System Version

I. Surname
Institution, Country


System Version [SysNN] is introduced in this section. It describes the calculus, inference rules, and search control used.

Start this section as shown, with the system name and version, citing any salient papers. Write the whole system description using 3rd person passive voice, i.e., say "something has been done" rather than "we did something".


This section describes the implementation of the ATP system, including the programming language used, important internal data structures, and any special code libraries [LibNN] used. You can point to a WWW site where the system is available like this:

Expected Competition Performance

This section should make some prediction about the performance of the ATP system in each of the divisions and categories the system is competing in. Any tuning of the system for the TPTP problems must be clearly described.


Author1Surname I., Author2Surname I. (Date), Conference Paper Title, EditorSurname I., Proceedings Title (ConferencePlace, ConferenceCountry), pp.StartPage-EndPage, Series-Title SeriesNumber, Publisher.
AuthorSurname I. (1994), Journal Paper Title, Journal Title Volume(Number), pp.StartPage-EndPage, Publisher.