TPTP Problem File: SWW677_1.p

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% File     : SWW677_1 : TPTP v9.0.0. Released v6.4.0.
% Domain   : Software Verification
% Problem  : Binary seach algorithm
% Version  : Especial.
% English  :

% Refs     : [Bau15a] Baumgartner (2015), Email to Geoff Sutcliffe
%          : [Bau15b] Baumgartner (2015), SMTtoTPTP - A Converter for Theore
% Source   : [Bau15a]
% Names    : swv-binsearch-2.p [Bau15a]

% Status   : Theorem
% Rating   : 0.38 v8.2.0, 0.50 v8.1.0, 0.38 v7.5.0, 0.50 v7.4.0, 0.38 v7.3.0, 0.17 v7.1.0, 0.33 v7.0.0, 0.71 v6.4.0
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   15 (   3 unt;   7 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :   35 (  12 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :   20 (   2 avg)
%            Number of connectives :   31 (   4   ~;   0   |;  15   &)
%                                         (   2 <=>;  10  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   18 (   7 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    3 (   1 avg)
%            Number arithmetic     :   61 (  17 atm;   9 fun;  15 num;  20 var)
%            Number of types       :    3 (   1 usr;   1 ari)
%            Number of type conns  :   11 (   6   >;   5   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of predicates  :    7 (   1 usr;   1 prp; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   11 (   5 usr;   3 con; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   27 (  24   !;   3   ?;  27   :)
% SPC      : TF0_THM_EQU_ARI

% Comments : Converted from SMT using [Bau15b]
    'Array[Int,Int]': $tType ).

    'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int': ( 'Array[Int,Int]' * $int ) > $int ).

    'store:(Array[Int,Int]*Int*Int)>Array[Int,Int]': ( 'Array[Int,Int]' * $int * $int ) > 'Array[Int,Int]' ).

    'const:(Int)>Array[Int,Int]': $int > 'Array[Int,Int]' ).

%----! a:Array[Int, Int] i:Int e:Int ((a[i] <= e)[i] = e)
    ! [A: 'Array[Int,Int]',I: $int,E: $int] : ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'('store:(Array[Int,Int]*Int*Int)>Array[Int,Int]'(A,I,E),I) = E ) ).

%----! a:Array[Int, Int] i:Int j:Int e:Int ((i != j) => ((a[i] <= e)[j] = a[j]))
    ! [A: 'Array[Int,Int]',I: $int,J: $int,E: $int] :
      ( ( I != J )
     => ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'('store:(Array[Int,Int]*Int*Int)>Array[Int,Int]'(A,I,E),J) = 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,J) ) ) ).

%----! a:Array[Int, Int] b:Array[Int, Int] (! i:Int (a[i] = b[i]) => (a = b))
    ! [A: 'Array[Int,Int]',B: 'Array[Int,Int]'] :
      ( ! [I: $int] : ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,I) = 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(B,I) )
     => ( A = B ) ) ).

%----! i:Int e:Int (const:Array[Int, Int](e)[i] = e)
    ! [I: $int,E: $int] : ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'('const:(Int)>Array[Int,Int]'(E),I) = E ) ).

    length: 'Array[Int,Int]' > $int ).

    div2: $int > $int ).

    sorted: ( 'Array[Int,Int]' * $int * $int ) > $o ).

%----Definition of divisibility by 2:
%----! a:Int res:Int ((((2 * res) <= a) & ((2 * (res + 1)) > a)) = 
%----(div2(a) = res))
    ! [A: $int,Res: $int] :
      ( ( $lesseq($product(2,Res),A)
        & $greater($product(2,$sum(Res,1)),A) )
    <=> ( div2(A) = Res ) ) ).

%----The length of arrays is greater or equal to 0:
%----! a:Array[Int, Int] (length(a) >= 0)
    ! [A: 'Array[Int,Int]'] : $greatereq(length(A),0) ).

%----Sortedness of arrays:
%----! a:Array[Int, Int] l:Int u:Int (sorted(a, l, u) = 
%----! i:Int j:Int (((l <= i) & (i < j) & (j ≤ u)) => (a[i] ≤ a[j])))
    ! [A: 'Array[Int,Int]',L: $int,U: $int] :
      ( sorted(A,L,U)
    <=> ! [I: $int,J: $int] :
          ( ( $lesseq(L,I)
            & $less(I,J)
            & $lesseq(J,U) )
         => $lesseq('select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,I),'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,J)) ) ) ).

%----Conjecture according to second proof obligation above:
%----! l:Int u:Int a:Array[Int, Int] e:Int (((0 <= l) & (u < length(a)) & 
%----sorted(a, 0, (length(a) - 1))) => (if (l > u) true else 
%----let m=div2((l + u)) in (if (a[m] = e) true else (if (a[m] < e) 
%----let l=(m + 1) in ((0 <= l) & (u < length(a)) & 
%----sorted(a, 0, (length(a) - 1))) else let u=(m - 1) in ((0 <= l) & 
%----(u < length(a)) & sorted(a, 0, (length(a) - 1)))))))
    ! [L: $int,U: $int,A: 'Array[Int,Int]',E: $int] :
      ( ( $lesseq(0,L)
        & $less(U,length(A))
        & sorted(A,0,$difference(length(A),1)) )
     => ( ( $greater(L,U)
         => $true )
        & ( ~ $greater(L,U)
         => ? [M_1: $int] :
              ( ( M_1 = div2($sum(L,U)) )
              & ( ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,M_1) = E )
               => $true )
              & ( ( 'select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,M_1) != E )
               => ( ( $less('select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,M_1),E)
                   => ? [L_2: $int] :
                        ( ( L_2 = $sum(M_1,1) )
                        & $lesseq(0,L_2)
                        & $less(U,length(A))
                        & sorted(A,0,$difference(length(A),1)) ) )
                  & ( ~ $less('select:(Array[Int,Int]*Int)>Int'(A,M_1),E)
                   => ? [U_3: $int] :
                        ( ( U_3 = $difference(M_1,1) )
                        & $lesseq(0,L)
                        & $less(U_3,length(A))
                        & sorted(A,0,$difference(length(A),1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).
