TPTP Problem File: CSR119^1.p

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% File     : CSR119^1 : TPTP v9.0.0. Released v4.1.0.
% Domain   : Commonsense Reasoning
% Problem  : Did someone like Bill in 2009?
% Version  : Especial > Reduced > Especial.
% English  : During 2009 Mary liked Bill and Sue liked Bill. Is it the case 
%            that someone liked Bill during 2009? 

% Refs     : [PS07]  Pease & Sutcliffe (2007), First Order Reasoning on a L
%          : [BP10]  Benzmueller & Pease (2010), Progress in Automating Hig
%          : [Ben10] Benzmueller (2010), Email to Geoff Sutcliffe
% Source   : [Ben10]
% Names    : ef_1.tq_SUMO_local [Ben10]

% Status   : Theorem
% Rating   : 0.12 v9.0.0, 0.08 v8.2.0, 0.09 v8.1.0, 0.08 v7.4.0, 0.11 v7.3.0, 0.10 v7.2.0, 0.12 v7.1.0, 0.14 v7.0.0, 0.12 v6.4.0, 0.14 v6.3.0, 0.17 v6.2.0, 0.00 v6.1.0, 0.50 v6.0.0, 0.17 v5.5.0, 0.20 v5.4.0, 0.25 v5.3.0, 0.50 v4.1.0
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   10 (   0 unt;   8 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :    5 (   0 equ;   0 cnn)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    3 (   2 avg)
%            Number of connectives :   13 (   0   ~;   0   |;   1   &;  12   @)
%                                         (   0 <=>;   0  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :    5 (   5 avg)
%            Number of types       :    3 (   1 usr)
%            Number of type conns  :    5 (   5   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of symbols     :    7 (   7 usr;   4 con; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :    1 (   0   ^;   0   !;   1   ?;   1   :)
% SPC      : TH0_THM_NEQ_NAR

% Comments : This is a simple test problem for reasoning in/about SUMO.
%            Initally the problem has been hand generated in KIF syntax in
%            SigmaKEE and then automatically translated by Benzmueller's
%            KIF2TH0 translator into THF syntax.
%          : The translation has been applied in two modes: local and SInE.
%            The local mode only translates the local assumptions and the
%            query. The SInE mode additionally translates the SInE-extract
%            of the loaded knowledge base (usually SUMO).
%          : The examples are selected to illustrate the benefits of
%            higher-order reasoning in ontology reasoning.
%          : This example is similar to the one discussed in [PS07]
%----The extracted signature
    num: $tType ).

    holdsDuring_THFTYPE_IiooI: $i > $o > $o ).

    lBill_THFTYPE_i: $i ).

    lMary_THFTYPE_i: $i ).

    lSue_THFTYPE_i: $i ).

    lYearFn_THFTYPE_IiiI: $i > $i ).

    likes_THFTYPE_IiioI: $i > $i > $o ).

    n2009_THFTYPE_i: $i ).

%----The translated axioms
    ( holdsDuring_THFTYPE_IiooI @ ( lYearFn_THFTYPE_IiiI @ n2009_THFTYPE_i )
    @ ( ( likes_THFTYPE_IiioI @ lMary_THFTYPE_i @ lBill_THFTYPE_i )
      & ( likes_THFTYPE_IiioI @ lSue_THFTYPE_i @ lBill_THFTYPE_i ) ) ) ).

%----The translated conjecture
    ? [Y: $i] : ( holdsDuring_THFTYPE_IiooI @ ( lYearFn_THFTYPE_IiiI @ n2009_THFTYPE_i ) @ ( likes_THFTYPE_IiioI @ Y @ lBill_THFTYPE_i ) ) ).
