0.11/0.11 % Problem : theBenchmark.p : TPTP v0.0.0. Released v0.0.0. 0.11/0.13 % Command : run_portfolio.sh /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p /export/starexec/sandbox2/tmp/tmp.mXcrDhlowA 0.13/0.33 % Computer : n014.cluster.edu 0.13/0.33 % Model : x86_64 x86_64 0.13/0.33 % CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 0.13/0.33 % Memory : 8042.1875MB 0.13/0.33 % OS : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 0.13/0.33 % CPULimit : 960 0.13/0.33 % DateTime : Thu Jul 2 07:30:40 EDT 2020 0.13/0.33 % CPUTime : 0.13/0.33 % Running portfolio for 120 s 0.13/0.33 % File : /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 0.13/0.34 % Number of cores: 8 0.13/0.34 % Python version: Python 3.6.8 0.13/0.34 % Running in FO mode 0.40/0.59 % Running /export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/bin/fo/fo7.sh for 25 0.40/0.59 % Solved by: fo/fo7.sh 0.40/0.59 To remain in the chosen logic fragment, unification with booleans has been disabled. 0.40/0.59 % done 630 iterations in 0.144s 0.40/0.59 % SZS status Theorem for '/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p' 0.40/0.59 % SZS output start Refutation 0.40/0.59 tff(less_or_equal, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![X,Y]: (((X = Y) | less(X,Y)) <=> less_or_equal(X,Y)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('0', plain, ![X70, X71]: ( less_or_equal(X70, X71) | X70 != X71), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [less_or_equal])). 0.40/0.59 tff('1', plain, ![X71]: less_or_equal(X71, X71), 0.40/0.59 inference('simplify', [status(thm)], ['0'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(less2, axiom, (![X]: (less(X,n2) <=> less_or_equal(X,n1)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('2', plain, ![X76]: ( less(X76, n2) | ~ less_or_equal(X76, n1)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [less2])). 0.40/0.59 tff('3', plain, less(n1, n2), inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['1', '2'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(less0, axiom, (~(?[X]: less(X,n0)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('4', plain, ![X82]: ~ less(X82, n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [less0])). 0.40/0.59 tff(happens_all_defn, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![Event,Time]: 0.40/0.59 ((((pull = Event) & (n1 = Time)) | ((Time = n2) & (pull = Event)) | 0.40/0.59 ((push = Event) & (Time = n2)) | ((Event = push) & (Time = n0))) <=> 0.40/0.59 happens(Event,Time)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_0, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_12(Time,Event) <=> ((Time = n0) & (Event = push)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('5', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X56, X57]: ( zip_tseitin_12(X56, X57) | X57 != push | X56 != n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_0])). 0.40/0.59 tff('6', plain, zip_tseitin_12(n0, push), 0.40/0.59 inference('simplify', [status(thm)], ['5'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_1, type, zip_tseitin_12 : ($i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_2, type, zip_tseitin_11 : ($i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_3, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_11(Time,Event) <=> ((Time = n2) & (push = Event)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_4, type, zip_tseitin_10 : ($i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_5, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_10(Time,Event) <=> ((pull = Event) & (Time = n2)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_6, type, zip_tseitin_9 : ($i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_7, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_9(Time,Event) <=> ((n1 = Time) & (pull = Event)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_8, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![Event,Time]: 0.40/0.59 ((zip_tseitin_12(Time,Event) | zip_tseitin_11(Time,Event) | 0.40/0.59 zip_tseitin_10(Time,Event) | zip_tseitin_9(Time,Event)) <=> 0.40/0.59 happens(Event,Time)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('7', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X58, X59]: ( happens(X58, X59) | ~ zip_tseitin_12(X59, X58)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_8])). 0.40/0.59 tff('8', plain, happens(push, n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['6', '7'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(initiates_all_defn, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![Event,Fluent,Time]: 0.40/0.59 ((((~happens(push,Time)) & (Event = pull) & (Fluent = backwards)) | 0.40/0.59 ((~happens(pull,Time)) & (push = Event) & (Fluent = forwards)) | 0.40/0.59 (happens(push,Time) & (spinning = Fluent) & (Event = pull))) <=> 0.40/0.59 initiates(Event,Fluent,Time)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_9, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_7(Time,Fluent,Event) <=> 0.40/0.59 ((Fluent = forwards) & (push = Event) & (~happens(pull,Time))))). 0.40/0.59 tff('9', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X49, X50, X51]: 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_7(X50, X49, X51) 0.40/0.59 | happens(pull, X50) 0.40/0.59 | push != X51 0.40/0.59 | X49 != forwards), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_9])). 0.40/0.59 tff('10', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X50]: ( happens(pull, X50) | zip_tseitin_7(X50, forwards, push)), 0.40/0.59 inference('simplify', [status(thm)], ['9'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_10, type, zip_tseitin_8 : ($i * $i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_11, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_8(Time,Fluent,Event) <=> 0.40/0.59 ((Event = pull) & (spinning = Fluent) & happens(push,Time)))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_12, type, zip_tseitin_7 : ($i * $i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_13, type, zip_tseitin_6 : ($i * $i * $i) > $o). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_14, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (zip_tseitin_6(Time,Fluent,Event) <=> 0.40/0.59 ((Fluent = backwards) & (Event = pull) & (~happens(push,Time))))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_15, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![Event,Fluent,Time]: 0.40/0.59 ((zip_tseitin_8(Time,Fluent,Event) | zip_tseitin_7(Time,Fluent,Event) | 0.40/0.59 zip_tseitin_6(Time,Fluent,Event)) <=> 0.40/0.59 initiates(Event,Fluent,Time)))). 0.40/0.59 tff('11', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X52, X53, X54]: 0.40/0.59 ( initiates(X52, X53, X54) | ~ zip_tseitin_7(X54, X53, X52)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_15])). 0.40/0.59 tff('12', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X0]: ( happens(pull, X0) | initiates(push, forwards, X0)), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['10', '11'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(happens_holds, axiom, 0.40/0.59 (![Event,Time,Fluent]: 0.40/0.59 ((initiates(Event,Fluent,Time) & happens(Event,Time)) => 0.40/0.59 holdsAt(Fluent,plus(Time,n1))))). 0.40/0.59 tff('13', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X8, X9, X10]: 0.40/0.59 (~ happens(X8, X9) 0.40/0.59 | ~ initiates(X8, X10, X9) 0.40/0.59 | holdsAt(X10, plus(X9, n1))), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [happens_holds])). 0.40/0.59 tff('14', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X0]: 0.40/0.59 ( happens(pull, X0) 0.40/0.59 | holdsAt(forwards, plus(X0, n1)) 0.40/0.59 | ~ happens(push, X0)), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['12', '13'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('15', plain, ( holdsAt(forwards, plus(n0, n1)) | happens(pull, n0)), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['8', '14'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(plus0_1, axiom, (n1 = plus(n0,n1))). 0.40/0.59 tff('16', plain, n1 = plus(n0, n1), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [plus0_1])). 0.40/0.59 tff('17', plain, ( holdsAt(forwards, n1) | happens(pull, n0)), 0.40/0.59 inference('demod', [status(thm)], ['15', '16'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(forwards_1, conjecture, (holdsAt(forwards,n1))). 0.40/0.59 tff(zf_stmt_16, negated_conjecture, (~holdsAt(forwards,n1))). 0.40/0.59 tff('18', plain, ~ holdsAt(forwards, n1), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_16])). 0.40/0.59 tff('19', plain, happens(pull, n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('clc', [status(thm)], ['17', '18'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('20', plain, 0.40/0.59 ![X58, X60]: 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_9(X60, X58) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_10(X60, X58) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_11(X60, X58) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_12(X60, X58) 0.40/0.59 | ~ happens(X58, X60)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_8])). 0.40/0.59 tff('21', plain, 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_12(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_11(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_10(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull)), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['19', '20'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('22', plain, ![X56, X57]: (X57 = push | ~ zip_tseitin_12(X56, X57)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_0])). 0.40/0.59 tff('23', plain, 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_10(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_11(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | pull = push), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['21', '22'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(push_not_pull, axiom, (push != pull)). 0.40/0.59 tff('24', plain, push != pull, 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [push_not_pull])). 0.40/0.59 tff('25', plain, 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_10(n0, pull) 0.40/0.59 | zip_tseitin_11(n0, pull)), 0.40/0.59 inference('simplify_reflect-', [status(thm)], ['23', '24'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('26', plain, ![X56, X57]: (push = X57 | ~ zip_tseitin_11(X56, X57)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_3])). 0.40/0.59 tff('27', plain, 0.40/0.59 ( zip_tseitin_10(n0, pull) | zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull) | push = pull), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['25', '26'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('28', plain, push != pull, 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [push_not_pull])). 0.40/0.59 tff('29', plain, ( zip_tseitin_10(n0, pull) | zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull)), 0.40/0.59 inference('simplify_reflect-', [status(thm)], ['27', '28'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('30', plain, ![X56, X57]: (X56 = n2 | ~ zip_tseitin_10(X56, X57)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_5])). 0.40/0.59 tff('31', plain, ( zip_tseitin_9(n0, pull) | n0 = n2), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['29', '30'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('32', plain, ![X56, X57]: (n1 = X56 | ~ zip_tseitin_9(X56, X57)), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [zf_stmt_7])). 0.40/0.59 tff('33', plain, (n0 = n2 | n1 = n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['31', '32'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('34', plain, (n0 = n2 | n1 = n0), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['31', '32'])). 0.40/0.59 tff(plus1_1, axiom, (plus(n1,n1) = n2)). 0.40/0.59 tff('35', plain, plus(n1, n1) = n2, 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [plus1_1])). 0.40/0.59 tff('36', plain, (plus(n0, n1) = n2 | n0 = n2), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup+', [status(thm)], ['34', '35'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('37', plain, n1 = plus(n0, n1), 0.40/0.59 inference('cnf', [status(esa)], [plus0_1])). 0.40/0.59 tff('38', plain, (n1 = n2 | n0 = n2), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup+', [status(thm)], ['36', '37'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('39', plain, (n0 = n2 | n0 = n2 | n0 = n2), 0.40/0.59 inference('sup+', [status(thm)], ['33', '38'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('40', plain, n0 = n2, inference('simplify', [status(thm)], ['39'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('41', plain, ![X82]: ~ less(X82, n2), 0.40/0.59 inference('demod', [status(thm)], ['4', '40'])). 0.40/0.59 tff('42', plain, $false, inference('sup-', [status(thm)], ['3', '41'])). 0.40/0.59 0.40/0.59 % SZS output end Refutation 0.40/0.59 0.40/0.60 % Zipperpin 1.5 exiting 0.45/0.60 EOF