Definitions ----------- + Used effectively by THF systems, including Zipperp'n (Petar), Satallax, Leo-III (Chris). + Happy to leave used = and <=>, no need for := to indicate orientation (Alex, all). + Syntactic use is to expand all LHS symbols to the RHS definition (Geoff, all). Can be done as a preprocessing step. Therefore non-recursive. + Semantic use is to indicate origin (Cezary) + Semantic use can be useful, but might be used inconsistently (MartinS) + Plan will be to use the definition role for the syntactic case. + ACTION: Geoff and MartinS to write standards for what a syntactic definition can look like, for all the languages. See also below about $let expressions. + ACTION: Geoff to clean up all uses of the definition role for the syntactic case. Set the role for non-standard uses to axiom, and add a comment that the old role was prolly semantic. + Vampire fishes for syntactic definitions (MartinS) + Maybe provide meta-data to differentiate between the two uses (David). + Maybe use different connectives for syntactic and semantic uses? Sequents -------- + Useful for non-classical logics (Claudia) + Tanels' intuitionistic prover can use sequents (Claudia) + Plan: Leave in TXF and THF ----------- + Johannes Schoisswohl might be able to provide TXA problems (Ahmed, Petra) Tuples: + Are tuples ever useful as terms? (Stephan (thinks not)). Adds complexity without added expressivity - can always be expanded using a new type and a new function with the tuple elements' types as arguments types and the new type as result. + Users might find them useful (Geoff, Adam) + There are no extractor functions (Alex asked) + Used in non-classical logic semantics specifcations, but that is not a logical term. + Used in sequents. + ACTION: Geoff to leave in, but comment out (or comment about) the use of tuples as terms. $let expressions: + The rules for what the definitions in a $let, and in a definition formula, should be compatible. - Variables are free (not really variables) in $let, but quantified in definition formulae. - ACTION: Geoff to try use = or <=> in $let definitions, instead of := (but I failed before) + $let with tuples of types and definitions (parallel let) is more powerful than nested $let (let*), as in Evgeny's thesis (Stephan) Non-classical Logic ------------------- + Note to Alex, the long forms for altheic modal will be {$necessary} and {$possible} (not {$box} and {$dia} - for generic box and diamond use the short forms). + All long forms will be defined by the TPTP. + Currently a formula's properties are captured in the semantics specifcations by using the formula name - that's dirty. Maybe use meta-data instead (David). + Concern about writing parsers (Claudia). ACTION: Geoff to write exports using TPTP4X (which needs to be upgraded for non-classical logic) + ACTION: Geoff to release latest SyntaxBNF. Github ------ + Nice to be able to work from command line (Giles) + Use Active Pages to produce tagged releases with users' selections of problems (selected ala TPTP2T), which users can then clone (Giles) + Use Github to submit problems - SMT does that, but using a public repository and pull requests. Sadly that makes all submitted probvlem public (not the TPTP idiom for CASC). Need a better plan, but the idea is good. + ACTION: Geoff to write up senior UG project specification(s) for Stephan and Kostya. + ACTION: Kostya to give his deadline for the project specifications in the spring. Other ----- + Use something like Jupyter notebooks to interact withe TPTP World (David). Look at + Create Docker images of systems, maybe directly from StarExec packages (Giles). What would such images be used for (maybe in Kaggle - ACTION: Geoff to look into that).