
This seminar gives an overview of three interelated projects:
The Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers Problem Library is a library of test problems for automated theorem proving (ATP) systems. The TPTP supplies the ATP community with a comprehensive library of the ATP test problems that are available today. The principal aim of this project is to move the evaluation of ATP systems from the previously ad hoc situation onto a firm footing. This became necessary, as results being published do not always accurately reflect the capabilities of the ATP system being considered.
The CADE ATP System Competition is an annual event that evaluates ATP systems in terms of their ability to solve problems chosen from the TPTP. Besides the obvious aim of evaluating ATP systems, CASC stimulates ATP research and implementation of working autonomous ATP systems, provides an inspiring environment for personal interaction between ATP researchers, and exposes ATP systems to researchers both within and outside the ATP community.
The Smart Selective Competition Parallelism ATP system is an uncooperative multiple calculus competition parallelism ATP system, that multitasks on a single CPU. SSCPA runs multiple sequential ATP systems in parallel, using performance data from the ATP systems to select those that are best suited to the problem. As a meta-system, SSCPA outperformed all other systems in the MIX and SAT divisions of CASC-16.