ITP001 Axioms: ITP003^

% File     : ITP003^4 : TPTP v9.0.0. Bugfixed v7.5.0.
% Domain   : Interactive Theorem Proving
% Axioms   : HOL4 syntactic export, chainy mode
% Version  : [BG+19] axioms.
% English  :

% Refs     : [BG+19] Brown et al. (2019), GRUNGE: A Grand Unified ATP Chall
%          : [Gau19] Gauthier (2019), Email to Geoff Sutcliffe
% Source   : [BG+19]
% Names    : [Gau19]
%          : HL4003^ [TPAP]

% Status   : Satisfiable
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :  353 ( 100 unt;  97 typ;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :  619 ( 235 equ;  48 cnn)
%            Maximal formula atoms :    9 (   1 avg)
%            Number of connectives : 7468 (  48   ~;  63   |; 137   &;6877   @)
%                                         ( 143 <=>; 200  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   29 (   8 avg;6877 nst)
%            Number of types       :    5 (   4 usr)
%            Number of type conns  :  178 ( 178   >;   0   *;   0   +;   0  <<)
%            Number of symbols     :   95 (  93 usr;  36 con; 0-4 aty)
%            Number of variables   :  953 (   0   ^ 894   !;  59   ?; 953   :)
% SPC      : TH0_SAT_EQU_NAR

% Comments :
% Bugfixes : v7.5.0 - Fixes to the axioms.
    u: $tType ).

    d: $tType ).

    du: $tType ).

    mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind: $tType ).

    tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself: d > d ).

    tyop_2Emin_2Ebool: d ).

    tyop_2Emin_2Efun: d > d > d ).

    tyop_2Emin_2Eind: d ).

    s: d > u > du ).

    app_2E2: du > du > u ).

    combin_i_2E0: u ).

    combin_k_2E0: u ).

    combin_s_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_2F_5C_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_2F_5C_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E0: u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_3D_3D_3E_2E0: u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_3D_3D_3E_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_40_2E0: u ).

    c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EARB_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EBOUNDED_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EBOUNDED_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3: du > du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EF_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E1: du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E3: du > du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ET_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_5C_2F_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_5C_2F_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2: du > du > u ).

    c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_7E_2E0: u ).

    c_2Ebool_2E_7E_2E1: du > u ).

    mono_2Eapp_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: ( $o > $o ) > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Eapp_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: ( $o > $o > $o ) > $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Eapp_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29: ( $o > $o > $o > $o ) > $o > $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Eapp_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: ( ( $o > $o ) > $o ) > ( $o > $o ) > $o ).

    mono_2Eapp_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: ( ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ) > ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_2F_5C: $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Emin_2E_3D_3D_3E: $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EBOUNDED: $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: $o > $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF: $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONTO_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET: $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_5C_2F: $o > $o > $o ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_7E: $o > $o ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: $o > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: ( $o > $o ) > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29: ( $o > $o > $o ) > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29: ( $o > $o > $o > $o ) > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: ( ( $o > $o ) > $o ) > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: ( ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ) > u ).

    i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > u ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool: du > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: du > $o > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29: du > $o > $o > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29: du > $o > $o > $o > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: du > ( $o > $o ) > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29: du > ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o ).

    j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29: du > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 )
        = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ combin_i_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) ) @ combin_k_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V1y_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ combin_s_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_2F_5C @ V0 @ V1 )
    <=> ( V0
        & V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_5C_2F @ V0 @ V1 )
    <=> ( V0
        | V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2E_7E @ V0 )
    <=> ( (~) @ V0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Emin_2E_3D_3D_3E @ V0 @ V1 )
    <=> ( V0
       => V1 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0_2E0: u,V1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ V0_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o > $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: ( $o > $o ) > $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [V0: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ V0 ) ) )
      = V0 ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E1 @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ A_27a ) @ c_2Emin_2E_40_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0: $o,X1_2E0: u,X2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X2_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27b: d,X0: $o,X1_2E0: u,X2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X2_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27b ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0: $o,X1_2E0: u,X2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X2_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ X0 ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E1 @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27c: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u,X2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E3 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X2_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ A_27a ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27a ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27a ) @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27b ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27c: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,X0_2E0: u,X1_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ X0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ X0_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ X1_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( V0 @ V1 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ ( V0 @ V1 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29 @ ( V0 @ V1 ) ) )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: ( $o > $o ) > $o,V1: $o > $o] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( V0 @ V1 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V1 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o,V1: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( V0 @ V1 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ V1 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29_29_29 @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) )
    = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o,V1: $o,V2: $o] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0 @ V1 @ V2 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0 ) ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1 ) ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V2 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Ebool_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) )
    = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E1 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) )
    = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind @ V0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ V0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Ebool_29 @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONTO_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) )
    = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONTO_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind @ V0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind @ tyop_2Emin_2Eind ) @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Efun_28tyop_2Emin_2Eind_2Ctyop_2Emin_2Eind_29 @ V0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( V0 @ V1 )
      = ( V0 @ V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( V0 @ V1 )
      = ( V0 @ V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: $o > $o > $o > $o,V1: $o] :
      ( ( V0 @ V1 )
      = ( V0 @ V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: ( $o > $o ) > $o,V1: $o > $o] :
      ( ( V0 @ V1 )
      = ( V0 @ V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0: ( mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind ) > $o,V1: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( V0 @ V1 )
      = ( V0 @ V1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      | ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0M_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0M_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0M_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ? [V0f: mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind > mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind @ V0f )
      & ( (~) @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EONTO_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind_20mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Eind @ V0f ) ) ) ).

    ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET
  <=> ! [V0x: $o] : ( V0x = V0x ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0x: $o,V1x_27: $o] :
      ( ( V0x
        & V1x_27 )
    <=> ! [V2t: $o] :
          ( ( V0x
           => ( V1x_27
             => V2t ) )
         => V2t ) ) ).

    ! [V0x: $o,V1x_27: $o] :
      ( ( V0x
        | V1x_27 )
    <=> ! [V2t: $o] :
          ( ( V0x
           => V2t )
         => ( ( V1x_27
             => V2t )
           => V2t ) ) ) ).

    ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF
  <=> ! [V0t: $o] : V0t ) ).

    ! [V0x: $o] :
      ( ( (~) @ V0x )
    <=> ( V0x
       => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        & ! [V1x_2E0: u,V2y_2E0: u] :
            ( ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0x: $o,V1x_27_2E0: u,V2x_27_27_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0x ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_27_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( ( V0x = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
             => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) )
            & ( ( V0x = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
             => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_27_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ! [V0x: $o,V1x_27_2E0: u,V2x_27_27_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0x ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_27_27_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0x ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_27_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1x1_2E0: u,V2x2_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x1_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x2_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1x1_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V2x2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1y_2E0: u] :
        ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27b @ V1y_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ! [V2x_27_2E0: u,V3x_27_27_2E0: u] :
            ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V2x_27_2E0 ) ) )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V3x_27_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27b @ V2x_27_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27b @ V3x_27_27_2E0 ) ) )
        & ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          <=> ? [V5x_27_2E0: u] :
                ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V5x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F2_2E0: u,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_27_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u,V4y_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
       => ( ! [V1x_27_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
         => ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
            <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
                & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1x_27_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0x: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EBOUNDED @ V0x )
      = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E1 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d] :
      ( ! [V0p_2E0: u,V1m_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0p_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E3 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0p_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1m_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1m_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      & ! [V3p_2E0: u,V4m1_2E0: u,V5m2_2E0: u] :
          ( ! [V6x_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3p_2E0 ) ) ) )
             => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V4m1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) )
                = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V5m2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
         => ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3p_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V4m1_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__ABSTRACT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3p_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V5m2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d] :
    ? [V0rep_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( c_2Emin_2E_3D_2E1 @ ( s @ A_27a @ c_2Ebool_2EARB_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27a ) @ V0rep_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0b_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eitself__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ).

    mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
       => V1t2 )
     => ( ( V1t2
         => V0t1 )
       => ( V0t1 = V1t2 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF
     => V0t ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0M_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0M_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0M_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( V0t
      | ( (~) @ V0t ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0t1_2E0: u,V1t2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0t: $o] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u] : V0t
    <=> V0t ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0t: $o] :
      ( ? [V1x_2E0: u] : V0t
    <=> V0t ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( V0t1
     => ( V1t2
       => ( V0t1
          & V1t2 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
        & V1t2 )
     => V0t1 ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
        & V1t2 )
     => V1t2 ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
        & V1t2 )
    <=> ( V1t2
        & V0t1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
        & V1t2 )
    <=> ( V1t2
        & V0t1 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o,V2t3: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
        & V1t2
        & V2t3 )
    <=> ( V0t1
        & V1t2
        & V2t3 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( V0t1
     => ( V0t1
        | V1t2 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( V1t2
     => ( V0t1
        | V1t2 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o,V1t1: $o,V2t2: $o] :
      ( ( V1t1
        | V2t2 )
     => ( ( V1t1
         => V0t )
       => ( ( V2t2
           => V0t )
         => V0t ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( V0t
       => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
     => ( (~) @ V0t ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( (~) @ V0t )
     => ( V0t
       => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( (~) @ V0t )
     => ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( (~)
      @ ( V0t
        & ( (~) @ V0t ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET
          & V0t )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( V0t
          & mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF
          & V0t )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      & ( ( V0t
          & mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      & ( ( V0t
          & V0t )
      <=> V0t ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET
          | V0t )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      & ( ( V0t
          | mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      & ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF
          | V0t )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( V0t
          | mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( V0t
          | V0t )
      <=> V0t ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET
         => V0t )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( V0t
         => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      & ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF
         => V0t )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      & ( ( V0t
         => V0t )
      <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      & ( ( V0t
         => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      <=> ( (~) @ V0t ) ) ) ).

    ( ! [V0t: $o] :
        ( ( (~) @ ( (~) @ V0t ) )
      <=> V0t )
    & ( ( (~) @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
    <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
    & ( ( (~) @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
    <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) )
    <=> mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) )
    <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 )
        = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 )
        = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) )
    <=> ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u,V2z_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) )
        & ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V2z_2E0 ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V2z_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ( ( (~) @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) )
    & ( (~) @ ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET = V0t )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      <=> V0t )
      & ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF = V0t )
      <=> ( (~) @ V0t ) )
      & ( ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      <=> ( (~) @ V0t ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0t1_2E0: u,V1t2_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t2_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) )
      & ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t2_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1t2_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0b: $o,V1t_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ! [V0P_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
        <=> ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) )
     => ! [V0x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0x_2E0: u,V1y_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V1y_2E0 ) ) )
     => ! [V0x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2y_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        & ! [V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ( (~)
        @ ! [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( (~) @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ( (~)
        @ ? [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V2x_2E0: u] : ( (~) @ ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        & ! [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        & V1Q )
    <=> ! [V3x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ( V0P
        & ! [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V3x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          | ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        | ? [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        | V1Q )
    <=> ? [V3x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          | V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ( V0P
        | ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V3x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          | ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          & V1Q )
    <=> ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : V0P
        & ? [V4x_2E0: u] : V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & V1Q )
    <=> ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        & V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( V0P
        & ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          | V1Q )
    <=> ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : V0P
        | ! [V4x_2E0: u] : V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0Q: $o,V1P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          | V0Q )
    <=> ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        | V0Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
          | ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( V0P
        | ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
         => V1Q )
    <=> ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : V0P
       => ! [V4x_2E0: u] : V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => V1Q )
    <=> ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( V0P
       => ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
         => V1Q )
    <=> ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : V0P
       => ? [V4x_2E0: u] : V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => V1Q )
    <=> ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => V1Q ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( V0P
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( V0P
       => ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
      <=> ( V1B
          | V0A ) )
    <=> ( V1B
       => V0A ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( (~)
        @ ( V0A
         => V1B ) )
    <=> ( V0A
        & ( (~) @ V1B ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o,V2C: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        | V1B
        | V2C )
    <=> ( V0A
        | V1B
        | V2C ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        | V1B )
    <=> ( V1B
        | V0A ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        | V1B )
    <=> ( V1B
        | V0A ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( ( (~)
          @ ( V0A
            & V1B ) )
      <=> ( ( (~) @ V0A )
          | ( (~) @ V1B ) ) )
      & ( ( (~)
          @ ( V0A
            | V1B ) )
      <=> ( ( (~) @ V0A )
          & ( (~) @ V1B ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o,V2C: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        & ( V1B
          | V2C ) )
    <=> ( ( V0A
          & V1B )
        | ( V0A
          & V2C ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o,V2C: $o] :
      ( ( ( V1B
          | V2C )
        & V0A )
    <=> ( ( V1B
          & V0A )
        | ( V2C
          & V0A ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o,V2C: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        | ( V1B
          & V2C ) )
    <=> ( ( V0A
          | V1B )
        & ( V0A
          | V2C ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o,V2C: $o] :
      ( ( ( V1B
          & V2C )
        | V0A )
    <=> ( ( V1B
          | V0A )
        & ( V2C
          | V0A ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
       => V1B )
    <=> ( ( (~) @ V0A )
        | V1B ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1Q: $o,V2R: $o] :
      ( ( ( V0P
          | V1Q )
       => V2R )
    <=> ( ( V0P
         => V2R )
        & ( V1Q
         => V2R ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1Q: $o,V2R: $o] :
      ( ( V0P
       => ( V1Q
          & V2R ) )
    <=> ( ( V0P
         => V1Q )
        & ( V0P
         => V2R ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t: $o] :
      ( ( V0t
       => mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
    <=> ( V0t = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o,V2t3: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1
       => ( V1t2
         => V2t3 ) )
    <=> ( ( V0t1
          & V1t2 )
       => V2t3 ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1 = V1t2 )
    <=> ( ( V0t1
         => V1t2 )
        & ( V1t2
         => V0t1 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0t1: $o,V1t2: $o] :
      ( ( V0t1 = V1t2 )
    <=> ( ( V0t1
          & V1t2 )
        | ( ( (~) @ V0t1 )
          & ( (~) @ V1t2 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0b: $o,V1f_2E0: u,V2g_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V2g_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V2g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1b: $o,V2x_2E0: u,V3y_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3y_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0b: $o,V1f_2E0: u,V2g_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V2g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V2g_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0b: $o,V1t1: $o,V2t2: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b @ V1t1 @ V2t2 )
    <=> ( ( ( (~) @ V0b )
          | V1t1 )
        & ( V0b
          | V2t2 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0b: $o,V1t1: $o,V2t2: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b @ V1t1 @ V2t2 )
    <=> ( ( V0b
         => V1t1 )
        & ( ( (~) @ V0b )
         => V2t2 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0b: $o,V1t1: $o,V2t2: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b @ V1t1 @ V2t2 )
    <=> ( ( V0b
          & V1t1 )
        | ( ( (~) @ V0b )
          & V2t2 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1rep_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1rep_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( ! [V2x_27_2E0: u,V3x_27_27_2E0: u] :
            ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1rep_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V2x_27_2E0 ) ) )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1rep_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V3x_27_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27b @ V2x_27_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27b @ V3x_27_27_2E0 ) ) )
        & ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          <=> ? [V5x_27_2E0: u] :
                ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1rep_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V5x_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONTO_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1y_2E0: u] :
        ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27b @ V1y_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EONE__ONE_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V1x1_2E0: u,V2x2_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x1_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x2_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1x1_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V2x2_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V1rep_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ETYPE__DEFINITION_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V1rep_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ? [V2rep_2E0: u,V3abs_2E0: u] :
          ( ! [V4a_2E0: u] :
              ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V3abs_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V2rep_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V4a_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
              = ( s @ A_27b @ V4a_2E0 ) )
          & ! [V5r_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5r_2E0 ) ) ) )
            <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27a ) @ V2rep_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V3abs_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5r_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ V5r_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
            = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V0b_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V0b_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27c @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u,V2y_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V3y_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V3y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V1x_2E0: u,V2y_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V3y_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V3y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ! [V0P_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            & ! [V3x_2E0: u,V4y_2E0: u] :
                ( ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
                  & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
               => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
                  = ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u,V3N_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) )
        & ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) )
              = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ELET_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0x: $o,V1x_27: $o,V2y: $o,V3y_27: $o] :
      ( ( ( V0x = V1x_27 )
        & ( V1x_27
         => ( V2y = V3y_27 ) ) )
     => ( ( V0x
         => V2y )
      <=> ( V1x_27
         => V3y_27 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1P_27: $o,V2Q: $o,V3Q_27: $o] :
      ( ( ( V2Q
         => ( V0P = V1P_27 ) )
        & ( V1P_27
         => ( V2Q = V3Q_27 ) ) )
     => ( ( V0P
          & V2Q )
      <=> ( V1P_27
          & V3Q_27 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1P_27: $o,V2Q: $o,V3Q_27: $o] :
      ( ( ( V0P = V1P_27 )
        & ( V1P_27
         => ( V2Q = V3Q_27 ) ) )
     => ( ( V0P
          & V2Q )
      <=> ( V1P_27
          & V3Q_27 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1P_27: $o,V2Q: $o,V3Q_27: $o] :
      ( ( ( ( (~) @ V2Q )
         => ( V0P = V1P_27 ) )
        & ( ( (~) @ V1P_27 )
         => ( V2Q = V3Q_27 ) ) )
     => ( ( V0P
          | V2Q )
      <=> ( V1P_27
          | V3Q_27 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o,V1P_27: $o,V2Q: $o,V3Q_27: $o] :
      ( ( ( V0P = V1P_27 )
        & ( ( (~) @ V1P_27 )
         => ( V2Q = V3Q_27 ) ) )
     => ( ( V0P
          | V2Q )
      <=> ( V1P_27
          | V3Q_27 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o,V2x_2E0: u,V3x_27_2E0: u,V4y_2E0: u,V5y_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( V0P = V1Q )
        & ( V1Q
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_27_2E0 ) ) )
        & ( ( (~) @ V1Q )
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0P ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1Q ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0g_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u,V2Q_2E0: u,V3P_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3P_2E0 )
        = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) )
     => ( ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
       => ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0g_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0g_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u,V2Q_2E0: u,V3P_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3P_2E0 )
        = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) )
     => ( ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
       => ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V3P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V2Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0g_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0z: $o,V1y: $o,V2x: $o,V3w: $o] :
      ( ( ( V2x
         => V1y )
        & ( V0z
         => V3w ) )
     => ( ( V2x
          & V0z )
       => ( V1y
          & V3w ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0z: $o,V1y: $o,V2x: $o,V3w: $o] :
      ( ( ( V2x
         => V1y )
        & ( V0z
         => V3w ) )
     => ( ( V2x
          | V0z )
       => ( V1y
          | V3w ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0z: $o,V1y: $o,V2x: $o,V3w: $o] :
      ( ( ( V1y
         => V2x )
        & ( V0z
         => V3w ) )
     => ( ( V2x
         => V0z )
       => ( V1y
         => V3w ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0y: $o,V1x: $o] :
      ( ( V0y
       => V1x )
     => ( ( (~) @ V1x )
       => ( (~) @ V0y ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0y: $o,V1x: $o] :
      ( ( V0y
       => V1x )
    <=> ( ( (~) @ V1x )
       => ( (~) @ V0y ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0Q_2E0: u,V1P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0Q_2E0: u,V1P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ? [V3x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ? [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0z: $o,V1y: $o,V2x: $o,V3w: $o,V4b: $o] :
      ( ( V2x
       => V1y )
     => ( ( V0z
         => V3w )
       => ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V4b @ V2x @ V0z )
         => ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ECOND_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V4b @ V1y @ V3w ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0a_2E0: u] :
    ? [V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V0a_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0a_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0a_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V0a_2E0 ) ) )
     => ! [V0a_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0a_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1a_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1a_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) )
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1a_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1a_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V1a_2E0 ) )
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1a_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1v_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V1v_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1v_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1v_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V1v_2E0 ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1v_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u] :
        ? [V2y_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V3f_2E0: u] :
        ! [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V3f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d] :
      ( ! [V0t1_2E0: u,V1t2_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t2_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) )
      & ! [V2t1_2E0: u,V3t2_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2t1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3t2_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V3t2_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0b: $o,V1t_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0b ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0t1_2E0: u,V1t2_2E0: u] :
    ? [V2fn_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ A_27a ) @ V2fn_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V0t1_2E0 ) )
      & ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ A_27a ) @ V2fn_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ V1t2_2E0 ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o > $o] :
      ( ( ( V0P @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
        & ( V0P @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) )
     => ! [V1b: $o] : ( V0P @ V1b ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P: $o,V1Q: $o,V2x_2E0: u,V3x_27_2E0: u,V4y_2E0: u,V5y_27_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( V0P = V1Q )
        & ( V1Q
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_27_2E0 ) ) )
        & ( ( (~) @ V1Q )
         => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_27_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0P ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V1Q ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_27_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_27_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0P: $o > $o] :
      ( ! [V1b: $o] : ( V0P @ V1b )
    <=> ( ( V0P @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
        & ( V0P @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u,F2_2E0: u,F1_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1Q_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            | ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V1Q_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
       => ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
         => ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1Q_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
             => ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
                | ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1Q_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0t: $o,V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0t ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = V0t )
     => ! [V0t: $o] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_21_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( i_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ V0t ) ) ) ) ) ) )
        <=> ( V0t
            & ! [V2x_2E0: u,V3y_2E0: u] :
                ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
                = ( s @ A_27a @ V3y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ? [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F2_2E0: u,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1f_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u,V4y_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ V4y_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F2_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
       => ( ! [V1f_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
              = ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
         => ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u] :
              ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS__UNIQUE_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) )
            <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
                & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u,V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EIN_2E2 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) )
            & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1f_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__SELECT_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ ( c_2Emin_2E_40_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V1f_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
     => ! [V0P_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__FORALL_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ F0_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
     => ! [V0P_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2ERES__EXISTS_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ F0_2E0 ) ) ) )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) ) ).

    ! [V0f: $o > $o] :
      ( ! [V1x: $o] :
          ( ( V0f @ V1x )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
      | ! [V2x: $o] :
          ( ( V0f @ V2x )
          = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
      | ! [V3x: $o] :
          ( ( V0f @ V3x )
          = V3x )
      | ! [V4x: $o] :
          ( ( V0f @ V4x )
        <=> ( (~) @ V4x ) ) ) ).

    ! [F3: $o > $o,F0: $o > $o,F1: $o > $o,F2: $o > $o] :
      ( ! [V4b: $o] :
          ( ( F3 @ V4b )
        <=> ( (~) @ V4b ) )
     => ( ! [V1b: $o] :
            ( ( F0 @ V1b )
            = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET )
       => ( ! [V2b: $o] :
              ( ( F1 @ V2b )
              = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF )
         => ( ! [V3b: $o] :
                ( ( F2 @ V3b )
                = V3b )
           => ! [V0P: ( $o > $o ) > $o] :
                ( ( ( V0P @ F0 )
                  & ( V0P @ F1 )
                  & ( V0P @ F2 )
                  & ( V0P @ F3 ) )
               => ! [V5f: $o > $o] : ( V0P @ V5f ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V0P_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27c @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,A_27c: d,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V0b_2E0: u,V4x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V1N_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V0b_2E0: u,V1N_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27c @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27c @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27c ) ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ A_27c ) ) @ V1N_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0b_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0f_2E0: u,V1g_2E0: u,V2M_2E0: u,V3N_2E0: u] :
      ( ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) )
        & ! [V4x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 )
              = ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) )
           => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) )
              = ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
     => ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2M_2E0 ) ) )
        = ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ V1g_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3N_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,F1_2E0: u,F0_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V3x_2E0: u,V2a_2E0: u] :
          ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) ) )
        <=> ( ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) )
     => ( ! [V2a_2E0: u,V1t_2E0: u,V0u_2E0: u,V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V1t_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0u_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2ECOND_2E3 @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) ) @ F1_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V1t_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0u_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V0u_2E0: u,V1t_2E0: u,V2a_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( c_2Ebool_2Eliteral__case_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27b @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27b ) ) ) ) @ F0_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V1t_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27b @ V0u_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2a_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27b @ V1t_2E0 ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0v: $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EBOUNDED @ V0v )
      = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0f_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u,V2y_2E0: u,V3z_2E0: u] :
          ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3z_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
          = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2y_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3z_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ( ! [V4x_2E0: u,V5y_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_2E0 ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5y_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
       => ! [V6x_2E0: u,V7y_2E0: u,V8z_2E0: u] :
            ( ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V7y_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V8z_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V7y_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ A_27a ) ) @ V0f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V8z_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0x_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2E1 @ ( s @ A_27a @ V0x_2E0 ) ) ) )
      = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [V0bool: $o > $o > $o] :
      ( ( mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EDATATYPE_2Emono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( V0bool @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET @ mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2EF ) )
      = mono_2Ec_2Ebool_2ET ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0i_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ V0i_2E0 )
      = ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,A_27b: d,V0e_2E0: u] :
    ? [V1f_2E0: u] :
      ( ( s @ A_27b @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ A_27b ) @ V1f_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) ) )
      = ( s @ A_27b @ V0e_2E0 ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) ) ) )
     => ! [V1i_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ V1i_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u] :
      ( ? [V1x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ V1x_2E0 ) ) ) )
    <=> ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Ebool_2Eitself @ A_27a ) @ c_2Ebool_2Ethe__value_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ( ( ? [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) )
         => V1Q )
      <=> ! [V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) )
           => V1Q ) )
      & ( ( ? [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & V1Q )
      <=> ? [V5x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            & V1Q ) )
      & ( ( V1Q
          & ? [V6x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      <=> ? [V7x_2E0: u] :
            ( V1Q
            & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V7x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1Q: $o] :
      ( ( ( V1Q
         => ! [V2x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      <=> ! [V3x_2E0: u] :
            ( V1Q
           => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V3x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) )
      & ( ( ! [V4x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V4x_2E0 ) ) ) )
          & V1Q )
      <=> ! [V5x_2E0: u] :
            ( ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V5x_2E0 ) ) ) )
            & V1Q ) )
      & ( ( V1Q
          & ! [V6x_2E0: u] : ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V6x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
      <=> ! [V7x_2E0: u] :
            ( V1Q
            & ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V7x_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0Q: $o,V1P: $o] :
      ( ( ( V1P
         => V0Q )
       => V1P )
     => V1P ) ).

    ! [A_27a: d,V0P_2E0: u,V1t_2E0: u] :
      ( ! [V2x_2E0: u] :
          ( ( ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 )
            = ( s @ A_27a @ V1t_2E0 ) )
         => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( app_2E2 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) @ ( s @ A_27a @ V2x_2E0 ) ) ) ) )
     => ( j_mono_2Etyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( s @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool @ ( c_2Ebool_2E_3F_2E1 @ ( s @ ( tyop_2Emin_2Efun @ A_27a @ tyop_2Emin_2Ebool ) @ V0P_2E0 ) ) ) ) ) ).

    ! [V0A: $o,V1B: $o] :
      ( ( V0A
        | V1B )
    <=> ( ( (~) @ V0A )
       => V1B ) ) ).
