Here is a list of the statistics maintained about each clause:
Here is a list of all inferences:
This proof uses all but "ef", although it uses some in fairly trivial
ways. Note that clause normalization is inherently performed after
all inferences but rewriting.
Bliksem 1.12
H. de Nivelle
Max Planck Institut für Informatik,
Here is a list of the inference rules:
Human Readable Short Proof
(0) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( identity, X, X ) }.
(1) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, identity, X ) }.
(3) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) }.
(4) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} I { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
(5) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = T, ! product( X, Y, T ) }.
(6) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( X, U, W ), ! product( Z, T, W ) }.
(7) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, U, W ), product( Z, T, W ), ! product( Y, T, U ) }.
(8) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, X, identity ) }.
(9) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { product( a, b, c ) }.
(10) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { ! product( b, a, c ) }.
(17) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M1} R(5,4) { Z = multiply( X, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z) }.
(22) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M1} R(5,1) { Y = X, ! product( X, identity, Y ) }.
(28) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(6,0) { ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( T, Z, Y ), ! product( T, X, identity ) }.
(41) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(7,8) { ! product( X, identity, T ), product( Z, Y, T ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
(42) {G2,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(22,4) { multiply( X, identity ) ==> X }.
(140) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V3,M1} R(28,8) { product( X, Z, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z) }.
(145) {G3,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(140,3) { product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) }.
(146) {G3,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} R(140,9) { product( a, c, b ) }.
(169) {G4,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(145,17);d(42) { inverse( X ) ==> X }.
(236) {G4,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(41,146) { ! product( a, identity, X ), product( b, c, X ) }.
(307) {G5,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(236,140) { product( b, X, c ), ! product( a, identity, X ) }.
(320) {G6,W0,D0,L0,V0,M0} R(307,145);d(169);r(10) { }.
Human Readable Total Proof
(322) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( identity, X, X ) }.
(323) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, identity, X ) }.
(324) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { product( inverse( X ), X, identity ) }.
(325) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) }.
(326) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
(327) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, Y, T ), Z = T }.
(328) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M4} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( Z, T, W ), product( X, U, W ) }.
(329) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M4} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( X, U, W ), product( Z, T, W ) }.
(330) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, X, identity ) }.
(331) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( a, b, c ) }.
(332) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { ! product( b, a, c ) }.
Total Proof:
subsumption: (0) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( identity, X, X ) }.
parent0: (322) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( identity, X, X ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (1) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, identity, X ) }.
parent0: (323) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, identity, X ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (3) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, inverse( X ), identity) }.
parent0: (325) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (4) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} I { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
parent0: (326) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (5) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = T, ! product( X, Y, T ) }.
parent0: (327) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, Y, T ), Z = T }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := T
0 ==> 0
1 ==> 2
2 ==> 1
subsumption: (6) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( X, U, W ), ! product( Z, T, W ) }.
parent0: (328) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M4} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( Z, T, W ), product( X, U, W ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := T
U := U
W := W
0 ==> 1
1 ==> 0
2 ==> 3
3 ==> 2
subsumption: (7) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, U, W ), product( Z, T, W ), ! product( Y, T, U ) }.
parent0: (329) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M4} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( X, U, W ), product( Z, T, W ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := T
U := U
W := W
0 ==> 0
1 ==> 3
2 ==> 1
3 ==> 2
subsumption: (8) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, X, identity ) }.
parent0: (330) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, X, identity ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (9) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { product( a, b, c ) }.
parent0: (331) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( a, b, c ) }.
0 ==> 0
subsumption: (10) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { ! product( b, a, c ) }.
parent0: (332) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { ! product( b, a, c ) }.
0 ==> 0
resolution: (376) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M2} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = multiply ( X, Y ) }.
parent0[2]: (5) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = T, ! product( X, Y, T ) }.
parent1[0]: (4) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} I { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := multiply( X, Y )
X := X
Y := Y
subsumption: (17) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M1} R(5,4) { Z = multiply( X, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent0: (376) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M2} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = multiply( X , Y ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
0 ==> 1
1 ==> 0
resolution: (378) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M2} { ! product( X, identity, Y ), Y = X }.
parent0[2]: (5) {G0,W11,D2,L3,V4,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), Z = T, ! product( X, Y, T ) }.
parent1[0]: (1) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, identity, X ) }.
X := X
Y := identity
Z := Y
T := X
X := X
subsumption: (22) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M1} R(5,1) { Y = X, ! product( X, identity, Y ) }.
parent0: (378) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M2} { ! product( X, identity, Y ), Y = X }.
X := X
Y := Y
0 ==> 1
1 ==> 0
resolution: (381) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( T, X, identity ), product( T, Z, Y ) }.
parent0[3]: (6) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( Y, T, U ), ! product( X , Y, Z ), product( X, U, W ), ! product( Z, T, W ) }.
parent1[0]: (0) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( identity, X, X ) }.
X := T
Y := X
Z := identity
T := Y
U := Z
W := Y
X := Y
subsumption: (28) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(6,0) { ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( T, Z, Y ), ! product( T, X, identity ) }.
parent0: (381) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( T, X, identity ), product( T, Z, Y ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := T
0 ==> 0
1 ==> 2
2 ==> 1
resolution: (387) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, identity, T ), product( Z, Y, T ) }.
parent0[3]: (7) {G0,W16,D2,L4,V6,M1} I { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X , U, W ), product( Z, T, W ), ! product( Y, T, U ) }.
parent1[0]: (8) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, X, identity ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := Y
U := identity
W := T
X := Y
subsumption: (41) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(7,8) { ! product( X, identity, T ) , product( Z, Y, T ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent0: (387) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M3} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), ! product( X, identity, T ), product( Z, Y, T ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := T
0 ==> 2
1 ==> 0
2 ==> 1
eqswap: (391) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M2} { Y = X, ! product( Y, identity, X ) }.
parent0[0]: (22) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M1} R(5,1) { Y = X, ! product( X, identity , Y ) }.
X := Y
Y := X
resolution: (392) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { X = multiply( X, identity ) }.
parent0[1]: (391) {G1,W7,D2,L2,V2,M2} { Y = X, ! product( Y, identity, X ) }.
parent1[0]: (4) {G0,W6,D3,L1,V2,M1} I { product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) }.
X := multiply( X, identity )
Y := X
X := X
Y := identity
eqswap: (393) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { multiply( X, identity ) = X }.
parent0[0]: (392) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { X = multiply( X, identity ) }.
X := X
subsumption: (42) {G2,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(22,4) { multiply( X, identity ) ==> X }.
parent0: (393) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { multiply( X, identity ) = X }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
resolution: (395) {G1,W8,D2,L2,V3,M2} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( X, Z, Y ) }.
parent0[2]: (28) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(6,0) { ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( T, Z, Y ), ! product( T, X, identity ) }.
parent1[0]: (8) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, X, identity ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
T := X
X := X
subsumption: (140) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V3,M1} R(28,8) { product( X, Z, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent0: (395) {G1,W8,D2,L2,V3,M2} { ! product( X, Y, Z ), product( X, Z, Y ) }.
X := X
Y := Y
Z := Z
0 ==> 1
1 ==> 0
resolution: (396) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, identity, inverse( X )) }.
parent0[1]: (140) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V3,M1} R(28,8) { product( X, Z, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent1[0]: (3) {G0,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} I { product( X, inverse( X ), identity) }.
X := X
Y := inverse( X )
Z := identity
X := X
subsumption: (145) {G3,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(140,3) { product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) }.
parent0: (396) {G1,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} { product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
resolution: (397) {G1,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( a, c, b ) }.
parent0[1]: (140) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V3,M1} R(28,8) { product( X, Z, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent1[0]: (9) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { product( a, b, c ) }.
X := a
Y := b
Z := c
subsumption: (146) {G3,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} R(140,9) { product( a, c, b ) }.
parent0: (397) {G1,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( a, c, b ) }.
0 ==> 0
eqswap: (398) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M2} { multiply( Y, Z ) = X, ! product( Y, Z , X ) }.
parent0[0]: (17) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M1} R(5,4) { Z = multiply( X, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
X := Y
Y := Z
Z := X
resolution: (400) {G2,W6,D3,L1,V1,M1} { multiply( X, identity ) = inverse ( X ) }.
parent0[1]: (398) {G1,W9,D3,L2,V3,M2} { multiply( Y, Z ) = X, ! product( Y , Z, X ) }.
parent1[0]: (145) {G3,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(140,3) { product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) }.
X := inverse( X )
Y := X
Z := identity
X := X
paramod: (401) {G3,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} { X = inverse( X ) }.
parent0[0]: (42) {G2,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(22,4) { multiply( X, identity ) ==> X }.
parent1[0; 1]: (400) {G2,W6,D3,L1,V1,M1} { multiply( X, identity ) = inverse( X ) }.
X := X
X := X
eqswap: (402) {G3,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} { inverse( X ) = X }.
parent0[0]: (401) {G3,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} { X = inverse( X ) }.
X := X
subsumption: (169) {G4,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(145,17);d(42) { inverse( X ) ==> X }.
parent0: (402) {G3,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} { inverse( X ) = X }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
resolution: (403) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V1,M2} { ! product( a, identity, X ), product( b, c, X ) }.
parent0[2]: (41) {G1,W12,D2,L3,V4,M1} R(7,8) { ! product( X, identity, T ) , product( Z, Y, T ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent1[0]: (146) {G3,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} R(140,9) { product( a, c, b ) }.
X := a
Y := c
Z := b
T := X
subsumption: (236) {G4,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(41,146) { ! product( a, identity, X ), product( b, c, X ) }.
parent0: (403) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V1,M2} { ! product( a, identity, X ), product ( b, c, X ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
1 ==> 1
resolution: (405) {G3,W8,D2,L2,V1,M2} { product( b, X, c ), ! product( a, identity, X ) }.
parent0[1]: (140) {G2,W8,D2,L2,V3,M1} R(28,8) { product( X, Z, Y ), ! product( X, Y, Z ) }.
parent1[1]: (236) {G4,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(41,146) { ! product( a, identity, X), product( b, c, X ) }.
X := b
Y := c
Z := X
X := X
subsumption: (307) {G5,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(236,140) { product( b, X, c ), ! product( a, identity, X ) }.
parent0: (405) {G3,W8,D2,L2,V1,M2} { product( b, X, c ), ! product( a, identity, X ) }.
X := X
0 ==> 0
1 ==> 1
resolution: (407) {G4,W5,D3,L1,V0,M1} { product( b, inverse( a ), c ) }.
parent0[1]: (307) {G5,W8,D2,L2,V1,M1} R(236,140) { product( b, X, c ), ! product( a, identity, X ) }.
parent1[0]: (145) {G3,W5,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(140,3) { product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) }.
X := inverse( a )
X := a
paramod: (408) {G5,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( b, a, c ) }.
parent0[0]: (169) {G4,W4,D3,L1,V1,M1} R(145,17);d(42) { inverse( X ) ==> X }.
parent1[0; 2]: (407) {G4,W5,D3,L1,V0,M1} { product( b, inverse( a ), c ) }.
X := a
resolution: (409) {G1,W0,D0,L0,V0,M0} { }.
parent0[0]: (10) {G0,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} I { ! product( b, a, c ) }.
parent1[0]: (408) {G5,W4,D2,L1,V0,M1} { product( b, a, c ) }.
subsumption: (320) {G6,W0,D0,L0,V0,M0} R(307,145);d(169);r(10) { }.
parent0: (409) {G1,W0,D0,L0,V0,M0} { }.
Machine Readable Total Proof
clause( 0, [ product( identity, X, X ) ] ) .
clause( 1, [ product( X, identity, X ) ] ) .
clause( 3, [ product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) ] ) .
clause( 4, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] ) .
clause( 5, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, T ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) ) ]) .
clause( 6, [ ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( X, U, W ), ~( product( Z, T, W ) ) ] ) .
clause( 7, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, U, W ) ), product( Z, T, W ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ) ] ) .
clause( 8, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] ) .
clause( 9, [ product( a, b, c ) ] ) .
clause( 10, [ ~( product( b, a, c ) ) ] ) .
clause( 17, [ =( Z, multiply( X, Y ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] ) .
clause( 22, [ =( Y, X ), ~( product( X, identity, Y ) ) ] ) .
clause( 28, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( T, Z, Y ), ~( product( T, X , identity ) ) ] ) .
clause( 41, [ ~( product( X, identity, T ) ), product( Z, Y, T ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] ) .
clause( 42, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), X ) ] ) .
clause( 140, [ product( X, Z, Y ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] ) .
clause( 145, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] ) .
clause( 146, [ product( a, c, b ) ] ) .
clause( 169, [ =( inverse( X ), X ) ] ) .
clause( 236, [ ~( product( a, identity, X ) ), product( b, c, X ) ] ) .
clause( 307, [ product( b, X, c ), ~( product( a, identity, X ) ) ] ) .
clause( 320, [] ) .
found a proof!
[ clause( 322, [ product( identity, X, X ) ] )
, clause( 323, [ product( X, identity, X ) ] )
, clause( 324, [ product( inverse( X ), X, identity ) ] )
, clause( 325, [ product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) ] )
, clause( 326, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, clause( 327, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) ), =( Z, T) ] )
, clause( 328, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~( product( Z, T, W ) ), product( X, U, W ) ] )
, clause( 329, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~( product( X, U, W ) ), product( Z, T, W ) ] )
, clause( 330, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] )
, clause( 331, [ product( a, b, c ) ] )
, clause( 332, [ ~( product( b, a, c ) ) ] )
] ).
clause( 0, [ product( identity, X, X ) ] )
, clause( 322, [ product( identity, X, X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 1, [ product( X, identity, X ) ] )
, clause( 323, [ product( X, identity, X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 3, [ product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) ] )
, clause( 325, [ product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 4, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, clause( 326, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0
)] ) ).
clause( 5, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, T ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) ) ]
, clause( 327, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) ), =( Z, T
) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, T )] ),
permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 ), ==>( 1, 2 ), ==>( 2, 1 )] ) ).
clause( 6, [ ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( X,
U, W ), ~( product( Z, T, W ) ) ] )
, clause( 328, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~(
product( Z, T, W ) ), product( X, U, W ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, T ), :=( U
, U ), :=( W, W )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 1 ), ==>( 1, 0 ), ==>( 2
, 3 ), ==>( 3, 2 )] ) ).
clause( 7, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, U, W ) ), product( Z,
T, W ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ) ] )
, clause( 329, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~(
product( X, U, W ) ), product( Z, T, W ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, T ), :=( U
, U ), :=( W, W )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 ), ==>( 1, 3 ), ==>( 2
, 1 ), ==>( 3, 2 )] ) ).
clause( 8, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] )
, clause( 330, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 9, [ product( a, b, c ) ] )
, clause( 331, [ product( a, b, c ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 10, [ ~( product( b, a, c ) ) ] )
, clause( 332, [ ~( product( b, a, c ) ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 376, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, clause( 5, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, T ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) )
] )
, 2, clause( 4, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, multiply(
X, Y ) )] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y )] )).
clause( 17, [ =( Z, multiply( X, Y ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, clause( 376, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z )] ),
permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 1 ), ==>( 1, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 378, [ ~( product( X, identity, Y ) ), =( Y, X ) ] )
, clause( 5, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), =( Z, T ), ~( product( X, Y, T ) )
] )
, 2, clause( 1, [ product( X, identity, X ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, identity ), :=( Z, Y ), :=( T, X
)] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 22, [ =( Y, X ), ~( product( X, identity, Y ) ) ] )
, clause( 378, [ ~( product( X, identity, Y ) ), =( Y, X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 1
), ==>( 1, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 381, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( T, X, identity ) ),
product( T, Z, Y ) ] )
, clause( 6, [ ~( product( Y, T, U ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( X
, U, W ), ~( product( Z, T, W ) ) ] )
, 3, clause( 0, [ product( identity, X, X ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, T ), :=( Y, X ), :=( Z, identity ), :=( T, Y
), :=( U, Z ), :=( W, Y )] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, Y )] )).
clause( 28, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( T, Z, Y ), ~( product( T, X
, identity ) ) ] )
, clause( 381, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( T, X, identity ) ),
product( T, Z, Y ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, T )] ),
permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 ), ==>( 1, 2 ), ==>( 2, 1 )] ) ).
clause( 387, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, identity, T ) ),
product( Z, Y, T ) ] )
, clause( 7, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, U, W ) ), product( Z
, T, W ), ~( product( Y, T, U ) ) ] )
, 3, clause( 8, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, Y ),
:=( U, identity ), :=( W, T )] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, Y )] )).
clause( 41, [ ~( product( X, identity, T ) ), product( Z, Y, T ), ~(
product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, clause( 387, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), ~( product( X, identity, T ) ),
product( Z, Y, T ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, T )] ),
permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 2 ), ==>( 1, 0 ), ==>( 2, 1 )] ) ).
clause( 391, [ =( Y, X ), ~( product( Y, identity, X ) ) ] )
, clause( 22, [ =( Y, X ), ~( product( X, identity, Y ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, Y ), :=( Y, X )] )).
clause( 392, [ =( X, multiply( X, identity ) ) ] )
, clause( 391, [ =( Y, X ), ~( product( Y, identity, X ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 4, [ product( X, Y, multiply( X, Y ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, multiply( X, identity ) ), :=( Y, X )] ),
substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, identity )] )).
clause( 393, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), X ) ] )
, clause( 392, [ =( X, multiply( X, identity ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 42, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), X ) ] )
, clause( 393, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 395, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( X, Z, Y ) ] )
, clause( 28, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( T, Z, Y ), ~( product( T
, X, identity ) ) ] )
, 2, clause( 8, [ product( X, X, identity ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z ), :=( T, X )] ),
substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 140, [ product( X, Z, Y ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, clause( 395, [ ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ), product( X, Z, Y ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, Y ), :=( Z, Z )] ),
permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 1 ), ==>( 1, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 396, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, clause( 140, [ product( X, Z, Y ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 3, [ product( X, inverse( X ), identity ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X ), :=( Y, inverse( X ) ), :=( Z, identity
)] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 145, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, clause( 396, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 397, [ product( a, c, b ) ] )
, clause( 140, [ product( X, Z, Y ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 9, [ product( a, b, c ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, a ), :=( Y, b ), :=( Z, c )] ),
substitution( 1, [] )).
clause( 146, [ product( a, c, b ) ] )
, clause( 397, [ product( a, c, b ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 398, [ =( multiply( Y, Z ), X ), ~( product( Y, Z, X ) ) ] )
, clause( 17, [ =( Z, multiply( X, Y ) ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, Y ), :=( Y, Z ), :=( Z, X )] )).
clause( 400, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), inverse( X ) ) ] )
, clause( 398, [ =( multiply( Y, Z ), X ), ~( product( Y, Z, X ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 145, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, inverse( X ) ), :=( Y, X ), :=( Z, identity
)] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 401, [ =( X, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, clause( 42, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), X ) ] )
, 0, clause( 400, [ =( multiply( X, identity ), inverse( X ) ) ] )
, 0, 1, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )
clause( 402, [ =( inverse( X ), X ) ] )
, clause( 401, [ =( X, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 169, [ =( inverse( X ), X ) ] )
, clause( 402, [ =( inverse( X ), X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 )] ) ).
clause( 403, [ ~( product( a, identity, X ) ), product( b, c, X ) ] )
, clause( 41, [ ~( product( X, identity, T ) ), product( Z, Y, T ), ~(
product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, 2, clause( 146, [ product( a, c, b ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, a ), :=( Y, c ), :=( Z, b ), :=( T, X )] ),
substitution( 1, [] )).
clause( 236, [ ~( product( a, identity, X ) ), product( b, c, X ) ] )
, clause( 403, [ ~( product( a, identity, X ) ), product( b, c, X ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 ), ==>( 1,
1 )] ) ).
clause( 405, [ product( b, X, c ), ~( product( a, identity, X ) ) ] )
, clause( 140, [ product( X, Z, Y ), ~( product( X, Y, Z ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 236, [ ~( product( a, identity, X ) ), product( b, c, X ) ] )
, 1, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, b ), :=( Y, c ), :=( Z, X )] ),
substitution( 1, [ :=( X, X )] )).
clause( 307, [ product( b, X, c ), ~( product( a, identity, X ) ) ] )
, clause( 405, [ product( b, X, c ), ~( product( a, identity, X ) ) ] )
, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, X )] ), permutation( 0, [ ==>( 0, 0 ), ==>( 1,
1 )] ) ).
clause( 407, [ product( b, inverse( a ), c ) ] )
, clause( 307, [ product( b, X, c ), ~( product( a, identity, X ) ) ] )
, 1, clause( 145, [ product( X, identity, inverse( X ) ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, inverse( a ) )] ), substitution( 1, [ :=( X
, a )] )).
clause( 408, [ product( b, a, c ) ] )
, clause( 169, [ =( inverse( X ), X ) ] )
, 0, clause( 407, [ product( b, inverse( a ), c ) ] )
, 0, 2, substitution( 0, [ :=( X, a )] ), substitution( 1, [] )).
clause( 409, [] )
, clause( 10, [ ~( product( b, a, c ) ) ] )
, 0, clause( 408, [ product( b, a, c ) ] )
, 0, substitution( 0, [] ), substitution( 1, [] )).
clause( 320, [] )
, clause( 409, [] )
, substitution( 0, [] ), permutation( 0, [] ) ).
EP 0.62
S. Schulz
Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München,
0 : [++equal(a, b),++equal(a, c)] : initial
1 : [++equal(i(X1), i(X2))] : initial
2 : [++equal(b, c),--equal(X1, X2),--equal(X3, X4),--equal(c, d)] : initial
3 : [++equal(c, d),--equal(h(i(a)), h(i(e)))] : initial
4 : [++equal(f(X1,X2), f(X2,X1))] : initial
5 : [--equal(f(f(X1,X2),f(X3,g(X4,X5))), f(f(g(X4,X5),X3),f(X2,X1))),--equal(k(X1,X1), k(a,b))] : initial
6 : [--equal(k(X1,X1), k(a,b))]: ar(5, 0, 4)
7 : [++equal(c, b),++epred1_0,--equal(d, c),--equal(X1, X2)] : split(2)
8 : [++epred2_0,--equal(X3, X4)] : split(2)
9 : [--epred2_0,--epred1_0] : split(2)
10 : [++epred2_0] : er(8)
11 : [--$true,--epred1_0] : rw(9,10)
12 : [++equal(c, b),++epred1_0,--equal(d, c)] : er(7)
13 : [++equal(d, c)] : sr(3,1)
14 : [++equal(c, b),++epred1_0,--equal(c, c)] : rw(12,13)
15 : [++equal(c, b),++epred1_0] : cn(14)
16 : [++equal(b, a),++epred1_0] : pm(15,0)
17 : [++epred1_0,--equal(k(a,a), k(X1,X1))] : pm(16,6)
18 : [++epred1_0] : er(17)
19 : [--$true,--$true] : rw(11,18)
20 : [] : cn(19)
21 : [] : 20 : {proof}
0 : [++subclass(X1,universal_class)] : initial
1 : [--member(y,universal_class)] : initial
2 : [++equal(unordered_pair(X1,X1), singleton(X1))] : initial
3 : [++equal(X1, null_class),++member(regular(X1),X1)] : initial
4 : [++member(X1,X2),--subclass(X3,X2),--member(X1,X3)] : initial
5 : [++equal(X1, X2),++equal(X1, X3),--member(X1,unordered_pair(X2,X3))] : initial
6 : [++equal(unordered_pair(singleton(X1),unordered_pair(X1,singleton(X2))), ordered_pair(X1,X2))] : initial
7 : [--equal(unordered_pair(singleton(x),unordered_pair(x,null_class)), ordered_pair(x,y))] : initial
8 : [++member(X2,universal_class),--member(X2,X1)] : pm(0,4)
9 : [++member(regular(X1),universal_class),++equal(X1, null_class)] : pm(3,8)
10 : [++equal(X1, X2),--member(X1,singleton(X2))] : pm(2,5)
11 : [++equal(regular(singleton(X1)), X1),++equal(singleton(X1), null_class)] : pm(3,10)
12 : [++member(X1,universal_class),++equal(singleton(X1), null_class)] : pm(11,9)
13 : [++equal(singleton(y), null_class)] : pm(12,1)
14 : [++equal(unordered_pair(singleton(X1),unordered_pair(X1,null_class)), ordered_pair(X1,y))] : pm(13,6)
15 : [--equal(ordered_pair(x,y), ordered_pair(x,y))] : rw(7,14)
16 : [] : cn(15)
17 : [] : 16 : {proof}
0 : [++equal(j(0,X1), X1)] : initial
1 : [++equal(j(X1,0), X1)] : initial
2 : [++equal(f(X1,X1), X1)] : initial
3 : [++equal(j(X1,g(X1)), 0)] : initial
4 : [++equal(j(X1,X2), j(X2,X1))] : initial
5 : [--equal(f(a,b), f(b,a))] : initial
6 : [++equal(j(j(X1,X2),X3), j(X1,j(X2,X3)))] : initial
7 : [++equal(f(X1,j(X2,X3)), j(f(X1,X2),f(X1,X3)))] : initial
8 : [++equal(f(j(X1,X2),X3), j(f(X1,X3),f(X2,X3)))] : initial
9 : [++equal(j(0,X2), j(X1,j(g(X1),X2)))] : pm(3,6)
10 : [++equal(j(X1,j(X2,X3)), j(X3,j(X1,X2)))] : pm(6,4)
11 : [++equal(X2, j(X1,j(g(X1),X2)))] : rw(9,0)
12 : [++equal(j(X1,0), g(g(X1)))] : pm(3,11)
13 : [++equal(X1, g(g(X1)))] : rw(12,1)
14 : [++equal(j(X1,f(X1,X2)), f(X1,j(X1,X2)))] : pm(2,7)
15 : [++equal(j(f(X1,X2),X1), f(X1,j(X2,X1)))] : pm(2,7)
16 : [++equal(j(X1,f(X1,X2)), f(X1,j(X2,X1)))] : rw(15,4)
17 : [++equal(f(X1,X1), j(X1,f(X1,0)))] : pm(1,14)
18 : [++equal(f(X1,0), j(X1,f(X1,g(X1))))] : pm(3,14)
19 : [++equal(X1, j(X1,f(X1,0)))] : rw(17,2)
20 : [++equal(j(X1,g(X1)), f(g(X1),0))] : pm(19,11)
21 : [++equal(0, f(g(X1),0))] : rw(20,3)
22 : [++equal(f(X1,0), 0)] : pm(13,21)
23 : [++equal(0, j(X1,f(X1,g(X1))))] : rw(18,22)
24 : [++equal(j(X1,0), f(g(X1),g(g(X1))))] : pm(23,11)
25 : [++equal(X1, f(g(X1),g(g(X1))))] : rw(24,1)
26 : [++equal(X1, f(g(X1),X1))] : rw(25,13)
27 : [++equal(j(X1,f(X2,X1)), f(j(X1,X2),X1))] : pm(2,8)
28 : [++equal(j(f(X1,X2),X2), f(j(X1,X2),X2))] : pm(2,8)
29 : [++equal(j(X2,f(X1,X2)), f(j(X1,X2),X2))] : rw(28,4)
30 : [++equal(f(X1,X1), j(X1,f(0,X1)))] : pm(1,27)
31 : [++equal(f(0,X1), j(X1,f(g(X1),X1)))] : pm(3,27)
32 : [++equal(X1, j(X1,f(0,X1)))] : rw(30,2)
33 : [++equal(f(0,X1), j(X1,X1))] : rw(31,26)
34 : [++equal(j(X1,g(X1)), f(0,g(X1)))] : pm(32,11)
35 : [++equal(0, f(0,g(X1)))] : rw(34,3)
36 : [++equal(f(0,X1), 0)] : pm(13,35)
37 : [++equal(0, j(X1,X1))] : rw(33,36)
38 : [++equal(j(0,X2), j(X1,j(X1,X2)))] : pm(37,6)
39 : [++equal(j(X1,0), j(X2,j(X1,X2)))] : pm(37,10)
40 : [++equal(X2, j(X1,j(X1,X2)))] : rw(38,0)
41 : [++equal(X1, j(X2,j(X1,X2)))] : rw(39,1)
42 : [++equal(f(X2,j(X2,X1)), j(j(X2,X1),f(X1,j(X2,X1))))] : pm(41,29)
43 : [++equal(j(X2,f(X2,X1)), j(j(X2,X1),f(X1,j(X2,X1))))] : rw(42,14)
44 : [++equal(j(X2,f(X2,X1)), j(j(X2,X1),j(X1,f(X1,X2))))] : rw(43,16)
45 : [++equal(j(X2,f(X2,X1)), j(X2,j(X1,j(X1,f(X1,X2)))))] : rw(44,6)
46 : [++equal(j(X2,f(X2,X1)), j(X2,f(X1,X2)))] : rw(45,40)
47 : [++equal(j(X1,j(X1,f(X2,X1))), j(X1,f(X1,j(X1,X2))))] : pm(27,46)
48 : [++equal(j(X1,j(X1,f(X2,X1))), j(X1,j(X1,f(X1,X2))))] : rw(47,14)
49 : [++equal(f(X2,X1), j(X1,j(X1,f(X1,X2))))] : rw(48,40)
50 : [++equal(f(X2,X1), f(X1,X2))] : rw(49,40)
51 : [--equal(f(a,b), f(a,b))] : rw(5,50)
52 : [] : cn(51)
53 : [] : 52 : {proof}
0 : [++wolf(a_wolf)] : initial
1 : [++fox(a_fox)] : initial
2 : [++bird(a_bird)] : initial
3 : [++snail(a_snail)] : initial
4 : [++grain(a_grain)] : initial
5 : [++animal(X1),--wolf(X1)] : initial
6 : [++animal(X1),--fox(X1)] : initial
7 : [++animal(X1),--bird(X1)] : initial
8 : [++animal(X1),--snail(X1)] : initial
9 : [++plant(X1),--grain(X1)] : initial
10 : [++plant(snail_food_of(X1)),--snail(X1)] : initial
11 : [++eats(X1,snail_food_of(X1)),--snail(X1)] : initial
12 : [++much_smaller(X1,X2),--snail(X1),--bird(X2)] : initial
13 : [++much_smaller(X1,X2),--bird(X1),--fox(X2)] : initial
14 : [++much_smaller(X1,X2),--fox(X1),--wolf(X2)] : initial
15 : [--wolf(X1),--fox(X2),--eats(X1,X2)] : initial
16 : [--wolf(X1),--grain(X2),--eats(X1,X2)] : initial
17 : [--bird(X1),--snail(X2),--eats(X1,X2)] : initial
18 : [--animal(X1),--animal(X2),--grain(X3),--eats(X1,X2),--eats(X2,X3)] : initial
19 : [++eats(X1,X2),++eats(X1,X3),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--animal(X3),--plant(X4),--much_smaller(X3,X1),--eats(X3,X4)] : initial
20 : [++animal(a_wolf)] : pm(0,5)
21 : [++animal(a_fox)] : pm(1,6)
22 : [++animal(a_bird)] : pm(2,7)
23 : [++animal(a_snail)] : pm(3,8)
24 : [++eats(X2,X3),++eats(X2,X1),--animal(X2),--plant(X3),--animal(X1),--plant(snail_food_of(X1)),--much_smaller(X1,X2),--snail(X1)] : pm(11,19)
25 : [++eats(X2,X3),++eats(X2,X1),--animal(X2),--plant(X3),--animal(X1),--plant(snail_food_of(X1)),--snail(X1),--bird(X2)] : pm(12,24)
26 : [++eats(X1,X3),--bird(X1),--snail(X2),--animal(X1),--plant(X3),--animal(X2),--plant(snail_food_of(X2))] : pm(25,17)
27 : [++eats(X2,X3),--bird(X2),--snail(X1),--animal(X2),--plant(X3),--animal(X1)] : pm(10,26)
28 : [++eats(X1,X2),--bird(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--animal(a_snail)] : pm(3,27)
29 : [++eats(X1,X2),--bird(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--$true] : rw(28,23)
30 : [++eats(X1,X2),--bird(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2)] : cn(29)
31 : [--animal(X3),--animal(X1),--grain(X2),--eats(X3,X1),--bird(X1),--plant(X2)] : pm(30,18)
32 : [++eats(X3,X4),++eats(X3,X1),--animal(X3),--plant(X4),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--much_smaller(X1,X3),--bird(X1)] : pm(30,19)
33 : [++eats(X3,X1),++eats(X3,X4),++epred1_0,--bird(X1),--much_smaller(X1,X3),--animal(X1),--plant(X4),--animal(X3)] : split(32)
34 : [++epred2_0,--plant(X2)] : split(32)
35 : [--epred2_0,--epred1_0] : split(32)
36 : [++epred2_0,--grain(X1)] : pm(9,34)
37 : [++epred2_0] : pm(4,36)
38 : [--$true,--epred1_0] : rw(35,37)
39 : [++eats(X2,X1),++eats(X2,X3),++epred1_0,--bird(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X3),--animal(X2),--fox(X2)] : pm(13,33)
40 : [--animal(X2),--animal(X3),--grain(X1),--eats(X2,X3),--bird(X3)] : pm(9,31)
41 : [++eats(X1,X4),++epred1_0,--animal(X1),--animal(X2),--grain(X3),--bird(X2),--plant(X4),--fox(X1)] : pm(39,40)
42 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--animal(X1),--animal(a_bird),--grain(X3),--plant(X2),--fox(X1)] : pm(2,41)
43 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--animal(X1),--$true,--grain(X3),--plant(X2),--fox(X1)] : rw(42,22)
44 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--animal(X1),--grain(X3),--plant(X2),--fox(X1)] : cn(43)
45 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--fox(X1)] : pm(4,44)
46 : [++eats(X3,X4),++eats(X3,X1),++epred1_0,--animal(X3),--plant(X4),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--much_smaller(X1,X3),--fox(X1)] : pm(45,19)
47 : [++eats(X2,X3),++eats(X2,X1),++epred1_0,--animal(X2),--plant(X3),--animal(X1),--plant(X4),--fox(X1),--wolf(X2)] : pm(14,46)
48 : [++eats(X1,X3),++epred1_0,--wolf(X1),--fox(X2),--animal(X1),--plant(X3),--animal(X2),--plant(X4)] : pm(47,15)
49 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--wolf(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--animal(a_fox),--plant(X3)] : pm(1,48)
50 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--wolf(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--$true,--plant(X3)] : rw(49,21)
51 : [++eats(X1,X2),++epred1_0,--wolf(X1),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--plant(X3)] : cn(50)
52 : [++epred1_0,--wolf(X1),--grain(X2),--animal(X1),--plant(X2),--plant(X3)] : pm(51,16)
53 : [++epred1_0,--grain(X1),--animal(a_wolf),--plant(X1),--plant(X2)] : pm(0,52)
54 : [++epred1_0,--grain(X1),--$true,--plant(X1),--plant(X2)] : rw(53,20)
55 : [++epred1_0,--grain(X1),--plant(X1),--plant(X2)] : cn(54)
56 : [++epred1_0,--grain(X1),--plant(X2)] : pm(9,55)
57 : [++epred1_0,--plant(X1)] : pm(4,56)
58 : [++epred1_0,--grain(X1)] : pm(9,57)
59 : [++epred1_0] : pm(4,58)
60 : [--$true,--$true] : rw(38,59)
61 : [] : cn(60)
62 : [] : 61 : {proof}
Otter-MACE 3.2-2.0
W. McCune
Argonne National Laboratory,
Human Readable Proof
---------------- PROOF ----------------
1 [] -Wolf(x)|animal(x).
2 [] -Fox(x)|animal(x).
3 [] -Bird(x)|animal(x).
5 [] -Snail(x)|animal(x).
6 [] -Grain(x)|plant(x).
7 [] -animal(x)| -plant(y)|eats(x,y)| -animal(z)| -Smaller(z,x)| -plant(u)| -eats(z,u)|eats(x,z).
9 [] -Snail(x)| -Bird(y)|Smaller(x,y).
10 [] -Bird(x)| -Fox(y)|Smaller(x,y).
11 [] -Fox(x)| -Wolf(y)|Smaller(x,y).
15 [] -Snail(x)|plant($f2(x)).
16 [] -Snail(x)|eats(x,$f2(x)).
17 [] -Wolf(x)| -Fox(y)| -eats(x,y).
18 [] -Wolf(x)| -Grain(y)| -eats(x,y).
19 [] -Bird(x)| -Snail(y)| -eats(x,y).
20 [] -animal(x)| -animal(y)| -eats(x,y)|Grain($f3(x,y)).
21 [] -animal(x)| -animal(y)| -eats(x,y)| -eats(y,$f3(x,y)).
23 [factor,7.2.6] -animal(x)| -plant(y)|eats(x,y)| -animal(z)| -Smaller(z,x)| -eats(z,y)|eats(x,z).
29 [] Wolf($c1).
30 [] Fox($c2).
31 [] Bird($c3).
33 [] Snail($c5).
34 [] Grain($c6).
35 [hyper,1,29.1] animal($c1).
36 [hyper,11,30.1,29.1] Smaller($c2,$c1).
37 [hyper,2,30.1] animal($c2).
38 [hyper,10,31.1,30.1] Smaller($c3,$c2).
39 [hyper,3,31.1] animal($c3).
45 [hyper,16,33.1] eats($c5,$f2($c5)).
46 [hyper,15,33.1] plant($f2($c5)).
47 [hyper,9,33.1,31.1] Smaller($c5,$c3).
48 [hyper,5,33.1] animal($c5).
49 [hyper,6,34.1] plant($c6).
52 [hyper,7,39.1,49.1,48.1,47.1,46.1,45.1] eats($c3,$c6)|eats($c3,$c5).
61 [hyper,19,31.1,33.1,52.2] eats($c3,$c6).
62 [hyper,23,37.1,49.1,39.1,38.1,61.1] eats($c2,$c6)|eats($c2,$c3).
68 [hyper,23,35.1,49.1,37.1,36.1,62.1] eats($c2,$c3)|eats($c1,$c6)|eats($c1,$c2).
86 [hyper,18,29.1,34.1,68.2] eats($c2,$c3)|eats($c1,$c2).
91 [hyper,17,29.1,30.1,86.2] eats($c2,$c3).
92 [hyper,20,37.1,39.1,91.1] Grain($f3($c2,$c3)).
93 [hyper,6,92.1] plant($f3($c2,$c3)).
94 [hyper,7,39.1,93.1,48.1,47.1,46.1,45.1] eats($c3,$f3($c2,$c3))|eats($c3,$c5).
95 [hyper,21,37.1,39.1,91.1,94.1] eats($c3,$c5).
99 [hyper,19,31.1,33.1,95.1] $F.
------------ end of proof -------------
Machine Readable Proof
(1 (input) (or (not (Wolf v0)) (animal v0)) (1))
(2 (input) (or (not (Fox v0)) (animal v0)) (2))
(3 (input) (or (not (Bird v0)) (animal v0)) (3))
(4 (input) (or (not (Snail v0)) (animal v0)) (5))
(5 (input) (or (not (Grain v0)) (plant v0)) (6))
(6 (input) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats v0 v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 v0)) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats v0 v2)))))))) (7))
(7 (input) (or (not (Snail v0)) (or (not (Bird v1)) (Smaller v0 v1))) (9))
(8 (input) (or (not (Bird v0)) (or (not (Fox v1)) (Smaller v0 v1))) (10))
(9 (input) (or (not (Fox v0)) (or (not (Wolf v1)) (Smaller v0 v1))) (11))
(10 (input) (or (not (Snail v0)) (plant ($f2 v0))) (15))
(11 (input) (or (not (Snail v0)) (eats v0 ($f2 v0))) (16))
(12 (input) (or (not (Wolf v0)) (or (not (Fox v1)) (not (eats v0 v1)))) (17))
(13 (input) (or (not (Wolf v0)) (or (not (Grain v1)) (not (eats v0 v1)))) (18))
(14 (input) (or (not (Bird v0)) (or (not (Snail v1)) (not (eats v0 v1)))) (19))
(15 (input) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats v0 v1)) (Grain ($f3 v0 v1))))) (20))
(16 (input) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats v0 v1)) (not (eats v1 ($f3 v0 v1)))))) (21))
(17 (instantiate 6 ((v1 . v3))) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (eats v0 v3) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 v0)) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats v0 v2)))))))) NIL)
(18 (propositional 17) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (eats v0 v3) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 v0)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats v0 v2))))))) NIL)
(19 (instantiate 18 ((v3 . v1))) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats v0 v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 v0)) (or (not (eats v2 v1)) (eats v0 v2))))))) (23))
(20 (input) (Wolf ($c1)) (29))
(21 (input) (Fox ($c2)) (30))
(22 (input) (Bird ($c3)) (31))
(23 (input) (Snail ($c5)) (33))
(24 (input) (Grain ($c6)) (34))
(25 (instantiate 1 ((v0 . ($c1)))) (or (not (Wolf ($c1))) (animal ($c1))) NIL)
(26 (resolve 25 (1) 20 ()) (animal ($c1)) (35))
(27 (instantiate 9 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (Fox ($c2))) (or (not (Wolf v1)) (Smaller ($c2) v1))) NIL)
(28 (resolve 27 (1) 21 ()) (or (not (Wolf v1)) (Smaller ($c2) v1)) NIL)
(29 (instantiate 28 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Wolf v0)) (Smaller ($c2) v0)) NIL)
(30 (instantiate 29 ((v0 . ($c1)))) (or (not (Wolf ($c1))) (Smaller ($c2) ($c1))) NIL)
(31 (resolve 30 (1) 20 ()) (Smaller ($c2) ($c1)) (36))
(32 (instantiate 2 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (Fox ($c2))) (animal ($c2))) NIL)
(33 (resolve 32 (1) 21 ()) (animal ($c2)) (37))
(34 (instantiate 8 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (Bird ($c3))) (or (not (Fox v1)) (Smaller ($c3) v1))) NIL)
(35 (resolve 34 (1) 22 ()) (or (not (Fox v1)) (Smaller ($c3) v1)) NIL)
(36 (instantiate 35 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Fox v0)) (Smaller ($c3) v0)) NIL)
(37 (instantiate 36 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (Fox ($c2))) (Smaller ($c3) ($c2))) NIL)
(38 (resolve 37 (1) 21 ()) (Smaller ($c3) ($c2)) (38))
(39 (instantiate 3 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (Bird ($c3))) (animal ($c3))) NIL)
(40 (resolve 39 (1) 22 ()) (animal ($c3)) (39))
(41 (instantiate 11 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5)))) NIL)
(42 (resolve 41 (1) 23 ()) (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5))) (45))
(43 (instantiate 10 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (plant ($f2 ($c5)))) NIL)
(44 (resolve 43 (1) 23 ()) (plant ($f2 ($c5))) (46))
(45 (instantiate 7 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (or (not (Bird v1)) (Smaller ($c5) v1))) NIL)
(46 (resolve 45 (1) 23 ()) (or (not (Bird v1)) (Smaller ($c5) v1)) NIL)
(47 (instantiate 46 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Bird v0)) (Smaller ($c5) v0)) NIL)
(48 (instantiate 47 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (Bird ($c3))) (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) NIL)
(49 (resolve 48 (1) 22 ()) (Smaller ($c5) ($c3)) (47))
(50 (instantiate 4 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (animal ($c5))) NIL)
(51 (resolve 50 (1) 23 ()) (animal ($c5)) (48))
(52 (instantiate 5 ((v0 . ($c6)))) (or (not (Grain ($c6))) (plant ($c6))) NIL)
(53 (resolve 52 (1) 24 ()) (plant ($c6)) (49))
(54 (instantiate 6 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (animal ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c3) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats ($c3) v2)))))))) NIL)
(55 (resolve 54 (1) 40 ()) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c3) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats ($c3) v2))))))) NIL)
(56 (instantiate 55 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1)(v3 . v2))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (eats ($c3) v0) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1))))))) NIL)
(57 (instantiate 56 ((v0 . ($c6)))) (or (not (plant ($c6))) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1))))))) NIL)
(58 (resolve 57 (1) 53 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1)))))) NIL)
(59 (instantiate 58 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1))) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (Smaller v0 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats v0 v1)) (eats ($c3) v0)))))) NIL)
(60 (instantiate 59 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (animal ($c5))) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v1)) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))))) NIL)
(61 (resolve 60 (2 1) 51 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v1)) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))))) NIL)
(62 (instantiate 61 ((v1 . v0))) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v0)) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))))) NIL)
(63 (resolve 62 (2 1) 49 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v0)) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))) NIL)
(64 (instantiate 63 ((v0 . ($f2 ($c5))))) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (plant ($f2 ($c5)))) (or (not (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5)))) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))) NIL)
(65 (resolve 64 (2 1) 44 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (or (not (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5)))) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))) NIL)
(66 (resolve 65 (2 1) 42 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (eats ($c3) ($c5))) (52))
(67 (instantiate 14 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (Bird ($c3))) (or (not (Snail v1)) (not (eats ($c3) v1)))) NIL)
(68 (resolve 67 (1) 22 ()) (or (not (Snail v1)) (not (eats ($c3) v1))) NIL)
(69 (instantiate 68 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Snail v0)) (not (eats ($c3) v0))) NIL)
(70 (instantiate 69 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (not (eats ($c3) ($c5)))) NIL)
(71 (resolve 70 (1) 23 ()) (not (eats ($c3) ($c5))) NIL)
(72 (resolve 71 () 66 (2)) (eats ($c3) ($c6)) (61))
(73 (instantiate 19 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (animal ($c2))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c2) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v2 v1)) (eats ($c2) v2))))))) NIL)
(74 (resolve 73 (1) 33 ()) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c2) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v2 v1)) (eats ($c2) v2)))))) NIL)
(75 (instantiate 74 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (eats ($c2) v0) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v1 v0)) (eats ($c2) v1)))))) NIL)
(76 (instantiate 75 ((v0 . ($c6)))) (or (not (plant ($c6))) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v1 ($c6))) (eats ($c2) v1)))))) NIL)
(77 (resolve 76 (1) 53 ()) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v1 ($c6))) (eats ($c2) v1))))) NIL)
(78 (instantiate 77 ((v1 . v0))) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (Smaller v0 ($c2))) (or (not (eats v0 ($c6))) (eats ($c2) v0))))) NIL)
(79 (instantiate 78 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (animal ($c3))) (or (not (Smaller ($c3) ($c2))) (or (not (eats ($c3) ($c6))) (eats ($c2) ($c3)))))) NIL)
(80 (resolve 79 (2 1) 40 ()) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (Smaller ($c3) ($c2))) (or (not (eats ($c3) ($c6))) (eats ($c2) ($c3))))) NIL)
(81 (resolve 80 (2 1) 38 ()) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (or (not (eats ($c3) ($c6))) (eats ($c2) ($c3)))) NIL)
(82 (resolve 81 (2 1) 72 ()) (or (eats ($c2) ($c6)) (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (62))
(83 (instantiate 19 ((v0 . ($c1)))) (or (not (animal ($c1))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c1) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v2 v1)) (eats ($c1) v2))))))) NIL)
(84 (resolve 83 (1) 26 ()) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c1) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v2 v1)) (eats ($c1) v2)))))) NIL)
(85 (instantiate 84 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (eats ($c1) v0) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v1 v0)) (eats ($c1) v1)))))) NIL)
(86 (instantiate 85 ((v0 . ($c6)))) (or (not (plant ($c6))) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v1 ($c6))) (eats ($c1) v1)))))) NIL)
(87 (resolve 86 (1) 53 ()) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v1 ($c6))) (eats ($c1) v1))))) NIL)
(88 (instantiate 87 ((v1 . v0))) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (Smaller v0 ($c1))) (or (not (eats v0 ($c6))) (eats ($c1) v0))))) NIL)
(89 (instantiate 88 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (animal ($c2))) (or (not (Smaller ($c2) ($c1))) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c6))) (eats ($c1) ($c2)))))) NIL)
(90 (resolve 89 (2 1) 33 ()) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (Smaller ($c2) ($c1))) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c6))) (eats ($c1) ($c2))))) NIL)
(91 (resolve 90 (2 1) 31 ()) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c6))) (eats ($c1) ($c2)))) NIL)
(92 (resolve 91 (2 1) 82 (1)) (or (eats ($c1) ($c6)) (or (eats ($c1) ($c2)) (eats ($c2) ($c3)))) (68))
(93 (instantiate 13 ((v0 . ($c1)))) (or (not (Wolf ($c1))) (or (not (Grain v1)) (not (eats ($c1) v1)))) NIL)
(94 (resolve 93 (1) 20 ()) (or (not (Grain v1)) (not (eats ($c1) v1))) NIL)
(95 (instantiate 94 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Grain v0)) (not (eats ($c1) v0))) NIL)
(96 (instantiate 95 ((v0 . ($c6)))) (or (not (Grain ($c6))) (not (eats ($c1) ($c6)))) NIL)
(97 (resolve 96 (1) 24 ()) (not (eats ($c1) ($c6))) NIL)
(98 (resolve 97 () 92 (1)) (or (eats ($c1) ($c2)) (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (86))
(99 (instantiate 12 ((v0 . ($c1)))) (or (not (Wolf ($c1))) (or (not (Fox v1)) (not (eats ($c1) v1)))) NIL)
(100 (resolve 99 (1) 20 ()) (or (not (Fox v1)) (not (eats ($c1) v1))) NIL)
(101 (instantiate 100 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Fox v0)) (not (eats ($c1) v0))) NIL)
(102 (instantiate 101 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (Fox ($c2))) (not (eats ($c1) ($c2)))) NIL)
(103 (resolve 102 (1) 21 ()) (not (eats ($c1) ($c2))) NIL)
(104 (resolve 103 () 98 (1)) (eats ($c2) ($c3)) (91))
(105 (instantiate 15 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (animal ($c2))) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v1)) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) v1))))) NIL)
(106 (resolve 105 (1) 33 ()) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v1)) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) v1)))) NIL)
(107 (instantiate 106 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v0)) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) v0)))) NIL)
(108 (instantiate 107 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (animal ($c3))) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))))) NIL)
(109 (resolve 108 (1) 40 ()) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))) NIL)
(110 (resolve 109 (1) 104 ()) (Grain ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (92))
(111 (instantiate 5 ((v0 . ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))))) (or (not (Grain ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))) (plant ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))) NIL)
(112 (resolve 111 (1) 110 ()) (plant ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (93))
(113 (instantiate 6 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (animal ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c3) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats ($c3) v2)))))))) NIL)
(114 (resolve 113 (1) 40 ()) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (eats ($c3) v1) (or (not (animal v2)) (or (not (Smaller v2 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v3)) (or (not (eats v2 v3)) (eats ($c3) v2))))))) NIL)
(115 (instantiate 114 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1)(v3 . v2))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (eats ($c3) v0) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1))))))) NIL)
(116 (instantiate 115 ((v0 . ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))))) (or (not (plant ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1))))))) NIL)
(117 (resolve 116 (1) 112 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (Smaller v1 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v2)) (or (not (eats v1 v2)) (eats ($c3) v1)))))) NIL)
(118 (instantiate 117 ((v1 . v0)(v2 . v1))) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (Smaller v0 ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats v0 v1)) (eats ($c3) v0)))))) NIL)
(119 (instantiate 118 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (animal ($c5))) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v1)) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))))) NIL)
(120 (resolve 119 (2 1) 51 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v1)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v1)) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))))) NIL)
(121 (instantiate 120 ((v1 . v0))) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (Smaller ($c5) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v0)) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))))) NIL)
(122 (resolve 121 (2 1) 49 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (plant v0)) (or (not (eats ($c5) v0)) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))) NIL)
(123 (instantiate 122 ((v0 . ($f2 ($c5))))) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (plant ($f2 ($c5)))) (or (not (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5)))) (eats ($c3) ($c5))))) NIL)
(124 (resolve 123 (2 1) 44 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (or (not (eats ($c5) ($f2 ($c5)))) (eats ($c3) ($c5)))) NIL)
(125 (resolve 124 (2 1) 42 ()) (or (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))) (eats ($c3) ($c5))) (94))
(126 (instantiate 16 ((v0 . ($c2)))) (or (not (animal ($c2))) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v1)) (not (eats v1 ($f3 ($c2) v1)))))) NIL)
(127 (resolve 126 (1) 33 ()) (or (not (animal v1)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v1)) (not (eats v1 ($f3 ($c2) v1))))) NIL)
(128 (instantiate 127 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (animal v0)) (or (not (eats ($c2) v0)) (not (eats v0 ($f3 ($c2) v0))))) NIL)
(129 (instantiate 128 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (animal ($c3))) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (not (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))))) NIL)
(130 (resolve 129 (1) 40 ()) (or (not (eats ($c2) ($c3))) (not (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3))))) NIL)
(131 (resolve 130 (1) 104 ()) (not (eats ($c3) ($f3 ($c2) ($c3)))) NIL)
(132 (resolve 131 () 125 (1)) (eats ($c3) ($c5)) (95))
(133 (instantiate 14 ((v0 . ($c3)))) (or (not (Bird ($c3))) (or (not (Snail v1)) (not (eats ($c3) v1)))) NIL)
(134 (resolve 133 (1) 22 ()) (or (not (Snail v1)) (not (eats ($c3) v1))) NIL)
(135 (instantiate 134 ((v1 . v0))) (or (not (Snail v0)) (not (eats ($c3) v0))) NIL)
(136 (instantiate 135 ((v0 . ($c5)))) (or (not (Snail ($c5))) (not (eats ($c3) ($c5)))) NIL)
(137 (resolve 136 (1) 23 ()) (not (eats ($c3) ($c5))) NIL)
(138 (resolve 137 () 132 ()) false (99))