A problem is a list of annotated formulae, typically without the source or useful information. (This is a description of an ordinary problem - the TPTP language can do more than this.)
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %----All (hu)men are created equal. John is a human. John got an F grade. %----There is someone (a human) who got an A grade. An A grade is not %----equal to an F grade. Grades are not human. Therefore there is %----another human created equal to John. fof(all_created_equal,axiom,( ! [H1,H2] : ( ( human(H1) & human(H2) ) => created_equal(H1,H2) ) )). fof(john,axiom,( human(john) )). fof(john_failed,axiom,( grade(john) = f )). fof(someone_got_an_a,axiom,( ? [H] : ( human(H) & grade(H) = a ) )). fof(distinct_grades,axiom,( a != f )). fof(grades_not_human,axiom,( ! [G] : ~ human(grade(G)) )). fof(someone_not_john,conjecture,( ? [H] : ( human(H) & created_equal(H,john) & H != john ) )). %--------------------------------------------------------------------
Once the syntax is OK, go to SystemOnTPTP and choose an ATP System (E is a safe bet). RunSelectedSystems and see if it solves the problem.