CASC-J5 - the 15th CASC
38 Systems Variants
- 10 new systems (5 in new TFA division)
- 7 winners from CASC-J4
Major Changes from CASC-22
- THF as a competition division;
TFA demonstration division
- Problems ordered by rating
- LTB on quad-cores with wall clock time limits
- 86 AMD 2-core (2390MHz CPU, 7.5GB RAM) at MPII
45 Intel 4-core (2333MHz CPU, 12GB RAM) at U. Manchester
- 1225 problems
200 THF;
200 FOF;
200 FNT;
200 CNF;
100 EPR;
100 UEQ;
150 LTB;
75 TFA
- 300 CPU seconds per problem in non-LTB
60 wall clock seconds per problem in LTB