffling
% 69.15/13.57  
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Memory used [KB]: 107333
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Time elapsed: 0.820 s
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)Instructions burned: 2326 (million)
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)------------------------------
% 69.15/13.57  % (3771)------------------------------
% 69.15/13.59  % (4121)lrs+1010_1:1_avsq=on:avsqr=1,16:kws=inv_arity:nwc=5.0:sd=1:ss=axioms:i=326:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2867ds/326Mi)
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Instruction limit reached!
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)------------------------------
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Termination reason: Unknown
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Termination phase: shuffling
% 69.68/13.73  
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Memory used [KB]: 62045
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Time elapsed: 0.139 s
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)Instructions burned: 326 (million)
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)------------------------------
% 69.68/13.73  % (4121)------------------------------
% 69.68/13.75  % (4128)lrs+1010_1:64_au=on:c=on:e2e=on:flr=on:hfsq=on:hfsql=off:hfsqr=4,1:ins=1:ntd=on:sp=occurrence:i=1100:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2865ds/1100Mi)
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Instruction limit reached!
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Termination reason: Unknown
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Termination phase: shuffling
% 71.37/13.86  
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Memory used [KB]: 93132
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Time elapsed: 0.809 s
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)Instructions burned: 2343 (million)
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.86  % (3889)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.88  % (4186)lrs+10_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=off:fde=unused:kws=precedence:tgt=full:i=406:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2864ds/406Mi)
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Instruction limit reached!
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Termination reason: Unknown
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Termination phase: shuffling
% 71.37/13.91  
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Memory used [KB]: 121021
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Time elapsed: 1.273 s
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)Instructions burned: 3620 (million)
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.91  % (3769)------------------------------
% 71.37/13.94  % (4228)dis+1010_1:1_aac=none:bd=preordered:e2e=on:fde=none:fe=axiom:nm=16:nwc=10.0:prag=on:i=1871:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2863ds/1871Mi)
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Instruction limit reached!
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)------------------------------
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Termination reason: Unknown
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Termination phase: shuffling
% 71.97/13.98  
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Memory used [KB]: 126650
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Time elapsed: 1.692 s
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)Instructions burned: 4640 (million)
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)------------------------------
% 71.97/13.98  % (3766)------------------------------
% 72.26/14.01  % (4270)dis+2_1:1_bd=off:e2e=on:hud=1:nm=3:piset=or:prag=on:s2a=on:sp=const_max:i=1194:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2863ds/1194Mi)
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Instruction limit reached!
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)------------------------------
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Termination reason: Unknown
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Termination phase: shuffling
% 72.26/14.04  
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Memory used [KB]: 62685
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Time elapsed: 0.166 s
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)Instructions burned: 407 (million)
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)------------------------------
% 72.26/14.04  % (4186)------------------------------
% 72.47/14.06  % (4288)dis+10_1:1024_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:spb=goal_then_units:i=474:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2862ds/474Mi)
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Instruction limit reached!
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)------------------------------
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Termination reason: Unknown
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Termination phase: shuffling
% 73.05/14.15  
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Memory used [KB]: 81491
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Time elapsed: 0.405 s
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)Instructions burned: 1102 (million)
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)------------------------------
% 73.05/14.15  % (4128)------------------------------
% 73.05/14.17  % (4320)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:ins=3:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=15142123,262144:sp=reverse_arity:i=3115:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2861ds/3115Mi)
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Instruction limit reached!
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)------------------------------
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Termination reason: Unknown
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Termination phase: shuffling
% 73.05/14.23  
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Memory used [KB]: 64348
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Time elapsed: 0.168 s
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)Instructions burned: 475 (million)
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)------------------------------
% 73.05/14.23  % (4288)------------------------------
% 73.55/14.25  % (4359)dis+10_1:1024_kws=precedence:prag=on:rawr=on:sos=all:sp=unary_first:i=831:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2860ds/831Mi)
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Instruction limit reached!
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)------------------------------
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Termination reason: Unknown
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 73.70/14.34  
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Memory used [KB]: 140466
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Time elapsed: 2.508 s
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)Instructions burned: 7682 (million)
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)------------------------------
% 73.70/14.34  % (3762)------------------------------
% 75.04/14.37  % (4364)dis+1666_14:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:piset=all_but_not_eq:prag=on:sp=const_max:i=1188:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2859ds/1188Mi)
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Instruction limit reached!
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)------------------------------
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Termination reason: Unknown
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Termination phase: shuffling
% 75.33/14.43  
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Memory used [KB]: 70361
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Time elapsed: 0.424 s
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)Instructions burned: 1195 (million)
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)------------------------------
% 75.33/14.43  % (4270)------------------------------
% 75.50/14.45  % (4365)ott+1010_1:20_cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=axiom:plsq=on:plsqc=2:plsqr=32,1:sac=on:sos=all:i=2868:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2858ds/2868Mi)
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Instruction limit reached!
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)------------------------------
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Termination reason: Unknown
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Termination phase: shuffling
% 75.90/14.54  
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Memory used [KB]: 67291
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Time elapsed: 0.297 s
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)Instructions burned: 831 (million)
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)------------------------------
% 75.90/14.54  % (4359)------------------------------
% 75.90/14.56  % (4366)dis+10_1:4_atotf=0.1:avsq=on:bsr=unit_only:e2e=on:sd=1:sp=const_max:ss=axioms:i=1516:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2857ds/1516Mi)
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Instruction limit reached!
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)------------------------------
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Termination reason: Unknown
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Termination phase: shuffling
% 76.16/14.59  
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Memory used [KB]: 80595
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Time elapsed: 0.651 s
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)Instructions burned: 1871 (million)
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)------------------------------
% 76.16/14.59  % (4228)------------------------------
% 76.16/14.61  % (4367)lrs+1002_1:20_afp=1000:au=on:bsd=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:sos=all:sp=const_max:i=2321:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2857ds/2321Mi)
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Instruction limit reached!
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)------------------------------
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Termination reason: Unknown
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Termination phase: shuffling
% 76.16/14.62  
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Memory used [KB]: 113729
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Time elapsed: 1.092 s
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)Instructions burned: 3711 (million)
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)------------------------------
% 76.16/14.62  % (4120)------------------------------
% 76.40/14.65  % (4368)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:bd=off:bsd=on:ixr=off:sp=const_max:i=2812:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2856ds/2812Mi)
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Instruction limit reached!
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)------------------------------
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Termination reason: Unknown
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Termination phase: shuffling
% 76.55/14.73  
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Memory used [KB]: 72024
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Time elapsed: 0.361 s
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)Instructions burned: 1190 (million)
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)------------------------------
% 76.55/14.73  % (4364)------------------------------
% 76.97/14.75  % (4369)dis+1002_8:1_bd=off:sd=1:sgt=16:ss=axioms:i=4604:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2855ds/4604Mi)
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Instruction limit reached!
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Termination reason: Unknown
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Termination phase: shuffling
% 79.66/15.07  
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Memory used [KB]: 107716
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Time elapsed: 0.903 s
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)Instructions burned: 3118 (million)
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.07  % (4320)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Instruction limit reached!
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Termination reason: Unknown
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Termination phase: shuffling
% 79.66/15.08  
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Memory used [KB]: 73431
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Time elapsed: 0.522 s
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)Instructions burned: 1516 (million)
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.08  % (4366)------------------------------
% 79.66/15.10  % (4370)ott+1002_1:4_c=on:chr=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:hud=10:nm=10:piset=all_but_not_eq:rp=on:spb=goal:uhcvi=on:i=2678:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2852ds/2678Mi)
% 79.66/15.10  % (4371)dis+1010_1:4_avsq=on:avsqr=16,1:bet=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=643:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2852ds/643Mi)
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Instruction limit reached!
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)------------------------------
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Termination reason: Unknown
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Termination phase: shuffling
% 81.01/15.28  
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Memory used [KB]: 105414
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Time elapsed: 0.835 s
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)Instructions burned: 2869 (million)
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)------------------------------
% 81.01/15.28  % (4365)------------------------------
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Instruction limit reached!
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)------------------------------
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Termination reason: Unknown
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Termination phase: shuffling
% 81.01/15.28  
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Memory used [KB]: 83538
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Time elapsed: 0.678 s
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)Instructions burned: 2323 (million)
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)------------------------------
% 81.01/15.28  % (4367)------------------------------
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Instruction limit reached!
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)------------------------------
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Termination reason: Unknown
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Termination phase: shuffling
% 81.12/15.31  
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Memory used [KB]: 66395
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Time elapsed: 0.208 s
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)Instructions burned: 644 (million)
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)------------------------------
% 81.12/15.31  % (4371)------------------------------
% 81.12/15.31  % (4372)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:ntd=on:pe=on:i=458:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2850ds/458Mi)
% 81.12/15.31  % (4373)lrs+1010_1:1_anc=all_dependent:apa=on:au=on:bd=off:c=on:cnfonf=off:ntd=on:i=2546:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2850ds/2546Mi)
% 81.47/15.33  % (4374)dis+21_1:1_acc=model:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:ins=2:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:i=1432:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2850ds/1432Mi)
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Instruction limit reached!
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)------------------------------
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Termination reason: Unknown
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Termination phase: shuffling
% 82.42/15.46  
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Memory used [KB]: 64092
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Time elapsed: 0.158 s
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)Instructions burned: 459 (million)
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)------------------------------
% 82.42/15.46  % (4372)------------------------------
% 82.42/15.48  % (4375)dis+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_not_gen:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=386:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2848ds/386Mi)
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Instruction limit reached!
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Termination reason: Unknown
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Termination phase: shuffling
% 83.61/15.62  
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Memory used [KB]: 63325
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Time elapsed: 0.138 s
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)Instructions burned: 388 (million)
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.62  % (4375)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Instruction limit reached!
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Termination reason: Unknown
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Termination phase: shuffling
% 83.61/15.63  
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Memory used [KB]: 111810
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Time elapsed: 0.985 s
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)Instructions burned: 2812 (million)
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.63  % (4368)------------------------------
% 83.61/15.64  % (4376)dis+1002_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_simp:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=360:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2847ds/360Mi)
% 83.61/15.66  % (4377)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:chr=on:fsr=off:hfsq=on:nm=64:sos=theory:sp=weighted_frequency:i=5446:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2846ds/5446Mi)
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Instruction limit reached!
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Termination reason: Unknown
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Termination phase: shuffling
% 84.29/15.75  
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Memory used [KB]: 74838
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Time elapsed: 0.431 s
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)Instructions burned: 1433 (million)
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.75  % (4374)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Instruction limit reached!
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Termination reason: Unknown
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Termination phase: shuffling
% 84.29/15.77  
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Memory used [KB]: 63197
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Time elapsed: 0.137 s
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)Instructions burned: 361 (million)
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.77  % (4376)------------------------------
% 84.29/15.77  % (4378)dis+10_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=2573:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2845ds/2573Mi)
% 84.29/15.79  % (4379)lrs+10_1:1_av=off:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:tnu=1:i=2655:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2845ds/2655Mi)
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Instruction limit reached!
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)------------------------------
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Termination reason: Unknown
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 84.88/15.87  
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Memory used [KB]: 161703
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Time elapsed: 2.422 s
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)Instructions burned: 7260 (million)
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)------------------------------
% 84.88/15.87  % (4086)------------------------------
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Instruction limit reached!
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)------------------------------
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Termination reason: Unknown
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Termination phase: shuffling
% 84.88/15.89  
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Memory used [KB]: 103367
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Time elapsed: 0.790 s
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)Instructions burned: 2681 (million)
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)------------------------------
% 84.88/15.89  % (4370)------------------------------
% 85.32/15.90  % (4380)dis+1002_16:1_apa=on:au=on:av=off:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:nm=0:nwc=10.0:i=2781:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2844ds/2781Mi)
% 85.32/15.91  % (4381)lrs+1010_1:10_au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:sp=occurrence:i=307:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2844ds/307Mi)
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Instruction limit reached!
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)------------------------------
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Termination reason: Unknown
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Termination phase: shuffling
% 86.67/16.02  
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Memory used [KB]: 62557
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Time elapsed: 0.117 s
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)Instructions burned: 308 (million)
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)------------------------------
% 86.67/16.02  % (4381)------------------------------
% 86.67/16.04  % (4382)lrs+1010_1:1_avsq=on:avsqr=1,16:kws=inv_arity:nwc=5.0:sd=1:ss=axioms:i=1548:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2842ds/1548Mi)
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Instruction limit reached!
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)------------------------------
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Termination reason: Unknown
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Termination phase: shuffling
% 87.20/16.17  
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Memory used [KB]: 93004
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Time elapsed: 0.864 s
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)Instructions burned: 2547 (million)
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)------------------------------
% 87.20/16.17  % (4373)------------------------------
% 87.66/16.19  % (4383)lrs+10_1:3_alpa=true:hud=3:ins=1:ntd=on:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:s2a=on:s2agt=10:i=5214:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2841ds/5214Mi)
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Instruction limit reached!
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)------------------------------
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Termination reason: Unknown
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Termination phase: shuffling
% 88.36/16.34  
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Memory used [KB]: 128057
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Time elapsed: 1.590 s
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)Instructions burned: 4605 (million)
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)------------------------------
% 88.36/16.34  % (4369)------------------------------
% 88.36/16.37  % (4384)dis+21_1:1_aac=none:bsr=on:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:i=3201:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2839ds/3201Mi)
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Instruction limit reached!
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)------------------------------
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Termination reason: Unknown
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Termination phase: shuffling
% 89.04/16.52  
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Memory used [KB]: 102343
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Time elapsed: 0.750 s
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)Instructions burned: 2574 (million)
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)------------------------------
% 89.04/16.52  % (4378)------------------------------
% 89.04/16.54  % (4385)lrs+1010_1:1_chr=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:gs=on:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=5,1:prag=on:rawr=on:i=454:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2837ds/454Mi)
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Instruction limit reached!
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)------------------------------
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Termination reason: Unknown
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Termination phase: shuffling
% 89.04/16.56  
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Memory used [KB]: 103239
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Time elapsed: 0.770 s
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)Instructions burned: 2656 (million)
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)------------------------------
% 89.04/16.56  % (4379)------------------------------
% 89.36/16.58  % (4386)lrs+1002_1:32_au=on:ins=2:nm=16:ntd=on:piset=all_but_not_eq:sp=occurrence:i=3049:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2837ds/3049Mi)
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Instruction limit reached!
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)------------------------------
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Termination reason: Unknown
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Termination phase: shuffling
% 89.36/16.59  
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Memory used [KB]: 85584
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Time elapsed: 0.546 s
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)Instructions burned: 1548 (million)
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)------------------------------
% 89.36/16.59  % (4382)------------------------------
% 90.66/16.61  % (4387)lrs+1010_1:1_bd=preordered:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:kws=inv_precedence:lwlo=on:sd=2:ss=axioms:i=7311:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2837ds/7311Mi)
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Instruction limit reached!
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)------------------------------
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Termination reason: Unknown
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Termination phase: shuffling
% 90.98/16.70  
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Memory used [KB]: 64092
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Time elapsed: 0.158 s
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)Instructions burned: 455 (million)
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)------------------------------
% 90.98/16.70  % (4385)------------------------------
% 91.42/16.72  % (4388)lrs+1002_1:14_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=unused:sac=on:sos=on:i=6804:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2835ds/6804Mi)
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Instruction limit reached!
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)------------------------------
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Termination reason: Unknown
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Termination phase: shuffling
% 91.66/16.84  
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Memory used [KB]: 95435
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Time elapsed: 0.939 s
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)Instructions burned: 2784 (million)
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)------------------------------
% 91.66/16.84  % (4380)------------------------------
% 92.10/16.86  % (4389)dis+1003_1:1_au=on:bd=preordered:fde=none:ixr=off:nwc=10.0:i=1683:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2834ds/1683Mi)
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Instruction limit reached!
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Termination reason: Unknown
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Termination phase: shuffling
% 96.68/17.46  
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Memory used [KB]: 86608
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Time elapsed: 0.600 s
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)Instructions burned: 1685 (million)
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.46  % (4389)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Instruction limit reached!
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Termination reason: Unknown
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Termination phase: shuffling
% 96.68/17.46  
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Memory used [KB]: 100936
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Time elapsed: 1.100 s
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)Instructions burned: 3201 (million)
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.46  % (4384)------------------------------
% 96.68/17.48  % (4390)lrs+10_8:1_au=on:av=off:bd=off:cs=on:e2e=on:hfsq=on:hfsqc=50:hfsql=off:nm=0:i=4688:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2828ds/4688Mi)
% 96.68/17.49  % (4391)dis-1_1:1_amm=off:au=on:cbe=off:spb=intro:i=2207:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2828ds/2207Mi)
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Instruction limit reached!
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)------------------------------
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Termination reason: Unknown
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Termination phase: shuffling
% 96.97/17.50  
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Memory used [KB]: 119614
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Time elapsed: 1.846 s
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)Instructions burned: 5447 (million)
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)------------------------------
% 96.97/17.50  % (4377)------------------------------
% 96.97/17.53  % (4392)dis+1010_1:4_atotf=0.2:c=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fe=off:ins=2:ntd=on:s2a=on:s2at=5.0:sgt=5:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=8216:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2828ds/8216Mi)
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Instruction limit reached!
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)------------------------------
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Termination reason: Unknown
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Termination phase: shuffling
% 97.20/17.64  
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Memory used [KB]: 98889
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Time elapsed: 1.058 s
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)Instructions burned: 3049 (million)
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)------------------------------
% 97.20/17.64  % (4386)------------------------------
% 97.58/17.66  % (4393)lrs+1010_1:1_atotf=0.5:au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:fe=off:nwc=5.0:spb=units:i=430:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2826ds/430Mi)
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Instruction limit reached!
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)------------------------------
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Termination reason: Unknown
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Termination phase: shuffling
% 98.92/17.80  
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Memory used [KB]: 63836
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Time elapsed: 0.148 s
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)Instructions burned: 430 (million)
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)------------------------------
% 98.92/17.80  % (4393)------------------------------
% 99.26/17.82  % (4394)lrs+1004_1:1_cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:gs=on:hud=10:prag=on:tnu=1:i=2012:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2825ds/2012Mi)
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Instruction limit reached!
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)------------------------------
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Termination reason: Unknown
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Termination phase: shuffling
% 100.21/17.98  
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Memory used [KB]: 133174
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Time elapsed: 1.791 s
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)Instructions burned: 5216 (million)
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)------------------------------
% 100.21/17.98  % (4383)------------------------------
% 100.21/18.01  % (4395)ott+1010_1:32_apa=on:atotf=0.3:au=on:c=on:cnfonf=off:fe=off:fsr=off:nm=6:piset=or:sac=on:sos=on:i=631:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2823ds/631Mi)
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Instruction limit reached!
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Termination reason: Unknown
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Termination phase: shuffling
% 101.48/18.25  
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Memory used [KB]: 77141
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Time elapsed: 0.246 s
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)Instructions burned: 633 (million)
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.25  % (4395)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Instruction limit reached!
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Termination reason: Unknown
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Termination phase: shuffling
% 101.48/18.25  
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Memory used [KB]: 90958
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Time elapsed: 0.768 s
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)Instructions burned: 2207 (million)
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.25  % (4391)------------------------------
% 101.48/18.27  % (4396)dis+2_1:1_bd=off:e2e=on:hud=1:nm=3:piset=or:prag=on:s2a=on:sp=const_max:i=8785:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2820ds/8785Mi)
% 101.48/18.27  % (4397)lrs-1002_1:128_abs=on:bd=preordered:cbe=off:e2e=on:fde=unused:fe=off:tgt=full:i=739:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2820ds/739Mi)
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Instruction limit reached!
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)------------------------------
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Termination reason: Unknown
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Termination phase: shuffling
% 103.25/18.41  
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Memory used [KB]: 80851
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Time elapsed: 0.589 s
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)Instructions burned: 2014 (million)
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)------------------------------
% 103.25/18.41  % (4394)------------------------------
% 103.52/18.44  % (4398)dis+1002_1:1024_fe=off:hud=5:prag=on:i=5473:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2818ds/5473Mi)
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Instruction limit reached!
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)------------------------------
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Termination reason: Unknown
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Termination phase: shuffling
% 104.00/18.54  
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Memory used [KB]: 66267
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Time elapsed: 0.271 s
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)Instructions burned: 739 (million)
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)------------------------------
% 104.00/18.54  % (4397)------------------------------
% 104.00/18.56  % (4399)lrs+1002_1:1_au=on:bd=off:e2e=on:sd=2:sos=on:ss=axioms:i=43570:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2817ds/43570Mi)
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Instruction limit reached!
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)------------------------------
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Termination reason: Unknown
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 107.48/18.99  
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Memory used [KB]: 142129
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Time elapsed: 2.278 s
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)Instructions burned: 6804 (million)
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)------------------------------
% 107.48/18.99  % (4388)------------------------------
% 107.64/19.02  % (4400)dis+1010_2:3_amm=off:fd=preordered:ixr=off:nm=0:pe=on:piset=equals:prag=on:sac=on:tgt=ground:i=8382:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2813ds/8382Mi)
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Instruction limit reached!
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)------------------------------
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Termination reason: Unknown
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 107.64/19.06  
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Memory used [KB]: 161063
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Time elapsed: 2.454 s
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)Instructions burned: 7313 (million)
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)------------------------------
% 107.64/19.06  % (4387)------------------------------
% 107.64/19.09  % (4401)dis-30_1:1_acc=on:bd=off:fsr=off:plsq=on:plsqr=32,1:i=407:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2812ds/407Mi)
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Instruction limit reached!
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)------------------------------
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Termination reason: Unknown
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Termination phase: shuffling
% 108.18/19.11  
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Memory used [KB]: 130360
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Time elapsed: 1.632 s
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)Instructions burned: 4690 (million)
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)------------------------------
% 108.18/19.11  % (4390)------------------------------
% 108.18/19.13  % (4402)lrs+10_1:50_cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fe=off:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqr=1,32:sos=all:i=2971:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2812ds/2971Mi)
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Instruction limit reached!
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)------------------------------
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Termination reason: Unknown
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Termination phase: shuffling
% 108.53/19.25  
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Memory used [KB]: 63069
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Time elapsed: 0.163 s
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)Instructions burned: 408 (million)
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)------------------------------
% 108.53/19.25  % (4401)------------------------------
% 108.53/19.27  % (4403)lrs+1002_1:1_aac=none:bd=off:e2e=on:fde=none:fe=off:piset=or:prag=on:rawr=on:sos=on:updr=off:i=9822:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2810ds/9822Mi)
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Instruction limit reached!
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)------------------------------
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Termination reason: Unknown
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 113.23/19.88  
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Memory used [KB]: 150957
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Time elapsed: 2.353 s
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)Instructions burned: 8216 (million)
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)------------------------------
% 113.23/19.88  % (4392)------------------------------
% 113.73/19.91  % (4404)dis+10_5:1_av=off:ntd=on:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sgt=16:sp=unary_frequency:ss=axioms:i=8425:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2804ds/8425Mi)
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Instruction limit reached!
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)------------------------------
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Termination reason: Unknown
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Termination phase: shuffling
% 114.58/20.02  
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Memory used [KB]: 107205
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Time elapsed: 0.890 s
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)Instructions burned: 2971 (million)
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)------------------------------
% 114.58/20.02  % (4402)------------------------------
% 114.87/20.05  % (4405)lrs+30_1:1_aac=none:au=on:cbe=off:cs=on:nm=2:rawr=on:sos=on:i=3107:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2802ds/3107Mi)
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Instruction limit reached!
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)------------------------------
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Termination reason: Unknown
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Termination phase: shuffling
% 117.08/20.42  
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Memory used [KB]: 135349
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Time elapsed: 1.987 s
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)Instructions burned: 5474 (million)
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)------------------------------
% 117.08/20.42  % (4398)------------------------------
% 117.08/20.45  % (4406)lrs+1002_1:128_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_not_gen_be_off:sos=all:i=7967:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2798ds/7967Mi)
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Instruction limit reached!
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)------------------------------
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Termination reason: Unknown
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 121.90/21.07  
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Memory used [KB]: 141106
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Time elapsed: 2.800 s
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)Instructions burned: 8786 (million)
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)------------------------------
% 121.90/21.07  % (4396)------------------------------
% 122.21/21.10  % (4407)lrs+1010_10:959_abs=on:acc=on:bd=off:ccuc=small_ones:cha=on:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fd=preordered:fe=off:hud=3:ile=on:kws=inv_frequency:nm=2:piset=and:sd=5:sp=frequency:spb=goal_then_units:ss=axioms:st=4.5:i=3629:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2792ds/3629Mi)
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Instruction limit reached!
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)------------------------------
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Termination reason: Unknown
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Termination phase: shuffling
% 122.21/21.11  
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Memory used [KB]: 114369
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Time elapsed: 1.069 s
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)Instructions burned: 3108 (million)
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)------------------------------
% 122.21/21.11  % (4405)------------------------------
% 122.21/21.14  % (4408)lrs+1010_1:1024_au=on:fe=axiom:lwlo=on:nm=0:ntd=on:nwc=10.0:spb=non_intro:uhcvi=on:i=939:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2791ds/939Mi)
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Instruction limit reached!
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)------------------------------
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Termination reason: Unknown
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Termination phase: shuffling
% 124.89/21.49  
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Memory used [KB]: 86352
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Time elapsed: 0.354 s
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)Instructions burned: 940 (million)
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)------------------------------
% 124.89/21.49  % (4408)------------------------------
% 124.89/21.51  % (4409)dis+1666_14:1_cnfonf=lazy_gen:fe=off:hud=10:piset=all_but_not_eq:prag=on:sp=const_max:i=1188:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2788ds/1188Mi)
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Instruction limit reached!
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)------------------------------
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Termination reason: Unknown
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 125.84/21.68  
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Memory used [KB]: 141234
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Time elapsed: 2.661 s
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)Instructions burned: 8386 (million)
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)------------------------------
% 125.84/21.68  % (4400)------------------------------
% 126.38/21.71  % (4410)dis+21_3:2_avsq=on:cbe=off:e2e=on:flr=on:ile=on:nwc=5.0:piset=or:rawr=on:sp=occurrence:i=3205:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2786ds/3205Mi)
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Instruction limit reached!
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)------------------------------
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Termination reason: Unknown
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Termination phase: shuffling
% 127.31/21.88  
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Memory used [KB]: 72152
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Time elapsed: 0.368 s
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)Instructions burned: 1190 (million)
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)------------------------------
% 127.31/21.88  % (4409)------------------------------
% 127.31/21.90  % (4411)lrs+1010_1:1_cnfonf=off:ntd=on:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:sp=const_frequency:i=865:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2784ds/865Mi)
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Instruction limit reached!
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)------------------------------
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Termination reason: Unknown
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Termination phase: shuffling
% 128.89/22.18  
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Memory used [KB]: 112578
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Time elapsed: 1.082 s
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)Instructions burned: 3630 (million)
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)------------------------------
% 128.89/22.18  % (4407)------------------------------
% 128.89/22.20  % (4412)ott+1002_1:1_au=on:bd=off:cbe=off:cha=on:cnfonf=lazy_pi_sigma_gen:fd=off:fe=off:ntd=on:sp=const_frequency:i=7469:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2781ds/7469Mi)
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Instruction limit reached!
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)------------------------------
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Termination reason: Unknown
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Termination phase: shuffling
% 128.89/22.21  
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Memory used [KB]: 66907
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Time elapsed: 0.317 s
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)Instructions burned: 867 (million)
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)------------------------------
% 128.89/22.21  % (4411)------------------------------
% 129.84/22.23  % (4413)dis+10_1:10_bd=preordered:e2e=on:fde=none:fe=axiom:hud=3:kws=precedence:nwc=3.0:prag=on:sp=const_max:tgt=full:i=4165:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2781ds/4165Mi)
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Instruction limit reached!
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)------------------------------
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Termination reason: Unknown
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 130.58/22.37  
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Memory used [KB]: 143409
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Time elapsed: 3.103 s
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)Instructions burned: 9824 (million)
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)------------------------------
% 130.58/22.37  % (4403)------------------------------
% 131.21/22.40  % (4414)dis+1010_1:1_au=on:avsq=on:cnfonf=lazy_simp:fsr=off:ntd=on:nwc=10.0:sp=reverse_frequency:ss=axioms:st=1.5:i=13468:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2779ds/13468Mi)
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Instruction limit reached!
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)------------------------------
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Termination reason: Unknown
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 132.19/22.59  
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Memory used [KB]: 140978
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Time elapsed: 2.683 s
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)Instructions burned: 8425 (million)
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)------------------------------
% 132.19/22.59  % (4404)------------------------------
% 132.19/22.62  % (4415)dis+1002_1:1_au=on:bsr=unit_only:cbe=off:fe=off:fsr=off:nm=10:nwc=6.0:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:sos=all:i=2635:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2777ds/2635Mi)
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Instruction limit reached!
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)------------------------------
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Termination reason: Unknown
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 132.68/22.73  
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Memory used [KB]: 150189
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Time elapsed: 2.280 s
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)Instructions burned: 7969 (million)
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)------------------------------
% 132.68/22.73  % (4406)------------------------------
% 133.71/22.76  % (4416)dis+1010_1:4_avsq=on:avsqr=16,1:bet=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:hud=5:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=32,1:prag=on:i=631:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2775ds/631Mi)
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Instruction limit reached!
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)------------------------------
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Termination reason: Unknown
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Termination phase: shuffling
% 133.71/22.81  
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Memory used [KB]: 99145
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Time elapsed: 1.106 s
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)Instructions burned: 3205 (million)
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)------------------------------
% 133.71/22.81  % (4410)------------------------------
% 134.33/22.84  % (4417)lrs+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:plsq=on:plsqc=1:plsqr=4203469,65536:i=15557:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2774ds/15557Mi)
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Instruction limit reached!
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)------------------------------
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Termination reason: Unknown
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Termination phase: shuffling
% 134.77/22.96  
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Memory used [KB]: 66139
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Time elapsed: 0.207 s
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)Instructions burned: 634 (million)
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)------------------------------
% 134.77/22.96  % (4416)------------------------------
% 135.34/22.98  % (4418)dis+1002_1:1_au=on:sac=on:sd=5:slsq=on:slsqr=1,4:ss=axioms:st=2.0:i=2142:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2773ds/2142Mi)
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Instruction limit reached!
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)------------------------------
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Termination reason: Unknown
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Termination phase: shuffling
% 139.17/23.52  
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Memory used [KB]: 109891
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Time elapsed: 0.910 s
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)Instructions burned: 2637 (million)
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)------------------------------
% 139.17/23.52  % (4415)------------------------------
% 139.17/23.55  % (4419)dis+1002_1:1_aac=none:au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=conj_eager:nwc=5.0:sgt=5:sp=reverse_arity:ss=axioms:i=5624:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2767ds/5624Mi)
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Instruction limit reached!
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)------------------------------
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Termination reason: Unknown
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Termination phase: shuffling
% 140.10/23.67  
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Memory used [KB]: 124347
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Time elapsed: 1.446 s
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)Instructions burned: 4168 (million)
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)------------------------------
% 140.10/23.67  % (4413)------------------------------
% 140.32/23.70  % (4420)lrs+1010_1:1_au=on:cbe=off:cnfonf=lazy_not_be_gen:ntd=on:pe=on:i=1665:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2766ds/1665Mi)
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Instruction limit reached!
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)------------------------------
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Termination reason: Unknown
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Termination phase: shuffling
% 140.32/23.70  
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Memory used [KB]: 78804
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Time elapsed: 0.723 s
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)Instructions burned: 2142 (million)
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)------------------------------
% 140.32/23.70  % (4418)------------------------------
% 140.32/23.72  % (4421)dis+1002_1:1_av=off:prag=on:sd=1:sos=on:sp=occurrence:ss=axioms:i=64912:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2766ds/64912Mi)
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Instruction limit reached!
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)------------------------------
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Termination reason: Unknown
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Termination phase: shuffling
% 143.97/24.20  
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Memory used [KB]: 77269
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Time elapsed: 0.502 s
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)Instructions burned: 1666 (million)
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)------------------------------
% 143.97/24.20  % (4420)------------------------------
% 143.97/24.22  % (4422)lrs+10_1:32_atotf=0.1:avsq=on:bsr=on:cnfonf=lazy_gen:fde=unused:i=7801:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2761ds/7801Mi)
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Instruction limit reached!
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)------------------------------
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Termination reason: Unknown
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Termination phase: shuffling
% 144.98/24.36  
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Memory used [KB]: 149677
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Time elapsed: 2.165 s
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)Instructions burned: 7471 (million)
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)------------------------------
% 144.98/24.36  % (4412)------------------------------
% 144.98/24.39  % (4423)ott+2_1:1_au=on:hfsq=on:hfsqc=5:hfsql=off:nwc=5.0:sd=3:ss=axioms:st=5.0:i=15194:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2759ds/15194Mi)
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Instruction limit reached!
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)------------------------------
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Termination reason: Unknown
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Termination phase: shuffling
% 150.83/25.19  
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Memory used [KB]: 132151
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Time elapsed: 1.641 s
% 150.83/25.19  % (4419)Instructions burned: 5624 (million)
% 151.01/25.19  % (4419)------------------------------
% 151.01/25.19  % (4419)------------------------------
% 151.01/25.21  % (4424)dis-1002_1:1_alpa=false:apa=on:au=on:bd=off:cnfonf=off:e2e=on:er=filter:fde=unused:plsq=on:plsqr=9699663,1048576:s2a=on:sos=on:sp=unary_first:i=6753:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2751ds/6753Mi)
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Instruction limit reached!
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)------------------------------
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Termination reason: Unknown
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 156.62/26.04  
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Memory used [KB]: 150317
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Time elapsed: 3.650 s
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)Instructions burned: 13469 (million)
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)------------------------------
% 156.62/26.04  % (4414)------------------------------
% 156.62/26.07  % (4425)lrs+1002_1:28_bd=off:cnfonf=lazy_simp:plsq=on:plsqr=1,1:prag=on:i=1003:si=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2742ds/1003Mi)
% 157.59/26.21  % (4399)First to succeed.
% 158.29/26.25  % (4399)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 158.29/26.25  % SZS status Theorem for theBenchmark
% 158.29/26.25  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_5, type, del: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_7, type, tp__i: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_8, type, tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_9, type, tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_10, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_11, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_12, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_13, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_14, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_15, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_16, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_17, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_18, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_19, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_20, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_21, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_22, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_23, type, tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_24, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_25, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_26, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_27, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_28, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_29, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_30, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_31, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_32, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_33, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_34, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_35, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_36, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_37, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_38, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_39, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_40, type, tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_41, type, tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_42, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_43, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_44, type, tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_45, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_46, type, tp__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_47, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_48, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_49, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_50, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_51, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_52, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_53, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_54, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_55, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_56, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_57, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_58, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_59, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_60, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_61, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_62, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_63, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_64, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_65, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_66, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_67, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_68, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_69, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_70, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_71, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_72, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_73, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_74, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_75, type, tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_76, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_77, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_78, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_79, type, tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_80, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_81, type, tp__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_82, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_83, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_84, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_85, type, tp__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_86, type, tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_87, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_88, type, tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_89, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_90, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_91, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_92, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_93, type, tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_94, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_95, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_96, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_97, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_98, type, tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_99, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_100, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_101, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_102, type, tp__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_103, type, tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_104, type, tp__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_105, type, tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_106, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_107, type, tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_108, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_109, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_110, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_111, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_112, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_113, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_114, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_115, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_116, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_117, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_118, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_119, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_120, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_121, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_122, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_123, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_124, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_125, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_126, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_127, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_128, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_129, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_130, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_131, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_132, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_133, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_134, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_135, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_136, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_137, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_138, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_139, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_140, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_141, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_142, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_143, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_144, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_145, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_146, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_147, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_148, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_149, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(type_def_150, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_0, type, del: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1, type, bool: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2, type, ind: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3, type, arr: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_4, type, mem: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_5, type, ap: $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_6, type, lam: del > ($i > $i) > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_7, type, p: $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_8, type, inj__o: $o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_10, type, c_2Emin_2E_3D: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_12, type, c_2Emin_2E_40: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_13, type, ty_2Ebool_2Eitself: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_14, type, c_2Ebool_2E_21: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_16, type, c_2Ebool_2E_3F: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_17, type, c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_18, type, c_2Ebool_2EARB: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_20, type, c_2Ebool_2ECOND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_21, type, c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_23, type, c_2Ebool_2EIN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_24, type, c_2Ebool_2ELET: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_25, type, c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_26, type, c_2Ebool_2EONTO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_27, type, c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_28, type, c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_29, type, c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_30, type, c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_31, type, c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_33, type, c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_35, type, c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_36, type, c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_37, type, c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_39, type, tp__i: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_40, type, inj__i: tp__i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_41, type, surj__i: $i > tp__i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_43, type, c_2EnormalForms_2EEXT__POINT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_44, type, c_2EnormalForms_2EUNIV__POINT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_50, type, c_2Emarker_2Estmarker: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_51, type, c_2Emarker_2Eunint: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_52, type, c_2Ecombin_2E_3A_3E: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_53, type, c_2Ecombin_2EASSOC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_54, type, c_2Ecombin_2EC: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_55, type, c_2Ecombin_2ECOMM: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_56, type, c_2Ecombin_2EFAIL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_57, type, c_2Ecombin_2EFCOMM: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_58, type, c_2Ecombin_2EI: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_59, type, c_2Ecombin_2EK: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_60, type, c_2Ecombin_2ELEFT__ID: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_61, type, c_2Ecombin_2EMONOID: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_62, type, c_2Ecombin_2ERIGHT__ID: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_63, type, c_2Ecombin_2ES: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_64, type, c_2Ecombin_2EUPDATE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_65, type, c_2Ecombin_2EW: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_66, type, c_2Ecombin_2Eo: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_67, type, ty_2Enum_2Enum: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_68, type, tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_69, type, inj__ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_70, type, surj__ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_72, type, fo__c_2Enum_2E0: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_74, type, fo__c_2Enum_2EABS__num: tp__i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_77, type, fo__c_2Enum_2EREP__num: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_79, type, fo__c_2Enum_2ESUC: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_81, type, fo__c_2Enum_2ESUC__REP: tp__i > tp__i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_83, type, fo__c_2Enum_2EZERO__REP: tp__i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_84, type, ty_2Eone_2Eone: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_85, type, tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_86, type, inj__ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_87, type, surj__ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_89, type, fo__c_2Eone_2Eone: tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_90, type, c_2Eone_2Eone__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_91, type, ty_2Esum_2Esum: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_92, type, c_2Esum_2E_2B_2B: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_93, type, c_2Esum_2EABS__sum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_94, type, c_2Esum_2EINL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_95, type, c_2Esum_2EINR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_96, type, c_2Esum_2EISL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_97, type, c_2Esum_2EISR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_98, type, c_2Esum_2EIS__SUM__REP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_99, type, c_2Esum_2EOUTL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_100, type, c_2Esum_2EOUTR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_101, type, c_2Esum_2EREP__sum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_102, type, c_2Esum_2ESUM__ALL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_103, type, c_2Esum_2Esum__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_104, type, c_2Erelation_2ECR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_105, type, c_2Erelation_2EEMPTY__REL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_106, type, c_2Erelation_2EEQC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_107, type, c_2Erelation_2EIDEM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_108, type, c_2Erelation_2EINDUCTIVE__INVARIANT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_109, type, c_2Erelation_2EINDUCTIVE__INVARIANT__ON: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_110, type, c_2Erelation_2EINVOL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_111, type, c_2Erelation_2ELinearOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_112, type, c_2Erelation_2EO: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_113, type, c_2Erelation_2EOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_114, type, c_2Erelation_2EPreOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_115, type, c_2Erelation_2ERC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_116, type, c_2Erelation_2ERCOMPL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_117, type, c_2Erelation_2ERDOM: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_118, type, c_2Erelation_2ERDOM__DELETE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_119, type, c_2Erelation_2ERESTRICT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_120, type, c_2Erelation_2ERINTER: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_121, type, c_2Erelation_2ERRANGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_122, type, c_2Erelation_2ERRESTRICT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_123, type, c_2Erelation_2ERSUBSET: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_124, type, c_2Erelation_2ERTC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_125, type, c_2Erelation_2ERUNION: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_126, type, c_2Erelation_2ERUNIV: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_127, type, c_2Erelation_2ESC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_128, type, c_2Erelation_2ESN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_129, type, c_2Erelation_2ESTRORD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_130, type, c_2Erelation_2EStrongLinearOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_131, type, c_2Erelation_2EStrongOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_132, type, c_2Erelation_2ETC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_133, type, c_2Erelation_2EWCR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_134, type, c_2Erelation_2EWF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_135, type, c_2Erelation_2EWFP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_136, type, c_2Erelation_2EWFREC: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_137, type, c_2Erelation_2EWeakLinearOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_138, type, c_2Erelation_2EWeakOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_139, type, c_2Erelation_2Eantisymmetric: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_140, type, c_2Erelation_2Eapprox: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_141, type, c_2Erelation_2Ediag: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_142, type, c_2Erelation_2Ediamond: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_143, type, c_2Erelation_2Eequivalence: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_144, type, c_2Erelation_2Einv: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_145, type, c_2Erelation_2Einv__image: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_146, type, c_2Erelation_2Eirreflexive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_147, type, c_2Erelation_2Enf: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_148, type, c_2Erelation_2Ercdiamond: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_149, type, c_2Erelation_2Ereflexive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_150, type, c_2Erelation_2Esymmetric: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_151, type, c_2Erelation_2Ethe__fun: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_152, type, c_2Erelation_2Etotal: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_153, type, c_2Erelation_2Etransitive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_154, type, c_2Erelation_2Etrichotomous: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_155, type, ty_2Eoption_2Eoption: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_156, type, c_2Eoption_2EIS__NONE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_157, type, c_2Eoption_2EIS__SOME: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_158, type, c_2Eoption_2ENONE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_159, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__ALL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_160, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__APPLY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_161, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__BIND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_162, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__CHOICE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_163, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_164, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_165, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_167, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__IGNORE__BIND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_168, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__JOIN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_169, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__MAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_170, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__MAP2: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_171, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTION__MCOMP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_172, type, c_2Eoption_2EOPTREL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_173, type, c_2Eoption_2ESOME: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_174, type, c_2Eoption_2ETHE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_175, type, c_2Eoption_2Eoption__ABS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_176, type, c_2Eoption_2Eoption__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_177, type, c_2Eoption_2Eoption__REP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_178, type, c_2Eoption_2Esome: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_179, type, ty_2Epair_2Eprod: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_180, type, c_2Epair_2E_23_23: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_181, type, c_2Epair_2E_2C: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_182, type, c_2Epair_2EABS__prod: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_183, type, c_2Epair_2ECURRY: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_184, type, c_2Epair_2EFST: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_185, type, c_2Epair_2ELEX: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_186, type, c_2Epair_2EPROD__ALL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_187, type, c_2Epair_2EREP__prod: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_188, type, c_2Epair_2ERPROD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_189, type, c_2Epair_2ESND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_190, type, c_2Epair_2ESWAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_191, type, c_2Epair_2EUNCURRY: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_192, type, c_2Epair_2Epair__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_195, type, fo__c_2Eprim__rec_2EPRE: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_196, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2EPRIM__REC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_197, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2EPRIM__REC__FUN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_198, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2ESIMP__REC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_199, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2ESIMP__REC__REL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_200, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2Emeasure: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_201, type, c_2Eprim__rec_2Ewellfounded: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_202, type, c_2Eposet_2Ebottom: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_203, type, c_2Eposet_2Ecarrier: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_204, type, c_2Eposet_2Echain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_205, type, c_2Eposet_2Ecomplete: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_206, type, c_2Eposet_2Econtinuous: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_207, type, c_2Eposet_2Edown__continuous: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_208, type, c_2Eposet_2Efunction: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_209, type, c_2Eposet_2Egfp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_210, type, c_2Eposet_2Eglb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_211, type, c_2Eposet_2Elfp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_212, type, c_2Eposet_2Elub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_213, type, c_2Eposet_2Emonotonic: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_214, type, c_2Eposet_2Epointwise__lift: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_215, type, c_2Eposet_2Eposet: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_216, type, c_2Eposet_2Erelation: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_217, type, c_2Eposet_2Etop: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_218, type, c_2Eposet_2Eup__continuous: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_220, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2E_2A: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_222, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2E_2B: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_224, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2E_2D: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_229, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EABS__DIFF: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_231, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EBIT1: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_233, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EBIT2: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_235, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EDIV: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_237, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EDIV2: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_238, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_239, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_240, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_241, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_242, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_243, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_247, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EEXP: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_249, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EFACT: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_250, type, c_2Earithmetic_2EFUNPOW: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_252, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EMAX: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_254, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EMIN: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_256, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EMOD: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_258, type, c_2Earithmetic_2ENRC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_260, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2ENUMERAL: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_263, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2EZERO: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_265, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2Efindq: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_267, type, fo__c_2Earithmetic_2Enat__elim____magic: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_268, type, c_2Earithmetic_2Enum__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_269, type, c_2Ewhile_2EHOARE__SPEC: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_271, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_272, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_273, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_275, type, c_2Ewhile_2EOWHILE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_276, type, c_2Ewhile_2EWHILE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_278, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2Eexactlog: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_279, type, c_2Enumeral_2EiBIT__cases: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_281, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2EiDUB: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_283, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2EiSQR: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_286, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2EiZ: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_288, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2EiiSUC: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_290, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2Einternal__mult: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_292, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2Eonecount: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_294, type, fo__c_2Enumeral_2Etexp__help: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_296, type, fo__c_2Edivides_2EPRIMES: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_299, type, ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_300, type, c_2Eind__type_2EBOTTOM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_301, type, c_2Eind__type_2ECONSTR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_302, type, c_2Eind__type_2EFCONS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_303, type, c_2Eind__type_2EFNIL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_304, type, c_2Eind__type_2EINJA: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_305, type, c_2Eind__type_2EINJF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_306, type, c_2Eind__type_2EINJN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_307, type, c_2Eind__type_2EINJP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_308, type, c_2Eind__type_2EISO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_310, type, fo__c_2Eind__type_2ENUMFST: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_313, type, fo__c_2Eind__type_2ENUMPAIR: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_315, type, fo__c_2Eind__type_2ENUMRIGHT: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_317, type, fo__c_2Eind__type_2ENUMSND: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_319, type, c_2Eind__type_2EZBOT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_320, type, c_2Eind__type_2EZCONSTR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_321, type, c_2Eind__type_2EZRECSPACE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_322, type, c_2Eind__type_2Edest__rec: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_323, type, c_2Eind__type_2Emk__rec: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_326, type, fo__c_2EbasicSize_2Eone__size: tp__ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_327, type, c_2EbasicSize_2Eoption__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_328, type, c_2EbasicSize_2Epair__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_329, type, c_2EbasicSize_2Esum__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_331, type, fo__c_2Elogroot_2ELOG: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_333, type, fo__c_2Elogroot_2EROOT: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_340, type, fo__c_2Egcd_2Egcd: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_343, type, fo__c_2Egcd_2Elcm: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_345, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Einvtri: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_348, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Enapp: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_350, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Encons: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_351, type, c_2Enumpair_2Enfoldl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_353, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Enfst: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_355, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Enlen: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_356, type, c_2Enumpair_2Enlistrec: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_359, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Enpair: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_361, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Ensnd: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_363, type, fo__c_2Enumpair_2Etri: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_366, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2EBITS: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_368, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2EBITV: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_372, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2EBIT__REVERSE: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_375, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2EDIV__2EXP: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_377, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2ELOG2: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_379, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2ELOWEST__SET__BIT: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_381, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2EMOD__2EXP: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_386, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2ESIGN__EXTEND: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_388, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2ESLICE: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_390, type, fo__c_2Ebit_2ETIMES__2EXP: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_391, type, c_2Epred__set_2EBIGINTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_392, type, c_2Epred__set_2EBIGUNION: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_393, type, c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_394, type, c_2Epred__set_2ECARD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_395, type, c_2Epred__set_2ECHOICE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_396, type, c_2Epred__set_2ECOMPL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_397, type, c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_398, type, c_2Epred__set_2EDELETE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_399, type, c_2Epred__set_2EDFUNSET: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_400, type, c_2Epred__set_2EDIFF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_401, type, c_2Epred__set_2EDISJOINT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_402, type, c_2Epred__set_2EEMPTY: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_403, type, c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_404, type, c_2Epred__set_2EFUNSET: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_405, type, c_2Epred__set_2EGSPEC: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_406, type, c_2Epred__set_2EIMAGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_407, type, c_2Epred__set_2EINJ: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_408, type, c_2Epred__set_2EINSERT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_409, type, c_2Epred__set_2EINTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_410, type, c_2Epred__set_2EITSET: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_411, type, c_2Epred__set_2ELINV: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_412, type, c_2Epred__set_2ELINV__OPT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_415, type, c_2Epred__set_2EPOW: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_416, type, c_2Epred__set_2EPREIMAGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_417, type, c_2Epred__set_2EPROD__IMAGE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_419, type, c_2Epred__set_2EPSUBSET: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_420, type, c_2Epred__set_2EREL__RESTRICT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_421, type, c_2Epred__set_2EREST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_422, type, c_2Epred__set_2ERINV: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_423, type, c_2Epred__set_2ESING: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_424, type, c_2Epred__set_2ESUBSET: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_425, type, c_2Epred__set_2ESUM__IMAGE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_427, type, c_2Epred__set_2ESURJ: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_428, type, c_2Epred__set_2EUNION: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_429, type, c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_430, type, c_2Epred__set_2Echooser: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_432, type, c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_433, type, c_2Epred__set_2Eenumerate: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_434, type, c_2Epred__set_2Eequiv__on: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_435, type, c_2Epred__set_2Eis__measure__maximal: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_438, type, fo__c_2Epred__set_2Epair__to__num: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_439, type, c_2Epred__set_2Epairwise: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_440, type, c_2Epred__set_2Epartition: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_441, type, c_2Epred__set_2Eschroeder__close: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_442, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Eclosed: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_443, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Edense: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_444, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Eempty: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_445, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Efnsum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_446, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Egfp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_447, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Elfp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_448, type, c_2EfixedPoint_2Emonotone: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_451, type, fo__c_2Enumeral__bit_2EBIT__REV: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_456, type, fo__c_2Enumeral__bit_2EiDIV2: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_458, type, fo__c_2Enumeral__bit_2EiLOG2: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_460, type, fo__c_2Enumeral__bit_2EiMOD__2EXP: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_462, type, fo__c_2Enumeral__bit_2EiSUC: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_464, type, c_2Eset__relation_2ERREFL__EXP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_465, type, c_2Eset__relation_2ERRUNIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_466, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eacyclic: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_467, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eall__choices: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_468, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eantisym: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_469, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Echain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_470, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Edomain: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_471, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Efchains: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_472, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Efinite__prefixes: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_473, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eget__min: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_474, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eirreflexive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_475, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Elinear__order: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_476, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Emaximal__elements: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_477, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eminimal__elements: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_478, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Enth__min: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_479, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Enum__order: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_480, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Epartial__order: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_481, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eper: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_482, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eper__restrict: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_483, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Erange: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_484, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Ercomp: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_485, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Ereflexive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_486, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Erel__to__reln: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_487, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Ereln__to__rel: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_488, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Errestrict: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_489, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Estrict: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_490, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Estrict__linear__order: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_491, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Etc: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_492, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Etransitive: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_493, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Euniv__reln: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_494, type, c_2Eset__relation_2Eupper__bounds: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_495, type, ty_2Elist_2Elist: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_496, type, c_2Elist_2EALL__DISTINCT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_497, type, c_2Elist_2EAPPEND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_498, type, c_2Elist_2ECONS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_499, type, c_2Elist_2EDROP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_500, type, c_2Elist_2EEL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_501, type, c_2Elist_2EEVERY: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_502, type, c_2Elist_2EEVERYi: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_503, type, c_2Elist_2EEXISTS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_504, type, c_2Elist_2EFILTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_505, type, c_2Elist_2EFIND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_506, type, c_2Elist_2EFLAT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_507, type, c_2Elist_2EFOLDL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_508, type, c_2Elist_2EFOLDL2: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_509, type, c_2Elist_2EFOLDR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_510, type, c_2Elist_2EFRONT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_511, type, c_2Elist_2EGENLIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_512, type, c_2Elist_2EGENLIST__AUX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_513, type, c_2Elist_2EHD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_514, type, c_2Elist_2EINDEX__FIND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_515, type, c_2Elist_2EINDEX__OF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_516, type, c_2Elist_2ELAST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_517, type, c_2Elist_2ELEN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_518, type, c_2Elist_2ELENGTH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_519, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__APPLY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_520, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__BIND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_521, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_522, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_523, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_525, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__IGNORE__BIND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_526, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__LIFT2: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_527, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__REL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_528, type, c_2Elist_2ELIST__TO__SET: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_529, type, c_2Elist_2ELLEX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_530, type, c_2Elist_2ELRC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_531, type, c_2Elist_2ELUPDATE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_532, type, c_2Elist_2EMAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_533, type, c_2Elist_2EMAP2: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_534, type, c_2Elist_2ENIL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_535, type, c_2Elist_2ENULL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_536, type, c_2Elist_2EOPT__MMAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_537, type, c_2Elist_2EPAD__LEFT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_538, type, c_2Elist_2EPAD__RIGHT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_539, type, c_2Elist_2EREV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_540, type, c_2Elist_2EREVERSE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_541, type, c_2Elist_2ESET__TO__LIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_542, type, c_2Elist_2ESHORTLEX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_543, type, c_2Elist_2ESNOC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_544, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_545, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_546, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_548, type, fo__c_2Elist_2ESUM: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_550, type, fo__c_2Elist_2ESUM__ACC: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_551, type, c_2Elist_2ETAKE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_552, type, c_2Elist_2ETL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_553, type, c_2Elist_2EUNIQUE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_554, type, c_2Elist_2EUNZIP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_555, type, c_2Elist_2EZIP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_556, type, c_2Elist_2EdropWhile: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_557, type, c_2Elist_2EisPREFIX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_558, type, c_2Elist_2Elist__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_559, type, c_2Elist_2Elist__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_560, type, c_2Elist_2Enub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_561, type, c_2Elist_2EoEL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_562, type, c_2Elist_2EoHD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_563, type, c_2Elist_2EsplitAtPki: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_564, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EBIND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_565, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EEXT: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_566, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EFOR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_567, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EFOREACH: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_568, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EIGNORE__BIND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_569, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EJOIN: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_570, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EMCOMP: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_571, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EMMAP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_572, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EMWHILE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_573, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2ENARROW: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_574, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EREAD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_575, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EUNIT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_576, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EWIDEN: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_577, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EWRITE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_578, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2EmapM: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_579, type, c_2Estate__transformer_2Esequence: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_582, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EBIND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_583, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EES__APPLY: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_584, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EES__CHOICE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_585, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EES__FAIL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_586, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EES__GUARD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_587, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EES__LIFT2: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_588, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EEXT: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_589, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EFOR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_590, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EFOREACH: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_591, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EIGNORE__BIND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_592, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EJOIN: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_593, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EMCOMP: del > del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_594, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EMMAP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_595, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2ENARROW: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_596, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EREAD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_597, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EUNIT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_598, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EWIDEN: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_599, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EWRITE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_600, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2EmapM: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_601, type, c_2EerrorStateMonad_2Esequence: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_602, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__EXISTS: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_603, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__EXISTS__GAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_604, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__EXISTS__POINT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_605, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__FORALL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_606, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__FORALL__GAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_607, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EGUESS__FORALL__POINT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_608, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2EIS__REMOVABLE__QUANT__FUN: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_609, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2ESIMPLE__GUESS__EXISTS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_610, type, c_2EquantHeuristics_2ESIMPLE__GUESS__FORALL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_611, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_612, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_613, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_615, type, c_2Erich__list_2EBUTLASTN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_618, type, c_2Erich__list_2EELL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_619, type, c_2Erich__list_2EIS__SUBLIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_620, type, c_2Erich__list_2EIS__SUFFIX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_621, type, c_2Erich__list_2ELASTN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_622, type, c_2Erich__list_2ELIST__ELEM__COUNT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_624, type, c_2Erich__list_2EPREFIX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_625, type, c_2Erich__list_2EREPLICATE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_626, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESCANL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_627, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESCANR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_628, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESEG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_629, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESPLITL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_630, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESPLITP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_631, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESPLITP__AUX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_632, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESPLITR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_633, type, c_2Erich__list_2ESUFFIX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_634, type, c_2Erich__list_2ETL__T: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_635, type, c_2Erich__list_2EUNZIP__FST: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_636, type, c_2Erich__list_2EUNZIP__SND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_637, type, c_2Erich__list_2Ecommon__prefixes: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_638, type, c_2Erich__list_2Elongest__prefix: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_639, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_640, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_641, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_642, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_643, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_644, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o_c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_645, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_646, type, inj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_647, type, surj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_654, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2El2n: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_656, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2El2n2: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_659, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2Enum__from__bin__list: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_661, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2Enum__from__dec__list: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_663, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2Enum__from__hex__list: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_665, type, fo__c_2Enumposrep_2Enum__from__oct__list: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_670, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EAPPLY__REDUNDANT__ROWS__INFO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_671, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EIS__REDUNDANT__ROWS__INFO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_672, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_673, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__EQUIV__ROWS: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_674, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__EXPAND__PRED: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_675, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__FLATTEN__FUN: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_676, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__INCOMPLETE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_677, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__IS__EXHAUSTIVE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_678, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_679, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__COND: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_680, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__COND__EX: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_681, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__COND__NOT__EX__OR__EQ: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_682, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__LIFT: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_683, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__REDUNDANT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_684, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__magic__0: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_685, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__magic__1: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_686, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__magic__2: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_687, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__magic__3: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_688, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__ROW__magic__4: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_689, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2EPMATCH__magic__1: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_692, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2ESTRONGEST__REDUNDANT__ROWS__INFO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_693, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_694, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_695, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_696, type, c_2EpatternMatches_2ESTRONGEST__REDUNDANT__ROWS__INFO__AUX: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_697, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_698, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_699, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_700, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EFOLDRi: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_701, type, c_2EindexedLists_2ELIST__RELi: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_702, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EMAP2i: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_703, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EMAP2ia: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_704, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EMAPi: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_705, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EMAPi__ACC: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_706, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EdelN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_707, type, c_2EindexedLists_2Efindi: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_708, type, c_2EindexedLists_2EfupdLast: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_720, type, c_2EreaderMonad_2EBIND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_721, type, c_2EreaderMonad_2EFMAP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_722, type, c_2EreaderMonad_2EJOIN: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_723, type, c_2EreaderMonad_2EMCOMPOSE: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_724, type, c_2EreaderMonad_2EUNIT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_725, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__ALL__DISTINCT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_726, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__CARD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_727, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__CARD__RELn: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_728, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__CHOICE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_729, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__DELETE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_730, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__DIFF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_731, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__DISJOINT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_732, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__EVERY: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_733, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__FILTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_736, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__IMAGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_737, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__IN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_738, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__INN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_739, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__INSERT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_740, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__INTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_741, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__MERGE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_742, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__OF__SET: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_743, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__REST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_744, type, c_2Ebag_2EBAG__UNION: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_745, type, c_2Ebag_2EBIG__BAG__UNION: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_746, type, c_2Ebag_2EEL__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_747, type, c_2Ebag_2EEMPTY__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_748, type, c_2Ebag_2EFINITE__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_749, type, c_2Ebag_2EITBAG: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_750, type, c_2Ebag_2EPSUB__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_751, type, c_2Ebag_2ESET__OF__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_752, type, c_2Ebag_2ESING__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_753, type, c_2Ebag_2ESUB__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_754, type, c_2Ebag_2Ebag__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_755, type, c_2Ebag_2Edominates: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_756, type, c_2Ebag_2Emlt1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_757, type, c_2Etransfer_2EFUN__REL: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_758, type, c_2Etransfer_2EPAIR__REL: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_759, type, c_2Etransfer_2Ebi__unique: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_760, type, c_2Etransfer_2Ebitotal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_761, type, c_2Etransfer_2Eleft__unique: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_762, type, c_2Etransfer_2Eright__unique: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_763, type, c_2Etransfer_2Esurj: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_764, type, c_2Etransfer_2Etotal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_765, type, c_2EdirGraph_2EEXCLUDE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_766, type, c_2EdirGraph_2EParents: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_767, type, c_2EdirGraph_2EREACH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_768, type, c_2EdirGraph_2EREACH__LIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_769, type, ty_2EEncode_2Etree: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_770, type, c_2EEncode_2ENode: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_771, type, c_2EEncode_2Ebiprefix: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_773, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__blist: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_776, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_778, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__option: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_779, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__prod: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_780, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__sum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_781, type, c_2EEncode_2Eencode__tree: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_783, type, c_2EEncode_2Elift__blist: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_784, type, c_2EEncode_2Elift__option: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_785, type, c_2EEncode_2Elift__prod: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_786, type, c_2EEncode_2Elift__sum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_787, type, c_2EEncode_2Elift__tree: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_788, type, c_2EEncode_2Etree1__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_789, type, c_2EEncode_2Etree__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_790, type, c_2EEncode_2Etree__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_791, type, c_2EEncode_2Ewf__encoder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_792, type, c_2EEncode_2Ewf__pred: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_794, type, ty_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_795, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Eis__semi__ring: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_796, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Erecordtype_2Esemi__ring: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_797, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_798, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SR0: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_799, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SR0__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_800, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SR1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_801, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SR1__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_802, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SRM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_803, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SRM__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_804, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SRP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_805, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__SRP__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_806, type, c_2Esemi__ring_2Esemi__ring__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_807, type, ty_2Ewellorder_2Ewellorder: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_808, type, c_2Ewellorder_2EADD1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_809, type, c_2Ewellorder_2EChain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_810, type, c_2Ewellorder_2EelsOf: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_811, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Efinite: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_812, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Efl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_813, type, c_2Ewellorder_2EfromNatWO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_814, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Eiseg: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_815, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Eorderiso: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_816, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Eorderlt: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_817, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Eposet: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_818, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Eremove: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_819, type, c_2Ewellorder_2EwZERO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_820, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewellfounded: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_821, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewellorder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_822, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewellorder__ABS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_823, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewellorder__REP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_824, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewleast: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_825, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewo2wo: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_826, type, c_2Ewellorder_2Ewobound: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_827, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_828, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_829, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_830, type, ty_2Einftree_2Einftree: del > del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_831, type, c_2Einftree_2Efrom__inftree: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_832, type, c_2Einftree_2EiLf: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_833, type, c_2Einftree_2EiNd: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_834, type, c_2Einftree_2Einftree__CASE: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_835, type, c_2Einftree_2Einftree__rec: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_836, type, c_2Einftree_2Eis__tree: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_837, type, c_2Einftree_2Erelrec: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_838, type, c_2Einftree_2Eto__inftree: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_839, type, ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_840, type, ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_841, type, ty_2Efcp_2Ecart: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_842, type, ty_2Efcp_2Efinite__image: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_843, type, c_2Efcp_2E_3A_2B: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_844, type, c_2Efcp_2EBIT0A: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_845, type, c_2Efcp_2EBIT0B: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_846, type, c_2Efcp_2EBIT1A: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_847, type, c_2Efcp_2EBIT1B: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_848, type, c_2Efcp_2EBIT1C: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_849, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_850, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__CONCAT: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_851, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__CONS: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_852, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__EVERY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_853, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__EXISTS: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_854, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__FOLD: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_855, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__HD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_856, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__MAP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_857, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__TL: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_858, type, c_2Efcp_2EFCP__ZIP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_859, type, c_2Efcp_2EHAS__SIZE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_860, type, c_2Efcp_2EL2V: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_861, type, c_2Efcp_2EV2L: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_862, type, c_2Efcp_2Ebit0__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_863, type, c_2Efcp_2Ebit0__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_864, type, c_2Efcp_2Ebit1__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_865, type, c_2Efcp_2Ebit1__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_866, type, c_2Efcp_2Edest__cart: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_867, type, c_2Efcp_2Edest__finite__image: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_868, type, c_2Efcp_2Edimindex: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_869, type, c_2Efcp_2Efcp__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_870, type, c_2Efcp_2Efcp__index: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_871, type, c_2Efcp_2Efinite__index: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_872, type, c_2Efcp_2Emk__cart: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_873, type, c_2Efcp_2Emk__finite__image: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_876, type, c_2Esorting_2EPART: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_877, type, c_2Esorting_2EPART3: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_878, type, c_2Esorting_2EPARTITION: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_879, type, c_2Esorting_2EPERM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_880, type, c_2Esorting_2EPERM__SINGLE__SWAP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_881, type, c_2Esorting_2EQSORT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_882, type, c_2Esorting_2EQSORT3: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_883, type, c_2Esorting_2ESORTED: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_884, type, c_2Esorting_2ESORTS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_885, type, c_2Esorting_2ESTABLE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_886, type, ty_2Estring_2Echar: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_887, type, tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_888, type, inj__ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_889, type, surj__ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_891, type, fo__c_2Estring_2ECHR: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_892, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_893, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_894, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_895, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_896, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_897, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_898, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_899, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_900, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_903, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_904, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_905, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_906, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_907, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_908, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_910, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_911, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_912, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_916, type, fo__c_2Estring_2EORD: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_918, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_919, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_920, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_922, type, fo__c_2Estring_2ESUB: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_923, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_924, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_925, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_928, type, fo__c_2Estring_2ETOCHAR: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_936, type, fo__c_2Estring_2Echar__size: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_954, type, fo__c_2Estring_2EtoLower: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_956, type, fo__c_2Estring_2EtoUpper: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_957, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_958, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_959, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_960, type, c_2Ewot_2EStrongWellOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_961, type, c_2Ewot_2EU: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_962, type, c_2Ewot_2EWeakWellOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_963, type, c_2Ewot_2Echain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_964, type, c_2Ewot_2Ecomparable: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_965, type, c_2Ewot_2Ecpl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_966, type, c_2Ewot_2Elub__sub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_967, type, c_2Ewot_2Emex: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_968, type, c_2Ewot_2Emex__less: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_969, type, c_2Ewot_2Emex__less__eq: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_970, type, c_2Ewot_2Epreds: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_971, type, c_2Ewot_2Epreds__image: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_972, type, c_2Ewot_2Esetsuc: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_973, type, c_2Ewot_2Esuccl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_974, type, c_2Ewot_2Etower: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_975, type, c_2Ewot_2Euncl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_976, type, ty_2Ellist_2Ellist: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_977, type, c_2Ellist_2ELAPPEND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_978, type, c_2Ellist_2ELCONS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_979, type, c_2Ellist_2ELDROP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_980, type, c_2Ellist_2ELFILTER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_981, type, c_2Ellist_2ELFINITE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_982, type, c_2Ellist_2ELFLATTEN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_983, type, c_2Ellist_2ELGENLIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_984, type, c_2Ellist_2ELHD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_985, type, c_2Ellist_2ELLENGTH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_986, type, c_2Ellist_2ELMAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_987, type, c_2Ellist_2ELNIL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_988, type, c_2Ellist_2ELNTH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_989, type, c_2Ellist_2ELPREFIX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_990, type, c_2Ellist_2ELREPEAT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_991, type, c_2Ellist_2ELTAKE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_992, type, c_2Ellist_2ELTL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_993, type, c_2Ellist_2ELTL__HD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_994, type, c_2Ellist_2ELUNFOLD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_995, type, c_2Ellist_2ELUNZIP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_996, type, c_2Ellist_2ELZIP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_997, type, c_2Ellist_2Eevery: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_998, type, c_2Ellist_2Eexists: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_999, type, c_2Ellist_2EfromList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1000, type, c_2Ellist_2Elinear__order__to__list__f: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1001, type, c_2Ellist_2Ellength__rel: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1002, type, c_2Ellist_2Ellist__abs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1003, type, c_2Ellist_2Ellist__rep: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1004, type, c_2Ellist_2Elrep__ok: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1005, type, c_2Ellist_2EtoList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1006, type, c_2Equotient_2E_2D_2D_3E: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1007, type, c_2Equotient_2E_3D_3D_3D_3E: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1008, type, c_2Equotient_2E_3F_21_21: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1009, type, c_2Equotient_2EEQUIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1010, type, c_2Equotient_2EPARTIAL__EQUIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1011, type, c_2Equotient_2EQUOTIENT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1012, type, c_2Equotient_2ERES__EXISTS__EQUIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1013, type, c_2Equotient_2Erespects: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1026, type, fo__c_2EprimeFactor_2EPRIME__FACTORS: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1027, type, c_2Ebft_2EBFT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1028, type, c_2Ebft_2ERel: del > del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1029, type, ty_2Epath_2Epath: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1030, type, c_2Epath_2EPL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1031, type, c_2Epath_2ESN: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1032, type, c_2Epath_2Edrop: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1033, type, c_2Epath_2Eel: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1034, type, c_2Epath_2Eevery: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1035, type, c_2Epath_2Eexists: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1036, type, c_2Epath_2Efilter: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1037, type, c_2Epath_2Efinite: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1038, type, c_2Epath_2Efirst: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1039, type, c_2Epath_2EfirstP__at: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1040, type, c_2Epath_2Efirst__label: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1041, type, c_2Epath_2EfromPath: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1042, type, c_2Epath_2Eis__stopped: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1043, type, c_2Epath_2Elabels: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1044, type, c_2Epath_2Elast: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1045, type, c_2Epath_2Elength: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1046, type, c_2Epath_2Emem: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1047, type, c_2Epath_2Enth__label: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1048, type, c_2Epath_2Eokpath: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1049, type, c_2Epath_2Eokpath__f: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1050, type, c_2Epath_2Eparallel__comp: del > del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1051, type, c_2Epath_2Epconcat: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1052, type, c_2Epath_2Epcons: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1053, type, c_2Epath_2Epgenerate: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1054, type, c_2Epath_2Eplink: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1055, type, c_2Epath_2Epmap: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1056, type, c_2Epath_2Eseg: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1057, type, c_2Epath_2Estopped__at: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1058, type, c_2Epath_2Etail: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1059, type, c_2Epath_2Etake: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1060, type, c_2Epath_2EtoPath: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1061, type, c_2Epath_2Etrace__machine: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1062, type, c_2Epath_2Eunfold: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1063, type, c_2Eupdate_2EFIND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1064, type, c_2Eupdate_2ELIST__UPDATE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1065, type, c_2Eupdate_2EOVERRIDE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1066, type, c_2Edft_2EDFT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1067, type, c_2Edft_2ERel: del > del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1068, type, c_2EDecode_2Edec2enc: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1069, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1070, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1071, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1072, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1073, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1074, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1076, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__blist: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1078, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1079, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1080, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1082, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1084, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__option: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1085, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__prod: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1086, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__sum: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1087, type, c_2EDecode_2Edecode__tree: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1088, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1089, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1090, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1091, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1092, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1093, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1095, type, c_2EDecode_2Eenc2dec: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1096, type, c_2EDecode_2Ewf__decoder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1097, type, c_2Emergesort_2Emerge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1098, type, c_2Emergesort_2Emerge__tail: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1099, type, c_2Emergesort_2Emergesort: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1100, type, c_2Emergesort_2EmergesortN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1101, type, c_2Emergesort_2EmergesortN__tail: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1102, type, c_2Emergesort_2Emergesort__tail: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1103, type, c_2Emergesort_2Esort2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1104, type, c_2Emergesort_2Esort2__tail: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1105, type, c_2Emergesort_2Esort3: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1106, type, c_2Emergesort_2Esort3__tail: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1107, type, c_2Emergesort_2Estable: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1108, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1109, type, inj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1110, type, surj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1114, type, fo__c_2Estring__num_2Ensum2n: tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1116, type, fo__c_2Estring__num_2Es2n: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1117, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1118, type, inj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1119, type, surj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1122, type, ty_2Ering_2Ering: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1123, type, c_2Ering_2Eis__ring: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1124, type, c_2Ering_2Erecordtype_2Ering: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1125, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1126, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__R0: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1127, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__R0__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1128, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__R1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1129, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__R1__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1130, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1131, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RM__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1132, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1133, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RN__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1134, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1135, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__RP__fupd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1136, type, c_2Ering_2Ering__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1137, type, c_2Ering_2Esemi__ring__of: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1138, type, c_2Ecardinal_2E_2B__c: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1139, type, c_2Ecardinal_2EHAS__SIZE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1140, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Ebijns: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1141, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1142, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardgeq: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1143, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardgt: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1144, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1145, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Elist: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1146, type, c_2Ecardinal_2Eset__exp: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1148, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2EHEX: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1150, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2EUNHEX: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1156, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2Enum__from__bin__string: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1158, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2Enum__from__dec__string: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1160, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2Enum__from__hex__string: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1162, type, fo__c_2EASCIInumbers_2Enum__from__oct__string: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1168, type, ty_2Efinite__map_2Efmap: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1169, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EDRESTRICT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1170, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFAPPLY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1171, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFCARD: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1172, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFDOM: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1173, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFEMPTY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1174, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFEVERY: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1175, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFLOOKUP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1176, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFMAP__MAP2: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1177, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFMERGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1178, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFRANGE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1179, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFUNION: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1180, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFUN__FMAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1181, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFUPDATE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1182, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EFUPDATE__LIST: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1183, type, c_2Efinite__map_2EMAP__KEYS: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1184, type, c_2Efinite__map_2ERRESTRICT: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1185, type, c_2Efinite__map_2ESUBMAP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1186, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Ef__o: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1187, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Ef__o__f: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1188, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efdomsub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1189, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__ABS: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1190, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__EQ__UPTO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1191, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__REP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1192, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__inverse: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1193, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__rel: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1194, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Efmap__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1195, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Eis__fmap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1196, type, c_2Efinite__map_2Eo__f: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1197, type, ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1198, type, tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1199, type, inj__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1200, type, surj__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering: $i > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1202, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2EEQUAL: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1204, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2EGREATER: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1206, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2ELESS: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1209, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Echar__compare: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1211, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Einvert__comparison: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1212, type, c_2EternaryComparisons_2Elist__compare: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1213, type, c_2EternaryComparisons_2Elist__merge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1215, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Enum2ordering: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1217, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Enum__compare: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1218, type, c_2EternaryComparisons_2Eoption__compare: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1220, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering2num: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1221, type, c_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1223, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering__size: tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1224, type, c_2EternaryComparisons_2Epair__compare: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1226, type, fo__c_2EternaryComparisons_2Estring__compare: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1227, type, ty_2Elbtree_2Elbtree: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1228, type, c_2Elbtree_2ELf: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1229, type, c_2Elbtree_2ELfrep: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1230, type, c_2Elbtree_2ENd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1231, type, c_2Elbtree_2ENdrep: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1232, type, c_2Elbtree_2Ebf__flatten: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1233, type, c_2Elbtree_2Edepth: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1234, type, c_2Elbtree_2Efinite: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1235, type, c_2Elbtree_2Eis__lbtree: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1236, type, c_2Elbtree_2Eis__mmindex: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1237, type, c_2Elbtree_2Elbtree__abs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1238, type, c_2Elbtree_2Elbtree__case: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1239, type, c_2Elbtree_2Elbtree__rep: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1240, type, c_2Elbtree_2Emap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1241, type, c_2Elbtree_2Emem: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1242, type, c_2Elbtree_2Emindepth: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1244, type, c_2Elbtree_2Epath__follow: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1245, type, ty_2Etopology_2Etopology: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1246, type, c_2Etopology_2Eclosed: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1247, type, c_2Etopology_2Eclosed__in: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1248, type, c_2Etopology_2Ehull: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1249, type, c_2Etopology_2Eistopology: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1250, type, c_2Etopology_2Elimpt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1251, type, c_2Etopology_2Eneigh: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1252, type, c_2Etopology_2Eopen: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1253, type, c_2Etopology_2Eopen__in: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1254, type, c_2Etopology_2Etopology: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1255, type, c_2Etopology_2Etopspace: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1256, type, c_2Equotient__pair_2E_23_23_23: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1257, type, c_2Equotient__sum_2E_2B_2B_2B: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1258, type, ty_2Efmaptree_2Efmaptree: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1259, type, c_2Efmaptree_2EFTNode: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1260, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Eapply__path: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1261, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Econstruct: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1262, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Efmtreerec: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1263, type, c_2Efmaptree_2EfromF: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1264, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Efupd__at__path: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1265, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Eitem: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1266, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Emap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1267, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Erelrec: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1268, type, c_2Efmaptree_2EtoF: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1269, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Eupdate__at__path: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1270, type, c_2Efmaptree_2Ewf: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1271, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EDELETER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1272, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EDISJOINTR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1273, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EFINITER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1274, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EGSPECR: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1275, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EIMAGER: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1276, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EINSERTR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1277, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2EPSUBSETR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1278, type, c_2Equotient__pred__set_2ESUBSETR: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1279, type, c_2Econtainer_2EBAG__OF__FMAP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1280, type, c_2Econtainer_2EBAG__TO__LIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1281, type, c_2Econtainer_2ELIST__TO__BAG: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1282, type, c_2Econtainer_2Emlt__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1283, type, c_2Ealist_2EALOOKUP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1284, type, c_2Ealist_2Ealist__range: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1285, type, c_2Ealist_2Ealist__to__fmap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1286, type, c_2Ealist_2Efmap__to__alist: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1287, type, c_2ECoder_2Eblist__coder: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1290, type, c_2ECoder_2Edecode: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1291, type, c_2ECoder_2Edecoder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1292, type, c_2ECoder_2Edomain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1293, type, c_2ECoder_2Eencoder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1294, type, c_2ECoder_2Elist__coder: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1296, type, c_2ECoder_2Eoption__coder: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1297, type, c_2ECoder_2Eprod__coder: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1298, type, c_2ECoder_2Esum__coder: del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1299, type, c_2ECoder_2Etree__coder: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1301, type, c_2ECoder_2Ewf__coder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1302, type, ty_2Equote_2Eindex: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1303, type, ty_2Equote_2Evarmap: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1304, type, c_2Equote_2EEmpty__vm: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1305, type, tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1306, type, inj__ty_2Equote_2Eindex: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1307, type, surj__ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $i > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1309, type, fo__c_2Equote_2EEnd__idx: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1311, type, fo__c_2Equote_2ELeft__idx: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1312, type, c_2Equote_2ENode__vm: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1314, type, fo__c_2Equote_2ERight__idx: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1315, type, c_2Equote_2Eindex__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1317, type, fo__c_2Equote_2Eindex__compare: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1320, type, fo__c_2Equote_2Eindex__size: tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1321, type, c_2Equote_2Evarmap__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1322, type, c_2Equote_2Evarmap__find: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1323, type, c_2Equote_2Evarmap__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1324, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1325, type, inj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o: tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1326, type, surj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1327, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1328, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1329, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1330, type, ty_2Einteger_2Eint: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1331, type, tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1332, type, inj__ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1333, type, surj__ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1335, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2EABS: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1338, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2ENum: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1340, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__0: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1342, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__1: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1344, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__ABS: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1349, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__add: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1351, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__div: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1354, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__exp: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1360, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__max: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1362, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__min: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1364, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__mod: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1366, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__mul: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1368, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__neg: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1370, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__of__num: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1372, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__quot: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1374, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__rem: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1376, type, fo__c_2Einteger_2Eint__sub: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1385, type, ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1386, type, c_2Eordinal_2EallOrds: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1387, type, c_2Eordinal_2Edclose: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1388, type, c_2Eordinal_2Edownward__closed: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1389, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eepsilon0: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1390, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eeval__poly: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1391, type, c_2Eordinal_2EfromNat: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1392, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eis__polyform: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1393, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eoleast: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1394, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eomax: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1395, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eomega: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1396, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordADD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1397, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordDIV: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1398, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordEXP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1399, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordMOD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1400, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordMULT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1401, type, c_2Eordinal_2EordSUC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1402, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eordinal__ABS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1403, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eordinal__ABS__CLASS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1404, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eordinal__REP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1405, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eordinal__REP__CLASS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1406, type, c_2Eordinal_2Eordlt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1407, type, c_2Eordinal_2Epolyform: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1408, type, c_2Eordinal_2Epreds: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1409, type, c_2Eordinal_2Esup: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1410, type, tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1411, type, inj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1412, type, surj__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Esum_2Esum_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1413, type, tp__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1414, type, inj__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1415, type, surj__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eordinal_2Eordinal_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1417, type, c_2Ewords_2EINT__MAX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1418, type, c_2Ewords_2EINT__MIN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1419, type, c_2Ewords_2EUINT__MAX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1420, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1421, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1422, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1423, type, c_2Ewords_2Eadd__with__carry: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1424, type, c_2Ewords_2Ebit__count: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1425, type, c_2Ewords_2Ebit__count__upto: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1426, type, c_2Ewords_2Ebit__field__insert: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1427, type, c_2Ewords_2Econcat__word__list: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1428, type, c_2Ewords_2Edimword: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1429, type, c_2Ewords_2El2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1430, type, c_2Ewords_2En2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1431, type, c_2Ewords_2En2w__itself: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1432, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1433, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1434, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1435, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1436, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1437, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1438, type, c_2Ewords_2Enzcv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1439, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1440, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1441, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1442, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__and: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1443, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__nand: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1444, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__nor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1445, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__or: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1446, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__xnor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1447, type, c_2Ewords_2Ereduce__xor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1448, type, c_2Ewords_2Es2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1449, type, c_2Ewords_2Esaturate__add: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1450, type, c_2Ewords_2Esaturate__mul: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1451, type, c_2Ewords_2Esaturate__n2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1452, type, c_2Ewords_2Esaturate__sub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1453, type, c_2Ewords_2Esaturate__w2w: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1454, type, c_2Ewords_2Esw2sw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1455, type, c_2Ewords_2Ew2l: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1456, type, c_2Ewords_2Ew2n: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1457, type, c_2Ewords_2Ew2s: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1458, type, c_2Ewords_2Ew2w: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1459, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__1comp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1460, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__2comp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1461, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__H: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1462, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__L: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1463, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__L2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1464, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__T: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1465, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__abs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1466, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__add: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1467, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__and: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1468, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__asr: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1469, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__asr__bv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1470, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__bit: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1471, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__bits: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1472, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__compare: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1473, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__concat: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1474, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__div: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1475, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__extract: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1476, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__bin__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1477, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__bin__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1478, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__dec__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1479, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__dec__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1480, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__hex__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1481, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__hex__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1482, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__oct__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1483, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__from__oct__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1484, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__ge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1485, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__gt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1486, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__hi: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1487, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__hs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1488, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__join: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1489, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__le: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1490, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__len: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1491, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lo: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1492, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__log2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1493, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__ls: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1494, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lsb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1495, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lsl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1496, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lsl__bv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1497, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lsr: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1498, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lsr__bv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1499, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__lt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1500, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__max: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1501, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__min: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1502, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__mod: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1503, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__modify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1504, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__msb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1505, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__mul: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1506, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__nand: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1507, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__nor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1508, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__or: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1509, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__quot: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1510, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__reduce: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1511, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__rem: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1512, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__replicate: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1513, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__reverse: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1514, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__rol: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1515, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__rol__bv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1516, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__ror: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1517, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__ror__bv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1518, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__rrx: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1519, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__sign__extend: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1520, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__signed__bits: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1521, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__slice: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1522, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__smax: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1523, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__smin: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1524, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__sub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1525, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__bin__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1526, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__bin__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1527, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__dec__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1528, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__dec__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1529, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__hex__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1530, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__hex__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1531, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__oct__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1532, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__to__oct__string: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1533, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__xnor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1534, type, c_2Ewords_2Eword__xor: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1535, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1536, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1537, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1538, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1539, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1540, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1541, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1542, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1543, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1544, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1545, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1546, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1547, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1548, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1549, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1550, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1551, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1552, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1553, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1554, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1555, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1556, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1557, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1558, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1559, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1560, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1561, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1562, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1563, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1564, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1565, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1566, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1567, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1568, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1569, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1570, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1571, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1572, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1573, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1574, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1575, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1576, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1577, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1578, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1579, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1580, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1581, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1582, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1583, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1584, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1585, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1586, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1587, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1588, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1589, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1590, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1591, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1592, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1593, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1594, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1595, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1596, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1597, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1598, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1599, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1600, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1601, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1602, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1603, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1604, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1605, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1606, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1607, type, ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1608, type, ty_2Etoto_2Etoto: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1609, type, c_2Etoto_2EListOrd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1610, type, c_2Etoto_2EStrongLinearOrder__of__TO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1611, type, c_2Etoto_2ETO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1612, type, c_2Etoto_2ETO__inv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1613, type, c_2Etoto_2ETO__of__LinearOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1614, type, c_2Etoto_2ETotOrd: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1615, type, c_2Etoto_2EWeakLinearOrder__of__TO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1616, type, c_2Etoto_2Eapto: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1617, type, tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1618, type, inj__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1619, type, surj__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt: $i > tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1621, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Ebit1: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1623, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Ebit2: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1625, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2EcharOrd: tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1626, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1627, type, inj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1628, type, surj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1630, type, c_2Etoto_2EimageOrd: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1631, type, c_2Etoto_2ElexTO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1632, type, c_2Etoto_2Elextoto: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1633, type, c_2Etoto_2Elistorder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1634, type, c_2Etoto_2Elistoto: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1636, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2EnumOrd: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1638, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Enum__dtOrd: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1639, type, c_2Etoto_2Enum__dt__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1641, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Enum__dt__size: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1643, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Enum__to__dt: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1644, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1645, type, inj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1646, type, surj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1649, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Eqk__numOrd: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1651, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1652, type, inj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1653, type, surj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar: $i > tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1655, type, c_2Etoto_2Etoto__inv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1656, type, c_2Etoto_2Etoto__of__LinearOrder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1658, type, fo__c_2Etoto_2Ezer: tp__ty_2Etoto_2Enum__dt).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1659, type, ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1660, type, tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1661, type, inj__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat: tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1662, type, surj__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat: $i > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1664, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__1: tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1666, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__ABS: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1671, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__add: tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1673, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__inv: tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1675, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__mul: tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1677, type, fo__c_2Ehrat_2Ehrat__sucint: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Ehrat_2Ehrat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1684, type, c_2Eucord_2Eomega1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1685, type, c_2Ecomparison_2Eequiv__inj: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1686, type, c_2Ecomparison_2Egood__cmp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1687, type, c_2Ecomparison_2Eoption__cmp2: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1688, type, c_2Ecomparison_2Eresp__equiv: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1689, type, c_2Ecomparison_2Eresp__equiv2: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1713, type, c_2Ebitstring_2Esign__extend: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1716, type, fo__c_2Ebitstring_2Ev2n: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1718, type, c_2Ebitstring_2Ev2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1719, type, c_2Ebitstring_2Ew2v: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1721, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1722, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1723, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1728, type, c_2Ealignment_2Ealign: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1729, type, c_2Ealignment_2Ealigned: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1730, type, c_2Ealignment_2Ebyte__align: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1731, type, c_2Ealignment_2Ebyte__aligned: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1732, type, ty_2Esptree_2Espt: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1733, type, c_2Esptree_2EBN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1734, type, c_2Esptree_2EBS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1735, type, c_2Esptree_2ELN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1736, type, c_2Esptree_2ELS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1737, type, c_2Esptree_2Edelete: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1738, type, c_2Esptree_2Edifference: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1739, type, c_2Esptree_2Edomain: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1740, type, c_2Esptree_2Efilter__v: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1741, type, c_2Esptree_2Efoldi: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1742, type, c_2Esptree_2EfromAList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1743, type, c_2Esptree_2EfromList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1744, type, c_2Esptree_2Einsert: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1745, type, c_2Esptree_2Einter: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1746, type, c_2Esptree_2Einter__eq: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1747, type, tp__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1748, type, inj__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1749, type, surj__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Esptree_2Espt_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1752, type, c_2Esptree_2Elookup: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1754, type, fo__c_2Esptree_2Elrnext: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1755, type, c_2Esptree_2Emap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1756, type, c_2Esptree_2Emapi: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1757, type, c_2Esptree_2Emapi0: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1758, type, c_2Esptree_2Emk__BN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1759, type, c_2Esptree_2Emk__BS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1760, type, c_2Esptree_2Emk__wf: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1761, type, c_2Esptree_2Esize: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1762, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1764, type, fo__c_2Esptree_2Espt__acc: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1765, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__center: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1766, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__fold: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1767, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__left: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1768, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__right: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1769, type, c_2Esptree_2Espt__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1770, type, c_2Esptree_2Esubspt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1771, type, c_2Esptree_2EtoAList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1772, type, c_2Esptree_2EtoList: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1773, type, c_2Esptree_2EtoListA: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1774, type, c_2Esptree_2Eunion: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1775, type, c_2Esptree_2Ewf: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1776, type, c_2EEncodeVar_2Efixed__width: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1777, type, c_2EEncodeVar_2Eof__length: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1778, type, ty_2Eenumeral_2Ebl: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1779, type, ty_2Eenumeral_2Ebt: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1780, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EBL__ACCUM: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1781, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EBL__CONS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1782, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EENUMERAL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1783, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EK2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1784, type, c_2Eenumeral_2ELESS__ALL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1785, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1786, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL__bt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1787, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL__bt__lb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1788, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL__bt__lb__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1789, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL__bt__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1790, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOL__sublists: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1791, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOU: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1792, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EOWL: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1793, type, c_2Eenumeral_2EUO: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1794, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebl__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1795, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebl__rev: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1796, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebl__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1797, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebl__to__bt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1798, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebl__to__set: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1799, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1800, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__rev: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1801, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1802, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__bl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1803, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__list: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1804, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__list__ac: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1805, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1806, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__ac: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1807, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__lb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1808, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__lb__ac: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1809, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__lb__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1810, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__lb__ub__ac: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1811, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1812, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__ol__ub__ac: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1813, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__set__lb: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1814, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__set__lb__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1815, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ebt__to__set__ub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1816, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Eincr__sbuild: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1817, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Eincr__smerge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1818, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Eincr__ssort: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1819, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Elist__to__bl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1820, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Elist__to__bt: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1821, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Elol__set: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1822, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Enbl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1823, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Enode: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1824, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ent: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1825, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Eonebl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1826, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Esdiff: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1827, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Esinter: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1828, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Esmerge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1829, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Esmerge__out: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1830, type, c_2Eenumeral_2Ezerbl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1831, type, ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1832, type, ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1833, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ECons__monom: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1834, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ECons__varlist: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1835, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ENil__monom: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1836, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ESPconst: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1837, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ESPmult: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1838, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ESPplus: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1839, type, c_2Ecanonical_2ESPvar: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1840, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1841, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__merge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1842, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__prod: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1843, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__scalar: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1844, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__scalar2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1845, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__scalar3: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1846, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__simplify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1847, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1848, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Eics__aux: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1849, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Einterp__cs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1850, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Einterp__m: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1851, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Einterp__sp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1852, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Einterp__vl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1853, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Eivl__aux: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1854, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Emonom__insert: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1855, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1856, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom__normalize: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1857, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom__simplify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1858, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1859, type, c_2Ecanonical_2Evarlist__insert: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1861, type, c_2EOmega_2EMAP2: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1862, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1863, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1864, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1865, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1866, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1867, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1875, type, c_2EOmega_2Efst1: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1876, type, c_2EOmega_2Efst__nzero: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1878, type, fo__c_2EOmega_2Emodhat: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1882, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1883, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1884, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1886, type, fo__c_2EOmega_2Esumc: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1887, type, c_2Eveblen_2Eclosed: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1888, type, c_2Eveblen_2Eclub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1889, type, c_2Eveblen_2Econtinuous: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1890, type, c_2Eveblen_2Estrict__mono: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1891, type, c_2Eveblen_2Eunbounded: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1892, type, ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1893, type, c_2Epatricia_2EADD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1894, type, c_2Epatricia_2EADD__LIST: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1895, type, c_2Epatricia_2EBRANCH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1897, type, fo__c_2Epatricia_2EBRANCHING__BIT: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1898, type, c_2Epatricia_2EBranch: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1899, type, c_2Epatricia_2EDEPTH: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1900, type, c_2Epatricia_2EEVERY__LEAF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1901, type, c_2Epatricia_2EEXISTS__LEAF: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1902, type, c_2Epatricia_2EEmpty: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1903, type, c_2Epatricia_2EFIND: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1904, type, tp__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1905, type, inj__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1906, type, surj__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epatricia_2Eptree_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1909, type, c_2Epatricia_2EIS__EMPTY: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1910, type, c_2Epatricia_2EIS__PTREE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1911, type, c_2Epatricia_2EJOIN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1912, type, c_2Epatricia_2EKEYS: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1913, type, c_2Epatricia_2ELeaf: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1915, type, c_2Epatricia_2EPEEK: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1917, type, c_2Epatricia_2EREMOVE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1918, type, c_2Epatricia_2ESIZE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1919, type, c_2Epatricia_2ETRANSFORM: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1920, type, c_2Epatricia_2ETRAVERSE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1921, type, c_2Epatricia_2ETRAVERSE__AUX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1923, type, c_2Epatricia_2Eptree__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1924, type, c_2Epatricia_2Eptree__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1925, type, c_2Etc_2EFMAP__TO__RELN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1926, type, c_2Etc_2ERELN__TO__FMAP: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1927, type, c_2Etc_2ETC__ITER: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1928, type, c_2Etc_2ETC__MOD: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1929, type, c_2Etc_2E_5E_7C: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1930, type, c_2Etc_2E_5E_7C_5E: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1931, type, c_2Etc_2EsubTC: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1932, type, c_2Etc_2E_7C_5E: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1933, type, ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1934, type, tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1935, type, inj__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1936, type, surj__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $i > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1942, type, fo__c_2Ehreal_2Ehreal__1: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1944, type, fo__c_2Ehreal_2Ehreal__add: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1946, type, fo__c_2Ehreal_2Ehreal__inv: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1949, type, fo__c_2Ehreal_2Ehreal__mul: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1951, type, fo__c_2Ehreal_2Ehreal__sub: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1955, type, fo__c_2Eintto_2EintOrd: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2EternaryComparisons_2Eordering).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1956, type, tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1957, type, inj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1958, type, surj__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Etoto_2Etoto_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1960, type, c_2Efmsp_2EFMSP: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1961, type, ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1962, type, tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1963, type, inj__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1964, type, surj__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form: $i > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1968, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2EConjn: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1970, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2EDisjn: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1972, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2ELTx: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1974, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2ENegn: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1977, type, c_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1979, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form__size: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1982, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2Eneginf: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1984, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2Eposinf: tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1986, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2ExDivided: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1988, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2ExEQ: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1990, type, fo__c_2EDeepSyntax_2ExLT: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2EDeepSyntax_2Edeep__form).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1991, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1992, type, inj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1993, type, surj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1994, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1995, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1996, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1997, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1998, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_1999, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2000, type, c_2Efmapal_2EAP__SND: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2001, type, c_2Efmapal_2EFMAPAL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2002, type, c_2Efmapal_2EOFU: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2003, type, c_2Efmapal_2EOPTION__FLAT: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2004, type, c_2Efmapal_2EOPTION__UPDATE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2005, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2006, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL__bt: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2007, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL__bt__lb: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2008, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL__bt__lb__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2009, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL__bt__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2010, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORL__sublists: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2011, type, c_2Efmapal_2EORWL: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2012, type, c_2Efmapal_2EUFO: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2013, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eassocv: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2014, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebl__to__fmap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2015, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__map: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2016, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__rplacv__cn: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2017, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__fmap__lb: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2018, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__fmap__lb__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2019, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__fmap__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2020, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2021, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__ac: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2022, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__lb: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2023, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__lb__ac: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2024, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__lb__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2025, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__lb__ub__ac: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2026, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__lb__ub__ac__tupled__aux: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2027, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__ub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2028, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ebt__to__orl__ub__ac: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2029, type, c_2Efmapal_2Ediff__merge: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2030, type, c_2Efmapal_2Efmap: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2031, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eincr__build: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2032, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eincr__flat: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2033, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eincr__merge: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2034, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eincr__sort: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2035, type, c_2Efmapal_2Einter__merge: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2036, type, c_2Efmapal_2Elist__rplacv__cn: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2037, type, c_2Efmapal_2Emerge: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2038, type, c_2Efmapal_2Emerge__out: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2039, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eoptry: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2040, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eoptry__list: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2041, type, c_2Efmapal_2Eunlookup: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2042, type, c_2Efmapal_2Evcossa: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2043, type, ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2044, type, c_2EringNorm_2EPconst: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2045, type, c_2EringNorm_2EPmult: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2046, type, c_2EringNorm_2EPopp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2047, type, c_2EringNorm_2EPplus: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2048, type, c_2EringNorm_2EPvar: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2049, type, c_2EringNorm_2Einterp__p: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2050, type, c_2EringNorm_2Epolynom__CASE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2051, type, c_2EringNorm_2Epolynom__normalize: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2052, type, c_2EringNorm_2Epolynom__simplify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2053, type, c_2EringNorm_2Epolynom__size: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2054, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__merge: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2055, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__prod: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2056, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__scalar: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2057, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__scalar2: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2058, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__scalar3: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2059, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__canonical__sum__simplify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2060, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__ics__aux: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2061, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__interp__cs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2062, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__interp__m: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2063, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__interp__sp: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2064, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__interp__vl: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2065, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__ivl__aux: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2066, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__monom__insert: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2067, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__spolynom__normalize: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2068, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__spolynom__simplify: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2069, type, c_2EringNorm_2Er__varlist__insert: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2070, type, c_2Einteger__word_2EINT__MAX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2071, type, c_2Einteger__word_2EINT__MIN: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2072, type, c_2Einteger__word_2EUINT__MAX: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2074, type, fo__c_2Einteger__word_2EfromString: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2075, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Ei2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2076, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esaturate__i2sw: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2077, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esaturate__i2w: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2078, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esaturate__sw2sw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2079, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esaturate__sw2w: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2080, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esaturate__w2sw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2081, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esigned__saturate__add: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2082, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Esigned__saturate__sub: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2084, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Ew2i: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2085, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Eword__sdiv: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2086, type, c_2Einteger__word_2Eword__smod: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2087, type, c_2Eint__bitwise_2Ebits__bitwise: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2088, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2089, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2090, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2094, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__and: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2098, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__not: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2100, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__of__bits: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o_o > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2102, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__or: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2104, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__shift__left: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2106, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__shift__right: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2108, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Eint__xor: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2110, type, fo__c_2Eint__bitwise_2Enum__of__bits: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_o > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2111, type, ty_2Epatricia__casts_2Eword__ptree: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2112, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EADD__LISTs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2113, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EADD__LISTw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2114, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EADDs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2115, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EADDw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2116, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EDEPTHw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2117, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EEVERY__LEAFw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2118, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EEXISTS__LEAFw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2119, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EFINDs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2120, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EFINDw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2122, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EINSERT__PTREEw: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2124, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EIN__PTREEw: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2125, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EKEYSs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2126, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EKEYSw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2127, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EPEEKs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2128, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EPEEKw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2130, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EPTREE__OF__WORDSET: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2131, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EREMOVEs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2132, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EREMOVEw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2133, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ESIZEw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2135, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ESOME__PTREE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2137, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ETHE__PTREE: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2138, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ETRANSFORMw: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2139, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ETRAVERSEs: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2140, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2ETRAVERSEw: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2141, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EUNION__PTREEw: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2142, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EWORDSET__OF__PTREE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2143, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EWordEmpty: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2144, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2EWord__ptree: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2147, type, fo__c_2Epatricia__casts_2Estring__to__num: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Estring_2Echar > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2148, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2Eword__ptree__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2149, type, c_2Epatricia__casts_2Eword__ptree__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2150, type, ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2151, type, tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2152, type, inj__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2153, type, surj__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2155, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ehreal__of__real: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2156, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2157, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2158, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2160, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ehreal__of__treal: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2162, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Einv: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2164, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__0: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2166, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__1: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2168, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__ABS: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal_ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2173, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__add: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2176, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__mul: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2178, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__neg: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2180, type, fo__c_2Erealax_2Ereal__of__hreal: tp__ty_2Ehreal_2Ehreal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2190, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2191, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2192, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2199, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2200, type, inj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2201, type, surj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2203, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__ics__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2205, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__interp__cs: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2207, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__interp__m: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2208, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2209, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2210, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2212, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__interp__sp: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2214, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__interp__vl: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2216, type, fo__c_2EnumRing_2Enum__ivl__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2221, type, tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2222, type, inj__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2223, type, surj__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2224, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2225, type, inj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2226, type, surj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2228, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__interp__p: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2229, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2230, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2231, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2241, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__ics__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2243, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__interp__cs: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2245, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__interp__m: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2246, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2247, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2248, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2250, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__interp__sp: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2252, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__interp__vl: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2254, type, fo__c_2EintegerRing_2Eint__r__ivl__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2260, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2E_2F: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2262, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2ENUM__CEILING: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2264, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2ENUM__FLOOR: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2266, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Eabs: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2269, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Emax: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2271, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Emin: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2273, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Epos: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2275, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Epow: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2280, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Ereal__of__num: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2282, type, fo__c_2Ereal_2Ereal__sub: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2286, type, fo__c_2Eintreal_2EINT__CEILING: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2288, type, fo__c_2Eintreal_2EINT__FLOOR: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2291, type, fo__c_2Eintreal_2Ereal__of__int: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2293, type, fo__c_2EintExtension_2ESGN: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2294, type, ty_2Emetric_2Emetric: del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2295, type, c_2Emetric_2EB: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2296, type, c_2Emetric_2Edist: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2297, type, c_2Emetric_2Eismet: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2298, type, c_2Emetric_2Emetric: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2299, type, tp__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2300, type, inj__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2301, type, surj__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Emetric_2Emetric_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2303, type, c_2Emetric_2Emtop: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2304, type, ty_2Efrac_2Efrac: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2305, type, tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2306, type, inj__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2307, type, surj__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac: $i > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2309, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Eabs__frac: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Einteger_2Eint_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2311, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__0: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2313, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__1: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2315, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__add: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2317, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__ainv: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2319, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__div: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2321, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__dnm: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2323, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__minv: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2325, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__mul: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2327, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__nmr: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2329, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__save: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2331, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__sgn: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2333, type, fo__c_2Efrac_2Efrac__sub: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2336, type, c_2Enets_2Ebounded: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2337, type, c_2Enets_2Edorder: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2338, type, c_2Enets_2Etends: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2339, type, c_2Enets_2Etendsto: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2340, type, tp__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2341, type, inj__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2342, type, surj__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Etopology_2Etopology_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2343, type, ty_2Erat_2Erat: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2344, type, tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2345, type, inj__ty_2Erat_2Erat: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2346, type, surj__ty_2Erat_2Erat: $i > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2348, type, fo__c_2Erat_2ERATD: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2350, type, fo__c_2Erat_2ERATN: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2352, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Eabs__rat: tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2355, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__0: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2357, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__1: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2359, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__add: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2361, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__ainv: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2363, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__cons: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2365, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__div: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2367, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__dnm: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2374, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__max: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2376, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__min: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2378, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__minv: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2380, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__mul: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2382, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__nmr: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2384, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__of__int: tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2386, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__of__num: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2388, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__sgn: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2390, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erat__sub: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2392, type, fo__c_2Erat_2Erep__rat: tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Efrac_2Efrac).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2405, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2406, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2407, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2408, type, tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2409, type, inj__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2410, type, surj__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $i > tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2411, type, tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2412, type, inj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2413, type, surj__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $i > tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2415, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__interp__p: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2EringNorm_2Epolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2416, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2417, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2418, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2428, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__ics__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2430, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__interp__cs: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Ecanonical__sum_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2432, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__interp__m: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2433, type, tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2434, type, inj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2435, type, surj__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2437, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__interp__sp: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2Ecanonical_2Espolynom_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2439, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__interp__vl: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2441, type, fo__c_2EratRing_2Erat__r__ivl__aux: tp__c_ty_2Equote_2Evarmap_ty_2Erat_2Erat > tp__ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Equote_2Eindex > tp__ty_2Erat_2Erat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2450, type, tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2451, type, inj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2452, type, surj__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2455, type, fo__c_2Epoly_2Edegree: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2459, type, fo__c_2Epoly_2Epoly: tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2467, type, fo__c_2Epoly_2Epoly__order: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__c_ty_2Elist_2Elist_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2472, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Eacs: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2474, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Easn: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2476, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Eatn: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2478, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Ecos: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2482, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Eexp: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2486, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Eln: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2488, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Epi: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2490, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Eroot: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2492, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Erpow: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2495, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Esin: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2497, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Esqrt: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2499, type, fo__c_2Etransc_2Etan: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2501, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2502, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2503, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2504, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2505, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efp__op: del > del > del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2506, type, ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2507, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2508, type, inj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2509, type, surj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: $i > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2511, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EEQ: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2512, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2513, type, inj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2514, type, surj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding: $i > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2515, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__Add: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2516, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__Div: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2517, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__Mul: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2518, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__MulAdd: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2519, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__MulSub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2520, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__Sqrt: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2521, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFP__Sub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2522, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2523, type, inj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2524, type, surj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: $i > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2526, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EFloat: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2528, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EGT: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2530, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EInfinity: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2532, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2ELT: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2534, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2ENaN: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2535, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EULP: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2537, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EUN: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2538, type, tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2539, type, inj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2540, type, surj__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags: $i > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2541, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Echeck__for__signalling: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2543, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eclear__flags: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2544, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eclosest: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2545, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eclosest__such: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2547, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Edividezero__flags: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2548, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eexponent__boundary: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2549, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2563, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags__size: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2564, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2565, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Exponent: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2566, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Exponent__fupd: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2567, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Sign: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2568, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Sign__fupd: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2569, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Significand: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2570, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__Significand__fupd: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2571, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__abs: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2572, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__add: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2573, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__bottom: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2574, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2576, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare2num: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2577, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2579, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare__size: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2580, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__div: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2581, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__equal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2582, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__greater__equal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2583, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__greater__than: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2584, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__finite: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2585, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__infinite: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2586, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__integral: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2587, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__nan: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2588, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__normal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2589, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__signalling: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2590, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__subnormal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2591, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__is__zero: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2592, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__less__equal: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2593, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__less__than: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2594, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__minus__infinity: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2595, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__minus__min: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2596, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__minus__zero: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2597, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__mul: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2598, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__mul__add: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2599, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__mul__sub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2600, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__negate: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2601, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__plus__infinity: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2602, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__plus__min: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2603, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__plus__zero: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2604, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__round: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2605, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__round__to__integral: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2606, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__round__with__flags: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2607, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2608, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__some__qnan: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2609, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__sqrt: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2610, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__sub: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2611, type, tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2612, type, inj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2613, type, surj__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eoption_2Eoption_ty_2Einteger_2Eint).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2614, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__to__int: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2615, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__to__real: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2616, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__top: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2617, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2618, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2620, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value__size: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2621, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efp__op__CASE: del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2622, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efp__op__size: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2623, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eintegral__round: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2625, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Einvalidop__flags: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2626, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eis__closest: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2628, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Elargest: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2630, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Enum2float__compare: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2632, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Enum2rounding: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2633, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Ereal__to__float: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2634, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Ereal__to__float__with__flags: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2636, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erecordtype_2Efloat: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2637, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eround: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2639, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EroundTiesToEven: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2641, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EroundTowardNegative: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2643, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EroundTowardPositive: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2645, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2EroundTowardZero: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2647, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding2num: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2648, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2650, type, fo__c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding__size: tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Erounding > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2651, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Ethreshold: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2652, type, c_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eulp: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2653, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2654, type, inj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2655, type, surj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2656, type, tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2657, type, inj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2658, type, surj__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Eind__type_2Erecspace_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2659, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2660, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2661, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2662, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2663, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2664, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_o_o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2665, type, c_2EHolSmt_2Earray__ext: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2667, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2668, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2669, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2670, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2671, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2672, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2673, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2674, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2675, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2677, type, fo__c_2Ecomplex_2EIM: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2679, type, fo__c_2Ecomplex_2ERE: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2681, type, fo__c_2Ecomplex_2Earg: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2697, type, fo__c_2Ecomplex_2Emodu: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal_ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2698, type, ty_2Eieee_2Eccode: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2699, type, ty_2Eieee_2Efloat: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2700, type, ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode: del).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2701, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2702, type, inj__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2703, type, surj__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode: $i > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2705, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EEq: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2706, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2707, type, inj__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2708, type, surj__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat: $i > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2710, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EExponent: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2713, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EFloat: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2715, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EFraction: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2717, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EGt: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2725, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2ELt: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2727, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EMinus__infinity: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2729, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EMinus__zero: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2731, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EPlus__infinity: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2733, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EPlus__zero: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2735, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EROUNDFLOAT: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2737, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2ESign: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2738, type, tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2739, type, inj__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2740, type, surj__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode: $i > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2742, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2ETo__nearest: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2744, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2ETo__ninfinity: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2746, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2ETo__pinfinity: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2748, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EUlp: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2750, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EUn: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2752, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2EVal: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2754, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Ebias: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2757, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eccode2num: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2758, type, c_2Eieee_2Eccode__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2760, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eccode__size: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2761, type, c_2Eieee_2Eclosest: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2764, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eemax: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2766, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eencoding: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2768, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eexponent: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2770, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eexpwidth: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2773, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efcompare: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2781, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2783, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__To__zero: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2785, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__abs: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2787, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__add: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2789, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__div: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2797, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__mul: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2799, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__neg: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2801, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__rem: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2803, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__sqrt: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2805, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efloat__sub: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Efloat).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2810, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efraction: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2812, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Efracwidth: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2817, type, c_2Eieee_2Eis__closest: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2831, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Elargest: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2836, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Enum2ccode: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eccode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2838, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Enum2roundmode: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2842, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Erem: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2845, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eroundmode2num: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2846, type, c_2Eieee_2Eroundmode__CASE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2848, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eroundmode__size: tp__ty_2Eieee_2Eroundmode > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2850, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Esign: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2853, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Ethreshold: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2856, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Eulp: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2858, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Evalof: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2860, type, fo__c_2Eieee_2Ewordlength: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Enum_2Enum_ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2862, type, c_2Ereal__sigma_2EREAL__SUM__IMAGE: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2865, type, c_2Elift__ieee_2Eerror: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2866, type, c_2Elift__ieee_2Enormalizes: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2867, type, c_2Emachine__ieee_2Econvert: del > del > del > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2868, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2869, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2870, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2871, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2872, type, inj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2873, type, surj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2875, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2876, type, inj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2877, type, surj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2878, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2879, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2880, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2882, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2883, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2884, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2885, type, tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2886, type, inj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2887, type, surj__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2888, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2889, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2890, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2891, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2892, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2893, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2894, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2895, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2896, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2900, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2901, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2902, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2906, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp16__compare: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2942, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2943, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2944, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2947, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2948, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2949, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2953, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp16__to__real: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2955, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp16__to__value: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_2962, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp32__compare: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3003, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp32__to__real: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3005, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp32__to__value: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3012, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp64__compare: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__compare).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3053, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp64__to__real: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3055, type, fo__c_2Emachine__ieee_2Efp64__to__value: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > tp__ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat__value).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3066, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3067, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3068, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3069, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3070, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3071, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3072, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3073, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3074, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3075, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3076, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3077, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3078, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3079, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3080, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3081, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3082, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3083, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3084, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3085, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3086, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3087, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3088, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3089, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3090, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3091, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3092, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ecart_o_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3093, type, tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3094, type, inj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3095, type, surj__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3096, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3097, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3098, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Eflags_c_ty_2Ebinary__ieee_2Efloat_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3099, type, tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $tType).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3100, type, inj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3101, type, surj__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone: $i > tp__c_ty_2Epair_2Eprod_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_ty_2Eone_2Eone_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit1_c_ty_2Efcp_2Ebit0_ty_2Eone_2Eone).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3103, type, fo__c_2Efloat_2Eerror: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3105, type, c_2Eutil__prob_2Edisjoint: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3107, type, fo__c_2Eutil__prob_2Elg: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3109, type, fo__c_2Eutil__prob_2Elogr: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3111, type, c_2Eutil__prob_2Epair: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3113, type, fo__c_2Eutil__prob_2Epowr: tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal > tp__ty_2Erealax_2Ereal).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3114, type, c_2Eutil__prob_2Eprod__sets: del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3133, type, sP0: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3134, type, sP1: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3135, type, sP2: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3136, type, sP3: $i > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3137, type, sP4: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3138, type, sP5: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3139, type, sP6: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3140, type, sP7: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3141, type, sP8: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3142, type, sP9: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3143, type, sP10: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3144, type, sP11: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3145, type, sP12: $i > del > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3146, type, sP13: del > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3147, type, sP14: del > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3148, type, sP15: del > del > $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3149, type, sP16: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3150, type, sP17: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3151, type, sP18: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3152, type, sP19: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3153, type, sP20: $i > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3154, type, sP21: $i > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3155, type, sP22: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3156, type, sP23: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3157, type, sP24: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3158, type, sP25: $i > del > del > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3159, type, sP26: $i > del > del > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3160, type, sP27: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3161, type, sP28: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3162, type, sP29: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3163, type, sP30: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3164, type, sP31: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3165, type, sP32: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3166, type, sP33: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3167, type, sP34: del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3168, type, sP35: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3169, type, sP36: del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3170, type, sP37: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3171, type, sP38: $i > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3172, type, sP39: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3173, type, sP40: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3174, type, sP41: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3175, type, sP42: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3176, type, sP43: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3177, type, sP44: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3178, type, sP45: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3179, type, sP46: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3180, type, sP47: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3181, type, sP48: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3182, type, sP49: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3183, type, sP50: $i > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3184, type, sP51: $i > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3185, type, sP52: $i > $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3186, type, sP53: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3187, type, sP54: del > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3188, type, sP55: del > $i > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3189, type, sP56: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3190, type, sP57: del > $i > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3191, type, sP58: $i > $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3192, type, sP59: del > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3193, type, sP60: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3194, type, sP61: del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3195, type, sP62: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3196, type, sP63: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3197, type, sP64: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3198, type, sP65: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3199, type, sP66: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3200, type, sP67: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3201, type, sP68: $i > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3202, type, sP69: $i > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3203, type, sP70: del > $i > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3204, type, sP71: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3205, type, sP72: del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3206, type, sP73: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3207, type, sP74: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3208, type, sP75: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3209, type, sP76: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3210, type, sP77: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3211, type, sP78: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3212, type, sP79: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3213, type, sP80: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3214, type, sP81: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3215, type, sP82: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3216, type, sP83: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3217, type, sP84: $i > $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3218, type, sP85: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3219, type, sP86: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3220, type, sP87: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3221, type, sP88: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3222, type, sP89: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3223, type, sP90: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3224, type, sP91: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3225, type, sP92: del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3226, type, sP93: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3227, type, sP94: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3228, type, sP95: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3229, type, sP96: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3230, type, sP97: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3231, type, sP98: $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3232, type, sP99: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3233, type, sP100: $i > del > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3234, type, sP101: $i > del > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3235, type, sP102: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3236, type, sP103: del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3237, type, sP104: del > $i > del > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3238, type, sP105: del > $i > del > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3239, type, sP106: $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3240, type, sP107: del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3241, type, sP108: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3242, type, sP109: $i > del > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3243, type, sP110: $i > del > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3244, type, sP111: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3245, type, sP112: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3246, type, sP113: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3247, type, sP114: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3248, type, sP115: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3249, type, sP116: $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3250, type, sP117: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3251, type, sP118: $i > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3252, type, sP119: $i > del > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3253, type, sP120: $i > del > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3254, type, sP121: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3255, type, sP122: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3256, type, sP123: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3257, type, sP124: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3258, type, sP125: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3259, type, sP126: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3260, type, sP127: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3261, type, sP128: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3262, type, sP129: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3263, type, sP130: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3264, type, sP131: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3265, type, sP132: del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3266, type, sP133: $i > $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3267, type, sP134: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3268, type, sP135: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3269, type, sP136: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3270, type, sP137: $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3271, type, sP138: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3272, type, sP139: $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3273, type, sP140: del > $i > $i > del > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3274, type, sP141: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3275, type, sP142: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3276, type, sP143: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3277, type, sP144: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3278, type, sP145: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3279, type, sP146: $i > $i > $i > $o).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3280, type, sK147: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3281, type, sK148: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3282, type, sK149: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3283, type, sK150: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3284, type, sK151: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3285, type, sK152: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3286, type, sK153: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3287, type, sK154: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3288, type, sK155: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3289, type, sK156: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3290, type, sK157: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3291, type, sK158: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3292, type, sK159: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3293, type, sK160: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3294, type, sK161: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3295, type, sK162: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3296, type, sK163: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3297, type, sK164: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3298, type, sK165: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3299, type, sK166: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3300, type, sK167: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3301, type, sK168: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3302, type, sK169: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3303, type, sK170: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3304, type, sK171: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3305, type, sK172: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3306, type, sK173: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3307, type, sK174: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3308, type, sK175: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3309, type, sK176: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3310, type, sK177: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3311, type, sK178: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3312, type, sK179: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3313, type, sK180: del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3314, type, sK181: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3315, type, sK182: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3316, type, sK183: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3317, type, sK184: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3318, type, sK185: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3319, type, sK186: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3320, type, sK187: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3321, type, sK188: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3322, type, sK189: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3323, type, sK190: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3324, type, sK191: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3325, type, sK192: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3326, type, sK193: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3327, type, sK194: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3328, type, sK195: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3329, type, sK196: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3330, type, sK197: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3331, type, sK198: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3332, type, sK199: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3333, type, sK200: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3334, type, sK201: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3335, type, sK202: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3336, type, sK203: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3337, type, sK204: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3338, type, sK205: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3339, type, sK206: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3340, type, sK207: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3341, type, sK208: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3342, type, sK209: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3343, type, sK210: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3344, type, sK211: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3345, type, sK212: $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3346, type, sK213: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3347, type, sK214: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3348, type, sK215: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3349, type, sK216: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3350, type, sK217: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3351, type, sK218: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3353, type, sK220: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3354, type, sK221: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3355, type, sK222: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3356, type, sK223: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3357, type, sK224: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3358, type, sK225: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3359, type, sK226: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3360, type, sK227: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3361, type, sK228: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3362, type, sK229: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3363, type, sK230: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3364, type, sK231: $i > del > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3365, type, sK232: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3366, type, sK233: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3367, type, sK234: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3368, type, sK235: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3369, type, sK236: $i > del > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3370, type, sK237: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3371, type, sK238: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3372, type, sK239: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3373, type, sK240: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3374, type, sK241: $i > del > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3375, type, sK242: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3376, type, sK243: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3377, type, sK244: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3378, type, sK245: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3379, type, sK246: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3380, type, sK247: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3381, type, sK248: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3382, type, sK249: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3383, type, sK250: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3384, type, sK251: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3385, type, sK252: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3386, type, sK253: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3387, type, sK254: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3388, type, sK255: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3389, type, sK256: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3390, type, sK257: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3391, type, sK258: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3392, type, sK259: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3393, type, sK260: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3394, type, sK261: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3395, type, sK262: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3396, type, sK263: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3397, type, sK264: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3398, type, sK265: $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3399, type, sK266: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3400, type, sK267: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3401, type, sK268: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3402, type, sK269: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3403, type, sK270: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3404, type, sK271: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3405, type, sK272: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3406, type, sK273: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3407, type, sK274: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3408, type, sK275: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3409, type, sK276: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3410, type, sK277: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3411, type, sK278: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3412, type, sK279: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3413, type, sK280: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3414, type, sK281: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3415, type, sK282: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3416, type, sK283: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3417, type, sK284: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3418, type, sK285: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3419, type, sK286: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3420, type, sK287: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3421, type, sK288: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3422, type, sK289: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3423, type, sK290: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3424, type, sK291: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3425, type, sK292: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3426, type, sK293: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3427, type, sK294: $i > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3428, type, sK295: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3429, type, sK296: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3430, type, sK297: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3431, type, sK298: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3432, type, sK299: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3433, type, sK300: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3434, type, sK301: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3435, type, sK302: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3436, type, sK303: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3437, type, sK304: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3438, type, sK305: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3440, type, sK307: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3441, type, sK308: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3442, type, sK309: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3443, type, sK310: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3444, type, sK311: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3445, type, sK312: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3446, type, sK313: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3447, type, sK314: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3448, type, sK315: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3449, type, sK316: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3450, type, sK317: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3451, type, sK318: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3452, type, sK319: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3453, type, sK320: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3454, type, sK321: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3455, type, sK322: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3456, type, sK323: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3457, type, sK324: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3458, type, sK325: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3459, type, sK326: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3460, type, sK327: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3461, type, sK328: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3462, type, sK329: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3463, type, sK330: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3464, type, sK331: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3465, type, sK332: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3466, type, sK333: del > del > ($i > $i) > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3467, type, sK334: del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3468, type, sK335: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3469, type, sK336: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3470, type, sK337: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3471, type, sK338: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3472, type, sK339: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3473, type, sK340: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3474, type, sK341: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3475, type, sK342: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3476, type, sK343: del > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3477, type, sK344: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3478, type, sK345: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3479, type, sK346: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3480, type, sK347: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3481, type, sK348: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3482, type, sK349: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3483, type, sK350: del > $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3484, type, sK351: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3485, type, sK352: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3486, type, sK353: del > $i > del > $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3487, type, sK354: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3488, type, sK355: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3489, type, sK356: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3490, type, sK357: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3491, type, sK358: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3492, type, sK359: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3493, type, sK360: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3494, type, sK361: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3495, type, sK362: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3496, type, sK363: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3497, type, sK364: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3498, type, sK365: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3499, type, sK366: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3500, type, sK367: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3501, type, sK368: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3502, type, sK369: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3503, type, sK370: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3504, type, sK371: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3505, type, sK372: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3506, type, sK373: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3507, type, sK374: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3508, type, sK375: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3509, type, sK376: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3510, type, sK377: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3511, type, sK378: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3512, type, sK379: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3513, type, sK380: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3514, type, sK381: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3515, type, sK382: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3516, type, sK383: $i > del > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3517, type, sK384: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3518, type, sK385: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3519, type, sK386: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3520, type, sK387: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3521, type, sK388: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3522, type, sK389: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3523, type, sK390: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3524, type, sK391: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3525, type, sK392: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3526, type, sK393: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3527, type, sK394: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3528, type, sK395: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3529, type, sK396: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3530, type, sK397: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3531, type, sK398: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3532, type, sK399: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3533, type, sK400: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3534, type, sK401: $i > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3535, type, sK402: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3536, type, sK403: $i > $i > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3537, type, sK404: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3538, type, sK405: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3539, type, sK406: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3540, type, sK407: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3541, type, sK408: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3542, type, sK409: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3543, type, sK410: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3544, type, sK411: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3545, type, sK412: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3546, type, sK413: del > $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3547, type, sK414: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3548, type, sK415: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3549, type, sK416: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3550, type, sK417: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3551, type, sK418: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3552, type, sK419: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3553, type, sK420: del > $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3554, type, sK421: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3555, type, sK422: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3556, type, sK423: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3557, type, sK424: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3558, type, sK425: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3559, type, sK426: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3560, type, sK427: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3561, type, sK428: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3562, type, sK429: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3563, type, sK430: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3564, type, sK431: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3565, type, sK432: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3566, type, sK433: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3567, type, sK434: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3568, type, sK435: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3569, type, sK436: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3570, type, sK437: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3571, type, sK438: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3572, type, sK439: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3573, type, sK440: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3574, type, sK441: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3575, type, sK442: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3576, type, sK443: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3577, type, sK444: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3578, type, sK445: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3579, type, sK446: $i > $i > $i > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3580, type, sK447: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3581, type, sK448: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3582, type, sK449: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3583, type, sK450: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3584, type, sK451: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3585, type, sK452: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3586, type, sK453: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3587, type, sK454: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3588, type, sK455: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3589, type, sK456: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3590, type, sK457: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3591, type, sK458: $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3592, type, sK459: $i > $i > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3593, type, sK460: $i > $i > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3594, type, sK461: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3595, type, sK462: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3596, type, sK463: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3597, type, sK464: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3598, type, sK465: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3599, type, sK466: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3600, type, sK467: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3601, type, sK468: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3602, type, sK469: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3603, type, sK470: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3604, type, sK471: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3605, type, sK472: $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3606, type, sK473: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3607, type, sK474: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3608, type, sK475: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3609, type, sK476: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3610, type, sK477: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3611, type, sK478: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3612, type, sK479: $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3613, type, sK480: $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3614, type, sK481: $i > $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3615, type, sK482: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3616, type, sK483: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3617, type, sK484: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3618, type, sK485: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3619, type, sK486: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3620, type, sK487: $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3621, type, sK488: $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3622, type, sK489: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3623, type, sK490: $i > $i > del > $i > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3624, type, sK491: $i > $i > $i > del > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3625, type, sK492: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3626, type, sK493: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3627, type, sK494: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3628, type, sK495: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3629, type, sK496: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3630, type, sK497: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3631, type, sK498: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3632, type, sK499: $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3633, type, sK500: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3634, type, sK501: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3635, type, sK502: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3636, type, sK503: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3637, type, sK504: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3638, type, sK505: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3639, type, sK506: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3640, type, sK507: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3641, type, sK508: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3642, type, sK509: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3643, type, sK510: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3644, type, sK511: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3645, type, sK512: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3646, type, sK513: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3647, type, sK514: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3648, type, sK515: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3649, type, sK516: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3650, type, sK517: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3651, type, sK518: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3652, type, sK519: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3653, type, sK520: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3654, type, sK521: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3655, type, sK522: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3656, type, sK523: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3657, type, sK524: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3658, type, sK525: $i > del > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3659, type, sK526: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3660, type, sK527: $i > $i > del > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3661, type, sK528: $i > del > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3662, type, sK529: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3663, type, sK530: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3664, type, sK531: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3665, type, sK532: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3666, type, sK533: del > $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3667, type, sK534: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3668, type, sK535: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3669, type, sK536: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3670, type, sK537: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3671, type, sK538: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3672, type, sK539: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3673, type, sK540: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3674, type, sK541: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3675, type, sK542: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3676, type, sK543: del > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3677, type, sK544: del > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3678, type, sK545: del > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3679, type, sK546: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3680, type, sK547: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3681, type, sK548: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3682, type, sK549: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3683, type, sK550: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3684, type, sK551: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3685, type, sK552: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3686, type, sK553: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3687, type, sK554: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3688, type, sK555: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3689, type, sK556: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3690, type, sK557: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3691, type, sK558: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3692, type, sK559: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3693, type, sK560: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3694, type, sK561: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3695, type, sK562: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3696, type, sK563: $i > $i > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3697, type, sK564: $i > $i > del > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3698, type, sK565: $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3699, type, sK566: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3700, type, sK567: $i > $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3701, type, sK568: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3702, type, sK569: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3703, type, sK570: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3704, type, sK571: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3705, type, sK572: $i > del > $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3706, type, sK573: $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3707, type, sK574: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3708, type, sK575: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3709, type, sK576: $i > $i > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > del > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3710, type, sK577: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3711, type, sK578: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3712, type, sK579: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3713, type, sK580: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3714, type, sK581: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3715, type, sK582: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3716, type, sK583: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3717, type, sK584: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3718, type, sK585: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3719, type, sK586: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3720, type, sK587: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3721, type, sK588: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3722, type, sK589: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3723, type, sK590: $i > $i > $i > $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3724, type, sK591: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3725, type, sK592: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3726, type, sK593: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3727, type, sK594: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3728, type, sK595: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3729, type, sK596: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3730, type, sK597: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3731, type, sK598: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3732, type, sK599: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3733, type, sK600: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3734, type, sK601: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3735, type, sK602: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3736, type, sK603: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3737, type, sK604: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3738, type, sK605: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3739, type, sK606: $i > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3740, type, sK607: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3741, type, sK608: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3742, type, sK609: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3743, type, sK610: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3744, type, sK611: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3745, type, sK612: $i > del > $i > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3746, type, sK613: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3747, type, sK614: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3748, type, sK615: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3749, type, sK616: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3750, type, sK617: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3751, type, sK618: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3752, type, sK619: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3753, type, sK620: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3754, type, sK621: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.25  thf(func_def_3755, type, sK622: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3756, type, sK623: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3757, type, sK624: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3758, type, sK625: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3759, type, sK626: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3760, type, sK627: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3761, type, sK628: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3762, type, sK629: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3763, type, sK630: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3764, type, sK631: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3765, type, sK632: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3766, type, sK633: $i > del > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3767, type, sK634: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3768, type, sK635: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3769, type, sK636: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3770, type, sK637: $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3771, type, sK638: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3772, type, sK639: $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3773, type, sK640: del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3774, type, sK641: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3775, type, sK642: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3776, type, sK643: $i > $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3777, type, sK644: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3778, type, sK645: $i > del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3779, type, sK646: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3780, type, sK647: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3781, type, sK648: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3782, type, sK649: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3783, type, sK650: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3784, type, sK651: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3785, type, sK652: del > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3786, type, sK653: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3787, type, sK654: $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3788, type, sK655: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3789, type, sK656: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3790, type, sK657: del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3791, type, sK658: $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3792, type, sK659: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3793, type, sK660: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3794, type, sK661: $i > $i > del > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3795, type, sK662: $i > del > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3796, type, sK663: $i > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3797, type, sK664: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3798, type, sK665: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3799, type, sK666: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3800, type, sK667: $i > $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3801, type, sK668: $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3802, type, sK669: $i > $i > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3803, type, sK670: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3804, type, sK671: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3805, type, sK672: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3806, type, sK673: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3807, type, sK674: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3808, type, sK675: del > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3809, type, sK676: del > $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3810, type, sK677: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3811, type, sK678: $i > $i > del > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3812, type, sK679: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3813, type, sK680: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3814, type, sK681: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3815, type, sK682: del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3816, type, sK683: $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3817, type, sK684: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3818, type, sK685: tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum > $i > del > $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3819, type, sK686: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3820, type, sK687: $i > tp__ty_2Enum_2Enum).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3821, type, sK688: del > $i > $i).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(func_def_3823, type, ph690: !>[X0: $tType]:(X0)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54819,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    $false),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_sat_refutation,[],[f48053,f48172,f48509,f48602,f54736,f54810])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54810,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~spl689_90),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f54809])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54809,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    $false | ~spl689_90),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f54770,f44666])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f44666,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f40937])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f40937,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f22435])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22435,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) = $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f22434])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22434,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~(p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f6815])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f6815,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~(p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Ecardinal_2Enum__INFINITE)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54770,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) = $true) | ~spl689_90),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f54754])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54754,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) = $true) | ~spl689_90),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f47087,f49885])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f49885,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | ~spl689_90),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f49883])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f49883,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_90 <=> ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl689_90])])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f47087,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f44161])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f44161,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) != $true)) & ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f44160])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f44160,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | (($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) != $true))) & ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f22069])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22069,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) <=> (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f22068])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22068,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))) <=> ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) & (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f2491])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f2491,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X5 : del,X9 : del] : ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X5 @ X9)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X5 @ X9)))) <=> ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X9) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X9))) & (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X5) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X5)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Epred__set_2EINFINITE__PAIR__UNIV)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54736,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_90 | spl689_13),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f54735,f48115,f49883])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48115,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_13 <=> ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) = $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl689_13])])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54735,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_13),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f54674,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f47063,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : del] : (($true = (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0) @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f23775])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f23775,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del] : ($true = (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0) @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f23774])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f23774,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del] : (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0) @ (arr @ X0 @ bool))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f2087])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f2087,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X5 : del] : (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X5) @ (arr @ X5 @ bool))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',mem_c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54674,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | spl689_13),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f54619])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f54619,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != $true) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_13),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f48117,f46593])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f46593,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : $i,X1 : del] : (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) = $true) | ($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f43885])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f43885,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : (((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) = $true)) & (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) != $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))))) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f41699])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41699,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))) <=> ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) != $true)) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f41169])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41169,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : (($true = (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))) => (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))) <=> ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) != $true)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f23985])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f23985,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : (($true = (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))) => (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0))) <=> ~((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0)) = $true)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f23984])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f23984,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : ((mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) => ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X1) @ X0)) <=> ~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f6890])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f6890,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X166,X5 : del] : ((mem @ X166 @ (arr @ X5 @ bool)) => ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EFINITE @ X5) @ X166)) <=> ~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ X5) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X166))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Ecardinal_2EFINITE__CARD__LT)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48117,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | spl689_13),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f48115])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48602,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~spl689_7 | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f48599,f48046,f48050])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48050,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_7 <=> ($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl689_7])])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48046,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_6 <=> ($true = (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl689_6])])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48599,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48598,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48598,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48597,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48597,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f48596])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48596,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != $true) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f48048,f45391])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f45391,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X2 : $i,X3 : $i,X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true = (mem @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0) @ (arr @ X1 @ X0))) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f43210])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f43210,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : (! [X3] : ((((($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0)) @ X2) @ X3))) & ($true = (mem @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0) @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) & (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3))) | ! [X5] : (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X5) @ X2) @ X3)) != $true) | ((mem @ X5 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) != $true)))) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true)) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(skolemisation,[status(esa),new_symbols(skolem,[sK330])],[f43208,f43209])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f43209,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2,X3] : (? [X4] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) & ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) = $true)) => (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0)) @ X2) @ X3))) & ($true = (mem @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0) @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(choice_axiom,[])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f43208,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : (! [X3] : (((? [X4] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) & ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) & (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3))) | ! [X5] : (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X5) @ X2) @ X3)) != $true) | ((mem @ X5 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) != $true)))) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true)) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f43207])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f43207,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : (! [X3] : (((? [X4] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) & ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) & (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3))) | ! [X4] : (($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) | ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) != $true)))) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true)) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f42371])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f42371,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : (! [X3] : ((? [X4] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) & ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) = $true)) <=> ($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true)) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f18897])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f18897,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : (((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) = $true) => ! [X3] : (((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) = $true) => (? [X4] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3))) & ((mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0)) = $true)) <=> ($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f18896])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f18896,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del,X2] : ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) => ! [X3] : ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) => (? [X4] : ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ X4) @ X2) @ X3)) & (mem @ X4 @ (arr @ X1 @ X0))) <=> (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f6706])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f6706,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X9 : del,X5 : del,X476] : ((mem @ X476 @ (arr @ X5 @ bool)) => ! [X477] : ((mem @ X477 @ (arr @ X9 @ bool)) => (? [X70] : ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X5 @ X9) @ X70) @ X476) @ X477)) & (mem @ X70 @ (arr @ X5 @ X9))) <=> (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X5 @ X9) @ X476) @ X477)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',ax_thm_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq__def)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48048,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | spl689_6),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f48046])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48509,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f48508])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48508,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    $false | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48507,f44559])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f44559,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) = $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f26739])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f26739,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) = $true)),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f26738])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f26738,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f2605])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f2605,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Epred__set_2Enum__countable)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48507,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f48506])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48506,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(duplicate_literal_removal,[],[f48498])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48498,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true) | ($true != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) != $true) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f48492,f44722])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f44722,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) != $true)) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f42835])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f42835,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) != $true)) & ((((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f42834])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f42834,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) | (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) != $true) | ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) != $true))) & ((((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) = $true)) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(nnf_transformation,[],[f22771])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22771,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1))))) <=> (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) = $true) & ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1))) = $true)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f22770])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22770,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0))) & (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) <=> (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f2631])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f2631,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X5 : del,X9 : del] : (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X5) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X5))) & (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X9) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X9)))) <=> (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X5 @ X9)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X5 @ X9)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Epred__set_2Ecountable__Uprod)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48492,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48406,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48406,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f48113,f46562])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f46562,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : $i,X1 : del] : (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ X0)) = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X1 @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f41929])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41929,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : (((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ X0)) = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X1 @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f35453])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f35453,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : (($true = (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool))) => ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ X0)) = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X1 @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f35452])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f35452,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0,X1 : del] : ((mem @ X0 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) => ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X1) @ X0)) <=> (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X1 @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f6731])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f6731,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X166,X5 : del] : ((mem @ X166 @ (arr @ X5 @ bool)) => ((p @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2Ecountable @ X5) @ X166)) <=> (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X5 @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ X166) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Ecardinal_2Ecountable__thm)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48113,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | spl689_12),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f48111])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48111,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    spl689_12 <=> ($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))),
% 158.29/26.26    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl689_12])])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48172,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~spl689_13 | ~spl689_12 | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f48171,f48050,f48111,f48115])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48171,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48170,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48170,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48094,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48094,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f48088])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48088,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f48052,f45681])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f45681,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X2 : del,X3 : $i,X0 : del,X1 : $i] : (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) = $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1))) | ($true != (mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f41639])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41639,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1,X2 : del] : (($true != (mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool))) | ! [X3] : (($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3))) | ($true != (mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) = $true)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f41638])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41638,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1,X2 : del] : (! [X3] : ((($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) = $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1)))) | ($true != (mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool)))) | ($true != (mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f41145])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41145,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1,X2 : del] : (($true = (mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool))) => ! [X3] : (($true = (mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool))) => (($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) = $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(flattening,[],[f22243])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22243,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1,X2 : del] : (($true = (mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool))) => ! [X3] : (($true = (mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool))) => (~($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1))) | ~($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3))) | ((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) = $true))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f22242])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f22242,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1,X2 : del] : ((mem @ X1 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) => ! [X3] : ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X2 @ bool)) => (~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X2 @ X0) @ X3) @ X1)) | ~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)) | (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X0 @ X2) @ X1) @ X3)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f6880])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f6880,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X5 : del,X166,X9 : del] : ((mem @ X166 @ (arr @ X5 @ bool)) => ! [X41] : ((mem @ X41 @ (arr @ X9 @ bool)) => (~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X9 @ X5) @ X41) @ X166)) | ~(p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardleq @ X5 @ X9) @ X166) @ X41)) | (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X5 @ X9) @ X166) @ X41)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Ecardinal_2ECARD__LT__TOTAL)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48052,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f48050])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48053,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~spl689_6 | ~spl689_7),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f48044,f48050,f48046])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48044,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | ($true != (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f48043,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f48043,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f47999,f47063])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f47999,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(trivial_inequality_removal,[],[f47980])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f47980,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ bool))) | ($true != $true) | ($true != (mem @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ bool))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | ($true != (mem @ (sK330 @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(superposition,[],[f47953,f45392])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f45392,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X2 : $i,X3 : $i,X0 : del,X1 : del] : (($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ X1 @ X0) @ (sK330 @ X3 @ X2 @ X1 @ X0)) @ X2) @ X3))) | ((mem @ X2 @ (arr @ X1 @ bool)) != $true) | ((mem @ X3 @ (arr @ X0 @ bool)) != $true) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Ecardinal_2Ecardeq @ X1 @ X0) @ X2) @ X3)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f43210])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f47953,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : $i] : (((p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) != $true) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(forward_demodulation,[],[f46329,f45642])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f45642,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : (((c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) = (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ X0 @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f40928])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f40928,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0 : del,X1 : del] : ((c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X0 @ X1)) = (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ X0 @ X1) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X0)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X1)))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f2490])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f2490,axiom,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X5 : del,X9 : del] : ((c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ X5 @ X9)) = (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ X5 @ X9) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X5)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ X9)))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Epred__set_2ECROSS__UNIV)).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f46329,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ( ! [X0 : $i] : (($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) | ($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))) )),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f41484])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f41484,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ! [X0] : (($true != (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) | ($true != (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f20339])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f20339,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~? [X0] : (($true = (mem @ X0 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))) & ($true = (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(fool_elimination,[],[f20338])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f20338,plain,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~? [X0] : ((mem @ X0 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) & (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X0) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(rectify,[],[f15574])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f15574,negated_conjecture,(
% 158.29/26.26    ~? [X18] : ((mem @ X18 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) & (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X18) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    inference(negated_conjecture,[],[f15573])).
% 158.29/26.26  thf(f15573,conjecture,(
% 158.29/26.26    ? [X18] : ((mem @ X18 @ (arr @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum))) & (p @ (ap @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2EBIJ @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ (ty_2Epair_2Eprod @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ X18) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (ap @ (ap @ (c_2Epred__set_2ECROSS @ ty_2Enum_2Enum @ ty_2Enum_2Enum) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)) @ (c_2Epred__set_2EUNIV @ ty_2Enum_2Enum)))))),
% 158.29/26.26    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',conj_thm_2Eutil__prob_2ENUM__2D__BIJ__INV)).
% 158.29/26.26  % SZS output end Proof for theBenchmark
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)------------------------------
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)Version: Vampire 4.8 (commit 11aac991b on 2023-10-04 16:26:07 +0200)
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)Termination reason: Refutation
% 158.29/26.26  
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)Memory used [KB]: 178078
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)Time elapsed: 7.664 s
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)Instructions burned: 25182 (million)
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)------------------------------
% 158.29/26.26  % (4399)------------------------------
% 158.29/26.26  % (3340)Success in time 25.922 s