------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain AGT = Agents 77 problems (42 abstract), 1 CNF, 53 FOF, 0 TFF, 23 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGT001 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT002 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT003 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT004 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT005 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT006 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT007 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT008 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT009 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT010 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT011 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT012 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT013 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT014 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT015 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT016 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT017 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT018 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT019 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT020 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT021 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT022 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT023 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT024 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT025 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT026 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Problem for the CPlanT system AGT027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Two different degrees of belief AGT028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Five different degrees of belief - agent 4 AGT029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Five different degrees of belief - agent 2 AGT030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Five different degrees of belief - agent 1 AGT031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Someone very much likes someone else AGT032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Someone likes someone else AGT033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Someone possibly likes someone else AGT034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Jan very much likes cola AGT035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Jan likes cola AGT036 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Piotr likes pepsi AGT037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Jan possibly likes cola AGT038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Piotr possible likes pepsi AGT039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Jan possible likes pepsi AGT040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Piotr possibly likes cola AGT041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Piotr possibly likes beer AGT042 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms for CPlanT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain ALG = General Algebra 549 problems (444 abstract), 175 CNF, 286 FOF, 0 TFF, 88 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALG001 ( -3 +0 _0 ^1) The composition of homomorphisms is a homomorphism ALG002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In an ordered field, if X > 0 then X^-1 > 0 ALG003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cancellative medial algebras ALG004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cancellative medial algebras satisfy the quotient condition. ALG005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Associativity of intersection in terms of set difference. ALG006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Simplification of Kalman's set difference basis (part 1) ALG007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Simplification of Kalman's set difference basis (part 2) ALG008 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) TC + right identity does not give RC. ALG009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Abstract algebra axioms, based on Godel set theory ALG010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove J follows from HBCK ALG011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Partition a monoid into 2 partitions ALG012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Partition a monoid into 3 partitions ALG013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Partition a monoid into 4 partitions ALG014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG016 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG021 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Groups 4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-1 ALG024 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-2 ALG025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG027 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG028 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG029 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG030 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG031 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG032 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG034 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-1 ALG035 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Groups 6: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-2 ALG036 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG038 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG039 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG040 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG042 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG043 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-1 ALG046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-2 ALG047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG049 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-3 ALG051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-4 ALG052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-5 ALG053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-6 ALG054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-10 ALG056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-11 ALG057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-12 ALG058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-13 ALG059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-14 ALG060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-15 ALG061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-2 ALG062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-3 ALG063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-4 ALG064 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-5 ALG065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-6 ALG066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-7 ALG067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-8 ALG068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-9 ALG069 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-3 ALG072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-4 ALG073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-5 ALG074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-6 ALG075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-10 ALG077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-11 ALG078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-12 ALG079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-13 ALG080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-14 ALG081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-15 ALG082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-2 ALG083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-3 ALG084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-4 ALG085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-5 ALG086 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-6 ALG087 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-7 ALG088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-8 ALG089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-9 ALG090 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-3 ALG093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-4 ALG094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-5 ALG095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-6 ALG096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-1 ALG097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-2 ALG098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-3 ALG099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-4 ALG100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-5 ALG101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loops 5: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-6 ALG102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-100 ALG103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-101 ALG104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-102 ALG105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-75 ALG106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-76 ALG107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-77 ALG108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-78 ALG109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-79 ALG110 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-80 ALG111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-81 ALG112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-82 ALG113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-83 ALG114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-84 ALG115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-85 ALG116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-86 ALG117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-87 ALG118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-88 ALG119 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-89 ALG120 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-90 ALG121 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-91 ALG122 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-92 ALG123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-93 ALG124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-94 ALG125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-95 ALG126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-96 ALG127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-97 ALG128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-98 ALG129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-ISO-COMPLETE-99 ALG130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-40 ALG131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-41 ALG132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-42 ALG133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-43 ALG134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-44 ALG135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-45 ALG136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-46 ALG137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-47 ALG138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-48 ALG139 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-49 ALG140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-50 ALG141 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-51 ALG142 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-52 ALG143 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-53 ALG144 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-54 ALG145 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-55 ALG146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-56 ALG147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-57 ALG148 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-58 ALG149 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-59 ALG150 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-60 ALG151 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-61 ALG152 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-62 ALG153 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-63 ALG154 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-64 ALG155 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-65 ALG156 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-66 ALG157 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-67 ALG158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-68 ALG159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-69 ALG160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-70 ALG161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-71 ALG162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-72 ALG163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-73 ALG164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 4: PROP-SATS-GEN-SYS-74 ALG165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-3 ALG169 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-4 ALG170 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG171 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-2 ALG172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-3 ALG173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-4 ALG174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-5 ALG175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-6 ALG176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-3 ALG179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-4 ALG180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-2 ALG182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-3 ALG183 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-4 ALG184 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-5 ALG185 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-6 ALG186 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG187 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG188 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-3 ALG189 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-4 ALG190 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-1 ALG191 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-2 ALG192 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-3 ALG193 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 5 QG4: VERIFY-GEN-SYSES-PROBLEM-4 ALG194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-COVERING-PROBLEM-1 ALG195 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-1 ALG196 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-2 ALG197 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-ISO-COMPLETE-PROBLEM-3 ALG198 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-1 ALG199 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-2 ALG200 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-PAIRWISE-EXCLUSIVE-PROBLEM-3 ALG201 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-1 ALG202 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-2 ALG203 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: CPROPS-SORTED-DISCRIMINANT-PROBLEM-3 ALG204 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-1 ALG205 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-2 ALG206 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-PAIRWISE-NOT-ISO-PROBLEM-3 ALG207 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-1 ALG208 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-2 ALG209 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasigroups 7 QG5: REPRESENTATIVES-SATISFY-PROPS-PROBLEM-3 ALG210 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Star-algebras are closed under multiplication ALG211 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Vector spaces and bases ALG212 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Distributivity, long version ALG213 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Distributivity, short version ALG214 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T02 ALG215 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T04 ALG216 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T06 ALG217 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T11 ALG218 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T12 ALG219 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T14 ALG220 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T16 ALG221 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T17 ALG222 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Linear Independence in Right Module over Domain T18 ALG223 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T04 ALG224 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T05 ALG225 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T06 ALG226 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T07 ALG227 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T08 ALG228 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T09 ALG229 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T10 ALG230 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T11 ALG231 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T12 ALG232 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T13 ALG233 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T14 ALG234 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets T16 ALG235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short equational base for two varieties of groupoids - part 1a ALG236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short equational base for two varieties of groupoids - part 1b ALG237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - part 1 ALG238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - part 2 ALG239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - part 3 ALG240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - part 4 ALG241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - part 5 ALG242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotent selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - 1 ALG243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotent selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - 2 ALG244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotent selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - 3 ALG245 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotent selfdistributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial - 4 ALG246 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axioms of SBL algebras are not independent ALG247 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Push property lemma 0 ALG248 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Push property lemma 1 ALG249 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Push property lemma 2 ALG250 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Push property lemma 3 ALG251 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Push property ALG252 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Induction lemma ALG253 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Induction ALG254 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) M is a monoid and T is an M-set ALG255 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) T is an M-set ALG256 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASap is injective 1 ALG257 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASap is injective 2 ALG258 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASlam is injective ALG259 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASlam not ap ALG260 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASlam not var ALG261 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOASap not var ALG262 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) HOAS induction lemma 0 ALG263 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOAS induction lemma 1 ALG264 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOAS induction lemma 2 ALG265 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) HOAS induction lemma 3aa ALG266 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOAS induction lemma 3a ALG267 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) HOAS induction lemma 3b ALG268 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) HOAS induction lemma 3 ALG269 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) HOAS induction ALG270 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM23 ALG271 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EQUIV-01-03 ALG272 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EQUIV-01-02 ALG273 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EQUIV-02-03 ALG274 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG275 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG276 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG277 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG278 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG279 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG280 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG281 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG282 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG283 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG284 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG285 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRP-THMS ALG286 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRING-UNPAIRING-ALG-THMS ALG287 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRING-UNPAIRING-ALG-THMS ALG288 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG289 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG290 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG291 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG292 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG293 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG294 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PU-LAMBDA-MODEL-THMS ALG295 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SEQUENTIAL-PU-ALG-THMS ALG296 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SEQUENTIAL-PU-ALG-THMS ALG297 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-SEQ-THMS ALG298 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM270 ALG299 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An equational theory with no nontrivial finite models ALG300 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity with no nontrivial finite model ALG301 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity with no nontrivial finite model ALG302 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Austin's identity ALG303 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 1, omit12 polymorphism ALG304 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 2, omit12 polymorphism ALG305 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 3, nu5 polymorphism ALG306 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 4, edge5 polymorphism ALG307 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 5, nu5 polymorphism ALG308 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 6, nu5 polymorphism ALG309 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 7, nu5 polymorphism ALG310 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 8, nu5 polymorphism ALG311 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 9, nu5 polymorphism ALG312 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 10, nu5 polymorphism ALG313 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 11, nu5 polymorphism ALG314 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 12, nu5 polymorphism ALG315 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 13, nu5 polymorphism ALG316 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 14, siggers polymorphism ALG317 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 15, nu5 polymorphism ALG318 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 16, omit12 polymorphism ALG319 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 17, siggers polymorphism ALG320 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 18, nu5 polymorphism ALG321 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 19, nu5 polymorphism ALG322 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 20, nu5 polymorphism ALG323 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 21, nu4 polymorphism ALG324 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 22, edge5 polymorphism ALG325 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 23, wnu4 polymorphism ALG326 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 24, omit12 polymorphism ALG327 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 25, omit12 polymorphism ALG328 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 26, wnu5 polymorphism ALG329 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 27, nu5 polymorphism ALG330 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 28, nu5 polymorphism ALG331 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 29, siggers polymorphism ALG332 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 30, wnu4 polymorphism ALG333 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 31, wnu5 polymorphism ALG334 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Random graph 32, omit12 polymorphism ALG335 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0018_1 ALG336 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0027_9 ALG337 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0042_34 ALG338 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0049_31 ALG339 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0062_3 ALG340 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0074_21 ALG341 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0084_54 ALG342 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0090_22 ALG343 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0111_1 ALG344 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0120_1 ALG345 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0127_1 ALG346 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0131_1 ALG347 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0135_1 ALG348 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0150_5 ALG349 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0160_5 ALG350 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0166_5 ALG351 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0174_31 ALG352 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0184_1 ALG353 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0196_53 ALG354 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0212_59 ALG355 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0222_7 ALG356 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0232_7 ALG357 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0238_7 ALG358 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0242_7 ALG359 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0250_7 ALG360 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0257_17 ALG361 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0277_21 ALG362 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0285_83 ALG363 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0291_17 ALG364 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0301_5 ALG365 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0312_5 ALG366 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0325_55 ALG367 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0337_3 ALG368 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0348_33 ALG369 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0356_50 ALG370 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0367_58 ALG371 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0380_7 ALG372 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0387_73 ALG373 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0393_80 ALG374 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0407_9 ALG375 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0421_93 ALG376 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0432_51 ALG377 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0445_113 ALG378 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0456_9 ALG379 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0464_40 ALG380 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0473_3 ALG381 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0484_3 ALG382 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0501_62 ALG383 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0509_69 ALG384 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0517_33 ALG385 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0525_20 ALG386 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0537_98 ALG387 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0546_36 ALG388 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0559_3 ALG389 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0581_7 ALG390 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0585_7 ALG391 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0591_7 ALG392 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0604_21 ALG393 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0615_5 ALG394 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0619_5 ALG395 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0638_40 ALG396 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0647_46 ALG397 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0653_38 ALG398 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0660_7 ALG399 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0670_62 ALG400 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0677_41 ALG401 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0689_50 ALG402 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0699_9 ALG403 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0708_37 ALG404 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0715_65 ALG405 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0723_9 ALG406 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0729_37 ALG407 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0735_17 ALG408 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0740_9 ALG409 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0745_66 ALG410 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0754_44 ALG411 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0767_1 ALG412 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0778_66 ALG413 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0789_55 ALG414 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0795_34 ALG415 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0813_1 ALG416 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0836_41 ALG417 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0843_40 ALG418 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0849_13 ALG419 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0857_15 ALG420 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0867_42 ALG421 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0876_15 ALG422 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0882_15 ALG423 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0886_15 ALG424 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0891_43 ALG425 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0902_34 ALG426 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0913_7 ALG427 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0923_9 ALG428 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0931_50 ALG429 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0939_29 ALG430 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0951_49 ALG431 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0958_5 ALG432 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0980_75 ALG433 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 0993_34 ALG434 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1005_24 ALG435 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1025_27 ALG436 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1049_33 ALG437 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1077_42 ALG438 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1105_3 ALG439 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fundamental theorem of algebra 1122_62 ALG440 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Malcev, wnu2, wnu3 implies majority ALG441 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Malcev, wnu2, wnu4 implies majority ALG442 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Malcev, wnu3, wnu4 implies majority ALG443 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms for Median algebra ALG444 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms for Untyped lambda sigma calculus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain ANA = Analysis 180 problems (129 abstract), 93 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 87 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANA001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Attaining minimum (or maximum) value ANA002 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Intermediate value theorem ANA003 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 1 for the sum of two continuous functions is continuous ANA004 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 2 for the sum of two continuous functions is continuous ANA005 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) The sum of two continuous functions is continuous ANA006 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Analysis (limits) axioms for continuous functions ANA007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA010 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA012 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA013 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA014 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA018 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA019 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA020 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA021 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA025 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA026 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA027 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA028 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA030 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA034 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA035 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA037 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA038 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA041 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA042 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA043 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA044 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA045 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Big-O notation ANA046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Blue Book, Problem 08CB2P372 ANA047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Blue Book, Problem 08CB2R159 ANA048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Red Book, Problem 08CR2E074 ANA049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Red Book, Problem 08CR2P235 ANA050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Blue Book, Problem 09CB3P325 ANA051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Blue Book, Problem 09CB3P348 ANA052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Red Book, Problem 09CR3R137 ANA053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C White Book, Problem 09CW3E339 ANA054 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Yellow Book, Problem 09CY3C036 ANA055 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Yellow Book, Problem 09CY3E281 ANA056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2002, Problem 5 ANA057 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 1999, Science Course, Problem 1 ANA058 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 1999, Science Course, Problem 6 ANA059 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 1999, Science Course, Problem 3 ANA060 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2013, Science Course, Problem 4 ANA061 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Nagoya University, 2003, Science Course, Problem 2 ANA062 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Osaka University, 1999, Science Course, Problem 3 ANA063 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2009, Science Course, Problem 6 ANA064 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2011, Science Course, Problem 2 ANA065 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1991, Science Course, Problem 3 ANA066 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1997, Science Course, Problem 3 ANA067 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2001, Science Course, Problem 3 ANA068 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) real_INFINITE ANA069 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_SUP_FINITE ANA070 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_LE_FINITE ANA071 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LT_SUP_FINITE ANA072 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_LT_FINITE ANA073 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_UNIQUE ANA074 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_LE ANA075 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_LE_SUBSET ANA076 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_BOUNDS ANA077 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_ABS_SUP_LE ANA078 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUP_SING ANA079 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_SUP ANA080 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_LE_EQ ANA081 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_INF_FINITE ANA082 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_INF_LE_FINITE ANA083 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LT_INF_FINITE ANA084 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_INF_LT_FINITE ANA085 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_INF_UNIQUE ANA086 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_INF ANA087 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_INF_SUBSET ANA088 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_INF_BOUNDS ANA089 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_ABS_INF_LE ANA090 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUP_EQ_INF ANA091 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_INF_LE ANA092 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_LE_INF_EQ ANA093 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NEUTRAL_REAL_ADD ANA094 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NEUTRAL_REAL_MUL ANA095 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_UNION ANA096 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_DIFF ANA097 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_INCL_EXCL ANA098 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SUPPORT ANA099 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_ADD ANA100 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_RMUL ANA101 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SUB ANA102 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_UNION_EQ ANA103 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_OF_NUM_SUM ANA104 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_OF_NUM_SUM_GEN ANA105 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_ADD_NUMSEG ANA106 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SUB_NUMSEG ANA107 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_ABS_NUMSEG ANA108 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_TRIV_NUMSEG ANA109 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SING_NUMSEG ANA110 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG_ ANA111 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG_ ANA112 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SWAP_NUMSEG ANA113 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_OFFSET_0 ANA114 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT ANA115 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_OF_NUM_SUM_NUMSEG ANA116 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_PARTIAL_PRE ANA117 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_DIFFS_ALT ANA118 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUB_POW_R1 ANA119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_SUB_POW_L1 ANA120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_POLYFUN_FINITE_ROOTS ANA121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REAL_POLYFUN_EQ_0 ANA122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_CONST ANA123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_I ANA124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_LMUL ANA125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_RMUL ANA126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_NEG ANA127 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_SUB ANA128 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_SUM ANA129 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_POW ANA130 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_INDUCT ANA131 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_o ANA132 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) POLYNOMIAL_FUNCTION_FINITE_ROOTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain ARI = Arithmetic 693 problems (681 abstract), 0 CNF, 0 FOF, 693 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARI001 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 less than 3 ARI002 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 3 not less than 2 ARI003 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 less than 13 ARI004 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something less than 13 ARI005 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 12 less than something ARI006 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something less than something ARI007 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 less than 2 ARI008 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -4 less than -2 ARI009 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 not less than -2 ARI010 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 not less than -4 ARI011 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something less than 0 ARI012 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something less than -2 ARI013 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 less than something ARI014 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 lesseq to 2 ARI015 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 lesseq to 3 ARI016 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 3 not lesseq to 2 ARI017 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something lesseq to 13 ARI018 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 12 lesseq to something ARI019 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something lesseq to something ARI020 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 lesseq to -2 ARI021 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 lesseq to 2 ARI022 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -4 lesseq to -2 ARI023 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 not lesseq to -2 ARI024 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 not lesseq to -4 ARI025 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something lesseq to 0 ARI026 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something lesseq to -2 ARI027 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 lesseq to something ARI028 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 4 greater than 3 ARI029 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 3 not greater than 4 ARI030 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 17 greater than 8 ARI031 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greater than 15 ARI032 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 15 greater than something ARI033 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greater than something ARI034 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 4 greater than -4 ARI035 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -4 greater than -6 ARI036 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -3 not greater than 3 ARI037 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -5 not greater than -3 ARI038 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greater than 0 ARI039 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greater than -5 ARI040 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -5 greater than something ARI041 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 greatereq to 2 ARI042 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 4 greatereq to 3 ARI043 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 6 not greatereq to 7 ARI044 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greatereq to 15 ARI045 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 15 greatereq to something ARI046 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greatereq to something ARI047 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -4 greatereq to -4 ARI048 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 4 greatereq to -6 ARI049 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -3 greatereq to -6 ARI050 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -3 not greatereq to 3 ARI051 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -5 not greatereq to -3 ARI052 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greatereq to 0 ARI053 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something greatereq to -5 ARI054 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -5 greatereq to something ARI055 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 31 not 12 ARI056 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something not 12 ARI057 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 3 is 5 ARI058 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 23 and 34 is 57 ARI059 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 23 and 34 is something ARI060 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and 23 is 34 ARI061 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 23 and something is 34 ARI062 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 3 is not 6 ARI063 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 3 is only 5 ARI064 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum only 2 and 3 is 5 ARI065 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and only 3 is 5 ARI066 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum -2 and -5 is -7 ARI067 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and -5 is -3 ARI068 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 5 and -2 is 3 ARI069 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 5 and -5 is 0 ARI070 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum -2 and -5 is something ARI071 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and -5 is something ARI072 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 5 and -2 is something ARI073 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 5 and -5 is something ARI074 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and -5 is -7 ARI075 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and -5 is -3 ARI076 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and -2 is 3 ARI077 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and -5 is 0 ARI078 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum with zero is the identity ARI079 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and another thing is the first thing ARI080 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 4 and 4 is 8 ARI081 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Communative sum of 6 and 7 ARI082 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Associative sum ARI083 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Associative sum exists ARI084 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 3 is 5 in a predicate ARI085 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and another thing is 7, in a predicate ARI086 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 2 is 5 ARI087 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum something and something is 0 ARI088 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum only 4 and only 4 is 8 ARI089 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference 7 and 5 is 2 ARI090 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference 5 and 3 is only 2 ARI091 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference only 5 and 2 is 3 ARI092 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference 5 and only 3 is 2 ARI093 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference with zero is identity ARI094 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference 5 and 3 is 2 in a predicate ARI095 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Lower boundary for bytes ARI096 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and 3 is 6 ARI097 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of -2 and 3 is -6 ARI098 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of -2 and -3 is 6 ARI099 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 11 and 11 is 121 ARI100 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 11 and 11 is something ARI101 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of something and 11 is 121 ARI102 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 11 and something is 121 ARI103 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and 3 is not 5 ARI104 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and 3 is only 6 ARI105 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of only 2 and 3 is 6 ARI106 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and only 3 is 6 ARI107 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of -2 and -5 is 10 ARI108 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and -5 is -10 ARI109 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 5 and -2 is -10 ARI110 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 5 and 0 is 0 ARI111 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of -2 and -5 is something ARI112 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and -5 is something ARI113 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 5 and -2 is something ARI114 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of something and -5 is -10 ARI115 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of something and -5 is 10 ARI116 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of zero and something is zero ARI117 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product with 1 is the identity ARI118 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of something and another thing is the first thing ARI119 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 4 and 4 is 16 ARI120 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of X and X is 4 ARI121 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Commutative product of 6 and 7 ARI122 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Associative product ARI123 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Associative product exists ARI124 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 5 and 3 is 15 in a predicate ARI125 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and 2 is not 5 ARI126 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of something and itself is not 0 ARI127 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Not product of only 2 and only 4 is 8 ARI128 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -2 equal - 2 ARI129 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 2 equal - -2 ARI130 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of 2 and - 2 is 0 ARI131 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of -2 and - 2 is 0 ARI132 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: - - 2 is 2 ARI133 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: - - -2 is -2 ARI162 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum is 8 and difference is 0 ARI163 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Between -1 and 1 must be 0 ARI164 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something is less than sum of something and 1 ARI165 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of 2 and 3 is less than 6 ARI166 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 4 is less than the sum of 2 and 3 ARI167 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -4 * (127 - 99) < (- 3) + 27 ARI168 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Not sum is 8 and difference is 1 ARI169 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Not sum is 8 implies difference is 1 ARI170 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Not sum is 8 implies difference is 0 ARI171 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Not 7 less than sum of 2 and 3 ARI172 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of something and itself is less than -10 ARI173 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Formula less that -12 ARI174 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Formula equals 24 ARI175 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Formula equals 23 ARI176 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Formula equals 22 ARI177 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Formula equals 21 ARI178 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: It can't be 0 ARI179 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: It must be 2 ARI180 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: It must be the function of 0 ARI181 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Increasing function applied 3 times ARI182 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Increasing function in a formula ARI183 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Monotonic function formula 1 ARI184 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Monotonic function formula 2 ARI185 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Positive function formula ARI186 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Function of two arguments ARI187 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of product of 14 and 3, and 8, is 50 in a predicate ARI188 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of something and 3 is 5 in a predicate ARI189 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of 2 and something is 10 in a predicate ARI190 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 3/4 less than 7/8 ARI191 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 1/2 not less 1/21 ARI192 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 1/5 less than 4/15 ARI193 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something less than 9/16 ARI194 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 13/24 less than something ARI195 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something less than something else ARI196 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -1/4 less than 1/4 ARI197 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -5/8 less than -3/8 ARI198 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 1/4 not less than -1/4 ARI199 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/8 not less than -5/8 ARI200 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something less than 0/1 ARI201 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something less than -13/4 ARI202 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -13/4 less than something ARI203 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 5/12 lesseq to 5/12 ARI204 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 1/4 lesseq to 5/12 ARI205 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 5/12 not lesseq to 1/4 ARI206 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something lesseq to 19/25 ARI207 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 3/16 lesseq to something ARI208 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something lesseq to something else ARI209 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/4 lesseq to -3/4 ARI210 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/4 lesseq to 3/4 ARI211 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -5/8 lesseq to -1/4 ARI212 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 3/4 not lesseq to -3/4 ARI213 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -1/4 not lesseq to -5/8 ARI214 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something lesseq to 0/1 ARI215 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something lesseq to -3/5 ARI216 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -7/16 lesseq to something ARI217 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 7/8 greater than 3/4 ARI218 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 3/4 not greater 7/8 ARI219 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 4/15 greather than 1/5 ARI220 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 13/24 greater than something ARI221 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greater than 9/16 ARI222 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greater than something else ARI223 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 13/121 greater than -13/121 ARI224 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -17/25 greater than -29/34 ARI225 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -33/4 not greater than 33/4 ARI226 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -29/34 not greater than -17/25 ARI227 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 0/1 greater than something ARI228 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greater than -75/112 ARI229 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -75/112 greater than something ARI230 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 5/12 greatereq to 5/12 ARI231 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 5/12 greatereq to 1/4 ARI232 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 1/4 not greatereq 5/12 ARI233 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 19/25 greatereq to something ARI234 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greatereq to 3/16 ARI235 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greatereq something else ARI236 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/4 greatereq to -3/4 ARI237 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 3/4 greatereq to -3/4 ARI238 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -1/4 greatereq -5/8 ARI239 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/4 not greatereq to 3/4 ARI240 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -5/8 not greatereq to -1/4 ARI241 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greatereq to 0/1 ARI242 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -3/5 greatereq to something ARI243 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something greatereq to -7/16 ARI244 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 2/5 not equal to 1/16 ARI245 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something not equal to 3/4 ARI246 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 1/2 and 1/4 is 3/4 ARI247 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 2/5 and 3/5 is 1/1 ARI248 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 9/16 and 1/2 is 17/16 ARI249 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 1/1 and 5/8 is 13/8 ARI250 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 17/4 and 23/4 is 10/1 ARI251 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 17/4 and 2/1 is 25/4 ARI252 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 7/2 and 1/2 is 4/1 ARI253 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 17/4 and 2/1 is something ARI254 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of something and 3/16 is 1/2 ARI255 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 5/16 and something is 1/2 ARI256 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 7/2 and 81/20 is not 11/2 ARI257 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 17/4 and 23/4 is only 10/1 ARI258 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum only 17/4 and 23/4 is 10/1 ARI259 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 17/4 and only 23/4 is 10/1 ARI260 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum -7/2 and -1/2 is -4/1 ARI261 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 17/4 and -23/4 is -3/2 ARI262 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 5/12 and -1/6 is 1/4 ARI263 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 3/8 and -3/8 is 0/1 ARI264 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum -1/4 and -1/2 is something ARI265 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 1/4 and -1/2 is something ARI266 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 1/2 and -1/4 is something ARI267 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 1/2 and -1/2 is something ARI268 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum something and -7/2 is -11/2 ARI269 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum something -11/2 is -13/2 ARI270 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum something and -5/2 is 7/2 ARI271 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum something and -12/119 is 0/1 ARI272 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum something and 0/1 is something ARI273 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 7/8 and 3/8 is 1/2 ARI274 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 5/12 and 1/2 is -1/12 ARI275 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 90/117 and 25/117 is 5/9 ARI276 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference -1/8 and 3/16 is -5/16 ARI277 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 4/7 and -3/7 is 1/1 ARI278 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 5/12 and 1/12 is only 1/3 ARI279 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference only 1/2 and 3/16 is 5/16 ARI280 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 5/2 and only 5/8 is 15/8 ARI281 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference something and 0/1 is something ARI282 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference 5/12 and 1/12 is 1/3 in a predicate ARI283 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Difference -7/8 and 3/8 is something ARI284 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 1/3 and 3/4 is 1/4 ARI285 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Problem 3/8 and 7/10 is 21/80 ARI286 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Problem 3/8 and 5/12 is 5/32 ARI287 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 2/5 and 9/1 is 18/5 ARI288 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 12/5 and 7/1 is 84/5 ARI289 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product -5/2 and 17/5 is -17/2 ARI290 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product -3/40 and -12/1 is 9/10 ARI291 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 11/2 and 11/2 is 121/4 ARI292 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 11/2 and 11/2 is something ARI293 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product something and 11/2 is 121/4 ARI294 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 11/2 and something is 121/4 ARI295 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 5/8 and 7/8 is not 9/16 ARI296 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 5/8 and 2/5 is only 1/4 ARI297 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product only 5/8 and 2/5 is 1/4 ARI298 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 5/8 and only 2/5 is 1/4 ARI299 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product -18/25 and -1/4 is 9/50 ARI300 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 1/4 and 18/25 is -9/50 ARI301 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 18/25 and -1/4 is -9/50 ARI302 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 1/20 and 0/1 is 0/1 ARI303 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product -15/16 and -4/5 is 3/4 ARI304 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 15/16 and -4/5 is something ARI305 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 4/5 and -15/16 is something ARI306 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product something and -4/5 is -3/4 ARI307 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product something and -4/5 is 3/4 ARI308 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -17/25 is - 17/25 ARI309 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 2/3 is - -2/3 ARI310 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 129/503 and - 129/503 is 0/1 ARI311 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum -226/25 and - -226/25 is 0/1 ARI312 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: - - 3/4 is 3/4 ARI313 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: - - -31/8 is -31/8 ARI337 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum is 36/5 and difference is 0/1 ARI338 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Something less than sum something and 1/1 ARI339 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of 12/5 and 37/10 is less than 7/1 ARI340 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 15/2 is less than sum of 29/10 and 24/5 ARI341 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -2/5 * (145/2 - 569/5) less than (- 76/25) + 271/10 ARI342 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of something and itself less than -13/2 ARI343 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: (Something * 16/5) + -3/4 less than -64/5 ARI344 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: (16/5 * something) + (34/5 * something else) is 273/25 ARI345 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 2.5 less than 3.0 ARI346 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.0 not less than 2.5 ARI347 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 9.53 less than 9.58 ARI348 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something less than 12.8 ARI349 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 7.0 less than something ARI350 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something less than something else ARI351 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 less than 3.25 ARI352 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -8.68 less than 3.25 ARI353 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 not less than -3.25 ARI354 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 not less than -8.69 ARI355 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something less than 0.0 ARI356 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something less than -32500.0 ARI357 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -32500.0 less than something ARI358 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 lesseq to 3.25 ARI359 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 lesseq to 7.8 ARI360 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 7.8 not lesseq to 3.25 ARI361 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something lesseq to 14.68 ARI362 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 11.33 lesseq to something ARI363 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something lesseq to something else ARI364 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 lesseq to -3.25 ARI365 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 lesseq to 3.25 ARI366 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -8.69 lesseq to -3.25 ARI367 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 not lesseq to -3.25 ARI368 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 not lesseq to -8.69 ARI369 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something lesseq to 0.0 ARI370 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something lesseq to -3.25 ARI371 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 lesseq to something ARI372 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.0 greater than 2.5 ARI373 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 2.5 not greater than 3.0 ARI374 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 9.58 greater than 9.53 ARI375 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 12.8 greater than something ARI376 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greater than 7.0 ARI377 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greater than something else ARI378 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 greater then -3.25 ARI379 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 greater than -8.69 ARI380 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 not greater than 3.25 ARI381 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -8.69 not greater than -3.25 ARI382 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 0.0 greater than something ARI383 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -32500.0 greater than something ARI384 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greater than -32500.0 ARI385 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 greatereq to 3.25 ARI386 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 7.8 greatereq to 3.25 ARI387 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 not greatereq to 7.8 ARI388 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 14.68 greatereq to something ARI389 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greatereq to 11.33 ARI390 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greatereq to something else ARI391 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 greatereq to -3.25 ARI392 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 3.25 greatereq to -3.25 ARI393 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 greatereq to -8.69 ARI394 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 not greatereq to 3.25 ARI395 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -8.69 not greatereq to -3.25 ARI396 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greatereq to 0.0 ARI397 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 greatereq to something ARI398 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something greatereq to -3.25 ARI399 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 14.75 is not 9.69 ARI400 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something is not 20.06 ARI401 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.0 and 5.0 is 9.0 ARI402 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and 5.75 is 10.0 ARI403 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and 2.0 is 6.25 ARI404 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 3.5 and 2.05 is 5.55 ARI405 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and 2.0 is something ARI406 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and 4.07 is 19.076 ARI407 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and something is 10.0 ARI408 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 3.5 and 2.05 is not 5.5 ARI409 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and 5.75 is only 10.0 ARI410 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum only 4.25 and 5.75 is 10.0 ARI411 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and only 5.75 is 10.0 ARI412 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum -3.5 and -0.5 is -4.0 ARI413 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 4.25 and -5.75 is -1.5 ARI414 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 5.55 and -3.05 is 2.5 ARI415 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 14.65 and -14.65 is 0.0 ARI416 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum -2.05 and -3.5 is something ARI417 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 2.05 and -3.5 is something ARI418 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 3.5 and -2.05 is something ARI419 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 3.5 and -3.5 is something ARI420 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and -3.5 is -5.55 ARI421 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and -3.5 is -6.5 ARI422 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and -2.05 is 3.5 ARI423 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and -3500000.0 is 0.0 ARI424 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and 0.0 is itself ARI425 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 9.0 and 4.0 is 5.0 ARI426 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 10.0 and 5.75 is 4.25 ARI427 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 6.25 and 4.25 is 2.0 ARI428 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 5.55 and 3.5 is 2.05 ARI429 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 7.48 and 0.65 is 6.83 ARI430 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 23.76 and 9.51 is only 14.25 ARI431 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference only 16.05 and 12.05 is 4.0 ARI432 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 16.05 and only 4.0 is 12.05 ARI433 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference something and 0.0 is itself ARI434 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference 5.8 and 0.3 is 5.5 in a predicate ARI435 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Difference -1.28 and 1.0 is something ARI436 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 3.0 and 4.0 is 12.0 ARI437 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 3.0 and 2.4 is 7.2 ARI438 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 2.38 and 1.5 is 3.57 ARI439 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 2.4 and 7.0 is 16.8 ARI440 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product -2.5 and 3.4 is -8.5 ARI441 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product -0.075 and -12.0 is 0.9 ARI442 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 5.5 and 5.5 is 30.25 ARI443 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 5.5 and 5.5 is something ARI444 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product something and 5.5 is 30.25 ARI445 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 5.5 and something is 30.25 ARI446 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 5000.0 and 2.5 is not 12000.0 ARI447 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 7.25 and 4.0 is only 29.0 ARI448 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product only 7.25 and 4.0 is 29.0 ARI449 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 7.25 and only 4.0 is 29.0 ARI450 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product -0.05 and -70.4 is 3.52 ARI451 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 0.05 and -70.4 is -3.52 ARI452 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 70.4 and -0.05 is -3.52 ARI453 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 0.05 and 0.0 is 0.0 ARI454 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product -14.25 and -0.08 is 1.14 ARI455 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 14.25 and -0.08 is something ARI456 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 0.08 and -14.25 is something ARI457 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product something and -0.08 is -1.14 ARI458 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product something and -0.08 is 1.14 ARI459 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -3.25 is - 3.25 ARI460 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 0.6 is - -0.6 ARI461 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 11.38 and - 11.38 is 0.0 ARI462 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum -9.04 and - -9.04 is 0.0 ARI463 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: - - 0.75 is 0.75 ARI464 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: - - -70.4 is -70.4 ARI488 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum is 7.2 and difference is 0.0 ARI489 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Something less than sum something and 1 ARI490 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 2.4 and 3.7 is less than 7.0 ARI491 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 7.5 is less than sum 2.9 and 4.8 ARI492 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -0.4 * (72.5 - 113.8) is less than (- 3.04) + 27.1 ARI493 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum something and iteself is less than -6.5 ARI494 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: (Something * 3.2) + -0.75 is less than -12.8 ARI495 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: (3.2 * something) + (6.8 * something else) is 10.92 ARI496 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 6 is an integer ARI497 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 17.0 is an integer ARI498 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 7/12 is not an integer ARI499 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 9.75 is not an integer ARI500 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 3/4 is a rational ARI501 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 11 is a rational ARI502 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 0.08 is a rational ARI503 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 11.33 coerced to integer is an integer ARI504 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 2.05 coerced to rational is a rational ARI505 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 17.99 coerced to integer is not 18 ARI506 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 11/2 is 5.5 coerced to rational ARI507 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 39/4 coerced to real is 9.75 ARI508 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 2 is less than 3.5 coerced to integer ARI509 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 7/5 is not less that 1.2 coerced to rational ARI510 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: sum 1/2 and 1/4 is less than 1 coerced to rational ARI511 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 5/19 coerced to rational is less than something ARI512 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: -2 is lesseq to 2.0 coerced to integer ARI513 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 0.5 is lesseq to 1/2 coerced to real ARI514 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: -2.4 is lesseq to 2 coerced to real ARI515 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Something is lesseq to 2 coerced to integer ARI516 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 4 coerced to real is greater than 3.2 ARI517 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: 6/12 coerced to rational is not greater than 3/4 ARI518 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Sum of 13.1 coerced to integer and 1 is greatereq to 14 ARI519 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Something is greatereq to 9 coerced to real ARI520 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Sum 2 and 3 is integer ARI522 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Sum 3.5 and 3/4 coerced to real is 4.25 ARI523 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Difference -1/8 and 3/16 is rational ARI524 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Product 5/12 and 7/10 is rational ARI525 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: ((- 7/15) + 4/15) coerced to integer is greatereq to 0 ARI526 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: (4.05 + 3.6) - 53/20 = 5 ARI528 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Mad mixture 1 ARI529 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Mad mixture 2 ARI533 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Product 6.4 and 0.469 is an integer ARI534 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mixed: Sum 0.5 coerced to integer and 1 is not a rational ARI535 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Stickel's arithmetic challenge ARI536 ( -0 +0 _4 ^0) Real: Square root of two exists ARI537 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: 12 less than sum 5 and 8 ARI538 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -15 less than difference 0 and -15 ARI539 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 9 and 3 greater than -21 ARI540 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product 5 an 7 lesseq to 36 ARI541 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Minus product -18 and -4 greatereq -75 ARI542 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of product -5 and -5, and -25 is 0 ARI543 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: -3 * (14 - 69) less than -76 + 271 ARI544 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum 2 and 3 less than 7 ARI545 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Something plus iteself less than -13 ARI546 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference -4 and sum 0 and -3 is something ARI547 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product something and 3 is 27 means 8 less than that ARI548 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Difference -25 and product something and 0 lesseq to 0 ARI549 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Product of sum -2 and -3, and 0 is 0 ARI550 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer: Sum of product something and 32, and -7 less than -128 ARI551 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: 7/8 less than sum 5/8 and 5/16 ARI552 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -35/4 less than difference 0/1 and -53/12 ARI553 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum 9/17 and 3/5 greater than -8/145 ARI554 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product 3/8 and 7/10 lesseq to 23/80 ARI555 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Minus product -18/25 and -1/4 greatereq to -9/50 ARI556 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Sum of product -3/40 and -12/1, and -9/10 is 0/1 ARI557 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product something and 9/12 is 3/7 means 1/2 less than it ARI558 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: -1/4 - (something * -1/20) lesseq to 0/1 ARI559 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rational: Product of sum -1/2 and -1/3, and 0/1 is 0/1 ARI560 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: 0.875 less than sum 0.625 and 0.3125 ARI561 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -8.75 less than difference 0.0 and -4.42 ARI562 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Sum 0.52 and 0.6 greater than -0.055 ARI563 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product 14.375 and 7.5 lesseq to 123.8 ARI564 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: -(-6.48 * -2.25) greatereq to -15.62 ARI565 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: (-0.075 * -12.0) + -0.9) is 0.0 ARI566 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product something and 0.75 is 0.42 means 0.5 less than it ARI567 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: (-0.25 - (something * -0.05) lesseq to 0.0 ARI568 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real: Product of sum -2.8 and -3.6, and 0.0 is 0.0 ARI570 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Weakening an inequation ARI571 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Negating and weakening an inequation ARI572 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple implication between inequations ARI573 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Three inequations imply a fourth one ARI574 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system has exactly one solution ARI575 ( -0 +0 _3 ^0) Inequation system has exactly one integer solution ARI576 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (e.g., X = 10) ARI577 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (e.g., X = 5, Y = 4) ARI578 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (e.g., X = 3, Y = 6) ARI579 ( -0 +0 _3 ^0) Inequation system is not solvable over $int (e.g., X = Y = 1/2) ARI580 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (choose, e.g., Y = X + 1) ARI581 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (choose, e.g., Y = 8 - X) ARI582 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (choose, e.g., Z = X + Y) ARI583 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequation system is solvable (choose, e.g., W = 3 - X) ARI584 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Interval (Y,Y+3) cannot cover interval (X,X+5) ARI585 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Interval (X+5,X+8) is covered by (Y,Y+4), e.g. for Y = X + 5 ARI586 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For positive X, there is a Y between X and 3X (e.g., Y = 2X) ARI587 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For X > 1, there is a Y between X+2 and 3X (e.g., Y = 2X + 1) ARI588 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If X = 2 then Y < X-1 xor 3-X <= Y ARI589 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a number different from Y and Z ARI590 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a positive number different from Y ARI591 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is an X in the interval (0,3) that is different from Y ARI592 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If Z > 2, there is an X in the interval (0,Z) different from Y ARI593 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a number in {5,6,7} that is divisible by 3 ARI594 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a number in [5,...,7] that is divisible by 3 ARI595 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a number in [a,...,a+2] that is divisible by 3 ARI596 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is a number in {a,a+1,a-1} that is divisible by 3 ARI597 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Either a or b or their sum is even ARI598 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Either a or 3a+1 is even ARI599 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequations imply a = b, hence f(a,b) = f(b,a) ARI600 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inequations imply a+1 = b-1, hence f(a+1,b-1) <= f(b-1,a+1) + 1 ARI601 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If f(X) > X, then 3 < a implies 4 < a+1 < f(a+1) ARI602 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If f(X) > X, then 4 < 5 < f(5) ARI603 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If f(X) > X, then Y = Z + (Y-Z) < Z + f(Y-Z) ARI604 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If f(X) > X, then f(-X) > -X, hence -f(-X) < X < f(X) ARI605 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If f(X) > X, then a + b < f(a) + b < f(a) + f(b) ARI606 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For monotonic f, 2<=5 implies f(2)<=f(5), thus f(f(2)<=f(f(5)) ARI607 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For monotonic f, f(2) <= f(3) and f(5) <= f(7), hence the sum ARI608 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Combining monotonicity and transitivity ARI609 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For mon. f, 0<=a-b => b<=a => f(b)<=f(a) => 0<=f(a)-f(b) ARI610 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) For mon. f, f(b) b b<=a => 0<=a-b => f(0)<=f(a-b) ARI611 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Intervals (5,15) and (8,18) intersect ARI612 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Interval (8,12) is contained in (5,15) ARI613 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is an X > 3 and a Y < 1 whose sum is 0 ARI614 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is an X>a and a Y<1 whose sum is 0 (X = max(a+1,0), Y = -X) ARI615 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If Z<=W, then [X-Z,X+Z] is a subset of [X-W,X+W] ARI616 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If intervals intersect, then sum_of_radii >= distance_of_centers ARI617 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Two different definitions of absolute value agree ARI618 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Absolute value (unusually defined) is idempotent ARI619 ( -0 +0 _3 ^0) 5 is not a power of 2 ARI620 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 8 is a power of 2 ARI621 ( -0 +0 _3 ^0) 12 is not a power of 2 ARI622 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There exist two powers of 2 whose sum equals 10 ARI623 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is no strictly mon fct from $rat or $real to a non-dense set ARI624 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) f(X) cannot always be smaller than avg(f(X-Y),f(X+Y)) - 1 ARI625 ( -0 +0 _2 ^0) There is no enumeration of the reals ARI626 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Overflow checking on the integers ARI627 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Overflow checking on the rationals ARI628 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 0 ARI629 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 1 ARI630 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 2 ARI631 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 3 ARI632 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 6 ARI633 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 7 ARI634 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 8 ARI635 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 9 ARI636 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 10 ARI637 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 13 ARI638 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 14 ARI639 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 15 ARI640 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 18 ARI641 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 22 ARI642 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Example 23 ARI643 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a != 0 implies 0 / a = 0 ARI644 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a != 0 implies b / a * a <= b ARI645 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that d >= 0, b >= a, a > 0 imply d / b <= d / a ARI646 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple reasoning about linear inequalities ARI647 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 2*a <= 1 implies 3*a != 3 ARI648 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 2*a > 0 | -4*b + 2*a < 8 implies a >= 1 | a-2*b<=3 | 20*a-30*b=7 ARI649 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a*a = 25, b*b*b = -125, a < 0 imply a = b ARI650 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a*a >= 50 & a*a <= 60 are inconsistent ARI651 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear inequalities ARI652 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a + 4 > 2, -2 <= -3 - a imply a*a = 1 ARI653 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that 5*a >= 1, 7*a <= 6 are unsat ARI654 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) y >= 5*x - 1, y <= 5*x, 5*z <= y - 1, 5*z >= y - 2 are unsat ARI655 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a >= b, c >= d imply (a-b)*(c-d) >= 0 ARI656 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a >= 0, b >= c imply a*b >= a*c ARI657 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Satisfy a <= -3, a*b <= 5 ARI658 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a <= 3 and a >= -1 & a <= 1 are equivalent ARI659 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a*a <= 3 and a <= 1 are equivalent ARI660 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a*a >= 11 and a >= 3 are equivalent ARI661 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a*a*a*a >= 40 and a >= 3 are equivalent ARI662 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a >= 1000 and a > 1 are equivalent ARI663 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*b=15 implies a <= 15 & a >= -15 & a != 0 ARI664 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 5*a + 11*b = 1 implies a*b <= -36 | a*b >= -2 ARI665 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a*b <= -36 | a*b >= -2 implies 5*a + 11*b = 1 ARI666 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 5*a + 11*b = 1 implies a*b <= -37 | a*b >= -2 ARI667 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 11*a + 7*b = 1 implies a*b <= -40 | a*b >= -6 ARI668 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 11*a + 7*b = 1 and c >= a imply a*c <= 0 | a*c >= 4 ARI669 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a * b * b * c = 0 and a = 0 | b = 0 | c = 0 are equivalent ARI670 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a >= a ARI671 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) a*a = 2 is unsatisfiable ARI672 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*b = 1 and a = b & (a = 1 | a = -1) are equivalent ARI673 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a = 1 and a = 1 | a = -1 are equivalent ARI674 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a >= 4 implies a >= 2 | a <= -2 ARI675 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a*a*a + a*a + 10 >= 0 ARI676 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a*a + 10 >= 0 ARI677 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a >= 0 and a*a*a <= 0 imply a*a*a*a = 0 ARI678 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove that a >= 0 and a*a*a <= 7 imply a*a*a*a <= 1 ARI679 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove equivalence of nonlinear inequalities ARI680 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve system of nonlinear inequalities ARI681 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 0 < a * b, 0 < c * d, 0 < a * c imply 0 < b * d ARI682 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 0 <= a, a < b imply a+1 <= a*b + b ARI683 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve system of nonlinear inequalities ARI684 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand polynomial a * (a + b) * c ARI685 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomial ARI686 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomial ARI687 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomial ARI688 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verify gcd computation ARI689 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rewrite polynomial using linear equations ARI690 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI691 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Rewrite modulo commutativity of multiplication ARI692 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI693 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI694 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI695 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) ARI696 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomial ARI697 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI698 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations, with parameter N ARI699 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Nonlinear inequality reasoning ARI700 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve a simple system of nonlinear equations ARI701 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve a simple system of nonlinear equations ARI702 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve a simple system of nonlinear equations ARI703 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum-of-squares decomposition ARI704 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Solve simple system of linear equations ARI705 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple rewriting: d*d = d*d + a implies d*c*a*b*2 = 0 ARI706 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple rewriting: d*d = 2*d*d implies d*d = d*3*d ARI707 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple rewriting: d*d + c = 2*d*d implies c*d*d = c*c ARI708 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomials ARI709 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple rewriting: a * 1 = 3 implies a = 3 ARI710 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Simple rewriting: b * 1 = a*c*d implies b = d*a*c ARI711 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand the equation (a+b+c+1)^4 = 0 ARI712 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expand and rewrite polynomial ARI713 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) ceiling is idempotent ARI714 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+1) = floor(X)+1 ARI715 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.3) != floor(X)+0.3 ARI716 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.5) >= floor(X) ARI717 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.5) can be greater than X ARI718 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.5) can be less than X ARI719 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.5) can be equal to floor(X-0.3) ARI720 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+0.5) > floor(X-0.5) ARI721 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(X+1.5) > X ARI722 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If floor(X) = X, then X is an integer ARI723 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If ceiling(X) = floor(X), then X is an integer ARI724 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(2*X) >= 2*floor(X) ARI725 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) floor(2*X) can be greater than 2*floor(X) ARI726 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There is an integer X such that 0.4*X > 1 and 0.3*X < 1 ARI727 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every integer is greater than 3.8 or less than 3.2 ARI728 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If 2*X is an integer, then X is an integer or X+0.5 is an integer ARI729 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If floor(X)=floor(Y), the X-Y < 1 ARI730 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If X =< 7.2 and X is an integer, then X =< 7 ARI731 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If X is an integer, then 2*X+3 is an integer ARI732 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If X is an integer and 5*X+Y is an integer, then Y is an integer ARI733 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real inequation system has a solution with integer X ARI734 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verification example ARI735 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verification example ARI736 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer of ceiling of real ARI737 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer of ceiling of negative of real ARI738 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer of ceiling of real compared to real of integer or real ARI739 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Log of exponent of 1.0 ARI740 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer power of real ARI741 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Real power of real ARI742 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Square root of 0.0 ARI743 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Square root of 1.0 ARI744 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Square root of real ARI745 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI746 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI747 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI748 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI749 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI750 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI751 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI752 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI753 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI754 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI755 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI756 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI757 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI758 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI759 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI760 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ARI761 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Aviation C program verification problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain BIO = Biology 4 problems (4 abstract), 0 CNF, 4 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO001 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Consistency of the BioKB BIO002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A cell has a part BIO003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A cytoskeleton is in a cell BIO004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A plasmodial slime mold is a living entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain BOO = Boolean Algebra 143 problems (105 abstract), 142 CNF, 1 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOO001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In B3 algebra, inverse is an involution BOO002 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In B3 algebra, X * X^-1 * Y = Y BOO003 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Multiplication is idempotent (X * X = X) BOO004 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Addition is idempotent (X + X = X) BOO005 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Addition is bounded (X + 1 = 1) BOO006 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Multiplication is bounded (X * 0 = 0) BOO007 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Product is associative ( (X * Y) * Z = X * (Y * Z) ) BOO008 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Sum is associative ( (X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z) ) BOO009 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Multiplication absorption (X * (X + Y) = X) BOO010 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Addition absorbtion (X + (X * Y) = X) BOO011 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of additive identity = Multiplicative identity BOO012 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse is an involution BOO013 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) The inverse of X is unique BOO014 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) DeMorgan for inverse and product (X+Y)^-1 = (X^-1) * (Y^-1) BOO015 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) DeMorgan for inverse and sum (X^-1 + Y^-1) = (X * Y)^-1 BOO016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Relating product and sum (X * Y = Z -> X + Z = X) BOO017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Relating sum and product (X + Y = Z -> X * Z = X) BOO018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of multiplicative identity = Additive identity BOO019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove the independance of Ternary Boolean algebra axiom BOO020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Frink's Theorem BOO021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A Basis for Boolean Algebra BOO022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A Basis for Boolean Algebra BOO023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Half of Padmanabhan's 6-basis with Pixley, part 1. BOO024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Half of Padmanabhan's 6-basis with Pixley, part 2. BOO025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Half of Padmanabhan's 6-basis with Pixley, part 3. BOO026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption from self-dual independent 2-basis BOO027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Independence of self-dual 2-basis. BOO028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Self-dual 2-basis from majority reduction, part 1. BOO029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Self-dual 2-basis from majority reduction, part 3. BOO030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Independence of a BA 2-basis by majority reduction. BOO031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Dual BA 3-basis, proof of distributivity. BOO032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Independence of a system of Boolean algebra BOO033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Independence of a system of Boolean algebra. BOO034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is sound. BOO035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete BOO036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean algebra (equality) axioms BOO037 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Boolean algebra axioms BOO038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) DN-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra BOO039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sh-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra BOO040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C1 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C2 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C3 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C4 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C5 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C6 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C7 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO047 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C8 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C9 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C10 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C11 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C12 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C13 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C14 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C15 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom C16 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO056 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M5A for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M5B for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M6A for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M6B for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M6C for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M6D for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom M8A for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke BOO067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete, part 1 BOO068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete, part 2 BOO069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete, part 3 BOO070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete, part 4 BOO071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ternary Boolean Algebra Single axiom is complete, part 5 BOO072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) DN-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 1 BOO073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) DN-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 2 BOO074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) DN-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 3 BOO075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sh-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 1 BOO076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sh-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 2 BOO077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C1 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C1 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C2 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO080 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C2 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C3 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C3 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C4 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C4 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C5 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C5 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C6 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C6 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C7 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C7 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C8 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C8 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C9 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C9 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C10 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C10 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C11 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C11 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C12 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C12 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C13 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C13 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C14 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C14 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C15 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C15 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C16 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 1 BOO108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom C16 for Boolean algebra in the Sheffer stroke, part 2 BOO109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Josef Urban's problem using the Wajsberg axiom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain CAT = Category Theory 135 problems (38 abstract), 65 CNF, 68 FOF, 0 TFF, 2 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT001 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) XY monomorphism => Y monomorphism CAT002 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) X and Y monomorphisms, XY well-defined => XY monomorphism CAT003 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) XY epimorphism => X epimorphism CAT004 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) X and Y epimorphisms, XY well-defined => XY epimorphism CAT005 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is the unique right identity CAT006 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Codomain is the unique left identity CAT007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If domain(x) = codomain(y) then xy is defined CAT008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If xy is defined then domain(x) = codomain(y) CAT009 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If xy is defined, then domain(xy) = domain(y) CAT010 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If xy is defined, then codomain(xy) = codomain(x) CAT011 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) domain(domain(x)) = domain(x) CAT012 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) codomain(domain(x)) = domain(x) CAT013 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) domain(codomain(x)) = codomain(x) CAT014 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) codomain(codomain(x)) = codomain(x) CAT015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Prove something exists CAT016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If x exists, then domain(x) exists CAT017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If x exists, then codomain(x) exists CAT018 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If xy and yz exist, then so does x(yz) CAT019 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom of Indiscernibles CAT020 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Category theory axioms CAT021 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T11 CAT022 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T21 CAT023 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T28 CAT024 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T29 CAT025 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T34 CAT026 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T38 CAT027 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T40 CAT028 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T41 CAT029 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T42 CAT030 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T43 CAT031 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T45 CAT032 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories T49 CAT033 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Yoneda Embedding T02 CAT034 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Yoneda Embedding T04 CAT035 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Yoneda Embedding T05 CAT036 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Yoneda Embedding T08 CAT037 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Yoneda Embedding T09 CAT038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Swapping function ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CAT/CAT038^2.p Internal: SYO519^1; File:CAT038^2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain COL = Combinatory Logic 240 problems (121 abstract), 240 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COL001 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for S and K COL002 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for S, B, C, and I COL003 (-19 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and W COL004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to U from S and K COL005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Find a model for S and W but not a weak fixed point COL006 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for S and K COL007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for L COL008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for M and B COL009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and L2 COL010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and S2 COL011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for O and Q1 COL012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for U COL013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for S and L COL014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for L and O COL015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for Q and M COL016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, M and L COL017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, M, and T COL018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for W, Q, and L COL019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, S, and T COL020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, S, and C COL021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, M, and V COL022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, O, and M COL023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and N COL024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, M, and C COL025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and W COL026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and W1 COL027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and H COL029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for U COL030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for S and L COL031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for L and O COL032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for Q and M COL033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, M and L COL034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, M, and T COL035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for W, Q, and L COL036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, S, and T COL037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, S, and C COL038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, M, and V COL039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, O, and M COL041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, M, and C COL042 (-10 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and W1 COL043 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and H COL044 ( -9 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and N COL045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, M and S COL046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, M and S COL047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Find a model for L and Q but not a strong fixed point COL048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B, W, and M COL049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B, W, and M COL050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Significance of the Mockingbird COL051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Egocentric mocking bird? COL052 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A Question on Agreeable Birds COL053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An Exercise in Composition COL054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible Birds COL055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Happy Birds COL056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Normal Birds COL057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for S, B, C, and I COL058 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If there's a lark, then there's an egocentric bird. COL059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) L3 ((lark lark) lark) is not egocentric. COL060 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to Q from B and T COL061 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to Q1 from B and T COL062 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to C from B and T COL063 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to F from B and T COL064 (-11 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to V from B and T COL065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to G from B and T COL066 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Find combinator equivalent to P from B, Q and W COL067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and S COL068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and S COL069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and L COL070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak fixed point for B and N1 COL071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for N and Q COL073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and N1 COL074 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Unsatisfiable variant of TRC COL075 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 1 for showing the unsatisfiable variant of TRC COL076 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 2 for showing the unsatisfiable variant of TRC COL077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Abst Abst Abst Abst Abst Abst = Id COL078 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Abst Abst Abst Abst = k(k(id)) COL079 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Abst(Abst(Abst X)) = Abst X COL080 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Abst(Abst k(X)) = k(X) COL081 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Abst k(k(X)) = k(k(X)) COL082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Type-respecting combinators COL083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible Birds, part 1 COL084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible Birds, part 2 COL085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Happy Birds, part 1 COL086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Happy Birds, part 2 COL087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong fixed point for B and M COL088 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) ap_reduce1_2c1 COL089 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) ap_reduce2_2c1 COL090 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) i_contract_E COL091 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) k1_contractD_c1 COL092 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) k1_parcontractD_c1 COL093 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) s1_parcontractD_c1 COL094 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) s2_parcontractD_c1 COL095 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_parcontract_2c1 COL096 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_parcontract_3c1 COL097 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_parcontract_4c1 COL098 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_strip_lemmaD_2c1 COL099 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_trancl_1c1 COL100 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) diamond_trancl_2c1 COL101 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL102 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL103 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL104 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL105 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL106 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL109 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL110 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL111 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL112 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL113 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL114 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL115 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL116 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL117 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL118 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL119 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL120 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL121 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL122 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL123 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators COL124 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about combinators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain COM = Computing Theory 238 problems (211 abstract), 14 CNF, 61 FOF, 102 TFF, 61 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COM001 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) A program correctness theorem COM002 ( -2 +0 _2 ^0) A program correctness theorem COM003 ( -2 +3 _1 ^0) The halting problem is undecidable COM004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Part of completeness of resolution COM005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Behaviour of an algorithm that orients rings with 3 nodes COM006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Behaviour of an algorithm that orients rings with 5 nodes COM007 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Preservation of the Diamond Property under reflexive closure COM008 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Induction step in Newman's Lemma COM009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about UNITY theory COM010 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about UNITY theory COM011 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about UNITY theory COM012 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 01, 00 expansion COM013 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 02, 00 expansion COM014 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03+, 00 expansion COM015 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01, 00 expansion COM016 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_01, 00 expansion COM017 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_03, 00 expansion COM018 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_04, 00 expansion COM019 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_05, 00 expansion COM020 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_05_01, 00 expansion COM021 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_05_02, 00 expansion COM022 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_01_07, 00 expansion COM023 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma on rewriting systems 03_02, 00 expansion COM024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM9 COM025 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 19 COM026 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 21 COM027 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 23 COM028 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 25 COM029 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 26 COM030 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 48 COM031 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 51 COM032 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 53 COM033 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 55 COM034 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 57 COM035 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 59 COM036 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 61 COM037 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 63 COM038 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 66 COM039 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 70 COM040 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 72 COM041 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 74 COM042 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 76 COM043 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 78 COM044 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 80 COM045 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 82 COM046 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 85 COM047 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 87 COM048 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 94 COM049 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 102 COM050 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 104 COM051 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 107 COM052 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 108 COM053 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 110 COM054 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 112 COM055 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 117 COM056 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 119 COM057 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 121 COM058 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 123 COM059 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 124 COM060 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 130 COM061 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 134 COM062 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 136 COM063 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 137 COM064 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 140 COM065 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 142 COM066 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 143 COM067 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 147 COM068 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 152 COM069 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 154 COM070 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 157 COM071 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 159 COM072 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 163 COM073 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 166 COM074 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 168 COM075 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 170 COM076 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 172 COM077 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 176 COM078 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 177 COM079 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 184 COM080 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 185 COM081 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 187 COM082 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 191 COM083 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 196 COM084 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 199 COM085 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 201 COM086 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 203 COM087 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 210 COM088 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 212 COM089 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 213 COM090 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 214 COM091 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 217 COM092 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 218 COM093 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 220 COM094 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 222 COM095 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 225 COM096 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 227 COM097 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 230 COM098 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 231 COM099 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 233 COM100 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 234 COM101 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 238 COM102 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 240 COM103 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 241 COM104 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 243 COM105 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 244 COM106 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 248 COM107 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 249 COM108 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 251 COM109 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 253 COM110 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 255 COM111 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 258 COM112 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 262 COM113 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 264 COM114 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 265 COM115 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 268 COM116 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 270 COM117 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 274 COM118 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 283 COM119 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 287 COM120 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 289 COM121 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 290 COM122 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quantifier elimination for Presburger arithmetic line 294 COM123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-FreeVar-abs-1 step in progress/preservation proof COM124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-FreeVar-abs-2 step in progress/preservation proof COM125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-FreeVar-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-FreeVar-app step in progress/preservation proof COM127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-FreeVar-var step in progress/preservation proof COM128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fresh-unequal-var-3 step in progress/preservation proof COM129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fresh-free-2 step in progress/preservation proof COM130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-subst-abs-1 step in progress/preservation proof COM131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-subst-abs-2 step in progress/preservation proof COM132 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) T-subst-abs-3 step in progress/preservation proof COM133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-subst-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-subst-app step in progress/preservation proof COM135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-subst-var step in progress/preservation proof COM136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Strong-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Strong-app step in progress/preservation proof COM138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Strong-var step in progress/preservation proof COM139 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-abs-1 step in progress/preservation proof COM140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-abs-2 step in progress/preservation proof COM141 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM142 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-app step in progress/preservation proof COM143 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Weak-var step in progress/preservation proof COM144 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Preservation-T-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM145 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Preservation-T-app step in progress/preservation proof COM146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Preservation-T-var step in progress/preservation proof COM147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Progress-T-abs step in progress/preservation proof COM148 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Progress-T-app step in progress/preservation proof COM149 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) T-Progress-T-var step in progress/preservation proof COM150 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms for progress/preservation proof COM151 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common axioms for progress/preservation proof COM152 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 27 COM153 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 90 COM154 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 131 COM155 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 181 COM156 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 215 COM157 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 235 COM158 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 262 COM159 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 288 COM160 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 317 COM161 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abstract completeness 355 COM162 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 38 COM163 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 95 COM164 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 141 COM165 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 172 COM166 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 212 COM167 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 250 COM168 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 276 COM169 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 318 COM170 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 356 COM171 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary decision diagram 424 COM172 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 47 COM173 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 73 COM174 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 94 COM175 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 115 COM176 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 131 COM177 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 184 COM178 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 206 COM179 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 231 COM180 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 252 COM181 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma 269 COM182 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 60 COM183 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 157 COM184 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 228 COM185 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 307 COM186 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 431 COM187 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 549 COM188 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 619 COM189 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 706 COM190 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 811 COM191 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 882 COM192 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 1005 COM193 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 1154 COM194 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 1238 COM195 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 1319 COM196 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Grammars and languages 1357 COM197 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma (about infinite trees) 51 COM198 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma (about infinite trees) 75 COM199 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma (about infinite trees) 84 COM200 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma (about infinite trees) 111 COM201 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Koenig's lemma (about infinite trees) 120 COM202 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 38 COM203 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 44 COM204 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 65 COM205 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 84 COM206 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 97 COM207 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 111 COM208 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 122 COM209 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 133 COM210 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 140 COM211 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Parallel extension to grammars and languages 144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain CSR = Commonsense Reasoning 1030 problems (306 abstract), 11 CNF, 937 FOF, 0 TFF, 82 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSR001 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Water level is 3 at time 4 CSR002 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Not filling at time 4 CSR003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Spilling at time 4 CSR004 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Overflow happens at time 3 CSR005 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Filling at time 3 CSR006 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Waterlevel is 3 at time 3 CSR007 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Waterlevel is not 3 at time 2 CSR008 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Waterlevel is 2 at time 2 CSR009 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Filling at time 2 CSR010 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Filling at time 1 CSR011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not stopped filling between times 0 and 3 CSR012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Waterlevel is 1 at time 1 CSR013 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Nothing happens to stop filling at time 2 CSR014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Filling is not released at time 3 CSR015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not backwards at time 1 CSR016 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Forwards at time 1 CSR017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not spinning at time 1 CSR018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Backwards at time 2 CSR019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not forwards at time 2 CSR020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not spinning at time 2 CSR021 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not backwards at time 3 CSR022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Not forwards at time 3 CSR023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Spinning at time 3 CSR024 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Multiple trolleys, size 9 CSR025 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR025+1 CSR026 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR026+1 CSR027 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR027+1 CSR028 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR028+1 CSR029 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR029+1 CSR030 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR030+1 CSR031 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR031+1 CSR032 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR032+1 CSR033 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR033+1 CSR034 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR034+1 CSR035 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR035+1 CSR036 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR036+1 CSR037 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR037+1 CSR038 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR038+1 CSR039 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR039+1 CSR040 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR040+1 CSR041 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR041+1 CSR042 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR042+1 CSR043 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR043+1 CSR044 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR044+1 CSR045 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR045+1 CSR046 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR046+1 CSR047 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR047+1 CSR048 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR048+1 CSR049 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR049+1 CSR050 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR050+1 CSR051 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR051+1 CSR052 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR052+1 CSR053 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR053+1 CSR054 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR054+1 CSR055 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR055+1 CSR056 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR056+1 CSR057 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR057+1 CSR058 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR058+1 CSR059 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR059+1 CSR060 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR060+1 CSR061 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR061+1 CSR062 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR062+1 CSR063 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR063+1 CSR064 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR064+1 CSR065 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR065+1 CSR066 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR066+1 CSR067 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR067+1 CSR068 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR068+1 CSR069 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR069+1 CSR070 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR070+1 CSR071 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR071+1 CSR072 ( -1 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR072+1 CSR073 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR073+1 CSR074 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Autogenerated Cyc Problem CSR074+1 CSR075 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Class subsumption, skolemization CSR076 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Relation subsumption CSR077 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Case elimination reasoning CSR078 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Uses holdsDuring CSR079 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Class equality and subsumption reasoning CSR080 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Hard parts and pieces CSR081 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Family matter CSR082 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Jane does reasoning and perception CSR083 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Class identification CSR084 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Case elimination with multiple rules CSR085 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) One simple rule CSR086 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Skolemization, multiple rules CSR087 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Just one rule that cannot be satisfied CSR088 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Overlapping and meeting time CSR089 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Overlapping and meeting space CSR090 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Pieces of time CSR091 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Therapeutic process CSR092 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Ancestry CSR093 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Distant ancestry CSR094 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Class subsumption CSR095 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Case elimination CSR096 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Case elimination CSR097 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) A gaseous object CSR098 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Equality reasoning CSR099 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Reasoning about class equality CSR100 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Circular subclass subsumption reasoning CSR101 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) An "intensional" query requiring circular subclass reasoning CSR102 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Every physical object has some positive mass CSR103 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Every term is an instance of Entity CSR104 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Temporal point and interval reasoning CSR105 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Temporal interval reasoning CSR106 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Temporal point and interval reasoning CSR107 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Temporal point and interval reasoning CSR108 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Defines a new predicate of 10 arguments CSR109 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Skolemization of a deep class hierarchy, with subsumption CSR110 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) The SUMO axioms CSR111 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) 1131 axioms from Cyc CSR112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Who is the singer of the band U2? CSR113 ( -0+31 _0 ^0) Where can you find the Statue of Liberty? CSR114 ( -0+30 _0 ^0) In which Italian city can you find the Colosseum? CSR115 ( -0+100 _0 ^0) Which British company was taken over by BMW in 1994? CSR116 ( -0+47 _0 ^0) Who was the first black president elected in South Africa? CSR117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flooding Copenhagen CSR118 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Abraham Lincoln is a mammal CSR119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Did someone like Bill in 2009? CSR120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Did someone like Bill in 2009? CSR121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Did Mary and Sue like someone in 2009? CSR122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Do Mary and Sue like Bill in 2009? CSR123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) What does Sue feel? CSR124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Do Mary and Sue like Bill in 2009? CSR125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Sue contradicts her likes CSR126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Did Sue like Bill in 2009? CSR127 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Did someone like Bill in 2009? CSR128 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Did Sue like someone in 2009? CSR129 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) What do Sue and Mary feel about Bill in 2009? CSR130 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) In 2009, what's the common feeling between Sue and Mary, and Bill? CSR131 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) In 2009, what's the feeling for Bill and Anna? CSR132 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) In 2009, what's the feeling for Bill and Anna? CSR133 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) In 2009, what are different feelings for Bill and Anna? CSR134 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) In 2009, what are different feelings of people to Anna? CSR135 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) What's a common feeling of Sue and Mary to Bill? CSR136 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) What's a common feeling of Sue and Mary to Bill? CSR137 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Feelings from people to Bill and Anna CSR138 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Feelings from people to Bill and Anna CSR139 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Different feelings from people to Bill and Anna CSR140 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Different feelings for Anna CSR141 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Reiner and MariaPaola are not connected at the CADE meeting CSR142 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Who is the husband of Corina? CSR143 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Who is the husband of Corina during 2009? CSR144 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Does Max think he's single? CSR145 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) What is the relation between Chris and Corina? CSR146 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) What is the relation between Chris and Corina during 2009? CSR147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) My experienced brother CSR148 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Is there a year in which Sue liked somebody? CSR149 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Elegantly, is there a year in which Sue liked somebody? CSR150 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) How many grandchildren does John at most have? CSR151 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Is it the case that in 2009 Sue liked Bill and Mary liked Bill? CSR152 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Does Chris know that Sue likes Bill? CSR153 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Is there a common relation? CSR154 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Standard discrete event calculus axioms CSR155 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) LogAnswer CSR156 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Adimen SUMO ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR156+1.p Internal: CSR111+2; File:CSR156+1 CSR157 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10002 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR157+1.p Internal: CSR158+1; File:CSR157+1 CSR158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10010 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR158+1.p Internal: CSR159+1; File:CSR158+1 CSR159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10035 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR159+1.p Internal: CSR160+1; File:CSR159+1 CSR160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10049 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR160+1.p Internal: CSR161+1; File:CSR160+1 CSR161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20021 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR161+1.p Internal: CSR162+1; File:CSR161+1 CSR162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20302 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR162+1.p Internal: CSR163+1; File:CSR162+1 CSR163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20322 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR163+1.p Internal: CSR164+1; File:CSR163+1 CSR164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20355 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR164+1.p Internal: CSR165+1; File:CSR164+1 CSR165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20398 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR165+1.p Internal: CSR166+1; File:CSR165+1 CSR166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30048 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR166+1.p Internal: CSR167+1; File:CSR166+1 CSR167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30495 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR167+1.p Internal: CSR168+1; File:CSR167+1 CSR168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30514 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR168+1.p Internal: CSR169+1; File:CSR168+1 CSR169 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30584 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR169+1.p Internal: CSR170+1; File:CSR169+1 CSR170 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30817 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR170+1.p Internal: CSR171+1; File:CSR170+1 CSR171 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated agent relation 0337 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR171+1.p Internal: CSR172+1; File:CSR171+1 CSR172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated agent relation 0579 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR172+1.p Internal: CSR173+1; File:CSR172+1 CSR173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated agent relation 0781 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR173+1.p Internal: CSR174+1; File:CSR173+1 CSR174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated antonym pattern 10019 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR174+1.p Internal: CSR175+1; File:CSR174+1 CSR175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated antonym pattern 31742 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR175+1.p Internal: CSR176+1; File:CSR175+1 CSR176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0035 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR176+1.p Internal: CSR177+1; File:CSR176+1 CSR177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0106 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR177+1.p Internal: CSR178+1; File:CSR177+1 CSR178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0110 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR178+1.p Internal: CSR179+1; File:CSR178+1 CSR179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0118 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR179+1.p Internal: CSR180+1; File:CSR179+1 CSR180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0138 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR180+1.p Internal: CSR181+1; File:CSR180+1 CSR181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0219 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR181+1.p Internal: CSR182+1; File:CSR181+1 CSR182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated common subclass event 0283 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR182+1.p Internal: CSR183+1; File:CSR182+1 CSR183 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0001 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR183+1.p Internal: CSR184+1; File:CSR183+1 CSR184 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0003 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR184+1.p Internal: CSR185+1; File:CSR184+1 CSR185 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0006 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR185+1.p Internal: CSR186+1; File:CSR185+1 CSR186 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0012 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR186+1.p Internal: CSR187+1; File:CSR186+1 CSR187 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0013 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR187+1.p Internal: CSR188+1; File:CSR187+1 CSR188 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated equal event 0014 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR188+1.p Internal: CSR189+1; File:CSR188+1 CSR189 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated instrument relation 0342 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR189+1.p Internal: CSR190+1; File:CSR189+1 CSR190 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated multiple mapping 0003 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR190+1.p Internal: CSR191+1; File:CSR190+1 CSR191 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated multiple mapping 0150 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR191+1.p Internal: CSR192+1; File:CSR191+1 CSR192 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0009 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR192+1.p Internal: CSR193+1; File:CSR192+1 CSR193 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0308 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR193+1.p Internal: CSR194+1; File:CSR193+1 CSR194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0332 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR194+1.p Internal: CSR195+1; File:CSR194+1 CSR195 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0335 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR195+1.p Internal: CSR196+1; File:CSR195+1 CSR196 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0494 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR196+1.p Internal: CSR197+1; File:CSR196+1 CSR197 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0627 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR197+1.p Internal: CSR198+1; File:CSR197+1 CSR198 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated result relation 0670 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR198+1.p Internal: CSR199+1; File:CSR198+1 CSR199 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0027 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR199+1.p Internal: CSR200+1; File:CSR199+1 CSR200 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0060 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR200+1.p Internal: CSR201+1; File:CSR200+1 CSR201 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0127 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR201+1.p Internal: CSR202+1; File:CSR201+1 CSR202 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0151 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR202+1.p Internal: CSR203+1; File:CSR202+1 CSR203 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0182 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR203+1.p Internal: CSR204+1; File:CSR203+1 CSR204 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0232 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR204+1.p Internal: CSR205+1; File:CSR204+1 CSR205 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0270 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR205+1.p Internal: CSR206+1; File:CSR205+1 CSR206 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negated subclass event 0336 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR206+1.p Internal: CSR207+1; File:CSR206+1 CSR207 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0056 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR207+1.p Internal: CSR208+1; File:CSR207+1 CSR208 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0128 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR208+1.p Internal: CSR209+1; File:CSR208+1 CSR209 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0129 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR209+1.p Internal: CSR210+1; File:CSR209+1 CSR210 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0251 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR210+1.p Internal: CSR211+1; File:CSR210+1 CSR211 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0426 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR211+1.p Internal: CSR212+1; File:CSR211+1 CSR212 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0444 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR212+1.p Internal: CSR213+1; File:CSR212+1 CSR213 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0724 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR213+1.p Internal: CSR214+1; File:CSR213+1 CSR214 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0775 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR214+1.p Internal: CSR215+1; File:CSR214+1 CSR215 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10007 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR215+1.p Internal: CSR216+1; File:CSR215+1 CSR216 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10048 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR216+1.p Internal: CSR217+1; File:CSR216+1 CSR217 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10059 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR217+1.p Internal: CSR218+1; File:CSR217+1 CSR218 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10066 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR218+1.p Internal: CSR219+1; File:CSR218+1 CSR219 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20012 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR219+1.p Internal: CSR220+1; File:CSR219+1 CSR220 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20024 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR220+1.p Internal: CSR221+1; File:CSR220+1 CSR221 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20050 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR221+1.p Internal: CSR222+1; File:CSR221+1 CSR222 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20235 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR222+1.p Internal: CSR223+1; File:CSR222+1 CSR223 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20267 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR223+1.p Internal: CSR224+1; File:CSR223+1 CSR224 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20343 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR224+1.p Internal: CSR225+1; File:CSR224+1 CSR225 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30355 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR225+1.p Internal: CSR226+1; File:CSR225+1 CSR226 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30514 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR226+1.p Internal: CSR227+1; File:CSR226+1 CSR227 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 31406 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR227+1.p Internal: CSR228+1; File:CSR227+1 CSR228 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 31444 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR228+1.p Internal: CSR229+1; File:CSR228+1 CSR229 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 31567 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR229+1.p Internal: CSR230+1; File:CSR229+1 CSR230 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 32292 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR230+1.p Internal: CSR231+1; File:CSR230+1 CSR231 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0382 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR231+1.p Internal: CSR232+1; File:CSR231+1 CSR232 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 1126 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR232+1.p Internal: CSR233+1; File:CSR232+1 CSR233 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0004 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR233+1.p Internal: CSR234+1; File:CSR233+1 CSR234 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0021 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR234+1.p Internal: CSR235+1; File:CSR234+1 CSR235 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0028 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR235+1.p Internal: CSR236+1; File:CSR235+1 CSR236 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0042 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR236+1.p Internal: CSR237+1; File:CSR236+1 CSR237 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0052 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR237+1.p Internal: CSR238+1; File:CSR237+1 CSR238 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0124 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR238+1.p Internal: CSR239+1; File:CSR238+1 CSR239 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0134 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR239+1.p Internal: CSR240+1; File:CSR239+1 CSR240 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0144 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR240+1.p Internal: CSR241+1; File:CSR240+1 CSR241 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0241 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR241+1.p Internal: CSR242+1; File:CSR241+1 CSR242 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0337 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR242+1.p Internal: CSR243+1; File:CSR242+1 CSR243 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0010 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR243+1.p Internal: CSR244+1; File:CSR243+1 CSR244 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0018 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR244+1.p Internal: CSR245+1; File:CSR244+1 CSR245 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0008 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR245+1.p Internal: CSR246+1; File:CSR245+1 CSR246 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0043 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR246+1.p Internal: CSR247+1; File:CSR246+1 CSR247 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0095 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR247+1.p Internal: CSR248+1; File:CSR247+1 CSR248 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0126 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR248+1.p Internal: CSR249+1; File:CSR248+1 CSR249 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0128 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR249+1.p Internal: CSR250+1; File:CSR249+1 CSR250 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0172 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR250+1.p Internal: CSR251+1; File:CSR250+1 CSR251 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0344 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR251+1.p Internal: CSR252+1; File:CSR251+1 CSR252 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0467 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR252+1.p Internal: CSR253+1; File:CSR252+1 CSR253 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0614 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR253+1.p Internal: CSR254+1; File:CSR253+1 CSR254 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0646 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR254+1.p Internal: CSR255+1; File:CSR254+1 CSR255 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0238 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR255+1.p Internal: CSR256+1; File:CSR255+1 CSR256 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0321 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR256+1.p Internal: CSR257+1; File:CSR256+1 CSR257 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0009 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR257+1.p Internal: CSR258+1; File:CSR257+1 CSR258 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0027 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR258+1.p Internal: CSR259+1; File:CSR258+1 CSR259 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0045 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR259+1.p Internal: CSR260+1; File:CSR259+1 CSR260 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0068 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR260+1.p Internal: CSR261+1; File:CSR260+1 CSR261 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Agent relation 0093 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR261+1.p Internal: CSR262+1; File:CSR261+1 CSR262 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10017 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR262+1.p Internal: CSR263+1; File:CSR262+1 CSR263 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10021 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR263+1.p Internal: CSR264+1; File:CSR263+1 CSR264 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10022 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR264+1.p Internal: CSR265+1; File:CSR264+1 CSR265 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10055 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR265+1.p Internal: CSR266+1; File:CSR265+1 CSR266 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 10071 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR266+1.p Internal: CSR267+1; File:CSR266+1 CSR267 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20005 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR267+1.p Internal: CSR268+1; File:CSR267+1 CSR268 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20018 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR268+1.p Internal: CSR269+1; File:CSR268+1 CSR269 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20028 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR269+1.p Internal: CSR270+1; File:CSR269+1 CSR270 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20054 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR270+1.p Internal: CSR271+1; File:CSR270+1 CSR271 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 20086 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR271+1.p Internal: CSR272+1; File:CSR271+1 CSR272 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30005 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR272+1.p Internal: CSR273+1; File:CSR272+1 CSR273 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30040 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR273+1.p Internal: CSR274+1; File:CSR273+1 CSR274 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30068 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR274+1.p Internal: CSR275+1; File:CSR274+1 CSR275 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30178 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR275+1.p Internal: CSR276+1; File:CSR275+1 CSR276 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antonym pattern 30389 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR276+1.p Internal: CSR277+1; File:CSR276+1 CSR277 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0030 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR277+1.p Internal: CSR278+1; File:CSR277+1 CSR278 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0121 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR278+1.p Internal: CSR279+1; File:CSR278+1 CSR279 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0204 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR279+1.p Internal: CSR280+1; File:CSR279+1 CSR280 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0265 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR280+1.p Internal: CSR281+1; File:CSR280+1 CSR281 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Common subclass event 0353 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR281+1.p Internal: CSR282+1; File:CSR281+1 CSR282 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equal event 0004 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR282+1.p Internal: CSR283+1; File:CSR282+1 CSR283 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equal event 0008 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR283+1.p Internal: CSR284+1; File:CSR283+1 CSR284 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equal event 0010 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR284+1.p Internal: CSR285+1; File:CSR284+1 CSR285 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equal event 0023 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR285+1.p Internal: CSR286+1; File:CSR285+1 CSR286 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equal event 0024 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR286+1.p Internal: CSR287+1; File:CSR286+1 CSR287 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0074 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR287+1.p Internal: CSR288+1; File:CSR287+1 CSR288 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0102 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR288+1.p Internal: CSR289+1; File:CSR288+1 CSR289 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0105 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR289+1.p Internal: CSR290+1; File:CSR289+1 CSR290 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0182 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR290+1.p Internal: CSR291+1; File:CSR290+1 CSR291 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Instrument relation 0188 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR291+1.p Internal: CSR292+1; File:CSR291+1 CSR292 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0016 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR292+1.p Internal: CSR293+1; File:CSR292+1 CSR293 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0021 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR293+1.p Internal: CSR294+1; File:CSR293+1 CSR294 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0060 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR294+1.p Internal: CSR295+1; File:CSR294+1 CSR295 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0079 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR295+1.p Internal: CSR296+1; File:CSR295+1 CSR296 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiple mapping 0092 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR296+1.p Internal: CSR297+1; File:CSR296+1 CSR297 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0017 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR297+1.p Internal: CSR298+1; File:CSR297+1 CSR298 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0108 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR298+1.p Internal: CSR299+1; File:CSR298+1 CSR299 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0223 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR299+1.p Internal: CSR300+1; File:CSR299+1 CSR300 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0226 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR300+1.p Internal: CSR301+1; File:CSR300+1 CSR301 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Result relation 0517 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR301+1.p Internal: CSR302+1; File:CSR301+1 CSR302 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0010 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR302+1.p Internal: CSR303+1; File:CSR302+1 CSR303 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0047 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR303+1.p Internal: CSR304+1; File:CSR303+1 CSR304 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0214 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR304+1.p Internal: CSR305+1; File:CSR304+1 CSR305 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0318 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR305+1.p Internal: CSR306+1; File:CSR305+1 CSR306 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subclass event 0350 ERROR: Internal name wrong in /home/tptp/TPTP/Problems/CSR/CSR306+1.p Internal: CSR307+1; File:CSR306+1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain DAT = Data Structures 332 problems (330 abstract), 0 CNF, 0 FOF, 114 TFF, 218 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAT001 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Recursive list sort DAT002 ( -0 +0 _1 ^1) Recursive list Fibonacci sort DAT003 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Element 3 is 33 DAT004 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Element 4 is 44 or 66 DAT005 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Element between 33 and 44 DAT006 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Some element is 33 DAT007 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Element between 30 and 40 DAT008 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) An element greater than its index DAT009 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every element greater than its index DAT010 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) All elements are less than 100 DAT011 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Compare elements 1 DAT012 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Compare elements 2 DAT013 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Compare elements 3 DAT014 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Compare elements 4 DAT015 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Some element is 50 DAT016 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Some element is 53 DAT017 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays with different elements DAT018 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Compare elements 5 DAT019 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 3 is in the colection DAT020 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 4 is not in the collection DAT021 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two elements is less than 9 DAT022 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Elements stay positive DAT023 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Removing 1 and 2 ensures elements are greater than 2 DAT024 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Without 0 or 1 all elements are greater or equal to 2 DAT025 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) With 0 and 1 removed all elements are greater or equal to 2 DAT026 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Replacing 2 by something larger keeps elements positive DAT027 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Replacing 2 by something positive keeps elements positive DAT028 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Comparing elements in two collections 1 DAT029 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Comparing elements in two collections 2 DAT030 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Comparing elements in two collections 3 DAT031 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Some element is betweeb 20 and 40 DAT032 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Removing one elements changes count by one DAT033 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Count changes are consistent with adding and removal DAT034 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding an element increases the count by at least one DAT035 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding an element greater than 0 - 1 DAT036 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding an element greater than 0 - 2 DAT037 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If 2 is the only element, there are not 5 elements DAT038 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If 2 and 3 are the only elements, there are not 5 elements DAT039 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If 2 and 3 are the only elements, then no elements are larger DAT040 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Only elements less than 3 or greater than 6 DAT041 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding an element makes list longer DAT042 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Some collection has 3 as an element DAT043 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Three different elements DAT044 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding a larger element to the collection 1 DAT045 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding a larger element to the collection 2 DAT046 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) The collection of 1 and 2 has size 2 DAT047 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding and removing 3 leaves size 1 DAT048 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Removing an non-existent element from collection of size 3 DAT049 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Removing what you've added does change the size DAT050 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Adding 0 to equal size results DAT051 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Even and odd numbered elements 1 DAT052 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Even and odd numbered elements 2 DAT053 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sublist of odd numbered elements DAT054 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Decreasing pointer list DAT055 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Boyer-Moore min-max problem DAT056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) List operation requiring induction DAT057 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) get-put on self DAT058 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Add nothing to an array DAT059 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) put is commutative DAT060 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) get-put on self lemma DAT061 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) get-put on self lemma DAT062 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Heap lengths DAT063 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Empty heap length DAT064 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Impossible heap DAT065 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Add an element to an empty heap DAT066 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Cannot select after end of tree-heap DAT067 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Add an element to a tree heap DAT068 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Can select from only within a tree-heap DAT069 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Can select from only within a tree-heap DAT070 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Select from only within a tree-heap DAT071 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 1 DAT072 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 2 DAT073 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 3 DAT074 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 4 DAT075 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 5 DAT076 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 6 DAT077 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 7 DAT078 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrays problem 8 DAT079 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 1 DAT080 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 2 DAT081 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 3 DAT082 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 4 DAT083 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 5 DAT084 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 6 DAT085 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 7 DAT086 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 8 DAT087 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 9 DAT088 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 10 DAT089 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 11 DAT090 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 12 DAT091 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 13 DAT092 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 14 DAT093 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 15 DAT094 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 16 DAT095 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 17 DAT097 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by functions problem 18 DAT098 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 1 DAT099 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 2 DAT100 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 3 DAT101 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 4 DAT102 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 5 DAT103 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 6 DAT104 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 7 DAT105 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 8 DAT106 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lists by relations problem 9 DAT107 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer arrays DAT108 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Integer collections with counting DAT109 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Pointer data types DAT110 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Array data types DAT111 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Heap data types DAT112 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Tree-heap data types DAT113 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 24 DAT114 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 349 DAT115 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 557 DAT117 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 761 DAT118 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 970 DAT119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 1279 DAT120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 1483 DAT121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 1690 DAT122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 1876 DAT123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 2041 DAT124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 2275 DAT125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 2490 DAT126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 2704 DAT127 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 2896 DAT128 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 3119 DAT129 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 3306 DAT130 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 3543 DAT131 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 3781 DAT132 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 3961 DAT133 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 4159 DAT134 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 4309 DAT135 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 4499 DAT136 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 4627 DAT137 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 4812 DAT138 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list 5031 DAT139 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list prefix 21 DAT140 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list prefix 36 DAT141 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list prefix 70 DAT142 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list prefix 88 DAT143 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive list prefix 109 DAT144 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 14 DAT145 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 82 DAT146 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 133 DAT147 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 192 DAT148 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 241 DAT149 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 295 DAT150 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 331 DAT151 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 392 DAT152 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 429 DAT153 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Coinductive stream 491 DAT154 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 35 DAT155 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 89 DAT156 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 122 DAT157 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 157 DAT158 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 184 DAT159 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 232 DAT160 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 260 DAT161 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 289 DAT162 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 305 DAT163 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hamming stream 337 DAT164 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 385 DAT165 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 651 DAT166 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1018 DAT167 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1213 DAT168 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1359 DAT169 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1448 DAT170 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1572 DAT171 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 1825 DAT172 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 2088 DAT173 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Huffman 2222 DAT174 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 73 DAT175 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 183 DAT176 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 283 DAT177 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 375 DAT178 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 507 DAT179 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 596 DAT180 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 676 DAT181 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 762 DAT182 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 857 DAT183 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 951 DAT184 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 1062 DAT185 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 1155 DAT186 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 1277 DAT187 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 1278 DAT188 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy lists II 1288 DAT189 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 23 DAT190 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 44 DAT191 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 58 DAT192 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 73 DAT193 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 79 DAT194 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 89 DAT195 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 104 DAT196 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 122 DAT197 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 137 DAT198 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Lazy list mirror 164 DAT199 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 19 DAT200 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 47 DAT201 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 70 DAT202 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 108 DAT203 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 132 DAT204 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 166 DAT205 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 194 DAT206 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 216 DAT207 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 243 DAT208 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Sorted list operations 293 DAT209 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 17 DAT210 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 65 DAT211 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 105 DAT212 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 136 DAT213 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 186 DAT214 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 231 DAT215 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 270 DAT216 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 312 DAT217 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 341 DAT218 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Splay tree analysis 380 DAT219 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Terminated lazy lists 54 DAT220 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 251 DAT221 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 340 DAT222 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 370 DAT223 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 459 DAT224 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Terminated lazy lists 605 DAT225 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 693 DAT226 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 793 DAT227 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 869 DAT228 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tllist 950 DAT229 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 26 DAT230 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 205 DAT231 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 312 DAT232 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 415 DAT233 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 585 DAT234 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 740 DAT235 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 858 DAT236 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 931 DAT237 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1025 DAT238 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1330 DAT239 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1450 DAT240 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1688 DAT241 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1921 DAT242 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 1926 DAT243 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Red-black trees 2056 DAT244 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 29 DAT245 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 108 DAT246 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 156 DAT247 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 202 DAT248 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 250 DAT249 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 301 DAT250 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 347 DAT251 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 443 DAT252 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 476 DAT253 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infinite streams (sequences/lists) 551 DAT254 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Data structure for translators from streams to streams 38 DAT255 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Data structure for translators from streams to streams 65 DAT256 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Data structure for translators from streams to streams 83 DAT257 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Data structure for translators from streams to streams 113 DAT258 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Data structure for translators from streams to streams 166 DAT259 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) HD DAT260 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) APPEND_ DAT261 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REVERSE_ DAT262 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LENGTH_ DAT263 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_ DAT264 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAST DAT265 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) BUTLAST_ DAT266 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REPLICATE_ DAT267 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NULL_ DAT268 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL_ DAT269 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EX_ DAT270 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITLIST_ DAT271 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MEM_ DAT272 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_DEF_ DAT273 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_ DAT274 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_ DAT275 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP2_DEF_ DAT276 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP2_ DAT277 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EL_ DAT278 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FILTER_ DAT279 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITLIST2_DEF_ DAT280 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITLIST2_ DAT281 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ZIP_DEF_ DAT282 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ZIP_ DAT283 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) PAIRWISE_ DAT284 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NOT_CONS_NIL DAT285 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAST_CLAUSES_ DAT286 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) APPEND_ASSOC DAT287 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) REVERSE_REVERSE DAT288 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) list_CASES DAT289 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_APPEND DAT290 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LENGTH_EQ_NIL DAT291 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_o DAT292 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL_IMP DAT293 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NOT_ALL DAT294 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL_T DAT295 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_MAP DAT296 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_AND_RIGHT DAT297 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITLIST_EXTRA DAT298 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) AND_ALL DAT299 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL_MEM DAT300 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EX_MAP DAT301 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FORALL_ALL DAT302 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MEM_MAP DAT303 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FILTER_MAP DAT304 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EX_MEM DAT305 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_SND_ZIP DAT306 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL_APPEND DAT307 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MEM_EXISTS_EL DAT308 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_MAP2 DAT309 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ALL2_ALL DAT310 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LENGTH_MAP2 DAT311 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INJECTIVE_MAP DAT312 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_ID DAT313 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) APPEND_BUTLAST_LAST DAT314 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LENGTH_TL DAT315 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EL_TL DAT316 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAST_EL DAT317 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) CONS_HD_TL DAT318 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MAP_REVERSE DAT319 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) APPEND_SING DAT320 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MEM_APPEND_DECOMPOSE DAT321 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MONO_ALL2 DAT322 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) set_of_list_ DAT323 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LIST_OF_SET_PROPERTIES DAT324 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LENGTH_LIST_OF_SET DAT325 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_SET_OF_LIST DAT326 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SET_OF_LIST_APPEND DAT327 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SET_OF_LIST_EQ_EMPTY DAT328 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LIST_OF_SET_SING DAT329 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) PVS TCC problem DAT330 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Assertion verification of simple set manipulation program DAT331 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Assertion verification of simple set manipulation operation DAT332 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Assertion verification of simple set manipulation program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain FLD = Fields 281 problems (101 abstract), 281 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLD001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transformation additive relation --> multiplicative relation FLD002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transformation multiplicative relation --> additive relation FLD003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of an additive term/inverse term - pair FLD004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of an multiplicative term/inverse term - pair FLD005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Every linear equation in the additive group has a solution FLD006 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In the additive group it holds: inverse(identity)=identity FLD007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The additive inverse fulfills the involution property FLD008 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of operation and inverse in the additive group FLD009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Linear equations in the multiplicative group have a solution FLD010 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) In the multiplicative group inverse(identity)=identity FLD011 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The multiplicative inverse fulfills the involution property FLD012 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of operation and inverse in multiplicative group FLD013 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) The resulting equation of the summation of two equations FLD014 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of additive inverses with the equality, part 1 FLD015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of additive inverses with the equality, part 2 FLD016 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Solutions of linear equations in the additive group are unique FLD017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Substitution of an element in additive equations FLD018 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If a is zero, the additive inverse of a is also zero FLD019 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If the additive inverse of a is zero, a itself is zero FLD020 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The additive identity is unique FLD021 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Every element equal to zero is an additive identity FLD022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a summation in an equation FLD023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side Change of a term in an equation, part 1 FLD024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side Change of a term in an equation, part 2 FLD025 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) The resulting equation of a multiplication of two equations FLD026 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of multiplicative inverses with equality FLD027 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of multiplicative inverses in an equation FLD028 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The solution of a multiplicative linear equation is unique FLD029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The solution of a multiplicative linear equation is unique FLD030 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of multiplication and equality relation FLD031 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If a is one, then the multiplicative inverse of a is also one FLD032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If the multiplicative inverse of a is one, then a is one itself FLD033 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The multiplicative identity is unique FLD034 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Every element equal one is a multiplicative identity FLD035 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a multiplication in an equation FLD036 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Only a multiplication by zero can make elements equal FLD037 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side change of a term in an equation by multiplication, part 1 FLD038 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side change of a term in an equation by multiplication, part 2 FLD039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In a field with two or more elements, 1 and 0 must be different FLD040 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) If a is not 0, then the multiplicative inverse of a is not 0 FLD041 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) If a,b are not 0, the the product of a and b is not 0 FLD043 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) The multiplication with 0 yields 0 FLD044 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of multiplication and additive inverses FLD045 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of multiplication and additive inverses FLD046 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of the additive and the multiplicative inverse FLD047 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 1 FLD048 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 2 FLD049 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 3 FLD050 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 4 FLD051 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 5 FLD052 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 6 FLD053 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 7 FLD054 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Fraction calculation, part 8 FLD055 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of order and equality relation FLD056 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Reflexivity of the order relation FLD057 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 0 is less than 1 FLD058 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If a greater 0 and b greater or equal a the b greater 0 FLD059 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) If a greater or equal 0, then 2a greater or equal 0 FLD060 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) If b greater or equal b, then 2b greater or equal 2a FLD061 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) The resulting inequality of a summation of two inequalities FLD062 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of the order relation and additive inverses FLD063 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of additive inverses in an order relation FLD064 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side change of a term in an order relation, part 1 FLD065 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Side change of a term in an order relation, part 2 FLD066 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a summation in an order relation FLD067 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Side change in an order relation, part 1 FLD068 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Side change of a term in an order relation, part 2 FLD069 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If b > 0 and a >= 0, then a + b not 0 FLD070 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided addition of two order relations FLD071 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided multiplication of two order relations, part 1 FLD072 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided multiplication of two order relations, part 2 FLD073 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided multiplication of two order relations, part 3 FLD074 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Two-sided multiplication in an order relation, part 1 FLD075 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Two-sided multiplication in an order relation, part 2 FLD076 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Two-sided multiplication in an order relation, part 3 FLD077 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a product in an order relation, part 1 FLD078 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Side change in an order relation, multiplicative part 1 FLD079 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Side change in an order relation, multiplicative part 2 FLD080 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) The square of an element is always greater or equal 0 FLD081 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Two-sided multiplication of two order relations FLD082 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of order and multiplicative inverses, part 1 FLD083 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of order and multiplicative inverses, part 2 FLD084 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of multiplicative inverses in an order, part 1 FLD085 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of multiplicative inverses in an order, part 2 FLD086 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of order and multiplicative inverses, part 1 FLD087 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a multiplicative inverse in an order, part 1 FLD088 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Compatibility of order and multiplicative inverses, part 2 FLD089 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Elimination of a multiplicative inverse in an order, part 2 FLD090 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A characterization of 1 with help of the order relation FLD091 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided Elimination of a multiplicative inverse, part 1 FLD092 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided Elimination of a multiplicative inverse, part 2 FLD093 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided Elimination of a multiplicative inverse, part 3 FLD094 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) One-sided Elimination of a multiplicative inverse, part 4 FLD095 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD096 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD097 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD098 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD099 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD100 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Difficult inequality FLD101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered field axioms (axiom formulation glxx) FLD102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered field axioms (axiom formulation re) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain GEG = Geography 24 problems (24 abstract), 0 CNF, 1 FOF, 5 TFF, 18 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEG001 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The AceWiki GEG002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Catalunya and Paris, and Spain and Paris, are disconnected GEG003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Bob knows Catalunya and Paris and Spain and Paris are disconnected GEG004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is it commonly known that places are disconnected? GEG005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Catalunya is not part of Paris GEG006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Catalunya is in Spain and Paris is in France GEG007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Catalunya is not Paris GEG008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If Catalunya is Paris then France is Spain GEG009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something about Paris and Spain GEG010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Catalunya and Paris are not in the same place GEG011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something about France, Spain, Paris, Catalunya GEG012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something about France, Spain, Paris, Catalunya GEG013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Unequal regions GEG014 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Two unequal regions in France GEG015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Two unequal regions in France GEG016 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Places in Spain and France do not overlap GEG018 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Some places are non-tangential proper parts GEG019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If Paris and Catalunya overlap, then so do Spain and France GEG020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A place that overlaps with Paris or Catalunya GEG021 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Estimate distance between cities (one step) GEG022 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Estimate distance between cities (two steps) GEG023 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Estimate distance between cities (three steps) GEG024 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Find sufficiently large and sufficiently close city (easy) GEG025 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Find sufficiently large and sufficiently close city (medium) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain GEO = Geometry 860 problems (538 abstract), 254 CNF, 521 FOF, 1 TFF, 84 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEO001 ( -4 +0 _1 ^0) Betweenness is symmetric in its outer arguments GEO002 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) For all points x and y, x is between x and y GEO003 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) For all points x and y, y is between x and y GEO004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Every line segment has a midpoint GEO005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Isosceles triangle based on line segment GEO006 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Betweenness for 3 points on a line GEO007 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Betweenness for 4 points on a line GEO008 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Betweenness for 5 points on a line (Five point theorem) GEO009 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) First inner connectivity property of betweenness GEO010 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Collinearity is invariant GEO011 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) The axiom set points are not collinear GEO012 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Collinearity for 4 points GEO013 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Collinearity for 5 points GEO014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinary reflexivity of equidistance GEO015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equidistance is symmetric between its argument pairs GEO016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equidistance is symmetric within its argument pairs GEO017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to symmetries of equidistance GEO018 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to symmetries of equidistance GEO019 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to symmetries of equidistance GEO020 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to symmetries of equidistance GEO021 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 5 to symmetries of equidistance GEO022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinary transitivity of equidistance GEO024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) All null segments are congruent GEO025 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Addition of equal segments GEO026 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Extension is unique GEO027 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to unique extension GEO028 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to unique extension GEO029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to unique extension GEO030 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the outer five-segment axiom GEO031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second inner five-segment theorem GEO032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equal difference between pairs of equal length line segments GEO033 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) First inner five-segment theorem GEO034 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the first inner five-segment theorem GEO035 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A null extension does not extend a line GEO036 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The 3 axiom set points are distinct GEO037 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A segment can be extended GEO038 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to the segment contruction axiom GEO039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary the identity axiom for betweenness GEO040 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Antisymmetry of betweenness in its first two arguments GEO041 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to antisymmetry of betweenness in first 2 arguments GEO042 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) First inner transitivity property of betweenness GEO043 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to first inner transitivity property of betweenness GEO044 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) First outer transitivity property for betweenness GEO045 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second outer transitivity property of betweenness GEO046 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second inner transitivity property of betweenness GEO047 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to second inner inner transitivity of betweenness GEO048 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Inner points of triangle GEO049 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Theorem of similar situations GEO050 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) First outer connectivity property of betweenness GEO051 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second outer connectivity property of betweenness GEO052 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second inner connectivity property of betweenness GEO053 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Unique endpoint GEO054 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to the segment construction axiom GEO055 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to the segment construction axiom GEO056 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to null extension GEO057 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 of null extension GEO058 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) U is the only fixed point of reflection(U,V) GEO059 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Congruence for double reflection GEO060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Reflection is an involution GEO061 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Theorem of point insertion GEO062 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Insertion identity GEO063 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Insertion respects congruence in its last two arguments GEO064 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to collinearity GEO065 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to collinearity GEO066 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to collinearity GEO067 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Any two points are collinear GEO068 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Theorem of similar situations for collinear U, V, W GEO069 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A property of collinearity GEO070 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Non-collinear points in the bisecting diagonal theorem GEO071 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to non-collinear points theorem GEO072 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to non-collinear points theorem GEO073 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) The diagonals of a non-degenerate rectancle bisect GEO074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove the Outer Pasch Axiom GEO075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show reflexivity for equidistance is dependent GEO076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) There is no point on every line GEO077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Three points not collinear if not on line GEO078 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Every plane contains 3 noncollinear points GEO079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The alternate interior angles in a trapezoid are equal GEO080 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Reflexivity of part_of GEO081 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Transitivity of part_of GEO082 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Antisymmetry of part_of GEO083 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum is monotone, part 1 GEO084 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum is monotone, part 2 GEO085 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every open curve has at least two endpoints GEO086 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every sub-curve of an open curve is open GEO087 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) If one curve is part of another curve then they cannot meet GEO088 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Endpoint of subcurve or curve GEO089 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Inner points of a sub-curve of a curve are inner points GEO090 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Meeting point of curves on a subcurve GEO091 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Two points determine subcurve GEO092 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Common point of open sum is the meeting point GEO093 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum of meeting open curves is open GEO094 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Meeting point is not an endpoint of contianing curve GEO095 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Endpoints of open sum are endpoints of curves GEO096 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Endpoints of curves are endpoints of sum GEO097 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A subcurves connects any two points on a curve GEO098 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) For closed curves, there are two complementary sub-curves GEO099 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Open subcurves can be complemented to form the sum GEO100 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Subcurves with common endpoint can be complemented GEO101 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Intensification of GEO100+1 GEO102 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Common endpoint of subcurves means inclusion GEO103 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Common endpoint of subcurves and another point means inclusion GEO104 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Subcurves with common endpoint meet or include GEO105 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) If subcurves meet at an endpoint then there's a meeting GEO106 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Two common endpoints means identical or sum to whole GEO107 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of betweenness definitions 1 and 2 GEO108 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of betweenness definitions 1 and 3 GEO109 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every endpoint of an open curve is not between any other points GEO110 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness for closed curves GEO111 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Basic property of orderings on linear structures 1 GEO112 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Basic property of orderings on linear structures 2 GEO113 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Basic property of orderings on linear structures 3 GEO114 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Basic property of orderings on linear structures 4 GEO115 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Basic property of orderings on linear structures 5 GEO116 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Open curve betweenness property for three points GEO117 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Precedence on oriented curves is irreflexive GEO118 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Precedence on oriented curves is asymmetric GEO119 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Oriented curve starting point is endpoint of underlying curve GEO120 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Oriented curve finishing point is endpoint of underlying curve GEO121 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Endpoints are either starting or finishing points GEO122 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every curve has a finishing point GEO123 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every oriented curve orders all points on it GEO124 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every oriented curve has at most one starting point GEO125 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every oriented curve has at most one finishing point GEO126 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every oriented curve orders some points GEO127 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Incidence on oriented curves can be defined using precedence GEO128 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Precedence of three points, of whoich two are ordered GEO129 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Precedence on an oriented curve is a transitive relation GEO130 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness and precedence for three points GEO131 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness and precedence for three points, corollary GEO132 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness and precedence property 1 GEO133 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness and precedence property 2 GEO134 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness and precedence property 3 GEO135 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Ordering can be determined by betweenness and incidence GEO136 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Underlying curve and one pair of points sufficient for ordering GEO137 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Identical oriented lines GEO138 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Curve and ordered points determine oriented curve GEO139 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Oppositely oriented curve exists GEO140 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unique oppositely oriented curve 1 GEO141 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unique oppositely oriented curve 2 GEO142 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unique oppositely oriented curve 3 GEO143 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unique oppositely oriented curve 4 GEO144 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unique oppositely oriented curve 5 GEO145 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Starting point and precedence GEO146 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Symmetry of connect GEO147 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Meeting is possible only if there is a common position GEO148 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) No meeting if someone has already passed GEO149 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Condition for meeting at two points GEO150 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Objects cannot be at two places simultaneously GEO151 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Object stays still while one moves GEO152 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Ordered meeting places GEO153 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Tarski geometry axioms GEO154 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Colinearity axioms for the GEO001 geometry axioms GEO155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Reflection axioms for the GEO002 geometry axioms GEO156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Insertion axioms for the GEO003 geometry axioms GEO157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hilbert geometry axioms GEO158 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Simple curve axioms GEO159 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness for simple curves GEO160 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Oriented curves GEO161 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Trajectories GEO162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hilbert geometry axioms, adapted to respect multi-sortedness GEO163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Not enough axioms to prove collinearity of a finite set of points GEO164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hessenberg's Theorem GEO165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Case 2 in Cronheim's proof of Hessenberg's Theorem GEO166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Case 1 in Cronheim's proof of Hessenberg's Theorem GEO167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Pappus1 implies Pappus2 GEO168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Pappus2 implies Pappus1 GEO169 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Reduction of 8 cases to 2 in Cronheim's proof of Hessenberg GEO170 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of constructed lines GEO171 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Two convergent lines are distinct GEO172 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of constructed points GEO173 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO174 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO175 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO176 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO177 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Symmetry of apartness GEO178 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO179 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO180 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Triangle axiom 1 GEO181 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Triangle axiom 2 GEO182 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Triangle axiom 3 GEO183 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO184 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO185 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO186 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO187 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Symmetry of incidence GEO188 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Collary to symmetry of incidence GEO189 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Collary to symmetry of incidence GEO190 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Collary to symmetry of incidence GEO191 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Symmetry of apartness GEO192 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on symmetry and apartness GEO193 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of apartness GEO194 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of apartness GEO195 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of apartness GEO196 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Symmetry of incidence GEO197 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of incidence GEO198 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of incidence GEO199 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to symmetry of incidence GEO200 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Line equals its converse GEO201 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Distinct ends means distinct lines GEO202 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Diverging lines have equal ends GEO203 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Equal lines from points GEO204 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Distinct points and equal lines GEO205 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Convergent lines and equal points GEO206 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Point on parallel lines GEO207 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Irreflexivity of line convergence GEO208 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Point on both parallel lines GEO209 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Pont and three parallel lines GEO210 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of orthogonality GEO211 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) A line is not orthogonal to itself GEO212 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Non-orthogonal lines and a third line GEO213 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to non-orthogonal lines and a third line GEO214 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to non-orthogonal lines and a third line GEO215 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Third line not orthogonal to two convergent lines GEO216 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) A line is not orthogonal to itself GEO217 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Transitivity of parallel GEO218 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Transitivity of parallel and orthogonal GEO219 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Transitivity of orthogonal and parallel GEO220 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Transitivity of orthogonal GEO221 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Lemma on orthogonality GEO222 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Parallel to orthogonal to orthogonal GEO223 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Corollary to uniqueness of parallels GEO224 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Find point incident to line GEO225 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Existence of line joining distinct points GEO226 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Existence of point incident to line GEO227 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lines not directed and opposite GEO228 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Obervability of equal or opposite direction GEO229 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of reversed lines GEO230 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Reversed lines are equal and conversely directed GEO231 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Oppositely and equally directed lines GEO232 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A line is not oppositely directed to itself GEO233 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Reverse is idempotent for direction GEO234 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Unequally directed lines GEO235 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Left and right apart leads to distinctness of points GEO236 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Left and right apart leads to distinctness of lines GEO237 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Axiom of Pasch GEO238 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Strengthened axiom of Pasch GEO239 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma on oriented intersection of lines with plane GEO240 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma on oriented intersection of lines with plane GEO241 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma on oriented intersection of lines with plane GEO242 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma on oriented intersection of lines with plane GEO243 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Configurations in terms of apartness GEO244 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Configurations in terms of apartness GEO245 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Configurations in terms of apartness GEO246 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Configurations in terms of apartness GEO247 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A point in each region formed by intersecting lines GEO248 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A point in each region formed by parallel lines GEO249 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A point in each region formed by parallel lines GEO250 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A point in each region formed by parallel lines GEO251 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) A point in each region formed by parallel lines GEO252 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Jordan-type result for half planes GEO253 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Characteristic property of parallel lines GEO254 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Order on a line is observable GEO255 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Property of order and betweeness GEO256 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Property of order and betweeness GEO257 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Transitivity of order on a line GEO258 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Betweeness GEO259 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Betweeness GEO260 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Betweeness GEO261 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma for parallel projection preserves or reverses order GEO262 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Lemma for parallel projection preserves or reverses order GEO263 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Parallel projection preserves or reverses order GEO264 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Traingle divides plane into seven regions GEO265 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equally directed opposite and reversed lines GEO266 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Symmetry of unequally directed opposite lines GEO267 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Possible unequally directed opposite lines GEO268 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of unequally directed opposite and reversed lines GEO269 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equally directed opposite reveresed lines GEO270 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 208-qe(208) GEO271 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(211)-qu(theu(the(211),1),imp(the(211))) GEO272 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(212)-qu(theu(the(212),1),imp(the(212))) GEO273 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 222-qe(222) GEO274 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(227)-qu(theu(the(227),1),imp(the(227))) GEO275 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(228)-qu(theu(the(228),1),imp(the(228))) GEO276 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 229-qe(229) GEO277 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(230)-qu(theu(the(230),1),imp(the(230))) GEO278 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(231)-qu(theu(the(231),1),imp(the(231))) GEO279 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 232-qe(232) GEO280 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) neg(247)-neg(neg(247)) GEO281 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 248-qe(248) GEO282 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) neg(254)-neg(neg(254)) GEO283 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 255-qe(255) GEO284 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 259-qe(259) GEO285 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) neg(260)-neg(neg(260)) GEO286 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 261-qe(261) GEO287 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(266)-holds(conjunct1(266),1175,0) GEO288 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(conjunct2(266))-holds(conjunct1(conjunct2(266)),1176,0) GEO289 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(conjunct2(266))-holds(conjunct2(conjunct2(266)),1177,0) GEO290 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 276-dis(276) GEO291 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) case_distinction(conseq(296))-dis(case_distinction(conseq(296))) GEO292 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 299-holds(299,1238,0) GEO293 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 302-holds(302,1241,0) GEO294 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 303-pred(303,0) GEO295 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 307-holds(307,1243,0) GEO296 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 310-holds(310,1246,0) GEO297 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 312-cont(312,0) GEO298 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 321-dis(321) GEO299 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 324-holds(324,1255,0) GEO300 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 331-holds(331,1260,0) GEO301 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(338)-holds(conjunct1(338),1268,0) GEO302 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(conjunct2(338))-holds(conjunct1(conjunct2(338)),1269,0) GEO303 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(conjunct2(338))-holds(conjunct2(conjunct2(338)),1270,0) GEO304 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(343)-holds(conjunct2(343),1286,0) GEO305 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(349)-pred(conjunct2(349),0) GEO306 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 352-qe(352) GEO307 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 357-holds(357,1316,0) GEO308 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 358-holds(358,1317,0) GEO309 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(359)-holds(conjunct1(359),1318,0) GEO310 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(conjunct2(359))-holds(conjunct1(conjunct2(359)),1319,0) GEO311 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(conjunct2(359))-holds(conjunct2(conjunct2(359)),1320,0) GEO312 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(360)-holds(conjunct2(360),1322,0) GEO313 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 361-holds(361,1323,0) GEO314 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(362)-holds(conjunct1(362),1324,0) GEO315 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(362)-holds(conjunct2(362),1325,0) GEO316 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 363-holds(363,1326,0) GEO317 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 364-holds(364,1327,0) GEO318 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 367-qe(367) GEO319 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conj1(conj2(conj2(368)))-holds(conj1(conj2(conj2(368))),1333,0) GEO320 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 373-holds(373,1341,0) GEO321 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 374-holds(374,1342,0) GEO322 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(375)-holds(conjunct1(375),1343,0) GEO323 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(conjunct2(375))-holds(conjunct1(conjunct2(375)),1344,0) GEO324 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(conjunct2(375))-holds(conjunct2(conjunct2(375)),1345,0) GEO325 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(376)-holds(conjunct2(376),1346,0) GEO326 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 377-holds(377,1347,0) GEO327 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct1(378)-holds(conjunct1(378),1348,0) GEO328 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(378)-holds(conjunct2(378),1349,0) GEO329 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 379-holds(379,1350,0) GEO330 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 380-holds(380,1351,0) GEO331 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 384-holds(384,1360,0) GEO332 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 390-qe(390) GEO333 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(391)-holds(conjunct2(391),1375,0) GEO334 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 392-holds(392,1376,0) GEO335 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 393-cont(393,0) GEO336 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 396-qe(396) GEO337 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conjunct2(397)-holds(conjunct2(397),1382,0) GEO338 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 398-holds(398,1383,0) GEO339 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 399-cont(399,0) GEO340 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) neg(403)-neg(neg(403)) GEO341 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 407-holds(407,1414,0) GEO342 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(408)-qe(thee(the(408),1)) GEO343 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(408)-qu(theu(the(408),1),imp(the(408))) GEO344 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) the(409)-qu(theu(the(409),1),imp(the(409))) GEO345 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 410-holds(410,1421,0) GEO346 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 411-holds(411,1422,0) GEO347 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 412-cont(412,0) GEO348 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 416-holds(416,1440,0) GEO349 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conseq_conjunct2(421)-holds(conseq_conjunct2(421),1473,0) GEO350 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conseq_conjunct1(422)-holds(conseq_conjunct1(422),1474,0) GEO351 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conseq_conjunct2(423)-holds(conseq_conjunct2(423),1480,0) GEO352 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Tarski geometry axioms GEO353 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Apartness geometry GEO354 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordered affine geometry GEO355 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordered affine geometry with definitions GEO356 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CB1E024 GEO357 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CBAE019 GEO358 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CBAP177 GEO359 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CBAR091 GEO360 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CR1P232 GEO361 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CRAE057 GEO362 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CRAR098 GEO363 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CW1E263 GEO364 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CW1E302 GEO365 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CWAE168 GEO366 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CWAR065 GEO367 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CWAR085 GEO368 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CY1E217 GEO369 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CY1R114 GEO370 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CYAE146 GEO371 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CYAE180 GEO372 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Blue Book, Problem 08CB2E017 GEO373 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Red Book, Problem 08CR2E050 GEO374 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B White Book, Problem 08CW2E130 GEO375 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Yellow Book, Problem 08CY2E151 GEO376 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 3 GEO377 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 4 GEO378 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 5 GEO379 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 6 GEO380 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1960, Problem 5 GEO381 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1960, Problem 6 GEO382 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1960, Problem 7 GEO383 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1961, Problem 3 GEO384 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1961, Problem 6 GEO385 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1962, Problem 3 GEO386 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1962, Problem 4 GEO387 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1962, Problem 6 GEO388 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1962, Problem 7 GEO389 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1963, Problem 2 GEO390 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1965, Problem 1 GEO391 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1965, Problem 3 GEO392 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1965, Problem 5 GEO393 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1966, Problem 3 GEO394 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1967, Problem 1 GEO395 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1968, Problem 1 GEO396 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1968, Problem 4 GEO397 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1969, Problem 3 GEO398 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1969, Problem 4 GEO399 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1972, Problem 6 GEO400 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1976, Problem 1 GEO401 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1977, Problem 1 GEO402 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1977, Problem 4 GEO403 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1978, Problem 2 GEO404 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1979, Problem 4 GEO405 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1982, Problem 2 GEO406 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1982, Problem 5 GEO407 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1983, Problem 2 GEO408 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1983, Problem 4 GEO409 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1985, Problem 1 GEO410 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1986, Problem 2 GEO411 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1987, Problem 2 GEO412 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1989, Problem 4 GEO413 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1990, Problem 1 GEO414 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1992, Problem 4 GEO415 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1993, Problem 2 GEO416 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1995, Problem 5 GEO417 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1996, Problem 5 GEO418 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1999, Problem 1 GEO419 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1999, Problem 5 GEO420 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2000, Problem 1 GEO421 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2003, Problem 3 GEO422 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2005, Problem 5 GEO423 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2006, Problem 1 GEO424 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2006, Problem 6 GEO425 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2009, Problem 2 GEO426 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2009, Problem 4 GEO427 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2010, Problem 2 GEO428 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2010, Problem 4 GEO429 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2013, Problem 4 GEO430 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 2011, Humanities Course, Problem 3 GEO431 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 2007, Science Course, Problem 4 GEO432 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2009, Humanities Course, Problem 1 GEO433 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2013, Humanities Course, Problem 2 GEO434 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2007, Humanities Course, Problem 3 GEO435 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1989, Humanities Course, Problem 1 GEO436 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1991, Humanities Course, Problem 4 GEO437 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2011, Science Course, Problem 4 GEO438 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2013, Humanities Course, Problem 3 GEO439 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2014, Science Course, Problem 6 GEO440 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO441 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO442 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO443 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO444 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO445 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO446 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO447 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO448 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO449 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO450 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO451 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO452 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO453 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO454 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO455 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO456 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO457 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO458 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO459 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO460 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO461 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO462 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO463 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO464 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO465 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO466 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO467 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO468 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO469 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO470 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO471 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO472 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO473 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO474 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO475 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO476 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO477 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO478 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO479 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO480 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO481 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO482 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO483 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO484 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO485 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO486 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO487 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO488 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO489 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Flyspeck project step GEO490 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inner 5-segment theorem GEO491 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simple theorem on congruence and betweenness GEO492 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simple theorem on congruence and betweenness GEO493 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Connectivity of betweenness; inequality of segments, left to right GEO494 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitivity of less-equals GEO495 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Theorem about less-equal GEO496 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of a and b being on the same side of point p GEO497 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of a and b being on the same side of point p GEO498 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Midpoint of the base of an isosceles triangle GEO499 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Betweenness preserves reflection GEO500 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Midpoint of the base of an isosceles triangle GEO501 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Diagonals bisect GEO502 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Krippenlemma GEO503 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Base of isosceles triangle has a midpoint GEO504 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right angle abc implies rightangle cba GEO505 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Left to right of right angle theorem GEO506 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right to left of right angle theorem GEO507 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Perpendicular lines are distinct, part a GEO508 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right angles and midpoints GEO509 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Every segment has a midpoint, case b GEO510 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Segment with midpoint, case a GEO511 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Segment with midpoint GEO512 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) External perpendicular GEO513 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) External same side GEO514 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) External same side GEO515 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Opposite-side ray theorem, case a GEO516 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Case r=s of sides of a line theorem GEO517 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma 9.4 part 1 GEO518 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inner Pasch implies outer Pasch GEO519 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitivity of samesideline GEO520 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitivity of samesideline, lemma g GEO521 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitivity of samesideline, lemma f case 1 GEO522 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Existence of reflection in line GEO523 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) reflect(a,b,p)=q implies reflect(a,b,q)=p GEO524 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Reflection in line(a,b) is one-to-one GEO525 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right triangle theorem (Euclid 4) GEO526 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Congruent legs have congruent hypotenuses GEO527 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two right triangles with congruent legs have congruent hypotenuses GEO528 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Points on opposite sides of a line GEO529 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Triangle construction GEO530 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Angle congruence theorem GEO531 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Congruence and comparison of angles GEO532 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Congruence and comparison of angles GEO533 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Congruence and comparison of angles GEO534 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Angle transport (uniqueness) GEO535 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) First half of SAS congruence theorem (opposite sides congruent) GEO536 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Second half of SAS congruence theorem (opposite sides congruent) GEO537 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Parallel lines and points GEO538 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hilbert’s parallel axiom, case 2 GEO539 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hilbert’s parallel axiom, case 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain GRA = Graph Theory 127 problems (75 abstract), 1 CNF, 33 FOF, 0 TFF, 93 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRA001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Clauses from a labelled graph GRA002 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Parts of paths GRA004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA005 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA006 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA007 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA008 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA009 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA010 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Maximal shortest path length in terms of triangles GRA013 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 5 without subgraph of size 3 GRA014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 6 without subgraph of size 3 GRA015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 11 without subgraph of size 4 GRA016 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 12 without subgraph of size 4 GRA017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 13 without subgraph of size 4 GRA018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 17 without subgraph of size 4 GRA019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 18 without subgraph of size 4 GRA020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 11 without subgraph of size 5 GRA021 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 12 without subgraph of size 5 GRA022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 13 without subgraph of size 5 GRA023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 16 without subgraph of size 5 GRA024 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 11 without subgraph of size 6 GRA025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 14 without subgraph of size 6 GRA026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2-colored completed graph size 20 without subgraph of size 6 GRA027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) R(3,3) > 4 GRA028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) R(2,4) <= 4 GRA029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,4) > 16 GRA030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) R(2,5) > 4 GRA031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(3,5) <= 16 GRA032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(3,6) > 16 GRA033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,6) <= 256 GRA034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,7) > 256 GRA035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,7) <= 256 GRA036 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,7) > 256 GRA037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,7) <= 256 GRA038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,8) <= 256 GRA039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,8) > 256 GRA040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,8) <= 256 GRA041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,8) > 256 GRA042 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,8) <= 256 GRA043 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(8,8) > 256 GRA044 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,9) > 256 GRA045 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,9) <= 256 GRA046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,9) > 256 GRA047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,9) <= 256 GRA048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,9) > 256 GRA049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,9) <= 256 GRA050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,10) > 256 GRA051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,10) <= 256 GRA052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,10) > 256 GRA053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,10) <= 256 GRA054 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(7,10) > 256 GRA055 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,11) > 256 GRA056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,11) <= 256 GRA057 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,11) > 256 GRA058 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,11) <= 256 GRA059 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,12) <= 256 GRA060 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,12) > 256 GRA061 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,12) <= 256 GRA062 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(6,12) > 256 GRA063 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,13) > 256 GRA064 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,13) <= 256 GRA065 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,13) > 256 GRA066 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,13) <= 256 GRA067 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,14) > 256 GRA068 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,14) <= 256 GRA069 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,14) > 256 GRA070 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,14) <= 256 GRA071 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(3,15) <= 256 GRA072 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,15) > 256 GRA073 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(4,15) <= 256 GRA074 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) R(5,15) > 256 GRA075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Directed graphs and paths ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain GRP = Groups 1094 problems (781 abstract), 891 CNF, 202 FOF, 0 TFF, 1 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRP001 ( -5 +1 _0 ^1) X^2 = identity => commutativity GRP002 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) Commutator equals identity in groups of order 3 GRP003 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The left identity is also a right identity GRP004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Left inverse and identity => Right inverse exists GRP005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity is in this subset of a group GRP006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse is in this group GRP007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The identity element is unique GRP008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Unknown meaning GRP009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The left inverse of an element is unique GRP010 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse is a symmetric relationship GRP011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left cancellation GRP012 ( -4 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse of products = Product of inverses GRP013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutator equals identity in these conditions GRP014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Product is associative in this group theory GRP015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) x,< x,X> is a group GRP016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) There is a homomorphism from a group to itself GRP017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The inverse of each element is unique GRP018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) X times identity is X GRP019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity times X is X GRP020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of X times X is the identity GRP021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) X times inverse of X is the identity GRP022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse is an involution GRP023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The inverse of the identity is the identity GRP024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Associativity of commutator GRP025 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) All groups of order 2 are isomorphic GRP026 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) All groups of order 3 are isomorphic GRP027 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) All groups of order 5 are cyclic GRP028 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, left and right solutions => right id exists GRP029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, left id and inverse => right id exists GRP030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, left id and inverse => left id=right id GRP031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, left inverse and id => right inverse exists GRP032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, there is an identity GRP033 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, the identity is the group identity GRP034 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, inverse is closed GRP035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, product is closed GRP036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, the identity element is unique GRP037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, the inverse of an element is unique GRP038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups, if a and b are members, then a.b^-1 is a member GRP039 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Subgroups of index 2 are normal GRP040 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) In subgroups of order 2, inverse is an involution GRP041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Reflexivity is dependent GRP042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetry is dependent GRP043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitivity is dependent GRP044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Product subsitution 1 is dependent GRP045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Product subsitution 2 is dependent GRP046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Multiply substitution 1 is dependent GRP047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Multiply substitution 2 is dependent GRP048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse substitution is dependent GRP049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP062 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP063 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division GRP064 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division GRP065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division GRP066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and identity GRP067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and identity GRP068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and identity GRP069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and identity GRP070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and inverse GRP071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and inverse GRP072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and inverse GRP073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and inverse GRP074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in division and inverse GRP075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP080 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and identity GRP081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse GRP082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse GRP083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse GRP084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse GRP085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse GRP086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse GRP087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse GRP088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division GRP089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division GRP090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division GRP091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division GRP092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division GRP093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity GRP094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity GRP095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity GRP096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse GRP097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse GRP098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse GRP099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id GRP100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id GRP101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id GRP102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id GRP103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id GRP104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP109 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP110 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP111 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv GRP112 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP113 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma for proving all groups of order 4 are cyclic GRP114 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Product of positive and negative parts of X equals X GRP115 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive order 3 from a single axiom for groups order 3 GRP116 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive left identity from a single axiom for groups order 3 GRP117 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive right identity from a single axiom for groups order 3 GRP118 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive associativity from a single axiom for groups order 3 GRP119 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive order 4 from a single axiom for groups order 4 GRP120 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive left identity from a single axiom for groups order 4 GRP121 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive right identity from a single axiom for groups order 4 GRP122 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Derive associativity from a single axiom for groups order 4 GRP123 (-16 +0 _0 ^0) (3,2,1) conjugate orthogonality GRP124 (-16 +0 _0 ^0) (3,1,2) conjugate orthogonality GRP125 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) (a.b).(b.a) = a GRP126 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) (a.b).(b.a) = b GRP127 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) ((b.a).b).b) = a GRP128 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) (a.b).b = a.(a.b) GRP129 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) a.(b.a) = (b.a).b GRP130 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) (a.(a.b)).b = a GRP131 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) (3,2,1) conjugate orthogonality, no idempotence GRP132 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) (3,1,2) conjugate orthogonality, no idempotence GRP133 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) (a.b).(b.a) = a, no idempotence GRP134 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) (a.b).(b.a) = b, no idempotence GRP135 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) ((b.a).b).b) = a, no idempotence GRP136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove anti-symmetry axiom using the LUB transformation GRP137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove anti-symmetry axiom using the GLB transformation GRP138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using a transformation GRP141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using a transformation GRP142 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP143 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP144 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove greatest lower-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP146 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP148 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using a transformation GRP149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using a transformation GRP150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the LUB transformation GRP153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove least upper-bound axiom using the GLB transformation GRP154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using the LUB transformation GRP155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using the GLB transformation GRP156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using a transformation GRP157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using the LUB transformation GRP158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using the GLB transformation GRP159 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove monotonicity axiom using a transformation GRP160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove reflexivity axiom using the LUB transformation GRP161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove reflexivity axiom using the GLB transformation GRP162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove transitivity axiom using the LUB transformation GRP163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove transitivity axiom using the GLB transformation GRP164 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The lattice of each LOG is distributive GRP165 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) An application of monotonicity GRP166 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Multiplication with a positive element increases a value GRP167 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) Product of positive and negative parts GRP168 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Inner group automorphisms are order preserving GRP169 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Inverses reverse inequalities GRP170 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) General form of monotonicity GRP171 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Positive elements form a semigroup GRP172 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Negative elements form a semigroup GRP173 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Each subgroup of negative elements is trivial GRP174 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Each subgroup of positive elements is trivial GRP175 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Positivity is preserved under inner automorphisms GRP176 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) General form of distributivity GRP177 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A consequence of monotonicity GRP178 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A consequence of monotonicity GRP179 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) For converting between GLB and LUB GRP180 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Consequence of converting between GLB and LUB GRP181 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Distributivity of a lattice GRP182 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Positive part of the negative part is identity GRP183 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Orthogonal elements form a subgroup with orthogonal parts GRP184 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Orthogonal elements commute and form a subgroup GRP185 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Application of monotonicity and distributivity GRP186 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Application of distributivity and group theory GRP187 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Orthogonal elements commute GRP188 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Consequence of lattice theory GRP189 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Consequence of lattice theory GRP190 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Something useful for estimations GRP191 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Something useful for estimations GRP192 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Even elements implies trivial group GRP193 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A combination of distributivity and monotonicity GRP194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) In semigroups, a surjective homomorphism maps the zero GRP195 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, xyy=yyx -> (uv)^4 = u^4v^4. GRP196 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In semigroups, xyyy=yyyx -> (uy)^9 = u^9v^9. GRP197 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In cancellative semigroups, xxxyy=yxxyx -> bbaaa = abaab. GRP198 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In cancellative semigroups, xyyyxy=yyyyxx -> babbba=aabbbb. GRP199 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Nilpotent CS satisfy the quotient condition. GRP200 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Loops, Moufang-1 => Moufang-2. GRP201 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Loops, Moufang-2 => Moufang-3. GRP202 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Loops, Moufang-3 => Moufang-1. GRP203 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left identity, left inverse, Moufang-3 => Moufang-2 GRP204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A non-basis for Moufang loops. GRP205 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Loops, Moufang-3 => Moufang-4. GRP206 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Loops, Moufang-4 => Moufang-1. GRP207 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single non-axiom for group theory, in product & inverse GRP208 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00335 GRP209 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00336 GRP210 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00348 GRP211 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00349 GRP212 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00360 GRP213 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00385 GRP214 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00387 GRP215 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00396 GRP216 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00407 GRP217 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00443 GRP218 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00446 GRP219 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00448 GRP220 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00450 GRP221 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00451 GRP222 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00453 GRP223 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00456 GRP224 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00457 GRP225 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00459 GRP226 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00460 GRP227 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00461 GRP228 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00462 GRP229 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00463 GRP230 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00466 GRP231 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00478 GRP232 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00512 GRP233 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00536 GRP234 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00574 GRP235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00597 GRP236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00602 GRP237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00605 GRP238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00606 GRP239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00607 GRP240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00638 GRP241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00639 GRP242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00702 GRP243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00712 GRP244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00713 GRP245 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00714 GRP246 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00715 GRP247 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00716 GRP248 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00717 GRP249 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00718 GRP250 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00719 GRP251 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00720 GRP252 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00721 GRP253 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00722 GRP254 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00723 GRP255 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00747 GRP256 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00799 GRP257 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00800 GRP258 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00802 GRP259 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00839 GRP260 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00925 GRP261 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00926 GRP262 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 00951 GRP263 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01004 GRP264 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01099 GRP265 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01100 GRP266 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01104 GRP267 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01105 GRP268 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01106 GRP269 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01109 GRP270 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01179 GRP271 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01316 GRP272 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01392 GRP273 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01542 GRP274 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01608 GRP275 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01744 GRP276 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01746 GRP277 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 01755 GRP278 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02518 GRP279 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02737 GRP280 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02916 GRP281 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02922 GRP282 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02924 GRP283 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02941 GRP284 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 02999 GRP285 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03055 GRP286 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03163 GRP287 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03165 GRP288 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03168 GRP289 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03169 GRP290 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03227 GRP291 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03387 GRP292 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03445 GRP293 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03543 GRP294 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03545 GRP295 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03549 GRP296 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03605 GRP297 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03730 GRP298 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03742 GRP299 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03746 GRP300 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03748 GRP301 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 03786 GRP302 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 04549 GRP303 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 04703 GRP304 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 05204 GRP305 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 05617 GRP306 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17237 GRP307 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17387 GRP308 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17388 GRP309 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17391 GRP310 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17399 GRP311 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 17454 GRP312 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18125 GRP313 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18127 GRP314 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18186 GRP315 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18383 GRP316 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18432 GRP317 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18541 GRP318 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18617 GRP319 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18618 GRP320 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18620 GRP321 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18621 GRP322 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18627 GRP323 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18628 GRP324 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18630 GRP325 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18669 GRP326 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18694 GRP327 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18695 GRP328 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18700 GRP329 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18789 GRP330 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18793 GRP331 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 18987 GRP332 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19000 GRP333 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19058 GRP334 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19095 GRP335 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19295 GRP336 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19511 GRP337 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19514 GRP338 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19518 GRP339 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19533 GRP340 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19567 GRP341 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19569 GRP342 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19583 GRP343 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19584 GRP344 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19587 GRP345 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19603 GRP346 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19604 GRP347 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19607 GRP348 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19633 GRP349 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 19761 GRP350 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22551 GRP351 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22711 GRP352 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22712 GRP353 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22878 GRP354 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22891 GRP355 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22926 GRP356 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 22946 GRP357 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23345 GRP358 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23528 GRP359 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23534 GRP360 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23564 GRP361 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23574 GRP362 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 23870 GRP363 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 24611 GRP364 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27037 GRP365 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27038 GRP366 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27075 GRP367 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27078 GRP368 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27097 GRP369 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27187 GRP370 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27192 GRP371 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27194 GRP372 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27631 GRP373 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27856 GRP374 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 27861 GRP375 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 28530 GRP376 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 28643 GRP377 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 28737 GRP378 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 30775 GRP379 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 35362 GRP380 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 35444 GRP381 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 35657 GRP382 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37018 GRP383 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37052 GRP384 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37124 GRP385 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37357 GRP386 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37389 GRP387 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 37390 GRP388 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 40940 GRP389 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 45739 GRP390 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 45740 GRP391 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An identity generated by HR, number 45750 GRP392 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monoid axioms GRP393 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Semigroup axioms GRP394 ( -3 +1 _0 ^0) Group theory (equality) axioms GRP395 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Group theory (Named groups) axioms GRP396 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Group theory (Named Semigroups) axioms GRP397 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cancellative semigroups axioms GRP398 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Subgroup axioms for the GRP003 group theory axioms GRP399 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice ordered group (equality) axioms GRP400 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove associativity implies distribution in cancellative semigroup GRP401 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove distributivity implies nilpotent in cancellative semigroup GRP402 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove nilpotent implies associativity in cancellative semigroup GRP403 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP404 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP405 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP406 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP407 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP408 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP409 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP410 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP411 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP412 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP413 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP414 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP415 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP416 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP417 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP418 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP419 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP420 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP421 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP422 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP423 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP424 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP425 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP426 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP427 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP428 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP429 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP430 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP431 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP432 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP433 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP434 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP435 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP436 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP437 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP438 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP439 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP440 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP441 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP442 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 1 GRP443 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 2 GRP444 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in product & inverse, part 3 GRP445 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 1 GRP446 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 2 GRP447 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 3 GRP448 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 1 GRP449 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 2 GRP450 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 3 GRP451 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 1 GRP452 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 2 GRP453 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division, part 3 GRP454 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP455 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP456 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP457 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP458 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP459 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP460 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP461 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP462 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP463 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP464 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP465 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP466 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP467 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP468 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP469 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP470 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP471 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP472 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP473 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP474 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP475 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP476 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP477 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP478 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP479 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP480 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP481 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP482 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP483 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP484 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP485 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP486 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP487 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP488 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP489 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP490 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP491 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP492 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP493 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP494 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP495 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP496 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 1 GRP497 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 2 GRP498 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and identity, part 3 GRP499 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 1 GRP500 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 2 GRP501 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 3 GRP502 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 1 GRP503 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 2 GRP504 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for group theory, in double division and inverse, part 3 GRP505 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 1 GRP506 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 2 GRP507 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 3 GRP508 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 4 GRP509 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 1 GRP510 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 2 GRP511 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 3 GRP512 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 4 GRP513 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 1 GRP514 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 2 GRP515 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 3 GRP516 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 4 GRP517 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 1 GRP518 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 2 GRP519 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 3 GRP520 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in product and inverse, part 4 GRP521 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 1 GRP522 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 2 GRP523 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 3 GRP524 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 4 GRP525 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 1 GRP526 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 2 GRP527 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 3 GRP528 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 4 GRP529 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 1 GRP530 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 2 GRP531 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 3 GRP532 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 4 GRP533 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 1 GRP534 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 2 GRP535 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 3 GRP536 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 4 GRP537 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 1 GRP538 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 2 GRP539 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 3 GRP540 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division, part 4 GRP541 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP542 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP543 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP544 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 4 GRP545 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP546 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP547 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP548 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 4 GRP549 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 1 GRP550 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 2 GRP551 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 3 GRP552 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and identity, part 4 GRP553 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP554 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP555 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP556 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 4 GRP557 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP558 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP559 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP560 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 4 GRP561 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 1 GRP562 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 2 GRP563 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 3 GRP564 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in division and inverse, part 4 GRP565 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 1 GRP566 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 2 GRP567 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 3 GRP568 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 4 GRP569 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 1 GRP570 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 2 GRP571 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 3 GRP572 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 4 GRP573 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 1 GRP574 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 2 GRP575 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 3 GRP576 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 4 GRP577 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 1 GRP578 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 2 GRP579 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 3 GRP580 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 4 GRP581 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 1 GRP582 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 2 GRP583 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 3 GRP584 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and id, part 4 GRP585 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP586 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP587 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP588 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP589 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP590 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP591 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP592 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP593 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP594 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP595 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP596 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP597 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP598 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP599 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP600 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP601 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP602 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP603 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP604 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP605 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP606 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP607 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP608 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP609 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP610 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP611 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP612 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP613 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 1 GRP614 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 2 GRP615 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 3 GRP616 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for Abelian group theory, in double div and inv, part 4 GRP617 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PQEx lemma GRP618 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T01 GRP619 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T03 GRP620 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T07 GRP621 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T08 GRP622 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T12 GRP623 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T14 GRP624 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T15 GRP625 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T16 GRP626 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T17 GRP627 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T18 GRP628 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T22 GRP629 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T26 GRP630 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T28 GRP631 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T29 GRP632 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T30 GRP633 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T31 GRP634 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Group of Inner Automorphisms T32 GRP635 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T06 GRP636 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T07 GRP637 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T10 GRP638 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T11 GRP639 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T12 GRP640 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T13 GRP641 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T19 GRP642 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T20 GRP643 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T21 GRP644 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T22 GRP645 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T24 GRP646 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T25 GRP647 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T26 GRP648 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T31 GRP649 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T32 GRP650 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T33 GRP651 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T34 GRP652 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T35 GRP653 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group T38 GRP654 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) A quasigroup satisfying Moufang 1 is a loop GRP655 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) A quasigroup satisfying Moufang 2 is a loop GRP656 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A quasigroup satisfying Moufang 3 is a loop GRP657 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A quasigroup satisfying Moufang 4 is a loop GRP658 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Bol-Moufang identity 1 implies the existence of a unit element GRP659 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Bol-Moufang identity 2 implies the existence of a unit element GRP660 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Bol-Moufang identity 3 implies a unit element GRP661 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Conjugacy closed with ab = 1 implies ba is in the nucleus - a GRP662 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Conjugacy closed with ab = 1 implies ba is in the nucleus - b GRP663 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Conjugacy closed with ab = 1 implies ba is in the nucleus - c GRP664 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Conjugacy closed with ab = 1 implies ba is in the nucleus - a GRP665 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Conjugacy closed implies commutant in the nucleus GRP666 ( -4 +2 _0 ^0) Inverse property A-loops are Moufang GRP667 ( -4 +2 _0 ^0) 2-divisible ARIF loops are Moufang GRP668 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Flexible C-loops are ARIF GRP669 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Moufang loops are RIF GRP670 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RIF loops are ARIF - a GRP671 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RIF loops are ARIF - b GRP672 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Extra loop commutation property 1 GRP673 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Extra loop commutation property 2 GRP674 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Extra loop commutation property 3 GRP675 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In CC-loops, associators are in the center of the nucleus - 1a GRP676 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In CC-loops, associators are in the center of the nucleus - 1b GRP677 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In CC-loops, associators are in the center of the nucleus - 1c GRP678 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In CC-loops, associators are in the center of the nucleus - 2 GRP679 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutants in Bol loops 1 GRP680 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutants in Bol loops 2 GRP681 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutants in Bol loops 3 GRP682 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms of rectangular loops - a GRP683 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms of rectangular loops - b GRP684 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axioms of rectangular loops - c GRP685 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms of rectangular loops - d GRP686 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) x(y.yz) = (x.yy)z is equivalent to xx.yz = (x.xy)z part 1 GRP687 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) x(y.yz) = (x.yy)z is equivalent to xx.yz = (x.xy)z part 2 GRP688 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loop elements of order 2^2 commute with elements of order 3 GRP689 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loop elements of order 2^2 commute with elems of order 3^2 GRP690 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loop elements of order 2^4 commute with elems of order 3^2 GRP691 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a power associative conjugacy closed loop, c^3 is WIP GRP692 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a power associative conjugacy closed loop, c^6 is extra GRP693 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In power associative conjugacy closed loop c^12 is in nucleus - a GRP694 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In power associative conjugacy closed loop c^12 is in nucleus - b GRP695 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In power associative conjugacy closed loop c^12 is in nucleus - c GRP696 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 1a GRP697 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 1b GRP698 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 2a GRP699 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 2b GRP700 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 2c GRP701 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Variety of power associative, WIP conjugacy closed loops - 3 GRP702 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) In C-loops the nucleus is normal - a GRP703 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) In C-loops the nucleus is normal - b GRP704 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) In C-loops the nucleus is normal - c GRP705 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Property of commutative C-loop GRP706 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Every F-quasigroup is isotopic to a Moufang loop GRP707 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A C-loop of exponent four with central squares is flexible GRP708 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bol loop commutant element squared in left and right nucleus - 1 GRP709 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bol loop commutant element squared in left and right nucleus - 2 GRP710 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A magma with 2-sided inverses satisfying the C-law is a loop - 1a GRP711 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A magma with 2-sided inverses satisfying the C-law is a loop - 1b GRP712 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Buchsteiner loops fourth powers are nuclear - a GRP713 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Buchsteiner loops fourth powers are nuclear - b GRP714 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In Buchsteiner loops fourth powers are nuclear - c GRP715 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Strongly right alternative rings 1 GRP716 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strongly right alternative rings 2a GRP717 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strongly right alternative rings 2b GRP718 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a commutative RIF loop, all squares are Moufang elements GRP719 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a commutative RIF loop, all cubes are C-elements GRP720 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) In commutative A-loops, squares form a subloop GRP721 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In commutative A-loops squares form a subloop - a witnessing term GRP722 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In commutative A-loops square-subloop operation is commutative GRP723 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In commutative A-loops of exp 2 square-subloop is associative GRP724 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Loops with abelian inner mapping group - associativity GRP725 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Loops with abelian inner mapping group - commutativity GRP726 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - hard part GRP727 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - 1st easy part GRP728 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - 2nd easy part a GRP729 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - 2nd easy part b GRP730 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - 2nd easy part c GRP731 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bruck loops that are centrally nilpotent - 2nd easy part d GRP732 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Basarab's theorem on CC loops GRP733 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Non-flexible non-commutative DTS loop. GRP734 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Non-commutative pure DTS loop. GRP735 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Nonmedial left distributive quasigroup GRP736 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Nonmedial left distributive left 3-symmetric quasigroup GRP737 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Nonmedial left distributive left 2-symmetric quasigroup GRP738 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proper Buchsteiner loop GRP739 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proper commutative A-loop of odd order. GRP740 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proper commutative Moufang loop GRP741 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proper Moufang loop GRP742 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proper power associative CC loop GRP743 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Biassociative non-associative Steiner loop GRP744 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Biassociative non-associative commutative loop of exponent 2 GRP745 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right alternative loop rings: the extra case GRP746 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right alternative loop rings: the group case GRP747 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Right alternative loop rings: the abelian group case GRP748 ( -4 +1 _0 ^0) Right alternative loop rings: a lemma GRP749 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Simplifying a basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 1 GRP750 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Simplifying a basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 2 GRP751 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A new basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 1a GRP752 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A new basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 1b GRP753 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A new basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 2a GRP754 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A new basis for trimedial quasigroups: part 2b GRP755 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In char>2, right alternative loop rings are left alternative GRP756 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quasigroups satisfying certain Bol-Moufang identity are groups GRP757 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A DTS loop of 16 elements GRP758 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A DTS loop of 18 elements GRP759 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A 4-element non-abelian group GRP760 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A group that must be infinite GRP761 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Non-discrete partially ordered group GRP762 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Linearly ordered group GRP763 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Lattice ordered group GRP764 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 1 GRP765 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 2 GRP766 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 3 GRP767 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 4 GRP768 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 5 GRP769 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 6 GRP770 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 7 GRP771 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 8 GRP772 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop lemma 9 GRP773 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Buchsteiner loop problem GRP774 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Green's relation D is a congruence GRP775 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalent definition for Green's relation D GRP776 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A homomorphic mapping between two groups GRP777 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Napoleon's quasigroups: the centroid relation GRP778 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Napoleon's quasigroups: Gruenbaum's theorem 1 GRP779 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Napoleon's quasigroups: Gruenbaum's theorem 2 GRP780 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Napoleon's quasigroups: Lamoen's theorem GRP781 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distributivity of commutator in cancellative semigroups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain HAL = Homological Alg 10 problems (7 abstract), 0 CNF, 10 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAL001 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Short Five Lemma, Part 1 HAL002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of injection axioms HAL003 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Short Five Lemma, Part 2 HAL004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for the short Five Lemma, Part 2 HAL005 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for the short Five Lemma, Part 2 HAL006 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for the short Five Lemma, Part 2 HAL007 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Standard homological algebra axioms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain HEN = Henkin Models 68 problems (13 abstract), 68 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEN001 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) X/identity = zero HEN002 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) zero/X = zero HEN003 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) X/X = zero HEN004 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) X/zero = X HEN005 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) The relation less_equal is transitive HEN006 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) X/Y <= Z => X/Z <= Y HEN007 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) X <= Y => Z/Y <= Z/X HEN008 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) X <= Y => X/Z <= Y/Z HEN009 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Define X' as identity/X. Then X' = X''' HEN010 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Define X' as identity/X. Then X' = X'/(identity/X') HEN011 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) This operation is commutative HEN012 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) X <= X HEN013 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Henkin model axioms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain HWC = Hardware Creation 6 problems (4 abstract), 6 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Design an OR gate using NAND gates HWC002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Interchange inputs to outputs HWC003 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Invert 3 inputs with 2 not gates HWC004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Definitions of AND, OR and NOT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain HWV = Hardware Verification 511 problems (134 abstract), 203 CNF, 108 FOF, 200 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWV001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Interchange inputs to outputs HWV002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Invert 3 inputs with 2 not gates HWV003 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) One bit Full Adder HWV004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Two bit Full Adder HWV005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A halfadder built from and, or and not gates HWV006 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A fulladder built from two halfadders and an or gate HWV007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A fulladder built from two halfadders and an or gate HWV008 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) 1 bit ripple carry adder HWV009 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV010 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV011 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV012 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV013 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV014 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV018 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV019 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV020 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV021 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV025 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV026 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV027 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV028 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV030 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV033 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Safelogic VHDL design verification obligation HWV034 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Connections, faults, and gates. HWV035 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Half-adder. HWV036 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Full-adder. HWV037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axioms from a VHDL design description HWV038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axioms from a VHDL design description HWV039 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 1 HWV040 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 2 HWV041 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 3 HWV042 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 4 HWV043 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 5 HWV044 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 6 HWV045 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 7 HWV046 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 8 HWV047 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 9 HWV048 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 10 HWV049 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 11 HWV050 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 12 HWV051 ( -2 +2 _8 ^0) Robot verification problem 13 HWV052 (-12 +0 _0 ^0) Faulty channel 1 1 HWV053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib formula from the Adder family HWV054 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib formula from the Adder family HWV055 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV056 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV057 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV058 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV059 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV060 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the blackbox-01X-QBF family HWV061 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the BMC family HWV062 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the BMC family HWV063 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the BMC family HWV064 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the BMC family HWV065 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the C5315 family HWV066 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the C5315 family HWV067 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the C5315 family HWV068 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the C5315 family HWV069 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the C5315 family HWV070 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Counter family HWV071 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Counter family HWV072 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Counter family HWV073 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Counter family HWV074 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the tipdiam family HWV075 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the tipdiam family HWV076 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family HWV077 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family HWV078 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the FPGA_PLB_FIT_SLOW family HWV079 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) BFLib problem from the FPGA_PLB_FIT_FAST family HWV080 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the tipdiam HWV081 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the s27 family HWV082 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the s298 family HWV083 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the term1 family HWV084 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the jmc_quant family HWV085 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the jmc_quant_squaring family HWV086 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the tipdiam family HWV087 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 3 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV088 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 3 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV089 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 4 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV090 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 4 cone of influence 8_b20 HWV091 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 5 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV092 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 5 cone of influence 8_b20 HWV093 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 6 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV094 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 6 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV095 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 7 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV096 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 7 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV097 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 8 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV098 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 8 cone of influence 8_b20 HWV099 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 12 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV100 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 12 cone of influence 8_b20 HWV101 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 14 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV102 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 14 cone of influence 7_b20 HWV103 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 15 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV104 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 15 cone of influence 7_b20 HWV105 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 17 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV106 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 17 cone of influence 8_b20 HWV107 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 18 cone of influence 3_b20 HWV108 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 18 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV109 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 19 cone of influence 3_b20 HWV110 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_dmc property 19 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV111 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV112 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 5_b50 HWV113 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 5_b100 HWV114 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV115 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 10_b50 HWV116 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_rmu_rrm property 1 cone of influence 10_b100 HWV117 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV118 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 5_b50 HWV119 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 5_b100 HWV120 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV121 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 10_b50 HWV122 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) dmu_tmu_dim property 1 cone of influence 10_b100 HWV123 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV124 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 5_b50 HWV125 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 5_b100 HWV126 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV127 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 10_b50 HWV128 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) mcu property 1 cone of influence 10_b100 HWV129 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 5_b20 HWV130 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 5_b50 HWV131 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 5_b100 HWV132 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 10_b20 HWV133 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 10_b50 HWV134 ( -1 +1 _2 ^0) niu_rxc property 1 cone of influence 10_b100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain KLE = Kleene Algebra 250 problems (182 abstract), 9 CNF, 241 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KLE001 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Addition is isotone KLE002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Multiplication is isotone KLE003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A semiring is idempotent iff 1 is idempotent KLE004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Complement - 1 is the complement of 0 KLE005 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Complement - 0 is the complement of 1 KLE006 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Split 1 with p KLE007 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Split 1 with q and split the parts with p KLE008 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A simple law to eliminate the complement KLE009 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Split 1 into all combinations of p,q and their complements KLE010 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Split 1 into all combinations of p,q and their complements KLE011 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Split 1 into p,q and the product of their complements KLE012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The multiplication of tests is commutative KLE013 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The complement of a product is the sum of the complements KLE014 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) The complement of a product is the sum of the complements KLE015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The complement of a product is the sum of the complements KLE016 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) The complement of a product is the sum of the complements KLE017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Product of tests is their meet KLE018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Move a term from the left of an implication to the right and back KLE019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Move a term from the left of an implication to the right and back KLE020 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) On tests addition distributes over multiplication KLE021 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Decompose splitting KLE022 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Decompose x into parts ending in p and p's complement KLE023 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Two ways of expressing the Hoare triple {p}x{q} KLE024 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Two ways of expressing the Hoare triple {p}x{q} KLE025 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Two ways of expressing the Hoare triple {p}x{q} KLE026 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Two ways of expressing the Hoare triple {p}x{q} KLE027 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Simplify conditional KLE028 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Switch nested conditions and rearrange branches of conditional KLE029 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Characterisations of meet KLE030 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Restriction can be pulled out of meet KLE031 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Restriction distributes through meet KLE032 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Meet of restrictions is restriction by meet KLE033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Disjoint tests induce disjoint restrictions KLE034 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Hoare rule product KLE035 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Hoare rule sum KLE036 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Star recursion KLE037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Star reflexivity KLE038 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Star extensivity KLE039 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Star idempotence KLE040 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) The star of an element is multiplicatively idempotent KLE041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Star isotony KLE042 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Star sliding KLE043 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Star recursion KLE044 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Star simplification KLE045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Semi-commutation KLE046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Church-Rosser theorem KLE047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Star simplification KLE048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The star of a test is always 1 KLE049 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Hoare rule while KLE050 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Loop denesting KLE051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Every domain semiring is automatically isotone KLE052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is a left invariant KLE053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is a projection KLE054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is prefix increasing KLE055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain expands subidentities KLE056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is very strict KLE057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is very strict KLE058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is costrict KLE059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is isotone KLE060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements can be exported KLE061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are multiplicatively idempotent KLE062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are multiplicatively commutative KLE063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are least left preservers KLE064 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are least left preservers KLE065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is weakly local KLE066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is weakly local KLE067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are closed under addition KLE068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are closed under multiplication KLE069 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the first lattice absorption law KLE070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the second lattice absorption law KLE071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy one of the lattice distributivity laws KLE072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the first axiom of Kleene modules KLE073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the second Kleene module axiom KLE074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the third Kleene module axiom. KLE075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the fourth Kleene module axiom KLE076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the fifth Kleene module axiom KLE077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements satisfy the sixth Kleene module axiom KLE078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain elements are domain elements KLE079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain and antidomain elements are complements KLE080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Another complementation property of domain and antidomain elements KLE081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain elements are left annihilators KLE082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain is local with respect to multiplication KLE083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is a left invariant KLE084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is local with respect to multiplication KLE085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain elements are subidenties KLE086 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is strict KLE087 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain is additive KLE088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain elements are greatest left annihilators KLE089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain elements are greatest left annihilators KLE090 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Antidomain elements are antitone KLE091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Codomain closure KLE092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Coantidomain closure KLE093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain of star KLE094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Segerberg KLE095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators satisfy a star unfold law KLE096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators satisfy a star unfold law KLE097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators at left hand-sides can be eliminated KLE098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators at left hand-sides can be eliminated KLE099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators at left hand-sides can be eliminated KLE100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Modal operators at left hand-sides can be eliminated KLE101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Forward and backward diamonds are conjugates KLE102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Forward and backward diamonds are conjugates KLE103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Forward and backward boxes are conjugates KLE104 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Forward and backward boxes are conjugates KLE105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Galois KLE106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Galois KLE107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Galois KLE108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Galois KLE109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Forward diamonds and backward boxes satisfy a cancellation law KLE110 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Forward diamonds and backward boxes satisfy a cancellation law KLE111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Backward diamonds and forward boxes satisfy a cancellation law KLE112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Backward diamonds and forward boxes satisfy a cancellation law KLE113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Diamonds are strict KLE114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boxes are costrict KLE115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Diamonds are additive KLE116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boxes are multiplicative KLE117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Diamonds are isotone KLE118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boxes are antitone KLE119 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of abort rule KLE120 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of skip rule KLE121 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of composition rule KLE122 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of conditional rule KLE123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of while rule KLE124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Validity of weakening rule KLE125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quasicommutation theorem KLE126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lazy commutation theorem KLE127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loop refinement theorem KLE128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Comparison of two different notions of termination KLE129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Comparison of two different notions of termination KLE130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two notions of termination KLE131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two notions of termination KLE132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Every element that satisfies Loeb's formula is wellfounded KLE133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Loeb's formula and wellfoundedness KLE134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A no name lemma KLE135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two notions of termination KLE136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Newman's lemma holds in divergence Kleene algebras KLE137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) There is a greatest element, namely 1^infty KLE138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Strong iteration of a abort is miracle KLE139 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Dual unfold KLE140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Isotonicity of strong iteration KLE141 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) The greatest is left annihilator KLE142 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) If strong iteration is applied twice, a miracle occurs. KLE143 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Strong iteration is idempotent w.r.t. multiplication KLE144 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Strong iteration applied after finite iteration is magic. KLE145 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Finite iteration after strong iteration is strong iteration KLE146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Skip is part of strong iteration KLE147 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Sliding of strong iteration KLE148 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Blocking law KLE149 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Strong version of unfold KLE150 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Iterating non-terminating elements reduces to the element itself KLE151 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sliding of strong iteration KLE152 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sliding of strong iteration KLE153 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sliding of strong iteration KLE154 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Denesting of strong iteration KLE155 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Denesting of strong iteration KLE156 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Semicommuation law of finite iteration KLE157 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Semicommuation law of finite iteration KLE158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simulation law for data refinement KLE159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simulation law for data refinement KLE160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simulation law for data refinement KLE161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Data refinement KLE162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Part 1 of Back's atomicity refinement theorem KLE163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Part 2 of Back's atomicity refinement theorem KLE164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Back's atomicity refinement theorem KLE165 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Denest for weakly quasi commutation KLE166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Strong iteration KLE167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocking law KLE168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If x quasicommutes over y then x^infty quasicommutes over y^infty KLE169 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Exponential automata KLE170 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) a^N <= a*, N=2 KLE171 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Ben's problem 1 KLE172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ben's problem 2 KLE173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Idempotent semirings with tests KLE174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Idempotent semirings with domain/codomain, modal KLE175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Idempotent semirings with tests KLE176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kleene algebra KLE177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kleene algebra KLE178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kleene Algebra KLE179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Omega algebra KLE180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Omega algebra KLE181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Omega algebra KLE182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Demonic Refinement Algebra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain KRS = Knowledge Representation 305 problems (291 abstract), 30 CNF, 268 FOF, 1 TFF, 6 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KRS001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 1a KRS002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 1b KRS003 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 1c KRS004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 1d KRS005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 2a KRS006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 2b KRS007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 3a KRS008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 3b KRS009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 3c KRS010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 3d KRS011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 3e KRS012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 4a KRS013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 4b KRS014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 5a KRS015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 5b KRS016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 5c KRS017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Paramasivam problem T-Box 7a KRS018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Nothing can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions KRS019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The complement of a class can be defined using OWL Lite KRS020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The union of two classes can be defined using OWL Lite KRS021 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Informal semantics for RDF container are not respected by OWL KRS022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Informal semantics for RDF container are not respected by OWL KRS023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A minimal OWL Lite version of I5.3-005 KRS024 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An OWL Lite version of I5.3-007 KRS025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Classes can be the object of annotation properties KRS026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The extension of OWL Thing may be a singleton in OWL DL KRS027 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An example of use KRS028 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact4.2 KRS029 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t1.1 KRS030 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.1 KRS031 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t2.1 KRS032 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t3.1 KRS033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t3a.1 KRS034 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t3a.2 KRS035 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t5.1 Non-finite model example from paper KRS036 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t5f.1 Non-finite model example from paper KRS037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.1 KRS038 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.1 KRS039 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t8.1 KRS040 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Example of use KRS041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A different encoding of description-logic-501 KRS042 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact4.2 KRS043 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t1.1 KRS044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.1 KRS045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t2.1 KRS046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t5.1 Non-finite model example from paper KRS047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t5f.1 Non-finite model example from paper KRS048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.1 KRS049 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.1 KRS050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t8.1 KRS051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Integer multiplication in OWL DL KRS052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Integer multiplication in OWL DL, interacting with infinity KRS053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) owl:disjointWith edges may be within OWL DL KRS054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) owl:disjointWith edges may be within OWL DL KRS055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) owl:disjointWith edges may be within OWL DL KRS056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) owl:disjointWith edges may be within OWL DL KRS057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A possible mapping of the EquivalentClasses axiom KRS058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A simple test for infinite loops in imports processing code KRS059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Abstract syntax restrictions with multiple components KRS060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Description cannot be expressed as a multicomponent restriction KRS061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) User labels in a variety of languages with ruby annotation KRS062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) dc:creator may be declared as an annotation property KRS063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An example combining owl:oneOf and owl:inverseOf KRS064 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Something of type owl:Nothing KRS065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The syntax for using the same restriction twice in OWL Lite KRS066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The extension of OWL Thing may not be emtpy in OWL Lite KRS067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact1.1 KRS068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact2.1 KRS069 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact3.1 KRS070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact4.1 KRS071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t1.2 KRS072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t1.3 KRS073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.2 KRS074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.3 KRS075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.4 KRS076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.5 KRS077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t11.1 KRS078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t12.1 KRS079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t2.2 KRS080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t3.2 KRS081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t3a.3 KRS082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t4.1 Dynamic blocking example KRS083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t6.1 Double blocking example KRS084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t6f.1 Double blocking example KRS085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.2 KRS086 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.3 KRS087 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.2 KRS088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.3 KRS089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A test for the interaction of one-of and inverse KRS090 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A pattern comes up a lot in more complex ontologies KRS091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.1 KRS092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.2 KRS093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.3 KRS094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.4 KRS095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn2.1 KRS096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn2.2 KRS097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn3.1 KRS098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn3.2 KRS099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn3c.1 KRS100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn4.1 KRS101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn4.2 KRS102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) This is the classic 3 SAT problem KRS103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A different encoding of description-logic-502 KRS104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact1.1 KRS105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact2.1 KRS106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact3.1 KRS107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: fact4.1 KRS108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t1.3 KRS109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.2 KRS110 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.3 KRS111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.4 KRS112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t10.5 KRS113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t11.1 KRS114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t12.1 KRS115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t2.2 KRS116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t4.1 Dynamic blocking example KRS117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t6.1 Double blocking example KRS118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t6f.1 Double blocking example KRS119 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.2 KRS120 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7.3 KRS121 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.2 KRS122 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: t7f.3 KRS123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.1 KRS124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.2 KRS125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.3 KRS126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn1.4 KRS127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn2.2 KRS128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: heinsohn4.1 KRS129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An example combinging owl:oneOf and owl:inverseOf KRS130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) owl:Nothing can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions KRS131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The complement of a class can be defined KRS132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The union of two classes can be defined KRS133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) How to express mutual disjointness between classes KRS134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) This is a typical definition of range from description logic KRS135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) This is a typical definition of range from description logic KRS136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Some set theory KRS137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A variation of equivalentClass-001 KRS138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Extensional semantics of owl:SymmetricProperty KRS139 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A Lite version of test SymmetricProperty-001 KRS140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Test illustrating extensional semantics of owl:TransitiveProperty KRS141 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A simple example KRS142 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand KRS143 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand KRS144 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand KRS145 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand KRS146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_branch ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_d4 ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS148 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_dum ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS149 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_grz ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS150 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_lin ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS151 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_path ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS152 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_ph ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS153 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_poly ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS154 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_branch ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS155 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_d4 ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS156 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_dum ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS157 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_lin ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_path ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_ph ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) DL Test: k_poly ABox test from DL98 systems comparison KRS162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Entailment for three natural numbers KRS163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Disjoint classes have different members KRS164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two classes may have the same class extension KRS165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals KRS166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals KRS167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two classes with the same complete description are equivalent KRS168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) De Morgan's law KRS169 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) hasLeader may be stated as the owl:equivalentProperty of hasHead KRS170 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Deduction from hasLeader KRS171 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The inverse entailment of test 002 also holds KRS172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The same property extension means equivalentProperty KRS173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A simple infinite loop for implementors to avoid KRS174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sets with appropriate extensions are related by unionOf KRS175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An inverse to test unionOf-003 KRS176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) isa is reflexive KRS177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) isa is transitive KRS178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) isa is exclusive of nota, nevera, and xora KRS179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If S1 isa S2 and S1 is nota S3, then S2 is nota S3 KRS180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) isa is incompatible with nota, nevera, and xora KRS181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If S1 isa S2, and S1 nota S3, then S2 nota S3 KRS182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNP isa THM KRS183 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAP isa THM KRS184 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ESA isa THM KRS185 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAT isa THM KRS186 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) EQV isa THM KRS187 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAC isa THM KRS188 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WEC isa THM KRS189 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ETH isa THM KRS190 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAU isa THM KRS191 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTC isa THM KRS192 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTH isa THM KRS193 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CAX isa THM KRS194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SCA isa THM KRS195 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TCA isa THM KRS196 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WCA isa THM KRS197 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CSA isa THM KRS198 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNS isa THM KRS199 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) NOC isa THM KRS200 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNP nota THM KRS201 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAP nota THM KRS202 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ESA nota THM KRS203 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAT nota THM KRS204 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) EQV nota THM KRS205 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAC nota THM KRS206 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WEC nota THM KRS207 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ETH nota THM KRS208 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAU nota THM KRS209 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTC nota THM KRS210 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTH nota THM KRS211 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CAX nota THM KRS212 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SCA nota THM KRS213 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TCA nota THM KRS214 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WCA nota THM KRS215 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CSA nota THM KRS216 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNS nota THM KRS217 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) NOC nota THM KRS218 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNP nevera THM KRS219 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAP nevera THM KRS220 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ESA nevera THM KRS221 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAT nevera THM KRS222 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) EQV nevera THM KRS223 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAC nevera THM KRS224 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WEC nevera THM KRS225 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ETH nevera THM KRS226 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAU nevera THM KRS227 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTC nevera THM KRS228 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTH nevera THM KRS229 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CAX nevera THM KRS230 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SCA nevera THM KRS231 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TCA nevera THM KRS232 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WCA nevera THM KRS233 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CSA nevera THM KRS234 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNS nevera THM KRS235 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) NOC nevera THM KRS236 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNP xora THM KRS237 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAP xora THM KRS238 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ESA xora THM KRS239 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAT xora THM KRS240 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) EQV xora THM KRS241 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAC xora THM KRS242 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WEC xora THM KRS243 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ETH xora THM KRS244 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAU xora THM KRS245 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTC xora THM KRS246 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTH xora THM KRS247 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CAX xora THM KRS248 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SCA xora THM KRS249 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TCA xora THM KRS250 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WCA xora THM KRS251 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CSA xora THM KRS252 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNS xora THM KRS253 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) NOC xora THM KRS254 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNP mighta THM KRS255 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAP mighta THM KRS256 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ESA mighta THM KRS257 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SAT mighta THM KRS258 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) EQV mighta THM KRS259 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAC mighta THM KRS260 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WEC mighta THM KRS261 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ETH mighta THM KRS262 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TAU mighta THM KRS263 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTC mighta THM KRS264 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WTH mighta THM KRS265 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CAX mighta THM KRS266 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) SCA mighta THM KRS267 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TCA mighta THM KRS268 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) WCA mighta THM KRS269 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) CSA mighta THM KRS270 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) UNS mighta THM KRS271 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) NOC mighta THM KRS272 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Generation of abstract instructions: enter a number in a(#box KRS273 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Querying description logic knowledge bases KRS274 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Querying description logic knowledge bases KRS275 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Database querying KRS276 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Database querying KRS277 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Database querying KRS278 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Abduction family KRS279 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Abduction family KRS280 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Abduction family KRS281 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Abduction family KRS282 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Abduction family KRS283 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS284 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS285 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS286 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS287 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS288 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS289 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS290 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family KRS291 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the mqm family ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain LAT = Lattices 738 problems (396 abstract), 325 CNF, 413 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAT001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If X' = U v V and Y' = U ^ V, then U' = X v (Y ^ V) LAT002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If X' = U v V and Y' = U ^ V, then U' exists LAT003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A fairly complex equation to establish LAT004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A fairly complex equation to establish LAT005 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) SAM's lemma LAT006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sholander's basis for distributive lattices, part 2 (of 6). LAT007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sholander's basis for distributive lattices, part 5 (of 6). LAT008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sholander's basis for distributive lattices, part 5 (of 6). LAT009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A self-dual form of distributivity for lattice theory. LAT010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) McKenzie's basis for the variety generated by N5. LAT011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of meet (dually join) in lattice theory LAT012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) McKenzie's 4-basis for lattice theory, part 1 (of 3) LAT013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) McKenzie's 4-basis for lattice theory, part 2 (of 3) LAT014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) McKenzie's 4-basis for lattice theory, part 3 (of 3) LAT015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for lattice theory LAT016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E1 fails for Ortholattices. LAT017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E2 holds in Ortholattices. LAT018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E3 holds in Ortholattices. LAT019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In quasilattices, a distributive law implies its dual. LAT020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Self-dual distributivity for quasilattices. LAT021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Bowden's inequality gives distributivity in lattice theory. LAT022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Self-dual modularity for quasilattices. LAT023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Yet another modularity equation for quasilattices. LAT024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Meet (dually join) is not necessarily unique for quasilattices. LAT025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Non-uniqueness of meet (dually join) in TNL LAT026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) WAL + absorption gives LT, part 1. LAT027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) WAL + absorption gives LT, part 2. LAT028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of meet (dually join) in WAL LAT029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption basis for WAL LAT030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL) LAT031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distributivity of meet implies distributivity of join LAT032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distributivity of join implies distributivity of meet LAT033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotency of join LAT034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Idempotency of meet LAT035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition to form a join hemimorphism LAT036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Property of a distributive lattive with an antimorphism LAT037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of complement LAT038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Simplification rule in a distributive lattice LAT039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Every distributive lattice is modular LAT040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Another simplification rule for distributive lattices LAT041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A hyperbase for type <2,2> lattice hyperidentities LAT042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice modularity from Boolean algebra LAT043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice compatability from Boolean algebra LAT044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice weak orthomodular law from orthomodular lattice LAT045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice orthomodular law from modular lattice LAT046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Modular ortholattice is not Boolean algebra LAT047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice is not modular lattice LAT048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weakly orthomodular lattice is not orthomodular lattice LAT049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ortholattice is not weakly orthomodular lattice LAT050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Orthomodular lattice is not modular lattice LAT051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice is not ortholattice LAT052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Modular lattice is not modular ortholattice LAT053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Countermodel for Megill equation for weakly orthomodular lattices LAT054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Countermodel for Megill equation for ortholattices LAT055 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory axioms LAT056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory modularity (equality) axioms LAT057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory complement (equality) axioms LAT058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory unique complement (equality) axioms LAT059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ortholattice theory (equality) axioms LAT060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quasilattice theory (equality) axioms LAT061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weakly Associative Lattices theory (equality) axioms LAT062 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E51 does not necessarily hold in ortholattices LAT063 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E62 does not necessarily hold in ortholattices LAT064 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property 94-6 to make a uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property 94-37 to make uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property G61 to make a uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property 94-3 to make a uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property F53 to make a uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Weak property G113 to make a uniquely complemented lattice Boolean LAT070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom OL-23A, prove associativity LAT071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom OML-21C, prove associativity LAT072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom OML-23A, prove associativity LAT073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-23C, prove modularity LAT074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-25A, prove associativity LAT075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-25A, prove modularity LAT076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-27B1, prove associativity LAT077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-27B1, prove modularity LAT078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-27B2, prove associativity LAT079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Given single axiom MOL-27B2, prove modularity LAT080 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 1 LAT081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 2 LAT082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 3 LAT083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 4 LAT084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 5 LAT085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 6 LAT086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 7 LAT087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for lattice theory, part 8 LAT088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption basis for WAL, part 1 LAT089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption basis for WAL, part 2 LAT090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption basis for WAL, part 3 LAT091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Absorption basis for WAL, part 4 LAT092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 1 LAT093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 2 LAT094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 3 LAT095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 4 LAT096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 5 LAT097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single axiom for weakly associative lattices (WAL), part 6 LAT098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H3 is independent of H2 LAT099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H2 is independent of H3 LAT100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H4 is independent of H6 LAT101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H10 is independent of H6 LAT102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H4 is independent of H7 LAT103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H6 is independent of H10 LAT104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H3 is independent of H21 LAT105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H10 is independent of H21 LAT106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H3 is independent of H22 LAT107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H17 is independent of H22 LAT108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 is independent of H31 LAT109 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40 is independent of H37 LAT110 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 is independent of H37 LAT111 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40 is independent of H45 LAT112 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 is independent of H47 LAT113 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40 is independent of H50 LAT114 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H56 is independent of H55 LAT115 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H59 is independent of H55 LAT116 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H60 is independent of H55 LAT117 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H69 is independent of H65 LAT118 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H69 is independent of H79 LAT119 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H3 is independent of H82 LAT120 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H58 is independent of H10_dual LAT121 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H55 is independent of H18_dual LAT122 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H55 is independent of H21_dual LAT123 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H55 is independent of H22_dual LAT124 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H69 is independent of H32_dual LAT125 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H69 is independent of H34_dual LAT126 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H69 is independent of H39_dual LAT127 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H6 is independent of H55_dual LAT128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H3 is independent of H58_dual LAT129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H10 is independent of H58_dual LAT130 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H39 is independent of H68_dual LAT131 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 is independent of H68_dual LAT132 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 is independent of H69_dual LAT133 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H6_dual is independent of H55 LAT134 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H22_dual is independent of H61 LAT135 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H39_dual is independent of H68 LAT136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H39_dual is independent of H69 LAT137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40_dual is independent of H69 LAT138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H7 implies H6 LAT139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H11 implies H10 LAT140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H21 implies H2 LAT141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H21 implies H6 LAT142 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H22 implies H6 LAT143 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H24 implies H15 LAT144 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H32 implies H2 LAT145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H32 implies H6 LAT146 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H34 implies H28 LAT147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H34 implies H45 LAT148 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H34 implies H7 LAT149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H37 implies H43 LAT150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H39 implies H40 LAT151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H39 implies H42 LAT152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40 implies H6 LAT153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H40 implies H7 LAT154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H42 implies H6 LAT155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H49 implies H2 LAT156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H49 implies H6 LAT157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H50 implies H2 LAT158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H50 implies H49 LAT159 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H50 implies H7 LAT160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H52 implies H51 LAT161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H58 implies H59 LAT162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H68 implies H73 LAT163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76 implies H32 LAT164 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76 implies H6 LAT165 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76 implies H77 LAT166 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H77 implies H78 LAT167 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H78 implies H77 LAT168 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H18_dual implies H58 LAT169 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H21_dual implies H58 LAT170 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H49_dual implies H58 LAT171 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H61_dual implies H6 LAT172 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76_dual implies H32 LAT173 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76_dual implies H40 LAT174 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H76_dual implies H6 LAT175 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H79_dual implies H32 LAT176 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H79_dual implies H42 LAT177 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Huntington equation H79_dual implies H6 LAT178 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H1 is Huntington by distributivity LAT179 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H2 is Huntington by distributivity LAT180 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H3 is Huntington by distributivity LAT181 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H4 is Huntington by distributivity LAT182 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H6 is Huntington by distributivity LAT183 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H7 is Huntington by distributivity LAT184 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H8 is Huntington by distributivity LAT185 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H10 is Huntington by distributivity LAT186 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H11 is Huntington by distributivity LAT187 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H15 is Huntington by distributivity LAT188 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H16 is Huntington by distributivity LAT189 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H17 is Huntington by distributivity LAT190 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H18 is Huntington by distributivity LAT191 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H21 is Huntington by distributivity LAT192 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H22 is Huntington by distributivity LAT193 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H24 is Huntington by distributivity LAT194 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H32 is Huntington by distributivity LAT195 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H34 is Huntington by distributivity LAT196 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H39 is Huntington by distributivity LAT197 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H40 is Huntington by distributivity LAT198 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H42 is Huntington by distributivity LAT199 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H49 is Huntington by distributivity LAT200 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H50 is Huntington by distributivity LAT201 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H51 is Huntington by distributivity LAT202 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H55 is Huntington by distributivity LAT203 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H57 is Huntington by distributivity LAT204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H58 is Huntington by distributivity LAT205 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H59 is Huntington by distributivity LAT206 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H60 is Huntington by distributivity LAT207 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H61 is Huntington by distributivity LAT208 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H63 is Huntington by distributivity LAT209 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H64 is Huntington by distributivity LAT210 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H68 is Huntington by distributivity LAT211 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H69 is Huntington by distributivity LAT212 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H70 is Huntington by distributivity LAT213 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H76 is Huntington by distributivity LAT214 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H79 is Huntington by distributivity LAT215 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H80 is Huntington by distributivity LAT216 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H81 is Huntington by distributivity LAT217 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H82 is Huntington by distributivity LAT218 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H1 is Huntington by implication LAT219 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H2 is Huntington by implication LAT220 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H3 is Huntington by implication LAT221 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H4 is Huntington by implication LAT222 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H6 is Huntington by implication LAT223 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H7 is Huntington by implication LAT224 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H8 is Huntington by implication LAT225 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H10 is Huntington by implication LAT226 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H11 is Huntington by implication LAT227 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H15 is Huntington by implication LAT228 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H16 is Huntington by implication LAT229 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H17 is Huntington by implication LAT230 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H18 is Huntington by implication LAT231 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H21 is Huntington by implication LAT232 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H22 is Huntington by implication LAT233 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H24 is Huntington by implication LAT234 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H32 is Huntington by implication LAT235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H34 is Huntington by implication LAT236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H39 is Huntington by implication LAT237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H40 is Huntington by implication LAT238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H42 is Huntington by implication LAT239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H49 is Huntington by implication LAT240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H50 is Huntington by implication LAT241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H51 is Huntington by implication LAT242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H55 is Huntington by implication LAT243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H57 is Huntington by implication LAT244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H58 is Huntington by implication LAT245 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H59 is Huntington by implication LAT246 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H60 is Huntington by implication LAT247 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H61 is Huntington by implication LAT248 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H63 is Huntington by implication LAT249 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H64 is Huntington by implication LAT250 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H68 is Huntington by implication LAT251 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H69 is Huntington by implication LAT252 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H70 is Huntington by implication LAT253 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H76 is Huntington by implication LAT254 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H79 is Huntington by implication LAT255 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H80 is Huntington by implication LAT256 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H81 is Huntington by implication LAT257 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equation H82 is Huntington by implication LAT258 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A duality result on distributivity in lattices LAT259 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT260 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT261 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT262 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT263 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT264 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT265 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT266 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT267 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT268 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT269 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT270 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT271 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT272 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT273 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT274 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT275 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT276 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT277 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT278 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT279 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT280 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT281 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Tarski's fixed point theorem LAT282 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T10 LAT283 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T11 LAT284 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T12 LAT285 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T14 LAT286 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T15 LAT287 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T16 LAT288 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T19 LAT289 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T27 LAT290 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T30 LAT291 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T37 LAT292 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras T44 LAT293 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T02 LAT294 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T04 LAT295 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T08 LAT296 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T12 LAT297 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T13 LAT298 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T16 LAT299 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T17 LAT300 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T24 LAT301 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T25 LAT302 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T26 LAT303 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T27 LAT304 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T28 LAT305 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T31 LAT306 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T32 LAT307 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T34 LAT308 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T35 LAT309 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T36 LAT310 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T39 LAT311 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T40 LAT312 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T41 LAT313 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T43 LAT314 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T48 LAT315 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T49 LAT316 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T50 LAT317 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T51 LAT318 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T52 LAT319 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T54 LAT320 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T56 LAT321 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T57 LAT322 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T58 LAT323 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T59 LAT324 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T60 LAT325 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T61 LAT326 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T62 LAT327 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T64 LAT328 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T65 LAT329 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T66 LAT330 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T67 LAT331 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T68 LAT332 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T72 LAT333 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T76 LAT334 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T77 LAT335 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T79 LAT336 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T85 LAT337 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ideals T87 LAT338 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T04 LAT339 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T05 LAT340 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T06 LAT341 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T07 LAT342 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T08 LAT343 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T11 LAT344 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T16 LAT345 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T20 LAT346 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Dual Concept Lattices T22 LAT347 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices T01 LAT348 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices T06 LAT349 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices T12 LAT350 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices T13 LAT351 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices T18 LAT352 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T02 LAT353 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T03 LAT354 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T04 LAT355 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T05 LAT356 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T07 LAT357 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T08 LAT358 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T09 LAT359 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T12 LAT360 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T17 LAT361 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T19 LAT362 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T20 LAT363 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T26 LAT364 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T29 LAT365 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T35 LAT366 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T37 LAT367 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T38 LAT368 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T41 LAT369 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T42 LAT370 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T43 LAT371 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T44 LAT372 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T45 LAT373 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T46 LAT374 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T49 LAT375 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T51 LAT376 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T57 LAT377 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T59 LAT378 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T63 LAT379 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T65 LAT380 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Duality Based on Galois Connection - Part I T71 LAT381 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 01, 00 expansion LAT382 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 02, 00 expansion LAT383 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03+, 00 expansion LAT384 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03_01+, 00 expansion LAT385 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03_01_02, 00 expansion LAT386 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03_01_03, 00 expansion LAT387 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03_01_04, 00 expansion LAT388 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Tarski-Knaster fixed point theorem 03_01_05, 00 expansion LAT389 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short axiom for lattice theory, part 1 LAT390 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short axiom for lattice theory, part 2 LAT391 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short axiom for lattice theory, part 3 LAT392 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Short axiom for lattice theory, part 4 LAT393 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ortholattices in terms of Sheffer stroke + ops: associativity LAT394 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ortholattices in terms of Sheffer stroke + usual operations: unit LAT395 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory (equality) axioms LAT396 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice theory (equality) axioms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain LCL = Logic Calculi 1412 problems (918 abstract), 724 CNF, 438 FOF, 100 TFF, 150 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCL001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Whitehead-Russell system => the Meredith axiom LCL002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AN-CAMerideth => AN-1 LCL003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AN-CAMerideth => AN-2 LCL004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AN-CAMerideth => AN-3 LCL005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AN-CAMerideth => AN-4 LCL006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-1 depends on the Wajsberg system LCL007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-2 depends on the Wajsberg system LCL008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-4 depends on YQL LCL009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-5 depends on YQL LCL010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YQL depends on YQF LCL011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YQF depends on YQJ LCL012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YQJ depends on UM LCL013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) UM depends on XGF LCL014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XGF depends on WN LCL015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) WN depends on YRM LCL016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YRM depends on YRO LCL017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YRO depends on PYO LCL018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PYO depends on PYM LCL019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PYM depends on XGK LCL020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XGK depends on XHK LCL021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XHK depends on XHN LCL022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-1 depends on YQL LCL023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EC-2 depends on YQL LCL024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PYO depends on XGK LCL025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-1 depends on the Church system LCL026 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) C0-3 depends on the Church system LCL027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-4 depends on the Church system LCL028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-CAMerideth depends on the Church system LCL029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-5 depends on the Tarski-Bernays system LCL030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-6 depends on the Tarski-Bernays system LCL031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-CAMerideth depends on the Tarski-Bernays system LCL032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-1 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-2 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-3 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-4 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-5 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-6 depends on the Merideth axiom LCL038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C0-1 depends on a single axiom LCL039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem from Morgan LCL040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-21 depends on the rest of Frege's system LCL041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-30 depends on the rest of Hilbert's system LCL042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-35 depends on Hilbert's system LCL043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-39 depends on Hilbert's system LCL044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-40 depends on Hilbert's system LCL045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-46 depends on Hilbert's system LCL046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-16 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-18 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-19 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-20 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL050 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-21 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-22 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-24 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-30 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL054 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-35 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-37 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-39 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-40 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-46 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-49 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL060 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-54 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-59 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL062 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-60 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL063 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-CAMerideth depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL064 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-1 depends on the Church system LCL065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-2 depends on the Church system LCL066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-3 depends on the Church system LCL067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-1 depends on the second Lukasiewicz system LCL068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-2 depends on the second Lukasiewicz system LCL069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-3 depends on the second Lukasiewicz system LCL070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-1 depends on the Wos system LCL071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-2 depends on the Wos system LCL072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-3 depends on the Wos system LCL073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-1 depends on the single Merideth axiom LCL074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-2 depends on the single Merideth axiom LCL075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-3 depends on the single Merideth axiom LCL076 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) CN-40 depends on the Church system LCL077 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-39 depends on the Church system LCL078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-40 depends on CN-18 CN-35 CN-46 LCL079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitivity can be derived from Church's system LCL080 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The 1st Lukasiewicz axiom depends on Tarski-Bernays system LCL081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-1 depends on the 1st Lukasiewicz axiom LCL082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-2 depends on the 1st Lukasiewicz axiom LCL083 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) IC-3 depends on the 1st Lukasiewicz axiom LCL084 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) IC-4 depends on the 1st Lukasiewicz axiom LCL085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-5 depends on the 1st Lukasiewicz axiom LCL086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-1 depends on the 4th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-2 depends on the 4th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-3 depends on the 4th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-4 depends on the 4th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-1 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-2 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-3 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-4 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-5 depends on the 4th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IC-5 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom LCL096 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) LG-1 depends on LG-2, LG-3, LG-4 LCL097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-4 depends on LG-2, LG-3 LCL098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-4 depends on LG-3 LCL099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-5 depends on the 1st McCune system LCL100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-3 depends on the 2nd McCune system LCL101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) P-1 depends on the 3rd McCune system LCL102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) P-1 depends on the 4th McCune system LCL103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on the 5th McCune system LCL104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) P-1 depends on the 6th McCune system LCL105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on the 7th McCune system LCL106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Q-2 depends on Q-1, Q-4 LCL107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) P-1 depends on the single McCune axiom LCL108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Q-3 depends on the single McCune axiom LCL109 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) MV-4 depends on the Merideth system LCL110 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-24 depnds on the Merideth system LCL111 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-25 depends on the Merideth system LCL112 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-29 depnds on the Merideth system LCL113 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) MV-33 depnds on the Merideth system LCL114 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-36 depnds on the Merideth system LCL115 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-39 depnds on the Merideth system LCL116 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) MV-50 depnds on the Merideth system LCL117 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QYF depends on YQM LCL118 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YQM depends on WO LCL119 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) WO depends on XGJ LCL120 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XGJ depends on QYF LCL121 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-1 depends on LG-2 LCL122 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-3 depends on LG-2 LCL123 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-4 depends on LG-2 LCL124 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-5 depends on LG-2 LCL125 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on the 1st McCune system LCL126 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Q-2 depends on the 2nd McCune system LCL127 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on S-2 LCL128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on S-3 LCL129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on S-4 LCL130 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on P-4 LCL131 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LG-2 depends on S-6 LCL132 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL133 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL134 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL135 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A lemma in Wajsberg algebras LCL142 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL143 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL144 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL146 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL148 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in the lattice structure of Wajsberg algebras LCL153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 1st alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 2nd alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 3rd alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 4th alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 5th alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 6th alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL159 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 7th alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 8th alternative Wajsberg algebra axiom LCL161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 1st Wajsberg algebra axiom, from the alternative axioms LCL162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 2nd Wajsberg algebra axiom, from the alternative axioms LCL163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 3rd Wajsberg algebra axiom, from the alternative axioms LCL164 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The 4th Wajsberg algebra axiom, from the alternative axioms LCL165 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A theorem in Wajsberg algebras LCL166 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) UM depends on XHN LCL167 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) YRO depends on XHK LCL168 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XEH is not a single axiom for the R-calculus LCL169 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.01 LCL170 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.02 LCL171 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.03 LCL172 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.04 LCL173 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.05 LCL174 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.06 LCL175 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.07 LCL176 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.1 and 2.08 LCL177 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.11 LCL178 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.12 LCL179 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.13 LCL180 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.14 LCL181 ( -3 +1 _0 ^1) Principia Mathematica 2.15 LCL182 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.16 LCL183 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.17 LCL184 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.18 LCL185 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.2 LCL186 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.21 LCL187 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.24 LCL188 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.25 LCL189 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.26 and 2.27 LCL190 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.3 LCL191 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.31 LCL192 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.32 and 2.33 LCL193 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.36 LCL194 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.37 LCL195 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.38 LCL196 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.4 LCL197 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.41 LCL198 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.42 and 2.43 LCL199 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.45 LCL200 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.46 LCL201 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.47 LCL202 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.48 LCL203 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.49 LCL204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.5 LCL205 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.51 LCL206 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.52 LCL207 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.521 LCL208 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.53 LCL209 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.54 LCL210 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.55 LCL211 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.56 LCL212 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.6 LCL213 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.61 LCL214 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.61 LCL215 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.62 and 2.63 LCL216 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.64 LCL217 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.65 LCL218 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.67 LCL219 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.68 LCL220 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.69 LCL221 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.73 LCL222 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.74 LCL223 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.75 LCL224 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.76 LCL225 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.77 LCL226 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.8 LCL227 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.81 LCL228 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.82 LCL229 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.83 LCL230 ( -3 +1 _0 ^1) Principia Mathematica 2.85 LCL231 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.86 LCL234 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.2 and 3.12 LCL235 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.13 LCL236 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.14 LCL237 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.21 LCL238 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.22 LCL239 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.24 LCL240 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.26 LCL241 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.27 LCL242 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.3 LCL243 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.31 LCL244 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.33 LCL245 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.34 LCL246 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.35 LCL247 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.37 LCL248 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.4 LCL249 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.41 LCL250 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.42 LCL251 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.43 LCL252 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.44 LCL253 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.45 LCL254 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.47 LCL255 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.48 LCL256 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A formula that can be derived from the Lukasiewicz system LCL257 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) XHN depends on YQL LCL258 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.27 LCL259 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.43 LCL260 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 2.63 LCL261 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 3.12 LCL262 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.10 LCL263 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.11 LCL264 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.12 LCL265 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.13 LCL266 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.14 LCL267 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.15 LCL268 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.2 LCL269 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.21 LCL270 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.22 LCL271 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.24 LCL272 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.25 LCL273 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.3 LCL274 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.31 LCL275 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.32 LCL276 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.33 LCL277 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.36 LCL278 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.37 LCL279 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.38 LCL280 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.39 LCL281 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.4 LCL282 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.41 LCL283 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.42 LCL284 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.43 LCL285 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.44 LCL286 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.45 LCL287 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.5 LCL288 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.52 LCL289 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.53 LCL290 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.54 LCL291 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.55 LCL292 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.56 LCL293 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.57 LCL294 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.6 LCL295 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.61 LCL296 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.62 LCL297 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.63 LCL298 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.51 LCL299 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.65 LCL300 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.66 LCL301 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.67 LCL302 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.7 LCL303 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.71 LCL304 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.72 LCL305 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.73 LCL306 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.74 LCL307 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.76 LCL308 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.77 LCL309 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.78 LCL310 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.79 LCL311 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.8 LCL312 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.81 LCL313 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.82 LCL314 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.83 LCL315 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.84 LCL316 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.85 LCL317 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.86 LCL318 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 4.87 LCL319 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.1 LCL320 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.11 LCL321 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.12 LCL322 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.13 LCL323 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.14 LCL324 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.16 LCL325 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.17 LCL326 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.19 LCL327 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.21 LCL328 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.23 LCL329 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.24 LCL330 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.25 LCL331 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.3 LCL332 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.31 LCL333 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.32 LCL334 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.33 LCL335 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.35 LCL336 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.36 LCL337 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.4 LCL338 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.41 LCL339 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.42 LCL340 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.44 LCL341 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.5 LCL342 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.501 LCL343 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.53 LCL344 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.54 LCL345 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.55 LCL346 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.6 LCL347 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.61 LCL348 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.62 LCL349 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.63 LCL350 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.7 LCL351 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.71 LCL352 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.74 LCL353 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Principia Mathematica 5.75 LCL354 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Independence of an Axiom for Temporal Intervals LCL355 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-04 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL356 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-05 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL357 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-06 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL358 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-07 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL359 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-08 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL360 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-09 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL361 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-10 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL362 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-11 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL363 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-12 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL364 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-13 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL365 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-14 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL366 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-15 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL367 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-17 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL368 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-23 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL369 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-25 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL370 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-26 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL371 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-27 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL372 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-28 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL373 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-29 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL374 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-31 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL375 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-32 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL376 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-33 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL377 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-34 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL378 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-36 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL379 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-38 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL380 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-41 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL381 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-42 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL382 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-43 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL383 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-44 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL384 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-45 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL385 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-47 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL386 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-48 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL387 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-50 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL388 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-51 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL389 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-52 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL390 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-53 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL391 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-55 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL392 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-56 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL393 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-57 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL394 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-58 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL395 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) CN-61 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL396 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-62 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL397 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-63 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL398 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-64 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL399 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-65 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL400 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-66 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL401 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-67 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL402 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-68 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL403 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-69 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL404 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-70 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL405 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) CN-71 depends on the Lukasiewicz system LCL406 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Generate LTL structures of size 4 LCL407 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Wajsberg algebra axioms LCL408 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Wajsberg algebra lattice structure definitions LCL409 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Wajsberg algebra AND and OR definitions LCL410 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative Wajsberg algebra definitions LCL411 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Propositional logic deduction axioms LCL412 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Propositional logic deduction axioms for AND LCL413 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Propositional logic deduction axioms for EQUIVALENT LCL414 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem THM147 LCL415 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Non-axiom for intuitionistic implication LCL416 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Prove reflexivity from formula XCB by condensed detachment LCL417 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) XCB is a single axiom for the equivalential calculus LCL418 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Is formula YQE a single axiom for the right group calculus? LCL419 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove AK1 from MV1--MV4 LCL420 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove AK2 from MV1--MV4 LCL421 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove KA1 from MV1--MV4 LCL422 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove KA2 from MV1--MV4 LCL423 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Luka-23 is a single axiom LCL424 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Mer-21 is a single axiom for two-valued logic LCL425 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) BCI+mingle implies Karpenko by condensed detachment LCL426 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove the mingle formula by condensed detachment LCL427 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) ORG-D23 is a single axiom for propositional calculus LCL428 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Prove the Harris/Rezus axiom from MV1-MV3 and MV5 LCL429 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL430 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL431 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL432 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL433 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL434 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL435 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL436 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL437 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL438 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL439 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL440 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL441 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL442 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL443 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL444 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL445 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL446 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL447 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about propositional logic LCL448 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Redundant axiom in Principia axiomatization LCL449 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Congruence of equiv, to admit substitution of equivalents LCL450 ( -0 +2 _0 ^1) Congruence of equiv lemmas, to admit substitution of equivalents LCL451 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn1 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL452 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn2 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL453 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn3 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL454 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Principia's r1 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL455 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r2 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL456 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Principia's r3 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL457 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r4 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL458 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r5 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL459 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn1 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL460 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Rosser's kn2 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL461 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn3 axiom from Hilbert's axiomatization LCL462 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Hilbert's modus_tollens axiom from Lukasiewicz's system LCL463 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL464 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Hilbert's implies_2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL465 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL466 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Hilbert's and_1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL467 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Prove Hilbert's and_2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL468 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL469 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL470 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL471 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL472 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's system LCL473 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's system LCL474 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's system LCL475 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL476 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL477 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL478 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r4 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL479 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r5 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL480 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn1 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL481 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn2 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL482 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn3 axiom from Lukasiewicz's axiomatization LCL483 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's modus_tollens axiom from Principia's system LCL484 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_1 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL485 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_2 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL486 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_3 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL487 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_1 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL488 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_2 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL489 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_3 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL490 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_1 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL491 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_2 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL492 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_3 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL493 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_1 axiom from Principia's system LCL494 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_2 axiom from Principia's system LCL495 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_3 axiom from Principia's system LCL496 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn1 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL497 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn2 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL498 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn3 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL499 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn1 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL500 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn2 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL501 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Rosser's kn3 axiom from Principia's axiomatization LCL502 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's modus_tollens axiom from Rosser's system LCL503 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_1 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL504 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_2 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL505 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_3 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL506 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_1 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL507 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_2 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL508 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_3 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL509 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_1 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL510 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_2 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL511 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_3 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL512 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_1 axiom from Rosser's system LCL513 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_2 axiom from Rosser's system LCL514 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_3 axiom from Rosser's system LCL515 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn1 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL516 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn2 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL517 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Lukasiewicz's cn3 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL518 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r1 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL519 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r2 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL520 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r3 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL521 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r4 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL522 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Principia's r5 axiom from Rosser's axiomatization LCL523 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 4 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL524 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom B from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL525 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove strict implies modus ponens from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL526 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove SSE from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL527 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove adjunction from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL528 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m1 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL529 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m2 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL530 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m3 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL531 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m4 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL532 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m5 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL533 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m6 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL534 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom s3 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL535 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m9 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL536 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m10 from KM5 axiomatization of S5 LCL537 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 5 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL538 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove strict implies modus ponens from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL539 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove SSE from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL540 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove adjunction from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL541 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m1 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL542 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m2 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL543 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m3 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL544 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m4 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL545 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m5 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL546 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m6 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL547 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom s3 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL548 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m9 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL549 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m10 from KM4B axiomatization of S5 LCL550 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's modus ponens rule from the S1-0 system LCL551 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's modus_tollens axiom from the S1-0 system LCL552 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_1 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL553 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_2 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL554 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's implies_3 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL555 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_1 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL556 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_2 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL557 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's and_3 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL558 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_1 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL559 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_2 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL560 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's or_3 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL561 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_1 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL562 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_2 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL563 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Hilbert's equivalence_3 axiom from the S1-0 system LCL564 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom K from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL565 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove necessitation from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL566 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom M from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL567 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 5 from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL568 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 4 from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL569 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m10 from the S1-0M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 LCL570 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom K from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL571 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove necessitation from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL572 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom M from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL573 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 5 from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL574 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom 4 from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL575 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom B from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL576 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m6 from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL577 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom s3 from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL578 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove axiom m9 from the S1-0M10 axiomatization of S5 LCL579 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Leibniz-equality definition means it's an equivalence LCL580 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 1 LCL581 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 2 LCL582 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 3 LCL583 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 4 LCL584 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 5 LCL585 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 6 LCL586 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 7 LCL587 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 8 LCL588 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 9 LCL589 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 10 LCL590 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Popkorn problem 11 LCL591 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom N is valid LCL592 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom D is valid LCL593 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom T valid in K? LCL594 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Relation for all propositions making T valid in K LCL595 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom T equivalent to reflexivity of R in K LCL596 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom 4 valid in K? LCL597 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Relation and proposition for 4 in K LCL598 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom 4 equivalent to irreflexivity? LCL599 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom 4 equivalent to symmetry? LCL600 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Is axiom 4 equivalent to transitivity of R in K? LCL601 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom 4 for all R means all R are valid LCL602 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) T and 4 equivalent to reflexivity and transitivity of R in K LCL603 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) T and 4 imply reflexivity and transitivity of R in K LCL604 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) T and 4 implied by reflexivity and transitivity of R in K LCL606 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAMBDA^mm_1 validates the Barcan formula axioms LCL607 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAMBDA^mm_1 validates the axioms defining possibility LCL608 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAMBDA^mm_1 validates the modus ponens rule LCL609 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAMBDA^mm_1 validates the generalization rule LCL611 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) LAMBDA^mm_1 validates the converse Barcan formula LCL612 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modus Ponens holds in K LCL613 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple theorem of K LCL614 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Regularity is a derived rule in K LCL615 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom KB LCL617 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom GL - the Loeb formula LCL618 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom GL implies Axiom K4 in K LCL619 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple theorem of K4 LCL620 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple theorem of propositional logic LCL621 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple theorem of K4 LCL623 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The Loeb formula is a theorem in GL LCL624 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple theorem of K LCL625 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) GL/K4 axiom is valid in this frame LCL626 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Loeb axiom is valid in this frame LCL629 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple theorem about knowledge LCL630 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The muddy forehead puzzle LCL631 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The muddy forehead puzzle LCL632 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The muddy forehead puzzle LCL633 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Goedel's ontological argument on the existence of God LCL634 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Goedel's ontological argument on the existence of God LCL636 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, the branching formula made provable, size 1 LCL637 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, the branching formula, size 1 LCL638 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, D & A4 & B{~p0/p0} -> T, size 1 LCL639 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, A5 not provable with instances of D, A4, and T, size 1 LCL640 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, formula with A4 and Dum leading to Dum, size 1 LCL641 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, Dum is not provable with instances of Dum4 and A4, size 1 LCL642 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, box Grz & Grz{C() & A4{C()/p0}/p0} -> Grz1, size 1 LCL643 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, Grz is not provable with instances of Grz1, size 1 LCL644 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, H2 -> L, size 1 LCL645 ( -1 +5 _0 ^0) In K, L+ is not provable with instances of L, size 1 LCL646 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, path through a labyrinth, size 1 LCL647 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, no path through an incomplete labyrinth, size 1 LCL648 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, pigeonhole formulae, size 1 LCL649 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, pigeonhole formulae missing a conjunct, size 1 LCL650 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, black and white polygon with odd number of vertices, size 1 LCL651 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, black and white polygon with even vertices, size 1 LCL652 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, formula with T and A4, size 1 LCL653 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In K, dia box p0 not provable, size 1 LCL654 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, A5{box p0/p0} & box A5{~p0/p0} -> A4, size 1 LCL655 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, A5 not provable with instances of A4, size 1 LCL656 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, the branching formula made provable, size 1 LCL657 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, the branching formula, size 1 LCL658 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, formula with A4 and Dum leading to Dum, size 1 LCL659 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, Dum is not provable with instances of Dum4 and A4, size 1 LCL660 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, box Grz & Grz{C() & A4{C()/p0}/p0} -> Grz1, size 1 LCL661 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, A5 is not provable with instances of Grz1, size 1 LCL662 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, in backward search find a way through box and dia, size 1 LCL663 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, in backwards search no way through box and dia, size 1 LCL664 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, path through a labyrinth, size 1 LCL665 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, no path through an incomplete labyrinth, size 1 LCL666 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, pigeonhole formulae, size 1 LCL667 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, pigeonhole formulae missing a conjunct, size 1 LCL668 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, black and white polygon with odd number of vertices, size 1 LCL669 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, black and white polygon with even vertices, size 1 LCL670 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, formula with T and A4, size 1 LCL671 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In KT, dia box p0 not provable, size 1 LCL672 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, A5{box p0/p0} & box A5{~p0/p0} -> A5, size 1 LCL673 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, A5 not provable, size 1 LCL674 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, the branching formula made provable, size 1 LCL675 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, the branching formula, size 1 LCL676 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, box Grz & Grz{C() & A4{C()/p0}/p0} -> Grz1, size 1 LCL677 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, A5 is not provable with instances of Grz1, size 1 LCL678 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, formula provable in intuitionistic logic, size 1 LCL679 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, formula not provable in intuitionistic logic, size 1 LCL680 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, in backward search find a way through box and dia, size 1 LCL681 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, in backwards search no way through box and dia, size 1 LCL682 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, path through a labyrinth, size 1 LCL683 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, no path through an incomplete labyrinth, size 1 LCL684 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, pigeonhole formulae, size 1 LCL685 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, pigeonhole formulae missing a conjunct, size 1 LCL686 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, formula provable in S5 embedding, size 1 LCL687 ( -2 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, formula not provable in S5 embedding, size 1 LCL688 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, formula with T and A4, size 1 LCL689 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) In S4, dia box p0 not provable, size 1 LCL690 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Prove K in the CS4 translation LCL691 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Prove reflexivity in the CS4 translation LCL692 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Prove transitivity in the CS4 translation LCL693 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Prove the Barcan formula in the CS4 translation LCL694 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Prove the converse Barcan formula in the CS4 translation LCL695 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Propositional intuitionistic logic in HOL LCL696 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Propositional intuitionistic logic in HOL LCL697 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Propositional intuitionistic logic in HOL LCL698 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Embedding of quantified multimodal logic in simple type theory LCL699 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for reflexivity LCL700 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for symmetry LCL701 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for seriality LCL702 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for transitivity LCL703 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for Euclidianity LCL704 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for partial functionality LCL705 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for functionality LCL706 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for weak density LCL707 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for weak connectedness LCL708 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Accessibility relation implies axiom for weak directedness LCL709 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for reflexivity LCL710 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for symmetry LCL711 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for seriality LCL712 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for transitivity LCL713 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for Euclidianity LCL714 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for partial functionality LCL715 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for functionality LCL716 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for weak density LCL717 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for weak connectedness LCL718 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom implies accessibility relation for weak directedness LCL719 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Necessitation rule holds in monomodal logic K LCL720 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Distribution axiom holds in monomodal logic K LCL721 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom D holds in monomodal logic D LCL722 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom M holds in monomodal logic M LCL723 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms M and B hold in monomodal logic B LCL724 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms M and 4 hold in monomodal logic S4 LCL725 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms M, 4, and B hold in monomodal logic S5 LCL726 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM534 LCL727 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM533 LCL728 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM532 LCL729 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM560 LCL730 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5310 LCL731 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM541 LCL732 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL733 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL734 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL735 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL736 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL738 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL739 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL740 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL741 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-THMS LCL742 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AC-FUNS-THMS LCL743 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from AXIOMOFDESCR LCL744 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 019_3 LCL745 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 020_5 LCL746 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 021_5 LCL747 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 022_6 LCL748 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 032_6 LCL749 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 036_3 LCL750 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 039_3 LCL751 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 041_5 LCL752 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 042_5 LCL753 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 053_4 LCL754 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 054_4 LCL755 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 055_4 LCL756 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 056_4 LCL757 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 058_3 LCL758 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 059_3 LCL759 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 060_3 LCL760 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 061_4 LCL761 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 065_3 LCL762 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 066_4 LCL763 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 067_3 LCL764 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 068_3 LCL765 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 072_3 LCL766 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 073_5 LCL767 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 074_5 LCL768 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 075_5 LCL769 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 076_5 LCL770 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 077_6 LCL771 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 078_5 LCL772 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 079_4 LCL773 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 080_5 LCL774 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 081_4 LCL775 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 082_3 LCL776 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 083_3 LCL777 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 084_4 LCL778 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 085_4 LCL779 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 086_3 LCL780 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 096_1 LCL781 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 102_3 LCL782 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 113_7 LCL783 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 116_9 LCL784 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 118_38 LCL785 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 121_56 LCL786 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 125_13 LCL787 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 129_13 LCL788 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 131_13 LCL789 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 132_53 LCL790 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 135_11 LCL791 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 137_13 LCL792 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 138_36 LCL793 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 139_44 LCL794 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 141_15 LCL795 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 143_19 LCL796 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 145_19 LCL797 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 147_36 LCL798 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 148_51 LCL799 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 150_17 LCL800 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 152_36 LCL801 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 154_15 LCL802 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 156_15 LCL803 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 158_15 LCL804 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 161_13 LCL805 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 163_26 LCL806 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 166_31 LCL807 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 167_57 LCL808 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 168_48 LCL809 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 169_44 LCL810 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 171_17 LCL811 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 172_26 LCL812 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 174_41 LCL813 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 176_15 LCL814 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 178_15 LCL815 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 180_15 LCL816 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 182_15 LCL817 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 184_15 LCL818 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 186_15 LCL819 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 189_13 LCL820 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 193_38 LCL821 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 195_11 LCL822 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 196_31 LCL823 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 198_11 LCL824 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 200_9 LCL825 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 202_22 LCL826 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 205_27 LCL827 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 206_53 LCL828 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 207_44 LCL829 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 209_13 LCL830 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 210_22 LCL831 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 212_33 LCL832 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 219_9 LCL833 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 226_7 LCL834 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 228_11 LCL835 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 230_11 LCL836 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 232_24 LCL837 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 234_11 LCL838 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 236_11 LCL839 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 237_50 LCL840 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 238_41 LCL841 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 240_42 LCL842 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 252_1 LCL843 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 254_14 LCL844 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 257_14 LCL845 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 261_3 LCL846 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 262_39 LCL847 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 263_34 LCL848 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 264_38 LCL849 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 265_56 LCL850 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 268_7 LCL851 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 270_7 LCL852 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 272_7 LCL853 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 273_17 LCL854 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 274_26 LCL855 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 276_14 LCL856 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 280_1 LCL857 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 282_16 LCL858 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Strong normalization of typed lambda calculus 283_16 LCL859 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with MB5 LCL860 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with M4B5 LCL861 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with M45 LCL862 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with M4B LCL863 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with D4B LCL864 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with D4B5 LCL865 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5(=M5) coincides with DB5 LCL866 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic KB5 coincides with K4B5 LCL867 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic KB5 coincides with K4B LCL868 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic D45 'includes' modal logic M5 LCL869 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic M5 'includes' modal logic D45 LCL870 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The Barcan formula is valid in quantified modal logic K LCL871 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The converse Barcan formula is valid in quantified modal logic K LCL872 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Correspondence between box and diamond and a confluence property LCL873 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Commutativity implies orthogonality in 2-D modal logic S5 LCL874 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Inclusion statement in a 2-D logic of knowledge and belief LCL875 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Rezus formula LCL876 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Prove Mv5 from MV1--MV4 LCL877 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Variants of axiom 5 LCL878 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Correspondence for axiom I LCL879 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Correspondence for axiom 4s LCL880 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Correspondence for axiom 5s LCL881 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axiom 5s is dependent LCL882 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An involutive pocrim that does not have unique halving LCL883 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An involutive pocrim that is not a hoop LCL884 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A bounded hoop that is not an involutive pocrim LCL885 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An involutive pocrim that is not a coop LCL886 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An involutive pocrim that is not idempotent LCL887 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An idempotent hoop that is not an involutive pocrim LCL888 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Halving is unique in a hoop LCL889 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Halving is unique in a hoop, rule for x >= a/2 LCL890 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Halving is unique in a hoop, rule for a/2 >= x LCL891 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Halving is unique in a hoop, rule for a/2 >= x LCL892 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Halving is unique in a hoop, rule for a/2 >= x LCL893 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) In a coop, x/2 = x implies x = 0 LCL894 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Weak conjunction is lub in a hoop using horn axioms LCL895 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Weak conjunction is lub in a hoop using equational axioms LCL896 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Associativity of weak conjunction implies commutativity LCL897 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Weak conjunction is associative in a hoop LCL898 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Strong disjunction is commutative in an involutive hoop LCL899 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A bounded pocrim property LCL900 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A bounded pocrim with commutative strong disjunction is a hoop LCL901 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An idempotent pocrim property LCL902 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A boolean pocrim is involutive LCL903 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A boolean pocrim is idempotent LCL905 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative Wajsberg algebra LCL907 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hilbert's axiomatization of propositional logic LCL908 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lukasiewicz's axiomatization of propositional logic LCL909 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Principia's axiomatization of propositional logic LCL910 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Rosser's axiomatization of propositional logic LCL911 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) KM5 axiomatization of S5 based on Hilbert's PC LCL912 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) KM4B axiomatization of S5 based on Hilbert's PC LCL913 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axiomatization of S1-0 LCL914 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) M6S3M9B axiomatization of S5 based on S1-0 LCL915 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) M10 axiomatization of S5 based on S1-0 LCL916 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Multi-Modal Logic LCL917 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Translating constructive S4 (CS4) to bimodal classical S4 (BS4) LCL918 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic K LCL919 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic D LCL920 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic M LCL921 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic B LCL922 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S4 LCL923 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal logic S5 LCL924 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Region Connection Calculus LCL925 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Embedding of quantified multimodal logic in simple type theory LCL926 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) IO in TW+ [AxL,AxTO] LCL927 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) AxK and AxC in TW+ [AxL,AxTO] + (Resid) LCL928 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AxTO in BCK-> [AxL] + (Resid) LCL929 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) AxK in TW-> [AxL] + (Resid) LCL930 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Embedding of second order modal logic S5 with universal access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain LDA = Left Distributive 50 problems (41 abstract), 50 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDA001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verify 3*2*U = UUU, where U = 2*2 LDA002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verify 3*2(U2)(UU(UU)) = U1(U3)(UU(UU)) LDA003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that 3 is a left segment of U = 2*2 LDA004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that 3*2(U2) is a left segment of U1(U3) LDA005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g=cr(t). Show that tt(tsg) < t(tsg) (for any s) LDA006 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that tsg is not in the range of t LDA007 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that t(tsg) = tt(ts)(tg) LDA008 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t) = cr(T). If Ta < Tsg, then ta < tsg LDA009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). If g < sg, then st(ts)g < stt(sg) LDA010 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that stts(sttt)(stts)g < stt(sg) LDA011 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that stts(sttt)(stts)stts(sttt)g < stt(sg) LDA012 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that stts(sttt)g = g LDA013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that aag <= ag, t=a LDA014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Let g = cr(t). Show that aag <= ag, t=a LDA015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 00 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 01 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 03 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 04 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 06 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 07 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 08 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 10 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 11 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 12 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 13 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 14 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 17 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 19 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 21 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 24 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 25 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 26 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 29 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 30 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 32 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 33 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 34 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity 35 in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity xx in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity yy in the equational theory of group conjugation LDA041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Embedding algebra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain LIN = Linear Algebra 15 problems (15 abstract), 0 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 15 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIN001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Blue Book, Problem 08CBBE002 LIN002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B White Book, Problem 08CWBE071 LIN003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Yellow Book, Problem 08CYBE053 LIN004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C White Book, Problem 09CWCE033 LIN005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 2013, Humanities Course, Problem 3 LIN006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 2007, Humanities Course, Problem 1 LIN007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 2011, Science Course, Problem 5 LIN008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2009, Science Course, Problem 1 LIN009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2009, Science Course, Problem 4 LIN010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Nagoya University, 2001, Science Course, Problem 3 LIN011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Osaka University, 2003, Humanities Course, Problem 1 LIN012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2001, Humanities Course, Problem 4 LIN013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1985, Humanities Course, Problem 1 LIN014 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1985, Humanities Course, Problem 4 LIN015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2013, Science Course, Problem 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain MED = Medicine 12 problems (12 abstract), 0 CNF, 12 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MED001 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sulfonylurea treatment MED002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Combined biguanide and sulfonylurea treatment MED003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Insulin treatment MED004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) No suitable therapy for patients with exhausted B-cells MED005 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful diet treatment MED006 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful s1-qilt27 treatment - single oral anti-diabetic MED007 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful s1-qilt27 treatment next step MED008 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful s1-qige27 treatment MED009 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful s1-qige27 treatment - next step MED010 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsuccessful s1-qilt27 treatment - two oral anti-diabetic MED011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Satisfiability of medical subject headings axioms MED012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Physiology Diabetes Mellitus type 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain MGT = Management 157 problems (67 abstract), 78 CNF, 79 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT001 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Selection favors organizations with high inertia MGT002 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Structural inertia increases monotonically with age. MGT003 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Organizational death rates decrease with age. MGT004 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Attempts at reorganization increase death rates. MGT005 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Complexity increases the risk of death due to reorganization. MGT006 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Reliability and accountability increase with time. MGT007 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Reproducibility decreases during reorganization. MGT008 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Organizational death rates decrease with size. MGT009 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Large organization have higher reproducibility MGT010 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Large organization have higher reliability and accountability MGT011 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Organizational size cannot decrease without reorganization MGT012 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Complexity of an organization cannot get smaller by age MGT013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) If organization complexity increases, its size cannot decrease MGT014 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) If orgainzation size increases, its complexity cannot decrease MGT015 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Complexity increases the expected duration of reorganisation. MGT016 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) More complex organizations have shorter reorganization MGT017 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Length of reoganisation proportional to organization size MGT018 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Larger organizations have shorter reorganization MGT019 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Growth rate of EPs exceeds that of FMs in stable environments MGT020 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) First movers exceeds efficient producers disbanding rate MGT021 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Difference between disbanding rates does not decrease MGT022 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Decreasing resource availability affects FMS more than EPs MGT023 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Stable environments have a critical point. MGT024 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Subpopulation growth rates are in equilibria MGT025 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Constant population means opposite growth rates MGT026 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Selection favors efficient producers past the critical point MGT027 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The FM set contracts in stable environments MGT028 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) FMs have a negative growth rate in stable environments MGT029 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) EPs have positive and FMs have negative growth rates MGT030 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Earliest time point when FM growth rate exceeds EP growth rate MGT031 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) First movers appear first in an environment MGT032 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Selection favours EPs above FMs MGT033 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Selection favors FMs above EPs until EPs appear MGT034 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Selection favors FMs above EPs until critical point reached MGT035 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) EPs outcompete FMs in stable environments MGT036 ( -3 +3 _0 ^0) First movers never outcompete efficient producers. MGT037 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Once appeared, efficient producers do not disappear MGT038 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) FMs become extinct in stable environments MGT039 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Selection favours EPs above Fms if change is slow MGT040 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Selection favours FMs above EPs if change is not extreme MGT041 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) There are non-FM and non-EP organisations MGT042 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a lower hazard of mortality MGT043 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a higher hazard of mortality MGT044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Capability increases monotonically with age MGT045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Structural position increases monotonically with age MGT046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unendowed organization's hazard of mortality declines with age MGT047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for changing hazard of mortality MGT048 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Capability decreases monotonically with its age MGT049 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Structural position does not vary with its age MGT050 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Unendowed organization's hazard of mortality increases with age MGT051 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for constant then increasing hazard of mortality MGT052 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The environment at any time is similar with itself MGT053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The dissimilarity relation is symmetric MGT054 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Hazard of mortality increases in a drifting environment MGT055 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a constant then jumping hazard of mortality 1 MGT056 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a constant then jumping hazard of mortality 2 MGT057 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a constant then increasing hazard of mortality MGT058 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An organization's position cannot be both fragile and robust MGT059 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Hazard of mortality is constant during periods of immunity MGT060 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Hazard of mortality is lower during periods of immunity MGT061 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for an in reasing hazard of mortality MGT062 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Condictions for decreasing hazard of mortality MGT063 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for increasing then decreasing hazard of mortality MGT064 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Conditions for a decreasing then increasing hazard of mortality MGT065 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Long-run hazard of mortality MGT066 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Inequalities. MGT067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Authorization to create requisitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain MSC = Miscellaneous 51 problems (33 abstract), 27 CNF, 11 FOF, 3 TFF, 10 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSC001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A Blind Hand Problem MSC002 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A Blind Hand Problem MSC003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that the boy, John, has 2 hands MSC004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that the boy, John, has 10 fingers MSC005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The evaluation of XOR expressions MSC006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A "non-obvious" problem MSC007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^1) Cook pigeon-hole problem MSC008 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) The (in)constructability of Graeco-Latin Squares MSC009 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Definitions of a family structure MSC010 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simple, but hard, obligation from proof verification MSC011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Drinker paradox MSC012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A serial and transitive relation inconsistent for non-empty domain MSC013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Single-valued relation between 5-tuple and domain element MSC014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Find a model with a functional relation which is injective, n=4 MSC015 (-10 +0 _0 ^0) Binary counter k=05 MSC016 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem from question answering system MSC017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Diving has no bad outcomes MSC018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem from an encoding of geography of the USA MSC019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Mexico is in America MSC020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM301 MSC021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM300 MSC022 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Celcius 37 to Fahrenheit conversion MSC023 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fahrenheit 451 to Celcius conversion MSC024 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Sorting_networks family MSC025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Nik's Challenge MSC026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets, numbers, lists, etc, that make up the Isabelle/HOL library MSC027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets, numbers, lists, etc, that make up the Isabelle/HOL library MSC028 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) 2 and 3 cents stamps MSC029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1963, Problem 6 MSC030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1964, Problem 4 MSC031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1972, Problem 1 MSC032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2003, Problem 1 MSC033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2014, Problem 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain NLP = Natural Language Processing 550 problems (263 abstract), 277 CNF, 262 FOF, 0 TFF, 11 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NLP001 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem NLP002 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 2 NLP003 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 3 NLP004 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 4 NLP005 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 5 NLP006 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 6 NLP007 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 7 NLP008 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 8 NLP009 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 9 NLP011 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 11 NLP012 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 12 NLP013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 13 NLP014 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 14 NLP015 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 15 NLP016 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 16 NLP017 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 17 NLP018 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 18 NLP019 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 19 NLP020 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 20 NLP021 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 21 NLP022 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) "The old dirty white Chevy" problem 22 NLP023 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Mia wants to dance, problem 1 NLP024 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia wants to dance, problem 2 NLP025 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia wants to dance, problem 3 NLP026 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 1 NLP027 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 2 NLP028 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 3 NLP029 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 4 NLP030 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 5 NLP031 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 6 NLP032 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 7 NLP033 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 8 NLP034 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 9 NLP035 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 10 NLP036 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 11 NLP037 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 12 NLP038 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 13 NLP039 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 14 NLP040 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 15 NLP041 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Three young guys, problem 16 NLP042 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 1 NLP043 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 2 NLP044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 3 NLP045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 4 NLP046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 5 NLP047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 6 NLP048 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 7 NLP049 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 7 NLP050 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 8 NLP051 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 9 NLP052 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 10 NLP053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 11 NLP054 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 12 NLP055 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 13 NLP056 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 14 NLP057 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 15 NLP058 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Mia ordered a shake, problem 16 NLP059 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 1 NLP060 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 2 NLP061 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 3 NLP062 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 4 NLP063 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 5 NLP064 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 6 NLP065 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 7 NLP066 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 8 NLP067 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 8 NLP068 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 9 NLP069 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 10 NLP070 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 11 NLP071 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 12 NLP072 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 13 NLP073 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 14 NLP074 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 15 NLP075 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 15 NLP076 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 16 NLP077 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 17 NLP078 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 18 NLP079 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 19 NLP080 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 20 NLP081 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 21 NLP082 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 22 NLP083 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 23 NLP084 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 24 NLP085 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 25 NLP086 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 26 NLP087 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 27 NLP088 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 28 NLP089 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 29 NLP090 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 30 NLP091 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 31 NLP092 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 32 NLP093 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) A man comes out of the bathroom, problem 33 NLP094 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 1 NLP095 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 2 NLP096 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 3 NLP097 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 4 NLP098 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 4 NLP099 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 6 NLP100 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 7 NLP101 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 8 NLP102 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 9 NLP103 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 10 NLP104 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 11 NLP105 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 12 NLP106 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 13 NLP107 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 14 NLP108 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 15 NLP109 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 16 NLP110 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 17 NLP111 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 18 NLP112 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 19 NLP113 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Every customer in a restaurant, problem 20 NLP114 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 1 NLP115 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 2 NLP116 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 3 NLP117 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 4 NLP118 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 5 NLP119 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 6 NLP120 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 7 NLP121 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 8 NLP122 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 9 NLP123 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 10 NLP124 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 11 NLP125 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 12 NLP126 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 13 NLP127 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 14 NLP128 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 15 NLP129 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 16 NLP130 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 17 NLP131 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 18 NLP132 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 19 NLP133 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 20 NLP134 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 21 NLP135 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 22 NLP136 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 23 NLP137 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 24 NLP138 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 25 NLP139 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 26 NLP140 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 27 NLP141 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 28 NLP142 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 29 NLP143 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 30 NLP144 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 31 NLP145 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 32 NLP146 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 33 NLP147 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 34 NLP148 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 35 NLP149 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 36 NLP150 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 37 NLP151 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 38 NLP152 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 39 NLP153 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 40 NLP154 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 41 NLP155 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 42 NLP156 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 43 NLP157 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 44 NLP158 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 45 NLP159 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 46 NLP160 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 47 NLP161 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 48 NLP162 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 49 NLP163 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 50 NLP164 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 51 NLP165 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 52 NLP166 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 53 NLP167 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 54 NLP168 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 55 NLP169 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 56 NLP170 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 57 NLP171 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 58 NLP172 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 59 NLP173 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 60 NLP174 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 61 NLP175 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 62 NLP176 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 63 NLP177 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 64 NLP178 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 65 NLP179 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 66 NLP180 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 67 NLP181 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 68 NLP182 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 69 NLP183 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 70 NLP184 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 71 NLP185 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 72 NLP186 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 73 NLP187 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 74 NLP188 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 75 NLP189 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 76 NLP190 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 77 NLP191 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 78 NLP192 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 79 NLP193 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 80 NLP194 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 81 NLP195 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 82 NLP196 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 83 NLP197 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 84 NLP198 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 85 NLP199 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 86 NLP200 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 87 NLP201 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 88 NLP202 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 89 NLP203 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 90 NLP204 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 91 NLP205 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 92 NLP206 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 93 NLP207 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 94 NLP208 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 95 NLP209 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 96 NLP210 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 97 NLP211 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 98 NLP212 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 99 NLP213 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 100 NLP214 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 101 NLP215 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 102 NLP216 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 103 NLP217 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 104 NLP218 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 105 NLP219 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) An old dirty white Chevy, problem 106 NLP220 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 1 NLP221 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 2 NLP222 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 3 NLP223 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 4 NLP224 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 5 NLP225 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 6 NLP226 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 7 NLP227 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 8 NLP228 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 9 NLP229 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 10 NLP230 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 11 NLP231 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 12 NLP232 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 13 NLP233 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 14 NLP234 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 15 NLP235 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 16 NLP236 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 17 NLP237 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 18 NLP238 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 19 NLP239 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 20 NLP240 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 21 NLP241 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 22 NLP242 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 23 NLP243 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 24 NLP244 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 25 NLP245 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 26 NLP246 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 27 NLP247 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 28 NLP248 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 29 NLP249 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 30 NLP250 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 31 NLP251 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 32 NLP252 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 33 NLP253 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 34 NLP254 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 35 NLP255 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 36 NLP256 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 37 NLP257 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 38 NLP258 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 39 NLP259 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vincent believes that every man smokes, problem 40 NLP260 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cytogeneticist is a hyponym of biologist NLP261 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cytogeneticist is a hyponym of scientist NLP262 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cytogeneticist is a hyponym of individual NLP263 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Satisfiability of WordNet axioms NLP264 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Belief Change in man-machine-dialogues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain NUM = Number Theory 1572 problems (953 abstract), 323 CNF, 769 FOF, 157 TFF, 323 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUM001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) NUM002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (X - Y) + Z = X + (Z - Y) NUM003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A + (B - C) = (A - C) + B NUM004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (A + B) - C = A + (B - C) NUM005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Greatest Common Divisor NUM006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Goldbach conjecture NUM007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least Common Multiple NUM008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 0 NUM009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 1 NUM010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 2 NUM011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 3 NUM012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 4 NUM013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Peano axiom 5 NUM014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If a is a prime and a = b^2/c^2 then a divides b NUM015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Any number greater than 1 has a prime divisor NUM016 ( -2 +0 _0 ^1) There exist infinitely many primes NUM017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Square root of this prime is irrational NUM018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) There is an infinite number of twin prime numbers NUM019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetry of equality can be derived NUM020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^1) a + 1 = successor(a) NUM021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^1) If a <= b < c, then c cannot divide a NUM022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Numerator divisble by smaller denominators NUM023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Zero is less than all successor numbers NUM024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) No number is less than itself NUM025 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If a= b and b*c <= a*c, then c = 0 NUM028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 1 NUM029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 2 NUM030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 3 NUM031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 4 NUM032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 5 NUM033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 6 NUM034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization is idempotent NUM035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain equals range of symmetrization NUM036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 7 NUM037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 8 NUM038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Symmetrization property 9 NUM039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 1 NUM040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 2 NUM041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 3 NUM042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 4 NUM043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 5 NUM044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 6 NUM045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Irreflexive class property 7 NUM046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Connected class property 1 NUM047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Connected class property 2 NUM048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Connected class property 3 NUM049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Connected class property 4 NUM050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Connected class property 5 NUM051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Everything is connected to the null class NUM052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive ordering property 1 NUM053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive ordering property 2 NUM054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Asymmetric class property 1 NUM055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Asymmetric class property 2 NUM056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Asymmetric class property 3 NUM057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 1 NUM058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 2 NUM059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 3 NUM060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 4 NUM061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 5 NUM062 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 6 NUM063 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Segments property 7 NUM064 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least(xr,u) is unique NUM065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 1 NUM066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to well ordering property 1 NUM067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 2 NUM068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 3 NUM069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to well ordering property 3 NUM070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A well-order is asymmetric NUM071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering is irreflexive NUM072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 4 NUM073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to well ordering property 4 NUM074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 5 NUM075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 6 NUM076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 7 NUM077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to well ordering property 7 NUM078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to well ordering property 7 NUM079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 8 NUM080 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Well ordering property 9 NUM081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to well ordering property 9 NUM082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of the least element of a non-empty subset NUM083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive class property 1 NUM084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate transitive class definition, part 1 NUM085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate transitive class definition, part 2 NUM086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive class property 2 NUM087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive class property 3 NUM088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitive class property 4 NUM089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sections property 1 NUM090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to sections property 1 NUM091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sections property 2 NUM092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to sections property 2 NUM093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to sections property 2 NUM094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sections property 3 NUM095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sections property 4 NUM096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sections property 5 NUM097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to sections property 5 NUM098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 1 NUM099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinal property 1 NUM100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 2 NUM101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 3 NUM102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 4 NUM103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinal property 4 NUM104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 5 NUM105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 6 NUM106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 7 NUM107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 8 NUM108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 9 NUM109 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 10 NUM110 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinal property 10 NUM111 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 11 NUM112 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 12 NUM113 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 13 NUM114 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinal property 13 NUM115 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The class of ordinals is not a set. NUM116 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the class of ordinals is not set NUM117 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinal class and numbers NUM118 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal property 14 NUM119 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to transitive class property 4 NUM120 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite induction, part 1 NUM121 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite induction, part 2 NUM122 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite induction, part 3 NUM123 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate transfinite induction 3 NUM124 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condensed statement of transfinite induction NUM125 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Complete induction upto omega NUM126 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 1 for transfinite induction, part 1 NUM127 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 1 for transfinite induction, part 2 NUM128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 1 for transfinite induction, part 3 NUM129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 2 for transfinite induction, part 1 NUM130 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 2 for transfinite induction, part 2 NUM131 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 2 for transfinite induction, part 3 NUM132 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Union of successor relation ordinal NUM133 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to union of successor ordinal NUM134 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor relation of an ordinal is an ordinal NUM135 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The null class is the smallest ordinal NUM136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transitivity of ordinals NUM137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 1 for complete induction NUM138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 2 for complete induction NUM139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 3 for complete induction NUM140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of a set is a set, part 1 NUM141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of a set is a set, part 2 NUM142 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of a set is a set, part 3 NUM143 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the successor of a set being a set NUM144 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of a proper class is a class NUM145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the successor of a proper class being a class NUM146 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of a transitive set is transitive NUM147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor of an ordinal is an ordinal NUM148 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The predecessor of an ordinal is an ordinal NUM149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 1 NUM150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to successor property 1 NUM151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to successor property 1 NUM152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to successor property 1 NUM153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to successor property 1 NUM154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 5 to successor property 1 NUM155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) There is no ordinal between x and x + 1 NUM156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership condition 1 for kind 1 ordinals NUM157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership condition 2 for kind 1 ordinals NUM158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership condition 3 for kind 1 ordinals NUM159 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership condition 4 for kind 1 ordinals NUM160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Kind 1 ordinals is a class of ordinals NUM161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to kind 1 ordinals being a class of ordinals NUM162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 2 NUM163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inductive is closed under union NUM164 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inductive is closed under intersection NUM165 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to omega definition, part 1 NUM166 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to omega definition, part 2 NUM167 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 3 NUM168 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to successor property 3 NUM169 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 4 NUM170 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 5 NUM171 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 6 NUM172 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The successor relation of a set is different from the set NUM173 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 7 NUM174 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 8 NUM175 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 9 NUM176 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Successor property 10 NUM177 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 1 for a class to be inductive NUM178 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 2 for a class to be inductive NUM179 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 3 for a class to be inductive NUM180 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Limit ordinals are ordinals NUM181 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The null class is not a limit ordinal NUM182 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Only limit ordinals equal their successors NUM183 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinals are either kind 1 or limit NUM184 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to ordinals are either kind 1 or limit NUM185 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Limit ordinals are not members NUM186 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega property 1 NUM187 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma for successor property 8 NUM188 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega is transitive NUM189 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega is an ordinal NUM190 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega is not the null class NUM191 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega is a limit ordinal NUM192 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Omega is the smallest limit ordinal NUM193 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The sum of ordinals is an ordinal NUM194 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of a class of ordinals is a class of ordinals NUM195 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of a class of ordinals is transitive NUM196 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of a set of ordinals is an ordinal NUM197 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of a proper class of ordinals is the class of ordinals NUM198 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of a set of ordinals is >= each ordinal in the set NUM199 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least upper bound property 1 NUM200 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If every element of x is <= y, then sum class(x) <= y NUM201 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least upper bound property 3 NUM202 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If the lub of a set of ordinals is a successor, it's in the set NUM203 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to least upper bound being a successor relation NUM204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least upper bound property 5 NUM205 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to least upper bound property 5 NUM206 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to least upper bound property 5 NUM207 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least upper bound property 6 NUM208 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Least upper bound property 7 NUM209 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to least upper bound property 7 NUM210 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 1 for least upper bound property 8 NUM211 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 2 for least upper bound property 8 NUM212 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 3 for least upper bound property 8 NUM213 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 3 for transfinite induction NUM214 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Induction up to y NUM215 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to induction upto y NUM216 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to rest definition NUM217 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to rest definition NUM218 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest of is a function NUM219 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The domain of rest_of(X) is the domain of X NUM220 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to the domain of rest_of(X) being the domain of X NUM221 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest_of property 1 NUM222 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest_of is monotonic. NUM223 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest relation is a function NUM224 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest relation property 1 NUM225 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest relation property 2 NUM226 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest relation property 3 NUM227 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rest relation property 4 NUM228 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to recursion equation functions definition NUM229 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 0 NUM230 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 1 NUM231 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 2 NUM232 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 3 NUM233 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 4 NUM234 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 5 NUM235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 6 NUM236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to transfinite recursion lemma 6 NUM237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to transfinite recursion lemma 6 NUM238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 7 NUM239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 8 NUM240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 9.1 NUM241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 9.2 NUM242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 9.3 NUM243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 10 NUM244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion lemma 11 NUM245 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 1 NUM246 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 2 NUM247 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 3 NUM248 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 4 NUM249 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 5 NUM250 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 6 NUM251 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 7 NUM252 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 8 NUM253 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 9 NUM254 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 10 NUM255 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 11 NUM256 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 12 NUM257 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 13 NUM258 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Transfinite recursion property 14 NUM259 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The uniqueness of the function defined by transfinite recursion NUM260 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 4 for transfinite induction, part 1 NUM261 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 4 for transfinite induction, part 2 NUM262 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 4 for transfinite induction, part 3 NUM263 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 4 for transfinite induction, part 4 NUM264 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternate 4 for transfinite induction, part 5 NUM265 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 1 NUM266 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 2 NUM267 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 3 NUM268 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 4 NUM269 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 5 NUM270 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 6 NUM271 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 1 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM272 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 2 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM273 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 3 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM274 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 4 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM275 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 5 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM276 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 6 for ordinal addition property 7 NUM277 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 7_1 NUM278 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 7_2 NUM279 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal addition property 8 NUM280 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal multiplication property 1 NUM281 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal multiplication property 2 NUM282 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordinal multiplication property 3 NUM283 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Calculation of factorial NUM284 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Calculation of fibonacci numbers NUM285 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) a0 + ... + a5 = b1 + ... + b5, expression in logic NUM286 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Number theory axioms NUM287 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Number theory less axioms NUM288 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Number theory div axioms NUM289 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Number theory (ordinals) axioms, based on NBG set theory NUM290 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 < 3 NUM291 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 3 !< 2 NUM292 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 < 13 NUM293 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? < 13 NUM294 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 12 < ? NUM295 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? < ? NUM296 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -2 < 2 NUM297 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -4 < -2 NUM298 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 !< -2 NUM299 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -2 !< -4 NUM300 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? < 0 NUM301 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? < -2 NUM302 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -2 < ? NUM303 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 31 != 21 NUM304 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? != 12 NUM305 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 = 5 NUM306 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 23 + 34 = 57 NUM307 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 23 + 34 = ? NUM308 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + 23 = 34 NUM309 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 23 + ? = 34 NUM310 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 != 6 NUM311 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 = only 5 NUM312 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) only 2 + 3 = 5 NUM313 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + only 3 = 5 NUM314 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Show upper boundary NUM315 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -2 + -5 = -7 NUM316 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + -5 = -3 NUM317 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 + -2 = 3 NUM318 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 + -5 = 0 NUM319 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -2 + -5 = ? NUM320 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + -5 = ? NUM321 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 + -2 = ? NUM322 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 + -5 = ? NUM323 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + -5 = -7 NUM324 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + -5 = -3 NUM325 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + -2 = 3 NUM326 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + -5 = 0 NUM327 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + 0 = ? NUM328 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?1 + ? = ?1 NUM329 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + ? = ? NUM330 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XY (X+Y = 8) & X = 4 & Y = 4 NUM331 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 6 + 7 = 7 + 6 NUM332 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) (2 + 3) + 6 = 2 + (3 + 6) NUM333 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ! XYZ, ((X+Y)+Z) = (X+(Y+Z)) NUM334 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 7 - 5 = 2 NUM335 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 - 3 = only 2 NUM336 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) only 5 - 2 = 3 NUM337 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 - only 3 = 2 NUM338 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 5 - 3 = only 2 NUM339 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Show lower boundary NUM340 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? - 0 = ? NUM341 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) x + y = z <=> z - y = x & z - x = y NUM342 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XY (X + Y = 8) => X - Y = 0 NUM343 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) -1 < ? & ? < 1 => 21 + ? = 21 NUM344 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) x+1 = z => z > x NUM345 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 < 6 NUM346 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 > 4 NUM347 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 2 = 5 NUM348 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X (127 + 1 = X) NUM349 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X (-128 - 1 = X) NUM350 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !XY, (X + X) = Y NUM351 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XY (X + Y) = X NUM352 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?XY (X+Y) != (X+Y) NUM353 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XYZ ((X+Y)+Z) != (Z+X)+Y) NUM354 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? != 0 such that ? + ? = 0 NUM355 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XY (X+Y = 8) => X = 4, Y = 4 NUM356 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ? + 0 != ? NUM357 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?X (X + 0 != X) NUM358 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !X (X + X = X) NUM359 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !X (X + X != X) NUM360 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?XY (X + Y = 8) => X - Y = 1 NUM361 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !XY (X+Y = 8) => X - Y = 1, NUM362 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !XY (X+Y = 8) => X - Y = 0 NUM363 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) if (X+Y) = Z then Z > X & Z > Y NUM364 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !XY (X + Y > X - Y) NUM365 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !XY (X - Y > X + Y) NUM366 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 2 + 3 > 7 NUM367 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?XY (X + Y != Y + X) NUM368 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ! - ! = 0 NUM369 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ! + 0 = ! NUM370 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) 0 + ! = ! NUM371 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) if (X - Y) = Z and Z > 0, then X > Y NUM372 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) if (X - Y) = 0, then X = Y NUM373 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ?XYZ, (X+Y) = (Y+X) NUM374 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Disprove Wilkie identity from Tarski's identities NUM375 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) Find assignment that goes out of range 0-10, medium difficulty NUM376 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) Find assignment in 0-10 to satisfy inequality, hard NUM377 ( -0 +5 _0 ^0) Find assignment in 0-10 to satisfy inequalities, very hard NUM378 ( -0 +7 _0 ^0) Find assignment in 0-10 to satisfy 10 inequalities, very very hard NUM380 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 4 NUM381 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 5 NUM382 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 6 NUM383 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 7 NUM385 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 12 NUM386 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 13 NUM387 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 14 NUM388 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 19 NUM390 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 22 NUM393 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 25 NUM394 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 26 NUM395 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 27 NUM396 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 29 NUM397 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 30 NUM401 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 34 NUM402 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 35 NUM403 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 36 NUM404 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 37 NUM405 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 38 NUM406 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 39 NUM409 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 45 NUM410 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 46 NUM411 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 47 NUM412 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 48 NUM413 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 49 NUM414 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers, theorem 50 NUM415 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 2 * (3 + 7) = (2 * 5) * (1 + 1) NUM416 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 10 * (10 * 10) = (10 + 10) * (5 * 10) NUM417 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (10 * 10) * (10 * 10) = ((10 * 10) * 10) * 10 NUM418 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Find N such that N + 3 = 3 NUM419 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Find N such that N + 3 = 4 NUM420 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Prime 0 NUM421 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 01, 00 expansion NUM422 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 02, 00 expansion NUM423 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 03, 00 expansion NUM424 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 04, 00 expansion NUM425 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 04_01, 00 expansion NUM426 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 04_02, 00 expansion NUM427 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 04_03, 00 expansion NUM428 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 05, 00 expansion NUM429 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 05_01, 00 expansion NUM430 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 05_02, 00 expansion NUM431 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 05_03, 00 expansion NUM432 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 05_04, 00 expansion NUM433 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 06, 00 expansion NUM434 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 06_01, 00 expansion NUM435 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 06_02, 00 expansion NUM436 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 06_03, 00 expansion NUM437 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 07, 00 expansion NUM438 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 08, 00 expansion NUM439 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 09+, 00 expansion NUM440 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 09_01, 00 expansion NUM441 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 09_02, 00 expansion NUM442 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 10, 00 expansion NUM443 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 10_01, 00 expansion NUM444 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 10_02, 00 expansion NUM445 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11+, 00 expansion NUM446 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_01, 00 expansion NUM447 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_01_01, 00 expansion NUM448 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_01_02, 00 expansion NUM449 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_02, 00 expansion NUM450 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_03, 00 expansion NUM451 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_04, 00 expansion NUM452 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_04_01, 00 expansion NUM453 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_04_02, 00 expansion NUM454 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_04_03, 00 expansion NUM455 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_04_04, 00 expansion NUM456 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Fuerstenberg's infinitude of primes 11_05, 00 expansion NUM457 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 01, 00 expansion NUM458 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 02, 00 expansion NUM459 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 03, 00 expansion NUM460 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 04, 00 expansion NUM461 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 05, 00 expansion NUM462 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 06, 00 expansion NUM463 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 07, 00 expansion NUM464 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 07_01, 00 expansion NUM465 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 07_02, 00 expansion NUM466 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 08, 00 expansion NUM467 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 09, 00 expansion NUM468 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 09_01, 00 expansion NUM469 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 09_02, 00 expansion NUM470 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10, 00 expansion NUM471 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_03, 00 expansion NUM472 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_03_01, 00 expansion NUM473 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_03_02, 00 expansion NUM474 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_05, 00 expansion NUM475 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_06, 00 expansion NUM476 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 10_07, 00 expansion NUM477 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 11, 00 expansion NUM478 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 12, 00 expansion NUM479 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 12_01, 00 expansion NUM480 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 12_02, 00 expansion NUM481 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 13, 00 expansion NUM482 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 13_01, 00 expansion NUM483 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 13_02, 00 expansion NUM484 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 13_03, 00 expansion NUM485 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14, 00 expansion NUM486 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01, 00 expansion NUM487 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_02, 00 expansion NUM488 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_03, 00 expansion NUM489 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_03_01, 00 expansion NUM490 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_03_03, 00 expansion NUM491 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_03_04, 00 expansion NUM492 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_03_05, 00 expansion NUM493 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_04, 00 expansion NUM494 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_04_01, 00 expansion NUM495 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_04_02, 00 expansion NUM496 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_01_05, 00 expansion NUM497 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03, 00 expansion NUM498 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_02, 00 expansion NUM499 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03, 00 expansion NUM500 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_01, 00 expansion NUM501 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_02, 00 expansion NUM502 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_03, 00 expansion NUM503 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_03_01, 00 expansion NUM504 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_03_02, 00 expansion NUM505 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_03_03, 00 expansion NUM506 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_04, 00 expansion NUM507 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_04_01, 00 expansion NUM508 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_04_02, 00 expansion NUM509 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05, 00 expansion NUM510 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_01, 00 expansion NUM511 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_02, 00 expansion NUM512 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_02_01, 00 expansion NUM513 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_02_02, 00 exp NUM514 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_02_03, 00 exp NUM515 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_03, 00 expansion NUM516 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_03_01, 00 exp NUM517 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_03_02, 00 exp NUM518 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_05_04, 00 expansion NUM519 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_03_07, 00 expansion NUM520 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_03_04, 00 expansion NUM521 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 14_04, 00 expansion NUM522 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15, 00 expansion NUM523 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_01, 00 expansion NUM524 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_03, 00 expansion NUM525 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_03_01, 00 expansion NUM526 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_04, 00 expansion NUM527 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_04_01, 00 expansion NUM528 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_04_02, 00 expansion NUM529 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_05, 00 expansion NUM530 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Square root of a prime is irrational 15_06, 00 expansion NUM531 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 01, 00 expansion NUM532 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 02, 00 expansion NUM533 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 03, 00 expansion NUM534 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 04, 00 expansion NUM535 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 04_01, 00 expansion NUM536 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 05, 00 expansion NUM537 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 05_01, 00 expansion NUM538 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 06, 00 expansion NUM539 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 07, 00 expansion NUM540 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 08, 00 expansion NUM541 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 09, 00 expansion NUM542 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 10, 00 expansion NUM543 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 11, 00 expansion NUM544 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 11_01, 00 expansion NUM545 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 11_02, 00 expansion NUM546 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12, 00 expansion NUM547 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_01, 00 expansion NUM548 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_02, 00 expansion NUM549 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_03, 00 expansion NUM550 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_03_01, 00 expansion NUM551 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_03_02, 00 expansion NUM552 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_04, 00 expansion NUM553 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05, 00 expansion NUM554 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05_02, 00 expansion NUM555 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05_02_01, 00 expansion NUM556 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05_02_02, 00 expansion NUM557 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05_02_03, 00 expansion NUM558 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_05_03, 00 expansion NUM559 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 12_06, 00 expansion NUM560 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 13, 00 expansion NUM561 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 14, 00 expansion NUM562 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15+, 00 expansion NUM563 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_01, 00 expansion NUM564 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_01_01, 00 expansion NUM565 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_01_02, 00 expansion NUM566 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_01_03, 00 expansion NUM567 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02+, 00 expansion NUM568 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_01, 00 expansion NUM569 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_03, 00 expansion NUM570 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_03_01, 00 expansion NUM571 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_03_02, 00 expansion NUM572 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_04, 00 expansion NUM573 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_04_01, 00 expansion NUM574 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_04_02, 00 expansion NUM575 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_05, 00 expansion NUM576 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_05_01, 00 expansion NUM577 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_05_02, 00 expansion NUM578 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_05_03, 00 expansion NUM579 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06, 00 expansion NUM580 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06_01, 00 expansion NUM581 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06_02, 00 expansion NUM582 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06_02_01, 00 expansion NUM583 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06_02_02, 00 expansion NUM584 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_06_03, 00 expansion NUM585 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_08, 00 expansion NUM586 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_08_01, 00 expansion NUM587 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_08_03, 00 expansion NUM588 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_09, 00 expansion NUM589 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_10, 00 expansion NUM590 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_10_03, 00 expansion NUM591 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_10_04, 00 expansion NUM592 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_10_05, 00 expansion NUM593 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_14, 00 expansion NUM594 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_14_02, 00 expansion NUM595 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_14_04, 00 expansion NUM596 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_15, 00 expansion NUM597 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_15_02, 00 expansion NUM598 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_17, 00 expansion NUM599 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_17_02, 00 expansion NUM600 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_18, 00 expansion NUM601 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_19, 00 expansion NUM602 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_19_01, 00 expansion NUM603 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_19_02, 00 expansion NUM604 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_19_03, 00 expansion NUM605 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_20, 00 expansion NUM606 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_21, 00 expansion NUM607 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_22, 00 expansion NUM608 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23, 00 expansion NUM609 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_05, 00 expansion NUM610 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_06, 00 expansion NUM611 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_07, 00 expansion NUM612 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_07_01, 00 expansion NUM613 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_07_02, 00 expansion NUM614 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_08, 00 expansion NUM615 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_09, 00 expansion NUM616 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11, 00 expansion NUM617 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_01, 00 expansion NUM618 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_02, 00 expansion NUM619 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04, 00 expansion NUM620 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_01, 00 expansion NUM621 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02, 00 expansion NUM622 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02_01, 00 expansion NUM623 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02_02, 00 expansion NUM624 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02_02_02, 00 expansion NUM625 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02_03, 00 expansion NUM626 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_02_04, 00 expansion NUM627 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_11_04_03, 00 expansion NUM628 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_12, 00 expansion NUM629 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_12_02, 00 expansion NUM630 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_12_03, 00 expansion NUM631 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_12_04, 00 expansion NUM632 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_23_13, 00 expansion NUM633 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_02_24, 00 expansion NUM634 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Ramsey's Infinite Theorem 15_03, 00 expansion NUM635 ( -0 +1 _0 ^3) Grundlagen problem satz1 NUM636 ( -0 +1 _0 ^4) Grundlagen problem satz2 NUM637 ( -0 +1 _0 ^3) Grundlagen problem satz3 NUM638 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz3a NUM639 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz4e NUM640 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz4f NUM641 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz4g NUM642 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz4h NUM643 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz5 NUM644 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz6 NUM645 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz7 NUM646 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz8 NUM647 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz8a NUM648 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz8b NUM649 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz9 NUM650 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz9a NUM651 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz9b NUM652 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10c NUM653 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10d NUM654 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10e NUM655 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10f NUM656 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10g NUM657 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10h NUM658 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10j NUM659 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz10k NUM660 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz13 NUM662 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz15 NUM663 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz16a NUM664 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz16b NUM665 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz16c NUM666 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz16d NUM667 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz17 NUM668 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz18 NUM669 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz18b NUM670 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19a NUM671 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19b NUM672 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19c NUM673 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19d NUM674 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19e NUM676 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19g NUM677 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz19h NUM680 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz20a NUM681 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz20b NUM682 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz20c NUM683 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz20d NUM684 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz20e NUM686 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz21 NUM687 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz22a NUM688 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz22b NUM689 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz22c NUM690 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz22d NUM691 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz23 NUM692 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz23a NUM693 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz24 NUM694 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz24a NUM695 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz24b NUM696 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz25 NUM697 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz25a NUM698 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz25b NUM699 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz25c NUM700 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz26 NUM701 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz26a NUM702 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz26b NUM703 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz26c NUM704 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz27 NUM705 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz27a NUM706 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz28e NUM707 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz28f NUM708 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz28g NUM709 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz28h NUM710 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz29 NUM711 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz30 NUM712 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz31 NUM713 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz32a NUM721 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz34a NUM726 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz38 NUM727 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz39 NUM728 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz40a NUM729 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz40c NUM730 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz41 NUM736 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz42 NUM737 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz44 NUM738 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz45 NUM739 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz46 NUM740 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz48 NUM741 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz50 NUM742 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz51a NUM743 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz51b NUM746 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz52 NUM747 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz57a NUM748 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz58 NUM749 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz60a NUM750 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz62b NUM751 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz62d NUM752 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz62e NUM753 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz62g NUM754 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz62h NUM755 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz63a NUM756 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz63b NUM757 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz63c NUM758 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz63d NUM759 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz63e NUM760 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz64 NUM761 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz65a NUM762 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz65b NUM765 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz66 NUM766 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz67a NUM767 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz67b NUM768 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz67c NUM769 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz67d NUM770 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz67e NUM771 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz69 NUM781 ( -0 +1 _0 ^4) Grundlagen problem satz79 NUM782 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz80 NUM783 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81a NUM784 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81c NUM785 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81d NUM786 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81e NUM787 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81f NUM788 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81g NUM789 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81h NUM790 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81j NUM791 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz81k NUM792 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz87c NUM793 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz87d NUM795 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz99c NUM796 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz99d NUM797 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Grundlagen problem satz4 NUM798 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something times one is one NUM799 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something times four equal five plus seven NUM800 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Some function of two and three is six, and of one and two is two NUM801 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something times four equals five plus something NUM802 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-8 NUM803 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from NATS NUM804 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from NATS NUM805 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from NATS NUM806 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from NATS NUM807 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from NATS NUM808 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM130A NUM809 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM130 NUM810 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM140 NUM811 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM129 NUM812 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM578 NUM813 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM303 NUM814 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM815 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM816 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM817 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM818 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM819 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM821 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM822 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM823 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM824 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM825 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM826 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from IND-THMS NUM827 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem PA-THM2 NUM828 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PA-THMS NUM829 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PA-THMS NUM830 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PA-THMS NUM831 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PETER-THMS NUM832 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PETER-THMS NUM833 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PETER-THMS NUM834 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PETER-THMS NUM835 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) dis(case_distinction(conseq(110))) NUM836 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) dis(ex(cond(conseq(131),0),1)) NUM837 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) qe(171) NUM838 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(195),305,0) NUM839 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(204),332,0) NUM840 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(conjunct2(conjunct2(204))),336,0) NUM841 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(214,352,0) NUM842 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(218),361,0) NUM843 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(244,394,0) NUM844 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(266,415,3) NUM845 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) qu(ind(267),imp(267)) NUM846 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(286,441,2) NUM847 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(286,441,3) NUM848 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(286,441,4) NUM849 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) qu(ind(296),imp(296)) NUM850 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) qe(conseq_conjunct1(conseq(302))) NUM851 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq_conjunct2(conseq(302)),475,1) NUM852 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq_conjunct1(conseq_conjunct2(conseq(304))),484,0) NUM853 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(307),490,0) NUM854 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conjunct1(315),514,0) NUM855 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq_conjunct2(315),516,0) NUM856 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(scope(318)),525,0) NUM857 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) holds(conseq(323),532,0) NUM858 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Basic upper bound replace maximum NUM859 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Basic upper bound replace maximum with less-or-equal NUM860 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Upper bound replace maximum embedded in a context (1) NUM861 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Upper bound replace maximum embedded in a context (2) NUM862 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Upper bound replace maximum embedded in a context (1)+(2) NUM863 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A property of cardinal numbers. NUM864 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum idempotent element NUM865 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Associativity of sum NUM866 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove sum with 0 is the identity NUM867 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Prove sum with 0 is the identity NUM868 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum X and X is Y NUM869 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum X and Y is X NUM870 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum is not a function NUM871 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum is not associativity NUM872 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum something and 0 is not something NUM873 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum something and 0 is another thing NUM874 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum idempotence NUM875 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum not idempotence NUM876 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) X minus X equals 0 NUM877 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference identity NUM878 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product idempotent element NUM879 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product X and X is not Y NUM880 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product of X and Y is not X NUM881 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product is not a function NUM882 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product is not associative NUM883 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product of something and 1 is not that something NUM884 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Not product identity NUM885 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product idempotence NUM886 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product non-idempotence NUM887 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product with 0 is identity NUM888 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Product with 0 is identity NUM889 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) - - X is X NUM890 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of X and - X is 0 NUM891 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) X = - X means X is 0 NUM892 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Definition of lesseq in terms of less and equality NUM893 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum and difference NUM894 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If Z is less than X + 1 then Z is less than or equal to X NUM895 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum and difference NUM896 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum implies both less NUM897 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum less than difference NUM898 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum and difference and less NUM899 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference less than sum NUM900 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference greater 0 implies less NUM901 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference something and itself is 0/1 NUM902 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference is 0/1 implies equal NUM903 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) - - something is something NUM904 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum something and - something is 0/1 NUM905 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) X is - X only for 0 NUM906 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Definition of lesseq in terms of less and equality NUM907 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum and difference NUM908 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference everything and iteself is 0.0 NUM909 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Difference is 0.0 implies equality NUM910 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) - - something is something NUM911 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum something and - something is 0.0 NUM912 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) X is - X only for 0.0 NUM913 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Definition of lesseq in terms of less and equality NUM914 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum and difference NUM915 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every sum right exists NUM916 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every sum left exists NUM917 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every difference right exists NUM918 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Every difference left exists NUM919 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) No number inbetween NUM920 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) No such positive number NUM921 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Increasing function property NUM922 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Universal predicate NUM923 ( -0 +8 _5 ^4) Sum of two squares line 23, 100 axioms selected NUM924 ( -0 +8 _5 ^4) Sum of two squares line 102, 100 axioms selected NUM925 ( -0 +8 _5 ^4) Sum of two squares line 192, 100 axioms selected NUM926 ( -0 +8 _4 ^4) Sum of two squares line 258, 100 axioms selected NUM927 ( -0 +0 _2 ^0) The Collatz Conjecture NUM928 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 26 NUM929 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 29 NUM930 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 34 NUM931 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 35 NUM932 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 36 NUM933 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 37 NUM934 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 39 NUM935 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 41 NUM936 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 42 NUM937 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 43 NUM938 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 45 NUM939 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 49 NUM940 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 50 NUM941 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 56 NUM942 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 59 NUM943 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 62 NUM944 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 63 NUM945 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 64 NUM946 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 65 NUM947 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 67 NUM948 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 69 NUM949 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 70 NUM950 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 71 NUM951 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 73 NUM952 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 74 NUM953 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 76 NUM954 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 77 NUM955 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 79 NUM956 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 80 NUM957 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 81 NUM958 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 82 NUM959 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 84 NUM960 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 85 NUM961 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 86 NUM962 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 88 NUM963 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 89 NUM964 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 91 NUM965 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 92 NUM966 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 95 NUM967 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 96 NUM968 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 98 NUM969 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 101 NUM970 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 103 NUM971 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 104 NUM972 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 108 NUM973 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 109 NUM974 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 112 NUM975 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 115 NUM976 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 118 NUM977 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 120 NUM978 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 123 NUM979 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 125 NUM980 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 127 NUM981 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 129 NUM982 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 131 NUM983 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 135 NUM984 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 138 NUM985 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 141 NUM986 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 143 NUM987 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 148 NUM988 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 149 NUM989 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 150 NUM990 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 151 NUM991 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 152 NUM992 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 153 NUM993 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 154 NUM994 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 155 NUM995 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 156 NUM996 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 158 NUM997 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 160 NUM998 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 162 NUM999 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 164 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain NUN = Number Theory Continued 135 problems (92 abstract), 0 CNF, 79 FOF, 19 TFF, 37 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUM006 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: Goldbach conjecture NUN000 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 166 NUN001 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 167 NUN002 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 168 NUN003 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 171 NUN004 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 172 NUN005 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 174 NUN006 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 177 NUN007 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 180 NUN008 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 183 NUN009 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 186 NUN010 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 189 NUN011 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 191 NUN012 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 193 NUN013 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 195 NUN014 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 197 NUN015 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 201 NUN016 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 202 NUN017 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 203 NUN018 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of two squares line 206 NUN019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peano greater and unequal NUN020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms for RDN arithmetic NUN021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms for Church Numerals in Simple Type Theory NUN022 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Find this function NUN023 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Function h s.t. h(0) = 1, h(1) = 0, no witness NUN024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Function h s.t. h(0) = 1, h(1) = 0, h(2) = 0, no witness NUN025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Function h s.t. h(0) = 1, h(1) = 0, h(2) = 1, no witness NUN026 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CBAP005 NUN027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CRAE011 NUN028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CWAE014 NUN029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CWAR017 NUN030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CYAR028 NUN031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 1 NUN032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1960, Problem 1 NUN033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1964, Problem 1 NUN034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1966, Problem 1 NUN035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1977, Problem 5 NUN036 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1984, Problem 2 NUN037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1986, Problem 1 NUN038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1994, Problem 4 NUN039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2001, Problem 6 NUN040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2002, Problem 1 NUN041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2003, Problem 6 NUN042 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2006, Problem 4 NUN043 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2007, Problem 5 NUN044 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2010, Problem 3 NUN045 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2012, Problem 6 NUN046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) MONOIDAL_AC NUN047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NEUTRAL_ADD NUN048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_TRIV_NUMSEG NUN049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG_0 NUN050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG_1 NUN051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_OFFSET_0 NUN052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT NUN053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Number theory axioms from Grundlagen NUN054 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0+1=1 NUN055 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0+2=2 NUN056 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1+2=3 NUN057 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 2+2=4 NUN058 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists even X > 4 NUN059 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X^2 + Y^2 = Z^2 NUN060 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X > 4 NUN061 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exist infinite evens NUN062 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exist infinite numbers NUN063 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exist infinite primes NUN064 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: Negated Goldbach conjecture NUN065 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X != 1 NUN066 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X != 0 and X != 2 NUN067 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X != 0 NUN068 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X != 0 and X != 1 NUN069 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1 = 1 NUN070 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1 + 0 = 1 NUN071 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1 * 1 = 1 NUN072 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1 * 2 = 2 NUN073 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 1 != 2 NUN074 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: Primes exist NUN075 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 7 + 2 = 9 NUN076 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists even X NUN077 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 2 * 3 = 6 NUN078 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 2 * 3 + 4 = 2 * 5 NUN079 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X + 2 = 1 NUN080 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X + 2 = Y NUN081 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X + Y = 3 NUN082 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X * 1 = 0 NUN083 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X * X + 1 = 5 NUN084 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: There exists X * Y = 2 NUN085 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0 + 1 != 0 NUN086 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0 * 1 = 0 NUN087 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0 * 0 = 0 NUN088 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0 != 1 NUN089 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic: 0 != 2 NUN090 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Robinson arithmetic axioms satisfiable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain PHI = Philosophy 24 problems (15 abstract), 0 CNF, 7 FOF, 0 TFF, 17 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHI001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Axioms for Goedel's Ontological Proof of the Existence of God PHI002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Positive properties are possibly exemplified PHI003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Possibly, God exists PHI004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Being God-like is an essence of any God-like being PHI005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) Necessarily, God exists PHI006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Inconsistency of the axioms in Goedel's original manuscript PHI007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Inconsistency of the axioms in Goedel's original manuscript PHI008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal Collapse of Goedel's ontological argument in Scott's variant PHI009 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for Anselm's ontological argument PHI010 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for Anselm's ontological argument PHI011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for Anselm's ontological argument PHI012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Lemma for Anselm's ontological argument PHI013 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Anselm's ontological argument PHI014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Anselm's ontological argument, simplified PHI015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Anselm's ontological argument, from the axioms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain PLA = Planning 89 problems (52 abstract), 63 CNF, 17 FOF, 7 TFF, 2 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLA001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cheyenne to DesMoines, buying a loaf of bread on the way PLA002 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Getting from here to there, in all weather PLA003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monkey and Bananas Problem PLA004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block C on B on A PLA005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block C on A and D on B PLA006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block C on Table PLA007 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on D PLA008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block B on D and A on C PLA009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on B and D clear PLA010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on D on B PLA011 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block D on C on B PLA012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block D on B on C PLA013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on C on B PLA014 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on B on C PLA015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on B on D PLA016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block D on A PLA017 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on C PLA018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on B and D on C PLA019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block D on C PLA020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block D clear PLA021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Block B on D and C on A PLA022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block A on C on D PLA023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Block D on A on C PLA024 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks A/B, C => B/C/A PLA025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks 3/2/1, 5/4, 9/8/7/6 => 1/5, 8/9/4, 2/3/7/6 PLA026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks 3/2/1, 5/4 => 5/3, 1, 4/2 PLA027 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks A/B/C/D => D/C/B/A PLA028 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks A, B => A/B PLA029 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Blocks world axioms PLA030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Blocks world difference axioms for 4 blocks PLA031 (-15 +0 _0 ^0) Driver's log k=01 PLA032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abductive planning: Bomb-in-the-toilet with detector PLA033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Abductive planning: Safe problem PLA034 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Blocks family PLA035 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the ConnectN family PLA036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the ConnectN family PLA037 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the conformant_planning family PLA038 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the conformant_planning family PLA039 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the conformant_planning family PLA040 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the evader-pursuer-NxN-logarithmic family PLA041 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the evader-pursuer-NxN-logarithmic family PLA042 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the evader-pursuer-NxN-logarithmic family PLA043 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Toilet family PLA044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the ToiletA family PLA045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the Toileta family PLA046 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - local PLA047 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - tougher PLA048 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - even tougher PLA049 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - thm-3 PLA050 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - thm-4 PLA051 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - thm-4.6 PLA052 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Expected number of steps to proof of optimality - toughest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain PRD = Products 3 problems (3 abstract), 0 CNF, 3 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRD001 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) All wine conjectures PRD002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) No French wine PRD003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) No wine tours ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain PRO = Processes 82 problems (28 abstract), 0 CNF, 72 FOF, 0 TFF, 10 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO001 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-5.1 PRO002 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-5 PRO003 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-6.1-no-disjunct PRO004 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-6-lemma-no-disjunct PRO005 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-6-lemma PRO006 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-6-no-disjunct PRO007 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.1 PRO008 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.1-subocc PRO009 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.2 PRO010 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.3 PRO011 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.3-subocc PRO012 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.4-no-leaf PRO013 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.1.4 PRO014 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.2.1 PRO015 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.2.2 PRO016 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.2 PRO017 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.3.1 PRO018 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) PSL cliff problem coe-7.3 PRO019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 25 PRO020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 50 PRO021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 159 PRO022 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 175 PRO023 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 186 PRO024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 193 PRO025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 199 PRO026 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 206 PRO027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 229 PRO028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Process algebra 257 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain PUZ = Puzzles 216 problems (147 abstract), 105 CNF, 37 FOF, 11 TFF, 63 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUZ001 ( -3 +2 _0 ^0) Dreadbury Mansion PUZ002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Animals Puzzle PUZ003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Barber Puzzle PUZ004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Letters Puzzle PUZ005 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The Lion and the Unicorn PUZ006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Determine sex and race on Mars and Venus PUZ007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Mixed couples on Mars and Venus PUZ008 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Missionaries and Cannibals PUZ009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Looking for Oona PUZ010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Who owns the zebra? PUZ011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An ocean that borders on an African and an Asian country PUZ012 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) The Mislabeled Boxes PUZ013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The School Boys : Prove some monitors are awake PUZ014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The School Boys : Prove that all monitors are awake PUZ015 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Checkerboard and Dominoes : Opposing corners removed PUZ016 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Checkerboard and Dominoes : Row 1, columns 2 and 3 removed PUZ017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Houses PUZ018 ( -2 +0 _1 ^0) The Interns PUZ019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Jobs Puzzles PUZ020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A knights & knaves problem, if he's a knight, so is she PUZ021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) How to Win a Bride PUZ022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An ocean that borders on two adjacent Australian states PUZ023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #27 PUZ024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #31 PUZ025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #35 PUZ026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #39 PUZ027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #42 PUZ028 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) People at a party PUZ029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The pigs and balloons puzzle PUZ030 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Salt and Mustard Problem PUZ031 ( -1 +3 _1 ^1) Schubert's Steamroller PUZ032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #26 PUZ033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Winds and the Windows Puzzle PUZ034 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) N queens problem PUZ035 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Knights and Knaves #36 PUZ036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) TopSpin PUZ037 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Rubik's Cube PUZ038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 1 PUZ039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 2 PUZ040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 3 PUZ041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 4 PUZ042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 5 PUZ043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Mars and Venus axioms PUZ044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Truthtellers and Liars axioms for two types of people PUZ045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Truthtellers and Liars axioms for three types of people PUZ046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis axioms PUZ047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Taking the wolf, goat, and cabbage across river PUZ048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 6 - initial to intermediate PUZ049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 6 - intermediate to final PUZ050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 6 - initial to intermediate PUZ051 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 6 - intermediate to final PUZ052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rubik's Cube unreachability PUZ053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Rubik's Cube unreachability PUZ054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Take black and white balls from a bag PUZ055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that Sam Loyd's fifteen-puzzle is not solvable PUZ056 (-11 +0 _0 ^0) Tower of Hanoi PUZ057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show the Hanoi problem is not solvable anymore PUZ058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show the Hanoi problem is not solvable anymore PUZ059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Quo vadis 7 - an unreachable state PUZ060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Food problems PUZ061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Food problems PUZ062 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about mutilated chessboard problem PUZ063 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about mutilated chessboard problem PUZ064 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about mutilated chessboard problem PUZ065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sudoku 13273 PUZ066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sudoku 19262 PUZ067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Sudoku 8618 PUZ068 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Monday's Sudoku PUZ069 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Tuesday's Sudoku PUZ070 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Wednesday's Sudoku PUZ071 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Thursday's Sudoku PUZ072 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Friday's Sudoku PUZ073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The patient is not adjacent to the oxygen PUZ074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Are two cells not adjacent in the Wumpus world PUZ075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Are two cells adjacent in the Wumpus world PUZ076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cell is not west of the other in the Wumpus world PUZ077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cell is west of the other in the Wumpus world PUZ078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Leo the Liar PUZ079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Another Sudoku PUZ080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Another Sudoku PUZ081 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) 1 of http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/logic/knight.php PUZ082 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Peter the liar PUZ083 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Peter the untruthful PUZ084 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The friends puzzle - reflexivity for Peter's wife PUZ085 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The friends puzzle - transitivity for Peter's wife PUZ086 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The friends puzzle - they both know PUZ087 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Wise men puzzle PUZ088 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM68 PUZ090 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM210 PUZ091 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS PUZ092 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS PUZ093 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS PUZ094 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS PUZ095 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ096 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ097 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ098 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ099 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ100 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ101 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ102 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ103 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ104 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ105 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ106 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ107 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ108 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ109 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ110 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ111 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ112 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ113 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ114 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ115 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ116 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ117 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ118 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ127 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-THMS PUZ128 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Iokaste patricide triangle PUZ129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The grocer is not a cyclist PUZ130 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Garfield and Odie PUZ131 ( -0 +1 _1 ^0) Victor teaches Michael PUZ132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Crime in beautiful Washington PUZ133 ( -0 +3 _1 ^0) N queens problem has the variable symmetry property PUZ134 ( -0 +0 _2 ^0) The Knowheyan Job Puzzle - Jobs PUZ135 ( -0 +0 _2 ^0) The Knowheyan Art Fair Puzzle - Entries PUZ136 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Under two assumptions there are at least two individuals. PUZ137 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Peter the liar says everything PUZ138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Platinum Blonde PUZ139 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Caramel vanilla coffee helps people stay awake PUZ140 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A mixture of coffee and syrup that is hot PUZ141 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Labyrinth1 PUZ142 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Labyrinth2 PUZ143 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Labyrinth3 PUZ144 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Labyrinth4 PUZ145 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Labyrinth5 PUZ146 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Peter and Mary have different hobbies PUZ147 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1972, Problem 3 PUZ148 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1974, Problem 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain QUA = Quantales 21 problems (21 abstract), 0 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 21 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUA001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Addition is associative QUA002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Addition (Sumpremum) is commutative QUA003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Zero is neutral with respect to addition QUA004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Addition is idempotent QUA005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Zero is right-annihilator QUA006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Zero is left-annihilator QUA007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Right-distributivity of multiplication over addition QUA008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Left-distributivity of multiplication over addition QUA009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) leq is an order QUA010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 0 is least element w.r.t. leq QUA011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 0 annihilates arbitrary sums from the right QUA012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 0 annihilates arbitrary sums from the left QUA013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Isotony with respect to multiplication QUA014 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Isotony with respect to multiplication QUA015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Isotony with respect to addition QUA016 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Isotony with respect to addition QUA017 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tests are idempotent with respect to multiplication QUA018 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tests are commutative with respect to multiplication QUA019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Infimums-property on tests QUA020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Addition splitting QUA021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Quantales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain RAL = Real Algebra 70 problems (70 abstract), 0 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 70 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAL001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CB1E014 RAL002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CB1P070 RAL003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CB1P100 RAL004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Blue Book, Problem 07CBAP118 RAL005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CR1E017 RAL006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CR1P081 RAL007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Red Book, Problem 07CRAE040 RAL008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CW1E106 RAL009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A White Book, Problem 07CW1E203 RAL010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CY1E060 RAL011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math I+A Yellow Book, Problem 07CY1R037 RAL012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Blue Book, Problem 08CBBP177 RAL013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Red Book, Problem 08CR2E030 RAL014 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Red Book, Problem 08CRBP120 RAL015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math II+B Yellow Book, Problem 08CYBE146 RAL016 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Blue Book, Problem 09CBCE009 RAL017 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Chart System Math III+C Blue Book, Problem 09CBCE013 RAL018 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1959, Problem 2 RAL019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1960, Problem 2 RAL020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1961, Problem 1 RAL021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1962, Problem 2 RAL022 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1963, Problem 1 RAL023 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1963, Problem 4 RAL024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1965, Problem 4 RAL025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1966, Problem 5 RAL026 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1967, Problem 6 RAL027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1968, Problem 5 RAL028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1969, Problem 6 RAL029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1972, Problem 4 RAL030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1974, Problem 5 RAL031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1978, Problem 3 RAL032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1979, Problem 5 RAL033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1984, Problem 1 RAL034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1988, Problem 3 RAL035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1991, Problem 6 RAL036 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1993, Problem 5 RAL037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1998, Problem 6 RAL038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2000, Problem 2 RAL039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2003, Problem 2 RAL040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2004, Problem 2 RAL041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2004, Problem 4 RAL042 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2008, Problem 4 RAL043 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2009, Problem 5 RAL044 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2010, Problem 1 RAL045 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2011, Problem 3 RAL046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2012, Problem 2 RAL047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2012, Problem 4 RAL048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2013, Problem 5 RAL049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 2014, Problem 1 RAL050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 1999, Humanities Course, Problem 2 RAL051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 2005, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hokkaido University, 2007, Science Course, Problem 5 RAL053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 1999, Humanities Course, Problem 2 RAL054 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyoto University, 2001, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL055 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2001, Science Course, Problem 4 RAL056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2003, Humanities Course, Problem 3 RAL057 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Kyushu University, 2005, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL058 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Nagoya University, 2003, Humanities Course, Problem 2 RAL059 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Osaka University, 2001, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL060 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Osaka University, 2003, Science Course, Problem 5 RAL061 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Osaka University, 2005, Humanities Course, Problem 2 RAL062 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 1999, Humanities Course, Problem 4 RAL063 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 1999, Science Course, Problem 3 RAL064 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2005, Science Course, Problem 4 RAL065 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2013, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL066 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tohoku University, 2013, Science Course, Problem 1 RAL067 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1989, Humanities Course, Problem 2 RAL068 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 1991, Science Course, Problem 2 RAL069 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2011, Humanities Course, Problem 1 RAL070 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The University of Tokyo, 2013, Humanities Course, Problem 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain REL = Relation Algebra 221 problems (53 abstract), 110 CNF, 111 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REL001 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) There is a (unique) least element, namely 0 REL002 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) There is a (unique) greatest element, namely x + x' REL003 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Isotonicity of converse REL004 ( -3 +3 _0 ^0) Converse negation are interconvertible REL005 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Converse distributes over meet REL006 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) For empty meet the converse slides over meet REL007 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) For empty meet the converse slides over meet REL008 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Sequential composition distributes over addition REL009 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Sequential composition is isotone in both arguments REL010 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Schroeder equivalence (first implication) REL011 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Schroeder equivalence (second implication) REL012 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Cancelativity of converse REL013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Zero is annihilator REL014 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) One is neutral element REL015 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) TOP is idempotent w.r.t. composition REL016 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) A modular law REL017 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Another modular law REL018 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Vectors are closed under complementation REL019 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Vectors are closed under meet REL020 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Restriction of subidentities REL021 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Restriction of subidentities REL022 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Restriction of subidentities REL023 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) A simple consequence of isotonicity REL024 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) A simple consequence of isotonicity REL025 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) For subidentities converse is redundant REL026 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Splitting rule for x;y if x is a subidentity REL027 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Complements of vectors and subidentities REL028 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) For subidentities meet and composition coincide REL029 ( -5 +4 _0 ^0) Distributivity of subidentities REL030 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Propagation of subidentities REL031 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Partial functions are closed under composition REL032 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Subdistributivity REL033 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Sequential composition distributes in each argument of meet REL034 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Propagation of vectors REL035 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Propagation of vectors REL036 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Propagation of vectors REL037 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Propagation of vectors REL038 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Modular law REL039 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Dedekind law REL040 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) Partial functions distribute over meet under sequential comp'n REL041 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Equivalence of different definitions of partial functions REL042 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Equivalence of different definitions of partial functions REL043 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Shunting rule REL044 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Shunting rule REL045 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) An unfold law REL046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Meet splitting REL047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Meet splitting REL048 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Join splitting REL049 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Join splitting REL050 ( -4 +4 _0 ^0) The complement of x;TOP is left ideal REL051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Dense linear ordering REL052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Non-discrete dense ordering REL053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Relation Algebra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain RNG = Rings 266 problems (128 abstract), 109 CNF, 157 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RNG001 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) X.additive_identity = additive_identity for any X RNG002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Right cancellation for addition RNG003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left cancellation for addition RNG004 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) X*Y = -X*-Y RNG005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) (-X*Y) + (X*Y) = additive_identity RNG006 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) X*(Y+ -Z) = (X*Y) + -(X*Z) RNG007 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) In Boolean rings, X is its own inverse RNG008 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Boolean rings are commutative RNG009 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If X*X*X = X then the ring is commutative RNG010 ( -5 +0 _0 ^0) Skew symmetry of the auxilliary function RNG011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a right alternative ring (((X,X,Y)*X)*(X,X,Y)) = Add Id RNG012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Product of inverses equal product RNG013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) -X*Y = -(X*Y) RNG014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) -X*Y = -(X*Y) RNG015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) X*(Y+ -Z) = (X*Y) + -(X*Z) RNG016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (X+ -Y)*Z = (X*Z) + -(Y*Z) RNG017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) -X*(Y+Z) = -(X*Y) + -(X*Z) RNG018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (X+Y)* -Z = -(X*Z) + -(Y*Z) RNG019 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) First part of the linearised form of the associator RNG020 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Second part of the linearised form of the associator RNG021 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Third part of the linearised form of the associator RNG023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Left alternative RNG024 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Right alternative RNG025 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Middle or Flexible Law RNG026 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Teichmuller Identity RNG027 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Right Moufang identity RNG028 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Left Moufang identity RNG029 ( -7 +0 _0 ^0) Middle Moufang identity RNG030 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 2*assr(X,X,Y)^3 = additive identity RNG031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) (W*W)*X*(W*W) = additive identity RNG032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 6*assr(X,X,Y)^6 = additive identity RNG033 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) A fairly complex equation with associators RNG034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A skew symmetry relation of the associator RNG035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If X*X*X*X = X then the ring is commutative RNG036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If X*X*X*X*X = X then the ring is commutative RNG037 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) (X* -Y) + (X*Y) = additive_identity RNG038 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ring property 1 RNG039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ring property 2 RNG040 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ring property 4 RNG041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Unknown RNG042 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Ring theory axioms RNG043 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative ring theory (equality) axioms RNG044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 01, 00 expansion RNG045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 01_02, 00 expansion RNG046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 02, 00 expansion RNG047 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 03, 00 expansion RNG048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 04, 00 expansion RNG049 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 04_03, 00 expansion RNG050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 04_04, 00 expansion RNG051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05, 00 expansion RNG052 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_15, 00 expansion RNG053 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16, 00 expansion RNG054 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_01, 00 expansion RNG055 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_01_01, 00 expansion RNG056 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_01_02, 00 expansion RNG057 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_01_03, 00 expansion RNG058 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02, 00 expansion RNG059 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_01, 00 expansion RNG060 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_02, 00 expansion RNG061 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_03, 00 expansion RNG062 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_04, 00 expansion RNG063 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_05, 00 expansion RNG064 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_07, 00 expansion RNG065 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_02_08, 00 expansion RNG066 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_03, 00 expansion RNG067 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_03_01, 00 expansion RNG068 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_03_03, 00 expansion RNG069 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_03_04, 00 expansion RNG070 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_04, 00 expansion RNG071 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_05, 00 expansion RNG072 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_06, 00 expansion RNG073 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_07, 00 expansion RNG074 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_16_08, 00 expansion RNG075 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_17, 00 expansion RNG076 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_17_01, 00 expansion RNG077 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_17_02, 00 expansion RNG078 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_17_03, 00 expansion RNG079 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_17_04, 00 expansion RNG080 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_18, 00 expansion RNG081 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Cauchy-Bouniakowsky-Schwarz inequality 05_19, 00 expansion RNG082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 01, 00 expansion RNG083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 02, 00 expansion RNG084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03, 00 expansion RNG085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03, 01 expansion RNG086 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_01, 00 expansion RNG087 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_02, 00 expansion RNG088 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_03, 00 expansion RNG089 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_04, 00 expansion RNG090 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_05, 00 expansion RNG091 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_07, 00 expansion RNG092 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 03_08, 00 expansion RNG093 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 04, 00 expansion RNG094 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05, 00 expansion RNG095 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05_01, 00 expansion RNG096 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05_03, 00 expansion RNG097 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05_03_02, 00 expansion RNG098 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05_03_03, 00 expansion RNG099 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 05_05, 00 expansion RNG100 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06, 00 expansion RNG101 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_01, 00 expansion RNG102 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_02, 00 expansion RNG103 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_03, 00 expansion RNG104 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_04, 00 expansion RNG105 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_05, 00 expansion RNG106 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 06_06, 00 expansion RNG107 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07+, 00 expansion RNG108 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_02, 00 expansion RNG109 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_03, 00 expansion RNG110 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_04+, 00 expansion RNG111 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_04_01, 00 expansion RNG112 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_04_02, 00 expansion RNG113 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05, 00 expansion RNG114 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_01, 00 expansion RNG115 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_01_01, 00 expansion RNG116 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_01_02, 00 expansion RNG117 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03, 00 expansion RNG118 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_01, 00 expansion RNG119 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_02, 00 expansion RNG120 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_03, 00 expansion RNG121 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_04, 00 expansion RNG122 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_05, 00 expansion RNG123 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_06, 00 expansion RNG124 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_03_07, 00 expansion RNG125 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_05_04, 00 expansion RNG126 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Chinese remainder theorem in a ring 07_07, 00 expansion RNG127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Proper integral domains RNG128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In commutative semirings with 1+x+x^2=x, the operations coincide RNG129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Separativity in rings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain ROB = Robbins Algebra 46 problems (34 abstract), 46 CNF, 0 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROB001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Is every Robbins algebra Boolean? ROB002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) --X = X => Boolean ROB003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) X + c=c => Boolean ROB004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) c = -d, c + d=d, and c + c=c => Boolean ROB005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Exists an idempotent element => Boolean ROB006 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Exists absorbed element => Boolean ROB007 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) Absorbed within negation element => Boolean ROB008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + -(b + c)) = -(a + b + -c) then a+b=a ROB009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + -(b + c)) = -(b + -(a + c)) then a = b ROB010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + -b) = c then -(c + -(b + a)) = a ROB011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + -b) = c then -(a + -(b + k(a + c))) = c, k=1 ROB012 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + -b) = c then -(a + -(b + k(a + c))) = c, k=k + 1 ROB013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(a + b) = c then -(c + -(-b + a)) = a ROB014 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If -(-e + -(d + -e)) = d then -(e + k(d + -(d + -e))) = -e, k=1 ROB015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) If -(-e + -(d + -e)) = d then -(e + k(d + -(d + -e))) = -e ROB016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(d + e) = -e then -(e + k(d + -(d + -e))) = -e, for k>0 ROB017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(2f + h) = -(3f + h) = -h then 2f + h = 3f + h ROB018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If -(d + e) = -e then e + 2(d + -(d + -e)) absorbs d + -(d + -e) ROB020 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) -(a + -b)=b => Boolean ROB021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) (-X = -Y)=>(X = Y) => Boolean ROB022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) c + -c=c => Boolean ROB023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) X + X=X => Boolean ROB024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) -(a + (a + b)) + -(a + -b) = a => Boolean ROB025 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) -(X + Y) = intersection(-X,-Y) => Boolean ROB026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) c + d = c => Boolean ROB027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) -(-c) = c => Boolean ROB028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins algebra axioms ROB029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins algebra numbers axioms ROB030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Exists absorbed element => Exists absorbed within negation element ROB031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins => Exists absorbed within negation element ROB032 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins => Exists absorbed element ROB033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins problem with auxilliary definitions ROB034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins => Exists absorbed element, with auxilliary definitions ROB035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Robbins => Exists absorbed within negation element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SCT = Social Choice Theory 300 problems (265 abstract), 101 CNF, 85 FOF, 105 TFF, 9 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCT001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 043_1 SCT002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 044_1 SCT003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 048_1 SCT004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 049_1 SCT005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 053_1 SCT006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 057_1 SCT007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 058_1 SCT008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 080_1 SCT009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 083_1 SCT010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 089_1 SCT011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 095_1 SCT012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 100_1 SCT013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 102_1 SCT014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 106_1 SCT015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 107_1 SCT016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 112_1 SCT017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 113_1 SCT018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 134_1 SCT019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 135_1 SCT020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 136_2 SCT021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 137_2 SCT022 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 138_2 SCT023 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 139_2 SCT024 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 140_1 SCT025 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 144_1 SCT026 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 147_1 SCT027 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 148_4 SCT028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 149_1 SCT029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 156_1 SCT030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 164_7 SCT031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 165_3 SCT032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 167_7 SCT033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 169_2 SCT034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 173_2 SCT035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 174_4 SCT036 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 178_2 SCT037 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 179_4 SCT038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 182_3 SCT039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 185_7 SCT040 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 187_6 SCT041 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 192_5 SCT042 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 197_7 SCT043 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 202_7 SCT044 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 203_3 SCT045 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 204_3 SCT046 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 206_7 SCT047 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 208_5 SCT048 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 210_7 SCT049 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 212_5 SCT050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 214_7 SCT051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 217_1 SCT052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 217_2 SCT053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 217_7 SCT054 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 219_7 SCT055 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 220_5 SCT056 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 222_6 SCT057 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 223_5 SCT058 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 228_5 SCT059 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 230_2 SCT060 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 232_1 SCT061 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 232_2 SCT062 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 232_7 SCT063 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 234_7 SCT064 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 235_5 SCT065 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 241_5 SCT066 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 242_5 SCT067 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 244_5 SCT068 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 246_5 SCT069 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 248_5 SCT070 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 249_3 SCT071 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 254_5 SCT072 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 255_4 SCT073 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 256_5 SCT074 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 257_2 SCT075 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 258_5 SCT076 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 259_2 SCT077 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 262_3 SCT078 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 264_3 SCT079 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 265_5 SCT080 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 266_5 SCT081 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 268_7 SCT082 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 270_7 SCT083 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 273_5 SCT084 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 275_7 SCT085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 278_1 SCT086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 281_5 SCT087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 283_3 SCT088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 285_6 SCT089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 289_7 SCT090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 291_7 SCT091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 293_5 SCT092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 295_7 SCT093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 299_3 SCT094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 300_3 SCT095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 303_7 SCT096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 307_3 SCT097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 308_3 SCT098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 310_6 SCT099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 31_12 SCT100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 311_3 SCT101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Arrow Order 34_12 SCT102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432241, 500 axioms selected SCT103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432336, 500 axioms selected SCT104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432372, 500 axioms selected SCT105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432375, 500 axioms selected SCT106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432405, 500 axioms selected SCT107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432412, 500 axioms selected SCT108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432613, 500 axioms selected SCT109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432629, 500 axioms selected SCT110 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432645, 500 axioms selected SCT111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432661, 500 axioms selected SCT112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432686, 500 axioms selected SCT113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432702, 500 axioms selected SCT114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432709, 500 axioms selected SCT115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432712, 500 axioms selected SCT116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432728, 500 axioms selected SCT117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432731, 500 axioms selected SCT118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432937, 500 axioms selected SCT119 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432940, 500 axioms selected SCT120 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432943, 500 axioms selected SCT121 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432946, 500 axioms selected SCT122 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 432949, 500 axioms selected SCT123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433003, 500 axioms selected SCT124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433086, 500 axioms selected SCT125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433097, 500 axioms selected SCT126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433102, 500 axioms selected SCT127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433106, 500 axioms selected SCT128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433111, 500 axioms selected SCT129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433118, 500 axioms selected SCT130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433136, 500 axioms selected SCT131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433141, 500 axioms selected SCT132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433149, 500 axioms selected SCT133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433154, 500 axioms selected SCT134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433161, 500 axioms selected SCT135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433170, 500 axioms selected SCT136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433192, 500 axioms selected SCT137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433197, 500 axioms selected SCT138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433202, 500 axioms selected SCT139 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433206, 500 axioms selected SCT140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433212, 500 axioms selected SCT141 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433216, 500 axioms selected SCT142 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433222, 500 axioms selected SCT143 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433226, 500 axioms selected SCT144 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433230, 500 axioms selected SCT145 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433233, 500 axioms selected SCT146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433242, 500 axioms selected SCT147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433247, 500 axioms selected SCT148 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433253, 500 axioms selected SCT149 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433259, 500 axioms selected SCT150 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433285, 500 axioms selected SCT151 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433291, 500 axioms selected SCT152 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433294, 500 axioms selected SCT153 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433304, 500 axioms selected SCT154 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433319, 500 axioms selected SCT155 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433325, 500 axioms selected SCT156 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433333, 500 axioms selected SCT157 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433341, 500 axioms selected SCT158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433349, 500 axioms selected SCT159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433377, 500 axioms selected SCT160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433508, 500 axioms selected SCT161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433512, 500 axioms selected SCT162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433634, 500 axioms selected SCT163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433638, 500 axioms selected SCT164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433644, 500 axioms selected SCT165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433653, 500 axioms selected SCT166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433663, 500 axioms selected SCT167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433668, 500 axioms selected SCT168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 433680, 500 axioms selected SCT169 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 29, 100 axioms selected SCT170 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 204, 100 axioms selected SCT171 ( -0 +6 _3 ^3) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 309, 100 axioms selected SCT172 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 32 SCT173 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 41 SCT174 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 42 SCT175 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 46 SCT176 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 47 SCT177 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 51 SCT178 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 55 SCT179 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 56 SCT180 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 78 SCT181 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 81 SCT182 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 87 SCT183 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 93 SCT184 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 98 SCT185 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 100 SCT186 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 104 SCT187 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 105 SCT188 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 110 SCT189 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 111 SCT190 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 132 SCT191 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 133 SCT192 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 134 SCT193 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 135 SCT194 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 136 SCT195 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 137 SCT196 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 138 SCT197 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 142 SCT198 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 145 SCT199 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 146 SCT200 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 147 SCT201 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 154 SCT202 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 162 SCT203 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 163 SCT204 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 165 SCT205 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 167 SCT206 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 171 SCT207 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 172 SCT208 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 176 SCT209 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 177 SCT210 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 180 SCT211 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 183 SCT212 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 185 SCT213 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 190 SCT214 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 195 SCT215 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 200 SCT216 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 201 SCT217 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 202 SCT218 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 206 SCT219 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 208 SCT220 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 210 SCT221 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 212 SCT222 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 215 SCT223 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 217 SCT224 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 218 SCT225 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 220 SCT226 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 221 SCT227 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 226 SCT228 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 228 SCT229 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 230 SCT230 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 232 SCT231 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 233 SCT232 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 239 SCT233 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 240 SCT234 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 242 SCT235 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 244 SCT236 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 246 SCT237 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 247 SCT238 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 252 SCT239 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 253 SCT240 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 254 SCT241 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 255 SCT242 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 256 SCT243 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 257 SCT244 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 260 SCT245 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 262 SCT246 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 263 SCT247 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 264 SCT248 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 266 SCT249 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 268 SCT250 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 270 SCT251 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 272 SCT252 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 275 SCT253 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 278 SCT254 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 280 SCT255 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 282 SCT256 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 286 SCT257 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 288 SCT258 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 290 SCT259 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 292 SCT260 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 296 SCT261 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 297 SCT262 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 300 SCT263 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 304 SCT264 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 305 SCT265 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arrow's Impossibility Theorem line 307 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SET = Set Theory 1413 problems (967 abstract), 800 CNF, 468 FOF, 0 TFF, 145 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set members are superset members SET002 ( -2 +2 _0 ^1) Idempotency of union SET003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A set is a subset of the union of itself with itself SET004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A set is a subset of the union of itself and another set SET005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Associativity of set intersection SET006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A = A ^ B if A (= B SET007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Intersection distributes over union SET008 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) (X \ Y) ^ Y = the empty set SET009 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) If X is a subset of Y, then Z \ Y is a subset of Z \ X SET010 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) X \ Y ^ Z = (X \ Y) U (X \ Z) SET011 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) X \ (X \ Y) = X ^ Y SET012 ( -4 +1 _0 ^0) Complement is an involution SET013 ( -4 +1 _0 ^1) Commutativity of intersection SET014 ( -4 +2 _0 ^3) If X (= Z and Y (= Z, then X U Y (= Z SET015 ( -4 +1 _0 ^0) Commutativity of union SET016 ( -4 +2 _0 ^0) First components of equal ordered pairs are equal SET017 ( -4 +1 _0 ^1) Left cancellation for unordered pairs SET018 ( -5 +2 _0 ^1) Second components of equal ordered pairs are equal SET019 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Two sets that contain one another are equal SET020 ( -4 +1 _0 ^1) Uniqueness of 1st and 2nd when X is an ordered pair of sets SET021 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) 2nd is unique when x is an ordered pair of sets SET022 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The first component of an ordered pair is a little set SET023 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The second component of an ordered pair is a little set SET024 ( -4 +1 _0 ^0) A set belongs to its singleton SET025 ( -6 +1 _0 ^0) An ordered pair is a set SET027 ( -4 +3 _0 ^2) Transitivity of subset SET028 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Relationship between apply and image, part 1 of 2 SET029 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Relationship between apply and image, part 2 of 2 SET030 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Function values are little sets SET031 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The composition of two sets is a relation SET032 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Range of composition SET033 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of composition SET034 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) The composition of functions is a function SET035 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Maps for composition SET036 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for functions, part 1 of 3 SET037 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for functions, part 2 of 3 SET038 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for functions, part 3 of 3 SET039 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for composition of functions, 1 of 3 SET040 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for composition of functions, 2 of 3 SET041 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of apply for composition of functions, 3 of 3 SET042 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered pairs are in cross products SET043 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Russell's Paradox SET044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Anti-Russell Sets SET045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^2) No Universal Set SET046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) No set of non-circular sets SET047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Set equality is symmetric SET050 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to Unordered pair axiom SET051 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to Unordered pair axiom SET052 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to Cartesian product axiom SET053 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to Cartesian product axiom SET054 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Reflexivity of subclass SET055 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Reflexivity of equality SET056 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Expanded equality definition SET057 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Expanded equality definition SET058 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Expanded equality definition SET059 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Expanded equality definition SET060 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Nothing in the intersection of a set and its complement SET061 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Existence of a null class SET062 ( -2 +3 _0 ^3) The empty set is a subset of X SET063 ( -2 +3 _0 ^1) If X is a subset of the empty set, then X is the empty set SET064 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of null class SET065 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Null class is a set (follows from axiom of infinity) SET066 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) Unordered pair is commutative SET067 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) If one argument is a proper class, pair contains only the other SET068 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Proper class in an unordered pair, part 2 SET069 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) If one argument is a proper class, pair contains only the other SET070 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Proper class in an unordered pair, part 4 SET071 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) If both arguments are proper classes, pair is null SET072 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Right cancellation for unordered pairs SET073 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary to unordered pair axiom SET074 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary to unordered pair axiom SET075 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to unordered pair axiom SET076 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) If both members of a pair belong to a set, the pair is a subset SET077 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Every singleton is a set SET078 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to every singleton is a set SET079 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) A set belongs to its singleton SET080 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to a set belongs to its singleton SET081 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Only X can belong to {X} SET082 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) If X is not a set, {X} = null class SET083 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) A singleton set is determined by its element SET084 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) A singleton set is determined by its element SET085 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Unordered pair that is a singleton SET086 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) A singleton set has a member SET087 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A singleton set has a member, part 2 SET088 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A singleton set has a member, part 3 SET089 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A singleton set has a member, part 4 SET090 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of member_of of a singleton set SET091 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of member_of when X is not a singleton of a set SET092 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Member_of(X) is unique if X is not a singleton, part 2 SET093 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary to every singleton is a set SET094 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Property 1 of singletons SET095 ( -2 +2 _0 ^0) Property 2 of singletons SET096 ( -2 +1 _0 ^1) There are at most two subsets of a singleton set SET097 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) A class contains 0, 1 or at least 2 members. SET098 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to a class contains 0, 1, or at least 2 members SET099 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to a class contains 0, 1, or at least 2 members SET100 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) The relationship of singleton sets to ordered pairs SET101 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Singleton of the first is a member of an ordered pair SET102 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Ordered pair member of ordered pair SET103 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Special member 1 of an ordered pair SET104 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Special member 2 of an ordered pair SET105 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Special member 3 of an ordered pair SET108 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) 1st and 2nd make the ordered pair SET109 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 1st is the ordered pair, first condition SET110 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 2nd is the ordered pair, first condition SET111 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 1st is the ordered pair, second condition SET112 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 2nd is the ordered pair, second condition SET113 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Uniqueness of 1st and 2nd when X is not an ordered pair of sets SET114 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 2nd is unique if x is not an ordered pair of sets, part 1 SET115 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 1st is unique if x is not an ordered pair of sets, part 2 SET116 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) 2nd is unique if x is not an ordered pair of sets, part 2 SET117 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to every ordered pair being a set SET118 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to every ordered pair being a set SET119 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to components of equal ordered pairs being equal SET120 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to components of equal ordered pairs being equal SET121 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to components of equal ordered pairs being equal SET122 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to components of equal ordered pairs being equal SET123 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative definition of set builder, part 1 SET124 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative definition of set builder, part 2 SET125 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Alternative definition of set builder, part 3 SET126 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Relation to singleton SET127 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Relation to unordered pair SET128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Building a triple SET129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership in a built unordered triple SET130 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership in unordered triple, part 1 SET131 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership in unordered triple, part 2 SET132 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership in unordered triple, part 3 SET133 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to membership in unordered triple SET134 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to membership in unordered triple SET135 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to membership in unordered triple SET136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to membership in unordered triple SET137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Kludge 1 to instantiate variables in unordered triples SET138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Kludge 2 to instantiate variables in unordered triples SET139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Triple reduction 1 SET140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Triple reduction 2 SET141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Triple reduction 3 SET142 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lexical ordering in unordered triples is irrelevant SET143 ( -1 +2 _0 ^2) Associativity of intersection SET144 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) If X is a subset of Z, then X U Y ^ Z = (X U Y) ^ Z SET145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutativity outside intersection SET146 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The intersection of X and the empty set is the empty set SET147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Universal class is identity for intersection SET148 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) Idempotency of intersection SET149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to idempotency of intersection SET150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Complement is an involution SET151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Complement of null class is universal class SET152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Complement of universal class is null class SET153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Intersection with complement is null class SET154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Union with complement is universal class SET155 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) De Morgans law 1 SET156 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) De Morgans law 2 SET157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Complement is unique SET158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to complement axiom SET159 ( -1 +2 _0 ^1) Associativity of union SET160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutativity of union SET161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Commutativity outside union SET162 ( -1 +2 _0 ^1) The union of X and the empty set is X SET163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Union with universal class SET165 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to idempotency of union SET166 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Members of union 1 SET167 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Members of union 2 SET168 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Members of union 3 SET169 ( -1 +2 _0 ^1) Intersection distributes over union SET170 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distribution of intersection over union 2 SET171 ( -1 +2 _0 ^2) Union distributes over intersection SET172 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distribution of union over intersection 2 SET173 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Absorbtion for intersection SET174 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to absorbtion for intersection SET175 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Absorbtion for union SET176 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to absorbtion for union SET177 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distribution property 1 SET178 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to distribution property 1 SET179 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to distribution property 1 SET180 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distribution property 2 SET181 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to distribution property 2 SET182 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Distribution property 3 SET183 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) If X is a subset of Y, then the intersection of X and Y is X SET184 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 2 SET185 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) If X is a subset of Y, then the union of X and Y is Y SET186 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 4 SET187 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 5 SET188 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 6 SET189 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to subclass property 6 SET190 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 7 SET191 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 8 SET192 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 9 SET193 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass property 10 SET194 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) X is a subset of the union of X and Y SET195 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice upper bound 2 SET196 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) The intersection of X and Y is a subset of X SET197 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lattice lower bound 2 SET199 ( -1 +2 _0 ^1) If Z (= X and Z (= Y, then Z (= X ^ Y SET200 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Union is monotonic SET201 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Intersection is monotonic SET202 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 1 SET203 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to cross product product property 1 SET204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 2 SET205 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product with null class 1 SET206 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product with null class 2 SET207 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 3 SET208 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product is monotonic 1 SET209 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product is monotonic 2 SET210 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to cross product product monotonicity SET211 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to cross product product monotonicity SET212 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to cross product product monotonicity SET213 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to cross product product monotonicity SET214 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 5 to cross product product monotonicity SET215 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 6 to cross product product monotonicity SET216 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 7 to cross product product monotonicity SET217 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 8 to cross product product monotonicity SET218 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product distributes over union 1 SET219 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product distributes over union 2 SET220 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product distributes over intersection 1 SET221 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product distributes over intersection 2 SET222 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 4 SET223 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 5 SET224 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product double distribution for intersection SET225 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of cross product squared SET226 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product left cancellation 1 SET227 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product left cancellation 2 SET228 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product right cancellation 1 SET229 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product right cancellation 2 SET230 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to cross product cancellation SET231 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 6 SET232 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 7 SET233 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 8 SET234 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 9 SET235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 10 SET236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cross product property 11 SET237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction alternate definition 1 SET238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to restriction alternate definition 1 SET239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction alternate definition 2 SET240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction alternate definition 3 SET241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction alternate definition 4 SET242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction alternate definition 5 SET243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction property 1 SET244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction with universal class SET245 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction with null class 1 SET246 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction with null class 2 SET247 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction with null class 3 SET248 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction preserves intersections SET249 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction property 2 SET250 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to restriction property 2 SET251 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction of element relation, part 1 SET252 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction property 3 SET253 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction property 4 SET254 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of restriction 1 SET255 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of restriction 2 SET256 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of restriction 3 SET257 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction property 5 SET258 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain alternate definition 1 SET259 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain alternate definition 2 SET260 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain alternate definition 3 SET261 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of null class is the null class SET262 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of universal class is the universal class SET263 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain preserves union SET264 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is monotonic 1 SET265 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is monotonic 2 SET266 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is monotonic 3 SET267 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is monotonic 4 SET268 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 1 SET269 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain only considers ordered pairs SET270 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 2 SET271 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to domain property 2 SET272 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 3 SET273 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to domain property 3 SET274 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 4 SET275 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to domain property 4 SET276 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to domain property 4 SET277 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to domain property 4 SET278 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to domain property 4 SET279 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 5 SET280 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 6 SET281 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain relation is a function SET282 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of domain relation SET283 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Apply domain relation SET284 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image of domain relation SET285 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 7 SET286 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to domain property 7 SET287 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 8 SET288 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain property 9 SET289 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proof of Goedel's axiom B6, part 1 SET290 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proof of Goedel's axiom B6, part 2 SET291 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Proof of Goedel's axiom B6, part 3 SET292 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of null class is the null class SET293 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of universal class is the universal class SET294 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse distributes over union SET295 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse distributes over intersection SET296 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of inverse SET297 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of inverse SET298 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of complement SET299 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of product SET300 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of inverse SET301 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse commutes with restriction SET302 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range alternate definition 1 SET303 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range alternate definition 2 SET304 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range alternate definition 3 SET305 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of null class is the null class SET306 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of universal class is the universal class SET307 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range preserves union SET308 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of range 1 SET309 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of range 2 SET310 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of range 3 SET311 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 1 SET312 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range only considers ordered pairs SET313 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 2 SET314 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 3 SET315 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to range property 3 SET316 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 4 SET317 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to range property 4 SET318 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to range property 4 SET319 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to range property 4 SET320 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 4 to range property 4 SET321 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 5 SET322 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 6 SET323 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range property 7 SET324 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image alternate definition 1 SET325 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image alternate definition 2 SET326 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to image alternate definition 2 SET327 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image alternate definition 3 SET328 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to image alternate definition 3 SET329 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image alternate definition 4 SET330 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to image alternate definition 4 SET331 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range is image of the domain SET332 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to range is image of domain SET333 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of image 1 SET334 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of image 2 SET335 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image property 1 SET336 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 image property 1 SET337 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 image property 1 SET338 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 image property 1 SET339 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass alternate definition 1 SET340 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass alternate definition 2 SET341 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image under universal class SET342 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image of union SET343 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Image of intersection SET344 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class alternate definition 1 SET345 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class alternate definition 2 SET346 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class alternate definition 3 SET347 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum of the empty set is the empty set SET348 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class of universal class is universal class SET349 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class of singleton null is null class 1 SET350 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class of singleton null is null class 2 SET351 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum of a singleton is the singleton member SET352 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The sum of an unordered pair is the union of the pair SET353 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to sum of pair SET354 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum of ordered pair SET355 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) If X is in Y, then X is a subset of the sum of Y SET356 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to subclass of union SET357 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class alternate definition 4 SET358 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Sum distributes over union SET359 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum class property 1 SET360 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain is sum squared SET361 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range is sum squared SET362 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of sum SET363 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class alternative definition 1 SET364 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class alternative definition 2 SET365 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of power SET366 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) The empty set is in every power set SET367 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class not in null class SET368 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class of universal class is universal class SET369 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class of set SET370 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class property 1 SET371 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class property 2 SET372 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Power set distributes over intersection SET373 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class property 4 SET374 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class is closed under union SET375 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class is closed under intersection SET376 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Power class set builder SET377 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to power class set builder SET378 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to power class set builder SET379 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to power class set builder SET380 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Relation property 1 SET381 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Relation property 2 SET382 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to relation property 2 SET383 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to relation property 2 SET384 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to relation property 3 SET385 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to relation property 3 SET386 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Relation property 4 SET387 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition alternate definition 1 SET388 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition alternate definition 2 SET389 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition alternate definition 3 SET390 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition alternate definition 4 SET391 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 1 SET392 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Right identity for composition SET393 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left identity for composition SET394 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 2 SET395 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition relates to image SET396 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of composition 1 SET397 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of composition SET398 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Associativity of composition SET399 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left compose with null class SET400 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Right compose with null class SET401 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Left compose with universal class SET402 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Right compose with universal class SET403 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of composition 2 SET404 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of composition 1 SET405 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Monotonicity of composition 2 SET406 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 monotonicity of composition SET407 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 monotonicity of composition SET408 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of composition SET409 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition of element relation 1 SET410 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition of element relation 2 SET411 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose condition for singleton membership 1 SET412 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose condition for singleton membership 2 SET413 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose condition for singleton membership 3 SET414 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition distributes over union SET415 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition with singleton function 1 SET416 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition with singleton function 2 SET417 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 1 SET418 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 2 SET419 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 3 SET420 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Composition property 4 SET421 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose class is a function SET422 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose class and apply SET423 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sum compose class SET424 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compose class and composition function are related SET425 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single valued class alternate definition 1 SET426 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single valued class alternate definition 2 SET427 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single valued class alternate definition 3 SET428 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Single valued class alternate definition 4 SET429 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A subclass of a single-valued class is single-valued SET430 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a single-valued class, each image is a singleton SET431 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The composition of single-valued classes is single-valued SET432 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function alternate definition 1 SET433 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function alternate definition 2 SET434 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function alternate definition 3 SET435 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function alternate definition 4 SET436 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass of function is a function, part 1 SET437 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subclass of function is a function, part 2 SET438 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) In a function, the image of each domain element is a singleton SET439 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Null class is a function SET440 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The restriction of function is function SET441 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The intersection of functions is a function SET442 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restriction of function SET443 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Difference of functions is a function SET444 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function property 1 SET445 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to function property 1 SET446 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function property 2 SET447 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function property 3 SET448 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Function property 4 SET449 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 1 for one function to be a subset of another SET450 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Condition 2 for one function to be a subset of another SET451 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subset relation alternate definition 1 SET452 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subset relation alternate definition 2 SET453 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Subset relation alternate definition 3 SET454 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity alternate definition 1 SET455 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity alternate definition 2 SET456 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity alternate definition 3 SET457 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity is a function SET458 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to identity is a function SET459 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of identity is the universal class SET460 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of identity SET461 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Domain of restricted identity SET462 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Range of restricted identity SET463 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to domain and range of identity SET464 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Class image under identity SET465 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Identity is one-to-one SET466 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Inverse of identity is identity SET467 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets with at most one member 1 SET468 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets with at most one member 2 SET469 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets with at most one member 3 SET470 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to sets with one member SET471 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets with more than one member 1 SET472 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Sets with more than one member 2 SET473 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 1 to restricted domain SET474 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lemma 2 to restricted domain SET475 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Restricted domain SET476 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Intersection subclass SET477 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom of subsets 1 SET478 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Axiom of subsets 2 SET479 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 1 SET480 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 2 SET481 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 3 SET482 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 4 SET483 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 5 SET484 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 6 SET485 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 7 SET486 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 8 SET487 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 9 SET488 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 10 SET489 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 11 SET490 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Replacement property 12 SET491 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization lemma 1 SET492 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization lemma 2 SET493 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization corollary SET494 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization alternate definition 1 SET495 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization alternate definition 2 SET496 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization alternate definition 3 SET497 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Special case of the Russell class, without the regularity axiom SET498 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Special case of the Russell class, without the regularity axiom SET499 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The Russell class not a set SET500 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization property 1 SET501 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization property 2 SET502 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Diagonalization property 3 SET503 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The universal class not set SET504 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to universal class not set SET505 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to universal class not set SET506 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Universal class not null class SET507 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Universal class not subclass of null class SET508 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to singleton in unordered pair axiom SET509 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to singleton in unordered pair axiom SET510 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to singleton is null class SET511 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to special members of ordered pairs SET512 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to special members of ordered pairs SET513 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to special members of ordered pairs SET514 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Class of ordered pairs is not a set SET515 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) No class belongs to itself SET516 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to no class belongs to itself SET517 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If member of X is X then X is not a singleton of a set SET518 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) There are no cycles of length 2 SET519 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to no cycles of length 2 SET520 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to no cycles of length 2 SET521 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered pair determines components 1 SET522 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered pair determines components 2 SET523 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Element and complement can't both be sets SET524 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equivalent condition 1 for x not to be an ordered pair SET525 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Equivalent condition 2 for x not to be an ordered pair SET526 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered pair components are sets 1 SET527 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ordered pair components are sets 2 SET528 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to ordered pair components are sets SET529 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to ordered pair components are sets SET530 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 3 to ordered pair components are sets SET531 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 1 SET532 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 2 SET533 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The range of Z is the class of applications of Z to Z's domain 1 SET534 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The range of Z is the class of applications of Z to Z's domain 2 SET535 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 3 SET536 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to application property 3 SET537 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to application property 3 SET538 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 4 SET539 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 5 SET540 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 6 SET541 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 7 SET542 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to application property 9 SET543 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to application property 10 SET544 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary to application property 11 SET545 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application special case 1 SET546 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application special case 2 SET547 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application special case 3 SET548 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 16 SET549 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 17 SET550 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 18 SET551 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 19 SET552 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Application property 20 SET553 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cantor class alternate definition 1 SET554 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cantor class alternate definition 2 SET555 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cantor class alternate definition 3 SET556 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cantor class property 1 SET557 ( -1 +0 _0 ^2) Cantor's theorem SET558 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible functions alternate definition 1 SET559 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible functions alternate definition 2 SET560 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible functions alternate definition 3 SET561 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible function property 1 SET562 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible function property 2 SET563 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible function property 3 SET564 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 1 to compatible function property 3 SET565 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Corollary 2 to compatible function property 3 SET566 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible function property 4 SET567 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Compatible function special case SET573 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 12th Boolean property of sets SET574 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 13th Boolean property of sets SET575 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Trybulec's 15th Boolean property of sets SET576 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Trybulec's 17th Boolean property of sets SET577 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 18th Boolean property of sets SET578 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 19th Boolean property of sets SET579 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 20th Boolean property of sets SET580 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) x is in X sym Y iff x is in X iff x is not in Y SET581 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 24th Boolean property of sets SET582 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If x not in X iff x in Y iff x in Z, then X = Y sym\ Z SET583 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Extensionality SET584 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y, then X U Z (= Y U Z SET585 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The intersection of X and Y is a subset of the union of X and Z SET586 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y, then X ^ Z (= Y ^ Z SET587 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X \ Y = the empty set iff X (= Y SET588 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y, then X \ Z (= Y \ Z SET589 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y and Z (= V, then X \ V (= Y \ Z SET590 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The difference of X and Y is a subset of X SET591 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y \ X, then X = the empty set SET592 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y and X (= Z and Y ^ Z = empty set, then X = empty set SET593 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y U Z, then X \ Y (= Z and X \ Z (= Y SET594 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X ^ Y U X ^ Z = X, then X (= Y U Z SET595 ( -0 +2 _0 ^1) If X (= Y, then Y = X U (Y \ X) SET596 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y and Y ^ Z = the empty set, then X ^ Z = the empty set SET597 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X = Y U Z iff Y (= X, Z (= X, !V: Y (= V & Z (= V, X (= V SET598 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X = Y ^ Z iff X (= Y, X (= Z, !V: V (= Y & V (= Z, V (= X SET599 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X \ Y (= X sym\ Y SET600 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X U Y = empty set iff X = empty set & Y = empty set SET601 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X ^ Y U Y ^ Z U Z ^ X = (X U Y) ^ (Y U Z) ^ (Z U X) SET602 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) The difference of X and X is the empty set SET603 ( -0 +2 _0 ^1) The difference of X and the empty set is X SET604 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The difference of the empty set and X is the empty set SET605 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The difference of X and the union of X and Y is the empty set SET606 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X \ X ^ Y = X \ Y SET607 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X U (Y \ X) = X U Y SET608 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X ^ Y U (X \ Y) = X SET609 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X \ (Y \ Z) = (X \ Y) U X ^ Z SET610 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) (X U Y) \ Y = X \ Y SET611 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X ^ Y = the empty set iff X \ Y = X SET612 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X \ (Y U Z) = (X \ Y) ^ (X \ Z) SET613 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) (X U Y) \ X ^ Y = (X \ Y) U (Y \ X) SET614 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X \ Y \ Z = X \ (Y U Z) SET615 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) (X U Y) \ Z = (X \ Z) U (Y \ Z) SET616 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X \ Y = Y \ X, then X = Y SET617 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X sym\ the empty set = X and the empty set sym\ X = X SET618 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The symmetric difference of X and X is the empty set SET619 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X U Y = (X sym\ Y) U X ^ Y SET620 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X sym\ Y = (X U Y) \ X ^ Y SET621 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) (X sym\ Y) \ Z = (X \ (Y U Z)) U (Y \ (X U Z)) SET622 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X \ (Y sym\ Z) = (X \ (Y U Z)) U X ^ Y ^ Z SET623 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) (X sym\ Y) sym\ Z = X sym\ (Y sym\ Z) SET624 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X intersects Y U Z iff X intersects Y or X intersects Z SET625 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X intersects Y and Y is a subset of Z, then X intersects Z SET626 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X intersects the intersection of Y and Z, then X intersects Y SET627 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X is disjoint from the empty set SET628 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X intersects X iff X is not the empty set SET629 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X ^ Y is disjoint from X \ Y SET630 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) X ^ Y is disjoint from X sym\ Y SET631 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X intersects the difference of Y and Z, then X intersects Y SET632 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y & X (= Z & Y disjoint from Z, then X = empty set SET633 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X \ Y (= Z and Y \ X (= Z, then X sym\ Y (= Z SET634 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X ^ (Y \ Z) = X ^ Y \ Z SET635 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X ^ (Y \ Z) = X ^ Y \ X ^ Z SET636 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X is disjoint from Y iff X ^ Y = the empty set SET637 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 119th Boolean property of sets SET638 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If X (= Y U Z and X ^ Z = the empty set , then X (= Y SET639 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Trybulec's 121th Boolean property of sets SET640 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) A a subset of R (X to Y) => A a subset of X x Y SET641 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If A is a subset of X x Y then A is a relation from X to Y SET642 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A a subset of R (X to Y) => A is (X to Y) SET643 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X x Y is a relation from X to Y SET644 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) a in R (X to Y) => ? x, y : a is & x in X & y in Y SET645 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in R (X to Y) => x in X & y in Y SET646 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If x is in X and y is in Y then {} is from X to Y. SET647 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Domain of R (X to Y) a subset of X => R is (X to range of R) SET648 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Range of R (X to Y) a subset of Y => R is (domain of R to Y) SET649 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Domain R a subset of X & range R a subset of Y => R is (X to Y) SET650 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain of R (X to Y) a subset of X & range of R a subset of Y SET651 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Domain of R (X to Y) a subset of X1 => R is (X1 to Y) SET652 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Range of R (X to Y) a subset of Y1 => R is (X to Y1) SET653 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X a subset of X1 => R (X to Y) is (X1 to Y) SET654 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Y a subset of Y1 => R (X to Y) is (X to Y1) SET655 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X a subset of X1 & Y a subset of Y1 => R (X to Y) is (X1 to Y1) SET656 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The intersection of a relation R from X to Y and X x Y is R SET657 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The field of a relation R from X to Y is a subset of X union Y SET658 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Every R (X to Y) is (domain of R to range of R) SET659 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) For every x in X ? y : in R (X to Y) iff domain of R is X SET660 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) For every y in Y ? x : in R (X to Y) iff range of R is Y SET661 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Domain of R^-1 is range of R, & range of R^-1 is domain of R SET662 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The empty set is a relation from X to Y SET663 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) R (X to Y) is (empty set to Y) => R is empty set SET664 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) R (X to Y) is (X to empty set) => R is empty set SET665 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The identity relation on X is a subset of X x X SET666 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The identity relation on X is a relation from X to X SET667 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Id on A subset of R => A subset domain R & A subset range R SET668 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Id on X subset of R => X is domain R & X subset of range R SET669 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Id on Y subset of R => Y subset of domain R & Y is range R SET670 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) R (X to Y) restricted to X1 is (X1 to Y) SET671 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) X a subset of X1 => R (X to Y) restricted to X1 is R SET672 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Y1 restricted to R (X to Y) is (X to Y1) SET673 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Y a subset of Y1 => Y1 restricted to R (X to Y) is R SET674 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) R (X to Y) o X is the range R & R^-1(Y) is the domain of R SET675 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) R o R^-1(Y) is the range of R & R^-1(R o X) is the domain of R SET676 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) X x X is a binary relation on X SET677 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Id on X a subset of R => X is domain of R & X is range of R SET678 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) R o Id on X is R & Id on X o R is R SET679 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The identity relation on D is not the empty set SET680 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) !x in D, x the domain of R (X to Y) iff ?y in E : in R SET681 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !y in E, y in range of R (X to Y) iff ?x in D : in R SET682 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) !x in D : x in domain of R (X to Y) ? y in E : y in range of R SET683 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) !y in E : y in range of R (X to Y) ?x in D : x in domain of R SET684 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) in P(DtoE) o R(EtoF) iff ?y in E: in P & in R SET685 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) y in R (X to Y) o D1 iff ?x in D : in R & x in D1 SET686 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) x in R^-1(D2) iff ?y in E : in R (X to Y) & y in D2 SET687 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A set is a subset of itself SET688 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of proper subset SET689 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of subset SET690 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of union and intersection SET691 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A set is a subset of empty set if and only if it is equal to it SET692 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A = A ^ B iff A (= B SET693 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of union SET694 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Union of power sets is a subset of the power set of the union SET695 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Difference of subsets SET696 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If A (= E, then (E / A) ^ A = empty set SET697 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of intersection and difference SET698 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of union and difference SET699 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of intersection and difference 1 SET700 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of intersection and difference 2 SET701 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of intersection and difference 3 SET702 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of product and intersection SET703 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Union of singletons SET704 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If X is a member of A, then product(A) is a subset of X SET705 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A is a member of power_set(A) SET706 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of difference SET707 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Components of equal ordered pairs are equal SET708 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of mappings is unique SET709 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of mappings is a mapping SET710 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Associativity of composition SET711 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The inverse of a mapping is unique SET712 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The inverse of a one-to-one mapping is a mapping SET713 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The inverse of a one-to-one mapping is one-to-one SET714 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of inverse(F) and F is the identity SET715 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of F and its inverse is the identity SET716 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The composition of injective mappings is injective SET717 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of surjective mappings is surjective SET718 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The composition of one-to-one mappings is one-to-one SET719 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse of composition SET720 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The inverse of the inverse of a mapping is equal to the mapping SET721 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If the composition of F and G is injective, then F is injective SET722 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If the composition of F and G is surjective, then F is surjective SET723 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If FoG = FoH and F is injective, then G = H SET724 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If GoF = HoF and F is surjective, then G = H SET725 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF and FoH are identities, then F is one-to-one SET726 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF and FoH are identities, then inverse(F) = G SET727 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF and FoH are identities, then inverse(F) = H SET728 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF and FoH are identities, then G = H SET729 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) F is one-to-one and inverse(F)=F iff FoF is the identity SET730 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of restriction 1 SET731 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of restriction 2 SET732 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of restriction 3 SET733 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF is the identity, then F is injective SET734 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If GoF is the identity, then G is surjective SET735 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of mappings SET736 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 1 SET737 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 2 SET738 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 3 SET739 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 4 SET740 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 5 SET741 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Problem on composition of mappings 6 SET742 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 7 SET743 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 8 SET744 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 9 SET745 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Problem on composition of mappings 10 SET746 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If F and G and increasing, then GoF is increasing SET747 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) If F is increasing and G decreasing, then GoF is decreasing SET748 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If F is decreasing and G increasing, then GoF is decreasing SET749 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If F and G and decreasing, then GoF is increasing SET750 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of isomorphism SET751 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If X is a subset of Y, then the image f(X) is a subset of f(Y) SET752 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The image of union is equal to the union of images SET753 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Image of intersection is a subset of intersection of images SET754 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) C is a subset of the inverse image of the image of C SET755 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If X is a subset of Y, then f-1(X) is a subset of f-1(Y) SET756 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse image of union equals the union of inverse images SET757 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse image intersection equals intersection inverse images SET758 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The image of the inverse image of Y is a subset of Y SET759 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Composition of images 1 SET760 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Composition of images 2 SET761 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Intersection of images SET762 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The image of empty set is empty SET763 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If the image of X is empty then X is empty SET764 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) The inverse image of empty set is empty SET765 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The restriction of an equivalence relation is an equivalence SET766 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A member belongs to its equivalence class SET767 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence classes on E are power_set E SET768 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equality of equivalence classes 1 SET769 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equality of equivalence classes 2 SET770 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two equivalence classes are equal or disjoint SET771 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equality of images defines a equivalence relation SET772 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Belonging of the same member of a partition is an equivalence SET773 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Intersection of equivalence relations is an equivalence relation SET774 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The restriction of a pre-order relation is a pre-order relation SET775 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Pre-order and equivalence SET776 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of pre-order SET777 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set theory membership and subsets axioms SET778 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set theory membership and union axioms SET779 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set theory membership and intersection axioms SET780 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set theory membership and difference axioms SET781 ( -3 +1 _0 ^0) Set theory axioms based on NBG set theory SET782 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Set theory (Boolean algebra) axioms based on NBG set theory SET783 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Naive set theory axioms based on Goedel's set theory SET784 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Mapping axioms for the SET006+0 set theory axioms SET785 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence relation axioms for the SET006+0 set theory axioms SET786 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM25 SET787 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) un_eq_Union_2_c2 SET788 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Symmetry of equality from set membership SET789 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The greatest element, if it existes, is unique SET790 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The least element, if it existes, is unique SET791 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The greatest element, if it exists, is maximal SET792 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The least element, if it existes, is minimal SET793 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If the order is total, a maximal element is the greatest element SET794 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If the order is total, a minimal element is the least element SET795 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If R(a,b) then b is the least upper bound of unordered_pair(a,b) SET796 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If R(a,b) then a is the greatest lower bound of unordered_pair(a,b) SET797 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If X subset Y, then an upper bound of Y is an upper bound of X SET798 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If X subset Y, then a lower bound of Y is a lower bound of X SET799 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Least upper bounds of set in total order SET800 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Greatest lower bound of sets in total order SET801 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) M is the greatest element iff it is a member and a LUB SET802 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) M is the least of X iff it is a member and a GLB SET803 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two different maximal elements implies no greatest element SET804 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Two different minimal elements implies no least element SET805 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Order relation on E is an order relation on a subset of E SET806 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equality of sets defines a equivalence relation SET807 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inclusion of sets defines a pre-order relation SET808 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The members of an ordinal number are ordinal numbers SET809 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An ordinal number is not a member of itself SET810 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers do not contain each other SET811 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A member of an ordinal number is an initial segment SET812 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An ordinal A is equal to its intersection with its power-set SET813 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An ordinal number is a member of its successor SET814 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The sum of an ordinal number is a subset of itself SET815 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) An ordinal number is equal to the sum of its successor SET816 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The sum of a collection of ordinal numbers is a collection SET817 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The product of a nonempty set of ordinals is an ordinal SET818 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET819 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET820 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET821 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET822 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET824 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET825 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET826 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET827 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET828 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET829 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET830 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET831 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET832 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET833 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET834 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET835 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET836 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET837 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET838 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET839 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET840 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about set theory SET841 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET842 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET843 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET844 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET845 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET846 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET847 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET848 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET849 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET850 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET851 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET852 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET853 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET854 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET855 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET856 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET857 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET858 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET859 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET860 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET861 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET862 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET863 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET864 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET865 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Problem about Zorn's lemma SET867 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(empty_set) = empty_set SET872 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(singleton(A),unordered_pair(A,B)) SET873 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(singleton(A),singleton(B)) = singleton(A) => A = B SET874 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(singleton(A),unordered_pair(A,B)) = unordered_pair(A,B) SET875 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( disjoint(singleton(A),singleton(B)) & A = B ) SET876 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A != B => disjoint(singleton(A),singleton(B)) SET877 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) intersection(singleton(A),singleton(B)) = singleton(A) => A = B SET878 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) intersection(singleton(A),unordered_pair(A,B)) = singleton(A) SET879 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) difference(singleton(A),singleton(B)) = singleton(A) <=> A != B SET880 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) difference(singleton(A),singleton(B)) = empty_set => A = B SET881 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) difference(singleton(A),unordered_pair(A,B)) = empty_set SET882 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A != B => diff(unordered_pair(A,B),singleton(B)) = singleton(A) SET883 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(singleton(A),singleton(B)) => A = B SET884 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( subset(singleton(A),unordered_pair(B,C)) & A != B & A != C ) SET885 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(unordered_pair(A,B),singleton(C)) => A = C SET886 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(uno_pair(A,B),singleton(C)) => uno_pair(A,B) = singleton(C) SET887 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( subset(uno_pair(A,B),uno_pair(C,D)) & A != C & A != D ) SET888 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 29 SET889 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) powerset(singleton(A)) = unordered_pair(empty_set,singleton(A)) SET890 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(singleton(A)) = A SET891 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(uno_pair(singleton(A),singleton(B))) = uno_pair(A,B) SET893 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(o_pair(A,B),cart_prod(sgtn(C),sgtn(D))) <=> ( A = C & B = D ) SET894 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cart_prod(singleton(A),singleton(B)) = singleton(o_pair(A,B)) SET895 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 36 SET899 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(A,B) => ( in(C,A) | subset(A,difference(B,singleton(C))) ) SET900 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( A != singleton(B) & A != empty_set & ~ ( in(C,A) & C != B ) ) SET901 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 42 SET902 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 43 SET903 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( sgtn(A) = union(B,C) & B != C & B != empty & C != empty ) SET904 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(set_union2(singleton(A),B),B) => in(A,B) SET906 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(set_union2(unordered_pair(A,B),C),C) => in(A,C) SET907 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) ( in(A,B) & in(C,B) ) => set_union2(unordered_pair(A,C),B) = B SET908 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) union(singleton(A),B) != empty_set SET909 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(unordered_pair(A,B),C) != empty_set SET910 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) intersection(A,singleton(B)) = singleton(B) => in(B,A) SET911 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(A,B) => set_intersection2(B,singleton(A)) = singleton(A) SET912 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ( in(A,B) & in(C,B) ) => intsctn(uno_pair(A,C),B) = uno_pair(A,C) SET913 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( disjoint(singleton(A),B) & in(A,B) ) SET914 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) ~ ( disjoint(unordered_pair(A,B),C) & in(A,C) ) SET915 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ in(A,B) => disjoint(singleton(A),B) SET916 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) ~ ( ~ in(A,B) & ~ in(C,B) & ~ disjoint(unordered_pair(A,C),B) ) SET917 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) disjoint(sgtn(A),B) | intersection(sgtn(A),B) = sgtn(A) SET918 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( intersection(uno_pair(A,B),C) = sgtn(A) & in(B,C) & A != B ) SET919 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(A,B) => ((in(C,B) & A!=C) | intsctn(uno_pair(A,C),B) = sgtn(A)) SET920 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) intersection(uno_pair(A,B),C) = uno_pair(A,B) => in(A,C) SET921 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(A,difference(B,singleton(C))) <=> ( in(A,B) & A != C ) SET923 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( difference(A,sgtn(B)) = empty & A != empty & A != sgtn(B) ) SET924 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) difference(singleton(A),B) = singleton(A) <=> ~ in(A,B) SET925 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) difference(singleton(A),B) = empty_set <=> in(A,B) SET926 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) difference(sgtn(A),B) = empty | difference(sgtn(A),B) = sgtn(A) SET927 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) diff(uno_pair(A,B),C) = sgtn(A) <=> (~in(A,C) & (in(B,C) | A = B)) SET928 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) diff(uno_pair(A,B),C) = uno_pair(A,B) <=> (~in(A,C) & ~in(B,C)) SET929 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) diff(uno_pair(A,B),C) = empty <=> ( in(A,C) & in(B,C) ) SET930 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 74 SET931 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 75 SET932 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(A,B) => subset(powerset(A),powerset(B)) SET933 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(singleton(A),powerset(A)) SET934 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(union(powerset(A),powerset(B)),powerset(union(A,B))) SET935 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(powset(A),powset(B)) = powset(union(A,B)) => inc_comp(A,B) SET936 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) powset(intersection(A,B)) = intersection(powset(A),powset(B)) SET937 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(pset(diff(A,B)),union(sgtn(empty),diff(pset(A),pset(B)))) SET938 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(union(pset(diff(A,B)),pset(diff(B,A))),pset(symdiff(A,B))) SET940 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(unordered_pair(A,B)) = union(A,B) SET941 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ( in(C,A) => subset(C,B) ) => subset(union(A),B) SET942 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(A,B) => subset(union(A),union(B)) SET943 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) union(union(A,B)) = union(union(A),union(B)) SET944 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(union(intersection(A,B)),intersection(union(A),union(B))) SET945 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ( in(C,A) => disjoint(C,B) ) => disjoint(union(A),B) SET947 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(A,powerset(union(A))) SET948 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 101 SET949 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ ( in(A,cartesian_product(B,C)) & ordered_pair(D,E) != A ) SET950 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 103 SET951 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 104 SET952 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) subset(cartesian_product(A,B),powerset(powerset(union(A,B)))) SET954 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(o_pair(A,B),cart_prod(C,D)) => in(o_pair(B,A),cart_prod(D,C)) SET955 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 108 SET956 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 109 SET957 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 110 SET958 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 111 SET959 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 112 SET960 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cart_prod(A,B) = empty <=> ( A = empty | B = empty ) SET961 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cart_prod(A,B) = cart_prod(B,A) => ( A=empty | B=empty | A = B ) SET962 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cartesian_product(A,A) = cartesian_product(B,B) => A = B SET963 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 116 SET964 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 117 SET967 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 120 SET968 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 121 SET969 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 122 SET970 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 123 SET971 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 124 SET972 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 125 SET973 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 126 SET974 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 127 SET975 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(o_pair(A,B),cart_prod(sgtn(C),D)) <=> ( A = C & in(B,D) ) SET976 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(o_pair(A,B),cart_prod(C,sgtn(D))) <=> ( in(A,C) & B = D ) SET977 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 130 SET978 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 131 SET979 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 132 SET980 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 134 SET981 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 135 SET983 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 137 SET984 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 138 SET985 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Basic properties of sets, theorem 139 SET986 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) in(A,B) => union(difference(B,singleton(A)),singleton(A)) = B SET987 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ~ in(A,B) => difference(union(B,singleton(A)),singleton(A)) = B SET988 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 2 SET990 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 9 SET991 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 12 SET992 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 14 SET993 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 15 SET994 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 16 SET995 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 17 SET996 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 18 SET997 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 19 SET998 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SEU = Set Theory Continued 1754 problems (970 abstract), 1 CNF, 906 FOF, 0 TFF, 847 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEU002 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 25 SEU003 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 27 SEU004 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 33 SEU007 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 37 SEU008 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 38 SEU009 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 40 SEU010 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 42 SEU011 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 43 SEU012 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 44 SEU013 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 46 SEU014 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 47 SEU015 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 48 SEU016 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 49 SEU017 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 50 SEU018 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 51 SEU019 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 52 SEU020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 53 SEU023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 56 SEU025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 58 SEU026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 59 SEU027 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 60 SEU028 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 61 SEU030 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 63 SEU031 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 64 SEU032 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 65 SEU033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 66 SEU034 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 67 SEU037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 71 SEU039 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 73 SEU040 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 76 SEU041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 82 SEU042 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 84 SEU043 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 85 SEU044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 86 SEU045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 87 SEU046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 89 SEU047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 97 SEU048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 99 SEU049 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 117 SEU050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 118 SEU051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 120 SEU052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 121 SEU053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 122 SEU054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 123 SEU055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 124 SEU056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 125 SEU057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 126 SEU058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 137 SEU059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 138 SEU060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 139 SEU061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 142 SEU062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 143 SEU063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 144 SEU067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 148 SEU068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 149 SEU069 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 150 SEU070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 151 SEU071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 152 SEU072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 153 SEU073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 154 SEU074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 155 SEU075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 156 SEU076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 157 SEU077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 158 SEU078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 159 SEU079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 160 SEU080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 161 SEU081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functions and their basic properties, theorem 162 SEU083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 14 SEU085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 16 SEU088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 19 SEU089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 20 SEU090 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 21 SEU091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 22 SEU092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 23 SEU093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 24 SEU094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 25 SEU096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 27 SEU097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 28 SEU098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 29 SEU099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 30 SEU100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Finite sets, theorem 31 SEU101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 10 SEU102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 13 SEU103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 14 SEU104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 15 SEU105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 16 SEU106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 17 SEU107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 18 SEU108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 20 SEU109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 21 SEU110 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 23 SEU111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 24 SEU112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 25 SEU113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 26 SEU114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 27 SEU115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 28 SEU116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 30 SEU117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 32 SEU118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Boolean domains, theorem 34 SEU119 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_xboole_0 SEU120 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t4_xboole_0 SEU121 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t1_xboole_1 SEU122 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t2_xboole_1 SEU123 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_xboole_1 SEU124 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t7_xboole_1 SEU125 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_xboole_1 SEU126 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t12_xboole_1 SEU127 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t17_xboole_1 SEU128 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t19_xboole_1 SEU129 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t26_xboole_1 SEU130 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t28_xboole_1 SEU131 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l32_xboole_1 SEU132 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t33_xboole_1 SEU133 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t36_xboole_1 SEU134 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t37_xboole_1 SEU135 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t39_xboole_1 SEU136 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t40_xboole_1 SEU137 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t45_xboole_1 SEU138 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t48_xboole_1 SEU139 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t60_xboole_1 SEU140 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t63_xboole_1 SEU141 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t83_xboole_1 SEU142 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t69_enumset1 SEU143 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l1_zfmisc_1 SEU144 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l2_zfmisc_1 SEU145 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l3_zfmisc_1 SEU146 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l4_zfmisc_1 SEU147 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t1_zfmisc_1 SEU148 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t6_zfmisc_1 SEU149 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_zfmisc_1 SEU150 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t9_zfmisc_1 SEU151 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t10_zfmisc_1 SEU152 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l23_zfmisc_1 SEU153 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l25_zfmisc_1 SEU154 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l28_zfmisc_1 SEU155 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l50_zfmisc_1 SEU156 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t33_zfmisc_1 SEU157 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l55_zfmisc_1 SEU158 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t37_zfmisc_1 SEU159 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t38_zfmisc_1 SEU160 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t39_zfmisc_1 SEU161 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t46_zfmisc_1 SEU162 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t65_zfmisc_1 SEU163 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t92_zfmisc_1 SEU164 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t99_zfmisc_1 SEU165 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t106_zfmisc_1 SEU166 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t118_zfmisc_1 SEU167 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t119_zfmisc_1 SEU168 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t136_zfmisc_1 SEU169 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l3_subset_1 SEU170 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t43_subset_1 SEU171 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t50_subset_1 SEU172 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t54_subset_1 SEU173 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l71_subset_1 SEU174 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t46_setfam_1 SEU175 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t47_setfam_1 SEU176 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t48_setfam_1 SEU177 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t20_relat_1 SEU178 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_relat_1 SEU179 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t25_relat_1 SEU180 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t30_relat_1 SEU181 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t37_relat_1 SEU182 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t44_relat_1 SEU183 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t45_relat_1 SEU184 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t46_relat_1 SEU185 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t47_relat_1 SEU186 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t56_relat_1 SEU187 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t60_relat_1 SEU188 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t64_relat_1 SEU189 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t65_relat_1 SEU190 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t71_relat_1 SEU191 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t74_relat_1 SEU192 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t86_relat_1 SEU193 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t88_relat_1 SEU194 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t90_relat_1 SEU195 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t94_relat_1 SEU196 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t99_relat_1 SEU197 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t115_relat_1 SEU198 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t116_relat_1 SEU199 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t117_relat_1 SEU200 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t118_relat_1 SEU201 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t119_relat_1 SEU202 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t140_relat_1 SEU203 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t143_relat_1 SEU204 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t144_relat_1 SEU205 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t145_relat_1 SEU206 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t146_relat_1 SEU207 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t160_relat_1 SEU208 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t166_relat_1 SEU209 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t167_relat_1 SEU210 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t174_relat_1 SEU211 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t178_relat_1 SEU212 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_funct_1 SEU213 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_funct_1 SEU214 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t22_funct_1 SEU215 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_funct_1 SEU216 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t34_funct_1 SEU217 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t35_funct_1 SEU218 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t54_funct_1 SEU219 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t55_funct_1 SEU220 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t57_funct_1 SEU221 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t62_funct_1 SEU222 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t68_funct_1 SEU223 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t70_funct_1 SEU224 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l82_funct_1 SEU225 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t72_funct_1 SEU226 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t145_funct_1 SEU227 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t146_funct_1 SEU228 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t147_funct_1 SEU229 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_ordinal1 SEU230 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t10_ordinal1 SEU231 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_ordinal1 SEU232 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_ordinal1 SEU233 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t24_ordinal1 SEU234 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t31_ordinal1 SEU235 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t32_ordinal1 SEU236 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t33_ordinal1 SEU237 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t41_ordinal1 SEU238 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t42_ordinal1 SEU239 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l1_wellord1 SEU240 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l2_wellord1 SEU241 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l3_wellord1 SEU242 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l4_wellord1 SEU243 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t5_wellord1 SEU244 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_wellord1 SEU245 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t16_wellord1 SEU246 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t17_wellord1 SEU247 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t18_wellord1 SEU248 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l29_wellord1 SEU249 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t19_wellord1 SEU250 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t20_wellord1 SEU251 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_wellord1 SEU252 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t22_wellord1 SEU253 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_wellord1 SEU254 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t24_wellord1 SEU255 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t25_wellord1 SEU256 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t31_wellord1 SEU257 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t32_wellord1 SEU258 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t39_wellord1 SEU259 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t49_wellord1 SEU260 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t53_wellord1 SEU261 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t54_wellord1 SEU262 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t12_relset_1 SEU263 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t14_relset_1 SEU264 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t16_relset_1 SEU265 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t22_relset_1 SEU266 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_relset_1 SEU267 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t7_mcart_1 SEU268 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t2_wellord2 SEU269 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_wellord2 SEU270 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t4_wellord2 SEU271 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t5_wellord2 SEU272 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e3_38_1__ordinal1 SEU273 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_ordinal1__e8_6__wellord2 SEU274 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t6_wellord2 SEU275 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t7_wellord2 SEU276 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t25_wellord2 SEU277 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e1_8_1_1__relat_1 SEU278 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_relat_1__e6_21__wellord2 SEU279 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l30_wellord2 SEU280 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e6_22__wellord2 SEU281 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_5_1__funct_1 SEU282 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_funct_1__e2_11_1__funct_1 SEU283 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_funct_1__e3_12_1__funct_1 SEU284 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s3_funct_1__e16_22__wellord2 SEU285 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t26_wellord2 SEU286 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_5_1__funct_1 SEU287 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_funct_1__e2_11_1__funct_1 SEU288 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_funct_1__e10_24__wellord2 SEU289 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t28_wellord2 SEU290 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t6_funct_2 SEU291 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t9_funct_2 SEU292 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_funct_2 SEU293 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t46_funct_2 SEU294 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t13_finset_1 SEU295 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t15_finset_1 SEU296 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t17_finset_1 SEU297 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e6_27__finset_1 SEU298 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_27_3_1__finset_1 SEU299 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e1_39_1__ordinal1 SEU300 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_ordinal1__e2_1_1__ordinal2 SEU301 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_ordinal2__e18_27__finset_1 SEU302 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t18_finset_1 SEU303 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t26_finset_1 SEU304 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_lattices SEU305 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t26_lattices SEU306 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t12_pre_topc SEU307 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t15_pre_topc SEU308 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t17_pre_topc SEU309 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t22_pre_topc SEU310 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e1_61_1__subset_1 SEU311 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s3_subset_1__e2_37_1_1__pre_topc SEU312 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t44_pre_topc SEU313 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t45_pre_topc SEU314 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e1_61_1__subset_1 SEU315 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s3_subset_1__e1_40__pre_topc SEU316 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t46_pre_topc SEU317 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t48_pre_topc SEU318 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t52_pre_topc SEU319 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t29_tops_1 SEU320 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t30_tops_1 SEU321 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l40_tops_1 SEU322 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t44_tops_1 SEU323 ( -1 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t51_tops_1 SEU324 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t55_tops_1 SEU325 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t5_tops_2 SEU326 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t10_tops_2 SEU327 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t11_tops_2 SEU328 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t12_tops_2 SEU329 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_5_1__funct_1 SEU330 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_funct_1__e2_11_1__funct_1 SEU331 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_funct_1__e4_7_1__tops_2 SEU332 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_5_1__funct_1 SEU333 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_funct_1__e2_11_1__funct_1 SEU334 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_funct_1__e4_7_2__tops_2 SEU335 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t13_tops_2 SEU336 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t16_tops_2 SEU337 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t17_tops_2 SEU338 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t13_compts_1 SEU339 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t25_orders_2 SEU340 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t26_orders_2 SEU341 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t5_connsp_2 SEU342 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t32_filter_1 SEU343 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t1_lattice3 SEU344 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t2_lattice3 SEU345 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_lattice3 SEU346 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t7_lattice3 SEU347 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t28_lattice3 SEU348 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t29_lattice3 SEU349 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t30_lattice3 SEU350 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t31_lattice3 SEU351 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t34_lattice3 SEU352 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t50_lattice3 SEU353 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t91_tmap_1 SEU354 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t5_tex_2 SEU355 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t6_yellow_0 SEU356 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t15_yellow_0 SEU357 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t16_yellow_0 SEU358 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t29_yellow_0 SEU359 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t30_yellow_0 SEU360 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t42_yellow_0 SEU361 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t44_yellow_0 SEU362 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t60_yellow_0 SEU363 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t61_yellow_0 SEU364 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e2_28_1_1__finset_1 SEU365 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_finset_1__e11_2_1__waybel_0 SEU366 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t1_waybel_0 SEU367 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_waybel_0 SEU368 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t1_yellow_1 SEU369 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t2_yellow_1 SEU370 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t4_yellow_1 SEU371 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t18_yellow_1 SEU372 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t6_yellow_6 SEU373 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t19_yellow_6 SEU374 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t20_yellow_6 SEU375 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t21_yellow_6 SEU376 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t28_yellow_6 SEU377 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t30_yellow_6 SEU378 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t31_yellow_6 SEU379 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t32_yellow_6 SEU380 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t41_yellow_6 SEU381 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t11_waybel_7 SEU382 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t4_waybel_7 SEU383 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t8_waybel_7 SEU384 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t12_waybel_9 SEU385 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t16_waybel_9 SEU386 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t29_waybel_9 SEU387 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t2_yellow19 SEU388 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t3_yellow19 SEU389 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t4_yellow19 SEU390 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t9_yellow19 SEU391 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t11_yellow19 SEU392 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t13_yellow19 SEU393 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t14_yellow19 SEU394 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t15_yellow19 SEU395 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t18_yellow19 SEU396 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t20_yellow19 SEU397 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t23_yellow19 SEU398 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem t31_yellow19 SEU399 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e2_25_1_2__wellord2 SEU400 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_xboole_0__e4_5_1__funct_1 SEU401 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_xboole_0__e10_25_1_1__wellord2 SEU402 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_funct_1__e2_11_1__funct_1 SEU403 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s2_funct_1__e3_25_1__wellord2 SEU404 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem s1_wellord2__e6_39_3__yellow19 SEU405 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) MPTP bushy problem l37_yellow19 SEU406 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T01 SEU407 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T07 SEU408 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T11 SEU409 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T14 SEU410 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T19 SEU411 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T20 SEU412 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T22 SEU413 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T23 SEU414 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T24 SEU415 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures T25 SEU416 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T05 SEU417 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T07 SEU418 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T08 SEU419 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T12 SEU420 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T13 SEU421 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T14 SEU422 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T16 SEU423 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T17 SEU424 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T18 SEU425 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T21 SEU426 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T22 SEU427 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T26 SEU428 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T27 SEU429 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T28 SEU430 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T30 SEU431 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T31 SEU432 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T33 SEU433 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T34 SEU434 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T35 SEU435 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T36 SEU436 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T39 SEU437 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T40 SEU438 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T41 SEU439 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T43 SEU440 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T52 SEU441 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T53 SEU442 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T54 SEU443 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T55 SEU444 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T56 SEU445 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T57 SEU446 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T58 SEU447 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T59 SEU448 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T62 SEU449 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T63 SEU450 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T64 SEU451 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations T65 SEU452 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hofman's Marktoberdorf exercise SEU453 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The reflexive closure of a binary relation is reflexive SEU454 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The reflexive closure operator is idempotent SEU455 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The reflexive closure operator is inflationary SEU456 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The reflexive closure operator is monotonic SEU457 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The symmetric closure of a binary relation is symmetric SEU458 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The symmetric closure operator is idempotent SEU459 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The symmetric closure operator is inflationary SEU460 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The symmetric closure operator is monotonic SEU461 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure of a binary relation is transitive, part 1 SEU462 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure of a binary relation is transitive, part 2 SEU463 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure of a binary relation is transitive, part 3 SEU464 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure of a binary relation is transitive, part 4 SEU465 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure of a binary relation is transitive, part 5 SEU466 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure operator is idempotent SEU467 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure operator is inflationary SEU468 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive closure operator is monotonic SEU469 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Transitive reflexive closure is transitive and reflexive SEU470 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Transitive reflexive symmetric closure properties SEU471 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive reflexive symmetric closure operator is idempotent SEU472 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive reflexive symmetric closure operator is inflationary SEU473 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The transitive reflexive symmetric closure operator is monotonic SEU474 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Swapping symmetric closure and reflexive closure SEU475 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Not swapping symmetric closure and transitive closure SEU476 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Swaping transitive closure and reflexive closure SEU477 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Another definition of terminating SEU478 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A terminating relation is normalizing SEU479 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If a relation is terminating, then so is its transitive closure SEU480 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Termination implies the induction principle SEU481 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Satisfying the induction principle implies termination SEU482 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A normalizing relation is not necessarily terminating SEU483 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A symmetric relation is non-terminating SEU484 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A reflexive relation is non-terminating SEU485 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) In a confluent relation every element has at most one normal form SEU486 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Confluence implies local confluence SEU487 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Local confluence does NOT imply confluence SEU488 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Confluence implies semi confluence SEU489 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Church-Rosser property implies confluence SEU490 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Semi confluence implies Church-Rosser property SEU491 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Terminating relations and confluence and local confluence SEU492 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Alternative definition of a strict (partial) order: requiring SEU493 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The inverse of a partial order is again a partial order SEU494 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Inverse of a strict (partial) order is a strict (partial) order SEU495 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The inverse of a total relation is again a total relation SEU496 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Transitive closure and strict (partial) orders SEU497 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Every strict (partial) order induces a partial order SEU498 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Every partial order induces a strict (partial) order SEU499 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Foundation - Axioms - Logical Axioms SEU500 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Propositions as Sets SEU501 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU502 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU503 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU504 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU505 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU506 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU507 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU508 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU509 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU510 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU511 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Basic Laws of Logic SEU512 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Adjoining Elements to Sets SEU513 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Adjoining Elements to Sets SEU514 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Adjoining Elements to Sets SEU515 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Adjoining Elements to Sets SEU516 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Adjoining Elements to Sets SEU517 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU518 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU519 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU520 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU521 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU522 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU523 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU524 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Power Sets and Unions SEU525 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU526 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU527 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU528 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU529 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU530 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU531 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU532 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU533 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU534 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU535 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU536 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU537 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU538 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU539 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Bounded Quantifier Laws SEU540 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Dependent Connective Laws SEU541 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Dependent Connective Laws SEU542 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Negated Quantifiers SEU543 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Negated Quantifiers SEU544 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equivalence Laws SEU545 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equivalence Laws SEU546 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equivalence Laws SEU547 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU548 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of in SEU549 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU550 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of exu SEU551 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) A simple congruence property of emptyset SEU552 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of setadjoin SEU553 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of powerset SEU554 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple congruence property of setunion SEU555 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple congruence property of omega SEU556 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Equality Laws SEU557 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of descr SEU558 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) A simple congruence property of dsetconstr SEU559 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU560 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU561 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU562 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU563 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU564 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU565 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU566 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU567 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU568 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU569 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU570 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU571 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU572 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU573 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU574 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU575 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU576 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU577 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU578 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU579 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU580 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU581 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Relations on Sets - Subsets SEU582 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU583 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU584 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU585 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU586 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU587 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU588 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU589 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU590 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU591 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU592 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU593 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU594 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU595 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU596 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU597 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU598 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU599 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU600 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Ops on Sets - Unions and Intersections SEU601 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU602 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU603 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU604 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU605 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU606 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU607 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU608 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU609 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU610 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Set Difference SEU611 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Symmetric Difference SEU612 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Symmetric Difference SEU613 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Symmetric Difference SEU614 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Symmetric Difference SEU615 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Preliminary Notions - Operations on Sets - Symmetric Difference SEU616 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ordered Pairs - Kuratowski Pairs SEU617 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Kuratowski Pairs SEU618 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Kuratowski Pairs SEU619 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Kuratowski Pairs SEU620 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Kuratowski Pairs SEU621 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU622 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU623 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU624 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU625 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU626 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU627 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU628 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU629 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU630 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU631 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU632 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Cartesian Products SEU633 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU634 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU635 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU636 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU637 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU638 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU639 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU640 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU641 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Singletons SEU642 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU643 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU644 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU645 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU646 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU647 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU648 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU649 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU650 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU651 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU652 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU653 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU654 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU655 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU656 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU657 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU658 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU659 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU660 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU661 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU662 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU663 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU664 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Properties of Pairs SEU665 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU666 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU667 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU668 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU669 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU670 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU671 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordered Pairs - Sets of Pairs SEU672 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions SEU673 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Application SEU674 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Application SEU675 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Application SEU676 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Application SEU677 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Lambda Abstraction SEU678 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Lambda Abstraction SEU679 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Lambda Abstraction SEU680 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Lambda Abstraction SEU681 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU682 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU683 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU684 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU685 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU686 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU687 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU688 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU689 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU690 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU691 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU692 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU693 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU694 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU695 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU696 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU697 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU698 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU699 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Functions - Extensionality and Beta Reduction SEU700 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU701 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU702 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU703 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU704 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU705 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU706 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU707 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU708 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU709 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Conditionals SEU710 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - Types of Set Operators SEU711 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Types of Set Operators SEU712 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Types of Set Operators SEU713 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Types of Set Operators SEU714 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Types of Set Operators SEU715 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU716 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU717 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU718 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU719 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU720 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU721 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU722 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU723 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU724 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU725 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU726 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU727 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU728 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU729 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU730 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU731 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU732 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU733 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU734 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU735 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU736 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU737 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU738 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU739 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU740 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU741 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU742 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU743 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU744 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU745 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU746 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU747 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets SEU748 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU749 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU750 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU751 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU752 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU753 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU754 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU755 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU756 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU757 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - Laws for Typed Sets - DeMorgan Laws SEU758 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Lemmas SEU759 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Lemmas SEU760 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Lemmas SEU761 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Lemmas SEU762 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Lemmas SEU763 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Problems SEU764 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Problems SEU765 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Problems SEU766 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Problems SEU767 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Typed Set Theory - First Wizard of Oz Examples - WoZ1 Problems SEU768 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU769 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU770 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU771 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU772 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary Relations on a Set SEU773 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU774 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU775 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU776 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU777 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU778 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU779 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU780 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU781 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU782 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU783 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU784 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU785 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU786 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU787 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU788 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set SEU789 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set - Second Wizard of Oz Examples SEU790 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set - Second Wizard of Oz Examples SEU791 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set - Second Wizard of Oz Examples SEU792 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Binary Relations on a Set - Second Wizard of Oz Examples SEU793 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Images of Functions SEU794 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Images of Functions SEU795 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Images of Functions SEU796 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Images of Functions SEU797 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Images of Functions SEU798 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Injective Functions SEU799 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Injective Functions SEU800 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Injective Functions SEU801 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Surjective Functions SEU802 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Surjective Functions SEU803 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More about Functions - Surjective Functions SEU804 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) More Functions - Surjective Functions - Surjective Cantor Theorem SEU805 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) The Foundation Axiom SEU806 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) The Foundation Axiom SEU807 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) The Foundation Axiom SEU808 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Omega and Peano SEU809 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Omega and Peano SEU810 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Omega and Peano SEU811 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Omega and Peano SEU812 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Transitive Sets SEU813 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Transitive Sets SEU814 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Transitive Sets SEU815 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Transitive Sets SEU816 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU817 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU818 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU819 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU820 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU821 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU822 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU823 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Ordinals SEU824 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) Ordinals SEU825 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) setextAx and powersetAx and notinemptyset are consistent SEU826 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) About sets 1 SEU827 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) About sets 2 SEU828 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) About powersets 1 SEU829 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) About powersets 2 SEU831 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM32 SEU832 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM31 SEU833 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM24 SEU834 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM21 SEU836 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM19 SEU839 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM26 SEU841 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM7 SEU842 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM25 SEU843 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM23 SEU844 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM8 SEU845 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM12 SEU846 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM11 SEU847 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM41 SEU848 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM38 SEU849 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM39 SEU850 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM9 SEU851 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM42 SEU852 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM36 SEU853 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM35 SEU854 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM34 SEU855 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM33 SEU856 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM46 SEU857 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM43 SEU858 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM163 SEU859 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM164 SEU860 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU861 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM531E SEU862 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-FINITE1-EQUIV SEU863 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-FINITE1-EQUIV SEU864 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU865 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU866 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PIGEON-HOLE SEU867 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU868 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU869 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU871 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU872 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU873 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SET-THMS SEU874 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU875 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU876 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU877 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU878 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU879 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU880 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU881 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOPOLOGY-THMS SEU882 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM139 SEU883 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5212 SEU884 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM30B SEU885 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM30A SEU886 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5203 SEU887 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM28 SEU888 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM500C-WFF SEU889 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM29A SEU890 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM29 SEU891 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM34B SEU892 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X6104 SEU893 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM34A SEU894 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM15-0 SEU895 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5202 SEU896 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM500 SEU897 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM30 SEU898 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM132 SEU899 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM34 SEU901 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM131D SEU902 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM143 SEU903 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM131 SEU904 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM126 SEU905 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM126A SEU906 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNS-AND-SETS-THMS SEU907 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNS-AND-SETS-THMS SEU908 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from MISTAKEN-LEASTCLOSEDUNDER SEU909 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU910 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU911 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU912 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU913 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU914 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU915 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU916 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CATEGORY-THMS SEU917 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM8 SEU918 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM197 SEU919 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM127 SEU920 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem FN-THM-4 SEU921 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM588LEM2 SEU922 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM128 SEU923 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM54 SEU924 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM134 SEU925 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM7-TPS2 SEU926 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM113 SEU927 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM92 SEU928 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM48A SEU929 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM170 SEU930 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM171A SEU931 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM171 SEU932 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM141 SEU933 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM196B SEU934 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM14 SEU935 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem FN-THM-2 SEU936 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem FN-THM-3 SEU937 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM48 SEU938 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM196 SEU939 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM112B SEU940 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM112A SEU941 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem FN-THM-1 SEU942 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM15B SEU943 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM172 SEU944 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM15C SEU945 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM3 SEU946 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM15A SEU947 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM15B-V2 SEU948 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM135 SEU949 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM589 SEU950 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM573 SEU951 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM574 SEU953 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU954 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU955 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU956 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU957 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU958 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU959 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU960 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU961 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU963 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU965 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU966 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU967 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU968 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNCTION-THMS SEU969 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-RELNS SEU970 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-RELNS SEU971 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHECKERBOARD-RELNS SEU972 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU973 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU974 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU975 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU976 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU977 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU978 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU979 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU980 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from COINDUCTIVE-PU-ALG-THMS SEU982 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-COI-THMS SEU983 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-COI-THMS SEU984 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SETS-CHECKERBOARD SEU985 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SETS-RELNS-THMS SEU986 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FINITE-SETS-RELNS-THMS SEU987 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNS-AND-RELNS-THMS SEU988 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNS-AND-RELNS-THMS SEU989 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRAPHS-THMS SEU990 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRAPHS-THMS SEU991 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRAPHS-THMS SEU992 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRAPHS-THMS SEU993 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GRAPHS-THMS SEU994 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES SEU995 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM24 SEU996 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem MODULAR-THM SEU997 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CD-LATTICE-THM SEU998 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem 3-DIAMOND-THM SEU999 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem PENTAGON-THM2B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SEV = Set Theory Continued 503 problems (496 abstract), 1 CNF, 12 FOF, 6 TFF, 484 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEV000 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem MODULAR-EQUIV-THM SEV001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem DISTRIB-THM SEV002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from LATTICES-THMS SEV008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM261 SEV009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM261-B SEV010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM260 SEV011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM260-B SEV012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV014 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV016 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV017 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV018 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV022 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV023 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV026 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV038 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EQUIVALENCE-RELATIONS-THMS SEV042 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM600 SEV043 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PERS-THMS SEV044 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PERS-THMS SEV045 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PERS-THMS SEV046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PERS-THMS SEV047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM175 SEV048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120 SEV049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120A SEV050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM599 SEV051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM557 SEV052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120B SEV053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM89B SEV054 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM403 SEV055 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM402 SEV056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM275 SEV057 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EQP1-1A SEV058 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM122 SEV059 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM89A SEV060 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM173 SEV061 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM176 SEV062 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem T146A SEV063 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM136 SEV064 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120C SEV065 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM177 SEV066 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120D SEV067 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM553 SEV068 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM275A-1 SEV069 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM575 SEV070 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM577 SEV071 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM576 SEV072 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM522 SEV074 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM523 SEV075 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM152 SEV076 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM401B SEV079 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV080 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV081 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV082 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV083 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV084 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV085 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV086 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV087 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV088 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV089 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV090 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV091 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV092 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV093 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV094 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV095 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV096 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV097 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV098 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV099 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV100 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV101 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV102 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV103 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV104 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV105 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV106 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV107 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV108 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV109 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV113 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV114 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV115 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from RELN-THMS SEV116 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem STRANGE-HO-EXAMPLE SEV117 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PER-CLOSURE-THMS SEV118 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PER-CLOSURE-THMS SEV119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM252 SEV120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM70 SEV121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM47C SEV122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM530 SEV123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV127 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV128 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV129 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV130 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-RELNS-THMS SEV131 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM202 SEV132 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TC-THMS SEV133 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TC-THMS SEV134 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM201 SEV135 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM151 SEV136 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM203 SEV137 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM204 SEV138 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM150 SEV140 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM250C SEV141 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM250 SEV143 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM146 SEV144 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV146 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV148 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV149 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV150 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV152 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV153 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV154 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV155 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV156 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV157 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE SEV158 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM120I-1 SEV159 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM181 SEV160 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM186 SEV161 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM183 SEV162 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM184 SEV163 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM187 SEV164 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM185 SEV165 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EXISTS-CART-SET-PROD SEV166 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM182 SEV167 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM189 SEV168 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRS-THMS SEV169 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRS-THMS SEV170 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRS-THMS SEV171 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from PAIRS-FUNS-THMS SEV172 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETPAIRS-THMS SEV173 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETPAIRS-THMS SEV174 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS SEV175 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM144A SEV176 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM25 SEV177 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM144 SEV179 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CANTOR-THMS SEV180 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CANTOR-THMS SEV181 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CANTOR-THMS SEV182 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CANTOR-THMS SEV183 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-ACS-THMS SEV184 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-TOP-CAT-ACS-THMS SEV185 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM564 SEV186 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM565 SEV187 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-THMS SEV188 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-THMS SEV189 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-THMS SEV190 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM580 SEV191 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem S-JOINFN-MONOTONE SEV192 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CS-DUC-RELNS SEV193 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV194 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV195 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV196 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV197 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV198 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV199 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV200 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV203 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV204 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV205 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV206 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV207 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV208 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV209 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV210 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV211 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV212 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV213 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-THMS SEV214 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-T-THMS SEV215 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-T-THMS SEV216 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-T-THMS SEV217 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-T-THMS SEV218 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CHOICE-COVER-THMS SEV219 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from S-SEQ-COI-THMS SEV220 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5205 SEV221 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM61 SEV222 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM60 SEV223 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5204 SEV224 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from FUNS-AND-SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV225 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from REALS-THMS SEV226 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from REALS-THMS SEV227 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5200 SEV228 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM91A SEV229 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5209 SEV230 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM88 SEV231 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5201 SEV232 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X6007 SEV233 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM46 SEV234 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-SV-10 SEV235 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM46A SEV236 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM91 SEV237 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM616 SEV238 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM2D SEV239 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5211 SEV240 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV241 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV242 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV243 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV244 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV245 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV246 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV248 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV249 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV250 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV251 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV252 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV253 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV254 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-OF-SETS-THMS SEV256 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM625A SEV257 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM625 SEV258 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem DISCRETE-TOPOLOGY SEV259 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CLOSURE-THM0 SEV260 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CLOSED-THM1 SEV261 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem INDISCRETE-TOPOLOGY SEV262 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem NBHD-THM2 SEV263 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV264 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV265 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV266 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV267 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV268 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV269 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV270 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV271 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TOPOLOGY-THMS SEV272 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X6007A SEV273 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM542 SEV274 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV275 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV276 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV277 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV278 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV279 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV280 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV281 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from WELL-ORD-THMS SEV282 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TTTP6100 SEV285 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV286 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV288 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV289 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TTTP6101 SEV290 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE1 SEV291 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM130-B SEV292 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE7A SEV293 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X6101 SEV294 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TTTP6102 SEV295 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM130-NAT SEV296 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV297 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV298 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV299 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV300 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV301 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV302 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV303 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV304 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from TTTP-NATS-THMS SEV305 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem THM2 SEV306 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM2F SEV308 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM1A SEV309 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM1 SEV310 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-KNASTER-TARSKI-INST SEV311 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-KNASTER-TARSKI-INST SEV312 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SET-KNASTER-TARSKI SEV313 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-FP-THMS SEV314 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-FP-THMS SEV315 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-FP-THMS SEV316 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from CLOS-SYS-FP-THMS SEV317 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM145-A SEV318 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM145-B SEV319 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem THM145L SEV321 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from KNASTER-TARSKI SEV322 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV323 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV324 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV325 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV326 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV327 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV328 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV329 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV330 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV331 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV332 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV333 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV334 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV335 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV336 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV337 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV338 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV339 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV340 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV341 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV342 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV343 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV344 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV345 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV346 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV347 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV348 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV349 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV350 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV351 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV352 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV354 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV355 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV356 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV357 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV358 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV359 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV360 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV361 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV362 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV363 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV364 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV365 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-AXIOMS SEV366 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV368 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV369 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV370 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV371 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV372 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV373 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV374 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV375 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV376 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV377 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV378 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV379 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV380 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV381 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from GVB-MB-THMS SEV382 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TRANS-IND SEV383 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-7 SEV384 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM117B SEV385 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X6004 SEV386 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TTTP5306A SEV387 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem GAZING-THM44 SEV388 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM36 SEV389 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM37 SEV390 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM35 SEV391 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM87 SEV392 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM38 SEV393 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM39 SEV394 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM269 SEV396 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM31 SEV397 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM59 SEV398 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM67A SEV399 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM597 SEV400 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM590 SEV401 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM67 SEV402 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM596 SEV403 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM598 SEV404 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM595 SEV405 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV406 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV408 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV409 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV410 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV411 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV412 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV413 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV414 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV416 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV417 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV418 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV419 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from SETS-THMS SEV420 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Size of disjoint sets' union SEV421 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Correctness of an efficient emptiness check SEV422 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Maintaining correct size when inserting fresh element SEV423 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Maintaining size after inserting any element SEV424 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Allocating and inserting three objects SEV425 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Allocating and inserting at least three objects SEV426 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Bound on the number of allocated objects in a recursive function SEV427 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If two sets cover a type, a choice function must give an element SEV428 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If a union is nonempty we can choose a nonempty set in the set. SEV429 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Injective functions f:I->I have left inverses SEV430 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Surjective functions f:I->I have right inverses SEV431 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Injective functions f:A->B have left inverses SEV432 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Surjective functions f:A->B have right inverses SEV433 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There are at most 2 individuals if there is an injection into o SEV434 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There are at most 2 individuals if there is a surjection from o SEV435 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Axioms from the Mizar Mathematical Library SEV436 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Membership and subsets, union, intersection, difference SEV437 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Naive set theory based on Goedel's set theory SEV438 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Order relation (Naive set theory) SEV439 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Ordinal numbers SEV440 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Basic set theory, functions, relations SEV441 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary relations SEV442 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1994, Problem 1 SEV443 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) International Mathematical Olympiad, 1994, Problem 6 SEV444 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EXTENSION SEV445 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) IN_UNIV SEV446 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) IN_SING SEV447 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NOT_EQUAL_SETS SEV448 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUBSET_ANTISYM_EQ SEV449 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) PSUBSET_SUBSET_TRANS SEV450 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNION_IDEMPOT SEV451 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNION_UNIV_ SEV452 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INTER_IDEMPOT SEV453 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INTER_UNIV_ SEV454 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) DISJOINT_UNION SEV455 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) DECOMPOSITION SEV456 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INSERT_UNION SEV457 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INSERT_AC_ SEV458 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNION_ACI_ SEV459 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) DELETE_SUBSET SEV460 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) DELETE_INTER SEV461 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EMPTY_UNIONS SEV462 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNIONS_MONO_IMAGE SEV463 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUBSET_INTERS SEV464 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) IMAGE_o SEV465 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FORALL_IN_IMAGE SEV466 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SURJECTIVE_IMAGE_EQ SEV467 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FORALL_IN_GSPEC_ SEV468 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNIONS_IMAGE SEV469 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) IMAGE_INTERS SEV470 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) UNIONS_OVER_INTERS SEV471 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) BIJECTIVE_ON_LEFT_RIGHT_INVERSE SEV472 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_RESTRICT SEV473 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_FINITE_UNIONS SEV474 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INFINITE_IMAGE SEV475 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) EXISTS_SUBSET_IMAGE_INJ SEV476 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_DIFF SEV477 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINREC_UNIQUE_LEMMA SEV478 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) CARD_CLAUSES_ SEV479 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) HAS_SIZE_SUC SEV480 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) CARD_UNION_LE SEV481 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_PRODUCT SEV482 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FORALL_IN_CROSS SEV483 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) CROSS_INTER_ SEV484 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) CROSS_UNIONS_UNIONS SEV485 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_BOOL SEV486 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FINITE_NUMSEG_LT SEV487 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) PAIRWISE_EMPTY SEV488 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) PAIRWISE_CHAIN_UNIONS SEV489 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) FORALL_IN_CLAUSES_ SEV490 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INJECTIVE_ON_PREIMAGE SEV491 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) BIJECTIONS_CARD_EQ SEV492 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUP_UNIQUE_FINITE SEV493 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) INF_FINITE SEV494 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NUMSEG_REC SEV495 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUPPORT_SUPPORT SEV496 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUPPORT_CLAUSES_ SEV497 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITERATE_CLAUSES SEV498 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITERATE_EQ_NEUTRAL SEV499 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITERATE_EQ_GENERAL SEV500 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ITERATE_OP_GEN SEV501 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_ADD_GEN SEV502 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_DELETE SEV503 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_RESTRICT SEV504 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_SUBSET_SIMPLE SEV505 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_UNION_NONZERO SEV506 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) NSUM_EQ_0_IFF_NUMSEG SEV507 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_CLAUSES_ SEV508 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_LT_ALL SEV509 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SING SEV510 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_BOUND SEV511 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_SUM_RESTRICT SEV512 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_IMAGE_NONZERO SEV513 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_CASES SEV514 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) SUM_POS_LE_NUMSEG SEV515 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The conclusion of Russell's paradox SEV516 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Condition for no universal set SEV517 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Every element of a difference in a partition SEV518 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Partition by equivalence class SEV519 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) The empty set is not element of a non-overlapping family SEV520 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Family by removing element from an equivalence class SEV521 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) A non-empty set is a partition of itself SEV522 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Subfamily of a non-overlapping family is a non-overlapping family ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SWB = Semantic Web 217 problems (108 abstract), 13 CNF, 204 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWB001 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Subgraph Entailment SWB002 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Existential Blank Nodes SWB003 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Blank Nodes for Literals SWB004 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Axiomatic Triples SWB005 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Everything is a Resource SWB006 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Literal Values represented by URIs and Blank Nodes SWB007 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Equal Classes SWB008 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Inverse Functional Data Properties SWB009 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Existential Restriction Entailments SWB010 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Negative Property Assertions SWB011 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Entity Types as Classes SWB012 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Template Class SWB013 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Cliques SWB014 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Harry belongs to some Species SWB015 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Reflective Tautologies I SWB016 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Reflective Tautologies II SWB017 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Built-in Based Definitions SWB018 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Modified Logical Vocabulary Semantics SWB019 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Disjoint Annotation Properties SWB020 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Logical Complications SWB021 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Composite Enumerations SWB022 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) List Member Access SWB023 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Unique List Components SWB024 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Cardinality Restrictions on Complex Properties SWB025 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Cyclic Dependencies between Complex Properties SWB026 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Inferred Property Characteristics I SWB027 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Inferred Property Characteristics II SWB028 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Inferred Property Characteristics III SWB029 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Ex Falso Quodlibet SWB030 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Bad Class SWB031 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Large Universe SWB032 ( -1 +4 _0 ^0) Datatype Relationships SWB033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Datatype Relationships SWB034 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Datatype Relationships SWB035 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Datatype Relationships SWB036 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) OWL Pizzas SWB037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Complement Extensional SWB038 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class De Morgan SWB039 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Intersection Extensional SWB040 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Modus Tollens SWB041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Union Extensional SWB042 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Chain Extensional SWB043 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Singleton Property Chain As Subsumption SWB044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Asymmetric Property Extensional SWB045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functional Property Extensional SWB046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse-Functional Property Extensional SWB047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Functional Inverse Property As Inverse-Functional SWB048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Irreflexive Property Extensional SWB049 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Reflexive Property Extensional SWB050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Symmetric Property Extensional SWB051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitive Property Extensional SWB052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Transitive Irreflexive Property As Asymmetric SWB053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Empty Class As Sub-Class SWB054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Class As Super-Class SWB055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Individual Enumeration Extensional SWB056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Individual Enumeration Closed SWB057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Individual Difference Extensional SWB058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Disjointness Extensional SWB059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Disjoint Class Union Composite SWB060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Disjoint Class Union As Disjointness SWB061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Disjoint Class Union As Union SWB062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Disjointness Extensional SWB063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Equivalence Extensional SWB064 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Equivalence Extensional SWB065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Individual Equality Extensional SWB066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Inverse Property Extensional SWB067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Double Inverse Property As Equivalence SWB068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) N-Ary Individual Difference Extensional SWB069 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) N-Ary Class Disjointness Extensional SWB070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) N-Ary Property Disjointness Extensional SWB071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Negative Individual Property Assertion Extensional SWB072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Empty Data Property Extensional Low SWB073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Empty Data Property As Sub-Property SWB074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Data Property Extensional Low SWB075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Data Property As Super-Property SWB076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Range Extensional OWL SWB077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Range Sub-Property OWL SWB078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Range Super-Class OWL SWB079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Class Subsumption Extensional OWL SWB080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property Subsumption Extensional OWL SWB081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Restriction Comparison By Class SWB082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Restriction Comparison By Property SWB083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Restriction Extensional SWB084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Exact-2-QCR Intensional SWB085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Exact-2-QCR Extensional SWB086 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Self-Restriction Comparison By Property SWB087 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Self-Restriction Extensional SWB088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Max-QCR Comparison By Cardinality SWB089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Max-QCR Comparison By Class SWB090 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Max-QCR Comparison By Property SWB091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Max-1-QCR Extensional SWB092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Max-0-QCR Extensional SWB093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Min-QCR Comparison By Cardinality SWB094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Min-QCR Comparison By Class SWB095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Min-QCR Comparison By Property SWB096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Min-1-QCR Intensional SWB097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Min-1-QCR Extensional SWB098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Existential Restriction Comparison By Class SWB099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Existential Restriction Comparison By Property SWB100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Existential Restriction Intensional SWB101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Cardinality Restriction As QCR SWB102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Data-QCR As Object-QCR SWB103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Exact-QCR As Min-QCR Max-QCR Intersection SWB104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Class As Min-QCR Max-QCR Union SWB105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Universal Existential Restriction Duality SWB106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Self-Restriction As Existential Restriction SWB107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Has-Restriction As Existential Restriction SWB108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Existential Restriction As Min-QCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SWC = Software Creation 847 problems (424 abstract), 423 CNF, 423 FOF, 0 TFF, 1 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWC001 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_as_set_x_as_set SWC002 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_del_max_x_del_max SWC003 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_ne_segment_x_del_max SWC004 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_ne_segment_x_filter_some SWC005 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_ne_segment_x_tail1 SWC006 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_segment_x_filter_segment SWC007 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_segment_x_initialize SWC008 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_segment_x_run_eq_front1 SWC009 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_segment_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC010 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_some_x_del_max SWC011 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_some_x_filter_some SWC012 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_filter_some_x_lead SWC013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_head1_x_head1 SWC014 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_head2_x_head3 SWC015 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_head3_x_head2 SWC016 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total1_x_id_front_total1 SWC017 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total1_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC018 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total1_x_run_eq_front2 SWC019 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total2_x_copy SWC020 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total2_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC021 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_total2_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC022 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_x_head1 SWC023 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_x_id_front_total2 SWC024 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_front_x_run_eq_front2 SWC025 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_as_set SWC026 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_id_nil_iff SWC027 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_maximal SWC028 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC029 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_rot_l_total2 SWC030 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_rotate SWC031 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_run_ord_front1 SWC032 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC033 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_set_min_elems SWC034 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_iff_x_set_unique_elems SWC035 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_copy SWC036 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_id_nil SWC037 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_id_segment_total2 SWC038 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC039 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_pivot SWC040 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_rot_r_total2 SWC041 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_run_eq_front2 SWC042 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_run_ord_front2 SWC043 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_segment_rear SWC045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_set_duplicate_elems SWC046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_nil_x_set_unique_elems SWC047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_rear_total1_x_copy SWC048 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_rear_total1_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC049 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_rear_total2_x_ne_segment_rear_total1 SWC050 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_rear_x_id_rear SWC051 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_rear_x_ne_segment_rear_total1 SWC052 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_id_front_total1 SWC053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_id_front_total2 SWC054 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_id_segment_total1 SWC055 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_maximal SWC056 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_minimal SWC057 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC058 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC059 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_ne_segment_total1 SWC060 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_ne_segment_total2 SWC061 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_rot_l_total2 SWC062 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_rot_l_total3 SWC063 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_rot_r_total2 SWC064 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_rot_r_total3 SWC065 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_run_eq_front2 SWC066 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_run_ord_max1 SWC067 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total1_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC068 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_double SWC069 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_id_segment_total1 SWC070 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC071 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_pivot SWC072 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_rot_l_total1 SWC073 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_rot_r_total1 SWC074 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_rot_r_total3 SWC075 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_rotate SWC076 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_run_eq_max2 SWC077 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC078 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_total2_x_some_total2 SWC079 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_head1 SWC080 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_id_front SWC081 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_id_front_total2 SWC082 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_id_segment_total1 SWC083 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_insert SWC084 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_maximal SWC085 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC086 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_ne_segment_total2 SWC087 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_rot_l1 SWC088 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_rot_l_total3 SWC089 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_rot_r_total1 SWC090 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_rotate SWC091 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_run_ord_front1 SWC092 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC093 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_id_segment_x_some_total1 SWC094 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_insert_x_copy SWC095 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_insert_x_insert SWC096 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_last_x_last SWC097 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_lead_x_lead SWC098 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_maximal_x_maximal SWC099 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_total1_x_run_eq_front1 SWC100 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_total1_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC101 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_total2_x_run_eq_front2 SWC102 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_x_copy SWC103 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_x_ne_segment_front_total1 SWC104 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_front_x_run_ord_front2 SWC105 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_rear_total1_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC106 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_rear_x_last SWC107 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_maximal SWC108 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC109 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_pivot SWC110 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_run_eq_front2 SWC111 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_run_ord_max1 SWC112 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC113 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total1_x_some_total2 SWC114 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_maximal SWC115 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_minimal SWC116 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_ne_segment_total1 SWC117 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_run_eq_max1 SWC118 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_run_ord_max2 SWC119 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_total2_x_some_total1 SWC120 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_head2 SWC121 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_ne_segment SWC122 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_ne_segment_rear_total1 SWC123 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_run_eq_front1 SWC124 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_run_ord_front2 SWC125 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_run_strict_ord_max1 SWC126 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_some1 SWC127 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_ne_segment_x_some_total3 SWC128 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_always_x_filter_segment SWC129 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_dup_tos SWC130 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_head1 SWC131 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_ne_segment_rear SWC132 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_rot_l2 SWC133 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_rot_r2 SWC134 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_segment_rear_ne SWC135 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_cycles_x_tail2 SWC136 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_del_max SWC137 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_greatest SWC138 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_id_front SWC139 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_id_rear SWC140 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_lead SWC141 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_rot_l1 SWC142 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_rot_r1 SWC143 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_nonempty_x_tail1 SWC144 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_filter_ne_segment SWC145 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_head2 SWC146 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_id_segment SWC147 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_ne_segment SWC148 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_smallest SWC149 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_swap_ends SWC150 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_pairs_x_tail1 SWC151 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pr_works_on_total_ord_x_pr_works_on_total_ord SWC152 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_maximal SWC153 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_pst_cyc_sorted SWC154 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_pst_equal1 SWC155 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_pst_sorted2 SWC156 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_eq_front1 SWC157 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_eq_max2 SWC158 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_ord_front2 SWC159 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_ord_max2 SWC160 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC161 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC162 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_cyc_sorted_x_some_total3 SWC163 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_maximal SWC164 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_minimal SWC165 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_pivot SWC166 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_pst_singleton SWC167 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC168 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC169 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_some_total2 SWC170 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj1_x_some_total3 SWC171 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_maximal SWC172 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_minimal SWC173 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_pivot SWC174 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_pst_singleton SWC175 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC176 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC177 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_some_total2 SWC178 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_diff_adj2_x_some_total3 SWC179 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different2_x_pivot SWC180 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different2_x_pst_strict_sorted2 SWC181 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different2_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC182 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_initialize SWC183 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_maximal SWC184 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_minimal SWC185 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_pst_different3 SWC186 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC187 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_different3_x_some_total2 SWC188 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_minimal SWC189 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_pst_equal1 SWC190 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_pst_equal3 SWC191 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_run_eq_front1 SWC192 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_some_total2 SWC193 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal1_x_some_total3 SWC194 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal2_x_pst_equal1 SWC195 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal2_x_run_eq_front1 SWC196 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal2_x_run_eq_front2 SWC197 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal2_x_some_total3 SWC198 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal3_x_maximal SWC199 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal3_x_pst_equal2 SWC200 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal3_x_pst_singleton SWC201 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal3_x_run_eq_max1 SWC202 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_equal3_x_run_eq_max2 SWC203 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_copy SWC204 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_head2 SWC205 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_id_nil_iff SWC206 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_id_segment_total1 SWC207 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_maximal SWC208 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC209 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_ne_segment_total2 SWC210 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_pst_singleton_ne SWC211 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_rot_l_total3 SWC212 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_rot_r_total3 SWC213 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_run_eq_max2 SWC214 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC215 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_set_max_elems SWC216 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_set_min_elems SWC217 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_ne_x_some_total1 SWC218 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_not_nil_x_insert_some SWC219 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_minimal SWC220 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_pst_pivoted1 SWC221 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_pst_pivoted2 SWC222 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_pst_pivoted3 SWC223 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_pst_sorted2 SWC224 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_run_eq_front2 SWC225 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_run_eq_max2 SWC226 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_run_ord_front2 SWC227 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_run_ord_max2 SWC228 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC229 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted1_x_some_total3 SWC230 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_pst_equal1 SWC231 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_pst_pivoted1 SWC232 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_pst_pivoted3 SWC233 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_pst_strict_sorted2 SWC234 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_run_eq_front2 SWC235 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_run_eq_max2 SWC236 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_run_ord_max2 SWC237 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC238 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted2_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC239 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_maximal SWC240 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_pst_equal3 SWC241 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_pst_pivoted1 SWC242 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_pst_pivoted3 SWC243 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_pst_sorted1 SWC244 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_eq_front1 SWC245 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_eq_front2 SWC246 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_eq_max2 SWC247 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_ord_front1 SWC248 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_ord_max2 SWC249 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC250 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC251 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC252 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_pivoted3_x_some_total2 SWC253 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_singleton_ne_x_head2 SWC254 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_singleton_ne_x_last SWC255 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_singleton_ne_x_pst_singleton_ne SWC256 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_singleton_ne_x_some_total2 SWC257 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_maximal SWC258 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_minimal SWC259 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pivot SWC260 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_equal1 SWC261 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_equal3 SWC262 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_sorted1 SWC263 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_sorted2 SWC264 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_strict_sorted1 SWC265 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_pst_strict_sorted2 SWC266 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_eq SWC267 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_eq_front1 SWC268 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_eq_max1 SWC269 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_ord_front1 SWC270 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord SWC271 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC272 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC273 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord_max1 SWC274 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC275 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_some_total1 SWC276 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_some_total2 SWC277 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted1_x_some_total3 SWC278 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_pst_equal1 SWC279 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_pst_sorted2 SWC280 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_run_eq_front2 SWC281 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_run_ord_front2 SWC282 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_run_ord_max2 SWC283 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC284 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_some_total1 SWC285 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_sorted2_x_some_total3 SWC286 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_maximal SWC287 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_minimal SWC288 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_pivot SWC289 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_pst_strict_sorted1 SWC290 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_pst_strict_sorted2 SWC291 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_run_strict_ord_max1 SWC292 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_some_total1 SWC293 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_some_total2 SWC294 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted1_x_some_total3 SWC295 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted2_x_maximal SWC296 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted2_x_run_strict_ord SWC297 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_strict_sorted2_x_some_total1 SWC298 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_minimal SWC299 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_pivot SWC300 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_pst_sorted1 SWC301 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_run_eq SWC302 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_run_ord SWC303 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_run_ord_front2 SWC304 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_run_ord_max2 SWC305 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_run_strict_ord_front1 SWC306 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_some_total2 SWC307 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_pst_top_sorted_x_some_total3 SWC308 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l1_x_rot_l_total3 SWC309 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l2_x_rot_l_total3 SWC310 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total1_x_rot_l_total2 SWC311 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total2_x_rot_l_total1 SWC312 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total2_x_rot_l_total2 SWC313 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total2_x_rot_l_total3 SWC314 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total3_x_rot_l_total1 SWC315 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_l_total3_x_rot_l_total2 SWC316 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r1_x_rot_r2 SWC317 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r2_x_rot_r2 SWC318 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r2_x_rot_r_total3 SWC319 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r_total1_x_rot_r_total3 SWC320 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r_total2_x_rot_r_total2 SWC321 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r_total2_x_rot_r_total3 SWC322 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rot_r_total3_x_rot_r_total3 SWC323 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rotate_x_rot_l_total2 SWC324 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rotate_x_rot_l_total3 SWC325 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_rotate_x_rot_r_total2 SWC326 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_front2_x_run_eq_front1 SWC327 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_front2_x_run_eq_front2 SWC328 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_x_initialize SWC329 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_x_maximal SWC330 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_x_pivot SWC331 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_x_run_eq_front2 SWC332 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_eq_x_some_total3 SWC333 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_max1_x_run_ord_max1 SWC334 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_max1_x_run_ord_max2 SWC335 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_minimal SWC336 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_pivot SWC337 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_run_eq SWC338 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_run_eq_max2 SWC339 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_run_ord_max2 SWC340 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_run_strict_ord SWC341 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_some_total1 SWC342 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_ord_x_some_total2 SWC343 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_front2_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC344 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_max2_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC345 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_x_maximal SWC346 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_x_pivot SWC347 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC348 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_run_strict_ord_x_some_total3 SWC349 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_front_ne_x_initialize SWC350 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_front_ne_x_run_eq_front1 SWC351 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_front_ne_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC352 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_front_x_ne_segment_front_total1 SWC353 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_front_x_run_ord_front2 SWC354 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_head1 SWC355 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_lead SWC356 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_minimal SWC357 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_ne_segment_front_total2 SWC358 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_ne_segment_total2 SWC359 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_run_eq_max1 SWC360 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_run_ord_max1 SWC361 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_run_strict_ord_max1 SWC362 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_segment_ne SWC363 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_some_total1 SWC364 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_ne_x_tail3 SWC365 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_rear_ne_x_ne_segment_rear_total1 SWC366 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_rear_ne_x_tail2 SWC367 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_rear_x_ne_segment_rear_total2 SWC368 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_minimal SWC369 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_ne_segment_total1 SWC370 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_run_eq_front2 SWC371 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_run_ord_front2 SWC372 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_run_strict_ord_front2 SWC373 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_segment_rear SWC374 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_segment_x_some_total2 SWC375 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_set_eq_x_copy SWC376 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_set_eq_x_rot_r_total1 SWC377 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_set_eq_x_rot_r_total2 SWC378 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_set_eq_x_rotate SWC379 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_set_min_elems_x_set_min_elems SWC380 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some1_x_head3 SWC381 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some1_x_some1 SWC382 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some2_x_head1 SWC383 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some2_x_maximal SWC384 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some2_x_pivot SWC385 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some2_x_some_total3 SWC386 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some_total1_x_some_total2 SWC387 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some_total2_x_some_total1 SWC388 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some_total2_x_some_total3 SWC389 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some_total3_x_pivot SWC390 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_some_total3_x_some_total1 SWC391 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_copy SWC392 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_minimal SWC393 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_ne_segment_total1 SWC394 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_ne_segment_total2 SWC395 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_rot_l_total1 SWC396 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_rot_r_total1 SWC397 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_rot_r_total2 SWC398 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_eq_front2 SWC399 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_eq_max2 SWC400 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_ord SWC401 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_ord_max1 SWC402 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_ord_max2 SWC403 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_strict_ord_max1 SWC404 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_run_strict_ord_max2 SWC405 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_set_eq SWC406 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_set_min_elems SWC407 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_subst_x_some_total2 SWC408 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_superst_x_double SWC409 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_superst_x_rot_l_total3 SWC410 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_superst_x_rot_r_total1 SWC411 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_superst_x_superst SWC412 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_swap_ends_x_swap_ends SWC413 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_swap_tos_x_swap_tos SWC414 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_swap_x_swap_tos SWC415 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_tail1_x_tail1 SWC416 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_tail2_x_tail3 SWC417 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_rot_l2 SWC418 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_rot_l_total1 SWC419 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_rot_l_total2 SWC420 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_rot_l_total3 SWC421 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_rot_r_total1 SWC422 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) cond_turn_x_turn SWC423 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) List specification SWC425 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Conflict detection of 2 conceptual schemata (e.g. UML-schemata) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SWV = Software Verification 1452 problems (998 abstract), 1005 CNF, 346 FOF, 54 TFF, 47 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWV001 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PV1 SWV002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E1 SWV003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E2 SWV004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E3 SWV005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E4 SWV006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E5 SWV007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E6 SWV008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) E7 SWV009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A condition from Hoare's FIND program SWV010 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Fact 1 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV011 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 2 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV012 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 3 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV013 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 5 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV014 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 6 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV015 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 7 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV016 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 7 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV017 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 8 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV018 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Fact 8 of the Neumann-Stubblebine analysis SWV019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Maximal array element SWV020 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Program verification axioms SWV021 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that the add function is commutative. SWV022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0001 SWV023 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0005 SWV024 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0009 SWV025 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0013 SWV026 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0017 SWV027 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0021 SWV028 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0025 SWV029 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0029 SWV030 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0033 SWV031 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0037 SWV032 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0041 SWV033 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0045 SWV034 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0049 SWV035 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0053 SWV036 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0057 SWV037 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0061 SWV038 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0065 SWV039 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0069 SWV040 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0073 SWV041 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0077 SWV042 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation gauss_init_0081 SWV043 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0001 SWV044 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0004 SWV045 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0007 SWV046 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0010 SWV047 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0013 SWV048 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0016 SWV049 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0019 SWV050 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0022 SWV051 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0025 SWV052 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0028 SWV053 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0031 SWV054 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0034 SWV055 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0037 SWV056 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0040 SWV057 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0043 SWV058 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0046 SWV059 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0049 SWV060 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0001 SWV061 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0002 SWV062 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0003 SWV063 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0004 SWV064 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0005 SWV065 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0006 SWV066 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0007 SWV067 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0008 SWV068 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0009 SWV069 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0010 SWV070 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0011 SWV071 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0012 SWV072 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0013 SWV073 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0014 SWV074 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0015 SWV075 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0016 SWV076 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0017 SWV077 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0018 SWV078 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0019 SWV079 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0020 SWV080 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0021 SWV081 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0022 SWV082 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0023 SWV083 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0024 SWV084 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0025 SWV085 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0026 SWV086 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0027 SWV087 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0028 SWV088 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_array_0029 SWV089 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0001 SWV090 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0002 SWV091 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0003 SWV092 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0004 SWV093 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0005 SWV094 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0006 SWV095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0007 SWV096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0008 SWV097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0009 SWV098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0010 SWV099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0011 SWV100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0012 SWV101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0013 SWV102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0014 SWV103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0015 SWV104 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0016 SWV105 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0017 SWV106 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0018 SWV107 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0019 SWV108 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0001 SWV109 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0002 SWV110 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0003 SWV111 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0004 SWV112 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0005 SWV113 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0006 SWV114 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0007 SWV115 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0008 SWV116 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0009 SWV117 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0010 SWV118 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0011 SWV119 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0012 SWV120 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0013 SWV121 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0014 SWV122 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0015 SWV123 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0016 SWV124 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0017 SWV125 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_array_0001 SWV126 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_init_0001 SWV127 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_init_0002 SWV128 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_inuse_0001 SWV129 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_inuse_0002 SWV130 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Unsimplified proof obligation thruster_symm_0001 SWV131 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0001 SWV132 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0002 SWV133 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0003 SWV134 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0004 SWV135 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0005 SWV136 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0006 SWV137 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0007 SWV138 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0008 SWV139 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0009 SWV140 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0010 SWV141 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0011 SWV142 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0012 SWV143 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0013 SWV144 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0014 SWV145 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0015 SWV146 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0016 SWV147 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0017 SWV148 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0018 SWV149 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0019 SWV150 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation gauss_array_0020 SWV151 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0001 SWV152 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0002 SWV153 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0003 SWV154 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0004 SWV155 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0005 SWV156 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0006 SWV157 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0007 SWV158 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0008 SWV159 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0009 SWV160 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0010 SWV161 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0011 SWV162 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0012 SWV163 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0013 SWV164 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_norm_0014 SWV165 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0001 SWV166 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0006 SWV167 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0011 SWV168 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0016 SWV169 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0021 SWV170 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0026 SWV171 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0031 SWV172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0036 SWV173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0041 SWV174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0046 SWV175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0051 SWV176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0056 SWV177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0061 SWV178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0066 SWV179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0071 SWV180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0076 SWV181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0081 SWV182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0086 SWV183 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0091 SWV184 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0096 SWV185 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0101 SWV186 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0106 SWV187 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0111 SWV188 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0116 SWV189 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation cl5_nebula_init_0121 SWV190 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0001 SWV191 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0002 SWV192 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0003 SWV193 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0004 SWV194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0005 SWV195 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0006 SWV196 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0007 SWV197 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0008 SWV198 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0009 SWV199 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0010 SWV200 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0011 SWV201 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0012 SWV202 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0013 SWV203 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0014 SWV204 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0015 SWV205 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0016 SWV206 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0017 SWV207 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0018 SWV208 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0019 SWV209 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0020 SWV210 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_inuse_0021 SWV211 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0001 SWV212 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0041 SWV213 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0081 SWV214 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0121 SWV215 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0161 SWV216 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0201 SWV217 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0241 SWV218 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0281 SWV219 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0321 SWV220 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0361 SWV221 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0401 SWV222 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0441 SWV223 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0481 SWV224 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0521 SWV225 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0561 SWV226 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0601 SWV227 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0641 SWV228 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0681 SWV229 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0721 SWV230 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0761 SWV231 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0801 SWV232 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Simplified proof obligation quaternion_ds1_symm_0841 SWV233 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Protocol attack problem SWV234 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) XOR typecast attack on the 4758 CCA API SWV235 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) XOR import/export attack on the 4758 CCA API SWV236 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) IBM's known exporter attack on the 4758 CCA API SWV237 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Visa Security Module (VSM) attack SWV238 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Visa Security Module (VSM) attack denied SWV239 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV240 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV241 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV242 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV243 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV244 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV245 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV246 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV247 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV248 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV249 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV250 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV251 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV252 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV253 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV254 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV255 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV256 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV257 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV258 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV259 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV260 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV261 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV262 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV263 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV264 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV265 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV266 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV267 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV268 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV269 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV270 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV271 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV272 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV273 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV274 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV275 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for messages SWV276 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for events SWV277 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for events SWV278 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for events SWV279 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for public SWV280 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for public SWV281 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for public SWV282 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for public SWV283 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for public SWV284 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for shared SWV286 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV287 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV288 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV289 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV290 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV291 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV292 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV293 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV294 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV295 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV296 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV297 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV298 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV299 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV300 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV301 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV302 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV303 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV304 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV305 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV306 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV307 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV308 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV309 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV310 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV311 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV312 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV313 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV314 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV315 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV316 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV317 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV318 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV319 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV320 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV321 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV322 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV323 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV324 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV325 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV326 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV327 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Otway Rees SWV328 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV329 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV330 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV331 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV332 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV333 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV334 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV335 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV336 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV337 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV338 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV339 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV340 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV341 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV342 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV343 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV344 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV345 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV346 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV347 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV348 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV349 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV350 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV351 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV352 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV353 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV354 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV355 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV356 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV357 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV358 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV359 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV360 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV361 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV362 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV363 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV364 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Cryptographic protocol problem for Yahalom SWV365 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_I_s base SWV366 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_I_s induction SWV367 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_s_I_remove base SWV368 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_s_I_remove induction SWV369 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_s_I base SWV370 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_s_I induction SWV371 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_pi_min_elem SWV372 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_cpq_min_elem SWV373 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_contains_min_not_ok SWV374 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_ok_find_min SWV375 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_not_phi SWV376 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_persistence SWV377 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_persistence_induction step 1 SWV378 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_persistence_induction step 2 SWV379 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_persistence_induction step 3 SWV380 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_ok_persistence_induction step 4 SWV381 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_min_elem_smallest SWV382 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_phi SWV383 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_check_not_phi SWV384 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_induction SWV385 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_induction02 SWV386 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_ind_steps 1 SWV387 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_ind_steps 2 SWV388 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_ind_steps 3 SWV389 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check_ind_steps 4 SWV390 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_01 SWV391 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02 SWV392 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_1 base SWV393 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_1 step SWV394 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_2 SWV395 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_2_1 base SWV396 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_2_1 step SWV397 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_02_3 SWV398 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03 SWV399 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03_1 SWV400 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03_2 base SWV401 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03_2 step SWV402 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03_3 base SWV403 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_03_3 step SWV404 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: tmp_not_check_04 SWV405 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_check_characterization base SWV406 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_check_characterization step SWV407 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_not_check SWV408 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_not_min_elem_pair SWV409 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_update SWV410 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_pair base SWV411 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_pair step SWV412 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_update_01 SWV413 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_contains_update_02 SWV414 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: Formula (12) SWV415 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: Formula (7) SWV416 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: Formula (8) SWV417 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: Formula (9) SWV418 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Counter k=060 SWV419 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm k=05 SWV420 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Checking Gigamax Cache coherence protocol k=05 SWV421 (-16 +0 _0 ^0) Mutex algorithm 1st process access A k=060 SWV422 (-16 +0 _0 ^0) Mutex algorithm second process access A k=060 SWV423 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Production cell control liveness k=010 SWV424 ( -8 +0 _0 ^0) Simple access control busy state k=050 SWV425 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL logic mapping to modal logic implies 'unit' SWV426 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ICL logic mapping to modal logic implies 'cuc' SWV427 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL logic mapping to modal logic implies 'idem' SWV428 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL logic mapping to modal logic K implies that Example 1 holds SWV429 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^=> logic mapping to modal logic implies 'refl' SWV430 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^=> logic mapping to modal logic implies 'trans' SWV431 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^=> logic mapping to modal logic implies 'speaking_for' SWV432 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^=> logic mapping to modal logic implies 'handoff' SWV433 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^=> logic mapping to modal logic implies that Example 2 holds SWV434 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^B logic mapping to modal logic implies 'trust' SWV435 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^B logic mapping to modal logic implies 'untrust' SWV436 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) ICL^B logic mapping to modal logic implies that Example 3 holds SWV437 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Can Alice read the secret file? SWV438 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Can Babu read the non-secret file? SWV439 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Can Babu read the secret file? SWV440 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Can Alice read the non-secret file? SWV441 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (K says (A => B)) => (K says A) => (K says B) in BL SWV442 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A => A in BL SWV443 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (K says A) => (K says A) in BL SWV444 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (loca says A) => (K says A) in BL SWV445 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (K says K says A) => (K says A) in BL SWV446 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) K says ((K says A) => A) in BL SWV447 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Nipkow's simple map-cons problem SWV448 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i1_p86 SWV449 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p30 SWV450 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p36 SWV451 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p121 SWV452 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p216 SWV453 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p217 SWV454 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p250 SWV455 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i26_p257 SWV456 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i27_p134 SWV457 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i30_p30 SWV458 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i31_p257 SWV459 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i31_p261 SWV460 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i51_p96 SWV461 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p18 SWV462 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p30 SWV463 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p38 SWV464 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p46 SWV465 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p59 SWV466 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p114 SWV467 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i52_p188 SWV468 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i53_p88 SWV469 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i53_p93 SWV470 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i55_p24 SWV471 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i55_p30 SWV472 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i55_p60 SWV473 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i55_p75 SWV474 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i55_p675 SWV475 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p34 SWV476 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p36 SWV477 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p42 SWV478 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p114 SWV479 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p116 SWV480 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p122 SWV481 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Establishing that there cannot be two leaders, part i56_p219 SWV482 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) PKCS11 for 2 handles and 2 keys SWV483 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) PKCS11 for 3 handles and 3 keys SWV484 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) PKCS11 for 4 handles and 2 keys SWV485 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) PKCS11 for 4 handles and 4 keys SWV486 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Matrix is lower-triangular SWV487 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Matrix is upper triangular SWV488 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Matrix has no zero on the diagonal SWV489 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Matrix is diagonal SWV490 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Matrix is diagonal invertible SWV491 ( -0 +2 _0 ^0) Matrix is identity SWV492 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Matrix is lower-triangular and invertible SWV493 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV494 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV495 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_nf_ni_00030) SWV496 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_nf_ni_00030) SWV497 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV498 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV499 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_sf_ni_00030) SWV500 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_np_sf_ni_00030) SWV501 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_nf_ai_00030) SWV502 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_nf_ai_00030) SWV503 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_nf_ni_00030) SWV504 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_nf_ni_00030) SWV505 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_sf_ai_00030) SWV506 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_sf_ai_00030) SWV507 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_sf_ni_00030) SWV508 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t1_pp_sf_ni_00030) SWV509 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV510 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV511 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_nf_ni_00030) SWV512 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV513 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV514 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t2_np_sf_ni_00030) SWV515 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV516 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_nf_ai_00030) SWV517 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_nf_ni_00030) SWV518 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_nf_ni_00030) SWV519 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV520 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV521 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_sf_ni_00030) SWV522 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_np_sf_ni_00030) SWV523 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_nf_ai_00030) SWV524 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_nf_ai_00030) SWV525 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_nf_ni_00030) SWV526 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_nf_ni_00030) SWV527 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_sf_ai_00030) SWV528 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_sf_ai_00030) SWV529 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_sf_ni_00030) SWV530 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store commutativity (t3_pp_sf_ni_00030) SWV531 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV532 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV533 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV534 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV535 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV536 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV537 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV538 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t1_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV539 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t2_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV540 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t2_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV541 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV542 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV543 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV544 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV545 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV546 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV547 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV548 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Swap elements (t3_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV549 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV550 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV551 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV552 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV553 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV554 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV555 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV556 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t1_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV557 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t2_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV558 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t2_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV559 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV560 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_np_nf_ai_00004) SWV561 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV562 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_np_sf_ai_00004) SWV563 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV564 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_pp_nf_ai_00004) SWV565 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV566 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Store inverse (t3_pp_sf_ai_00004) SWV567 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Arrays and integer offsets (t1_ios_np_sf_ai_00013) SWV568 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Queue (t1_native_record_ios_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV569 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Queue (t1_record_ios_np_sf_ai_00030) SWV570 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Circular queue (t1_native_record_ios_mod_np_sf_ai_00043) SWV571 ( -3 +0 _0 ^0) Circular queue (t1_record_ios_mod_np_sf_ai_00043) SWV572 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) LAN infrastructure SWV573 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 028_3 SWV574 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 036_1 SWV575 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 037_55 SWV576 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 039_5 SWV577 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 045_3 SWV578 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 054_1 SWV579 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 056_5 SWV580 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 058_5 SWV581 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 067_3 SWV582 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 074_16 SWV583 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 078_3 SWV584 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 079_3 SWV585 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 080_3 SWV586 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 085_3 SWV587 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 089_3 SWV588 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 093_3 SWV589 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 097_1 SWV590 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 100_5 SWV591 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 102_5 SWV592 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 120_3 SWV593 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 125_1 SWV594 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 127_27 SWV595 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 130_27 SWV596 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 134_34 SWV597 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 135_35 SWV598 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 136_38 SWV599 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 144_3 SWV600 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 145_3 SWV601 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 146_3 SWV602 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 147_3 SWV603 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 148_3 SWV604 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 153_3 SWV605 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 154_3 SWV606 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 155_3 SWV607 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 160_3 SWV608 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 161_3 SWV609 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 167_1 SWV610 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 169_5 SWV611 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 174_5 SWV612 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 178_5 SWV613 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 179_5 SWV614 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 180_5 SWV615 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 182_5 SWV616 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 185_5 SWV617 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 187_5 SWV618 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 194_1 SWV619 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 196_5 SWV620 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 201_5 SWV621 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 205_5 SWV622 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 206_5 SWV623 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 207_5 SWV624 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 208_5 SWV625 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 210_5 SWV626 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 213_5 SWV627 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 215_5 SWV628 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 221_3 SWV629 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 225_3 SWV630 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 229_3 SWV631 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 233_3 SWV632 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 240_1 SWV633 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 242_5 SWV634 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 244_5 SWV635 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 252_3 SWV636 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 253_3 SWV637 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 275_3 SWV638 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 283_1 SWV639 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 288_5 SWV640 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 294_5 SWV641 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 296_5 SWV642 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 297_5 SWV643 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 298_5 SWV644 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 299_5 SWV645 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 309_1 SWV646 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 314_5 SWV647 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 321_5 SWV648 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 322_5 SWV649 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 324_5 SWV650 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 325_5 SWV651 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 326_5 SWV652 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 327_5 SWV653 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 328_5 SWV654 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 329_5 SWV655 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 338_1 SWV656 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 343_5 SWV657 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 349_5 SWV658 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 351_5 SWV659 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 352_5 SWV660 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 353_5 SWV661 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 354_5 SWV662 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 365_1 SWV663 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 370_5 SWV664 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 377_5 SWV665 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 378_5 SWV666 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 380_5 SWV667 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 381_5 SWV668 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 382_5 SWV669 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 383_5 SWV670 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 384_5 SWV671 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 385_5 SWV672 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 386_5 SWV673 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 399_3 SWV674 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 400_5 SWV675 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 402_4 SWV676 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 403_3 SWV677 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 409_1 SWV678 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 411_5 SWV679 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 414_5 SWV680 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 420_3 SWV681 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 426_3 SWV682 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 427_3 SWV683 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 428_3 SWV684 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 429_3 SWV685 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 430_3 SWV686 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 431_3 SWV687 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 432_3 SWV688 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 434_3 SWV689 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 435_47 SWV690 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 436_45 SWV691 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 446_7 SWV692 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 450_7 SWV693 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 453_7 SWV694 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 456_7 SWV695 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 458_7 SWV696 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 460_7 SWV697 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 495_1 SWV698 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 497_19 SWV699 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 501_14 SWV700 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 503_23 SWV701 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 503_34 SWV702 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 504_7 SWV703 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 507_37 SWV704 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 508_31 SWV705 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 508_42 SWV706 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 509_7 SWV707 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 515_1 SWV708 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 517_19 SWV709 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 521_14 SWV710 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 523_23 SWV711 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 523_34 SWV712 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 524_7 SWV713 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 527_37 SWV714 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 528_31 SWV715 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 528_42 SWV716 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 529_7 SWV717 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 534_3 SWV718 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 098_1 SWV719 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 099_1 SWV720 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 102_1 SWV721 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 118_1 SWV722 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 124_1 SWV723 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 132_1 SWV724 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 137_1 SWV725 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 144_1 SWV726 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 145_1 SWV727 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 147_1 SWV728 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 160_1 SWV729 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 168_1 SWV730 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 169_1 SWV731 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 176_1 SWV732 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 186_1 SWV733 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 216_1 SWV734 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 218_1 SWV735 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 220_1 SWV736 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 233_1 SWV737 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 234_1 SWV738 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 235_1 SWV739 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 237_1 SWV740 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 245_1 SWV741 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 255_1 SWV742 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 268_1 SWV743 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 269_1 SWV744 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 270_1 SWV745 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 271_1 SWV746 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 272_1 SWV747 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 273_1 SWV748 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 275_1 SWV749 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 277_1 SWV750 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 280_1 SWV751 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 291_1 SWV752 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 304_1 SWV753 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 305_1 SWV754 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 315_1 SWV755 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 316_1 SWV756 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 319_1 SWV757 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 321_1 SWV758 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 331_1 SWV759 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 343_1 SWV760 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 344_1 SWV761 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 345_1 SWV762 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 346_1 SWV763 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 348_1 SWV764 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 350_1 SWV765 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 362_1 SWV766 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 363_1 SWV767 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 364_1 SWV768 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 366_1 SWV769 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 368_1 SWV770 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 381_1 SWV771 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 389_1 SWV772 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 390_1 SWV773 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 394_1 SWV774 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 395_1 SWV775 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 400_1 SWV776 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 401_1 SWV777 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 405_1 SWV778 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 406_1 SWV779 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 407_1 SWV780 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 413_1 SWV781 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 414_1 SWV782 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 430_1 SWV783 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 431_1 SWV784 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 432_1 SWV785 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 433_1 SWV786 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 434_1 SWV787 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 435_1 SWV788 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 436_1 SWV789 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 437_1 SWV790 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 439_1 SWV791 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 440_1 SWV792 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 442_1 SWV793 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 444_1 SWV794 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 462_1 SWV795 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 470_1 SWV796 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 471_1 SWV797 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 472_1 SWV798 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 473_1 SWV799 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 474_1 SWV800 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 476_1 SWV801 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 478_1 SWV802 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 480_1 SWV803 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 482_1 SWV804 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 490_1 SWV805 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 491_1 SWV806 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 492_1 SWV807 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 493_1 SWV808 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 494_1 SWV809 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 495_1 SWV810 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 496_1 SWV811 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 497_1 SWV812 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 499_1 SWV813 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 500_1 SWV814 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 502_1 SWV815 ( -1 +0 _1 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 504_1 SWV816 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol 518_1 SWV817 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 112_1 SWV818 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 114_1 SWV819 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 116_1 SWV820 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 127_1 SWV821 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 132_1 SWV822 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 138_1 SWV823 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 143_1 SWV824 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 145_1 SWV825 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 158_1 SWV826 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 163_1 SWV827 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 168_1 SWV828 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 175_1 SWV829 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 177_1 SWV830 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 183_1 SWV831 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 188_1 SWV832 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 193_1 SWV833 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 198_1 SWV834 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 200_1 SWV835 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 212_1 SWV836 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 214_1 SWV837 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 216_1 SWV838 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 218_1 SWV839 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 221_1 SWV840 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 226_1 SWV841 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 231_1 SWV842 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 238_1 SWV843 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 240_1 SWV844 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 242_1 SWV845 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 252_1 SWV846 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 254_1 SWV847 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 256_1 SWV848 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 258_1 SWV849 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 260_1 SWV850 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 268_1 SWV851 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 270_1 SWV852 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 272_1 SWV853 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 274_1 SWV854 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 276_1 SWV855 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 281_1 SWV856 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 283_1 SWV857 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 285_1 SWV858 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 287_1 SWV859 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 291_1 SWV860 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 293_1 SWV861 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 295_1 SWV862 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 307_1 SWV863 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 315_1 SWV864 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 317_1 SWV865 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 319_1 SWV866 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 321_1 SWV867 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 327_1 SWV868 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 329_1 SWV869 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 338_1 SWV870 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 340_1 SWV871 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 342_1 SWV872 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 345_1 SWV873 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 347_1 SWV874 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 351_1 SWV875 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 353_1 SWV876 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 366_1 SWV877 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 368_1 SWV878 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 371_1 SWV879 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 373_1 SWV880 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 375_1 SWV881 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 377_1 SWV882 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 379_1 SWV883 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 381_1 SWV884 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 383_1 SWV885 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 385_1 SWV886 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 387_1 SWV887 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 393_1 SWV888 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 395_1 SWV889 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 401_1 SWV890 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 403_1 SWV891 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 405_10 SWV892 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 407_1 SWV893 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 409_1 SWV894 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 420_1 SWV895 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 422_1 SWV896 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 424_1 SWV897 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 426_1 SWV898 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 434_1 SWV899 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 436_1 SWV900 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 438_1 SWV901 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 440_1 SWV902 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 442_1 SWV903 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 444_1 SWV904 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 450_1 SWV905 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 452_1 SWV906 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 454_1 SWV907 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 456_1 SWV908 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 458_1 SWV909 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 469_1 SWV910 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 475_1 SWV911 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 481_1 SWV912 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 486_1 SWV913 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 494_1 SWV914 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 499_1 SWV915 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 506_1 SWV916 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Hoare logic with procedures 508_1 SWV917 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 027_36 SWV918 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 030_39 SWV919 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 040_3 SWV920 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 058_5 SWV921 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 063_5 SWV922 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 076_5 SWV923 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 088_5 SWV924 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 100_5 SWV925 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 112_1 SWV926 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 122_1 SWV927 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 136_29 SWV928 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 140_27 SWV929 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 144_5 SWV930 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 150_5 SWV931 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 155_26 SWV932 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 160_5 SWV933 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 164_28 SWV934 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 185_1 SWV935 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 198_11 SWV936 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 219_24 SWV937 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 225_5 SWV938 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 229_5 SWV939 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 233_33 SWV940 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 239_5 SWV941 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 251_3 SWV942 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 257_7 SWV943 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 267_14 SWV944 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 278_69 SWV945 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 289_7 SWV946 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 294_3 SWV947 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 297_42 SWV948 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 302_27 SWV949 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 317_2 SWV950 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 322_39 SWV951 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 326_18 SWV952 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 330_5 SWV953 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 342_33 SWV954 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 347_60 SWV955 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 350_38 SWV956 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 358_7 SWV957 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 364_56 SWV958 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 367_50 SWV959 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 369_34 SWV960 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 378_3 SWV961 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 386_30 SWV962 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 389_16 SWV963 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 395_30 SWV964 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 399_27 SWV965 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 412_48 SWV966 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 417_27 SWV967 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 428_2 SWV968 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 432_55 SWV969 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 438_2 SWV970 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 441_39 SWV971 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 450_3 SWV972 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 459_30 SWV973 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 464_31 SWV974 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 468_29 SWV975 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 481_63 SWV976 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 486_5 SWV977 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 490_5 SWV978 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 501_5 SWV979 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 504_5 SWV980 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 510_5 SWV981 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 516_5 SWV982 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 522_5 SWV983 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 528_5 SWV984 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 541_6 SWV985 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 555_24 SWV986 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 567_1 SWV987 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 581_1 SWV988 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 585_5 SWV989 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 606_1 SWV990 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 633_1 SWV991 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 637_5 SWV992 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 656_1 SWV993 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 659_1 SWV994 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 661_1 SWV995 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Java type soundness 664_2 SWV996 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2 SWV997 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 20 SWV998 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 205 SWV999 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SWW = Software Verification Continued 988 problems (880 abstract), 73 CNF, 392 FOF, 494 TFF, 29 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWW000 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 236 SWW001 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 248 SWW002 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 262 SWW003 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 292 SWW004 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 326 SWW005 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 349 SWW006 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 357 SWW007 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1830 SWW008 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1833 SWW009 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 1840 SWW010 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1846 SWW011 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1847 SWW012 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1874 SWW013 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 1885 SWW014 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1895 SWW015 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1896 SWW016 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1905 SWW017 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1909 SWW018 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1914 SWW019 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 1916 SWW020 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1928 SWW021 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1932 SWW022 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 1938 SWW023 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 1958 SWW024 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 1999 SWW025 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2043 SWW026 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2087 SWW027 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2107 SWW028 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2118 SWW029 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2132 SWW030 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2175 SWW031 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2218 SWW032 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2261 SWW033 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2302 SWW034 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2345 SWW035 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2351 SWW036 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2391 SWW037 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2394 SWW038 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2443 SWW039 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2446 SWW040 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2484 SWW041 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2501 SWW042 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2534 SWW043 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2578 SWW044 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2598 SWW045 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2608 SWW046 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2626 SWW047 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2640 SWW048 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2668 SWW049 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2712 SWW050 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2753 SWW051 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2794 SWW052 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2802 SWW053 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2816 SWW054 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2845 SWW055 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2849 SWW056 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2862 SWW057 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2895 SWW058 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2935 SWW059 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 2962 SWW060 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 2979 SWW061 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3025 SWW062 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3055 SWW063 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3072 SWW064 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3077 SWW065 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3078 SWW066 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3117 SWW067 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3152 SWW068 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3163 SWW069 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3186 SWW070 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3199 SWW071 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3211 SWW072 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3248 SWW073 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3252 SWW074 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3278 SWW075 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3300 SWW076 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3339 SWW077 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3375 SWW078 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3385 SWW079 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3386 SWW080 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3431 SWW081 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3467 SWW082 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3472 SWW083 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3525 SWW084 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3536 SWW085 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3537 SWW086 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3544 SWW087 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3552 SWW088 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Backward simplification: node deletion 3553 SWW089 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3575 SWW090 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3617 SWW091 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3618 SWW092 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3620 SWW093 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3622 SWW094 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fix-point check 3623 SWW095 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker: lemma_check_characterization base SWW096 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalenace of the semantic and syntactic definition of and SWW097 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalenace of the semantic and syntactic definition of lazy_and SWW098 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of or1 and or2 SWW099 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If one is Boolean then exists1(P) = exists2(P). SWW100 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) If only one element non-Boolean, then exists1(P) = exists2(P) SWW101 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) false1 = false2 SWW102 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Equivalence of not1 and not2 SWW103 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic definitions of the logical operators SWW171 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435517, 1000 axioms selected SWW172 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435557, 1000 axioms selected SWW173 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435614, 1000 axioms selected SWW174 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435638, 1000 axioms selected SWW175 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435667, 1000 axioms selected SWW176 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435719, 1000 axioms selected SWW177 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435731, 1000 axioms selected SWW178 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435750, 1000 axioms selected SWW179 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435801, 1000 axioms selected SWW180 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435841, 1000 axioms selected SWW181 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435852, 1000 axioms selected SWW182 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435961, 1000 axioms selected SWW183 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 435976, 1000 axioms selected SWW184 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436008, 1000 axioms selected SWW185 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436014, 1000 axioms selected SWW186 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436017, 1000 axioms selected SWW187 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436040, 1000 axioms selected SWW188 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436050, 1000 axioms selected SWW189 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436150, 1000 axioms selected SWW190 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436218, 1000 axioms selected SWW191 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436301, 1000 axioms selected SWW192 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436367, 1000 axioms selected SWW193 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436375, 1000 axioms selected SWW194 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436385, 1000 axioms selected SWW195 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436428, 1000 axioms selected SWW196 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436457, 1000 axioms selected SWW197 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436496, 1000 axioms selected SWW198 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436513, 1000 axioms selected SWW199 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436542, 1000 axioms selected SWW200 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436548, 1000 axioms selected SWW201 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436554, 1000 axioms selected SWW202 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436595, 1000 axioms selected SWW203 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436645, 1000 axioms selected SWW204 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436686, 1000 axioms selected SWW205 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436729, 1000 axioms selected SWW206 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436790, 1000 axioms selected SWW207 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436793, 1000 axioms selected SWW208 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436796, 1000 axioms selected SWW209 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436838, 1000 axioms selected SWW210 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436865, 1000 axioms selected SWW211 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436883, 1000 axioms selected SWW212 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436896, 1000 axioms selected SWW213 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 436927, 1000 axioms selected SWW214 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437024, 1000 axioms selected SWW215 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437032, 1000 axioms selected SWW216 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437039, 1000 axioms selected SWW217 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437055, 1000 axioms selected SWW218 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437188, 1000 axioms selected SWW219 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437243, 1000 axioms selected SWW220 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437256, 1000 axioms selected SWW221 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437286, 1000 axioms selected SWW222 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437292, 1000 axioms selected SWW223 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437345, 1000 axioms selected SWW224 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437353, 1000 axioms selected SWW225 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437364, 1000 axioms selected SWW226 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437395, 1000 axioms selected SWW227 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437401, 1000 axioms selected SWW228 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437408, 1000 axioms selected SWW229 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437418, 1000 axioms selected SWW230 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437425, 1000 axioms selected SWW231 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437535, 1000 axioms selected SWW232 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437571, 1000 axioms selected SWW233 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437578, 1000 axioms selected SWW234 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437593, 1000 axioms selected SWW235 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437607, 1000 axioms selected SWW236 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437656, 1000 axioms selected SWW237 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437661, 1000 axioms selected SWW238 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437668, 1000 axioms selected SWW239 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437881, 1000 axioms selected SWW240 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437906, 1000 axioms selected SWW241 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437942, 1000 axioms selected SWW242 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437948, 1000 axioms selected SWW243 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437955, 1000 axioms selected SWW244 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437966, 1000 axioms selected SWW245 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 437984, 1000 axioms selected SWW246 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438015, 1000 axioms selected SWW247 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438028, 1000 axioms selected SWW248 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438044, 1000 axioms selected SWW249 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438050, 1000 axioms selected SWW250 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438056, 1000 axioms selected SWW251 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438099, 1000 axioms selected SWW252 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438232, 1000 axioms selected SWW253 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438289, 1000 axioms selected SWW254 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438294, 1000 axioms selected SWW255 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438334, 1000 axioms selected SWW256 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438374, 1000 axioms selected SWW257 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438394, 1000 axioms selected SWW258 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438432, 1000 axioms selected SWW259 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438445, 1000 axioms selected SWW260 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438454, 1000 axioms selected SWW261 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438497, 1000 axioms selected SWW262 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438508, 1000 axioms selected SWW263 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438511, 1000 axioms selected SWW264 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438525, 1000 axioms selected SWW265 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438531, 1000 axioms selected SWW266 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438548, 1000 axioms selected SWW267 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438578, 1000 axioms selected SWW268 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438679, 1000 axioms selected SWW269 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438694, 1000 axioms selected SWW270 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438763, 1000 axioms selected SWW271 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438896, 1000 axioms selected SWW272 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438914, 1000 axioms selected SWW273 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438947, 1000 axioms selected SWW274 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438953, 1000 axioms selected SWW275 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438956, 1000 axioms selected SWW276 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438974, 1000 axioms selected SWW277 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 438996, 1000 axioms selected SWW278 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439017, 1000 axioms selected SWW279 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439060, 1000 axioms selected SWW280 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439066, 1000 axioms selected SWW281 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439072, 1000 axioms selected SWW282 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439078, 1000 axioms selected SWW283 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439185, 1000 axioms selected SWW284 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439200, 1000 axioms selected SWW285 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439224, 1000 axioms selected SWW286 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439273, 1000 axioms selected SWW287 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439334, 1000 axioms selected SWW288 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439417, 1000 axioms selected SWW289 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439601, 1000 axioms selected SWW290 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439641, 1000 axioms selected SWW291 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 439789, 1000 axioms selected SWW292 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434693, 5000 axioms selected SWW293 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434709, 5000 axioms selected SWW294 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434712, 5000 axioms selected SWW295 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434731, 5000 axioms selected SWW296 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434750, 5000 axioms selected SWW297 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434756, 5000 axioms selected SWW298 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434773, 5000 axioms selected SWW299 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434795, 5000 axioms selected SWW300 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434814, 5000 axioms selected SWW301 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434830, 5000 axioms selected SWW302 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434833, 5000 axioms selected SWW303 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434852, 5000 axioms selected SWW304 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434871, 5000 axioms selected SWW305 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434877, 5000 axioms selected SWW306 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434896, 5000 axioms selected SWW307 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434912, 5000 axioms selected SWW308 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434931, 5000 axioms selected SWW309 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434934, 5000 axioms selected SWW310 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434937, 5000 axioms selected SWW311 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434956, 5000 axioms selected SWW312 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434967, 5000 axioms selected SWW313 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434970, 5000 axioms selected SWW314 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434973, 5000 axioms selected SWW315 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434976, 5000 axioms selected SWW316 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434982, 5000 axioms selected SWW317 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 434986, 5000 axioms selected SWW318 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435006, 5000 axioms selected SWW319 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435026, 5000 axioms selected SWW320 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435050, 5000 axioms selected SWW321 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435053, 5000 axioms selected SWW322 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435056, 5000 axioms selected SWW323 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435059, 5000 axioms selected SWW324 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435079, 5000 axioms selected SWW325 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435085, 5000 axioms selected SWW326 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435091, 5000 axioms selected SWW327 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435097, 5000 axioms selected SWW328 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435107, 5000 axioms selected SWW329 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435126, 5000 axioms selected SWW330 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435132, 5000 axioms selected SWW331 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435138, 5000 axioms selected SWW332 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435144, 5000 axioms selected SWW333 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435147, 5000 axioms selected SWW334 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435150, 5000 axioms selected SWW335 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435171, 5000 axioms selected SWW336 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435181, 5000 axioms selected SWW337 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435184, 5000 axioms selected SWW338 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435187, 5000 axioms selected SWW339 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435190, 5000 axioms selected SWW340 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435196, 5000 axioms selected SWW341 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435199, 5000 axioms selected SWW342 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435202, 5000 axioms selected SWW343 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435205, 5000 axioms selected SWW344 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435208, 5000 axioms selected SWW345 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435211, 5000 axioms selected SWW346 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435233, 5000 axioms selected SWW347 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435255, 5000 axioms selected SWW348 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435258, 5000 axioms selected SWW349 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435261, 5000 axioms selected SWW350 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435264, 5000 axioms selected SWW351 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435295, 5000 axioms selected SWW352 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435338, 5000 axioms selected SWW353 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435344, 5000 axioms selected SWW354 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435350, 5000 axioms selected SWW355 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435356, 5000 axioms selected SWW356 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435362, 5000 axioms selected SWW357 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435408, 5000 axioms selected SWW358 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435414, 5000 axioms selected SWW359 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435420, 5000 axioms selected SWW360 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435423, 5000 axioms selected SWW361 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435426, 5000 axioms selected SWW362 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435429, 5000 axioms selected SWW363 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435435, 5000 axioms selected SWW364 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435441, 5000 axioms selected SWW365 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435444, 5000 axioms selected SWW366 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435450, 5000 axioms selected SWW367 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435453, 5000 axioms selected SWW368 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435456, 5000 axioms selected SWW369 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435466, 5000 axioms selected SWW370 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435490, 5000 axioms selected SWW371 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435513, 5000 axioms selected SWW372 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435523, 5000 axioms selected SWW373 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435529, 5000 axioms selected SWW374 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435536, 5000 axioms selected SWW375 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435539, 5000 axioms selected SWW376 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435545, 5000 axioms selected SWW377 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435564, 5000 axioms selected SWW378 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435570, 5000 axioms selected SWW379 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435576, 5000 axioms selected SWW380 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435603, 5000 axioms selected SWW381 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435609, 5000 axioms selected SWW382 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435619, 5000 axioms selected SWW383 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435622, 5000 axioms selected SWW384 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435628, 5000 axioms selected SWW385 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435658, 5000 axioms selected SWW386 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435661, 5000 axioms selected SWW387 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435664, 5000 axioms selected SWW388 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435670, 5000 axioms selected SWW389 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435715, 5000 axioms selected SWW390 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435737, 5000 axioms selected SWW391 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435756, 5000 axioms selected SWW392 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435772, 5000 axioms selected SWW393 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435778, 5000 axioms selected SWW394 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435797, 5000 axioms selected SWW395 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435820, 5000 axioms selected SWW396 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures 435839, 5000 axioms selected SWW397 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW398 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW399 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW400 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW401 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW402 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW403 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW404 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW405 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW406 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW407 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW408 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW409 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW410 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW411 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW412 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW413 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW414 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW415 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW416 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW417 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW418 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW419 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW420 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW421 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW422 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW423 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW424 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Verification Condition generated by Smallfoot SWW425 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 10) SWW426 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 10) SWW427 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 11) SWW428 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 11) SWW429 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 12) SWW430 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 12) SWW431 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 13) SWW432 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 13) SWW433 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 14) SWW434 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 14) SWW435 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 15) SWW436 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 15) SWW437 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 16) SWW438 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 16) SWW439 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 17) SWW440 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 17) SWW441 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 18) SWW442 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 18) SWW443 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 19) SWW444 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 19) SWW445 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 20) SWW446 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> \bot (n = 20) SWW447 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 10) SWW448 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 10) SWW449 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 11) SWW450 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 11) SWW451 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 12) SWW452 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 12) SWW453 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 13) SWW454 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 13) SWW455 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 14) SWW456 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 14) SWW457 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 15) SWW458 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 15) SWW459 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 16) SWW460 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 16) SWW461 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 17) SWW462 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 17) SWW463 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 18) SWW464 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 18) SWW465 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 19) SWW466 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 19) SWW467 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 20) SWW468 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Randomly generated entailment of the form F -> G (n = 20) SWW469 ( -0 +2 _2 ^1) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 112, 100 axioms selected SWW470 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 200, 100 axioms selected SWW471 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 269, 100 axioms selected SWW472 ( -0 +6 _3 ^3) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 327, 100 axioms selected SWW473 ( -0 +6 _3 ^3) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 383, 100 axioms selected SWW474 ( -0 +6 _3 ^3) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 440, 100 axioms selected SWW475 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Java type soundness line 22, 100 axioms selected SWW476 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Java type soundness line 197, 100 axioms selected SWW477 ( -0 +6 _4 ^3) Java type soundness line 346, 100 axioms selected SWW478 ( -0 +6 _3 ^3) Java type soundness line 479, 100 axioms selected SWW479 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 18 SWW480 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 27 SWW481 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 35 SWW482 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 43 SWW483 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 50 SWW484 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 63 SWW485 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 78 SWW486 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 86 SWW487 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 100 SWW488 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 112 SWW490 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 128 SWW491 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 132 SWW492 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 142 SWW493 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 156 SWW494 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 162 SWW495 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 170 SWW496 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 176 SWW497 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 186 SWW498 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 194 SWW499 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 209 SWW500 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 213 SWW501 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 223 SWW502 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 227 SWW503 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fundamental Theorem of Algebra line 235 SWW504 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 113 SWW505 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 126 SWW506 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 137 SWW507 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 144 SWW508 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 159 SWW509 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 182 SWW510 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 189 SWW511 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 199 SWW512 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 213 SWW513 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 217 SWW514 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 237 SWW515 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 241 SWW516 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 253 SWW517 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 257 SWW518 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 267 SWW519 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 272 SWW520 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 283 SWW521 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 287 SWW522 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 293 SWW523 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 307 SWW524 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 316 SWW525 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hoare's Logic with Procedures line 320 SWW526 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 385 SWW527 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 464 SWW528 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 468 SWW529 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 545 SWW530 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 569 SWW531 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 587 SWW532 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 625 SWW533 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 648 SWW534 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 689 SWW535 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 792 SWW536 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 806 SWW537 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 822 SWW538 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 895 SWW539 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 935 SWW540 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 978 SWW541 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1027 SWW542 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1048 SWW543 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1131 SWW544 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1135 SWW545 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1139 SWW546 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1143 SWW547 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1165 SWW548 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1217 SWW549 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1234 SWW550 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Huffman's Algorithm line 1274 SWW551 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 26 SWW552 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 35 SWW553 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 42 SWW554 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 60 SWW555 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 76 SWW556 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 112 SWW557 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 123 SWW558 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 140 SWW559 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 150 SWW560 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 160 SWW561 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 185 SWW562 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 227 SWW563 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 236 SWW564 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 251 SWW565 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 265 SWW566 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 278 SWW567 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 291 SWW568 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 317 SWW569 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 326 SWW570 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 341 SWW571 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 350 SWW572 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Java type soundness line 364 SWW573 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Algo63-T-WP parameter partition SWW574 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Algo64-T-WP parameter quicksort SWW575 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Algo65-T-WP parameter find SWW576 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Arm-T-WP parameter path init l2 SWW577 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Bellman ford-T-WP parameter bellman ford SWW578 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary search-T-WP parameter binary search SWW579 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary sqrt-T-WP parameter sqrt SWW580 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Bresenham-T-WP parameter bresenham SWW581 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Checking a large routine-T-WP parameter routine SWW582 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Conjugate-T-WP parameter conjugate SWW583 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Counting sort-T-WP parameter counting sort SWW584 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Decrease1-T-WP parameter search rec SWW585 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Defunctionalization-T-WP parameter eval 2 SWW586 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Dfa example-T-one w in r2 SWW587 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Dijkstra-T-WP parameter shortest path code SWW588 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Division-T-WP parameter division SWW589 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Edit distance-T-WP parameter distance SWW590 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Euler001-T-Closed formula n 15 SWW591 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fib memo-T-WP parameter memo fibo SWW592 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fibonacci-T-WP parameter logfib SWW593 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fill-T-WP parameter fill SWW594 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Find-T-WP parameter find SWW595 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Flag2-T-nb occ store neq neq SWW596 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Flag2-T-WP parameter swap SWW597 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Flag-T-WP parameter dutch flag SWW598 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Foveoos11 challenge2-T-WP parameter maximum SWW599 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Foveoos11 challenge3-T-WP parameter two equal elements SWW600 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Gcd bezout-T-WP parameter gcd SWW601 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Gcd-T-WP parameter gcd odd odd SWW602 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Generate all trees-T-WP parameter all trees SWW603 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Generate all trees-T-WP parameter combine SWW604 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hashtbl impl-T-WP parameter clear SWW605 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Hashtbl impl-T-WP parameter resize SWW606 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Insertion sort naive-T-WP parameter sort SWW607 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Insertion sort-T-WP parameter insertion sort SWW608 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Inverse in place-T-WP parameter test1 SWW609 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Isqrt-T-WP parameter sqrt SWW610 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Kmp-T-matches right weakening SWW611 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Kmp-T-WP parameter initnext SWW612 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Knuth prime numbers-T-WP parameter prime numbers SWW613 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Largest prime factor-T-WP parameter largest prime factor SWW614 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Lcp-T-WP parameter lcp SWW615 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Linked list rev-T-WP parameter in place reverse SWW616 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Maximum subarray-T-WP parameter maximum subarray rec SWW617 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Max matrix-T-WP parameter maximum SWW618 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Max matrix-T-WP parameter maxmat SWW619 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort array-T-WP parameter bottom up mergesort SWW620 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort array-T-WP parameter find run SWW621 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort array-T-WP parameter merge SWW622 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort array-T-WP parameter mergesort rec SWW623 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort array-T-WP parameter naturalrec SWW624 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort list-T-permut prefix SWW625 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort list-T-WP parameter rev merge rev SWW626 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort list-T-WP parameter rev sort SWW627 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort list-T-WP parameter sort SWW628 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort queue-T-WP parameter merge SWW629 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mergesort queue-T-WP parameter mergesort SWW630 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Mjrty-T-WP parameter mjrty SWW631 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Optimal replay-T-WP parameter distance SWW632 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Power-T-WP parameter fast exp imperative SWW633 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Power-T-WP parameter fast exp SWW634 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Queens-T-WP parameter queens3 SWW635 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Queens-T-WP parameter t3 SWW636 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Quicksort-T-WP parameter quick rec SWW637 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Relabel-T-WP parameter relabel SWW638 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Residual-T-WP parameter accepts epsilon SWW639 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Resizable array-T-WP parameter test2 SWW640 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ropes-T-WP parameter insert leaves SWW641 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ropes-T-WP parameter insert SWW642 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sf-T-WP parameter factorial SWW643 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sorted list-T-WP parameter find SWW644 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sudoku-T-WP parameter check valid SWW645 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sudoku-T-WP parameter classical sudoku SWW646 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sudoku-T-WP parameter solve aux SWW647 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Sum of digits-T-WP parameter f SWW648 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There and back again-T-WP parameter convolution rec SWW649 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There and back again-T-WP parameter palindrome rec SWW650 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Tortoise and hare-T-WP parameter tortoise hare SWW651 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Toy compiler-T-WP parameter soundness gen SWW652 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vacid 0 build maze-T-Ineq1 SWW653 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vacid 0 build maze-T-WP parameter build maze SWW654 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vacid 0 red black trees-T-WP parameter lbalance SWW655 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vacid 0 red black trees-T-WP parameter rbalance SWW656 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 LRS-T-le trans SWW657 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 LRS-T-longest common prefix succ SWW658 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 LRS-T-WP parameter compare SWW659 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 LRS-T-WP parameter lcp SWW660 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 LRS-T-WP parameter sort SWW661 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis fm2012 treedel-T-inorder zip SWW662 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis PrefixSumRec-T-is power of 2 1 SWW663 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis PrefixSumRec-T-WP parameter compute sums SWW664 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis PrefixSumRec-T-WP parameter downsweep SWW665 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Verifythis PrefixSumRec-T-WP parameter upsweep SWW666 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 inverting-T-WP parameter test SWW667 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 max sum-T-WP parameter max sum SWW668 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 max sum-T-WP parameter test SWW669 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 queens-T-WP parameter bt queens SWW670 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 search list-T-WP parameter search loop SWW671 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte10 search list-T-WP parameter search SWW672 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Vstte12 bfs-T-WP parameter bfs SWW673 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Priority queue checker SWW674 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ICL logic based upon modal logic based upon simple type theory SWW675 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Lists in Separation Logic SWW676 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary seach algorithm SWW677 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary seach algorithm SWW678 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary seach algorithm using trees SWW679 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Binary seach algorithm using trees SWW680 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 1 SWW681 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 5 SWW682 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 9 SWW683 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 13 SWW684 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 17 SWW685 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 21 SWW686 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 25 SWW687 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 29 SWW688 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort 33 SWW689 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter bottom up mergesort SWW690 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 1 SWW691 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 6 SWW692 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 11 SWW693 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 16 SWW694 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 21 SWW695 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 31 SWW696 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 36 SWW697 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 41 SWW698 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 46 SWW699 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge 51 SWW700 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge SWW701 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using 1 SWW702 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using 4 SWW703 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using 7 SWW704 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using 10 SWW705 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using 13 SWW706 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter merge using SWW707 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter find run 1 SWW708 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter find run 4 SWW709 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter find run 7 SWW710 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter find run 10 SWW711 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter find run SWW712 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 1 SWW713 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 5 SWW714 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 9 SWW715 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 13 SWW716 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 17 SWW717 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 211 SWW718 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 22 SWW719 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 30 SWW720 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort 34 SWW721 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter natural mergesort SWW722 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 1 SWW723 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 6 SWW724 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 11 SWW725 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 16 SWW726 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 21 SWW727 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 26 SWW728 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 31 SWW729 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec 36 SWW730 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter naturalrec SWW731 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort 1 SWW732 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort 2 SWW733 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort SWW734 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec 1 SWW735 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec 4 SWW736 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec 7 SWW737 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec 10 SWW738 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec 13 SWW739 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) WP parameter mergesort rec SWW740 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P01 SWW741 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P02 SWW742 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P03 SWW743 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P04 SWW744 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P05 SWW745 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P06 SWW746 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P07 SWW747 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P08 SWW748 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Ranise problem P09 SWW749 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW750 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW751 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW752 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW753 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW754 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW755 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW756 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW757 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW758 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW759 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW760 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW761 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW762 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW763 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW764 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW765 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW766 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW767 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW768 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW769 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW770 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW771 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW772 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW773 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW774 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW775 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW776 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW777 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW778 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW779 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW780 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW781 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW782 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW783 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW784 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW785 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW786 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW787 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW788 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW789 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW790 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW791 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW792 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW793 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW794 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW795 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW796 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW797 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW798 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW799 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW800 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW801 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW802 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW803 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW804 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW805 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW806 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW807 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW808 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Spec# benchmark SWW809 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW810 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW811 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW812 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW813 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW814 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW815 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW816 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW817 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW818 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW819 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW820 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW821 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Why benchmark problem SWW822 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 549916 SWW823 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 629331 SWW824 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 640322 SWW825 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 660068 SWW826 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 682065 SWW827 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 701996 SWW828 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 763357 SWW829 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 802565 SWW830 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 834515 SWW831 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 869906 SWW832 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 942602 SWW833 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 614416 SWW834 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 631366 SWW835 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 640466 SWW836 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 661347 SWW837 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 675189 SWW838 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 689469 SWW839 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 747041 SWW840 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 766657 SWW841 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 788234 SWW842 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 807772 SWW843 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 828944 SWW844 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 853412 SWW845 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 872699 SWW846 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 914698 SWW847 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Fast Fourier Transform 943708 SWW848 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) misc__12__ALOOKUP_MAP_gen__dep SWW849 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) misc__13__map_fromAList__dep SWW850 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) misc__172__map_some_eq__dep SWW851 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) misc__198__REVERSE_REPLICATE__dep SWW852 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) misc__335__ALIST_FUPDKEY_comm__dep SWW853 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) mllist__12__tabulate_GENLIST__dep SWW854 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) mlstring__6__explode_11__brokendep SWW855 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) mlstring__40__fields_length__brokendep SWW856 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) mlvector__3__length_toList__dep SWW857 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) gen_gc__36__gc_inv_init__dep SWW858 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) gen_gc_partial__76__tactictoe_prove_75__dep SWW859 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) fromSexp__81__strip_sxcons_NIL__dep SWW860 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) asmProps__1__asm_deterministic__dep SWW861 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) namespaceProps__19__nsMap_nsEmpty__dep SWW862 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) namespaceProps__78__nsAll2_nsAppend__dep SWW863 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) reg_allocProof__12__tactictoe_prove_11__dep SWW864 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) semanticPrimitivesProps__20__do_con_check_build_conv__dep SWW865 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) unify__39__t_vars_eqn__dep SWW866 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) typeSysProps__43__tenv_ctor_ok_lookup__dep SWW867 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) typeSysProps__50__tveLookup_bvl__dep SWW868 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) typeSysProps__128__check_signature_tenv_ok__dep SWW869 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cmlPtreeConversionProps__33__SpecLineList_OK__dep SWW870 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) pegSound__9__peg_eval_LetDec_wrongtok__dep SWW871 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) inferProps__23__generalise_subst__dep SWW872 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) pegComplete__46__firstSetML_nErel__dep SWW873 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ml_prog__42__ML_code_SOME_Dlet_Fun__dep SWW874 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) envRel__1__convert_append_decls__dep SWW875 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) wordProps__13__gc_with_const__dep SWW876 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) wordProps__56__tactictoe_prove_230__dep SWW877 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) wordProps__112__every_var_exp_mono__dep SWW878 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) wordProps__127__locals_rel_get_var_imm__dep SWW879 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) presLang__12__tactictoe_prove_16__dep SWW880 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) infer_eComplete__3__t_compat_pure_add_constraints_2__dep SWW881 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_relation__26__get_global_state_rel__dep SWW882 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) patProps__2__no_closures_Boolv__dep SWW883 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cfHeapsBase__35__SEP_IMPPOST_unfold__brokendep SWW884 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ml_translator__39__Eval_FUN_FORALL__dep SWW885 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conProps__9__evaluate_cons__dep SWW886 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) conProps__23__evaluate_prompt_add_to_clock_io_events_mono__dep SWW887 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) labProps__4__read_reg_inc_pc__dep SWW888 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) labProps__30__arith_upd_align_dm__dep SWW889 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_relationProps__13__exp_rel_rtc_semantics__dep SWW890 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_relationProps__27__fn_add_arg__dep SWW891 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) fsFFIProps__69__openFileFS_fupd_numchars__dep SWW892 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) inferSound__3__tactictoe_prove_2__dep SWW893 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) dataProps__1__bvi_to_data_id__dep SWW894 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cfApp__18__store2heap_MAPi__dep SWW895 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cf__29__v_of_pat_wildcards_count__dep SWW896 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) exh_reorderProof__52__const_cons_fst_sub_bag__dep SWW897 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_callProof__19__env_rel_cong__dep SWW898 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_callProof__73__v_to_list_wfv__dep SWW899 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) exh_to_patProof__22__bind_mono__dep SWW900 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_simpProof__45__LIST_REL_append_left__dep SWW901 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_simpProof__47__push_env_stack_gc__dep SWW902 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_allocProof__49__tactictoe_prove_124__dep SWW903 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_allocProof__103__tactictoe_prove_178__dep SWW904 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_mtiProof__14__tactictoe_prove_13__dep SWW905 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_mtiProof__40__intro_multi_EQ_NIL__dep SWW906 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_instProof__2__tactictoe_prove_1__dep SWW907 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_instProof__19__tactictoe_prove_18__dep SWW908 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_to_stackProof__52__tactictoe_prove_51__dep SWW909 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_to_stackProof__62__tactictoe_prove_61__dep SWW910 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_to_stackProof__192__tactictoe_prove_191__dep SWW911 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_to_stackProof__242__stack_move_alloc_arg__dep SWW912 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_bignumProof__16__word_list_APPEND__dep SWW913 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) stack_removeProof__50__tactictoe_prove_49__dep SWW914 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) stack_removeProof__71__tactictoe_prove_70__dep SWW915 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_knownProof__11__mapped_globals_ffiupdate__dep SWW916 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_knownProof__48__ksrel_ssgc_free__dep SWW917 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) lab_to_targetProof__99__EVERY_is_Label_add_nop_preserved__dep SWW918 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) lab_to_targetProof__166__lines_enc_with_nop_append__dep SWW919 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) lab_to_targetProof__233__tactictoe_prove_232__dep SWW920 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) lab_to_targetProof__235__LENGTH_prog_to_bytes__dep SWW921 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) word_to_wordProof__6__tactictoe_prove_5__dep SWW922 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ListProg__14__tactictoe_prove_13__dep SWW923 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ml_monad_translatorBase__48__ARRAY_HPROP_SAT_EQ__dep SWW924 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) clos_to_bvlProof__104__tactictoe_prove_103__dep SWW925 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_memoryProof__63__heap_store_unused_alt_heap_lookup__dep SWW926 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_memoryProof__109__split1_thm__dep SWW927 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_memoryProof__204__tactictoe_prove_203__dep SWW928 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) bvl_inlineProof__14__tick_code_rel_insert__dep SWW929 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) bvl_inlineProof__36__tactictoe_prove_35__dep SWW930 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) stack_allocProof__109__prog_comp_lambda__dep SWW931 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ml_monad_translator__41__tactictoe_prove_40__dep SWW932 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) ml_monad_translator__97__tactictoe_prove_96__dep SWW933 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_gcProof__33__fromList_SNOC__dep SWW934 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_gcProof__118__word_gen_gc_move_loop_thm__dep SWW935 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_gcProof__214__mk_loc_jmup_exc_inc_clock__dep SWW936 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) bvl_to_bviProof__2__adjust_bv_Boolv__dep SWW937 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) cfMonad__4__tactictoe_prove_3__dep SWW938 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) stack_to_labProof__29__state_rel_with_clock__dep SWW939 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_assignProof__45__evaluate_WriteWord64_on_32__dep SWW940 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) data_to_word_assignProof__154__get_vars_delete_lemma__dep SWW941 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) MapProg__1__tactictoe_prove_0__dep SWW942 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TextIOProof__31__add_stdo_MAP_FST_files__dep SWW943 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) TextIOProof__32__inFS_fname_add_stdo__dep SWW944 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) compilerProof__1__parse_prog_correct__dep SWW945 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) compilerProof__2__infertype_prog_correct__dep SWW946 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) compilerProof__3__compile_correct_gen__dep SWW947 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) compilerProof__4__compile_correct__dep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SYN = Syntactic 1313 problems (986 abstract), 849 CNF, 375 FOF, 5 TFF, 84 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYN000 ( -2 +2 _5 ^3) Basic TPTP FOF syntax SYN001 ( -1 +1 _0 ^4) Pelletier 2 SYN002 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Odd and Even Problem SYN003 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Implications that form a contradiction SYN004 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Implications that form a contradiction SYN005 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Disjunctions that form a contradiction SYN006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A problem to demonstrate controlling splits SYN007 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 71 SYN008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A problem to demonstrate the usefulness of relevancy testing SYN009 ( -4 +0 _0 ^0) A problem to demonstrate the usefulness of relevancy testing SYN010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Example for Proposition 5.2 in [LMG94] SYN011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A problem to demonstrate C-reduction SYN012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A problem to demonstrate Model Elimination SYN013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A problem in quantification theory SYN014 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A problem in quantification theory SYN015 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) A problem in quantification theory SYN028 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EW1 SYN029 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EW2 SYN030 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) EW3 SYN031 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) MQW SYN032 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Ances SYN033 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) DM SYN034 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QW SYN035 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) ROB1 SYN036 ( -4 +2 _0 ^2) Andrews Challenge Problem SYN037 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Andrews Challenge Problem Variant SYN038 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Syntactic formula SYN039 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A challenge to resolution programs SYN040 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 1 SYN041 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 3 SYN044 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 10 SYN045 ( -1 +1 _0 ^2) Pelletier Problem 13 SYN046 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 15 SYN047 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 17 SYN048 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 18 SYN049 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 19 SYN050 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 20 SYN051 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 21 SYN052 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 22 SYN053 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 23 SYN054 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 24 SYN055 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 25 SYN056 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 26 SYN057 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 27 SYN058 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 28 SYN059 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 29 SYN060 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 30 SYN061 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 31 SYN062 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 32 SYN063 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 33 SYN064 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier Problem 35 SYN065 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 36 SYN066 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 37 SYN067 ( -3 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 38 SYN068 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 44 SYN069 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 45 SYN070 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 46 SYN071 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 48 SYN072 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 49 SYN073 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 50 SYN074 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 51 SYN075 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 52 SYN076 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 53 SYN077 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 54 SYN078 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 56 SYN079 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 57 SYN080 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 58 SYN081 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 59 SYN082 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 60 SYN083 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 61 SYN084 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Pelletier Problem 62 SYN085 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem s(1,10) SYN086 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem s(2,3) SYN087 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem s(3,3) SYN088 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem s(4,10) SYN089 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem t(2,2) SYN090 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem t(3,8) SYN091 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(s(2,3)) SYN092 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(s(3,3)) SYN093 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem u(t(2,2)) SYN094 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem u(t(3,5)) SYN095 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem m(t(2,2)) SYN096 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem m(t(3,8)) SYN097 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(u(t(2,2))) SYN098 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(u(t(3,2))) SYN099 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(m(t(2,3))) SYN100 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem sym(m(t(3,5))) SYN101 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem n(t(2,2),2) SYN102 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem n(t(3,7),7) SYN103 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 1 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN104 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 2 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN105 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 3 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN106 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 4 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN107 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 5 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN108 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 6 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN109 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 7 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN110 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 8 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN111 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 9 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN112 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 10 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN113 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 11 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN114 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 12 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN115 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 13 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN116 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 14 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN117 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 15 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN118 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 16 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN119 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 17 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN120 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 18 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN121 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 19 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN122 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 20 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN123 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 21 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN124 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 22 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN125 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 23 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN126 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 24 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN127 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 25 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN128 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 26 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN129 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 27 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN130 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 28 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN131 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 29 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN132 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 30 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN133 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 31 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN134 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 32 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN135 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 33 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN136 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 34 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN137 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 35 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN138 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 36 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN139 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 37 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN140 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 38 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN141 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 39 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN142 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 40 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN143 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 41 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN144 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 42 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN145 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 43 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN146 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 44 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN147 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 45 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN148 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 46 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN149 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 47 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN150 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 48 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN151 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 49 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN152 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 50 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN153 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 51 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN154 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 52 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN155 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 53 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN156 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 54 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN157 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 55 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN158 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 56 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN159 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 57 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN160 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 58 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN161 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 59 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN162 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 60 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN163 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 61 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN164 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 62 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN165 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 63 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN166 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 64 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN167 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 65 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN168 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 66 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN169 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 67 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN170 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 68 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN171 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 69 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN172 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 70 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN173 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 71 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN174 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 72 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN175 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 73 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN176 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 74 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN177 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 75 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN178 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 76 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN179 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 77 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN180 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 78 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN181 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 79 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN182 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 80 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN183 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 81 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN184 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 82 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN185 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 83 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN186 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 84 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN187 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 85 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN188 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 86 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN189 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 87 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN190 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 88 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN191 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 89 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN192 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 90 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN193 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 91 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN194 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 92 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN195 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 93 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN196 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 94 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN197 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 95 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN198 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 96 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN199 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 97 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN200 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 98 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN201 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 99 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN202 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 100 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN203 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 101 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN204 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 102 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN205 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 103 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN206 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 104 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN207 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 105 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN208 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 106 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN209 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 107 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN210 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 108 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN211 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 109 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN212 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 110 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN213 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 111 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN214 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 112 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN215 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 113 (quasi-uniform distribution) SYN216 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 1 (skewed distribution) SYN217 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 2 (skewed distribution) SYN218 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 3 (skewed distribution) SYN219 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 4 (skewed distribution) SYN220 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 5 (skewed distribution) SYN221 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 6 (skewed distribution) SYN222 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 7 (skewed distribution) SYN223 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 8 (skewed distribution) SYN224 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 9 (skewed distribution) SYN225 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 10 (skewed distribution) SYN226 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 11 (skewed distribution) SYN227 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 12 (skewed distribution) SYN228 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 13 (skewed distribution) SYN229 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 14 (skewed distribution) SYN230 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 15 (skewed distribution) SYN231 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 16 (skewed distribution) SYN232 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 17 (skewed distribution) SYN233 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 18 (skewed distribution) SYN234 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 19 (skewed distribution) SYN235 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 20 (skewed distribution) SYN236 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 21 (skewed distribution) SYN237 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 22 (skewed distribution) SYN238 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 23 (skewed distribution) SYN239 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 24 (skewed distribution) SYN240 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 25 (skewed distribution) SYN241 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 26 (skewed distribution) SYN242 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 27 (skewed distribution) SYN243 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 28 (skewed distribution) SYN244 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 29 (skewed distribution) SYN245 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 30 (skewed distribution) SYN246 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 31 (skewed distribution) SYN247 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 32 (skewed distribution) SYN248 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 33 (skewed distribution) SYN249 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 34 (skewed distribution) SYN250 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 35 (skewed distribution) SYN251 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 36 (skewed distribution) SYN252 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 37 (skewed distribution) SYN253 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 38 (skewed distribution) SYN254 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 39 (skewed distribution) SYN255 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 40 (skewed distribution) SYN256 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 41 (skewed distribution) SYN257 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 42 (skewed distribution) SYN258 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 43 (skewed distribution) SYN259 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 44 (skewed distribution) SYN260 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 45 (skewed distribution) SYN261 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 46 (skewed distribution) SYN262 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 47 (skewed distribution) SYN263 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 48 (skewed distribution) SYN264 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 49 (skewed distribution) SYN265 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 50 (skewed distribution) SYN266 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 51 (skewed distribution) SYN267 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 52 (skewed distribution) SYN268 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 53 (skewed distribution) SYN269 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 54 (skewed distribution) SYN270 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 55 (skewed distribution) SYN271 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 56 (skewed distribution) SYN272 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 57 (skewed distribution) SYN273 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 58 (skewed distribution) SYN274 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 59 (skewed distribution) SYN275 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 60 (skewed distribution) SYN276 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 61 (skewed distribution) SYN277 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 62 (skewed distribution) SYN278 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 63 (skewed distribution) SYN279 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 64 (skewed distribution) SYN280 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 65 (skewed distribution) SYN281 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 66 (skewed distribution) SYN282 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 67 (skewed distribution) SYN283 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 68 (skewed distribution) SYN284 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 69 (skewed distribution) SYN285 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 70 (skewed distribution) SYN286 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 71 (skewed distribution) SYN287 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 72 (skewed distribution) SYN288 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 73 (skewed distribution) SYN289 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 74 (skewed distribution) SYN290 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 75 (skewed distribution) SYN291 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 76 (skewed distribution) SYN292 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 77 (skewed distribution) SYN293 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 78 (skewed distribution) SYN294 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 79 (skewed distribution) SYN295 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 80 (skewed distribution) SYN296 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 81 (skewed distribution) SYN297 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 82 (skewed distribution) SYN298 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 83 (skewed distribution) SYN299 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 84 (skewed distribution) SYN300 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 85 (skewed distribution) SYN301 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) RPT63 synthetic problem 86 (skewed distribution) SYN302 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Plaisted problem a(3) SYN303 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN304 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN305 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN306 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN307 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN308 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN309 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN310 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN311 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN312 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN313 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN314 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem for testing satisfiability SYN315 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.2 (1) SYN316 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.2 (2) SYN317 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.2 (3) SYN318 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.2 (4) SYN319 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.2 (5) SYN320 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.3 (1) SYN321 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.3 (2) SYN322 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.4 (1) SYN323 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.4 (2) SYN324 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.9 (1) SYN325 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.9 (2) SYN326 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.12 (1) SYN327 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.12 (2) SYN328 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.12 (3) SYN329 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (1) SYN330 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (2) SYN331 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (3) SYN332 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (4) SYN333 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (5) SYN334 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (6) SYN335 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.14 (7) SYN336 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (1) SYN337 ( -2 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (2) SYN338 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (3) SYN339 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (4) SYN340 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (5) SYN341 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (6) SYN342 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.15 (7) SYN343 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.16 (2) SYN344 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.16 (3) SYN345 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.16 (4) SYN346 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.17 (2) SYN347 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.17 (3) SYN348 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.17 (4) SYN349 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.17 (5) SYN350 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.18 (2) SYN351 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.18 (3) SYN352 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.18 (4) SYN353 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.18 (5) SYN354 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Church problem 46.20 (1) SYN355 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2106 SYN356 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2107 SYN357 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Peter Andrews Problem X2108 SYN358 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2109 SYN359 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2110 SYN360 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2111 SYN361 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2112 SYN362 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2113 SYN363 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2114 SYN364 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2115 SYN365 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2116 SYN366 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2117 SYN367 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2118 SYN368 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2119 SYN369 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2120 SYN370 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2121 SYN371 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2122 SYN372 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2123 SYN373 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2124 SYN374 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2125 SYN375 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2126 SYN376 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2127 SYN377 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Peter Andrews Problem X2128 SYN378 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2130 SYN379 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2131 SYN380 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2132 SYN381 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2133 SYN382 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2134 SYN383 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2135 SYN384 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2136 SYN385 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem X2137 SYN386 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2138 SYN387 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) The Law of Excluded Middle SYN388 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Expanded Law of Excluded Middle SYN389 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Pierce's Law SYN390 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier 11 SYN391 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier 9 SYN392 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Pelletier 14 SYN393 ( -0 +1 _0 ^3) Pelletier 12 SYN394 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 201 SYN395 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 202 SYN396 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 203 SYN397 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Kalish and Montague Problem 204 SYN398 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 215 SYN399 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 223 SYN400 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 227 SYN401 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 229 SYN402 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 230 SYN403 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 234 SYN404 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 238 SYN405 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 239 SYN406 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 240 SYN407 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Kalish and Montague Problem 241 SYN408 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 244 SYN409 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 246 SYN410 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 249 SYN411 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 250 SYN412 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 255 SYN413 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 256 SYN414 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 265 SYN415 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Kalish and Montague Problem 317 SYN416 ( -0 +1 _0 ^2) Pelletier Problem 16 SYN417 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Harrison's cute problem SYN418 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=100, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=002 SYN419 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=100, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=078 SYN420 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=110, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=036 SYN421 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=110, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=069 SYN422 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=110, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=097 SYN423 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=002 SYN424 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=009 SYN425 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=030 SYN426 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=050 SYN427 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=064 SYN428 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=084 SYN429 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=10, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=093 SYN430 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=16, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=037 SYN431 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=16, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=042 SYN432 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=020 SYN433 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=036 SYN434 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=037 SYN435 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=046 SYN436 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=078 SYN437 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=48, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=082 SYN438 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=48, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=089 SYN439 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=48, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=090 SYN440 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=002 SYN441 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=010 SYN442 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=011 SYN443 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=012 SYN444 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=013 SYN445 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=015 SYN446 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=016 SYN447 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=017 SYN448 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=019 SYN449 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=026 SYN450 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=029 SYN451 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=030 SYN452 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=034 SYN453 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=044 SYN454 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=046 SYN455 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=056 SYN456 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=057 SYN457 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=060 SYN458 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=062 SYN459 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=073 SYN460 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=077 SYN461 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=081 SYN462 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=083 SYN463 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=092 SYN464 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=093 SYN465 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=010 SYN466 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=017 SYN467 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=023 SYN468 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=031 SYN469 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=088 SYN470 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=68, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=095 SYN471 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=000 SYN472 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=003 SYN473 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=005 SYN474 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=027 SYN475 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=058 SYN476 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=068 SYN477 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=72, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=072 SYN478 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=006 SYN479 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=012 SYN480 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=016 SYN481 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=019 SYN482 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=034 SYN483 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=035 SYN484 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=036 SYN485 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=050 SYN486 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=051 SYN487 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=085 SYN488 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=086 SYN489 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=76, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=091 SYN490 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=003 SYN491 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=007 SYN492 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=008 SYN493 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=021 SYN494 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=024 SYN495 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=065 SYN496 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=078 SYN497 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=8, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=090 SYN498 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=000 SYN499 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=001 SYN500 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=010 SYN501 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=011 SYN502 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=023 SYN503 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=044 SYN504 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=049 SYN505 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=056 SYN506 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=057 SYN507 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=060 SYN508 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=066 SYN509 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=077 SYN510 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=081 SYN511 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=092 SYN512 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=4, R=1, L=80, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=099 SYN513 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=105, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=093 SYN514 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=110, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=042 SYN515 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=15, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=016 SYN516 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=15, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=047 SYN517 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=15, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=061 SYN518 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=150, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=008 SYN519 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=175, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=057 SYN520 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=175, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=060 SYN521 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=049 SYN522 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=051 SYN523 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=059 SYN524 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=086 SYN525 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=20, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=094 SYN526 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=011 SYN527 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=025 SYN528 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=029 SYN529 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=033 SYN530 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=034 SYN531 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=036 SYN532 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=042 SYN533 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=082 SYN534 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=090 SYN535 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=094 SYN536 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=25, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=096 SYN537 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=014 SYN538 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=022 SYN539 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=036 SYN540 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=40, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=084 SYN541 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=5, R=1, L=45, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=096 SYN542 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=6, R=1, L=54, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=075 SYN543 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=6, R=1, L=60, K=3, D=1, P=0, Index=088 SYN544 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=8, R=1, L=120, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=027 SYN545 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=8, R=1, L=120, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=072 SYN546 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=8, R=1, L=120, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=075 SYN547 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) ALC, N=8, R=1, L=120, K=3, D=2, P=0, Index=078 SYN548 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) dia box (box (p or box q)<=>box p or box q) SYN549 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) dia box(dia(p or dia q) <=> (dia p or dia q)) SYN550 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) dia box p <=> dia box dia box p SYN551 ( -0 +3 _0 ^0) Cute Little Problem SYN552 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The E Killer SYN553 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 1630 SYN554 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 1667 SYN555 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2162 SYN556 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2167 SYN557 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2313 SYN558 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2379 SYN559 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2418 SYN560 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2529 SYN561 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2539 SYN562 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2559 SYN563 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2755 SYN564 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2888 SYN565 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2889 SYN566 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 2967 SYN567 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3022 SYN568 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3076 SYN569 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3088 SYN570 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3089 SYN571 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3108 SYN572 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3112 SYN573 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3208 SYN574 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3263 SYN575 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3265 SYN576 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3280 SYN577 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3300 SYN578 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3328 SYN579 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3330 SYN580 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3332 SYN581 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3466 SYN582 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3467 SYN583 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3468 SYN584 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3511 SYN585 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3538 SYN586 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3571 SYN587 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3572 SYN588 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3577 SYN589 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3578 SYN590 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3582 SYN591 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3583 SYN592 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3584 SYN593 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3632 SYN594 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3633 SYN595 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3634 SYN596 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3669 SYN597 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3670 SYN598 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3756 SYN599 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3757 SYN600 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3759 SYN601 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3799 SYN602 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3811 SYN603 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3812 SYN604 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3820 SYN605 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3825 SYN606 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3826 SYN607 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3827 SYN608 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3828 SYN609 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3829 SYN610 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3830 SYN611 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3831 SYN612 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3832 SYN613 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3862 SYN614 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3878 SYN615 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3879 SYN616 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3901 SYN617 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3908 SYN618 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3944 SYN619 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3992 SYN620 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3996 SYN621 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 3998 SYN622 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4012 SYN623 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4027 SYN624 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4028 SYN625 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4030 SYN626 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4045 SYN627 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4072 SYN628 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4091 SYN629 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4093 SYN630 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4095 SYN631 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4139 SYN632 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4144 SYN633 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4216 SYN634 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4217 SYN635 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4218 SYN636 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4219 SYN637 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4261 SYN638 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4262 SYN639 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4292 SYN640 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4294 SYN641 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4296 SYN642 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4297 SYN643 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4298 SYN644 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4318 SYN645 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4319 SYN646 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4391 SYN647 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4392 SYN648 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4401 SYN649 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4403 SYN650 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4422 SYN651 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4423 SYN652 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4447 SYN653 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4458 SYN654 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4459 SYN655 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4460 SYN656 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4483 SYN657 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4500 SYN658 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4501 SYN659 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4504 SYN660 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4527 SYN661 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4528 SYN662 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4529 SYN663 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4530 SYN664 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4531 SYN665 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4532 SYN666 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4533 SYN667 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4534 SYN668 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4535 SYN669 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4536 SYN670 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4537 SYN671 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4538 SYN672 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4541 SYN673 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4552 SYN674 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4553 SYN675 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4554 SYN676 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4555 SYN677 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4556 SYN678 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4557 SYN679 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4558 SYN680 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4559 SYN681 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4560 SYN682 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4561 SYN683 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4562 SYN684 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4563 SYN685 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4564 SYN686 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4589 SYN687 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4601 SYN688 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4605 SYN689 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4606 SYN690 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4608 SYN691 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4624 SYN692 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4626 SYN693 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4627 SYN694 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4644 SYN695 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4645 SYN696 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4646 SYN697 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4647 SYN698 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4650 SYN699 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4651 SYN700 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4652 SYN701 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4653 SYN702 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4672 SYN703 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4673 SYN704 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4674 SYN705 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4675 SYN706 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4685 SYN707 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4690 SYN708 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4691 SYN709 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4692 SYN710 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4703 SYN711 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4711 SYN712 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4748 SYN713 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4750 SYN714 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4753 SYN715 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4755 SYN716 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4756 SYN717 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4760 SYN718 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4761 SYN719 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Harrison problem 4766 SYN720 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Synthetic domain theory for EBL SYN721 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem LX1 SYN722 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM119 SYN723 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM138 SYN724 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM31 SYN725 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM39 SYN726 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM400 SYN727 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM68 SYN728 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM69 SYN729 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM72 SYN730 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem THM75 SYN731 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X2150 SYN732 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Peter Andrews Problem X3411 SYN733 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Peter Andrews Problem Y2141 SYN734 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=1.2 SYN735 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=1.8 SYN736 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=2.1 SYN737 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=2.7 SYN738 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=1.8 SYN739 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=2.5 SYN740 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=1.8 SYN741 ( -1 +0 _0 ^1) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.3 SYN742 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.6 SYN743 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=1.3 SYN744 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=1.4 SYN745 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=2.2 SYN746 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.1 SYN747 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.3 SYN748 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.6 SYN749 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=1.4 SYN750 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.1 SYN751 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.3 SYN752 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.5 SYN753 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.7 SYN754 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.8 SYN755 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=1.1 SYN756 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=1.7 SYN757 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=1.8 SYN758 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.1 SYN759 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.3 SYN760 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.4 SYN761 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.6 SYN762 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.8 SYN763 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=1.1 SYN764 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.1 SYN765 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.3 SYN766 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.5 SYN767 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.8 SYN768 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse problem - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=1.6 SYN769 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse problem - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=2.1 SYN770 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse problem - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=2.5 SYN771 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse problem - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=2.7 SYN772 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse problem - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=1.6 SYN773 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=2.6 SYN774 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=1.6 SYN775 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=1.8 SYN776 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.1 SYN777 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.3 SYN778 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.5 SYN779 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=2.7 SYN780 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=2.2 SYN781 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=2.3 SYN782 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=2.5 SYN783 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=2.8 SYN784 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=1.1 SYN785 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=1.4 SYN786 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.2 SYN787 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.3 SYN788 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.5 SYN789 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=2.8 SYN790 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=1.7 SYN791 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=1.8 SYN792 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.2 SYN793 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.4 SYN794 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.5 SYN795 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=2.7 SYN796 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=1.2 SYN797 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=1.8 SYN798 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.1 SYN799 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.2 SYN800 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.4 SYN801 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.6 SYN802 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=2.8 SYN803 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=1.2 SYN804 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=1.4 SYN805 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=1.6 SYN806 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.1 SYN807 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.3 SYN808 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.4 SYN809 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.6 SYN810 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) PSAT inverse - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=2.8 SYN811 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=10 V=4 D=6.1 SYN812 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=6.3 SYN813 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.2 SYN814 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=6.4 SYN815 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=4.1 SYN816 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=4.2 SYN817 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=4.3 SYN818 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.2 SYN819 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.2 SYN820 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.4 SYN821 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=4.1 SYN822 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=4.3 SYN823 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=10 V=4 D=4.2 SYN824 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=4.1 SYN825 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=6.3 SYN826 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=6.6 SYN827 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.5 SYN828 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=4.7 SYN829 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.2 SYN830 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.4 SYN831 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.6 SYN832 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.8 SYN833 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.3 SYN834 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.5 SYN835 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.6 SYN836 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.8 SYN837 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=6.8 SYN838 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=4.5 SYN839 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=6.2 SYN840 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=6.4 SYN841 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=6.6 SYN842 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=6.8 SYN843 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.2 SYN844 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.4 SYN845 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.8 SYN846 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.1 SYN847 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.3 SYN848 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.5 SYN849 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.8 SYN850 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.1 SYN851 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.6 SYN852 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=6.2 SYN853 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=6.4 SYN854 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=6.6 SYN855 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=6.8 SYN856 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.2 SYN857 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.6 SYN858 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.1 SYN859 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.5 SYN860 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.7 SYN861 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.1 SYN862 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.3 SYN863 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.4 SYN864 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.5 SYN865 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.7 SYN866 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, Ladn - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.8 SYN867 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=10 V=4 D=6.1 SYN868 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=10 V=4 D=6.4 SYN869 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.1 SYN870 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.4 SYN871 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.6 SYN872 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.3 SYN873 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.2 SYN874 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.6 SYN875 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=4.8 SYN876 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=6.3 SYN877 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.2 SYN878 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.5 SYN879 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=4.7 SYN880 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.1 SYN881 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.5 SYN882 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.6 SYN883 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.7 SYN884 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.2 SYN885 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.4 SYN886 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.6 SYN887 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.7 SYN888 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=6.1 SYN889 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.1 SYN890 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.3 SYN891 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.5 SYN892 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.7 SYN893 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.1 SYN894 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.3 SYN895 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.5 SYN896 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=6.7 SYN897 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.1 SYN898 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.3 SYN899 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.5 SYN900 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=4.7 SYN901 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=6.1 SYN902 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=8 D=6.4 SYN903 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=10 V=4 D=6.4 SYN904 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=4.5 SYN905 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=10 V=8 D=6.3 SYN906 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=4.5 SYN907 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=4 D=6.4 SYN908 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=20 V=8 D=6.6 SYN909 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=4 D=6.2 SYN910 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=30 V=8 D=4.3 SYN911 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=4 D=6.3 SYN912 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=40 V=8 D=4.4 SYN913 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) QBF converse PDL, SSS - K=4 C=50 V=4 D=4.6 SYN914 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Show that 11 > 10 SYN915 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) TRUE SYN916 ( -1 +1 _0 ^1) FALSE SYN917 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Combined problems from Smullyan SYN918 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN919 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN920 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN921 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN922 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN923 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN924 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN925 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN926 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN927 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN928 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN929 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN930 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN931 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN932 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN933 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN934 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN935 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN936 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN937 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) From Smullyan SYN938 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Combined syntactic from Shults SYN939 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN940 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN941 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN942 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN943 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN944 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN945 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN946 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN947 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN948 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN949 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN950 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN951 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN952 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN953 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN954 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN955 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN956 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN957 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN958 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN959 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN960 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN961 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN962 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN963 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN964 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN965 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN966 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN967 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN968 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN969 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN970 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN971 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN972 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN973 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN974 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN975 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN976 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN977 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Syntactic from Shults SYN978 ( -0 +1 _0 ^1) Syntactic from Shults SYN979 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN980 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN981 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Syntactic from Shults SYN982 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Problem that's Horn but resists hyper-resolution SYN983 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Factoring application over conjunction SYN984 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Factoring application over conjunction with lambda SYN985 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Factoring application over conjunction with abstraction SYN986 ( -2 +7 _0 ^0) Orevkov formula - size 0 SYN987 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) All things are true SYN988 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) All things are false SYN989 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) All things are true or false SYN990 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple test for satisfiability SYN991 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Inconsistency of axioms that says all relations are reflexive SYN992 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There exists a reflexive relation SYN993 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Skolemization test 1 SYN994 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Skolemization test 2 SYN995 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Every function has a fixed point SYN996 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Test for naive Skolemization SYN997 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Test for validity of axiom of choice SYN998 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Leibniz equality is reflexive SYN999 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Leibniz equality is symmetric ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain SYO = Syntactic Continued 881 problems (661 abstract), 107 CNF, 51 FOF, 7 TFF, 716 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYO001 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Leibniz equality is transitive SYO002 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Leibniz equality obeys the congruence property under functions SYO003 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Leibniz equality obeys the congruence property under predicates SYO004 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Relating Leibniz equality to primitive equality SYO005 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The trivial direction of functional extensionality SYO006 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The trivial direction of Boolean extensionality SYO007 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The non-trivial direction of Boolean extensionality SYO008 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The non-trivial direction of functional extensionality SYO009 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Eta-equality using Leibniz equality SYO010 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something requiring Xi but not Eta SYO011 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Invalid formula in model classes not requiring f SYO012 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula valid with Boolean extentionality 1 SYO013 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula valid with Boolean extentionality 2 SYO015 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A is not equal to not A SYO016 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula valid in MBb, but not in model classes not requiring b SYO017 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula valid in MBb, but not in model classes not requiring b SYO018 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula requiring b and Eta SYO019 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan by equivalance SYO020 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan by Leibnitz SYO021 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan by equality SYO022 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan lambda terms by Leibnitz SYO023 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan lambda terms by Leibnitz SYO024 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan by connectives and Leibnitz SYO025 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) De Morgan by connectives and equality SYO026 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Four functions from truth values to truth values SYO027 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Something is true SYO028 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Not all things are false SYO029 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There is an identity unary connective SYO030 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Not every unary connective is the identity SYO031 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Not every unary connective is the identity SYO032 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There is a disjunction connective SYO033 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There is a universal quantifer SYO034 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Formula not making use of projection SYO035 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Higher-order unification does not always provide projection terms SYO037 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Injective Cantor theorem SYO038 ( -5 +0 _0 ^5) Boolos' Curious Inference, size f(2,f(3,4)) SYO039 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Unsatisfiable basic formula 1 SYO040 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Unsatisfiable basic formula 2 SYO041 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Unsatisfiable basic formula 3 SYO042 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Unsatisfiable basic formula 4 SYO043 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Unsatisfiable basic formula 5 SYO044 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 1 SYO045 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 2 SYO046 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 3 SYO047 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 4 SYO048 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 5 SYO049 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Simple textbook example 6 SYO050 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 7 SYO051 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 8 SYO052 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 9 SYO053 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 10 SYO054 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 11 SYO055 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 12 SYO056 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 13 SYO057 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) Simple textbook example 14 SYO058 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ILTP problem SYJ101+1 SYO059 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ILTP problem SYJ102+1 SYO060 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ILTP problem SYJ103+1 SYO061 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ILTP Problem SYJ104+1 SYO062 ( -0 +0 _0 ^3) ILTP Problem SYJ105+1.002 SYO063 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) ILTP Problem SYJ106+1 SYO064 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ107+1.001 SYO065 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ201+1.001 SYO066 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ202+1.001 SYO067 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ203+1.001 SYO068 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ204+1.001 SYO069 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ205+1.001 SYO070 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ211+1.001 SYO071 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ207+1.001 SYO072 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ208+1.001 SYO073 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ209+1.001 SYO074 ( -0 +0 _0 ^4) ILTP Problem SYJ210+1.001 SYO076 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM114 SYO077 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM64 SYO078 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM49 SYO079 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM50-A SYO080 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM200 SYO081 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM137 SYO082 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BAFFLER-VARIANT SYO083 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM62 SYO084 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM75 SYO085 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem COM-DMG02 SYO086 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM50-11 SYO087 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM50-13 SYO088 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem ARR-COM-DMG5 SYO089 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem DMG7 SYO090 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem DMG8 SYO091 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM50Q SYO092 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem Y2141 SYO093 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM63 SYO094 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM55A SYO095 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM81 SYO096 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem LX1 SYO098 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM65 SYO099 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM78 SYO101 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM83 SYO102 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM101 SYO103 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM147 SYO104 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem TTTP2129 SYO105 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X2201TEST SYO107 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM66 SYO108 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM79 SYO109 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM271 SYO111 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM80 SYO112 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM53 SYO113 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM350 SYO114 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM119 SYO118 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO119 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO120 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO121 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO122 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO123 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO124 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO125 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO126 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO128 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO129 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO130 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO131 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO132 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO133 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO134 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO135 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO136 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO137 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO138 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO139 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO140 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO141 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO142 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO143 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO144 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO145 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO146 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO147 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO148 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO149 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO150 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO151 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO152 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO153 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO154 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO155 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO156 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO157 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO158 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO159 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO160 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO161 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO163 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO164 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO165 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO166 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO167 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO168 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO169 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO170 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO171 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO173 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO174 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO175 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO176 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO178 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO179 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO180 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO181 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO182 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-FO-THMS SYO183 ( -0 +0 _0 ^2) TPS problem CT2 SYO184 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT9 SYO185 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT17 SYO186 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT11 SYO187 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT10 SYO188 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT19 SYO189 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT5 SYO190 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT15 SYO191 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT14 SYO192 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT12 SYO193 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT20 SYO194 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT23 SYO195 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT25 SYO196 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT21 SYO197 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT18 SYO198 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT8 SYO199 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT7 SYO200 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT4 SYO202 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT22 SYO203 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem PROP-2003-3-13 SYO204 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT313 SYO205 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT27 SYO206 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT265 SYO207 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT26 SYO208 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT31 SYO209 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem CT29 SYO210 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-PROP-THMS SYO211 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-PROP-THMS SYO212 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-PROP-THMS SYO213 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-PROP-THMS SYO214 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM12 SYO215 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM26 SYO216 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM107 SYO217 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM174 SYO218 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM7B SYO219 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM6 SYO220 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM47A SYO221 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE6 SYO222 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM115A SYO223 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem LING2 SYO224 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem LING1 SYO225 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM126-CORRECTED SYO226 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM47B SYO227 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE4-W-AX SYO228 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM126-EXPANDED SYO229 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO230 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO231 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO232 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO233 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO234 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO235 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO236 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO237 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO238 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO239 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO240 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO241 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO242 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO243 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO244 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO245 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO246 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO247 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO248 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO249 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO250 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-EQ-THMS SYO252 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM123B SYO253 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM124 SYO255 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE3 SYO256 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM121 SYO257 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM84 SYO258 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-6 SYO259 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM125B SYO260 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM125A SYO261 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-SV-I1 SYO262 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM19SK1 SYO263 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM125D SYO264 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM125C SYO265 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5210 SYO266 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM44 SYO267 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM111 SYO268 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5308 SYO269 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM112D SYO270 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM85 SYO271 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X5500 SYO272 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM301A SYO274 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM48-EXPD SYO275 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM300A SYO276 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem BLEDSOE-FENG-SV-I2 SYO277 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM47D SYO278 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO279 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO280 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO281 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO282 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO284 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO285 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO286 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO287 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO288 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO289 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO290 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO291 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO292 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO293 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO294 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO295 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO296 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO297 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO298 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO299 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO300 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO301 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO302 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO303 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO304 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from UNKNOWN SYO305 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO306 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO307 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO308 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO309 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO310 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO311 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO312 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO313 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO314 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO315 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO316 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO317 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO318 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO323 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO324 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO325 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO326 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO327 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO328 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO329 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO330 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO331 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO332 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO333 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO334 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO335 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO336 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO337 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO338 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO339 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO340 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO341 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from BASIC-HO-THMS SYO344 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM618 SYO345 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM615 SYO346 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM621 SYO347 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM620 SYO348 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E1EXT SYO349 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM617 SYO350 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E1FUNC SYO351 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E6EXT SYO352 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E5EXT SYO353 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E1LEIBEQ1 SYO354 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E4EXT SYO355 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM613 SYO356 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E1LEIBEQ2 SYO357 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E2LEIBEQ2 SYO358 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem E2LEIBEQ1 SYO359 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EXT1 SYO360 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EDEC1 SYO361 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM47 SYO362 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM631A SYO363 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EDEC2 SYO364 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem EDEC SYO365 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO366 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO367 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO368 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO369 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO370 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO371 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO372 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO373 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO374 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO375 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO376 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO377 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from EXTENSIONALITY SYO378 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from QUANTDEPTH-THMS SYO379 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from QUANTDEPTH-THMS SYO380 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X-2002-12-17-B SYO381 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem X-2002-12-17 SYO382 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM407 SYO383 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM409-1 SYO384 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM408 SYO385 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM409-2 SYO386 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM409-3 SYO387 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM409-4 SYO388 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem THM409-5 SYO389 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from MISC SYO390 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem UNKNOWN SYO391 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) TPS problem from MISC SYO392 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 01 SYO393 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 02 SYO394 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 03 SYO395 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 04 SYO396 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 05 SYO397 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 06 SYO398 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 07 SYO399 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 08 SYO400 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 09 SYO401 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 10 SYO402 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 11 SYO403 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 12 SYO404 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 13 SYO405 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 14 SYO406 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 15 SYO407 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 16 SYO408 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 17 SYO409 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 18 SYO410 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 19 SYO411 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 20 SYO412 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 21 SYO413 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 22 SYO414 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 23 SYO415 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 24 SYO416 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 25 SYO417 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 26 SYO418 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 27 SYO419 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 28 SYO420 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 29 SYO421 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 30 SYO422 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 31 SYO423 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 32 SYO424 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 33 SYO425 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 34 SYO426 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 35 SYO427 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 36 SYO428 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 37 SYO429 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 38 SYO430 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 39 SYO431 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 40 SYO432 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 41 SYO433 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 42 SYO434 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 43 SYO435 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 44 SYO436 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 45 SYO437 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 46 SYO438 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 47 SYO439 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 48 SYO440 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 49 SYO441 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 50 SYO442 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 51 SYO443 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 52 SYO444 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 53 SYO445 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 54 SYO446 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 55 SYO447 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 56 SYO448 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 57 SYO449 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's modal proposition logic theorem 58 SYO450 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 01 SYO451 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 02 SYO452 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 03 SYO453 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 04 SYO454 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 05 SYO455 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 06 SYO456 ( -0 +0 _0 ^5) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 07 SYO457 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 08 SYO458 ( -0 +0 _0 ^5) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 09 SYO459 ( -0 +0 _0 ^5) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 10 SYO460 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 11 SYO461 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 12 SYO462 ( -0 +0 _0 ^5) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 13 SYO463 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 14 SYO464 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 15 SYO465 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 16 SYO467 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 18 SYO468 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 19 SYO469 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 20 SYO470 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 21 SYO471 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 22 SYO472 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 23 SYO473 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 24 SYO474 ( -0 +0 _0 ^6) Ted Sider's propositional modal logic wff 25 SYO475 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 01 SYO476 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 02 SYO477 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 03 SYO478 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 04 SYO479 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 05 SYO480 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 06 SYO481 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 07 SYO482 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 08 SYO483 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 09 SYO484 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 10 SYO485 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 11 SYO486 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 12 SYO487 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 13 SYO488 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 14 SYO489 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 15 SYO490 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 16 SYO491 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 17 SYO492 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 18 SYO493 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 19 SYO494 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 20 SYO495 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 21 SYO496 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 22 SYO497 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 23 SYO498 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Ted Sider's S5 quantified modal logic wff 24 SYO499 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Explosive confrontation SYO500 ( -0 +0 _0 ^8) Two function variant of the Kaminski equation SYO501 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) An unsatisfiable normal set with embedded formulas SYO502 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Rules sym and con handle positive equations at i SYO503 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Tableau with two branches SYO504 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Hoeschele p.21 SYO505 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Explosive confrontation SYO506 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) (if (X = Y) then X else Y) = Y SYO507 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Example 4.1 SYO509 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Existence of choice functions for binary relations SYO511 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Two different choice operators at type i SYO512 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice operator used to obtain functions from total relations SYO513 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There is a choice operator at type o SYO514 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A choice operator at type oo SYO515 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A choice operator at type oo SYO516 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Every functional relation corresponds to a function SYO517 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A description operator at type i SYO518 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There is an if-then-else operator at type i SYO520 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) A simple problem with a choice operator SYO521 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) There are more than two integers SYO522 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Functions are either odd or even SYO523 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Injective pigeon hole function SYO524 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) Monotone function SYO525 ( -0 +6 _0 ^0) Linear can be exponential SYO526 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The BQFQFE problem SYO527 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Skolem Property on two types SYO528 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There can be 4 distinct choice operators on type $o SYO529 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) There cannot be 5 distinct choice operators on type $o SYO530 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary choice on individuals SYO531 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary choice on individuals 2 SYO532 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary choice on individuals 3 SYO533 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Binary choice on individuals 4 SYO534 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) 3-ary choice on individuals SYO535 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice on relations between individuals and functions SYO536 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice on relations between functions and individuals SYO537 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice on binary relations between functions SYO538 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If-then-else on $i defined from choice on $i SYO539 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Range of if-then-else on $i defined from choice on $i SYO540 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Property of if-then-else on $i defined from choice on $i SYO541 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If-then-else on $i>$i defined from choice on $i>$i SYO542 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If-then-else on $i>$i defined from choice on $i>$i SYO543 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If-then-else on $i>$i defined from choice on $i>$i SYO544 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Case operator from ($o>$o) to $i defined from choice on $i SYO545 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Property of case from ($o>$o) to $i defined from choice on $i SYO546 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Property of case from ($o>$o) to $i defined from choice on $i SYO547 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice Complement SYO548 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) hoice complement SYO549 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The eta double negation problem SYO550 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The identity function on individuals exists SYO551 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The identity function on functions from $i to $i exists SYO552 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The first projection exists SYO553 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) The second projection exists. SYO554 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Teucke's example SYO555 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) If-then-else defined from choice is independent of choice SYO556 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Relationship between if-then-else and choice on $ SYO557 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Exists on $i can be expressed in terms of choice on $ SYO558 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Forall on $i can be expressed in terms of choice on $ SYO559 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice on $o>$o applied to choice on $o cannot be negatio SYO560 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Choice on $o>$o applied to choice on $o is identity or constant SYO561 ( -0 +1 _2 ^0) Distinct objects SYO562 ( -0 +0 _1 ^0) If-then-else SYO564 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Barcan scheme instance. (Ted Sider's qml wwf 1) SYO565 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Fitting and Mendelsohn problem SYO566 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Girle problem SYO567 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Girle problem SYO568 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Girle problem SYO569 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Fitting and Mendelsohn problem SYO570 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Forbes problem SYO571 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Quantified modal logics wwfs. problem 9. SYO572 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Quantified modal logics wwfs. problem 13. SYO573 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Quantified modal logics wwfs. problem 15. SYO574 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal Propositional Logic Theorems. problem 37 SYO575 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Modal Propositional Logic Theorems. problem 50 SYO576 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Mixed Modal Propositional Logic WFFs. problem 7 SYO577 ( -0 +0 _0 ^1) Mixed Modal Propositional Logic WFFs. problem 19 SYO578 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Small buttercup theorem SYO579 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Small buttercup non-theorem SYO580 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Big buttercup theorem SYO581 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Big buttercup non-theorem SYO582 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hard buttercup non-theorem SYO583 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO584 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO585 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO586 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_branch_n family SYO587 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_branch_p family SYO588 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_branch_p family SYO589 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_branch_p family SYO590 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_d4_n family SYO591 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_d4_p family SYO592 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_d4_p family SYO593 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_dum_n family SYO594 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_dum_p family SYO595 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_ph_n family SYO596 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_ph_n family SYO597 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_ph_p family SYO598 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from the k_ph_p family SYO599 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO600 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO601 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO602 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO603 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) QBFLib problem from an unknown family SYO604 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 3 SYO605 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 4 SYO606 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 5 SYO607 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 6 SYO608 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 7 SYO609 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 8 SYO610 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) RM3 problem 9 SYO611 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(1,0) SYO612 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(1,5) SYO613 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(1,10) SYO614 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(2,0) SYO615 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(2,5) SYO616 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(2,10) SYO617 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(3,0) SYO618 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(3,5) SYO619 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(3,10) SYO620 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(4,0) SYO621 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(4,5) SYO622 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(4,10) SYO623 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(5,5) SYO624 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(6,6) SYO625 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(7,7) SYO626 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(8,8) SYO627 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(9,9) SYO628 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) C(10,10) SYO629 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) ECSClauseSet1 SYO630 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) ECSClauseSet5 SYO631 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) ECSClauseSet10 SYO632 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) NDClauseSet1 SYO633 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) NDClauseSet5 SYO634 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) NDClauseSet10 SYO635 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Goldfarb SYO636 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Quine SYO637 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) BoergerS33 SYO638 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Hilbert SYO639 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Addkpairs34 SYO640 ( -1 +1 _0 ^0) Itmul0 SYO641 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Notref3 SYO642 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Decider test 037 SYO643 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Decider test 126 SYO644 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Decider test 128 SYO645 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Decider test 158 SYO646 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_0_4_3 SYO647 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_0_5_3 SYO648 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_1_4 SYO649 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_1_5 SYO650 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_2_3 SYO651 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_2_4 SYO652 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_3_2 SYO653 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_3_3 SYO654 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_3_4 SYO655 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_4_2 SYO656 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_1_5_2 SYO657 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_1_2 SYO658 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_1_3 SYO659 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_1_4 SYO660 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_1_5 SYO661 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_2_2 SYO662 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_2_3 SYO663 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_3_2 SYO664 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_4_1 SYO665 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_4_2 SYO666 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_2_5_1 SYO667 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_0_4 SYO668 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_0_5 SYO669 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_1_3 SYO670 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_1_4 SYO671 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_2_2 SYO672 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_2_3 SYO673 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_3_2 SYO674 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_3_5_1 SYO675 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_0_3 SYO676 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_0_5 SYO677 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_1_2 SYO678 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_1_3 SYO679 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_1_4 SYO680 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_2_1 SYO681 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_2_2 SYO682 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_3_2 SYO683 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_4_4_1 SYO684 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_0_4 SYO685 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_1_2 SYO686 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_1_3 SYO687 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_1_4 SYO688 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_2_2 SYO689 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) GSM_5_5_1 SYO690 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Loop 0 No SYO691 ( -6 +0 _0 ^0) Loop 0 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain TOP = Topology 131 problems (48 abstract), 24 CNF, 107 FOF, 0 TFF, 0 THF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP001 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 1 TOP002 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 2 TOP003 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 3 TOP004 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 4 TOP005 ( -2 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 5 TOP006 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space TOP007 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Property 1 of topological spaces TOP008 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The subspace topology gives rise to a topological space TOP009 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If Y is open in X, and A is open in Y, then A is open in X TOP010 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) A finer topology induces a finer subspace topology TOP011 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) An alternative definition of top_of_basis TOP012 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Intersections and finite unions of closed sets are closed TOP013 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of interior and closure TOP014 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Properties of open & interior and closed & closure TOP015 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The interior and the boundary of a set are disjoint TOP016 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The union of the interior and the boundary is the closure TOP017 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) If the boundary of A is empty, A is both open and closed TOP018 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) Propoerty of limits points and connected sets TOP019 ( -1 +0 _0 ^0) The closure of a connected set is connected TOP020 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Property of a Hausdorff topological space TOP021 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Locally compact tological space TOP022 ( -0 +1 _0 ^0) Homotopy groups TOP023 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T01 TOP024 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T02 TOP025 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T03 TOP026 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T07 TOP027 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T08 TOP028 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T10 TOP029 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T13 TOP030 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T15 TOP031 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T17 TOP032 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T19 TOP033 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T21 TOP034 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T23 TOP035 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T24 TOP036 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T28 TOP037 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T30 TOP038 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T31 TOP039 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T32 TOP040 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T33 TOP041 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T34 TOP042 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space T35 TOP043 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) The Tichonov Theorem T24 TOP044 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Compactness of Lim-inf Topology T01 TOP045 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Compactness of Lim-inf Topology T06 TOP046 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Compactness of Lim-inf Topology T07 TOP047 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Compactness of Lim-inf Topology T08 TOP048 ( -0 +4 _0 ^0) Compactness of Lim-inf Topology T27