TPTP Problem File: SET014+3.p

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% File     : SET014+3 : TPTP v9.0.0. Released v2.2.0.
% Domain   : Set Theory
% Problem  : If X (= Z and Y (= Z, then X U Y (= Z
% Version  : [Try90] axioms : Reduced > Incomplete.
% English  : If X is a subset of Z and Y is a subset of Z, then the union of
%            X and Y is a subset of Z.

% Refs     : [ILF] The ILF Group (1998), The ILF System: A Tool for the Int
%          : [Try90] Trybulec (1990), Tarski Grothendieck Set Theory
%          : [TS89]  Trybulec & Swieczkowska (1989), Boolean Properties of
% Source   : [ILF]
% Names    : BOOLE (32) [TS89]

% Status   : Theorem
% Rating   : 0.06 v9.0.0, 0.11 v8.1.0, 0.06 v7.4.0, 0.10 v7.3.0, 0.07 v7.2.0, 0.03 v7.1.0, 0.00 v6.4.0, 0.04 v6.2.0, 0.00 v6.1.0, 0.13 v5.5.0, 0.19 v5.4.0, 0.25 v5.3.0, 0.30 v5.2.0, 0.05 v5.1.0, 0.10 v5.0.0, 0.12 v4.1.0, 0.09 v4.0.1, 0.13 v4.0.0, 0.12 v3.7.0, 0.15 v3.5.0, 0.11 v3.4.0, 0.26 v3.3.0, 0.21 v3.2.0, 0.36 v3.1.0, 0.33 v2.7.0, 0.17 v2.6.0, 0.14 v2.5.0, 0.12 v2.4.0, 0.25 v2.3.0, 0.00 v2.2.1
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :    6 (   2 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :   14 (   2 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    3 (   2 avg)
%            Number of connectives :    8 (   0   ~;   1   |;   1   &)
%                                         (   4 <=>;   2  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :    6 (   5 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    2 (   1 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    3 (   2 usr;   0 prp; 2-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :    1 (   1 usr;   0 con; 2-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :   15 (  15   !;   0   ?)

% Comments :
%---- line(boole - df(2),1833042)
    ! [B,C,D] :
      ( member(D,union(B,C))
    <=> ( member(D,B)
        | member(D,C) ) ) ).

%---- line(tarski - df(3),1832749)
    ! [B,C] :
      ( subset(B,C)
    <=> ! [D] :
          ( member(D,B)
         => member(D,C) ) ) ).

%---- property(commutativity,op(union,2,function))
    ! [B,C] : union(B,C) = union(C,B) ).

%---- property(reflexivity,op(subset,2,predicate))
    ! [B] : subset(B,B) ).

%---- line(hidden - axiom37,1832615)
    ! [B,C] :
      ( B = C
    <=> ! [D] :
          ( member(D,B)
        <=> member(D,C) ) ) ).

%---- line(boole - th(32),1833206)
    ! [B,C,D] :
      ( ( subset(B,C)
        & subset(D,C) )
     => subset(union(B,D),C) ) ).
