The CADE ATP System Competition

System Registration

System registration closes on 1st June 2005

Register your system as early as possible, so that the organizers can ensure that sufficient resources are available.
Do it as soon as you have read the design and organization information.

In addition to registering the ATP system for CASC using the form below, the nominated entrant must also formally register for CASC (but not necessarily the full conference). You don't need to do that right now, but you should submit this system registration immediately.

ATP System Registration Form

ATP System Name
System Version Number
System URL

Competition Divisions MIX FOF SAT EPR UEQ
- Proof/Model Class MIX FOF SAT

Demonstration Divisions MIX FOF SAT EPR UEQ

Entrant (handling all competition participation issues)
Name T-shirt size: S M L XL
Associates' names
(If any associates formally register for CASC, please let the CASC organizers know their T-shirt sizes.)

Your system registration will be confirmed by email.