Translation of Mizar Let rule to TPTP

Quantified example in Mizar repeated

Lemma1: for x being set holds p(x)         ;; this has been proved already 
Lemma2: for x being set holds p(x) => q(x) ;; this has been proved already 
Goal1: for x being set holds q(x) 
proof                  ;; (Proof) thesis (Goal1) is: for x being set holds q(x) 
  let new_constant be set;               ;; (Let) thesis (T1) is: q(new_constant) 
  E1: p(new_constant) by Lemma1;         ;; (JustifiedProposition) thesis unchanged 
  thus E2: q(new_constant) by Lemma2,E1; ;; (Conclusion) thesis (T2) is: verum ($true) 

Translation into extended TPTP derivation

fof(lemma1,plain, ![X]: (set(X) => p(X))). 
fof(lemma2,plain, ![X]: (set(X) => (p(X) => q(X)))). 
fof(henkin_ax1, plain, (set(new_constant) => q(new_constant)) => ![X]: (set(X) => q(X)), 
  introduced(definition, [new_symbol(new_constant)])). 
fof(type_ass1, assumption, set(new_constant), introduced(assumption)). 
fof(e1,plain, p(new_constant), inference(mizar_by,[status(thm), 
fof(e2,plain, q(new_constant), inference(mizar_by,[status(thm), 
fof(t2,plain, $true,introduced(tautology)). 
fof(t1,plain, q(new_constant), 
fof(t1_1,plain, set(new_constant) => q(new_constant), 
  inference(discharge_asm, [status(thm), 
    discharge_asm(discharge, [type_ass1])], [type_ass1, t1])). 
fof(goal1,plain, ![X]: (set(X) => q(X)), 
  inference(let, [status(thm)], [t1_1, henkin_ax1])).