SPASS-XDB - Automated Reasoning with World Knowledge
There is a growing demand for automated reasoning with world
For example, a reasoning system with knowledge of what cities are located
near water, and access to data describing current weather conditions, would
be able to predict which cities might be flooded (e.g., by tidal surge).
World knowledge is available from a growing number of sources, e.g., online
databases, SPARQL endpoints, web services, computational systems, and search
Static sources provide a large but finite number of facts, while dynamic and
computational sources can provide infinitely many facts by generating them
on demand.
For deep reasoning, world knowledge is used in conjunction with ontological
axioms that describe the structure of the world in which the knowledge
Automated Theorem Proving (ATP) systems have traditionally not been well
suited to reasoning with world knowledge (where the facts are viewed as
positive unit axioms), because they expect to load all the formulae before
deduction starts.
The large (possibly infinite) number of axioms available from world knowledge
sources dictates that the axioms be retrieved dynamically during deduction.
SPASS-XDB is an ATP system that incorporates world knowledge axioms from
multiple external sources, asynchronously on demand, during its deduction
This talk describes the general architecture of SPASS-XDB, and provides
some details of the most recent developments integrating Mathematica and
internet search engines as sources of world knowledge axioms.