Some Opinions on TPTP

Hans de Nivelle
Instytut Informatyki, Wroclaw


TPTP has now become the common language of all serious first-order theorem provers. This is a very big step forward. It makes ATP more accessible to non-experts. For a developer, it is much easier to see how strong other theorem provers are on certain problems.

Although developers are usually creative at interpreting TPTP-results, TPTP still allows to obtain a reasonably objective standard for comparing the relative strenghts of theorem provers.


The problem with TPTP/CASC is there is too much symbiosis between the regular CASC winners and the CASC organization. Winners have invested very much in their system, and they naturally resist changes that would invalidate these investments. This has impact on the CASC organization, on the categories, and on possible extensions of TPTP format. Making changes in CASC is much harder than extending TPTP.

Some Statements