TSTP Solution File: CSR104+3 by SnakeForV-SAT---1.0

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SnakeForV-SAT---1.0
% Problem  : CSR104+3 : TPTP v8.1.0. Bugfixed v7.3.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : vampire --input_syntax tptp --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on --mode portfolio --schedule snake_tptp_sat --cores 0 -t %d %s

% Computer : n020.cluster.edu
% Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 2.10GHz
% Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% CPULimit : 300s
% WCLimit  : 300s
% DateTime : Wed Aug 31 16:02:13 EDT 2022

% Result   : Theorem 122.80s 17.36s
% Output   : Refutation 122.80s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   12
%            Number of leaves      :   17
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   74 (  23 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :  197 (   0 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    6 (   2 avg)
%            Number of connectives :  216 (  93   ~;  89   |;  15   &)
%                                         (   5 <=>;  14  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   10 (   4 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    1 (   1 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :   10 (   9 usr;   6 prp; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :    7 (   7 usr;   7 con; 0-0 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   67 (  67   !;   0   ?)

% Comments : 
    inference(avatar_sat_refutation,[],[f338936,f339206,f339213,f339234,f339242,f339265]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f339264]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl3218_9 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339263,f285790]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f145106]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',local_5) ).

    ( ~ s__during(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2)
    | spl3218_9 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339262,f290159]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f145103]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',local_2) ).

    ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval)
    | ~ s__during(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2)
    | spl3218_9 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339261,f219117]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f145104]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',local_3) ).

    ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_2,s__TimeInterval)
    | ~ s__during(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2)
    | ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval)
    | spl3218_9 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339233,f274820]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( s__temporalPart(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimeInterval)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimeInterval)
      | ~ s__during(X1,X0) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f188271]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimeInterval)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimeInterval)
      | s__temporalPart(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__during(X1,X0) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f169475]) ).

    ! [X1,X0] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimeInterval)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimeInterval)
      | s__temporalPart(X0,X1)
      | ~ s__during(X0,X1) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f169474]) ).

    ! [X1,X0] :
      ( s__temporalPart(X0,X1)
      | ~ s__during(X0,X1)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimeInterval)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimeInterval) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f152108]) ).

    ! [X1,X0] :
      ( ( s__instance(X1,s__TimeInterval)
        & s__instance(X0,s__TimeInterval) )
     => ( s__during(X0,X1)
       => s__temporalPart(X0,X1) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f26517]) ).

    ! [X547,X549] :
      ( ( s__instance(X547,s__TimeInterval)
        & s__instance(X549,s__TimeInterval) )
     => ( s__during(X547,X549)
       => s__temporalPart(X547,X549) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_26696) ).

    ( ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2)
    | spl3218_9 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f339231]) ).

    ( spl3218_9
  <=> s__temporalPart(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl3218_9])]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f339241]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl3218_8 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339237,f281960]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f27595]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_27777) ).

    ( ~ s__subclass(s__TimeInterval,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_8 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339235,f290159]) ).

    ( ! [X0] :
        ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,X0)
        | ~ s__subclass(X0,s__TimePosition) )
    | spl3218_8 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339229,f339186]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] :
      ( s__instance(X2,X1)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,X0) ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339185,f279743]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f179221]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( ( s__instance(X1,s__SetOrClass)
        & s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass) )
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f154422]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( s__subclass(X0,X1)
     => ( s__instance(X1,s__SetOrClass)
        & s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f26456]) ).

    ! [X0,X14] :
      ( s__subclass(X0,X14)
     => ( s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
        & s__instance(X14,s__SetOrClass) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_26635) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] :
      ( s__instance(X2,X1)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,X0) ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f213901,f279744]) ).

    ! [X0,X1] :
      ( s__instance(X1,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f179221]) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X1,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1)
      | s__instance(X2,X1)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f184912]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X2,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__SetOrClass)
      | s__instance(X2,X1)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X1) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f171754]) ).

    ! [X0,X2,X1] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,s__SetOrClass)
      | s__instance(X1,X2)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X2) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f171753]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2] :
      ( s__instance(X1,X2)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__subclass(X0,X2)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,s__SetOrClass) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f150779]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2] :
      ( ( s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass)
        & s__instance(X2,s__SetOrClass) )
     => ( ( s__instance(X1,X0)
          & s__subclass(X0,X2) )
       => s__instance(X1,X2) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f26457]) ).

    ! [X0,X12,X14] :
      ( ( s__instance(X14,s__SetOrClass)
        & s__instance(X0,s__SetOrClass) )
     => ( ( s__instance(X12,X0)
          & s__subclass(X0,X14) )
       => s__instance(X12,X14) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_26636) ).

    ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_8 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f339227]) ).

    ( spl3218_8
  <=> s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimePosition) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl3218_8])]) ).

    ( ~ spl3218_8
    | ~ spl3218_9
    | ~ spl3218_4 ),
    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f339214,f338930,f339231,f339227]) ).

    ( spl3218_4
  <=> ! [X0] :
        ( ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,X0)
        | ~ s__temporalPart(X0,s__TimeInterval35_2)
        | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition) ) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl3218_4])]) ).

    ( ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2)
    | ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_1,s__TimePosition)
    | ~ spl3218_4 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f338931,f197283]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f145105]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',local_4) ).

    ( ! [X0] :
        ( ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,X0)
        | ~ s__temporalPart(X0,s__TimeInterval35_2)
        | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition) )
    | ~ spl3218_4 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f338930]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f339212]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl3218_5 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339208,f281960]) ).

    ( ~ s__subclass(s__TimeInterval,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_5 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339207,f219117]) ).

    ( ! [X0] :
        ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_2,X0)
        | ~ s__subclass(X0,s__TimePosition) )
    | spl3218_5 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f338935,f339186]) ).

    ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_2,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_5 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f338933]) ).

    ( spl3218_5
  <=> s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_2,s__TimePosition) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl3218_5])]) ).

    inference(avatar_contradiction_clause,[],[f339205]) ).

    ( $false
    | spl3218_3 ),
    inference(subsumption_resolution,[],[f339201,f218410]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f27599]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_27781) ).

    ( ~ s__subclass(s__TimePoint,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_3 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339187,f292693]) ).

    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f145102]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',local_1) ).

    ( ! [X0] :
        ( ~ s__instance(s__TimePoint35_1,X0)
        | ~ s__subclass(X0,s__TimePosition) )
    | spl3218_3 ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f339186,f338928]) ).

    ( ~ s__instance(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimePosition)
    | spl3218_3 ),
    inference(avatar_component_clause,[],[f338926]) ).

    ( spl3218_3
  <=> s__instance(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimePosition) ),
    introduced(avatar_definition,[new_symbols(naming,[spl3218_3])]) ).

    ( ~ spl3218_3
    | spl3218_4
    | ~ spl3218_5 ),
    inference(avatar_split_clause,[],[f338918,f338933,f338930,f338926]) ).

    ! [X0] :
      ( ~ s__instance(s__TimeInterval35_2,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X0,s__TimeInterval35_2) ),
    inference(resolution,[],[f307362,f277895]) ).

    ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f157169]) ).

    ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2),
    inference(flattening,[],[f145108]) ).

    ~ s__temporalPart(s__TimePoint35_1,s__TimeInterval35_2),
    inference(negated_conjecture,[],[f145107]) ).

    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',prove_from_ALL) ).

    ! [X2,X0,X1] :
      ( s__temporalPart(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X2,X0)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X1,X2) ),
    inference(cnf_transformation,[],[f179850]) ).

    ! [X0,X1,X2] :
      ( ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X2,X0)
      | s__temporalPart(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X1,X2)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,s__TimePosition) ),
    inference(flattening,[],[f179849]) ).

    ! [X0,X2,X1] :
      ( s__temporalPart(X1,X0)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X2,X0)
      | ~ s__temporalPart(X1,X2)
      | ~ s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(X1,s__TimePosition)
      | ~ s__instance(X2,s__TimePosition) ),
    inference(ennf_transformation,[],[f159612]) ).

    ! [X0,X2,X1] :
      ( ( s__instance(X0,s__TimePosition)
        & s__instance(X1,s__TimePosition)
        & s__instance(X2,s__TimePosition) )
     => ( ( s__temporalPart(X2,X0)
          & s__temporalPart(X1,X2) )
       => s__temporalPart(X1,X0) ) ),
    inference(rectify,[],[f28237]) ).

    ! [X1096,X1033,X1034] :
      ( ( s__instance(X1096,s__TimePosition)
        & s__instance(X1033,s__TimePosition)
        & s__instance(X1034,s__TimePosition) )
     => ( ( s__temporalPart(X1033,X1034)
          & s__temporalPart(X1034,X1096) )
       => s__temporalPart(X1033,X1096) ) ),
    file('/export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p',kb_SUMO_28419) ).

% 0.12/0.12  % Problem    : CSR104+3 : TPTP v8.1.0. Bugfixed v7.3.0.
% 0.12/0.13  % Command    : vampire --input_syntax tptp --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on --mode portfolio --schedule snake_tptp_sat --cores 0 -t %d %s
% 0.14/0.34  % Computer : n020.cluster.edu
% 0.14/0.34  % Model    : x86_64 x86_64
% 0.14/0.34  % CPU      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
% 0.14/0.34  % Memory   : 8042.1875MB
% 0.14/0.34  % OS       : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
% 0.14/0.35  % CPULimit   : 300
% 0.14/0.35  % WCLimit    : 300
% 0.14/0.35  % DateTime   : Mon Aug 29 19:31:00 EDT 2022
% 0.14/0.35  % CPUTime    : 
% 1.96/2.24  % (28311)fmb+10_1:1_fmbsr=2.0:nm=4:skr=on:i=51:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/51Mi)
% 1.96/2.24  % (28317)ott+10_1:28_bd=off:bs=on:tgt=ground:i=101:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/101Mi)
% 1.96/2.25  % (28306)ott+10_1:32_abs=on:br=off:urr=ec_only:i=50:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/50Mi)
% 1.96/2.25  % (28319)ins+10_1:1_awrs=decay:awrsf=30:bsr=unit_only:foolp=on:igrr=8/457:igs=10:igwr=on:nwc=1.5:sp=weighted_frequency:to=lpo:uhcvi=on:i=68:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/68Mi)
% 1.96/2.25  % (28328)ott+11_1:1_drc=off:nwc=5.0:slsq=on:slsqc=1:spb=goal_then_units:to=lpo:i=467:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/467Mi)
% 1.96/2.27  % (28307)ott+4_1:1_av=off:bd=off:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:s2at=2.0:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsql=off:slsqr=1,2:sp=frequency:i=37:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/37Mi)
% 1.96/2.27  % (28321)dis+34_1:32_abs=on:add=off:bsr=on:gsp=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=99:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/99Mi)
% 1.96/2.28  % (28305)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:fmbsr=1.5:nm=4:skr=on:i=191324:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/191324Mi)
% 1.96/2.28  % (28309)ott+33_1:4_s2a=on:tgt=ground:i=51:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/51Mi)
% 1.96/2.28  % (28308)ott+10_1:32_bd=off:fsr=off:newcnf=on:tgt=full:i=51:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/51Mi)
% 1.96/2.29  % (28310)dis+34_1:32_abs=on:add=off:bsr=on:gsp=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=48:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/48Mi)
% 1.96/2.29  % (28334)ott+10_7:2_awrs=decay:awrsf=8:bd=preordered:drc=off:fd=preordered:fde=unused:fsr=off:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsqr=5,8:sp=const_min:spb=units:to=lpo:i=355:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/355Mi)
% 1.96/2.29  % (28314)ott-1_1:6_av=off:cond=on:fsr=off:nwc=3.0:i=51:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/51Mi)
% 1.96/2.29  % (28313)dis+2_1:64_add=large:bce=on:bd=off:i=2:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/2Mi)
% 1.96/2.30  % (28325)ott+10_1:8_bsd=on:fsd=on:lcm=predicate:nwc=5.0:s2a=on:s2at=1.5:spb=goal_then_units:i=176:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/176Mi)
% 1.96/2.30  % (28316)ott+10_1:32_bd=off:fsr=off:newcnf=on:tgt=full:i=100:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/100Mi)
% 1.96/2.30  % (28315)ott+2_1:1_fsr=off:gsp=on:i=50:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/50Mi)
% 1.96/2.31  % (28322)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:i=59:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/59Mi)
% 1.96/2.31  % (28318)ott+10_1:5_bd=off:tgt=full:i=99:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/99Mi)
% 1.96/2.31  % (28330)ott+10_1:5_bd=off:tgt=full:i=500:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/500Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28333)ott+33_1:4_s2a=on:tgt=ground:i=439:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/439Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28312)dis+10_1:1_fsd=on:sp=occurrence:i=7:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/7Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28331)ins+10_1:1_awrs=decay:awrsf=30:bsr=unit_only:foolp=on:igrr=8/457:igs=10:igwr=on:nwc=1.5:sp=weighted_frequency:to=lpo:uhcvi=on:i=68:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/68Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28324)ott+4_1:1_av=off:bd=off:nwc=5.0:rp=on:s2a=on:s2at=2.0:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsql=off:slsqr=1,2:sp=frequency:i=100:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/100Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28326)ott+3_1:1_gsp=on:lcm=predicate:i=138:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/138Mi)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Termination reason: Unknown
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Termination phase: shuffling
% 3.23/2.32  
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Memory used [KB]: 91469
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Time elapsed: 0.004 s
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)Instructions burned: 2 (million)
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.32  % (28313)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.32  % (28320)ott+11_2:3_av=off:fde=unused:nwc=5.0:tgt=ground:i=75:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/75Mi)
% 3.23/2.33  % (28327)dis+21_1:1_av=off:er=filter:slsq=on:slsqc=0:slsqr=1,1:sp=frequency:to=lpo:i=498:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/498Mi)
% 3.23/2.33  % (28332)ott+11_2:3_av=off:fde=unused:nwc=5.0:tgt=ground:i=177:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/177Mi)
% 3.23/2.33  % (28323)ott+10_1:1_tgt=ground:i=100:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/100Mi)
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Termination reason: Unknown
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Termination phase: shuffling
% 3.23/2.34  
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Memory used [KB]: 91725
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Time elapsed: 0.010 s
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)Instructions burned: 7 (million)
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.34  % (28312)------------------------------
% 3.23/2.35  % (28329)ott+10_1:1_kws=precedence:tgt=ground:i=482:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2982ds/482Mi)
% 3.95/2.41  % (28307)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.95/2.41  % (28307)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.41  % (28307)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 3.95/2.41  % (28307)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)Termination reason: Unknown
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)Termination phase: shuffling
% 3.95/2.42  
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)Memory used [KB]: 94156
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)Time elapsed: 0.046 s
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)Instructions burned: 37 (million)
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.42  % (28307)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.44  % (28306)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.95/2.44  % (28306)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.44  % (28306)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Termination reason: Unknown
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Termination phase: shuffling
% 3.95/2.46  
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Time elapsed: 0.074 s
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.46  % (28306)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.47  % (28335)dis+34_1:32_abs=on:add=off:bsr=on:gsp=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=388:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2980ds/388Mi)
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Instruction limit reached!
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Termination reason: Unknown
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Termination phase: shuffling
% 3.95/2.48  
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Time elapsed: 0.092 s
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)Instructions burned: 53 (million)
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)------------------------------
% 3.95/2.48  % (28311)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.51  
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Time elapsed: 0.085 s
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.51  % (28308)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.53  % (28336)ott-1_1:6_av=off:cond=on:fsr=off:nwc=3.0:i=211:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2979ds/211Mi)
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.53  
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Time elapsed: 0.075 s
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)Instructions burned: 48 (million)
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.53  % (28310)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.54  
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Time elapsed: 0.084 s
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)Instructions burned: 50 (million)
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28315)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.54  
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Time elapsed: 0.074 s
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.54  % (28309)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 4.68/2.55  
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Memory used [KB]: 98505
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Time elapsed: 0.106 s
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)Instructions burned: 68 (million)
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.55  % (28319)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.56  
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Memory used [KB]: 95307
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Time elapsed: 0.089 s
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)Instructions burned: 51 (million)
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.56  % (28314)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Instruction limit reached!
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Termination reason: Unknown
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Termination phase: shuffling
% 4.68/2.58  
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Memory used [KB]: 96970
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Time elapsed: 0.098 s
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)Instructions burned: 59 (million)
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.58  % (28322)------------------------------
% 4.68/2.59  % (28337)dis+22_1:128_bsd=on:rp=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=1,6:sp=frequency:spb=goal:thsq=on:thsqc=16:thsqd=1:thsql=off:i=90:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2979ds/90Mi)
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.28/2.60  
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Memory used [KB]: 101959
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Time elapsed: 0.156 s
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)Instructions burned: 99 (million)
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.60  % (28321)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.62  % (28338)ott+1_1:2_i=920:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2978ds/920Mi)
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.28/2.62  
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Memory used [KB]: 101959
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Time elapsed: 0.148 s
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)Instructions burned: 101 (million)
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.62  % (28317)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.28/2.63  
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Memory used [KB]: 98761
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Time elapsed: 0.100 s
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)Instructions burned: 69 (million)
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.63  % (28331)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.65  % (28339)ott+1_1:7_bd=off:i=934:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2978ds/934Mi)
% 5.28/2.67  % (28342)ins+10_1:1_awrs=decay:awrsf=30:bsr=unit_only:foolp=on:igrr=8/457:igs=10:igwr=on:nwc=1.5:sp=weighted_frequency:to=lpo:uhcvi=on:i=68:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2978ds/68Mi)
% 5.28/2.68  % (28340)ott+10_1:50_bsr=unit_only:drc=off:fd=preordered:sp=frequency:i=747:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2978ds/747Mi)
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.28/2.68  
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Memory used [KB]: 99273
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Time elapsed: 0.109 s
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)Instructions burned: 75 (million)
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.68  % (28320)------------------------------
% 5.28/2.69  % (28341)dis+21_1:1_av=off:er=filter:slsq=on:slsqc=0:slsqr=1,1:sp=frequency:to=lpo:i=655:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2978ds/655Mi)
% 5.76/2.69  WARNING Broken Constraint: if sine_depth(2) has been set then sine_selection(off) is not equal to off
% 5.76/2.69  % (28344)ott+11_4:1_br=off:fde=none:s2a=on:sd=2:sp=frequency:urr=on:i=981:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/981Mi)
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 5.79/2.71  
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Time elapsed: 0.115 s
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)Instructions burned: 100 (million)
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.71  % (28324)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.73  % (28345)dis+22_1:128_bsd=on:rp=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=1,6:sp=frequency:spb=goal:thsq=on:thsqc=16:thsqd=1:thsql=off:i=90:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/90Mi)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.79/2.74  
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Memory used [KB]: 102087
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Time elapsed: 0.123 s
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)Instructions burned: 101 (million)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28316)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28343)dis+34_1:32_abs=on:add=off:bsr=on:gsp=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=940:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/940Mi)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.79/2.74  
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Memory used [KB]: 101832
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Time elapsed: 0.118 s
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)Instructions burned: 99 (million)
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28318)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.74  % (28347)dis+10_1:2_atotf=0.3:i=3735:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/3735Mi)
% 5.79/2.76  % (28346)dis+21_1:1_av=off:er=filter:slsq=on:slsqc=0:slsqr=1,1:sp=frequency:to=lpo:i=2016:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/2016Mi)
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Instruction limit reached!
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Termination reason: Unknown
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 5.79/2.78  
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Memory used [KB]: 101832
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Time elapsed: 0.135 s
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)Instructions burned: 100 (million)
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.78  % (28323)------------------------------
% 5.79/2.79  % (28349)ott+10_1:32_bd=off:fsr=off:newcnf=on:tgt=full:i=4959:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2976ds/4959Mi)
% 5.79/2.81  % (28348)ott+11_9:8_add=large:afp=10:amm=off:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:nm=0:nwc=2.4:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:sp=reverse_arity:tha=some:thi=overlap:i=4958:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2977ds/4958Mi)
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)------------------------------
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 7.22/2.83  
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Memory used [KB]: 104902
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Time elapsed: 0.143 s
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)Instructions burned: 138 (million)
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)------------------------------
% 7.22/2.83  % (28326)------------------------------
% 7.22/2.87  % (28351)ott+3_1:1_atotf=0.2:fsr=off:kws=precedence:sp=weighted_frequency:spb=intro:tgt=ground:i=4931:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2976ds/4931Mi)
% 7.22/2.88  % (28350)ott+10_1:1_kws=precedence:tgt=ground:i=4756:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2976ds/4756Mi)
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)------------------------------
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 7.22/2.89  
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Memory used [KB]: 108356
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Time elapsed: 0.169 s
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)Instructions burned: 177 (million)
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)------------------------------
% 7.22/2.89  % (28332)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 7.97/2.91  
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Time elapsed: 0.200 s
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)Instructions burned: 176 (million)
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.91  % (28325)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.93  % (28352)ins+10_1:1_awrs=decay:awrsf=30:bsr=unit_only:foolp=on:igrr=8/457:igs=10:igwr=on:nwc=1.5:sp=weighted_frequency:to=lpo:uhcvi=on:i=68:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2975ds/68Mi)
% 7.97/2.93  % (28353)ott+11_9:8_amm=off:bsd=on:etr=on:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:newcnf=on:nm=0:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:tha=some:i=1824:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2975ds/1824Mi)
% 7.97/2.94  % (28354)dis+34_1:32_abs=on:add=off:bsr=on:gsp=on:sp=weighted_frequency:i=2134:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2975ds/2134Mi)
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 7.97/2.95  
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Time elapsed: 0.116 s
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)------------------------------
% 7.97/2.95  % (28337)------------------------------
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Instruction limit reached!
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)------------------------------
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Termination reason: Unknown
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 7.97/3.00  
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Memory used [KB]: 98633
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Time elapsed: 0.090 s
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)Instructions burned: 68 (million)
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)------------------------------
% 7.97/3.00  % (28342)------------------------------
% 8.72/3.02  % (28355)ott-1_1:1_sp=const_frequency:i=2891:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2975ds/2891Mi)
% 8.72/3.05  % (28356)dis+2_1:64_add=large:bce=on:bd=off:i=4585:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2974ds/4585Mi)
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Instruction limit reached!
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)------------------------------
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Termination reason: Unknown
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 8.72/3.07  
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Memory used [KB]: 110787
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Time elapsed: 0.199 s
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)Instructions burned: 212 (million)
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)------------------------------
% 8.72/3.07  % (28336)------------------------------
% 8.72/3.07  % (28357)dis+22_1:128_bsd=on:rp=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=1,6:sp=frequency:spb=goal:thsq=on:thsqc=16:thsqd=1:thsql=off:i=90:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2974ds/90Mi)
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Instruction limit reached!
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)------------------------------
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Termination reason: Unknown
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 9.31/3.10  
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Time elapsed: 0.106 s
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)------------------------------
% 9.31/3.10  % (28345)------------------------------
% 9.31/3.15  % (28358)dis+21_1:1_av=off:er=filter:slsq=on:slsqc=0:slsqr=1,1:sp=frequency:to=lpo:i=2016:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2973ds/2016Mi)
% 9.31/3.17  % (28359)dis+10_1:2_atotf=0.3:i=8004:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2973ds/8004Mi)
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Instruction limit reached!
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)------------------------------
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Termination reason: Unknown
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 10.05/3.23  
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Memory used [KB]: 98633
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Time elapsed: 0.089 s
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)Instructions burned: 68 (million)
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)------------------------------
% 10.05/3.23  % (28352)------------------------------
% 10.05/3.26  % (28360)ott+11_9:8_add=large:afp=10:amm=off:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:nm=0:nwc=2.4:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:sp=reverse_arity:tha=some:thi=overlap:i=9965:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2972ds/9965Mi)
% 10.05/3.29  % (28361)ott+10_1:32_bd=off:fsr=off:newcnf=on:tgt=full:i=9877:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2972ds/9877Mi)
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Instruction limit reached!
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)------------------------------
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Termination reason: Unknown
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 10.05/3.30  
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Memory used [KB]: 121533
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Time elapsed: 0.300 s
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)Instructions burned: 390 (million)
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)------------------------------
% 10.05/3.30  % (28335)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Instruction limit reached!
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Termination reason: Unknown
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 10.62/3.37  
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Memory used [KB]: 127929
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Time elapsed: 0.308 s
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)Instructions burned: 500 (million)
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.37  % (28330)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Instruction limit reached!
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Termination reason: Unknown
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 10.62/3.38  
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Memory used [KB]: 127929
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Time elapsed: 0.312 s
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)Instructions burned: 483 (million)
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)------------------------------
% 10.62/3.38  % (28329)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.40  % (28362)ins+10_1:16_bce=on:fde=unused:igpr=on:igs=35:igwr=on:sp=const_frequency:tgt=full:to=lpo:i=9902:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2971ds/9902Mi)
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 11.15/3.43  
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Memory used [KB]: 99017
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Time elapsed: 0.333 s
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)Instructions burned: 355 (million)
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.43  % (28334)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 11.15/3.43  
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Memory used [KB]: 100680
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Time elapsed: 0.882 s
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)Instructions burned: 439 (million)
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.43  % (28333)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Instruction limit reached!
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Termination reason: Unknown
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 11.15/3.44  
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Time elapsed: 0.106 s
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.44  % (28357)------------------------------
% 11.15/3.47  % (28363)ott+11_9:8_amm=off:bsd=on:etr=on:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:newcnf=on:nm=0:nwc=3.0:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:tha=some:i=1824:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2970ds/1824Mi)
% 12.84/3.54  % (28365)ott-11_1:32_i=9707:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/9707Mi)
% 12.84/3.56  % (28364)dis+2_1:64_add=large:bce=on:bd=off:i=9989:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/9989Mi)
% 12.84/3.59  % (28367)ott+3_1:1_abs=on:anc=none:bs=on:fsr=off:spb=goal_then_units:i=44001:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/44001Mi)
% 12.84/3.60  % (28366)dis+22_1:128_bsd=on:rp=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=1,6:sp=frequency:spb=goal:thsq=on:thsqc=16:thsqd=1:thsql=off:i=90:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/90Mi)
% 13.53/3.64  % (28368)ott+11_9:8_add=large:afp=10:amm=off:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:nm=0:nwc=2.4:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:sp=reverse_arity:tha=some:thi=overlap:i=4958:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2969ds/4958Mi)
% 14.12/3.71  % (28328)Instruction limit reached!
% 14.12/3.71  % (28328)------------------------------
% 14.12/3.71  % (28328)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Termination reason: Unknown
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 14.12/3.72  
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Memory used [KB]: 103495
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Time elapsed: 0.440 s
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)Instructions burned: 467 (million)
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)------------------------------
% 14.12/3.72  % (28328)------------------------------
% 15.17/3.84  % (28327)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.17/3.84  % (28327)------------------------------
% 15.17/3.84  % (28327)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 15.17/3.87  
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Memory used [KB]: 106181
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Time elapsed: 0.450 s
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)Instructions burned: 498 (million)
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)------------------------------
% 15.17/3.87  % (28327)------------------------------
% 15.17/3.89  % (28369)ott+1_27:428_av=off:awrs=converge:awrsf=8:bsr=unit_only:drc=off:fd=preordered:newcnf=on:nwc=1.5:skr=on:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsql=off:slsqr=1,4:sp=reverse_frequency:uwa=one_side_constant:i=35256:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2966ds/35256Mi)
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Instruction limit reached!
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)------------------------------
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Termination reason: Unknown
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 15.88/3.95  
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Time elapsed: 0.125 s
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)Instructions burned: 90 (million)
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)------------------------------
% 15.88/3.95  % (28366)------------------------------
% 16.49/4.01  % (28370)dis+1002_1:1_fde=unused:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sac=on:i=32293:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2964ds/32293Mi)
% 17.67/4.13  % (28371)ott+21_1:28_afr=on:anc=all_dependent:bs=on:bsr=unit_only:nicw=on:sp=const_frequency:uhcvi=on:i=37001:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2963ds/37001Mi)
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Instruction limit reached!
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)------------------------------
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Termination reason: Unknown
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 17.67/4.21  
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Memory used [KB]: 141362
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Time elapsed: 0.528 s
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)Instructions burned: 747 (million)
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)------------------------------
% 17.67/4.21  % (28340)------------------------------
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Instruction limit reached!
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)------------------------------
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Termination reason: Unknown
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 18.38/4.27  
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Memory used [KB]: 142897
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Time elapsed: 0.826 s
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)Instructions burned: 941 (million)
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)------------------------------
% 18.38/4.27  % (28343)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.33  % (28338)Instruction limit reached!
% 18.97/4.33  % (28338)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.33  % (28338)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 18.97/4.34  % (28339)Instruction limit reached!
% 18.97/4.34  % (28339)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.34  % (28339)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Termination reason: Unknown
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 18.97/4.35  
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Memory used [KB]: 143409
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Time elapsed: 0.535 s
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)Instructions burned: 936 (million)
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.35  % (28339)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Termination reason: Unknown
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 18.97/4.36  
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Memory used [KB]: 142897
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Time elapsed: 0.496 s
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)Instructions burned: 920 (million)
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)------------------------------
% 18.97/4.36  % (28338)------------------------------
% 19.61/4.39  % (28372)ott+10_1:32_bd=off:fsr=off:newcnf=on:tgt=full:i=10187:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2961ds/10187Mi)
% 19.99/4.46  % (28373)ott+3_1:1_atotf=0.2:fsr=off:kws=precedence:sp=weighted_frequency:spb=intro:tgt=ground:i=29337:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2960ds/29337Mi)
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Instruction limit reached!
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)------------------------------
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Termination reason: Unknown
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 19.99/4.49  
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Memory used [KB]: 117055
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Time elapsed: 0.537 s
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)Instructions burned: 656 (million)
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)------------------------------
% 19.99/4.49  % (28341)------------------------------
% 20.69/4.55  % (28375)fmb+10_1:1_fmbsr=2.0:nm=4:skr=on:i=38056:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/38056Mi)
% 20.69/4.58  % (28374)ins+10_1:16_bce=on:fde=unused:igpr=on:igs=35:igwr=on:sp=const_frequency:tgt=full:to=lpo:i=10147:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2959ds/10147Mi)
% 22.11/4.69  % (28376)fmb+10_1:1_dr=on:fmbsr=2.0:newcnf=on:nm=2:i=33239:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2958ds/33239Mi)
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Instruction limit reached!
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)------------------------------
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Termination reason: Unknown
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Termination phase: Preprocessing 1
% 24.82/5.05  
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Memory used [KB]: 133942
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Time elapsed: 0.665 s
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)Instructions burned: 982 (million)
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)------------------------------
% 24.82/5.05  % (28344)------------------------------
% 26.18/5.26  % (28377)fmb+10_1:1_fmbas=predicate:gsp=on:nm=2:i=20987:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2952ds/20987Mi)
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Instruction limit reached!
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)------------------------------
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Termination reason: Unknown
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 29.43/5.61  
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Memory used [KB]: 144304
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Time elapsed: 0.754 s
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)Instructions burned: 2136 (million)
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)------------------------------
% 29.43/5.61  % (28354)------------------------------
% 29.50/5.62  % (28353)Instruction limit reached!
% 29.50/5.62  % (28353)------------------------------
% 29.50/5.62  % (28353)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Termination reason: Unknown
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 29.50/5.64  
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Memory used [KB]: 144304
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Time elapsed: 0.925 s
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)Instructions burned: 1827 (million)
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)------------------------------
% 29.50/5.64  % (28353)------------------------------
% 30.27/5.76  % (28378)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:fmbsr=1.5:nm=4:skr=on:i=49917:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2947ds/49917Mi)
% 31.01/5.82  % (28379)dis+2_1:64_add=large:bce=on:bd=off:i=19144:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2946ds/19144Mi)
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Instruction limit reached!
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)------------------------------
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Termination reason: Unknown
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 31.86/5.96  
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Memory used [KB]: 144944
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Time elapsed: 1.114 s
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)Instructions burned: 3735 (million)
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)------------------------------
% 31.86/5.96  % (28347)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.10  % (28355)Instruction limit reached!
% 33.37/6.10  % (28355)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.10  % (28355)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Termination reason: Unknown
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 33.37/6.12  
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Memory used [KB]: 144304
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Time elapsed: 1.042 s
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)Instructions burned: 2891 (million)
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.12  % (28355)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Instruction limit reached!
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Termination reason: Unknown
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 33.37/6.12  
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Memory used [KB]: 144048
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Time elapsed: 0.976 s
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)Instructions burned: 2018 (million)
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.12  % (28346)------------------------------
% 33.37/6.15  % (28380)dis+10_1:128_bd=off:lcm=predicate:sac=on:sp=reverse_arity:urr=on:i=27492:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2943ds/27492Mi)
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Instruction limit reached!
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)------------------------------
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Termination reason: Unknown
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 34.22/6.26  
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Memory used [KB]: 143792
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Time elapsed: 1.380 s
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)Instructions burned: 1825 (million)
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)------------------------------
% 34.22/6.26  % (28363)------------------------------
% 34.22/6.30  % (28381)ott-11_1:32_i=6101:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2942ds/6101Mi)
% 34.86/6.34  % (28382)dis+22_1:128_bsd=on:rp=on:slsq=on:slsqc=1:slsqr=1,6:sp=frequency:spb=goal:thsq=on:thsqc=16:thsqd=1:thsql=off:i=90:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2941ds/90Mi)
% 35.86/6.44  % (28383)ott+11_1:128_av=off:bd=off:bsr=unit_only:fd=preordered:to=lpo:updr=off:i=91600:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2940ds/91600Mi)
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Instruction limit reached!
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)------------------------------
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Termination reason: Unknown
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Termination phase: Unused predicate definition removal
% 36.70/6.58  
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Memory used [KB]: 144048
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Time elapsed: 1.109 s
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)Instructions burned: 2016 (million)
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)------------------------------
% 36.70/6.58  % (28358)------------------------------
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Instruction limit reached!
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)------------------------------
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Termination reason: Unknown
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Termination phase: SInE selection
% 38.00/6.71  
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Memory used [KB]: 97610
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Time elapsed: 0.107 s
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)Instructions burned: 91 (million)
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)------------------------------
% 38.00/6.71  % (28382)------------------------------
% 38.00/6.78  % (28384)ott+11_9:8_add=large:afp=10:amm=off:fsd=on:fsr=off:lma=on:nm=0:nwc=2.4:s2a=on:s2agt=10:sas=z3:sp=reverse_arity:tha=some:thi=overlap:i=7127:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2937ds/7127Mi)
% 39.62/6.91  % (28385)ott+1_27:428_av=off:awrs=converge:awrsf=8:bsr=unit_only:drc=off:fd=preordered:newcnf=on:nwc=1.5:skr=on:slsq=on:slsqc=2:slsql=off:slsqr=1,4:sp=reverse_frequency:uwa=one_side_constant:i=35256:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2936ds/35256Mi)
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Instruction limit reached!
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)------------------------------
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Termination reason: Unknown
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 54.93/8.87  
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Memory used [KB]: 189208
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Time elapsed: 1.729 s
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)Instructions burned: 4758 (million)
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)------------------------------
% 54.93/8.87  % (28350)------------------------------
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Instruction limit reached!
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)------------------------------
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Termination reason: Unknown
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 55.77/8.93  
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Memory used [KB]: 189080
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Time elapsed: 1.713 s
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)Instructions burned: 4586 (million)
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)------------------------------
% 55.77/8.93  % (28356)------------------------------
% 57.13/9.09  % (28386)dis+1002_1:1_fde=unused:nwc=10.0:s2a=on:s2at=3.0:sac=on:i=32293:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2914ds/32293Mi)
% 57.13/9.13  % (28387)ott+3_1:1_atotf=0.2:fsr=off:kws=precedence:sp=weighted_frequency:spb=intro:tgt=ground:i=29337:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2913ds/29337Mi)
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Instruction limit reached!
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)------------------------------
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Termination reason: Unknown
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Termination phase: NewCNF
% 58.08/9.24  
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Memory used [KB]: 181916
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Time elapsed: 1.964 s
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)Instructions burned: 4959 (million)
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)------------------------------
% 58.08/9.24  % (28349)------------------------------
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Instruction limit reached!
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)------------------------------
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Termination reason: Unknown
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 58.08/9.24  
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Memory used [KB]: 189080
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Time elapsed: 1.965 s
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)Instructions burned: 4933 (million)
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)------------------------------
% 58.08/9.24  % (28351)------------------------------
% 59.62/9.44  % (28388)fmb+10_1:1_fmbsr=2.0:nm=4:skr=on:i=99860:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2910ds/99860Mi)
% 59.62/9.46  % (28389)fmb+10_1:1_fmbas=expand:i=96985:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2910ds/96985Mi)
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Instruction limit reached!
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)------------------------------
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Termination reason: Unknown
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 62.09/9.78  
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Memory used [KB]: 188952
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Time elapsed: 2.123 s
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)Instructions burned: 4960 (million)
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)------------------------------
% 62.09/9.78  % (28348)------------------------------
% 63.81/9.98  % (28390)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:dr=on:fmbsr=1.47:gsp=on:nm=2:skr=on:i=99648:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2905ds/99648Mi)
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Instruction limit reached!
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)------------------------------
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Termination reason: Unknown
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Termination phase: Property scanning
% 68.69/10.56  
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Memory used [KB]: 188952
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Time elapsed: 1.968 s
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)Instructions burned: 4960 (million)
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)------------------------------
% 68.69/10.56  % (28368)------------------------------
% 69.80/10.72  % (28391)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:fmbsr=1.5:nm=4:skr=on:i=99882:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2897ds/99882Mi)
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Instruction limit reached!
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)------------------------------
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Termination reason: Unknown
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Termination phase: Saturation
% 102.44/14.84  
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Memory used [KB]: 209037
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Time elapsed: 2.649 s
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)Instructions burned: 6101 (million)
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)------------------------------
% 102.44/14.84  % (28381)------------------------------
% 104.91/15.11  % (28392)fmb+10_1:1_bce=on:fmbas=predicate:fmbsr=1.5:fmbsso=preprocessed_usage:nm=4:skr=on:i=99913:si=on:rawr=on:rtra=on_0 on theBenchmark for (2854ds/99913Mi)
% 121.68/17.23  % (28370)First to succeed.
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Refutation found. Thanks to Tanya!
% 122.80/17.36  % SZS status Theorem for theBenchmark
% 122.80/17.36  % SZS output start Proof for theBenchmark
% See solution above
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)------------------------------
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Version: Vampire 4.7 (commit 807e37dd9 on 2022-08-23 09:55:27 +0200)
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Linked with Z3 f03d756e086f81f2596157241e0decfb1c982299 z3-4.8.4-5390-gf03d756e0
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Termination reason: Refutation
% 122.80/17.36  
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Memory used [KB]: 212235
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Time elapsed: 13.261 s
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)Instructions burned: 7735 (million)
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)------------------------------
% 122.80/17.36  % (28370)------------------------------
% 122.80/17.36  % (28304)Success in time 16.995 s