TPTP Reference: Sch99

    Author       = "Schey, J.",
    Year         = "1999",
    Title        = "{Introduction to Manufacturing Processes}",
    Publisher    = "McGraw-Hill",
    Comment      = "TPTPRef"
    Author       = "Schmidt, R.",
    Year         = "1999",
    Title        = "{Decidability by Resolution for Propositional Modal
    Journal      = "Journal of Automated Reasoning",
    Volume       = "22",
    Number       = "4",
    Pages        = "379-396",
    Comment      = "TPTPRef"
    Author       = "Schulz, S.",
    Year         = "1999",
    Title        = "{System Abstract: E 0.3}",
    Editor       = "Ganzinger, H.",
    BookTitle    = "{Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction}",
    Place        = "Trento, Italy",
    Series       = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",
    Number       = "1632",
    Pages        = "297-301",
    Publisher    = "Springer-Verlag",
    Comment      = "TPTPCite"