Interpretation Representation and Model Verification

by Geoff Sutcliffe, Alex Steen, Pascal Fontaine, Jack McKeown

Representation of Interpretations in the TPTP World


What is an Interpretation?

Why is Model Finding Useful?

Is there a need for model finding systems that:
  1. Give only a "yes", indicating that there is a model.
    • In an (industrial) application where models indicate bugs, users would probably get very frustrated. [McCune]
    • Acceptable, but a model is preferred. [Claessen]
    • As part of a decision procedure, sat/unsat could be used as a yes/no subroutine. I do use this for my I/O logic reasoner. [Steen]
  2. Give only a "yes, finite", indicating that there is a finite model.
  3. Output a model in some form
    • In the case of a countermodel for a conjecture, one would like to have some concrete representation of it to see why the theorem cannot be proved. [Claessen]
    • Sometimes it is very easy to find satisfiability (a saturation) with ordered resolution even if there is a finite model. [Tammet]
    • Regardless of the cardinalities, applications that use ATP systems to find models typically need an explicit model with a domain and symbol mapping. [Sutcliffe]
  4. Output a finite model in some form
    • Finite models are used to evaluate other clauses. [McCune]
    • It's better to require the output of a finite model as this can be easily checked by other systems. [Zhang]
    • It is not enough to know that there is a solution; one would like to know what the solution is. [Claessen]

Representation of Interpretations

Types of interpretations include:

Properties of Different Representations

Representation of FOF Finite Interpretations

Consider the following FOF problem from the
TPTP Format for Finite Interpretations in the TPTP Quick Guide. It is CounterSatisfiable, i.e., there is a model for the axioms and negated conjecture.
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A weakness of the format for the finite interpretation presented in the TPTP Format for Finite Interpretations in the TPTP Quick Guide is that the format relies on the formulae names (all the same) to link the three components of the interpretation, which is not allowed in the TPTP world. In the new format these are merged into a single annotated formula with the role interpretation:
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Note how the use of "distinct object"s makes the domain elements distinct.

The parts of a single interpretation formula can be separated out at varying levels of granularity, using subroles. At a medium grained level the domain and mappings can be separated:

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At a fine grained level the domain and mappings can be separated by symbol:

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Representation of FOF Saturation Interpretations

The new format for interpretations can also be used for saturations that induce a set of Herbrand interpretations, by giving the saturation formulae the role interpretation-herbrand: (the -herbrand is optional but useful):
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
(This saturation was created by E.)

Representation of FOF Formulae Interpretations

The new format for interpretations can also be used for formulae that induce a set of Herbrand interpretations, by giving the formulae the role interpretation-herbrand (the -herbrand is optional but useful):
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
(This set of formulae is a modified version of the
Herbrand-formulae created by iProver.)

Representation of TFF/TXF Interpretations

The example of a finite FOF interpretation clearly points to the need for types. The problem would be better written as ...
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... and a finite interpretation (a countermodel for the conjecture) is ...
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The parts of a single interpretation formula can be separated out at varying levels of granularity, using subroles. At a medium grained level the domain and mappings can be separated:

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At a fine grained level the individual symbol mappings can be separated. The types of the symbols and the types of the domain must be given.
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If you baulk at using the same type for domains elements as terms (and it does get murky, e.g., when quantification over only the domain elements is intended, e.g., in ! [DH: human] : ( DH = d_jon ), you can use new types for the domain elements. This is mandatory when the domain elements are complex, or of a defined type like $int. Sadly using separate types makes it necessary to add bijections between domain types and term types, to keep things well typed. Here's an example ...

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With the use of separate domain types, use of quantification is clear, e.g., ...
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Representation of TXF Interpretations

Representation of THF Interpretations

The following TH0 problem is CounterSatisfiable, i.e., there is a model for the axioms and negated conjecture.
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Here's a finite model (that I found using Nitpick) ...
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Representation of Infinite Interpretations

Consider the following TFF example that requires an integer size domain ...
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Here's a model using closed terms representing Peano numbers as the domain elements ...
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Here's a model using the integers for the domain elements ...
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Finite and infinite domains can be mixed. Here's a problem that can be proven by Vampire. With the conjecture modified as below, it has a countermodel with integer domains for the X and Y positions (mimicing the logic), and a finite domain for the Z level.
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Here's the countermodel ...
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Representation of Kripke Interpretations

This can be done in only a typed logic.

Record world information in interpretation-formulas, using a new defined type $world, a new defined predicate $in_world with type ($world * $o) > $o, a new defined predicate $accessible_world with type ($world * $world) > $o, and a new defined constant $local_world with type $world. Syntactically distinct constants of type $world are known to be unequal. The interpretation in a world is represented as above, with guards used to specify the worlds in which the interpretation is used.

The logic specification of the problem is included as a comment, because the interpretation-formulae under-specify the logic, e.g., it's usually not possible to see whether an interpretation was meant to exemplify a S5 logic specification or a K logic specification - in both cases the concrete model could interpret the accessibility relation as equivalence relation (this is required for S5 but it is also OK for K).

Representation of Finite-Finite Kripke Interpretations - Global Axioms

Here's a non-theorem. Note that there are only global axioms and a local conjecture, which is the standard for satisfiability checking with Kripke semantics.
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After using NTF2THF to embed the
problem into TH0, Nitpick finds a model with a finite number of worlds each of which has a finite domain (hence a "Finite-Finite Kripke Interpretation") that I converted by hand into TPTP format ...
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Representation of Finite-Finite Kripke Interpretations - Global and Local Axioms

Here's a problem that can be proven by Leo-III. Note that it has both global and local axioms (contrary to the standard case for proving, where all the axioms are global). With the conjecture modified as below, it has a countermodel with a finite number of worlds each of which has a finite domain ...
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
After using NTF2THF to embed the problem into TH0, Nitpick finds a countermodel that I converted by hand into TPTP format ...
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Representation of Finite-Infinite Kripke Interpretations

Here's a problem that can be proven by Leo-III. With the conjecture modified as below, it has a countermodel that requires (I think, at least it uses) only two worlds, and they have infinite domains because sequences of tosses are infinite and different sequences are unequal.
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After using NTF2THF to embed the problem into TH0, Nitpick cannot find a countermodel ... as expected ... Nitpick can find only finite models. So I hand-rolled a countermodel. In the countermodel sequences of tosses are represented by integers, with the null sequence represented by 1. The encoding is easy to see in binary, reading the tosses left-to-right and the bits right-to-left. If the last bit is 0 a head was tossed, if 1 a tail was tossed: null = 1 = 0001, head = 2 = 0010, tail = 3 = 0011, head-head = 4 = 0100, head-tail = 5 = 0101, tail-head = 6 = 0110, tail-tail = 7 = 0111, head-head-head = 8 = 1000, head-head-tail = 9 = 1001, head-tail-head = 10 = 1010, head-tail-tail = 11 = 1011, tail-head-head = 12 = 1100, etc, etc. The local world tosses a sequence of heads, interpreted as integer domain elements that are powers of 2. The other world first tosses a tail, represented by 3, and then tosses all heads, interpreted as integer domain elements that are powers of 2 multiplied by 3. There is no definition of sequences interpreted as integer domain elements less or equal to 0, but they are not "all_heads".
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Representation of Infinite-Finite Kripke Interpretations

This example requires (I think) an infinite number of worlds. The interpretation in the local world will have an infinite domain, but all the other worlds' domains need only a single element (one of the domain elements from the local world). All the domain elements of the local world need to have a corresponding world with that domain element.
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Here's a model with an integer number of worlds.
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Representation of Infinite-Infinite Kripke Interpretations

Here's a problem that I think should be provable, but none of the ATP systems I know can (after conversion to TH0, Leo-III does not have the arithmetic power, E, Vampire, and Zipperposition don't do arithmetic (at least in THF), cvc5 gives parse error). With the conjecture commented out as below, the axioms have a an Infinite-Infinite model (I think).
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Here's a model in which there are an infinite number of worlds - one for each integer numbered year, an infinite number of ages as integers, and just one person in each world.
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