TPTP Problem File: PUZ015-2.003.rm

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% File     : PUZ015-2.003 : TPTP v9.0.0. Bugfixed v2.1.0.
% Domain   : Puzzles
% Problem  : Checkerboard and Dominoes : Opposing corners removed
% Version  : [Sti93] axioms : Especial.
%            Theorem formulation : Propositional.
% English  : There is a checker board whose upper left and lower right
%            squares have been removed. There is a box of dominoes that
%            are one square by two squares in size. Can you exactly cover
%            the checker board with dominoes? The size is the dimension of
%            the checker board.

% Refs     : [Sti93] Stickel (1993), Email to G. Sutcliffe
% Source   : [Sti93]
% Names    : - [Sti93]

% Status   : Unsatisfiable
% Rating   : 0.00 v2.0.0
% Syntax   :

% Comments : horizontal(R,C) means there is a horizontal tile from (R,C)
%            to (R,C+1). vertical(R,C) means there is a vertical tile from
%            (R,C) to (R+1,C).
%          : tptp2X: -ftptp -s3 PUZ015-2.g
% Bugfixes : v2.1.0 - Replaced by a new SOTA size.