0.00/0.03 % Problem : theBenchmark.p : TPTP v0.0.0. Released v0.0.0. 0.00/0.04 % Command : nanocop_casc.sh %s %d 0.02/0.22 % Computer : n189.star.cs.uiowa.edu 0.02/0.22 % Model : x86_64 x86_64 0.02/0.22 % CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz 0.02/0.22 % Memory : 32218.625MB 0.02/0.22 % OS : Linux 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64 0.02/0.22 % CPULimit : 300 0.02/0.22 % DateTime : Sat Jul 14 04:19:11 CDT 2018 0.02/0.23 % CPUTime : 2.03/2.28 % SZS status Theorem for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 2.03/2.29 % SZS output start Proof for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 2.03/2.29 2.03/2.29 - the following list represents a non-clausal connection proof 2.03/2.29 (a tree in which each node is labelled with a nested clause) 2.03/2.29 - I^V is a skolem term f_I(V) for variable list V 2.03/2.29 - (I^K)^V:C is the (nested) clause C with index (I^K)^V, in which 2.03/2.29 I is the unique index of C, K distinguishes different copies 2.03/2.29 of C, and V is the list of (instantiated) variables in C 2.03/2.29 2.03/2.29 [(36130 ^ 0) ^ [c_georegion_l4_x30_y75] : [borderson(c_georegion_l4_x30_y75, c_georegion_l4_x29_y75)], [(21708 ^ 1) ^ [c_georegion_l4_x30_y75, c_georegion_l4_x29_y75] : [-(borderson(c_georegion_l4_x30_y75, c_georegion_l4_x29_y75)), borderson(c_georegion_l4_x29_y75, c_georegion_l4_x30_y75)], [(5626 ^ 2) ^ [] : [-(borderson(c_georegion_l4_x29_y75, c_georegion_l4_x30_y75)), mtvisible(c_tptpgeo_member7_mt)], [(36128 ^ 3) ^ [_1012806] : [-(mtvisible(c_tptpgeo_member7_mt))]]]]] 2.03/2.29 2.03/2.29 % SZS output end Proof for /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 2.11/2.30 EOF