CADE-13 ATP System Competition

Organizational Details


This was last updated on 14.6.96, i.e., 2 weeks before the competition. There were some minor differences between what was predicted below and what happened on the day.

The ATP system competition will be held at CADE-13, on Thursday, 1 August, 1996.

Competition Schedule
10:30-10:45 Meeting of Competitors
10:45-12:15 Competition in Progress, with a continuous display of current results
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Competition in Progress, with a continuous display of current results
17:35 Announcement of results by the Competition Panel

Before the competition day

On the competition day, before the competition starts

On the competition day, during the competition

On the competition day, after the competition

After the competition day

Geoff Sutcliffe, Christian Suttner, 14.6.96