TSTP Solution File: GEO089+1 by SRASS---0.1

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SRASS---0.1
% Problem  : GEO089+1 : TPTP v5.0.0. Released v2.4.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp
% Command  : SRASS -q2 -a 0 10 10 10 -i3 -n60 %s

% Computer : art02.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Wed Dec 29 04:21:02 EST 2010

% Result   : Theorem 93.93s
% Output   : Assurance 93.93s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
% Reading problem from /tmp/SystemOnTPTP3166/GEO089+1.tptp
% Adding relevance values
% Extracting the conjecture
% Sorting axioms by relevance
% Looking for THM       ... 
% not found
% Adding ~C to TBU       ... ~corollary_2_11:
% ---- Iteration 1 (0 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... c3:
%  CSA axiom c3 found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... c2:
%  CSA axiom c2 found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... part_of_defn:
%  CSA axiom part_of_defn found
% ---- Iteration 2 (3 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% yes
% Looking for TBU model ...
%  not found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... inner_point_defn: CSA axiom inner_point_defn found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... c1:
%  CSA axiom c1 found
% Looking for CSA axiom ... end_point_defn:
%  CSA axiom end_point_defn found
% ---- Iteration 3 (6 axioms selected)
% Looking for TBU SAT   ... 
% no
% Looking for TBU UNS   ... 
% yes - theorem proved
% ---- Selection completed
% Selected axioms are   ... :end_point_defn:c1:inner_point_defn:part_of_defn:c2:c3 (6)
% Unselected axioms are ... :open_defn:c7:c4:c9:c5:c6:sum_defn:meet_defn:closed_defn:c8 (10)
% SZS status THM for /tmp/SystemOnTPTP3166/GEO089+1.tptp
% Looking for THM       ... 
% Killed 2 orphans