A Theorem with Nasty Axioms

Every number is greater than its predecessor, and if a number is greater than another, it's successor is also greater. If a number is greater than another, then they are not equal. Prove 3 is not equal to 1.
%----Every number is greater than its predecessor
    ! [X] : greater(s(X),X) )).

%----If a number is greater than another, it's successor is also greater
    ! [X,Y] :
      ( greater(X,Y)
     => greater(s(X),Y) ) )).

%----If a number is greater than another, then they are not equal
    ! [X,Y] :
      ( greater(X,Y)
     => X != Y ) )).

%----Prove 3 is not equal to 1
    s(s(s(zero))) != s(zero) )).