What do we Have?
Finite Domains + Mappings
- Enumeration of domains' elements
- Mappings for all symbols - ground or quantified
- Examples: Paradox, FMDarwin, Vampire
- Verifiable✓
Infinite Domains + Mappings
- Specification of domains' elements - terms, e.g., Peano, or defined, e.g., $int
- Mappings for all symbols - quantified, might be partial
- Examples: cvc5, Z3
- Verifiable✓
Saturations as Herbrand Interpretations
- Set of clauses
- Has the same models as the input - can derive input
- Examples: SPASS, E, Vampire
- Verifiable✓
Formulae as Herbrand Interpretations
- Predicate definitions over the term algebra (old DIGs)
- Define truth for Herbrand Base
- Examples: iProver
- Compact, quite some work to produce them
- Verifiable✓
Kripke Interpretations
- Worlds - finite or infinite
- Interpretation in a world - see above
- Accessibility relation - ground or quantified
- Verifiable?