Recursive Lemma Minimization
- Maintain robustness of recursive lemma selection
- Optimize proof w.r.t. lemmas used or CPU time taken
- Branch-and-bound over developing alternative proof structures
The Algorithm
- Maintain a list of alternative proof candidates
- Each candidate has a target queue of unproved lemmas
- Initial proof candidate has the conjecture in its target queue
- Pop target formula from current candidate's target queue
- Form helper sets of increasing size, starting at 0
- If/when the target formula can be proved from axioms and helper set
- Find all successful helper sets of that size, and stop
- Form new proof candidates by appending helpers to current candidate's
target queue
- If quality of the best new candidate is within tolerance factor
of the best on the alternatives list
- Add other new candidates to the alternatives list
- Iterate with that best new candidate
- Add all new candidates to the alternatives list
- Iterate with best candidate on the alternatives list
- Stop when current candidate has an empty queue
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Finds a proof structure within tolerance factor of optimal
- Maintains robustness of recursive lemma selection
- More stable than recursive lemma selection
- Can be tuned using tolerance factor