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of Mathematical Reasoning}", Publisher = "Academic Press", Comment = "TPTPRef, general reasoning" } @Article{Bur87, Author = "Burkholder, L.", Year = "1987", Title = "{A 76th Automated Theorem Proving Problem}", Journal = "AAR Newsletter", Volume = "8", Pages = "6-7", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Bur87-SIGCSE, Author = "Burkholder, L.", Year = "1987", Title = "{The Halting Problem}", Journal = "SIGCSE bulletin", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{BAN89, Author = "Burrows, M. and Abadi, M. and Needham, R.", Year = "1989", Title = "{A Logic of Authentication}", Journal = "Proceedings of the Royal Society", Volume = "426", Number = "1871", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Byl90, Author = "Bylinski, C.", Year = "1990", Title = "{Functions and Their Basic Properties}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "55-65", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Byl90-Sets, Author = "Bylinski, C.", Year = "1990", Title = "{Some Basic Properties of Sets}", Journal = 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Reference Manual and Guide}", Number = "ANL/MCS-TM-264", Institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", Address = "Argonne, USA", Comment = "TPTPRef," } @Article{McC98, Author = "McCune, W.W.", Year = "1998", Title = "{Automatic Proofs and Counterexamples for some Ortholattice Identities}", Journal = "Information Processing Letters", Volume = "65", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{McC95, Author = "McCune, W.W.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Four Challenge Problems in Equational Logic}", Journal = "AAR Newsletter", Volume = "28", Pages = "9-10", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{McC94-TR-ANL-94-6, Author = "McCune, W.W.", Year = "1994", Title = "{Otter 3.0 Reference Manual and Guide}", Number = "ANL-94/6", Institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", Address = "Argonne, USA", Comment = "TPTPRefForResults,TPTPRef" } @Article{McC93, Author = "McCune, W.W.", Year = "1993", Title = "{Single Axioms for Groups and Abelian Groups with Various Operations}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", 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Intelligence", Volume = "1095", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{MRV-URL, Author = "McCune, W.W. and Rose, M. and Veroff, R.", Year = "", Title = "{Sheffer Stroke Bases for Ortholattices}", Note = "http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/papers/olsax/", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{MV+02, Author = "McCune, W.W. and Veroff, R. and Fitelson, B. and Harris, K. and Feist, A. and Wos, L.", Year = "2002", Title = "{Short Single Axioms for Boolean Algebra}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "29", Number = "1", Pages = "1-16", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{MW92-CADE-11, Author = "McCune, W.W. and Wos, L.", Year = "1992", Title = "{Experiments in Automated Deduction with Condensed Detachment}", Editor = "Kapur D.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Saratoga Springs, USA", Series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", Number = "607", Pages = "209-223", Publisher = 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= "2004", Title = "{Lazy Kleene Algebra}", Editor = "Kozen, D.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Mathematics of Program Construction}", Place = "Stirling, United Kindom", Series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Number = "3125", Pages = "252-273", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{MS06, Author = "M{\"o}ller, B. and Struth, G.", Year = "2006", Title = "{Algebras of Modal Operators and Partial Correctness}", Journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", Volume = "351", Number = "2", Pages = "221-239", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{NGS99, Author = "National Geographic Society", Year = "1999", Title = "{National Geographic Desk Reference}", Publisher = "National Geographic Society", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{Nel08, Author = "Nelson, S.", Year = "2008", Title = "{MeSH 2008-2009, Development and Future Plans}", BookTitle = "{Presentation at the Web Conference of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern Atlantic Region}", Place = "Bethesda, USA", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Manual{Neu94, Author = "Neugebauer, G.", Year = "1994", Title = "{XTPTP-An X Window Interface for the TPTP Library}", Edition = "1.0", Organization = "IMN, HTWK Leipzig", Address = "Leipzig, Germany", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Neu86, Author = "Neumann, B.H.", Year = "1986", Title = "{Yet Another Single Law for Groups}", Journal = "Illinois Journal of Mathematics", Volume = "30", Number = "2", Pages = "295-300", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Neu81, Author = "Neumann, B.H.", Year = "1981", Title = "{Another Single Law for Groups}", Journal = "Bulletin of the Australian Maths Society", Volume = "23", Pages = "81-102", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Neu25, Author = "Neumann, J. von", Year = "1925", Title = "{Eine Axiomatisierung der Mengenlehre}", Journal = "Journal f{\"u}r die reine und angewandte Mathematik", Volume = "154", Pages = "219-240", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InCollection{NSS63, Author = "Newell, A. and Shaw, J.C. and Simon, H.A.", Year = "1963", Title = "{Empirical Explorations with the Logic Theory Machine: A Case Study in Heuristics}", Editor = "Feigenbaum, E.A. and Feldman, J.", BookTitle = "{Computers and Thought}", Pages = "109-133", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Comment = "TPTPRef, general AI/sample problems" } @Book{NS72, Author = "Newell, A. and Simon, H.", Year = "1972", Title = "{Human Problem Solving}", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{NRV97, Author = "Nieuwenhuis, R. and Rivero, J.M. and Vallejo, M.A.", Year = "1997", Title = "{Dedam: A Kernel of Data Structures and Algorithms for Automated Deduction with Equality Clauses}", Editor = "McCune, W.W.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Townsville, Australia", Series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", Number = "1249", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{NP01, Author = "Niles, I. and Pease, A.", Year = "2001", Title = "{Towards A Standard Upper Ontology}", Editor = "Welty, C. and Smith, B.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems}", Place = "Ogunquit, USA", Pages = "2-9", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Nip14, Author = "Nipkow, T.", Year = "2014", Title = "{Amortized Complexity Verified}", Journal = "Archive of Formal Proofs", Note = "http://isa-afp.org/entries/Amortized_Complexity.shtml", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Nip09, Author = "Nipkow, T.", Year = "2009", Title = "{Social Choice Theory in HOL: Arrow and Gibbard-Satterthwaite}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "43", Number = "3", Pages = "289-304", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{Nip08, Author = "Nipkow, T.", Year = "2008", Title = "{Linear Quantifier Elimination}", Editor = "Baumgartner, P. and Armando, A. and Dowek, G.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}", Place = "Sydney, Australia", Series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", Number = "5195", Pages = "18-33", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{NRW98, Author = "Nonnengart, A. and Rock, G. and Weidenbach, C.", Year = "1998", Title = "{On Generating Small Clause Normal Forms}", Editor = "Kirchner, C. and Kirchner, H.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Lindau, Germany", Series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", Number = "1421", Pages = "397-411", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRefForResults,TPTPCite" } @Article{ORo89, Author = "O'Rourke, P.", Year = "1989", Title = "{LT Revisited: Explanation-Based Learning and the Logic of Principia Mathematica}", Journal = "Machine Learning", Volume = "4", Pages = "117-159", Comment = "TPTPRef, general reasoning" } @Article{Ohl85, Author = "Ohlbach, H.J.", Year = "1985", Title = "{Predicate Logic Hacker Tricks}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "1", Number = "4", Pages = "435-440", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{OS95, Author = "Ohlbach, H.J. and Schmidt, R.A.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Functional Translation and Second-Order Frame Properties of Modal Logics}", Number = "MPI-I-95-2-002", Institution = "Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik", Address = "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{OS85, Author = "Ohlbach, H.J. and Schmidt-Schauss M.", Year = "1985", Title = "{The Lion and the Unicorn}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "1", Number = "3", Pages = "327-332", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{OZ11, Author = "Oppenheimer, P. and Zalta, E.", Year = "2011", Title = "{A Computationally-Discovered Simplification of the Ontological Argument}", Journal = "Australasian Journal of Philosophy", Volume = "89", Number = "2", Pages = "333-349", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{OS08, Author = "Ortner, V. and Schirmer, N.", Year = "2008", Title = "{BDD Normalisation}", Journal = "Archive of Formal Proofs", Note = "http://isa-afp.org/entries/BDD.shtml", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{OTTER, Author = "Otter", Title = "{The problem collection distributed with the Otter ATP system [McC90]}", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Ove93, Author = "Overbeek, R.", Year = "1993", Title = "{The CADE-11 Competitions: A Personal View}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "11", Number = "3", Pages = "315-316", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{Ove90, Author = "Overbeek, R.", Year = "1990", Title = "{ATP competition announced at CADE-10}", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{OMW76, Author = "Overbeek, R. and McCharen, J. and Wos, L.", Year = "1976", Title = "{Complexity and Related Enhancements for Automated Theorem-Proving Programs}", Journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications", Volume = "2", Pages = "1-16", Comment = "TPTPRef, general reasoning" } @Article{Pad91, Author = "Padlewska, B.", Year = "1991", Title = "{Locally Connected Spaces}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "93-96", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Pad90, Author = "Padlewska, B.", Year = "1990", Title = "{Families of Sets}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "147-152", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PD90, Author = "Padlewska, B. and Darmochwa{\l}, A.", Year = "1990", Title = "{Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "223-230", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PMV05, Author = "Padmanabhan, R. and McCune, B. and Veroff, R.", Year = "2005", Title = "{Levi's Commutator Theorems for Cancellative Semigroups}", Journal = "Semigroup Forum", Volume = "71", Pages = "152-157", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PP00, Author = "Padmanabhan, R. and Penner, P.", Year = "2000", Title = "{A Hyperbase for Binary Lattice Hyperidentities}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "24", Number = "3", Pages = "365-370", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{PP95, Author = "Paramasivam, M. and Plaisted, D.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Automated Deduction Techniques for Classification in Concept Languages}", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{PV+07, Author = "Paskevich, A. and Verchinine, K. and Lyaletski, A. and Anisimov, A.", Year = "2007", Title = "{Reasoning Inside a Formula and Ontological Correctness of a Formal Mathematical Text}", Editor = "Kauers, M. and Kerber, M. and Miner, R. and Windsteiger, W.", BookTitle = "{Calculemus/MKM 2007 - Work in Progress}", Number = "RISC-Linz Report Series, 07-06", Pages = "77-91", Institution = "University of Linz", Address = "Linz, Austria", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Pau96, Author = "Paulson, L.", Year = "1996", Title = "{ML for the Working Programmer}", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Pea11, Author = "Pease, A.", Year = "2011", Title = "{Ontology: A Practical 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Organizational Ecology: Formalizing the Inertia-Fragment in First-Order Logic}", Number = "CCSOM Preprint 92-74", Institution = "Department of Statistics and Methodology, University of Amsterdam", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{PM94, Author = "Peli, G. and Masuch, M.", Year = "1994", Title = "{The Logic of Propogation Strategies: Axiomatizing a Fragment of Organization Ecology in First-Order Logic}", Editor = "Moore, D.P.", BookTitle = "{Academy Of Management: Best Papers Proceedings 1994}", Pages = "218-222", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{PM93-TR-100, Author = "Peli, G. and Masuch, M.", Year = "1993", Title = "{The Logic of Propogation Strategies: Axiomatizing a Fragment of Organizational Ecology in First-Order Logic}", Number = "CCSOM Report 93-100", Institution = "Department of Statistics and Methodology, University of Amsterdam", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Pel88, Author = "Pelletier, F.J.", Year = "1988", Title = "{Errata}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "4", Number = "2", Pages = "235-236", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{Pel87, Author = "Pelletier, F.J.", Year = "1987", Title = "{Further Developments in THINKER, and Automated Theorem Prover}", Number = "TR-ARP-16/87", Institution = "Automated Reasoning Project, Australian National University", Address = "Canberra, Australia", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Pel86-JAR, Author = "Pelletier, F.J.", Year = "1986", Title = "{Seventy-five Problems for Testing Automatic Theorem Provers}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "2", Number = "2", Pages = "191-216", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{Pel82, Author = "Pelletier, F.J.", Year = "1982", Title = "{Completely Non-clausal, Completely Heuristically Driven Automatic Theorem Proving}", Number = "TR82-7", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Edmonton, Alberta", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PR86, Author = "Pelletier, F.J. and Rudnicki, P.", Year = "1986", Title = "{Non-Obviousness}", Journal = "Association for Automated Reasoning Newsletter", Number = "6", Pages = "4-5", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{PSH17, Author = "Pelletier, F.J. and Sutcliffe, G. and Hazen, A.P.", Year = "2017", Title = "{Automated Reasoning for the Dialetheic Logic RM3}", Editor = "Rus, V. and Markov, Z.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 30th International FLAIRS Conference}", Place = "Marco Island, USA", Pages = "110-115", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Pel98-JLC, Author = "Peltier, N.", Year = "1998", Title = "{A New Method for Automated Finite Model Building Exploiting Failures and Symmetries}", Journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", Volume = "8", Number = "4", Pages = "511-543", Comment = "TPTPData,TPTPRef,TPTPCite" } @InProceedings{PW07, Author = "Pelzer, B. and Wernhard, C.", Year = "2007", Title = "{System Description: E-KRHyper}", Editor = "Pfenning, F.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Bremen, Germany", Series = 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15th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning}", Place = "Doha, Qatar", Publisher = "Cool Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PV08, Author = "Phillips, J.D. and Vojtechovsky, P.", Year = "2008", Title = "{A Scoop from Groups: New Equational Foundations for Loops}", Journal = "Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae", Volume = "49", Number = "2", Pages = "279-290", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PV06, Author = "Phillips, J.D. and Vojtechovsky, P.", Year = "2006", Title = "{C-loops: an Introduction}", Journal = "Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen", Volume = "68", Number = "1-2", Pages = "115-137", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PV05-a, Author = "Phillips, J.D. and Vojtechovsky, P.", Year = "2005", Title = "{The Varieties of Quasigroups of Bol-Moufang Type: An Equational Reasoning Approach}", Journal = "Journal of Algebra", Volume = "293", Pages = "17-33", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{PV05-b, Author = "Phillips, J.D. and Vojtechovsky, P.", Year = "2005", Title = "{The Varieties of Loops of Bol-Moufang Type}", Journal = "Algebra Universalis", Volume = "54", Number = "3", Pages = "259-271", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Pie02, Author = "Pierce, B.", Year = "2002", Title = "{Programming Languages}", Publisher = "MIT Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{Pla94-CADE-12, Author = "Plaisted, D.A.", Year = "1994", Title = "{The Search Efficiency of Theorem Proving Strategies}", Editor = "Bundy, A.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Nancy, France", Series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", Number = "814", Pages = "57-71", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Pla88, Author = "Plaisted, D.A.", Year = "1988", Title = "{Non-Horn Clause Logic Programming Without Contrapositives}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "4", Number = "3", Pages = "287-325", Comment = "TPTPRef, resolution/semantics" 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A.", Year = "1992", Title = "{Automated Development of Fundamental Mathematical Theories}", Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Qua92-JAR, Author = "Quaife, A.", Year = "1992", Title = "{Automated Deduction in von Neumann-Bernays-Godel Set Theory}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "8", Number = "1", Pages = "91-147", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{Qua92-Problems, Author = "Quaife, A.", Year = "1992", Title = "{Problems based on NBG Set Theory}", Comment = "TPTPRef, Emailed to G. 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Successful Computerized Reasoning, 3rd International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}", Place = "Seattle, USA", Series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", Number = "192", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Rad06, Author = "Radziszowski, S.", Year = "2006", Title = "{Small Ramsey Numbers}", Journal = "Journal of Combinatorics", Series = "Dynamic Surveys", Number = "DS1", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{RRG05, Author = "Ramachandran, D. and Reagan P. and Goolsbey, K.", Year = "2005", Title = "{First-orderized ResearchCyc: Expressiveness and Efficiency in a Common Sense Knowledge Base}", Editor = "Shvaiko P.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications}", Place = "Pittsburgh, USA", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{RCC92, Author = "Randell, D. and Cui, Z. and Cohn, A.", Year = "1992", Title = "{A Spatial Logic Based on Regions and Connection}", Editor = "Nebel, B. and Swartout, W.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}", Place = "Cambridge, USA", Pages = "165-176", Publisher = "Morgan-Kaufmann", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{ROK07, Author = "Raths, T. and Otten, J. and Kreitz, C.", Year = "2007", Title = "{The ILTP Problem Library for Intuitionistic Logic - Release v1.1}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "38", Number = "1-2", Pages = "261-271", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{RS+-URL, Author = "Reagan Smith, P. and Sutcliffe, G. and Goolsbey, K. and Kahlert, R.C.", Year = "", Title = "{The Cyc TPTP Challenge Problem Set}", Note = "http://www.opencyc.org/doc/tptp_challenge_problem_set", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @TechReport{RR+72, Author = "Reboh, R. and Raphael, B. and Yates, R.A. and Kling, R.E. and Velarde, C.", Year = "1972", Title = "{Study of automatic theorem proving programs}", Number = "Technical Note 72", Institution = "Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International", Address = 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Specifying and Implementing Dynamical Systems}", Publisher = "MIT Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Rei92, Author = "Reiter, R.", Year = "1992", Title = "{What Should a Database Know?}", Journal = "Journal of Logic Programming", Volume = "14", Number = "1-2", Pages = "127-153", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Ret05-JFM, Author = "Retel, K.", Year = "2005", Title = "{Properties of First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "13", Number = "3", Pages = "361-365", Comment = "TPTPRef,RELSET_2" } @Article{Rob63, Author = "Robinson, J.A.", Year = "1963", Title = "{Theorem Proving on the Computer}", Journal = "Jounal of the ACM", Volume = "10", Number = "2", Pages = "163-174", Comment = "TPTPRef/general reasoning" } @TechReport{RR98, Author = "Rodrigues, O. and Russo, A.", Year = "1998", Title = "{A Translation Method for Belnap Logic}", Number = "DoC 98/7", Institution = "Imperial College London", Comment = "TPTPRef" } 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"{Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "7", Number = "2", Pages = "185-188", Comment = "TPTPRef,WAYBEL22" } @Book{Rus85, Author = "Russell, B.", Year = "1985", Title = "{The Philosophy of Logical Atomism}", Publisher = "Open Court", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{RW10, Author = "Russell, B. and Whitehead, A.", Year = "1910", Title = "{Principia Mathmatica}", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{RN95, Author = "Russell, S.J. and Norvig, P.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach}", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Comment = "TPTPRef,general AI" } @InProceedings{RN11, Author = "Rybalchenko, A. and Navarro Perez, J.", Year = "2011", Title = "{Separation Logic + Superposition Calculus = Heap Theorem Prover}", Editor = "Cervesato, I. and Veith, H. and Voronkov, A.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation}", Pages = "To appear", Publisher = "ACM Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{Sah06, Author = "Sahami, M.", Year = "2006", Title = "{Mining the Web to Determine Similarity Between Words, Objects, and Communities}", Editor = "Sutcliffe, G. and Goebel, R.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 19th International FLAIRS Conference}", Place = "Melbourne Beach, USA", Pages = "14-19", Publisher = "AAAI Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Sch99, Author = "Schey, J.", Year = "1999", Title = "{Introduction to Manufacturing Processes}", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{SS93, Author = "Schmidt, G. and Str{\"}ohlein, T.", Year = "1993", Title = "{Relations and Graphs: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists}", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @MastersThesis{Sch95, Author = "Schulz, S.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Explanation Based Learning for Distributed Equational Deduction}", School = "Universit{\"a}t Kaiserslautern", Comment = 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Dual Concept Lattices}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "9", Number = "1", Pages = "55-59", Comment = "TPTPRef,CONLAT_2" } @InProceedings{Sco79, Author = "Scott, D.", Year = "1979", Title = "{Identity and Existence in Intuitionist Logic}", Editor = "Fournam M.P.", BookTitle = "{Durham Proceedings Applications of Sheaves}", Pages = "660-696", Publisher = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics Volume 753, Springer", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Seg73, Author = "Segerberg, K.", Year = "1973", Title = "{Two-Dimensional Modal Logic}", Journal = "Journal of Philosophical Logic", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "77-96", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{SE94, Author = "Segre, A. and Elkan, C.", Year = "1994", Title = "{A High-Performance Explanation-Based Learning Algorithm}", Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Volume = "69", Number = "NEED", Pages = "1-50", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{SLB12, Author = "Seidl, M. and Lonsing, F. and Biere, A.", Year = "2012", Title = "{Tool for Generating EPR Formulas from QBF}", Editor = "Fontaine, P. and Schmidt, R. and Schulz, S.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning, 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}", Place = "Manchester, England", Pages = "139-148", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{SETHE, Author = "SETHEO", Title = "{AR Research Group, Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen, Problem Library}", Note = "No longer available", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Sha97, Author = "Shanahan, M.", Year = "1997", Title = "{Solving the Frame Problem}", Publisher = "MIT Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @MastersThesis{She06, Author = "Shen, W.", Year = "2006", Title = "{Automated Proofs of Equivalence of Modal Logic Systems}", School = "Department of Computer Science, University of Miami", Address = "Miami, USA", Comment = "TPTPRef,TPTPCite" } @Article{Sho76, Author = "Shostak, R.E.", Year = "1976", Title = "{Refutation Graphs}", Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Volume = "7", Pages = "51-64", Comment = "TPTPRef, linear systems" } @Book{Sid09, Author = "Sider, T.", Year = "2009", Title = "{Logic for Philosophy}", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InCollection{SB+03, Author = "Siekman, J. and Benzm{\"u}ller, C. and Fiedler, A. and Meier A. and Normann, I. and Pollet, M.", Year = "2003", Title = "{Proof Development with Omega: The Irrationality of Root2}", Editor = "Kamareddine, F.", BookTitle = "{Thirty Five Years of Automating Mathematics}", Series = "Kluwer Applied Logic Series", Number = "28", Pages = "271-314", Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{SRM73, Author = "Siklossy, L. and Rich, A. and Marinov, V.", Year = "1973", Title = "{Breadth First Search: Some Surprising Results}", Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Volume = "4", Pages = "1-27", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Sko01-JFM, Author = "Skorulski, B.", Year = "2001", Title = "{The Tichonov 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"Slaney, J.K.", Year = "1992", Title = "{FINDER (Finite Domain Enumerator): Notes and Guide}", Number = "TR-ARP-1/92", Institution = "Automated Reasoning Project, Australian National University", Address = "Canberra, Australia", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{SFS95, Author = "Slaney, J.K. and Fujita, M. and Stickel, M.E.", Year = "1995", Title = "{Automated Reasoning and Exhaustive Search: Quasigroup Existence Problems}", Journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications", Volume = "29", Number = "2", Pages = "115-132", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{SH97, Author = "Slaney, J.K. and Hodgson, K.", Year = "1997", Title = "{Extending SCOTT to use Multiple Models}", Editor = "Pollack M.E.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}", Place = "Nagoya, Japan", Pages = "???-???", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", Comment = "TPTPRefForResults" } @InProceedings{SLM94, Author = "Slaney, J.K. and Lusk, E. and McCune, W.W.", Year = 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The Riddle of Dracula and Other Logical Puzzles}", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Smu85, Author = "Smullyan, R.M.", Year = "1978", Title = "{To Mock a Mocking Bird and Other Logic Puzzles}", Publisher = "Knopf", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Smu68, Author = "Smullyan, R.M.", Year = "1968", Title = "{First-Order Logic}", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Sob52, Author = "Soboci{\'n}ski, B.", Year = "1952", Title = "{Axiomatization of a Partial System of Three-valued Calculus of Propositions`}", Journal = "Journal of Computing Systems", Volume = "1", Pages = "23-55", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Soc92, Author = "Socher-Ambrosius, R.", Year = "1992", Title = "{How to Avoid the Derivation of Redundant Clauses in Reasoning Systems`}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "9", Number = "1", Pages = "77-97", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Unpublished{SPRFN, Author = "SPRFN", Title = "{The problem collection distributed with the 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@InProceedings{Ste88, Author = "Stevens, R.L.", Year = "1988", Title = "{Challenge Problems from Nonassociative Rings for Theorem Provers}", Editor = "Lusk, E. and Overbeek, R.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automated Deduction}", Place = "Argonne, USA", Series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Number = "310", Pages = "730-734", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Ste87, Author = "Stevens, R.L.", Year = "1987", Title = "{Some Experiments in Nonassociative Ring Theory with an Automated Theorem Prover}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "3", Number = "2", Pages = "211-221", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Sti94-JAR, Author = "Stickel, M.E.", Year = "1994", Title = "{Upside-Down Meta-Interpretation of the Model Elimination Theorem-Proving Procedure for Deduction and Abduction}", Journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", Volume = "13", Number = "2", Pages = "189-210", Comment = "TPTPRef" } 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"TPTPRef" } @MastersThesis{Zha08, Author = "Zhang, X.", Year = "2008", Title = "{Using LEO-II to Prove Properties of an Explicit Substitution M-set Model}", School = "Saarland University", Address = "Saarbruecken, Germany", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @InProceedings{ZS05, Author = "Zhang, Y. and Sutcliffe, G.", Year = "2005", Title = "{Lemma Management Techniques for Automated Theorem Proving}", Editor = "Konev, B. and Schulz, S.", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics}", Place = "Montevideo, Uruguay", Pages = "87-94", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Article{Zuk90, Author = "Zukowski, S.", Year = "1990", Title = "{Introduction to Lattice Theory}", Journal = "Journal of Formalized Mathematics", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "215-222", Comment = "TPTPRef" } @Book{Luk63, Author = "{\L}ukasiewicz, J.", Year = "1963", Title = "{Elements of Mathematical Logic}", Publisher = "Pergamon Press", Comment = "TPTPRef, English translation of the second Edition (1958) of Elementy logiki matematycznej, PWN, Warsaw." } @InProceedings{Luk48, Author = "{\L}ukasiewicz, J.", Year = "1948", Title = "{The Shortest Axiom of the Implicational Calculus of Propositions}", BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 52(3)}", Pages = "25-33", Comment = "TPTPRef" }