TSTP Solution File: GEO240+3 by SRASS---0.1

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SRASS---0.1
% Problem  : GEO240+3 : TPTP v5.0.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp
% Command  : SRASS -q2 -a 0 10 10 10 -i3 -n60 %s

% Computer : art05.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Wed Dec 29 05:21:29 EST 2010

% Result   : Theorem 0.93s
% Output   : Solution 0.93s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Parsing solution fails)
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 0

% Comments : 
%----ERROR: Could not form TPTP format derivation
% Reading problem from /tmp/SystemOnTPTP19143/GEO240+3.tptp
% Adding relevance values
% Extracting the conjecture
% Sorting axioms by relevance
% Looking for THM       ... 
% found
% SZS status THM for /tmp/SystemOnTPTP19143/GEO240+3.tptp
% SZS output start Solution for /tmp/SystemOnTPTP19143/GEO240+3.tptp
% TreeLimitedRun: ----------------------------------------------------------
% TreeLimitedRun: /home/graph/tptp/Systems/EP---1.2/eproof --print-statistics -xAuto -tAuto --cpu-limit=60 --proof-time-unlimited --memory-limit=Auto --tstp-in --tstp-out /tmp/SRASS.s.p 
% TreeLimitedRun: CPU time limit is 60s
% TreeLimitedRun: WC  time limit is 120s
% TreeLimitedRun: PID is 19239
% TreeLimitedRun: ----------------------------------------------------------
% PrfWatch: 0.00 CPU 0.01 WC
% # Preprocessing time     : 0.016 s
% # Problem is unsatisfiable (or provable), constructing proof object
% # SZS status Theorem
% # SZS output start CNFRefutation.
% fof(4, axiom,![X1]:![X4]:~((left_apart_point(X1,X4)|left_apart_point(X1,reverse_line(X4)))),file('/tmp/SRASS.s.p', ax10_basics)).
% fof(6, axiom,![X5]:![X6]:(right_apart_point(X5,X6)<=>left_apart_point(X5,reverse_line(X6))),file('/tmp/SRASS.s.p', a2_defns)).
% fof(37, conjecture,![X1]:![X2]:![X4]:((incident_point_and_line(X1,X4)&right_apart_point(X2,X4))=>right_convergent_lines(X4,line_connecting(X1,X2))),file('/tmp/SRASS.s.p', con)).
% fof(38, negated_conjecture,~(![X1]:![X2]:![X4]:((incident_point_and_line(X1,X4)&right_apart_point(X2,X4))=>right_convergent_lines(X4,line_connecting(X1,X2)))),inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[37])).
% fof(54, plain,![X1]:![X4]:(~(left_apart_point(X1,X4))&~(left_apart_point(X1,reverse_line(X4)))),inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[4])).
% fof(55, plain,![X5]:![X6]:(~(left_apart_point(X5,X6))&~(left_apart_point(X5,reverse_line(X6)))),inference(variable_rename,[status(thm)],[54])).
% cnf(57,plain,(~left_apart_point(X1,X2)),inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[55])).
% fof(66, plain,![X5]:![X6]:((~(right_apart_point(X5,X6))|left_apart_point(X5,reverse_line(X6)))&(~(left_apart_point(X5,reverse_line(X6)))|right_apart_point(X5,X6))),inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[6])).
% fof(67, plain,![X7]:![X8]:((~(right_apart_point(X7,X8))|left_apart_point(X7,reverse_line(X8)))&(~(left_apart_point(X7,reverse_line(X8)))|right_apart_point(X7,X8))),inference(variable_rename,[status(thm)],[66])).
% cnf(69,plain,(left_apart_point(X1,reverse_line(X2))|~right_apart_point(X1,X2)),inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[67])).
% fof(186, negated_conjecture,?[X1]:?[X2]:?[X4]:((incident_point_and_line(X1,X4)&right_apart_point(X2,X4))&~(right_convergent_lines(X4,line_connecting(X1,X2)))),inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[38])).
% fof(187, negated_conjecture,?[X5]:?[X6]:?[X7]:((incident_point_and_line(X5,X7)&right_apart_point(X6,X7))&~(right_convergent_lines(X7,line_connecting(X5,X6)))),inference(variable_rename,[status(thm)],[186])).
% fof(188, negated_conjecture,((incident_point_and_line(esk1_0,esk3_0)&right_apart_point(esk2_0,esk3_0))&~(right_convergent_lines(esk3_0,line_connecting(esk1_0,esk2_0)))),inference(skolemize,[status(esa)],[187])).
% cnf(190,negated_conjecture,(right_apart_point(esk2_0,esk3_0)),inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[188])).
% cnf(192,plain,(~right_apart_point(X1,X2)),inference(sr,[status(thm)],[69,57,theory(equality)])).
% cnf(193,negated_conjecture,($false),inference(sr,[status(thm)],[190,192,theory(equality)])).
% cnf(194,negated_conjecture,($false),193,['proof']).
% # SZS output end CNFRefutation
% # Processed clauses                  : 21
% # ...of these trivial                : 0
% # ...subsumed                        : 3
% # ...remaining for further processing: 18
% # Other redundant clauses eliminated : 0
% # Clauses deleted for lack of memory : 0
% # Backward-subsumed                  : 0
% # Backward-rewritten                 : 0
% # Generated clauses                  : 1
% # ...of the previous two non-trivial : 0
% # Contextual simplify-reflections    : 0
% # Paramodulations                    : 0
% # Factorizations                     : 0
% # Equation resolutions               : 0
% # Current number of processed clauses: 17
% #    Positive orientable unit clauses: 3
% #    Positive unorientable unit clauses: 0
% #    Negative unit clauses           : 8
% #    Non-unit-clauses                : 6
% # Current number of unprocessed clauses: 48
% # ...number of literals in the above : 148
% # Clause-clause subsumption calls (NU) : 2
% # Rec. Clause-clause subsumption calls : 2
% # Unit Clause-clause subsumption calls : 1
% # Rewrite failures with RHS unbound  : 0
% # Indexed BW rewrite attempts        : 0
% # Indexed BW rewrite successes       : 0
% # Backwards rewriting index:    26 leaves,   1.12+/-0.319 terms/leaf
% # Paramod-from index:            7 leaves,   1.14+/-0.350 terms/leaf
% # Paramod-into index:           22 leaves,   1.14+/-0.343 terms/leaf
% # -------------------------------------------------
% # User time              : 0.013 s
% # System time            : 0.004 s
% # Total time             : 0.017 s
% # Maximum resident set size: 0 pages
% PrfWatch: 0.09 CPU 0.17 WC
% FINAL PrfWatch: 0.09 CPU 0.17 WC
% SZS output end Solution for /tmp/SystemOnTPTP19143/GEO240+3.tptp