The 1stTPTP Tea Partywill be held at
Imperial College London |
This workshop will bring together developers and users of TPTP related resources, including (but not limited to):
The workshop aims to elicit feedback, suggestions, criticisms, etc, of these resources, in order to ensure that their continued development meets the needs of successful automated reasoning.
All participants are required to give a 10-15 minute presentation about their work with the TPTP resources. A white board (no OHP or data projector) will be available.
The workshop will be a half day workshop organized as follows:
Participation is free, but you pay for your own dinner, lunch, beer, accomodation, etc.
The workshop organizers are Geoff Sutcliffe, and Simon Colton.
Confirmed participants are:
Participants must indicate their intention to attend by providing a one page position statement about their work with the TPTP resources. The statements must conform roughly to the format produced by LaTeX with the following header:
\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \textwidth 14.63cm \textheight 22cm \oddsidemargin 0.65cm \evensidemargin 0.65cm \topmargin 0.55cm \headheight 0.0pt \headsep 0.0ptPosition statements must be emailed to Geoff Sutcliffe (geoff@cs.miami.edu), by 6th August. Every submission will be accepted unless it's way off topic, in which case we'll help you get it right.