TPTP Reference: PS08

    Author       = "Phillips, J.D. and Stanovsky, D.",
    Year         = "2008",
    Title        = "{Using Automated Theorem Provers in Nonassociative Algebra}",
    Editor       = "Cervesato, I. and Veith, H. and Voronkov, A.",
    BookTitle    = "{Short Papers of the 15th International Conference on Logic
                    for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning}",
    Place        = "Doha, Qatar",
    Pages        = "",
    Publisher    = "Cool Press",
    Comment      = "TPTPRef"
    Author       = "Phillips, J.D. and Stanovsky, D.",
    Year         = "2008",
    Title        = "{Automated Theorem Proving in Loop Theory}",
    Editor       = "Sutcliffe, G. and Colton, S. and Schulz, S.",
    BookTitle    = "{Proceedings of the CICM Workshop on Empirically
                    Successful Automated Reasoning in Mathematics}",
    Place        = "Birmingham, United Kingdom",
    Series       = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings",
    Number       = "378",
    Pages        = "42-53",
    Comment      = "TPTPRef"