Simplified grammar of Mizar justifications

## Theorem as a proposition with justification. 
JustifiedTheorem = element JustifiedTheorem {Proposition, Justification} 
Justification = ( Inference | Proof | SkippedProof ) 
## By and From encode the atomic inference steps done by Mizar. 
Inference = ( By | From | element ErrorInf { empty } ) 
## By encodes one simple justification from zero or more references. 
By = element By { Ref* } 
## From encodes a simple justification involving Mizar schemes 
From = element From { Ref* } 
## Proofs (of BlockThesis) encode ND reasonings consisting of many steps. 
Proof = element Proof {BlockThesis, Reasoning } 
## Reasoning is a series of skeleton and auxiliary items (steps) 
## optionally finished by reasoning per cases. 
Reasoning = ( ( SkeletonItem | AuxiliaryItem )*, PerCasesReasoning? ) 
## Skeleton items are the steps that change the current thesis, the 
## new Thesis is printed explicitly after them. 
SkeletonItem = ((Let|Conclusion|Assume|Given|Take|TakeAsVar), Thesis) 
## Auxiliary items are items which do not change thesis. 
AuxiliaryItem = (JustifiedProposition|Consider|Set|Reconsider| 