TH0: The Monomorphic Higher-order Form
- Extends FOF with higher-order notions
- Curried form for type declarations
- Lambda terms (with a lambda binder) and symbol application
- Two other new binders
Types and Type Signatures
- Types
- The predefined types $i and $o
- The arithmetic types $int for integers, $rat for
rationals, $real for reals
- User-defined types (constants)
- (τ1 > ... > τn > τ~)
for n > 0
- About types
- The (τ1 > ... > τn > τ~) type
allows variables to have function types
- The curried form allows for partial application
- Type Signatures
New Binders and Connectives
- ^ is the lambda binder
- @ is (explicit) application
- @+ for the ι binder (indefinite description, aka choice)
- @- for the ε binder (definite description)
- Connectives can be used as terms
- Application can be partial
- Use of functions and predicates must respect the type signature